how would you save VR?

how would you save VR?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Actually make games and not glorified tech demos.
    Also porn.

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, let me just pay a disgusting amount of money just to jack off. Lets also buy this automated pocket pussy addon that tracks the movements of the digital mouths and veganas for about as much as the entire vr set. Shit, I also need the vr cage and the non slip socks on the plastic dome to chase the little girls that resist.

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          I love how this aprils fools joke keeps getting posted, Illusion really outmemed themselves

      • 1 year ago

        >Yes, let me just pay a disgusting amount of money just to jack off.
        That's furries in general. In other words, the market exists so now we just need somebody willing to invest into it.

      • 1 year ago

        some of the highest paid people on patreon are furry porn artists
        talking about $200k - $300k range yearly before patreon takes their cut

    • 1 year ago

      i love porn. i love touching myself and cumming. to hot girls even

  2. 1 year ago

    Well it won't be by doing what Sony is currently doing.

  3. 1 year ago

    >buy hoe-girlve and vrchat
    >host exclusive vtuber meetups
    >you must have a quest headset to attend
    There, just saved your vr business

    • 1 year ago

      This. Hoe-girlvegays are on par with furries on how much they spend on their shit, except instead of fursuits and commissioned porn, hologays just give their money to the anime girl.
      Zucc could have gained a lot of traction with it.

    • 1 year ago

      >VR body is real to virtual characters
      >Interview is interrupted by mass swarming into take-turns mating press again

  4. 1 year ago

    Focus on porn, that's literally it.
    But of course these fricks won't do that, they go the opposite way against the stream.

    • 1 year ago

      if somebody setup a business where they paid really cute girls like $500 per hour to do completely softcore VR ASMR with cameras and fake bedrooms that they use to record in, they'd become billionaires within a year

      also i dont get why we still dont even have one single video platform that supports users uploading 3d vr videos at least on PC. quest has youtube VR but im not sure thats even in 3d as the "VR" video player on PC is all 2d shit stretched into a sphere around you

      the only significant technological innovations anymore are AI which are going to be used by the elites to completely enslave us

      • 1 year ago

        >Billionaires within a year
        Oh you sweet summer child.

      • 1 year ago
        Fuck Devs, Pay Modders

        All we need is like a discord to post links to each other's homemade vr porn vids

  5. 1 year ago

    the biggest problem with VR is that you can't actually walk in these worlds
    that's why porn is the only viable option because you don't have to move from your position

    • 1 year ago

      You can and do walk around in vr, you can move around a ton within your space, and its crazy interactive and immersive, you just cant walk too far or you'll hit a wall in the real world. This is another problem VR has, poor advertising, tons of people think its literally just strapping a screen to your face and waving some wii controllers around

  6. 1 year ago

    COOP games.
    Nintendo using an ARM VR headset for their next gimmick console.

  7. 1 year ago

    by getting rid of it, its useless outside of gimicy games and porn

  8. 1 year ago

    nobody is actually working on VR it's a pipedream. it will happen after display tech has a revolutionary breakthrough like going CRT->LCD
    until then its a money laundering scheme for facebook and valve with a few shit tech demos to keep the hardcore VR coomers happy

  9. 1 year ago

    Light tactile feedback gloves for <100$

  10. 1 year ago

    Attempt to make a decent consumer-grade 3d treadmill so people can walk around for real in VR
    Aside from tactile responses to touching things in VR, locomotion is by far the biggest limiting factor

    • 1 year ago

      >treadmill meme
      there will NEVER be a holodeck. it will be a dream machine, the computer will send and receive data directly from your brain/eyes. it's going to be more like sword art online VR.

      the treadmill shit is a fricking stupid arcade gimmick. nobody is going to have a room dedicated to some fricking coomer fantasy.

      • 1 year ago

        > nobody is going to have a room dedicated to some fricking coomer fantasy.
        I don't see why not. You'd be trading an office/loungeroom/livingroom for a VR room. The cost would be similar to filling a room with a TV, furniture, etc. Of course VR would have to be good enough to justify having a room dedicated to it, kind of like how boomers live in their living rooms watching TV 24/7

      • 1 year ago

        Man, that b***h used to cost a whole dollar at the local bowling alley when I was a kid

  11. 1 year ago

    Invest in developing real-time 3D video cameras. Pay streamers to walk around IRL wearing them. If you have a VR headset you can experience what they see in VR as it happens.
    Next, do that but with camgirls

    • 1 year ago

      >Gets robbed by a streak sniping dark gentleman with a strobe light headlamp

    • 1 year ago
      Fuck Devs, Pay Modders

      We already have 3d 180 cam girls on xhamsterlive

  12. 1 year ago

    VR will never amount to anything as long as we require our eyes to perceive the world.

  13. 1 year ago

    Itll only be saved once the hardware is light and affordable
    When headsets are 1/10th of their current size, and use cameras like the Rift and Quest do, no light houses.

    Only then will there be ample enough buy in for devs to actually take the plunge

  14. 1 year ago

    outside of porn and niche uses like vrchat theres no real use for vr outside of some gimmicky stuff. it has the potential to be cool but that wont happen for years

  15. 1 year ago

    ar > vr

    • 1 year ago

      based. its a shame pokemon go was such a phenomenon and then IMMEDIATELY abandoned. seemed like nintendo really had something up their sleeve with the AR shit, then for some reason decided it wasn't worth it

      • 1 year ago

        one problem with nintendo is they often do the opposite to other companies when a thing becomes a passing fad.
        when Devs like activision saw guitar hero become a fad they pumped out like 20 guitar hero games in 5 years and milked it dry killing rhythm games for like a good 10 years to the point where its only just now that they are getting popular again

        Nintendo has things like their various throwaway AR experiments become a fad and then do nothing with it out of fear of sinking money into a project that might not be popular in a month and thus those things never catch on

  16. 1 year ago

    how much are they paying developers? How are they losing all of this money I don't get it

  17. 1 year ago

    Controllers need to vibrate, also make glove controllers

  18. 1 year ago

    i wouldn't make it solely first person but also 3rd person and focus more on the VR gloves

  19. 1 year ago

    lower the barrier to entry with cheaper hardware, and hardware that runs on more machines
    make all hardware moddable, upgradable, and interchangeable. More variety and options for putting together a VR kit
    develop the obvious missing VR pieces like tactile feedback and locomotion. Make alternate and interesting control schemes
    make good games, games so unique and interesting they would actually push people to buy into the platform

  20. 1 year ago

    Where does all that money come from?

  21. 1 year ago

    make it weirder, stop trying to make it hospitable for normal people and make it what it should've continued to be- a weird shitfest of the most unimaginable horrors and creativity.
    Facebook as a business cannot be the one to do this since they're already established outside of the VR industry and will run development to maximize profits while keeping their current customers (advertisers) happy. Facebook getting involved has done unimaginable harm to the future of the platform and I fear it's too late.

  22. 1 year ago

    >zuckerberg pumped 26 times the budget of GTA5 into his VR business meeting app
    >it's worse than VRchat
    Literally how

  23. 1 year ago

    I would not invest in it and let it grow naturally to its own limitations.
    The better thing to invest in is wireless neural interfacing.

  24. 1 year ago

    Well, first off we need to invest heavy into trying to figure out how to avoid motion sickness that isn't just letting idiots teleport around, because such things aren't conducive for multiplayer and for most people it is still disorienting as frick. Make a track pad of some kind that lets people run in place and make it the cheapest thing you possibly can without making it break in a month or two. Now that you have that, you avoid 90% of the current problem that people have with VR. Even if people have to pay 300 dollars for it, most of them were already willing to drop 1k on a headset itself. After this, the problem becomes software. You need things that will draw people into wanting to play with VR versus flat screen. You need to try to show them that it is the best fricking thing ever and only possible with VR, either because of motion controls or simply because of being able to move your avatar like a real person. Skyrim is already a huge draw once properly modded, but people aren't going to have the patience for that. So you need a killer app that lets you feel like you are really in the world and honestly it feels like we went at this a bit backwards. We need so many more things before VR became the main gimmick.

    >AI Voice acting and dialog generation
    NPCs need to be able to properly respond to you speaking. If you can ask a guard to help you as you run past, because you angered a bar patron by flipping him the bird, then the game will be a hit
    >Sensation bodysuit
    Haptic suits are already on the market, but they are stupid expensive and can range from feeling like a slight tickle to actually fricking hurting and of course are currently really only good for physical trauma and not things like burning or cold
    >Control method that allows free use of hands
    Current ones are getting better, but there are only so many buttons you can use to try to simulate a keyboard or even other controllers. Mind control will be the only way forwards with VR.

    • 1 year ago

      honestly, I say the main solution for 'motion sickness' is that devs need to stop trying to force 'traditional' genres/games into VR and focus on VRs strengths
      like stop with the 'realistic' FPS zoomer shooter tier VR shit and bring back Arcade style rail shooters like new house of the dead style games into VR which would play on VRs main strengths since the player would not have to move manually as the game would move for them between shooting the frick out of everything in sight

      instead of big open environments where the player has to travel across and slowly progress through setpiece environments, instead make smaller scale world where its more like various escape room style games where the player has a frickton of shit within arms reach to play around with.

  25. 1 year ago

    Higher fps , still not smooth enough not to make me nauseous

  26. 1 year ago

    No one except outcasts seem to want to use VR for more then beatsaber. Its like the report Amazon released about Alexa that basically said people hated talking to Alexa for some reason

    • 1 year ago

      Because it doesn't understand you and gets confused easily. It also isn't a good home control unit, because it somehow forgets what things you have plugged in all the time.

    • 1 year ago

      They made it so it gives you lots of superfluous information when you ask basic questions and then asks follow up questions when you just wanted to know what the traffic conditions on your commute are like so you end up telling it to shut up after it gives you the info you wanted so it doesn't ramble on for another five minutes.

  27. 1 year ago

    People only ever cared about VR for porn potential
    Zuck and Sony and Gaben strangled the porn apps so nobody cares about vr meme shit.
    Also zuck like tripled the pricetag for the Oculus when Facebook bought the company out. Greedy little shit.

  28. 1 year ago

    Allow sex, gambling and violence.
    Allow single player or other means of relative privacy.
    Have actual games.
    Open up the ecosystem to allow 3rd-party games, support, hardware, etc.
    Allow additional peripherals such as touch sensations, glove controllers, weapons, steering wheels, treadmill, fleshlights, etc.

    None of this will happen with facebook.

  29. 1 year ago

    VR is a meme. People (normies at least) only care about the real world. They only like social media because it is relevant to the real world, or at least tricks people into thinking it is. VR will never feel real enough to replace the real world. At the moment, it's not even remotely close.

  30. 1 year ago

    I wouldn't . In fact I am starting to think for anything not entertainment related computers ablity to improve life peaked in 2008

  31. 1 year ago

    I read the article, more than VR itself the losses come from metaverse at large, and VR sets were (until the price increase) one of the few profitable things due to their convenience compared to other headsets.
    the reason why meta is bombing so hard is that it's the offer to the demand that was never asked in the first place. zucc will keep pumping billions into it because he's betting everything on it (it's the next evolutionary step of facebook), and believe it or not many big companies are actually considering getting their hands dirty on it (I know because I work for one), and that's the only reason why I think there's a chance this might actually workout on the long run. the real thing here are blockchains, yet another step into a sanitized and uniformed internet, but these things already exist and can only grow, unfortunately.

  32. 1 year ago

    Make games.

  33. 1 year ago

    I can see PSVR2 taking off and saving it. I mean, if 50 million people bought nogames machines like xbox sx and ps5, I wouldn't doubt that millions would buy a 550 dollar VR headset. All they need is a few superbowl commercials to tell people to buy it and that's that.

  34. 1 year ago

    Headsets are slowly getting better a lighter and wireless is becoming a standard for PCVR. More headsets are becoming standalone too with built-in tracking (maybe Volvo's next headset will, too).
    The problem is that after all these years if you exclude tech demos and shovelware, you're not left with much. I bought my headset last year and even then I had quickly assessed all the games that were worth playing.

  35. 1 year ago

    >facebook networth
    >487.89 billion
    >Lost merely 13.72 billions
    They can still try 35+ times more until they succeed

  36. 1 year ago

    More anime games. The only good one is Gal*Gun 2 vr.

  37. 1 year ago

    >Q2 outdated
    >Q3 9 months away
    I miss playing Pavlov. Should have bought a used Q2 last year.

    • 1 year ago

      Might I interest you in waiting for Gaben's headset, the Deckard ? Coming soon*.

    • 1 year ago
      Fuck Devs, Pay Modders

      Pavlov died

  38. 1 year ago

    Ok but where did the money go, they didnt literally burned it

  39. 1 year ago

    I wonder what they keep spending all the money on since they have nothing to show for it
    they've accomplished so little despite spending so much if someone told me they just do meth and have an orgy every day I would believe it especially since that was the case for SBF and friends

    • 1 year ago
      Fuck Devs, Pay Modders

      They invest heavy into ai. Push metaverse term so media can run around with chickens with their heads cut off saying vr is dead. Able to buy up studios for penies on the dollar sinking stock price further. Then do stock buy back (you are here) then reveal an ai metaverse that doesn't need troony devs

  40. 1 year ago

    I wouldn't, Valve killed VR by their moronic policies and they deserve what's coming.

  41. 1 year ago

    Zuckenberg and other corporate suits think that normalgays are the only audience that is worth the effort.

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