How's that game coming along? no fygoon spam please

How's that game coming along Ganker? no fygoon spam please

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  1. 4 months ago

    I have a bachelor's degree in software engineering, but the idea of putting together an entire game, even a small one, seems extremely daunting to me. Where does one even start?

    • 4 months ago

      start with an idea
      build a prototype
      rework until not shit
      draw the rest of the owl

    • 4 months ago

      I am scope creeping myself.
      I don't want to, but just running and jumping is a little too basic for a scrimblo to get any attention now a days. I'm not gonna go super mario oddysey or some shit, where you have a million different moves, but even just adding an attack button will help a lot I think.

      I'm a semi-successful indie dev working on some pretty complex stuff and I started with a skillset of nothing. Just pick up unity, figure out what you want to make, come up with a basic world and gameplay loop for it, and then figure out the fastest way you can make it. Cutting corners is fine, speed is everything. The faster you can complete any one task the faster you can complete all tasks and focus on moments that make it unique/memorable.
      You're going to want to make shortcuts, tools, etc. Even if it's little things like editor scripts to quickly select the most important elements.It really all comes down to turnaround time. In turn, the more stuff you can reuse the better.
      As far as the game itself; just don't be a nintendo fan basically. No one wants to play your collectathon or spiritual successor to a bingbing wahoo game. A million of these are shat out a day, no one cares. Just get into worldbuilding and try to create an interesting art style. It doesn't have to be hi-def it just has to have effort.

      • 4 months ago

        Literally what I’m doing, for the most part.
        t. A certain developer with a particular swashbuckling reptile as a mascot

        • 4 months ago

          >t. A certain developer with a particular swashbuckling reptile as a mascot
          sounds cool post it

          • 4 months ago

            Sorry OP, but this guy unleashed me.

            • 4 months ago

              maximum soul, I guess you are fygoon spam? Post gameplay and lore

              • 4 months ago

                Indeed. The game is called The Frydarian Tale, with the “Fygoon spam” referring to the playable character (and my personal mascot) Joseph “Joey” Fygoon.
                The game revolves around Fygoon, the last Emerald Varanusaur dragon and reigning Basileus (a title similar to king), going on yet another adventure with his friends, commoners Alois Ratatosky and Balthazar Lux, to maintain the larger-than-life legacy the ruling Fygoon clan had left on the island. These borderline insane adventures pit the three against the other races of the island, which would inspire derision and ire from the common people as they try to live their lives in peace.
                One day, under the cloak of night, a Warlord from another land and his army of frog-like creatures known as Bot-Nets, invade the island and set up a base in the northern Deadlands. As Fygoon (and you) defeat the different viceroys in their most recent adventure, those very viceroy then ally themselves with the Warlord to usurp the Basileus and bring about a new age of peace under a utopian democracy…or so the viceroys think.
                Gameplay-wise, my game fits in the action-adventure genre as it’s comparable to something like Dinosaur Planet, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, or Bionicle: The Legend of Mata Nui. Here’s a gif of Fygoon and his friend Ratatosky encountering an Arctic Spawn, an enemy found in a snowy area known as Snowfall Plains.
                But, as the saying goes, “Show, don’t tell,” and I’d much rather you play the game for yourself than just ramble on about it:

              • 4 months ago

                Absolute Kino, these threads need more games with this kind of creativity. Downloading the demo now

              • 4 months ago

                Thanks, dude. I recommend reading the manual if you want to learn more about the story and how everything works. I’ll definitely shove all the story stuff into the game, but I want to have all of the gameplay elements done first before I go in-depth into animation and voice acting (because that’s more artistic fluff than anything). I’ll also see if I can make a website (just need to think of a nice layout) once my game is done so there’s more to the world than what’s seen in-game.
                Let me know what you think.

              • 4 months ago

                post some more webms or characters i want to see

              • 4 months ago

                Here’s a picture of Fygoon and his friends (from left to right: Belinda the Ageless One, Potbelly Flamefist, Alois Ratatosky, Fygoon, Balthazar Lux, and Elsara the Weaver) and some of the enemies the player will encounter, such as the Bulldogs, the icy Arctic Spawns, the toad-like Lunaimars (name subject to change), the white-coated Saberwolves, the ogreish Trollglodytes, the cyborg Bot-Nets, the craggy Golems, the small Gremlings (in this case riding on his Trollglodyte friend’s shoulders), and the molten Amorgis.
                I mostly have gifs and pictures because webms are a real pain to make on my end.

              • 4 months ago

                I am going to carry on ignoring you. But before I do, I just want to say how obvious your samegayging is.
                Don't bother responding, just stop posting

              • 4 months ago

                Be careful anon, he's gonna send his personal army of himself, and the voices inside his head to get you!!

              • 4 months ago

                Ok, Trixie Tang.

              • 4 months ago

                is this a baragay game?

              • 4 months ago

                It's a schizo game

              • 4 months ago

                Does he eat gyoza?

      • 4 months ago

        What game did you make?

        • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          I don't say because I have a guaranteed crab-bucket here. Basically, there are lots of anon devs that make it it's just they stop posting here because schizos will mass spam you. This makes it seem like /agdg/ and anon-devs don't succeed but it's not true, anon-devs are far above the mean. They just all return to anonymity because they don't want to get doxxed/attract a Pizzatower-sperg tier schizo.

          What's "semi-successful"? Just trying to gauge what that is considered to be for an indie dev without considerable (professional) experience.

          Being able to basically live off it. A decent patron/decent wishlists is the point in which you've won.

          • 4 months ago

            >I don't say because I have a guaranteed crab-bucket here.
            Why do you care?

            • 4 months ago

              Because schizos today aren't the schizos of ten years ago, anon. Modern schizos are very obsessive in a gay way and will genuinely try to follow you off-site and destroy your career/dox you. The fact is that anyone serious about making projects wants people to see and enjoy that project, dedicated schizos make that harder.
              It's just not worth risking and it's why anon devs stop posting when they get to the crab-bucket stage. I know other guys who made it and they stopped posting for the same reason.

              • 4 months ago

                Fygoon gay is guilty of this

              • 4 months ago

                This is the same guy that runs the /v3/ event that gets spammed here every few months. Their entire discord is just him talking about how he's making progress in tracking down that artist IRL. It's completely insane.

              • 4 months ago

                It's always the discord circlejerks kek
                You lose your mind when you are always around yes men in servers.

              • 4 months ago

                Thank God someone finally posted it. This is why I said this

                Goddamn please knock it off with all the glazing

                , I don't like you and don't want to be associated with you. I've been too afraid to speak out in case you wanted to try and frick with me too but I really don't care anymore. I'm not your friend butthole.

              • 4 months ago

                Why would I “try and frick with you”? You didn’t do anything to warrant any reaction from me.

              • 4 months ago

                Don't respond to him, anon, you're just feeding his obsession. This is how "special people' work for the bpd.
                Negative attention = positive attention to them. Just don't.

                Then why did you post here in the first place? I hate being denied information. Although I understand where you are coming from. I feel that exact way towards a certain known Ganker artist, to the point of having genuinely contemplated murder, but I'm too self aware to act upon those irrational feelings. Although I don't think that this is a crab bucket thing, I just absolutely despise what he makes, but this could be just a cope I subconsciously developed.

                I post because I genuinely want anons to know they have a chance at making it. I don't mention anything else because people like you exist.

              • 4 months ago

                >I post because I genuinely want anons to know they have a chance at making it. I don't mention anything else because people like you exist.
                That just makes you sound like you are larping. This is basically a "posts breasts or GTFO" situation.

              • 4 months ago

                I mean anon you just admitted to wanting to dox and murder an artist on here. I imagine he's pretty shit but why would anyone take that risk? People don't want to be murdered, and people want to make money and succeed. If something is a detriment, successful people cut it out of their lives.

              • 4 months ago

                Is there any proof of him wanting murder?
                He won't be making money if he's running around saying shit like that

              • 4 months ago

                Well, anon, say you've made something vaguely successful. You have the choice to begin talking about what you make and exposing yourself to people who talk about murder, seem completely unhinged, and are clearly overly latched onto things in a consumptive way. Why would you ever do that? In what world would that be a good move?

              • 4 months ago

                >I mean anon you just admitted to wanting to dox and murder an artist on here.
                Not here, just some Ganker related artist completely unrelated to these threads. And I've long graduated to simply wishing death upon every artist who draws similar stuff because singling one of them out is completely irrational. But I WILL keep telling that one Anon who sometimes posts his werewolf girl vore game progress here to kill himself. Perhaps someday I'll stop caring about such things and find inner piece. That day couldn't come soon enough.

                Is there any proof of him wanting murder?
                He won't be making money if he's running around saying shit like that

                >Is there any proof of him wanting murder?
                Other than these anonymous posts, no, and there never will be, especially if I get any sort of fame. I've wasted my youth being content with life and not aspiring for anything, and now I'm genuinely trying to self improve, both physically and mentally. I may not be the most sound individual, but I'm gradually succeeding more and more. I WILL make it.

              • 4 months ago

                >werewolf girl vore game
                Nvm that anon should kill himself. That sounds awful.
                But to be serious for a moment; you should not hold on to such feelings. Working out physically and mentally will help you make it. Learn to let go of things that don't matter; only things that help you succeed matter. God bless, anon.

              • 4 months ago

                >you should not hold on to such feelings
                I'M FRICKING TRYING. And succeeding. Last July and August these thoughts have been making me miserable almost 24/7 and seriously spoiled my mountain vacation, but now I'm feeling a lot better. I don't believe that my scorn towards voregays will ever leave, but at least I can enjoy life again now.

                Get therapy and reevaluate your life choices.
                Criticizing fetishists is one thing but wishing death upon these artists online is the most terminally online fricking thing I've read in awhile.
                You are only going to make it if you take your life into a positive direction.

                >Get therapy
                Hell no, this is way to moronic to talk about with anyone non-anonymously.
                >reevaluate your life choices.
                I already have.
                >Criticizing fetishists is one thing but wishing death upon these artists online is the most terminally online fricking thing I've read in awhile.
                Technically true, but you don't know what I've seen, and how often I've seen it due to partial kink overlap. I cannot become okay with the existence of snuff-gays. But I can start seeing it as any other bad thing that exists in the world, like corruption or cancer. I've made a lot of progress towards this and now my hate is entirely situational.

              • 4 months ago

                Learn to pray.

                Hylics is pixel art but point taken
                Smt is pixel art, same for HDL
                And yeah I know, ny problem is I cant pick a size

                It isn't. The hylircs guy digitized and shrunk down a mix of claymation and 3d animation. SMT was drawings digitized and shrunk.

              • 4 months ago

                SMT4 had a few claymation monsters

              • 4 months ago

                The point is those aren't pixel art in any traditional sense, they're other mediums crushed down to pixels for hardware or aesthetic reasons. So to emulate those looks you'd need to draw, sculpt or model your assets and then crush them down to 2D, which is perfectly valid and easily done but doesn't have anything to do with what's typically considered pixel art.

              • 4 months ago

                Get therapy and reevaluate your life choices.
                Criticizing fetishists is one thing but wishing death upon these artists online is the most terminally online fricking thing I've read in awhile.
                You are only going to make it if you take your life into a positive direction.

              • 4 months ago

                Thank you. You have inspired me to focus on myself and get rid of all distractions from my end goal.

              • 4 months ago

                Takes a schizo to know a schizo. Been meaning to update that website with some new information I was able to dig up with my archaeological crew from various sources on Non-Named.
                For example: did you know this was Milly’s old high-resolution sprite before it was updated? Pretty cool, huh?

              • 4 months ago

                It's just not worth dealing with. If you succeed you get called a troon-game, get falsely accused of insane shit, or people try to dox you here. Anons are very very persistent people and the kind of schizos you get here do not go away; they follow you project to project for years and keep trying to dig up info/destroy you. There is no morality to it at all, they love the current cancel culture because it gives them leverage over anyone more successful than them.
                People just check out at that point because they would rather reach an audience and have their art mean something than keep risking literal life destruction.

              • 4 months ago

                Then why did you post here in the first place? I hate being denied information. Although I understand where you are coming from. I feel that exact way towards a certain known Ganker artist, to the point of having genuinely contemplated murder, but I'm too self aware to act upon those irrational feelings. Although I don't think that this is a crab bucket thing, I just absolutely despise what he makes, but this could be just a cope I subconsciously developed.

      • 4 months ago

        Literally what I’m doing, for the most part.
        t. A certain developer with a particular swashbuckling reptile as a mascot

        What's "semi-successful"? Just trying to gauge what that is considered to be for an indie dev without considerable (professional) experience.

        • 4 months ago

          5,000-10,000 profit

          • 4 months ago

            >5-10 months of rent here

      • 4 months ago

        >Just pick up unity
        the state of indieslopdevs

        • 4 months ago

          Enginedevs reign supreme at posting progress, remain unheard of when actually producing a game.

          SMT4 had a few claymation monsters

          Wait really?

    • 4 months ago

      the only trick I know is to make more than one
      don't think in making the grand masterpiece right away:
      >make a bad game
      >the next one will be better
      >and next time you will know what went wrong
      there is no magic bullet
      it's a long and boring process for even the smallest game

    • 4 months ago

      Took an extracurricular course game from one of the devs of Weaving Tides last semester.
      >you first come up with some ideas that might be fun
      >you make a prototype with some very primitive assets like cubes and balls
      >make a level in the game engine of your choice
      >check if it is actually fun
      >make the things you are good at, outsource or get help for the things you suck at
      >iteratively git gudda
      >don't start with a massive behemoth of a game since you will have to redo a lot of shit
      >think about the platforms of the game ahead of time

      You are better working on your game than posting here regardless.
      People want to see a finished product; not daily WIPs

      >what is kickstarter

    • 4 months ago

      Choose a random popular engine and start throwing assets in it and watch tutorials on how to do basic things and then not so basic things, over time you'll have a bunch of working shit and systems. Then you make another project and apply what you learned to a specific game.

    • 4 months ago

      my personal problem is making assets
      I sometimes prototype games for fun but when I need to start making actual assets, even basic ones, I lose all motivation to continue

  2. 4 months ago


  3. 4 months ago

    I am scope creeping myself.
    I don't want to, but just running and jumping is a little too basic for a scrimblo to get any attention now a days. I'm not gonna go super mario oddysey or some shit, where you have a million different moves, but even just adding an attack button will help a lot I think.

  4. 4 months ago

    >don't have the time to draw
    >don't have the time to code

  5. 4 months ago

    I'm trying but network code is hard and even when I read the documentation I don't understand it.

  6. 4 months ago

    Animating is hard, man. I'm slowly figuring it out though

  7. 4 months ago

    I have written some absolute shitcode

    • 4 months ago

      Bad code doesn't actually matter if the game runs well.
      The reason everybody shits on yanderedev is he is a lolcow + his game runs at 20fps.
      Go look at undertale or FNAFs code.

  8. 4 months ago

    Still chipping away at a demo for Demo Day so no visual progress. Have some HD monkey knockers in the meantime

    • 4 months ago

      Punch Monkeychads, we about to eat good on Demo Day!

      • 4 months ago

        Goddamn please knock it off with all the glazing

        • 4 months ago

          Found the zoomer.

  9. 4 months ago

    I'm drafting a design doc for a Bethesda style RPG. So far for playable races I have
    >jack of all trades nobles (Imperials)
    >Paladin euros (Bretons)
    >Barbarian euros (Nords)
    >Sword n Sorcery arabs (Redguards)
    >Stealth archer elves (Wood Elves)
    >Glass cannon magic elves (High Elves)
    >Dick-ass magic thief elves (Dark Elves)
    >morons (Orcs)

    Are there any major playstyles/archetypes I'm missing? Definitely need a pure stealth/rogue oriented race, any other must-haves I'm missing or suggestions for character builds that are missing from Bethesda games?
    I already have skills and attributes mapped out, but they could be expanded on.

    • 4 months ago

      For the stealth-rogue race you could make them owl-like creatures or maybe a sneaky offshoot of brownie hobgoblins.

      • 4 months ago

        Bird people and Shortfolk are both cool concepts (and I did originally want to have Dwarves) but I worry about the additional complexity of animating significantly different body types. Plus how armor is supposed to work. It's why I've avoided adapting the TES beast races - I could make them reskinned humans like Skyrim and Oblivion, but then it's tricky to meaningfully set them apart from humans.

        • 4 months ago

          In that case, I propose two solutions: find a way to explain how owls evolved to become humanoid (with only specific quirks such as tail feathers, large, feathery hands) within the rules of your world or make the Owl-Kin a guild of human/elf/orc rogues with an owl motif for their appearance.
          I’m just spitballing ideas here.

          • 4 months ago

            This homie really likes owls

            • 4 months ago

              I was thinking cats originally, but since the Khajiit are already a thing I had to settle for a different stealthy animal.

              • 4 months ago

                If I do beast races they'd probably have to be analogous to a real world race from far outside of medieval Europe, like Argonians being mesoamerican. My high elves and dark elves are basically asian, Orcs are cumans/mongols, etc.
                Maybe indies or islander beastmen...

              • 4 months ago

                You could base the Owl-Kin on Native Americans since owls are prominent in their folklore as harbingers of death.
                It’s just an idea.

              • 4 months ago

                Legitimately not a bad idea, I'd just have to make sure it works with the aesthetic (my biggest problem with Khajiit in TES, they're absolutely from a different setting) and doesn't double up on what the Wood Elves have going for them.
                The earliest conception of the setting was based on a fantasy New World/America expedition and I backed off that idea in favor of more typical Europe/Skyrim setting, but maybe I should lean more into that original concept.

              • 4 months ago

                That’s why I said you could either make the Owl-Kin actual evolved owl people or just a humanoid with an owl motif for their attire: I’m not familiar with how your world works so I don’t want to just throw a wrench into your world and say “Durrrr add big-eye burdies” in a world that is possibly exclusively inhabited by humanoid creatures.
                Keep me posted on your game, I’d love to learn more about it.

              • 4 months ago

                So just warhammer fantasy?
                Lizardmen are mesoamericans, dark elves are americans, high elves live in the donut, etc.

              • 4 months ago

                I've never touched Warhammer tbh.
                I don't think I'll be as on the nose with having the map literally be earth, but I do want to get more of a historic and viable feel from the setting than the simplistic fantasy setting of TES. So something of a halfway point between TES and Warhammer.
                I can move my wood elves towards a more direct native american influence and then have some other fantasy races fill out that part of the globe and get beastmen that don't feel divorced from the reality of the setting.

  10. 4 months ago

    Currently on my training arc, which involves creating several small games.

    My final goal is to create a hack&slash.

    Basically you are a sentient AI program fused with a dead creator’s soul. This being travels to game worlds to cause chaos and challenge the strongest opponents.

    The program goes to a booming virtual MMO world to kill the top players for the lulz.

    The gameplay loop is mostly bosses with some regular levels. The combat is very DMC like. The main gimmick is getting to obtain the bosses weapons.

    In specific missions, you even get to challenge some of the bosses earlier than usual, but if you are on a fresh file, you’re probably going to die.

    • 4 months ago

      do players really want to cause chaos though?
      no one likes being griefed so why grief others

  11. 4 months ago

    40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
    About 350 games in the week around your release.
    AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
    Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. 🙂

    Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

    Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

    >He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

    H O B B Y

    • 4 months ago

      Dude, you know, I want to release my game in any shape of form at least, cause with every passing day I am getting progressively more worried that this game won't ever come to completion. Profit is a long way away for me anyway.

    • 4 months ago

      >40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
      Most of those are shovelware. Besides, if you really cared about the game you want you basically have to do advertising yourself, depending on the type of game and audience.
      >bring it up on Ganker as a poorly-disguised ad, especially with inviting feedback
      >ask some streamer to play it for a small fee

      • 4 months ago

        agreed most of the indie games are utter trash.

        I really wish they'd look at their games and ask themselves "Would I play this? Or am I imagining my audience as some sort of videogame tycoon NPC audience?"

    • 4 months ago

      >steam makes 6000 dollars a day just from people putting their shitty games up on the store, not even counting the 30% they tax you

  12. 4 months ago

    I'm going to do computer science at college and major in web dev so my career lends itself to making vidya in my free time.

  13. 4 months ago

    I've been really struggling to come up with a story concept for my game...

    • 4 months ago

      Coming up with 'good' ideas for anything takes time and you can't force it. Most of my good ideas came from waking up one morning and just having them. Also, you need to 'test' ideas. Testing writing is hard because you need someone else to bounce it off of. I like to use chatgpt to brainstorm, sometimes it can surprise you with a minor detail you can incorporate. I suggest just relaxing on it and working on the game and the story will come when it comes. It took forever to come up with decent elf lore. All my original ideas were too forced.

      • 4 months ago

        Her left leg looks a bit small considering she’s putting it in front of her right leg

        • 4 months ago

          good eye, you are correct, it is a foreshortening error. Appreciate the time taken to comment. The art I post is all concept and not final.

          • 4 months ago

            thanks. I love her design btw, she reminds me of Nemesis from To-Love-Ru

            • 4 months ago

              You sir win the award of being the first person who spotted her direct inspiration.

              please tell me there will be pregnancy mechanics

              does this pic answer your question

              • 4 months ago

                poozie needs to be more puffy

              • 4 months ago

                Noted, good point. Sirena was just finished today, she is the first villain of the game.

                Also, check out Hya here as well

                Sure here is some new art for Hya. Tell me what you think of her outfit.

                Give me suggestions for one unique Perception and Endurance skill for an open world RPG

                I will share my design after I take a break and the thread is still up. Share with us what you are thinking so we know what you are looking for exactly.

              • 4 months ago

                >Share with us what you are thinking so we know what you are looking for exactly.
                Essentially TES but set slightly forward in history, medieval fantasy meets colonial New World.
                Guess I should post the full skill list to avoid redundant suggestions

              • 4 months ago

                looks like squished up nuts

              • 4 months ago

                thats why some artists define the clit as well, but i think that looks bizarre.

      • 4 months ago

        now draw her giving me a footjob

        • 4 months ago

          How lewd. that is her first planned H scene

          • 4 months ago

            when is your game releasing i need that in my life

            • 4 months ago

              Q4 this year for the main game demo and Q1 for the VN H game. If you want access to the spicy discord for early (very early) supporters email here [email protected]

              or bookmark the site and wait

              >Why does the main game not do H?
              Design-wise it just works out better they are 2 games, plus the VN lines up with the main game. It is a collection of scenes related directly to events from the game.

          • 4 months ago

            please tell me there will be pregnancy mechanics

  14. 4 months ago

    It actually happened - these threads are now worse than /agdg/. I didn't think it would happen this fast but here we are.

    • 4 months ago

      All I did was just post about my game.

      • 4 months ago

        their jealous crabs frick those homies fygoon gods are eating well every day

    • 4 months ago

      You are better working on your game than posting here regardless.
      People want to see a finished product; not daily WIPs

      • 4 months ago

        want to see a finished product; not daily WIPs
        thats called shilling anon, it gets you banned

    • 4 months ago

      Not surprising. This boards quality is in a constant nosedive.

    • 4 months ago

      I only browse these threads while compiling to laugh at other anon's ridiculous games

  15. 4 months ago

    >have enough assets ready for the prototype methinks
    >actually have to grind Unreal tutorials which is boring until I git gut enough to listen to podcasts on the side and don't feel like I'm wasting time being moronic
    How to overcome that hurdle?

    • 4 months ago

      By not having ADD and constantly requiring neuron activation like a lab monkey

  16. 4 months ago

    can i make a 2d arcade type old school shmup in Unreal Engine?

    • 4 months ago

      You definitely can, but it'd be a lot easier to learn to make basic games like that in Unity or Godot. UE for anything not 3D is massive overkill.

      >Keep me posted on your game, I’d love to learn more about it.
      I mean I'm literally writing the design doc right now so I can answer any questions. The elevator pitch is that it's a Beth style open-world RPG where the player is a nobody shipped off to the edges of the known world to partake in an expedition to claim the frontier in the name of the dying Empire (was going to be based on the Northern Crusade but now I'm liking the earlier New World idea I abandoned).
      Attributes and Skills work like a fusion of TES stats and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. where you have 10 attributes, 8 of which (Health and Luck do not govern skills) govern a set of 3 skills apiece. Player race determines starting attributes and skill bonuses, then you build a 'class' out of tagged skills and every time you reach a certain cumulative total of skills you gain a level in that skill's governing attribute. So getting better with swords and hammers enough raises Strength, etc.

      • 4 months ago

        Whoops meant for

        That’s why I said you could either make the Owl-Kin actual evolved owl people or just a humanoid with an owl motif for their attire: I’m not familiar with how your world works so I don’t want to just throw a wrench into your world and say “Durrrr add big-eye burdies” in a world that is possibly exclusively inhabited by humanoid creatures.
        Keep me posted on your game, I’d love to learn more about it.

  17. 4 months ago

    what makes a good story?
    I dont want to make a game and get bullied endlessly like alex yiik.

    • 4 months ago

      If you have to ask this you shouldn't be writing a story heavy game.

    • 4 months ago

      but yiiks a cult classic of sorts

  18. 4 months ago

    kinda resurrected an old gmod gamemode, but i'm glad i dropped lua. working with no types/strictness is absolute hell

  19. 4 months ago

    Been struggling when trying to clean up the algorithms that decide where a soldier should go depending on it's squad's formation.
    Anyone into historical strategy know how to name the two formation in pic related.
    Like, one is a square, and the other is... also a fricking square. Was there ever a clearly defined word to separate the two?

    • 4 months ago

      Left is a hollow or infantry square, right is a pike square or you could call it a phalanx depending on the time period and specific weapons use.

      • 4 months ago


  20. 4 months ago

    Does anyone have any advice about making a text box system in Godot?

  21. 4 months ago

    I recently made an ascii roguelike Im quite proud of, even if theres room for improvement of course. But GL having people play that, I wanna get into godot and make things with a little more graphics and user friendliness.

  22. 4 months ago

    Do I REALLY need to give godot the path to my script class in order to instance it?

    • 4 months ago


  23. 4 months ago

    How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?

    • 4 months ago

      put fake pokemon in it

  24. 4 months ago
  25. 4 months ago

    Thiings I need to know before starting

    How do I even start doing pixel art and I mean sizes? I dont know what to use or do so i just doodle and then so nothing

    • 4 months ago

      try to do 16x16 and 4 colours max, 2 of those being white and black

      • 4 months ago

        Actually based and GBC/NESpilled. For even better results have your white be fleshtone and use the same color for anything transparent. Along with a subtle off-black this will give you a great nostalgic pastel shading effect,

      • 4 months ago

        Use the sprite sizes of the system that you're trying to copy the aesthetic of if you're specifically going for a retro look. If you're not trying to capture a specific retro style, then it doesn't matter and you can convert any kind of digital artwork into pixelshit fairly easily.

        Actually based and GBC/NESpilled. For even better results have your white be fleshtone and use the same color for anything transparent. Along with a subtle off-black this will give you a great nostalgic pastel shading effect,

        I only have specific games I am trying to get their style. Nothin like a system plus willing to mix and match

        • 4 months ago

          ok what systems are those games from

          • 4 months ago

            PC Rpgmaker

            • 4 months ago

              ok which games are you copying

        • 4 months ago

          >I only have specific games I am trying to get their style.
          Anon, what hardware are those games on? Are they 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit? If they're spread out across different generations of hardware you're not going to be able to capture the art of all of them, because they have fundamentally different art limitations and techniques.

          • 4 months ago

            figure out your screen size. the SNES was 256×224 for example. figure out how large you want your character to appear on screen. that's your sprite size.

            ok which games are you copying

            Ok, I see the issues now.
            Here are my artistic inspirations, I am using rpgmaker.
            Hylics, SMT1, Caves of Qud, HDL

            • 4 months ago

              Okay not only are all of those games visually completely different, they don't have anything to do with pixel art.

              • 4 months ago

                Hylics is pixel art but point taken
                Smt is pixel art, same for HDL
                And yeah I know, ny problem is I cant pick a size

            • 4 months ago

              oh you meant you're using rpgmaker, i'd just give up or hire an artist

              • 4 months ago

                If I give up Ill give up with a knife to my throat and bleed out....
                For real though, I have to
                Just help me pls...

              • 4 months ago

                if you have no artistic experience stick to NES/ SNES/ GBC and just copy FF1 or something. i know caves of qud looks like ass so i guess you could also just copy that

    • 4 months ago

      Use the sprite sizes of the system that you're trying to copy the aesthetic of if you're specifically going for a retro look. If you're not trying to capture a specific retro style, then it doesn't matter and you can convert any kind of digital artwork into pixelshit fairly easily.

    • 4 months ago

      figure out your screen size. the SNES was 256×224 for example. figure out how large you want your character to appear on screen. that's your sprite size.

  26. 4 months ago

    I finished it in about a week and a half and it got 3 stars on Newgrounds. Pretty good.

    • 4 months ago

      Very nice! What game?

  27. 4 months ago

    How are these animations?

    • 4 months ago

      Looks fine to me

      • 4 months ago

        Happy to hear it

    • 4 months ago

      the RPGmaker thing of using the standing pose as the middle frame of the walk cycle is intrinsically kind of fricked - but it looks fine. the sprites are good and the animations look as good as they're going to be with that limitation in mind. if possible I'd lower the back-leg when walking or running upwards - it kind of looks like he's stomping in place because his back leg isn't actually travelling behind him when he steps. I'm not sure if that's possible with the frame-size though so you can ignore that if need be.

      • 4 months ago

        >if possible I'd lower the back-leg when walking or running upwards - it kind of looks like he's stomping in place because his back leg isn't actually travelling behind him when he steps
        Yeah I kinda see what you mean. How's this?

        • 4 months ago

          >How's this?
          I can't tell what's different here, can you show me the sprite changes?

          • 4 months ago

            Back leg was moved one pixel back during the run animation. It's subtle but I think it looks less like he's stomping in place

            • 4 months ago

              oh I see. I was referring to the opposite direction - travelling upwards so his back is visible. I do think that change you made is an improvement though.

            • 4 months ago

              >if possible I'd lower the back-leg when walking or running upwards - it kind of looks like he's stomping in place because his back leg isn't actually travelling behind him when he steps
              Yeah I kinda see what you mean. How's this?

              Big respect for you using MS paint for pixel art.
              I'd suggest you leave the thread as your style has potential, and it's nothing but a schizo minefield here.

    • 4 months ago

      I like it.

    • 4 months ago


      Learn to pray.
      It isn't. The hylircs guy digitized and shrunk down a mix of claymation and 3d animation. SMT was drawings digitized and shrunk.

      To pray is to accept defeat.

      • 4 months ago

        Pride is a sin for this reason. We are constantly defeated by ourselves and our flesh.

        • 4 months ago

          As long as my heart is beating, I am not defeated. Also, that was a Death Grips lyric, you uncultured swine.

    • 4 months ago

      I know it's a lot of work but 3 frames is kinda shit, at least add a couple more in-betweens.
      Or just copy pokemon gen 3 harder and see how many frames they got since your style seems a bit similar to it.

  28. 4 months ago

    Nortubel: A specific thing that will only be done once.

  29. 4 months ago

    >Start working on weapons/spells
    >Want weapons to be data driven so that I can create lots of variations
    >Realize effects need to overlap with stuff like buffs and status effects
    >Have to build whole modular effects system

    Now I'm really struggling with how to handle buffs/debuffs, as well as special effects like "after x enemies killed."

    • 4 months ago

      Why are your effects coupled to the weapon/spell in the first place?

      • 4 months ago

        As an example, using a spell can spawn a visual effect on a player. The visual effect has a sprite and a lifespan. But a status effect (like poison) can also do the same thing with the same parameters. Or using a weapon can cause direct damage to you each usage, while poison does direct damage each tick. This is what I call an Action, and an Attack is a type of Action.

        Then you need to be able to have Effects, which should be a list of Actions per event (OnTick, OnAdd, OnRemove.) But what I'm struggling with is how to handle Effect sourcing. When I add or remove an Effect (such as one applied through a piece of equipment,) how do I track which Effects to remove when the equipment is removed?

        • 4 months ago

          When you attach an instance of the effect to the target, simply assign the owning equipment as a variable. Then when the equipment is removed you can remove all effects that have that equipment as the owner.

          • 4 months ago

            Of course, that's totally obvious. Thanks anon!

    • 4 months ago

      Which coat style C or D?

      there should be callbacks on when something is killed and all the details. the buff hooks into that and just waits until a threshold is met. It sounds like you are overwhelmed by it and overthinking it. It should be separate systems and they are all relatively basic. I can share some of my rpg code to show you

      • 4 months ago

        C. D just looks weird

      • 4 months ago

        C, I like that bit of tummy

        • 4 months ago

          >I like the tummy bit
          It is an elf cultural autism to show their belly buttons. If you understood why they do it you will be ashamed of your words and deeds.

          • 4 months ago

            post more cuties, easily best game

            • 4 months ago

              Sure here is some new art for Hya. Tell me what you think of her outfit.

              • 4 months ago

                love it the bells are super cute she looks tiny though

              • 4 months ago

                >she looks tiny though
                She is a shortstack, she is tiny but with big assets.

              • 4 months ago

                you are doing gods work anon you are the hero we need

              • 4 months ago

                I will work hard for the fans like you. This world has too much slop, I want to change that.

      • 4 months ago

        I would love to see that, thank you.

        For reference my game is more like Holocure than an RPG so things work a little differently.

        • 4 months ago

          Regardless of genre you should have a system that works for everything. My RPG code works for guns, for example. Anyways for buffs it works like this:

          - buffs are scriptable objects (just data)
          - the buff data has a copy of its behaviour (decoration pattern)
          - to apply the buff you send the buff component (on your rpg entity) the ID of the one you want added. the component checks a buff database and sends the buff data to a buff instance (buff instances are a list on the component)
          - buff instance handles basic logic all buffs have like timing, cleanup, setup and invoking methods on the behaviour.
          - buff instances all have behaviour on them, this is just a cloned version of the decorator pattern object from the data.

          For your idea of after X is killed. I would add a decoration that subscribes to a kill tracking system and it invokes a method on the buff instance it is parented to once it is triggerd. Another decoration implements the triggered method that the other decoration set off and yo do what you want to do here. OR it is all handled with 1 decoration.

          Here is a picture of a sample buff

          • 4 months ago

            Could I get a quick rundown of decoration pattern? I don't think I really understand it.

            • 4 months ago

              I highly suggest you check out a video, working with Chatgpt 4 through implementing it or another type of tutorial. It is not complex but awkward to detail in a post. The just of it is an object within an object and a base (concrete) object at the bottom.

              • 4 months ago

                Alright, I'll check that out. Thanks!

      • 4 months ago

        D, at least the jacket is better. Maybe you should try D jacket with C corset?

      • 4 months ago

        Not to be rude, but your character proportions are already off (unless it's 100% intentional?) So C at least tries to hide a bit of that.

  30. 4 months ago

    I'm too ambitious for these threads and I'm not just talking about the games that are being posted here, you Black folk don't even dream big.

  31. 4 months ago

    anyone know of a game engine with good SVG support beyond just displaying it? e.g. ability to manipulate stroke size from within the game. I know it's possible with HTML+JS at least. I miss that kind of ability from Flash

  32. 4 months ago

    I like that big booba girl from that one game with the, you know.

    • 4 months ago

      Side-scrolling shooting? Me too.

  33. 4 months ago

    somehow one type of enemy that has the same script and nodes as other enemies has 40,000 collision pairs when only 5 of them are grouped up and makes godot shit the bed and the fps never recovers, whilst i can have hundreds of the other enemy types on screen. what could be causing this he is no different from the other enemies yet i created some leak somewhere.

  34. 4 months ago

    playtests went well and everything kind of werks

    now just to polish off some jank and add a lot of hats

    • 4 months ago

      Only good game ITT, congrats.

    • 4 months ago

      Cool but looks generic and not indie. Looks like that was probably made by a team with funding of some sort. Not that, that is a bad thing. Maybe you could help other anons out with their projects and provide some words of encouragement to them.

      • 4 months ago

        get a team, never solo, learn how to pitch and have a powerpoint (8 slides) and ask for funding at least 150-200k€ for 4-5 devs. have a CTO and have a solid roadmap

        don't use unity, use godot or unreal. have multiplayer of some sort. good luck!

        • 4 months ago

          Did you even read what I wrote? If what you posted is supposed to be helpful it's not. This is a hobbyist thread, not AA thread. Also half of what you said is bad advice. I'm a solo Unity dev and received funding without any of what you wrote.

          Alright, I'll check that out. Thanks!

          No problem feel free to ask any other RPG-related questions, I have pretty much implemented everything out there at this point.

          • 4 months ago

            well the way i see it it's agdg and I've been posting here before I went "AA"-ish, my advice is if you want to get funding for your title and go from indie to bigger team, sorry, it's good advice for going a bit bigger

            Multiplayer is dogshit for morons

            true, but you can get a lot of dosh for a co-op game for example right now

            I need to solo dev to show the other devs I can dev so they'll want to be my friends and team up though!

            gamedev is much more fun with frens 🙂

            • 4 months ago

              Oh yeah, I remember seeing this before. Looking good dude.

        • 4 months ago

          I need to solo dev to show the other devs I can dev so they'll want to be my friends and team up though!

        • 4 months ago

          Multiplayer is dogshit for morons

        • 4 months ago

          >have a CTO
          what's his purpose?
          >ask for funding at least 150-200k€
          I'm guessing you managed to get this by having a solid prototype or a solid build before hand?

          • 4 months ago

            yeah, we made first prototype in about 5 months with 5 devs. then just pitch it around to venture capital companies focused on gaming, publishers with publisher funding and maybe angel investors if that's your way to go.

            CTO in a company is the coder in charge - aka major systems like backend, multiplayer, major game systems. someone who can later get other coders to follow suit and is proven to ship your game with you.

            • 4 months ago

              >we made first prototype in about 5 months with 5 devs
              people you knew already? I would like to make a game as the 3d guy and would need a programmer guy but I guess it's hard to find someone trustful and to convince him to work for you for a few months without any salary
              >CTO in a company is the coder in charge [...]
              sounds definitely needed in these kind of projects

              • 4 months ago

                yes, we knew before from working at an indie studio. trust is always about finding the right match - you can have a gamejam or similar beforehand, ludum dare or something. also you can always promise equity (shares) in your company, give salary later, especially if you're working with someone who already has a primary job and wants to transition to the role.

                ideally, CTO is your best coder. artists also make great designer and CEO roles, so consider carrying that torch if you can. I'd also suggest, if you are planning to have a team of over 5 people, to get a COO to handle all the boring busywork so you can focus on the gamedev itself - trust me on that one.

              • 4 months ago

                oh yeah gamejams aren't a bad idea, are you guys all from the same country? kinda not related but i was thinking that getting to know people from countries with cheaper currency, since I feel like it still a fertile ground for talent and makes it even more sustainable for longterm profit wise? thanks for the heads up, always good to see you in these threads

              • 4 months ago

                yeah we are, but fully remote. if you're working international, try to align same timezone +1 to -1, so you can coordinate better. a great way to meet devs is bring your proto to events, like Nordic Game, GDC, Paris Game Connects, Gamescom (Devcom), etc...really cheap tickets available for most, just show your game off at a bar to get feedback (Courage Cologne is one great event for that).

                some productivity tips (headcount 18 atm): discord threads are great, favro or hack'n'plan or similar is even better for coordinating together. notion is overrated, use google docs - it even has e-signing nowadays. 11am voice chat dailies, no exceptions. split art and code to own teams if possible, so no all-hands meets.

                this all applies to bigger jam projects too - above all test often and have fun!

              • 4 months ago

                There's an event you named that's close to me but the problem is that I feel like devs from my country are all gays probably in both senses, and also since my country has tons of hassles concerning creating companies and employing people, which would mean that getting any fundings would be squandered quickly so that's why I would be more focused on searching in eastern european countries and such

        • 4 months ago

          >never solo
          >team up
          >team mate fricks up the project
          how about I just solo

  35. 4 months ago

    About to start inching my way towards a huge refactor which will hopefully make the game more mod-friendly long term

  36. 4 months ago

    Released my first Visual Novel, not sure if that counts as a game but whatever

    I'd appreciate it if you could try it out and tell me what you think

    • 4 months ago

      >last update 54 days ago
      >about a trans woman in japan

      anon im thinking you didnt make this and are just trying to get us to shit on it. the art style is cute though

  37. 4 months ago

    I'm doing well on my current project, it's going along pretty well and it's comfy fun.

    But since last night, I think I should push myself to actually use a 3D engine to make a 3D game, since it would mean a lot with marketability and for expanding my skills for game dev. So once my current project is done, I think I might make a remake of a shorter game I made. I have to remake the graphics, but I can keep the same map layouts, plot, code(mostly), dialogue, and music. The game took 14 days to make originally, so I don't think it would be that bad, and I can add some from another project (which is frankly my most successful one) for graphics to give it more content and depth, along with fixing many problems with it. I won't start it until I am done with my current project at all, but doing a remake would be helpful with transitioning from 2D environments to 3D in general.

  38. 4 months ago

    Anyone know what Newgrounds is doing to keep Flash alive? All the knowledge I have is for Actionscript3

    • 4 months ago

      They use Ruffle these days

      • 4 months ago

        Ah cool, so it's better than flash, right?

        • 4 months ago

          It's just a Flash emulator. It's not quite 100% accurate yet but a lot of old shit still works. I think AS3 emulation is more complete than AS1/2

    • 4 months ago

      If you actually want performance in your flash games then use a flash projector and bundle the game portably with it

  39. 4 months ago

    I just created the shader modules.

    Using Vulkan. GOing to be making Dwarf Fortress but in 3D.

  40. 4 months ago

    Implemented feature where the user can run the game from anywhere on his pc and the game will still be able to access its resources.

  41. 4 months ago

    anyone else plan on having an old school early 2000's style forum and blog for their game rather than a disgusting discord?

    • 4 months ago

      You have to actively promote it the same ways as a discord which means a dedicated social media account for it as well

      • 4 months ago

        yeah, definitely. I'll do YouTube.

        • 4 months ago

          Do twitter
          Easier interaction with people
          Shorter text you gotta write and all images and videos you want

          • 4 months ago

            yea, will do twitter as well.

            Discord is fine you just have to moderate the community and ban people who break the rules. Forums are good for real discussion though but it is a pain in the ass to set up, manage, and use. Deciding just to have one because its le cool old style is kind of silly. Plus forums arent somehow immune to just as shit people

            Yeah X is good, better than Youtube unless you have some really good content to show. X is super cancerous though, so its better to not be involved with people on there if possible.

            It isn't about the people. It's about 'le cool old style'. I take aesthetics and theme very seriously.

            • 4 months ago

              If it is what you like, I can't argue with that. However, these things don't just take off, and building a popular forum is difficult. I wish you luck. If at some point your forum is popular, you should release your strategy and process, it would be super useful. I'm noting down my experience directing art and doing character design so I can release a course on it.

              • 4 months ago

                I just really believe that it'll work.
                I believe God is on my side.
                Do you believe it'll work for you?

              • 4 months ago

                Who doesn't believe in themselves and their work?

    • 4 months ago

      Discord is fine you just have to moderate the community and ban people who break the rules. Forums are good for real discussion though but it is a pain in the ass to set up, manage, and use. Deciding just to have one because its le cool old style is kind of silly. Plus forums arent somehow immune to just as shit people

      Do twitter
      Easier interaction with people
      Shorter text you gotta write and all images and videos you want

      Yeah X is good, better than Youtube unless you have some really good content to show. X is super cancerous though, so its better to not be involved with people on there if possible.

  42. 4 months ago

    Okay-ish. Did 2 full playthroughs and did everything in my power to break everything. Glitch through walls, mash buttons to glitch menus, battles, and NPC interaction, but it everything seems to work fine.
    Will do a couple more Tool-Assisted Playthroughs to see if a Bot can break it.
    Still working on art for my manual. Made it to the Equipment page, so I'm drawing the Protagonists in all kinds of gear/outfits. Took inspiration from SFC Dragon Quest 3's Player Guide. It's super fun.
    Other than that I want to redesign a Transformation of a character. I want to make it more bulkier and Monster-ish looking. Will tackle that tomorrow.

  43. 4 months ago

    it feels like more and more frequently a lot of the people posting their work in these threads are just samegayging their own posts

  44. 4 months ago
    I'm genuinely curious. A lot of times I feel like some advices given here apply to one category but not the other

  45. 4 months ago

    i broke up with my game for valentines day

  46. 4 months ago

    I hate how 99% of youtube tutorials are just surface level, incorrect grifting.

    • 4 months ago

      One person makes a shitty tutorial well knowing it is shitty, and then a thousand morons make tutorials based on that one while knowing shit about it.
      Brackeys should be shot for all the damage he has caused to new unity devs

  47. 4 months ago
  48. 4 months ago

    Give me suggestions for one unique Perception and Endurance skill for an open world RPG

    • 4 months ago

      Finished up A* pathfinding. Can't be fricked adding more conditionals for diagonals which pass through walls so I'll probably just make enemies start breaking through them if they're obstructed.

      Don't really know the scope of what you want but for Perception
      >Prediction/Detection: something along the lines of being able to react/perceive something soon before it happens. Different to Augury which I assume is more long-term.
      >Exposure/Marking: Identifying enemy weaknesses/weakpoints to make them more vulnerable.
      For Endurance
      >Resilience: Being able to recover/endure more easily after experiencing a particularly brutal hit,
      >Perserverance: Increased defenses the closer to death you are.

      • 4 months ago

        I appreciate the suggestions, but those all fall under the automatic functions of their respective Attributes, as opposed to Skills like Longblade or Security which govern the player's percentile ability to perform active game functions (hitting an opponent with a sword and picking a lock, respectively).
        My goal is to have every Attribute, from which base player stats like health and stamina are derived, govern 4 tangible Skills which are interactive gameplay elements such as using certain weapons, casting certain spells, or interacting with NPCs. Essentially the same system as The Elder Scrolls or Fallout's SPECIAL.

    • 4 months ago

      >Share with us what you are thinking so we know what you are looking for exactly.
      Essentially TES but set slightly forward in history, medieval fantasy meets colonial New World.
      Guess I should post the full skill list to avoid redundant suggestions

      One bump before I sleep

      • 4 months ago

        >Share with us what you are thinking so we know what you are looking for exactly.
        Essentially TES but set slightly forward in history, medieval fantasy meets colonial New World.
        Guess I should post the full skill list to avoid redundant suggestions

        For Perception: Tracking if that's distinctive enough from Forage, Navigation, or maybe something along the lines of Antiquity?
        For Endurance: Swimming or Athletics.

        • 4 months ago

          I've considered tracking but it's a little hard to define how that would function, outside of bounded directional radar on enemies which is basically what Perception already does. Navigation is a similar issue, though I could maybe see it activating a Skyrim-like location marker as you get close to points or people of interest, with its range based on skill level...
          Swimming I considered for Endurance, but it's a really tangential skill so it'll probably end up folded under Acrobatics. There's also the problem that Endurance is meant to be a Warrior Attribute, and swimming isn't a valuable talent for warriors.
          I don't like the idea of basic player movement being governed by granular stats because it tends to feel janky (see DaS2) which is why I have Acrobatics and no Athletics.

          • 4 months ago

            I imagine Tracking would be more like being able to tell what sorts of enemies are in the area, and how far away they are. If enemies ran away or left trails that'd be a utility of tracking. "Witcher Vision" would be another. That's a lot of work but skills like these are feature-creep nightmares anyways.
            If you're committed to skills having to fit nicely into a class, you could aim for something like fortitude. Basically Poise from souls games, and / or your ability to knock enemies back with your impacts / power attacks. Maybe that's not quite enough of a 'doing' skill.

            • 4 months ago

              Tracking like you're describing, while very cool, feels very feature creep-y and outside of the scope of what I'm making. Can't deny that it's a good system, just a bit over-specialized.
              I actually want the opposite of skills fitting into a class; skills should represent every non-trivial gameplay interaction players can have with the world.
              Maybe I should just make Athletics control sprint duration or stamina drain on sprint, seems like a pretty much necessary gameplay action. Though that functionality could also be folded in with the climbing, dodging, and jumping of acrobatics.

  49. 4 months ago

    Downloaded ue5 to give it a try, used the play button to dick around the basic demo level and it was making my computer shit itself. Is there a way to ease up the requirements to shitbox friendly levels? Have an i5 and a 1060 btw.

    • 4 months ago

      Running the game instanced within the engine software is always going to be more impactful on performance. See if UE5 lets you compile the demo and run it as its own program without the engine itself running.

    • 4 months ago

      unity or some other lighter engine would work better if you're running on a shitbox

      I think you can turn down the settings in editor for unreal but I forgot where since I haven't had to fiddle with it

    • 4 months ago

      Go into project settings and turn off TAA which is set by default. Use FXAA for dev instead.
      Also don't use the open world level.

    • 4 months ago

      Also, turn scalability settings wayyy down.

      But with a 1060 you won't be able to dev consistently for long

  50. 4 months ago

    working on this

    • 4 months ago

      Very happy to see you posting regularly again, hope you're doing okay

    • 4 months ago

      one of my favorite games to see

      Made a new boar enemy and gave the satyr abomination a tentacle-grab kinda attack. Still pretty unpolished.

      cool orblike

      Since I got a full very bare bones battle system in place now, decided it was time to work on the thing I hate making the most: Inventory. The purple circle would represent how rare the item is (with color coding like grey = very common, green = common, blue = uncommon, etc.) and then the corresponding amount of that item. The way Divinity/bg3 does it is that they pile all the items on one inventory screen, but I never liked that, so I'm going to have a tabbed inventory, so for Items you'll have separate tabs of "consumables", "Equipment", "Ingredients", etc. which you can still sort by things like value, weight, latest added, etc.

      nobody likes UIdev, stay strong spurdev

  51. 4 months ago

    Wasted half of one of my days off on my animation workflow because when I woke up I "optimized" it a little further and I ended up breaking the export until I fixed the rig.

    The handcrafted animations work well with the procedural ones but I still need to add recoil.

    • 4 months ago

      Optimisation so aggressive it no longer functions. I love it!

      • 4 months ago

        I was half asleep when I opened up my character rig, didn't recognize anything because the last time I touched it was a few months ago, and ended up fricking it up.

  52. 4 months ago

    I've completely given up and decided to just write a book.

  53. 4 months ago

    im cooooming
    to save gaaaaming

  54. 4 months ago

    As someone who genuinely loves every type of genre of game I cannot decide on what genre I want my game to be.

    • 4 months ago

      Mix two together that normally don't go together.

  55. 4 months ago

    Any tips for terrain generation? I'm working on Unreal and I am trying to make some terrain that is has limited dimensions and has even height at the edges with the possibility for the player to manipulate it during game play. I made a mesh generation that generates the terrain mesh from some noise, but while I adjust the height of the mesh so that it's height is 0 at the edges, the corners of the mesh are often too sharp, so that the terrain looks too artificial, as well as that due to the mesh topology it often forms these stair looking shapes you see on the bottom left side of the picture.

    Anyone here familiar with terrain generation who would know a good approach to generate better terrain?

    • 4 months ago

      Without knowing anything else about how you set your terrain up, I would guess the jaggy terrain is due to low resolution of the height map and/or not enough vertices on the mesh

      • 4 months ago

        I'm pretty sure that it's because the triangles that form the square of terrain simply cannot take the shape I desire because how they are shaped.

        Red lines are the actual shape of the square, formed from two triangles. Blue line shows the level of difference and the yellow lines show how it would look if the square was level.

        I am not very versed with this sort of stuff, but to me it looks like that forcing the terrain to take that shape just causes such behavior because of how the triangles work and it's normally hidden because the height maps are not so regular that you would usually see something like that.

        • 4 months ago

          Well the point I've marked here with ??? shouldn't be 0. It should be something like -0.5 to create a smooth slope. The problem isn't that quads get divided into tris, that's how all 3D meshes work and it doesn't create ugly steps in the model like that.

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah, but the problem is that for my project I want the edges to be at the same level.

            I have contemplated that if I want to go on with this mesh, I'll have to learn to generate height maps that are the same size as the height map I get from the noise generator, have it generated so that at the edges the height map gives the value of zero and while moving towards the center, it's value gradually increases until it reaches 1 after a few pixels and the height map being circular in shape and centered in the middle. That way I can use that as a multiplier for the noise generated height map and smooth out the difference so that it doesn't generate such surfaces as I have gotten thus far.

            Problem is that learning to generate something like that seems kinda tricky, so I am at the moment exploring other ways to generate a terrain that would satisfy my needs.

            Actually the more I look at that, the less sense it makes. It's got some fricked up escher geometry going on there. Just to make sure, your grid looks like pic related under the hood, right? It should have 4 height points for each corner of each quad.

            The apparent weird geometry might be because there is a down hill on the side of the camera, so it doesn't render the triangles that are viewed from the bottom side of the triangle. It does indeed look like how you drew it.

        • 4 months ago

          Well the point I've marked here with ??? shouldn't be 0. It should be something like -0.5 to create a smooth slope. The problem isn't that quads get divided into tris, that's how all 3D meshes work and it doesn't create ugly steps in the model like that.

          Actually the more I look at that, the less sense it makes. It's got some fricked up escher geometry going on there. Just to make sure, your grid looks like pic related under the hood, right? It should have 4 height points for each corner of each quad.

  56. 4 months ago

    Since I got a full very bare bones battle system in place now, decided it was time to work on the thing I hate making the most: Inventory. The purple circle would represent how rare the item is (with color coding like grey = very common, green = common, blue = uncommon, etc.) and then the corresponding amount of that item. The way Divinity/bg3 does it is that they pile all the items on one inventory screen, but I never liked that, so I'm going to have a tabbed inventory, so for Items you'll have separate tabs of "consumables", "Equipment", "Ingredients", etc. which you can still sort by things like value, weight, latest added, etc.

  57. 4 months ago

    Made a new boar enemy and gave the satyr abomination a tentacle-grab kinda attack. Still pretty unpolished.

  58. 4 months ago

    i am stalling hardcore on art; it's wild how much stalling i'm doing these days
    still have so much level design to do for just the first fricking level; feels like that's all I do with this project and it's not very interesting to show unfinished levels

  59. 4 months ago

    >See game with better gameplay and/or art than mine
    >Get completely demotivated from posting in fear of getting laughed at
    Just another one of those days

    • 4 months ago

      I shared this feel
      Now my game is becoming too different to other games it's not really comparable, which has it's own problems getting across what the game is like/what to expect.

    • 4 months ago

      Nobody cares if your stuff is amateurish. If someone has nice gameplay and/or art it means they were a beginner once too but didn't give up. Nobody in here is laughing at beginners, and if someone was it means they're a bitter loser who gave up and is crab-bucketing hard.

  60. 4 months ago

    Trying to add interactive smoke today to my desert game that can function as a sandstorm that the player character can interact with. The result is shit in terms of performance. Waiting on the dev of the smoke and fire package to respond

  61. 4 months ago

    Anyone know the best tutorials about Unreal Engine with C++?
    Almost every video is blueprints. I figure once I get the jist I can convert blueprint logic from specific videos to C++ with whatever classes and functions the blueprints are using.
    I know the basics of C++ so using blueprints seems pointless and less preformant.
    I'm reading
    But it would be nice to see some examples. Plus I'm not familiar with the editor.
    Any suggestions are much appreciated!

    • 4 months ago

      Doing simple and a little bit complex stuff that uses common functions is probably easier with blueprints once you get the hang of it. If you'd be really well versed with C++ I'd recommend just writing the code, but if you are not super familiar with coding, then blueprints might be the easier option for most cases. Of course if you get to really advanced stuff, coding is probably the only way to go.

      You'll probably get the hang of it just by following along with some tutorials and thinking in of what function each node represents in terms of coding.

      • 4 months ago

        >well versed
        Not quite that well versed. I almost failed a data structure class because recursion kicked my ass. That might have been in c#. But I can write objects and classes and whatnot in c++ and if I need to do something more complicated like writing a binary tree I can use google.
        Its just figuring out Unreal that feels a bit obtuse like I'm missing something.

        • 4 months ago

          I am pretty new to this as well, but as far as I have looked the nodes generally have a lot common functions there and if there isn't, you can probably write a node for it yourself with C++ or look around the internet in case someone else already has.

          I know it feels weird when you start, but it starts making sense surprisingly fast.

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