How's pic related for running a fallout campaign?

How's pic related for running a fallout campaign?

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  1. 2 years ago

    pretty decent if you want to emulate atmosphere of F3 or F4

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks Anon, would you say that it'd work well for a tone more in line with NV and the parts of 76? Or would I be better off going for some sort of homebrew?

      • 2 years ago

        It does an admirable job feeling like the gameplay of all Bethesda-era Fallout. The rest us up to the game master in making the campaign feel like Fallout.

        Just use gurps

        I've ran fallout games using a bunch of systems. PnP 2.0 (Only slightly less complex than Dark Heresy), the Simple system (slightly less obnoxious), Vaults and Vertiberds (lol what is balance?). Just do what anon said and use GURPS

        God no, you GURPSgays are fricking delusional.
        GURPS Fallout is a shitshow of a hack and the time that would be needed to fix it is not worth the fricking effort.

        • 2 years ago

          Don't use "gurps fallout", just use gurps, and tweak it to what you like. Might grab a few of the necessary things from the supplements, but much of fallout should be an easy thing to do. Maybe the default gurps radiation rules might be a bit brutal, i guess

        • 2 years ago

          The Fallout games were literally built on GURPS.

          • 2 years ago

            No, they were GOING to be built on GURPS, but that fell through, so they came up with SPECIAL and used percentile based success systems. the only thing they kept from GURPS is the concept of hit locations.

        • 2 years ago

          ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM!

      • 2 years ago

        use DND 5e to do old Fallout

        • 2 years ago

          In what way is 5E remotely like old Fallout?

          • 2 years ago

            the default setting the rules are based on is also a post apocalypse, with lots of horrors wondering about

            • 2 years ago

              fallout is literally built on GURPS
              what level of downs are you on

              • 2 years ago

                frick gurps, i said use dnd
                what're you stupid?

              • 2 years ago

                >dnd is better for doing old fallout
                lmao you fricking inbreed
                old fallout is literally based off of gurps and uses their wasteland shit
                dnd is dogshit anyways, 5e is barely even a game

              • 2 years ago

                you don't know what you're talking about, homosexual

            • 2 years ago

              >the default setting the rules are based on is also a post apocalypse, with lots of horrors wondering about
              This is moronic

    • 2 years ago

      Just 4, not 3 or NV

  2. 2 years ago

    Just use gurps

    • 2 years ago

      I've ran fallout games using a bunch of systems. PnP 2.0 (Only slightly less complex than Dark Heresy), the Simple system (slightly less obnoxious), Vaults and Vertiberds (lol what is balance?). Just do what anon said and use GURPS

  3. 2 years ago

    I haven't played it or any of the 2d20 games yet, but i've been researching them with the intention of running them very soon.

    Aside from the usual 2d20 system features (roll under, Momentum/Threat metacurrency mechanic, etc), Fallout 2d20 has what appears to be a very deep gear crafting/customization system in place. Most of the gear is made using a combination of generic ingredients (literally called "Common Material", "Uncommon Material" and "Rare Material") as well as some specific items every now and then. You make a skill check to see if you make the thing. All the mods are ripped straight from F4 (same with items, enemies, etc). The Fallout 2d20 doesn't formally have F4's settlement system, but there's a dude in the Modiphius forums who homebrewed his own and shared it freely.

    I get the sense that you can easily make a campaign based around the players simply scavenging for materials for the players to use to build more stuff, both personal gear and settlement stuff. If you go this route, you've got a pretty understandable gameplay loop set up; go to dangerous ruins to comb for junk, take it home, use it for mods, which in turn make you stronger to go to more dangerous ruins for more junk. Any campaign plots would be incidental to that overarching goal of "build your base/arsenal". Like the Minutemen in F4, you could have the growing settlement come into contact with other settlements, feuding/trading/conquering/allying with them as the see fit, doing a Game of Thrones thing out in the wasteland. Raiders/mutants/bad guys could take notice of the growing value of your settlement and try to take it over, leading to raids/sieges/wars/infiltration/trade embargoes.

  4. 2 years ago

    Depends on how much you like the 2d20 system. Personally I love that system and I think Fallout 2d20 is the best iteration of it, but I know not everyone likes it as much as I do.
    All of the fluff, weapons, armor, and enemies in the game are based around FO4, so a campaign set in the Commonwealth would be pretty easy. It you want to do something set somewhere radically different, like the Mojave, it would still be doable but would probably require a bit of homebrewing.
    Apparently a New Vegas splatbook is in the works but it's been months and we haven't received any news on it at all.

  5. 2 years ago

    We've been enjoying it, but we're a Scumbag face vault dweller, a scumbag brotherhood initiative techie, and a nice guy supermutant from the west coast who has taken a new meaning to Unity.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like a good time.

  6. 2 years ago

    As with all Bethesda games, the community has put out homebrew that fixes most of the glaring problems and lack of additional content.

  7. 2 years ago

    It's okay. Has some broken mechanics, but if you don't have sweaty tryhards around it should be enjoyable-ish.

    I just wish it was more like fo1.

    As far as feeling. It really feels very faithful to fo4. The ballistic weave is dumb and broken even in this system.

    • 2 years ago

      So many times this.
      It is an enjoyable game as long as your players don't go into the 'optimizing' route.

  8. 2 years ago

    Im running a campaign at the moment, ran solo missions with all five of my players to lead them to how they meet. So far the only broken thing ive come across is Gun-fu, and a few of the agility perks around it, but that player had to tank his special to get the required 10 agi at level 1, so thats almost balance. The system otherwise is alot of fun so far.

    The scavenging rules seem a bit whack, opted instead to just handpick loot from the tables instead. The survival aspect is a little too hard to keep track of as well. Food(1/4/8/16)/sleep(8/16/24/28+)/water(1/3/4/8) each ticking in their random intervals its easy to get lost/mixed up in.

    Even so its still easier than the PnP version i tried running a year or so ago.

  9. 2 years ago

    It is very geared to be Bethesda's Fallout.
    It is one of the weaker 2d20 entries.
    2d20 is a solid underlying system and Modiphius pays close attention to the lore of whatever they write for.
    However, their books are a mess to use and they like to tack fiddle mechanics like hit locations into the games.
    It is also heavy on the metacurrecy. So if you are one of those morons who seethes at the mere mention of metacurrency, I recommend picking something else.

  10. 2 years ago

    Pretty fricking bad. You are unironically better off even with the horrible Fallout PnP (which was vidya mechanics turned 1:1 into a board game) than using this clusterfrick.

  11. 2 years ago

    Consider the following: Traveller RPG
    Ignore the spaceship stuff and it fits Fallout quite nicely.

  12. 2 years ago

    Use the genesys hack by Paul M. N. Haakonsen. Its got everything you need

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