How would you rank the villain teams? Personally I think Plasma had the better storyline

How would you rank the villain teams? Personally I think Plasma had the better storyline

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  1. 9 months ago

    Gen 7 was neat for its two different antagonist teams with different goals.
    Gen 8 probably the worst. You have soccer fans and randomly some super agency that runs the entire country randomly. Gen 9 isn't great but I at least find it redeemable they tried, and then actually built up a good ending villain.

    • 9 months ago

      1. Skull
      2. Plasma
      3. Aqua
      4. Rocket
      5. Galactic
      6. Magma
      7. Aether
      8. Flare
      9. Star
      10. Yell
      The Alolan Groups and Plasma have the closest things to members that resemble actual characters. Though I find Archie kind of charming in the Hoenn games.

      Team Flare: Actually looks cool as hell. Lysandre is an amazing man with steel-hard unbreakable values. He just wants to make of society what it really needs to be. Its not good that he prioritizes human life over pokemon life, though, but he still loves pokemon. And again, being the descendant of the ancient creator of the region, hes the rightful bearer of power. They have an amazing OST too and to me have always looked pretty cool, besides they look the richest and most elegant out of them all and Im pretty sure their poses are inspired by fascists.

      Team skull: I actually adore team skull and guzma especially, due to how they're a metaphor to necrozma or the human equivalent of necrozma. they got ostracized and abused so now theyre rebelling out of pain. this is also cool as hell and they have the best OST out of all teams, if not even in general among trainer battles.
      Aether foundation: I found them interesting as hell, hella mysterious and how there were 2 "villains" in 1 game? As they were also supposed to look innocent and all. The story of Lusamine's family is pretty cool too and in this case a human equivalent to UltraNecrozma. Pretty cool and they have fricking violins in their OST

      Team Yell: The worst of them all and that says almost nothing apart from their team theme and name. They are punks and the leader sings, they are damn irrelevant and look pretty bad. Marnie and the leader were the only ones with potential but completely wasted. Their OST is garbage too maybe only the battle with the leader is hearable but not great.

      Yell may be utter garbage from an aesthetic, storytelling and gameplay perspective but, in my opinion, simping for Marnie is a compelling enough motivation to save them from being the absolute worst one.

  2. 9 months ago

    1. Skull
    2. Plasma
    3. Aqua
    4. Rocket
    5. Galactic
    6. Magma
    7. Aether
    8. Flare
    9. Star
    10. Yell
    The Alolan Groups and Plasma have the closest things to members that resemble actual characters. Though I find Archie kind of charming in the Hoenn games.

  3. 9 months ago

    Team Rocket > shit > the rest
    why is this even a discussion?

    • 9 months ago

      Third post best post.

    • 9 months ago

      Only correct answer. Hail Giovanni.

  4. 9 months ago

    The teams are the actual core of the series human-wise AND the actual protagonists of every region.
    Team rocket: good for starters, it controls the entire region pretty much and its a classic mafia with an italian as leader which still looks amongst the most badass and iconic characters in the series. also how theyre tied with mewtwo himself.

    team idro/magma: I love them and their past/future duality. i like the original gba ones more though, the 3ds ones are too stereotyped and lose seriousness. Im inclined to be on the side of team idro because archie actually values pokémon over shithumans. also they have very nice themes especially the grunts.

    team galactic: here we go amongst the best of the best of the entire series. Cyrus is just perfect as a man and I love his depression and how he ties with the lore and reflects the actual state of things. He wants to create a new existence, much like arceus did, due to how much he's repulsed by the current existence, using arceus's own powers through the pixies red chain controlling the dragons of matter. Just everything about him is perfect and in general a good team aesthetically and with amazing OST here too, especially the grunts. Still one of my favorite OST to this day.

    Team Plasma: Almost the peak of the humans in the series, if not the peak overall speaking due to how they get to the base issue and call out humans themselves and the absolute state of asociety for their worthlessness. I just love everything about them, how they represent religion, the story of the Harmonia is interesting, N is pretty great but I dont like his reaction when losing, and Ghetsis as a rightful master of control. Or better, of belief, that is the actual theme of gen 5 (control is more gen 4). They have even more OSTs and N's final OST that is magical, Ghetsis sounding and looking like probably the most intimidating out of all the leaders.

  5. 9 months ago

    Team Flare: Actually looks cool as hell. Lysandre is an amazing man with steel-hard unbreakable values. He just wants to make of society what it really needs to be. Its not good that he prioritizes human life over pokemon life, though, but he still loves pokemon. And again, being the descendant of the ancient creator of the region, hes the rightful bearer of power. They have an amazing OST too and to me have always looked pretty cool, besides they look the richest and most elegant out of them all and Im pretty sure their poses are inspired by fascists.

    Team skull: I actually adore team skull and guzma especially, due to how they're a metaphor to necrozma or the human equivalent of necrozma. they got ostracized and abused so now theyre rebelling out of pain. this is also cool as hell and they have the best OST out of all teams, if not even in general among trainer battles.
    Aether foundation: I found them interesting as hell, hella mysterious and how there were 2 "villains" in 1 game? As they were also supposed to look innocent and all. The story of Lusamine's family is pretty cool too and in this case a human equivalent to UltraNecrozma. Pretty cool and they have fricking violins in their OST

    Team Yell: The worst of them all and that says almost nothing apart from their team theme and name. They are punks and the leader sings, they are damn irrelevant and look pretty bad. Marnie and the leader were the only ones with potential but completely wasted. Their OST is garbage too maybe only the battle with the leader is hearable but not great.

  6. 9 months ago

    Macro Cosmos: Here too the grunts are basically nobodies, just guards. To be honest their design isnt even bad and they had a lot of potential if they made them to be actually intimidating and put them in dungeons and stuff. Instead, 3 moronic battles with one of the worst music in the entire series. Oleana is OK but not that good, her OST is very good though. And Rose is good instead. I really like him, although self centered it makes sense with the theme of the region (reflecting Eternatus, obviously, all the teams actually reflect the main legendary of the region and his will)

    Team Star: contrary to my first impression I actually liked them kinda a lot. I like all about their story, well not everyone of them but yeah and the leaders are all pretty cool. Except the biggest leader, penny, is one of the shittiest characters in the series. Their OST is acceptable. They are too chill though.
    And since we're talking "villains" then I should mention Sada and Turo too. I liked their story but they were still way too chill, didnt really represent a strong threat and werent all that interesting. This game lacked a real boss like the others, but at least the AIs taken over by terapagos are pretty amazing. And Arven was kinda cool, again tho wasted potential here. The final battle OST is hella great too. I believe scarlet and violet arent finished with the "villains" either.

  7. 9 months ago

    Skull > Rocket > Neo plasma > Aether > Magma > Galactic > Plasma > Aqua > Yell > Flare > Star
    Skul is by far the best. Cool design, lovable characters and a storyline that ties directly both with the main Lillie plot and the island challenge while also commenting on the overall themes of community and tradition of Alola.

  8. 9 months ago

    Plasma is the best because of aldith

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        The Champion killer

        • 9 months ago

          oh you mean the crazy storeworker lady who raves about cynthia all day

  9. 9 months ago

    Star is the worst by far, followed by Flare and then Yell.

    • 9 months ago

      Flare and Yell are much worse than Star. at least Star had memorable characters.

      • 9 months ago

        >at least Star had memorable characters.
        alright, you got me there

  10. 9 months ago

    considering the only two names i remember from flare are xerosic (specifically because it was just an odd name) and lysandre i'm inclined to say that one but team yell is such a fricking nothingburger that i can't tell if the worst title goes to flare or yell
    >inb4 macro cosmos
    macro cosmos is relevant for literally like 5, maybe 10 minutes stfu

  11. 9 months ago

    Personally, I think you're a homosexual.

  12. 9 months ago

    1. Skull
    2. Plasma
    3. Rocket
    (all the ones not mentioned go in here)
    last place - Yell

  13. 9 months ago

    1. Rocket
    2. Skull
    (power gap)
    3. Pt Galactic
    4. Aqua
    5. Magma
    6. DP Galactic
    (power gap)
    7. Plasma 2
    8. Plasma 1
    (power gap)
    9. Flare
    (power gap)
    10. Star
    11. Yell

  14. 9 months ago

    1. Macro Cosmos

    Fixing a continental energy crisis by bringing about an apocalyptic prophecy makes them the peak evil team

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