human male fighter:

human male fighter:

Risking a ban, I plead to /tg/ to speak on how the "lowly" human male fighter can be interesting.

Possible but not essential questions:
1) Can a character be interesting without resorting to "half illithid half tabaxi half loxodon with different colored eyes and an orphan"
2) Do you have a "natural" disinclination towards the Human Male Fighter, if so explore and report here
3) is "backstory: guard" intrinsically less interesting than "backstory: anything else"? If so, explore and report here.

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  1. 8 months ago

    a human male fighter is as interesting as the human male playing him

    if you're boring that's your problem.

    • 8 months ago

      The thread should have ended right here.
      Boring people will make and play boring characters, regardless of class.

    • 8 months ago


      1. There are irl people who are interesting so this question is silly
      2. Not really I like rogues more as I'm a sneaky git
      3. Only if your backstory is just "guard" with nothing to note

      Also correct.

      A character's race, human or otherwise, does not inherently add anything to the character's interest factor.

      False. Each adds either narrative consequence, or the subversion of anticipated narrative consequence, to the character.

      human male fighter:

      Risking a ban, I plead to /tg/ to speak on how the "lowly" human male fighter can be interesting.

      Possible but not essential questions:
      1) Can a character be interesting without resorting to "half illithid half tabaxi half loxodon with different colored eyes and an orphan"
      2) Do you have a "natural" disinclination towards the Human Male Fighter, if so explore and report here
      3) is "backstory: guard" intrinsically less interesting than "backstory: anything else"? If so, explore and report here.

      They can be, but the thing newbies on /tg/ forget is that the lowly male human fighter isn't interesting because he's a lowly male human fighter.
      That's the whole concept behind the 'brag'. That you can make what is otherwise a non-competitive npc character sheet interesting for the table with good roleplay and an engaging character despite considerable narrative and mechanical drawbacks.
      newbies see this and think that it's superior rightthink to like said npc character and pretend he's really interesting BECAUSE he's an npc character template, and specifically because he doesn't have any flashy interest.
      The idea that it's actually a measure of your personal social ability to still make him flashy and interesting despite this, and that your quiet town guard with no motivations or eccentricities has to be engaging to the rest of the table who're playing fantastical characters, is generally lost to them.
      Tell a newbie this, and they'll seethe because it subverts their interpretation of board culture and game rightthink.

    • 8 months ago

      I like how this rightly excludes the fact that a woman would never actually play a HMF.

    • 8 months ago

      >Lazy, bullshit response.
      What makes a human fighter interesting is his motivation. Why is he a fighter? What are his dreams, goals, aspirations, etc.? What sets him apart from the typical human? ...the typical fighter?

      If I played a human fighter, I'd make him a potential friend to monsters. Most human fighters are brainless murder hobos. They kill without ever asking why. My human fighter would question every battle and side with whomever he most aligned with on a personal level.

      He would be defined by his choices and his allies. He would probably specialize in a weapon most fighters ignore. Maybe he'd dress like a farmer and specialize in torches and pitchforks to blend in with all the local monster killing mob buttholes.
      Maybe his pitchfork would be a gift from the devil, if he were evil, or from Poseidon, if he were good.

      The possibilities are endless. Just create from your heart. Use what you love.

      • 8 months ago

        My fighter wanted to make money to save his dying wife, taking a great risk leaving his milling business to adventure out with only the basic combat knowledge he retained from having been levied before to fight in a war.

      • 8 months ago

        it's not a lazy, bullshit response, it's very clear.
        Your human fighter is a friend to monsters presumably because you like monsters and think they're cool, yes? thats an aspect of you represented in your character.

        You're basically saying exactly what I did but with more words.

      • 8 months ago

        No one cares about your anime oc donut steel, newbie.

    • 8 months ago

      this the reason why only Chads can make it work.

      Sorry OP, thread over.

      • 8 months ago

        these pics are shitty motivation posting made by casterBlack folk to try and keep fighter players locked in their caster-only ecosystems
        >le just have creativity! just narrate better! please ignore that you're playing gm may i to do anything while the rules fellate me nonstop
        just tell the magecucks to eat shit, play a better system and leave them to their powerwank
        tl;dr HYTNPDND

  2. 8 months ago

    1. There are irl people who are interesting so this question is silly
    2. Not really I like rogues more as I'm a sneaky git
    3. Only if your backstory is just "guard" with nothing to note

  3. 8 months ago

    A character's race, human or otherwise, does not inherently add anything to the character's interest factor.

    • 8 months ago

      False, a character's race inherently adds or detracts from how interesting they are because that race has its own culture and norms and things that feed into who that character is via their upbringing in that society. It shouldn't be the main factor, but it should contribute.

      An orc raised in a tribal society where survival of the fittest is the grand rule would not be the same as an elf who was raised in a society where intellect is key nor the same as a dwarf where you are judged based on your stonecutting ability.

      • 8 months ago

        >A human raised in a tribal society where survival of the fittest is the grand rule would not be the same as a human who was raised in a society where intellect is key nor the same as a human where you are judged based on your stonecutting ability.
        and if you need some examples: Gallian raider - Greek scholar - Roman mason - Phoenician trader - all from around the same time period.

        If all (human) nations are or feel the same, then you have a worldbuilding problem (or unwillingness of learning the setting).

      • 8 months ago

        >orc raised in a tribal society where survival of the fittest is the grand rule
        >elf who was raised in a society where intellect is key
        >a dwarf [raised in a society] where you are judged based on your stonecutting ability
        so it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture, gotcha

    • 8 months ago

      Oops looks like you have an incorrect opinion
      (but I agree with you)

    • 8 months ago

      Incorrect sir. My Tabaxi futa warlock is inherently interesting.

      • 8 months ago

        It really isn't. It's overdone.

  4. 8 months ago

    nerds will always hate this archetype, it's why pyjama warrior is a thing. Explore THAT, but spoiler: noodle-arm weirdos feel inferior to solid chads, and this plays out in tabletop more than anywhere else (since it's the noodle-arms making the rules.)

    • 8 months ago

      Most of the people who fetishise this archetype are also insecure male nerds, being right wing doesn’t make you not a nerd, nerd.

    • 8 months ago

      The only archetype more popular with the traditional nerd than the human male fighter is the human male wizard.

  5. 8 months ago

    >Risking a ban, I plead to /tg/ to speak on how the "lowly" human male fighter can be interesting.
    They can't unless the entire setting is "lowly". In most TTRPGs, if you've got class levels you're already a cut above the unwashed masses. Your character stopped being "Normal" the moment they became Fighter 1.
    >1) Can a character be interesting without resorting to "half illithid half tabaxi half loxodon with different colored eyes and an orphan"
    Yes, but Human male fighter is the equal and opposite extreme. You're playing the most bland, generic uninteresting shit and probably think you're LE EPIC UNDERDOG when you're just as much of a freak as the half mindflayer half tabaxi half whatever the frick mechanically speaking. And at least I might actually be able to pry something interesting out of the latter to use as a GM, the frick am I going to get out of literallywho mcDirtfarmer who has never done anything exceptional in his dull, boring, mundane life? Not even trained by a proper master, not even of any notoriety, not an inkling of exceptionalism in his boring average frame.
    >2) Do you have a "natural" disinclination towards the Human Male Fighter, if so explore and report here
    I find human to be the boring option, both mechanically and flavor-wise unless the GM gives them a niche and deviates from the moronic "Humans are good at everything" slop most TTRPG settings favor. Fighter though, my go-to playstyle is "hit it until it dies". I don't need fancy tricks, spellcasters are a pain to play with all the concentration and massive list and slots and all that other bullshit, not to mention they can get completely cucked if a single enemy is immune to a condition or your main damage type (if you play a caster by taking the most mechanically optimal spells instead of a thematic list you should be shot btw), but a +1 sword is always effective.

    • 8 months ago

      >3) is "backstory: guard" intrinsically less interesting than "backstory: anything else"? If so, explore and report here.
      Depends, I generally require at least a paragraph (5-7 sentences) that cover the basics of the character's life before adventuring out of my players as a GM. I want to know you've read the primer, I want to know you put in the effort to make your character feel like they've lived in this setting all their lives, but I also expect them to be exceptional in some degree, a cut above the common masses (because they are, mechanically, so they should also be from a character perspective). I want to GM for a party of heroes, not a party of nobodies.

      Again, if you're in a game where everyone is a literallywho dirt farmer, you do you I guess and in that case sure male human fighter fits right in with the rest of the brown and gray setting.

    • 8 months ago

      I would never play at your table, just saying

      • 8 months ago

        I would never want you at my table then, because you'd bring some bland generic slop and not even bother reading the setting primer, assuming my humans are jacks of all trades (they aren't). You would be an absolute dogshit player who is 100% That Guy who just makes a build instead of a character and doesn't give a frick if he's adhering to the setting or not or who his character is.

        • 8 months ago

          Thanks, understood.

          >Risking a ban
          Why do you have a persecution complex? People don't like humanmalefightergays not because of their preferences, but because most of them are obnoxious as shit because they pretend they're so fricking intelligent and cultured.

          No complex, I have been banned a few times for trying to talk about human male fighters.
          There's even a specific picture that I think will trigger some kind of autoban, a picture of a guard. Because I guess this isn't appropriate for role-playing?

        • 8 months ago

          You sound like a gay who runs their trash homebrew world. Just so you know none of your players like it, they just put up with it so they can keep their game.

    • 8 months ago

      >And at least I might actually be able to pry something interesting out of the latter to use as a GM, the frick am I going to get out of literallywho mcDirtfarmer who has never done anything exceptional in his dull, boring, mundane life?

    • 8 months ago

      >when you're just as much of a freak as the half mindflayer half tabaxi half whatever the frick mechanically speaking
      Is having a one level already such a big deal?

      • 8 months ago

        I don't think so, third edition really sperged out with the difference between PCs and NPCs for no reason, especially when it was proven that their terrible NPC classes to make them weaker than PCs were weaker than house cats and shit

        • 8 months ago

          I remember that housecat could kill a wizard, ridiculous.
          But I do like concept of starting player characters being exceptional to some degree.

  6. 8 months ago

    The old AD&D ran on magic items, randomly generated, you would be different than any other character. That's how it worked when you were in a class that had no abilities but was still a thing. Even Wizards got their spells randomly. You were not special out of the box, you had to do something. Other versions and games have varying amounts of powers and abilities for fighters, it was just AD&D where they had none and 3rd where they had few because that was the tradition up to that point.

    Human is a race for new players. Doesn't have Darkvision, that's a huge weakness. Nogames like humans because they've never played a game and don't know any better.

    Backstory is there so you know how to act, so you have some motivation as a character. It's needed for exploration games where there is no story, no definite way to go. If there is a story, like in a module or a railroad, it's fine not to have a strong backstory because there is only one way to go.

    Wanna try joining the hobby OP? Can be fun, but all the different versions and systems play different, and different from GM to Gm, so leave your expectations at the door and try to get along and have a good time.

  7. 8 months ago

    Here is an example of an interesting Human Male Fighter personality type

  8. 8 months ago

    >I plead to /tg/ to speak on how the "lowly" human male fighter can be interesting.
    By having traits the person playing and the people witnessing the character are interested in; these traits may have maximum, minimal, various degrees between, or no correlation to the character being any combination of human, male, or fighter.
    >Can a character be interesting without resorting to "half illithid half tabaxi half loxodon with different colored eyes and an orphan"
    By having traits the person playing and the people witnessing the character are interested in; these traits may have maximum, minimal, various degrees between, or no correlation to the character being any combination of human, male, or fighter.
    >Do you have a "natural" disinclination towards the Human Male Fighter
    In my games, the only bearing race and sex have are statistical and ability differences, and since combat is always a main focus of my games, everyone is a fighter to some capacity.
    If a character being "human" and "male" are statistically compatible with a character setup I want to try, I will use it.
    >is "backstory: guard" intrinsically less interesting than "backstory: anything else"?
    Nothing is intrinsically interesting, it all depends on the traits of the character lining up with the interests of whoever is playing and beholding it.

    But you still won't get it, because I can make an image of twenty recursive screencaps talking about the subjective nature of interests and you fricking waterheaded nonces still don't get it.
    Frick off, or make your next thread about games, instead of this "woe is me" bullshit hinging on analyzing what other people like and think about factors irrelevant to actual gameplay.

  9. 8 months ago

    I don't know where everyone has this idea that your class/race somehow decides what makes you interesting/quirky/whatever.
    Your guy could have been the fricking barracks Janitor that was the only one left to take on a quest and you could still be interesting.

    • 8 months ago

      What you're talking about is "roleplaying", and there's nothing more toxic to the ear of a D&D player under 40 than that hateful word. What *matters* is your build and the underlying mathematics. Anything less is playing suboptimally and should result in you being kicked from the group for harming their chances of success.

      • 8 months ago

        Grogs don’t give a shit about roleplaying either

        • 8 months ago

          Grogs gave birth to settings like Dragonlance and Ravenloft and Dark Sun, so maybe you should put your girlfriend's boyfriend's wiener back in your mouth and shut the hell up until we're willing to give you an opinion.

          • 8 months ago

            Those are Gen X nu-Grogs, not the originators

          • 8 months ago

            >Grogs gave birth to settings like Dragonlance and Ravenloft and Dark Sun
            No, grogs only ate the slop actually creative people at TSR created for them to consume. The grogs were just as averse to roleplay as any other people.

  10. 8 months ago

    >Risking a ban
    Why do you have a persecution complex? People don't like humanmalefightergays not because of their preferences, but because most of them are obnoxious as shit because they pretend they're so fricking intelligent and cultured.

  11. 8 months ago

    If Human Male Fighters had a theme:

  12. 8 months ago

    OP here, not a single response about interesting human male fighters, just a bunch of in-fighting about why I'm wrong in various ways.


    • 8 months ago

      Frick you
      Here is an example of an interesting Human Male Fighter personality type

      was interesting

    • 8 months ago

      What makes something interesting to you?

    • 8 months ago

      Sad little passive aggressive coward. We know you don't care about discussion, all you want to do is stir up shit with your insinuations and b***h about freakshit.

  13. 8 months ago
  14. 8 months ago

    The last human male fighter I played was a wienery butthole who would relentlessly flirt with any remotely female monster the party ran across. By the time the game fell apart I had earned the title "snakefricker". I guess what I'm saying is what kind of personality you give your character is more important than their stats and abilities when it comes to making them interesting

    • 8 months ago

      Imagine having to do this to make a human character interesting

      • 8 months ago

        That was just my last human male fighter. The one before that was an alcoholic veteran of a massacred merc company. He had an extreme amount of survivor's guilt about being the last man standing, which translated into extrme acts of heroism. He refused to let another comrade die before he did.

        My CURRENT male fighter is a struggling with issues of loyalty to an objectively bad person, but he's an Aasimar.

        • 8 months ago

          I am doing something similar- except it's not survivor's guilt, it's that his regiment was to 'hold the line' at all costs- and that's what they did. They won, but to a point where the regiment was diminished far below functional strength.
          He went home, tried to go to work with his father and uncle at the lumber mill- but felt it wasn't what he was meant to do. Took his savings, purchased some gear- and went out to look for a way to use his skillset in a way that matters.
          He's a normal guy- that's what I think makes him interesting. Everyone else wants to be the oddity and weirdo, I want to play the 'common sense approach' guy with a tactical mindset.
          Also, he's a soldier. If you've never heard how soldiers joke around with each other...

        • 8 months ago

          I am doing something similar- except it's not survivor's guilt, it's that his regiment was to 'hold the line' at all costs- and that's what they did. They won, but to a point where the regiment was diminished far below functional strength.
          He went home, tried to go to work with his father and uncle at the lumber mill- but felt it wasn't what he was meant to do. Took his savings, purchased some gear- and went out to look for a way to use his skillset in a way that matters.
          He's a normal guy- that's what I think makes him interesting. Everyone else wants to be the oddity and weirdo, I want to play the 'common sense approach' guy with a tactical mindset.
          Also, he's a soldier. If you've never heard how soldiers joke around with each other...

          Awesome, you two would be fun to play with.

          • 8 months ago

            I try to be. I learned when I was young:
            >"You should be playing to have fun, but you should also be playing so that everyone else has fun."
            I think the latter half of that has been forgotten by some.

          • 8 months ago

            cheers anon, I bet you're fun to play with as well

  15. 8 months ago

    >1) Can a character be interesting without resorting to "half illithid half tabaxi half loxodon with different colored eyes and an orphan"
    You're either moronic or trolling, so kindly go fellate a shotgun.

    • 8 months ago


  16. 8 months ago

    Of course the most powerful race & class combination can be interesting, glory to PF2E!

  17. 8 months ago

    1.Yes, but if the player has a minimal backstory, the interesting things come from real life charisma and roleplay you bring to the table. For example, you can play bland, self-insert cardboard from isekai and have no personality
    Or you can take inspiration from various colorful characters and make your fighter in personality better than the quirky "i want to LAY the Dragon xd" Bard
    2.Personally I'm a warlock man, but Battlemaster gave me appreciation for a fighter as I very much like the idea of being a very good warrior and making it show with actual and impressive skills on the tabletop. Of course I play minmax races like yuan-ti and dhampirs, because im a human in real life and HFY is a bit trite at this point
    3.You can work with it, but it, again, it depends on your skill as a player to make them interesting.
    Pic related isn't a human, but he is one helluva fighter with 0 magic on him

  18. 8 months ago

    My male human fighter

    • 8 months ago

      i wish i was climb. i wish i was some sociopathic girls lap dog

      • 8 months ago

        >claims she made him into her pet
        >puts a leash on him
        >still fricks him
        Women really huh

        • 8 months ago

          youre just jealous that you arent some white womans pet dog i know i am

  19. 8 months ago

    Real human history has a ton of different human male fighter archetypes to choose from.
    Just go from year 0 till 1800 and you will find something. Bored of knights? Ok, you can play a samurai then. Too much weeaboo? How about aztec warrior with macuahuitl? Or doppelsöldner with zwei? Musketeer? Them all human male fighters.

    • 8 months ago

      Terrible anachronism

      • 8 months ago

        You physically cannot have an anachronism in an ahistorical setting you dumb frick. There is no real history to be anachronistic TO.

        • 8 months ago

          You’re just playing with dolls if the same historical conditions that lead to these particular warriors isn’t present in your game

          • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Just take inspiration from them and adapt to your setting.

      • 8 months ago

        You’re just playing with dolls if the same historical conditions that lead to these particular warriors isn’t present in your game

        >Nooo stop playing the imagination game differently!!
        Spotted the nogames. Aside from OP I mean

  20. 8 months ago

    If you can't make a dude with the sword interesting you can't make interesting character at all
    Skill issue

  21. 8 months ago

    Here's my human fighter dm

  22. 8 months ago

    A character's race and class isn't what makes them interesting- it's what you do with that character.
    Notice that I said 'do'. Not 'your five fricking pages of backstory'. Where you go with that character is what counts.

  23. 8 months ago

    I don't care what you say, 'human male fighter' will always be NPC tier.
    It's a fantasy setting, get creative or go play a videogame.

    • 8 months ago

      You will never be a woman

      • 8 months ago

        >In an age where every single form of entertainment tries their best to desperately avoid human male fighters I think human male fighter is the only PC choice actually
        Source: My ass
        Give me a single popular fantasy IP with a tiefling or a dragonborn as protagonists. And no, Skyrim doesn't count.

        • 8 months ago

          Baldur Gate 3's Dark Urge is canonically an albino dragonborn.

          • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      In an age where every single form of entertainment tries their best to desperately avoid human male fighters I think human male fighter is the only PC choice actually, my small angry rodent israelite.

    • 8 months ago

      If your definition of 'creative' involves your clever combination of two things from two lists, you are not creative. You do not know what 'creative' means, and you deserve mockery. You are objectively stupid.

    • 8 months ago

      >get creative

      you're more "creative" because you picked a different option in the Race chapter of the PHB?

      • 8 months ago

        I'm sorry but if you're playing a literal NPC, and the most vanilla type of character possible then yes basically anything else I choose is by definition more creative.

        Deal with it.

  24. 8 months ago

    >play gurps semi-historical setting
    >characters consist of;
    >a dirt-broke minstrel
    >a super shifty con man
    >a boisterous gladiator
    >a leper warrior-poet
    all could be considered "human male fighters," especially in the 5e sense where you can slap whatever skills on them through backgrounds
    anyone who thinks everyone is the same is a genuine out-of-touch autist

  25. 8 months ago


    don't respond to me
    go back homosexual tourist

  26. 8 months ago

    >1) Can a character be interesting without resorting to "half illithid half tabaxi half loxodon with different colored eyes and an orphan"

    Snoflake freakshit garbage are always the least interesting possible characters played by the leas interesting possible players.
    A human being belongs to a community, is a member of organizations, has a faith, has allegiance to a kingdom, has a hereditary line. He should be integrated into the setting and be the party of freakshit's window into the culture and politics of your setting which are, in almost all cases, majority human.
    If you run some kind of setting where every city is multicultural and racially integrated and you never go to The Kingdom Of The Dwarves or the Tree City of the Elves you're doing the genre wrong.

    2) Do you have a "natural" disinclination towards the Human Male Fighter, if so explore and report here

    I'm permaDM but most of my NPCs are human. Plenty of them are fighters.

    3) is "backstory: guard" intrinsically less interesting than "backstory: anything else"? If so, explore and report here.

    A guard where? Doing what? A city guard is essentially a medieval police officer/reservist soldier. That could be as interesting or as boring as you want it to be.

    • 8 months ago

      Human Male Fighters as a baseline is a good thing. They're simple, and easy to understand. If you iterate too far off from that basic template you'll spend way too much time explaining every detail of your character's backstory & end up leaving people bored and uninterested.

      • 8 months ago

        I think the Fighter's perception suffers from 5E's attitude towards them. I know early in production Mearles and Crawford both said this was a "beginner class" for new players. It isn't better at fighting than a barbarian, or a paladin, or a ranger. It doesn't get access to more armor, equipment or any kind of expertise with weapons above and beyond other classes like it did in previous editions. They removed rules related to grappling and restraining creatures. You can't do anything with your shield, it's just a flat AC bonus. Movement speed isn't tied to athleticism, and what you can do with your strength and athletic ability is always at the mercy of DM fiat. They just fricked up the mechanics of the class and made it boring to play, and the nuTTRPG crowd's exposure to the class is "It's a class with absolutely no unique features".

        • 8 months ago

          5E isn't D&D.

  27. 8 months ago

    >1) Can a character be interesting without resorting to "half illithid half tabaxi half loxodon with different colored eyes and an orphan"
    Fake it until you make it. There are accounts of real life interesting fighters, specially from Ancient Greece onwards. See what seems interesting, mix it up with fictional characters to make the recipe you want.

    >2) Do you have a "natural" disinclination towards the Human Male Fighter, if so explore and report here
    Heavens no. My most valued character was a human male fighter. We elaborated on his Jungian archetypes, had several good roleplay moments with him, and once the DM ignored a "1" I rolled because my conversation was just too good to fail. I don't remember most of it, but I played a 55 years old veteran. I gained command of underlings and my second in command was having a lot of self-doubt after being promoted. I had a talk with him, in which my PC admitted the doubt never goes away, the fear never completely fades, the rage is reserved for the march instead of the barbarian burst of violence, and my PC shit his pants at his first battle. . There were a few other moments, like when the enemy created a darkness all around us, my character started singing a war song another player had created for me. Everybody started singing along, no one got afraid as intended, and it unmade the darkness.

    >3) is "backstory: guard" intrinsically less interesting than "backstory: anything else"? If so, explore and report here.
    Depends. What I know of real life guards is that they see some funny and weird stuff, the 3am phenomena that seem surreal. They are worth sharing at a tavern for ale, and perhaps your guard could develop a mildly paranoid theory on why weirder things happen at night. Perhaps his goal is to figure out why he once found a fricking badger encased in salt, with a note mentioning it as something to be shot from a catapult when the three mothers agreed on which child came from which womb.

  28. 8 months ago

    I played a detailed backstory goblin who had a solid page of his life set up with the accidental betrayal of a village that half raised him and was the only warmth that existed throughout his life and the reason he was educated enough to become a wizard.
    The backstory never came up and the entire campaign was "join a rebellion and fight" and completely isolated from my personal backstory.

    I also made a character who was a human paladin with a backstory of "Human Paladin".

    He was one of the best characters I ever played, who became the surrogate father to a nascent Titan, and was bought to the brink of falling by willing to sacrifice everything to purge a devil-led town powered by selling souls.
    Because he believed that sacrificing his vows and himself was less important than allowing such evil to continue to exist.

    It's ALWAYS how you play it.

    a "half illithid half tabaxi half loxodon with different colored eyes and an orphan" will be incredibly boring if it doesn't have a good personality to bounce off the world and the other players.

  29. 8 months ago

    >Can a human male fighter be interesting?

    Fictional examples:
    Indiana Jones

    Real life examples:
    Publius Helvius Pertinax
    Robert De Bruce
    Julius Caesar
    William the Conqueror/William the Bastard

    • 8 months ago

      Not one of them has red or purple skin, or interesting features like horns or hooves or a girthy horsewiener. Boring. Opinion discarded.

  30. 8 months ago

    Hot take from a guy who hasn't played a game in a while, but "boring" backstories like "guard" are actually a good thing.

    A backstory shouldn't be putting in a badass in at sesh 1. It should be a journey where characters walk in as nobodies and walk out at sesh 200 as heroes. To do this best you just want a backstory that just nudges setting relevancy without sucking yourself off.

    So to answer your questions
    1) sure, start mixing and subverting tropes.
    2) I do find them a bit boring sure, but spellcasters are often over the top and cringy. A good vanilla character in the sea of characters that try to much is actually refreshing.
    3) Boring backstories are ideal. Work with your GM to forge your story instead of cramming one down his throat like all the other players are doing.

  31. 8 months ago

    >half illithid half tabaxi half loxodon with different colored eyes
    None of those things are interesting in the first place.

  32. 8 months ago

    This topic is the gayest bullshit possible, it just reeks of theatre kid bullshit. I pick what I pick because I want to play a game. If I pick human fighter, I will do so for the extra feat and then the two extra feats I get at the two levels so that I can prestige class into a more interesting class later on (I am partial to Fighter 2/Rogue 3/Assassin x).
    Everything else is just some bullshit I NEVER actually see in the actual tables. It is some dumb culture war bullshit about a bunch of tryhard pretentious "Trad" people trying to look more cultured than they really are over a bunch of fruity straight people "Queers".

  33. 8 months ago

    1) Yes.
    2) No.
    3) No. Especially if reduced to a single profession, both are shit. If expanded upon both can be good.

    If anything, it guarantees some level of consistency within' universe. Switch soldier for mercenary or soldier, and the concept fits in the 21st millenium.

    Trick is having a life story that shaped the character in having an interesting take. Always was, always will be.

  34. 8 months ago


    /tg/ nogamers are also theatre kids but they prefer their genders to be maga-coded.

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds gay.

  35. 8 months ago

    HMFs (human male fighters, also the sound they make while trying to think or create) are boring and anyhow who claims otherwise is just trying to be contrarian or trolling.

    • 8 months ago

      > Tell me you play D&D without telling me you play D&D
      The day they replace "Intelligence" with "Knowledge", "Education", or anything that doesn't restrict roleplay and serves as a dump stat, let me know.

    • 8 months ago

      Ok, midwit with ZERO creativity.

      • 8 months ago

        >hurr durr spelling error invalidates your point

  36. 8 months ago

    You're mocked because your head is firmly lodged up your ass, your obsession with specific character archetypes is ultimately inconsequential.

  37. 8 months ago

    human male fighters really are the most persecuted archetype
    I've heard of DMs not even allowing them at their table, calling them "That Guy" etc

  38. 8 months ago

    Alright you want a better life for kid so you're risky your life and limb so they can go be a wizard or some shit.
    Send 2 Gold home every few sessions.
    Taa daa

  39. 8 months ago

    >21 consecutive shitposts trying necro a dead thread who's conversation jad already run dry

    This is now a goblin fricker thread. Talk about the last time your PC fricked a goblin

  40. 8 months ago

    Believe me when I say I have seen a tremendous number of players come in with a "male human fighter" as an edgy, generic isekai MC, only without the isekai. Some brooding, angsty, twinkish teenager with a secret sword art developed despite having grown up in some backwater village, which was destroyed by [insert savage species here]. Mostly passive in the noncombat roleplay, except to occasionally say edgy things, and always itching for an actual fight.

    Be careful what you wish for when you want to see more "male human fighters." You might get a "just your average Japanese high school student"-tier edgelord.

    • 8 months ago

      Seems like a generational shift.
      A dynamic everyman who can fight and hold his own can be a boon if they are actually quick witted, able to work as a team and is willing to call the shots when they are certain it will get the job done. Really, these people who do want to be broody should just be smarter about it. Sure, losing a village, family or anything close to the character is rough, but that is the end of it. Replace dead with dying, hopeless or soon-to-be in danger, then there is a REAL existential weight lingering on the character. How can they remain calm, cheerful or manage social situations when clawing at their heart and mind is the thought that the people they care about may die, may have died or will die if they cannot somehow do something about it? (Even if they cannot change what transpires, they may still blame themselves for either leaving, not making it in time or any other thing.)

  41. 8 months ago

    >please persecute me please pwease pwwwweaaaase
    weird but you do you, mate.

  42. 8 months ago

    >Risking a ban,
    I wish you would get banned for being such a gay

    • 8 months ago

      It's something redditors do when they think they are "going against the grain" for saying something popular. Real unpopular opinion holders will just say what they think. I believe it has something to do with the inferior thinking of the extraverted feeling type. Every different thing away from consensus is a great trespass against the moral fibre of society, every thought that does not uphold this consensus must be violently squashed but consensus alone is not reality in itself, you make observations that others do not make, you notice things that others within your cultural group does not notice and yet despite that you try to keep it "hush hush". Of course due to the inferior nature of this thinking it is archiac and likely not very novel, so you have people saying basic b***h "Human fighters are actually good" type posts, because they don't actually think about things that much, they evaluate based off of cultural standards, they uh don't think or even really observe anything.
      Ganker is the same way, albeit I think Ganker has more sensation-leaning psychosis to it. A general sense of half-assed mysticism that arises from being stuck in the basement all day.

      • 8 months ago

        They desperately want to be persecuted so they LARP as the moronic troony freakshitters who only exist in their imagination. Then they reply to themselves and suck their own dicks en masse. They wouldn't be able to feel awesome for pwning the libtards otherwise. See:

        I don't care what you say, 'human male fighter' will always be NPC tier.
        It's a fantasy setting, get creative or go play a videogame.

        • 8 months ago

          nah as a (you) chaser, that is just a classic troll post. There are chaos homies out there y'know. Human fightergays don't have the intellect to perceive that they are being fricked with.
          Humans ever since 3.5 have always been the most popular choice outside of elves and tieflings. That is how it's always been. If there is anything that is on the decline, it is dwarves.

          • 8 months ago

            >Human fightergays don't have the intellect to perceive that they are being fricked with.
            I've seen this image posted so many times it's burned into my memory. Apparently this one piece of commissioned art is "proof" the hobby is being destroyed by freakshitters.

            • 8 months ago

              ...And this one, too. What's so offensive about a piece of commissioned art? I bet whoever played those characters, troony or not, had a way better time than the people crusading against them on Ganker.

            • 8 months ago

              ...And this one, too. What's so offensive about a piece of commissioned art? I bet whoever played those characters, troony or not, had a way better time than the people crusading against them on Ganker.

              It is part of the culture war, and image and having a good one is important if not THE most important thing about a culture war. It can also be linked to the society of the spectacle, where the image is valued moreso than the actual physical and mental reality of the things they talk about. It is basically a shadow-puppet show, a fake and gay worldview that they have been afflicted with because fitting in is a strong human psychological desire and we are so utterly detached from the production of the fruits of labor that all we get out of things is the produce that was made by other people. We rarely actually get to enjoy our own creations.

  43. 8 months ago

    make him the party cook and taste test each new encounter after slaying them in a way that does not destroy the meat.
    that took 3 seconds to think up, it's not hard to be creative. dipshit

  44. 8 months ago

    I've played a successful human fighter in a "freakshit" campaign once, one that my group loved.
    his whole deal was that he was too stereotypical: a chivalrous knight who just wanted to make a name for himself. he was basically going around looking for princesses to save and dragons to kill, the most mundane motivations for a knight you could possibly have. it was funny.

    • 8 months ago

      Right, so acceptance as long as he stays in his lane as a caricature and an object of mockery, got it.

      • 8 months ago

        >your character can't be funny and respectable at the same time
        also stop projecting

  45. 8 months ago

    Yep, constant abuse just for liking a classic archetype.
    You can say "human male fighter is just as interesting as the player makes it" but the real message underneath is one of disdain and loathing.

    • 8 months ago

      >Yep, constant abuse just for liking a classic archetype.
      People don't dislike you because you "like a classic archetype". It's because you're full of yourself and act like your taste is objectively superior. Get over your persecution complex.

  46. 8 months ago

    5e brainrot truly brings forth the most moronic of discussions
    The human fighter is a very important class for those seeking to delve the underworld, making for a good party leader in the physical sense. Does anything else even need to be said?

  47. 8 months ago

    5e brainrot truly brings forth the most moronic of discussions.
    Of course then huma Fighter is a good class, he is very important in leading the party while delving the underworld. What else is there to be said?

  48. 8 months ago

    If the character you've created can't be interesting if you change their race to human, their class to fighter, their age to early 20s, their gender to female, their sexuality to straight, their relationship status to in a committed relationship with a male partner who is never seen nor heard of, and their physical attributes to average height and build, with no physical deformities or disabilities, then you are not playing a character, you're using a bunch of props.

  49. 8 months ago

    Fighters in d20 are intentionally designed for people who want to be boring. Play a human male paladin or a different game.

  50. 8 months ago



    Who the frick are you responding to?

    • 8 months ago

      I think they're just having fun

      • 8 months ago

        So you're speaking truth to power and being completely sincere... and when someone questions you it's just a joke. Why must you be so dishonest?

      • 8 months ago

        >Oh, so true....!!!
        >The frick are you talking about?
        >w-w-w-we're just having fun!
        Never underestimate the cowardice of rightoids.

        • 8 months ago

          >israelite starts kvetching because his latest victim saw a joke about disgusting troons and was instantly ungroomed
          Doing the Lord's work every single day

          • 8 months ago

            Right, now back to the topic. This isnt Ganker.

            • 8 months ago

              Now back to the good part
              For 2000 years they've schemed and raped children
              Gross mutant israelites
              Gave the humans what for
              They're the goblins of the banks
              The ghouls of epstein island
              The whole worlds a goyim
              Just waiting to get robbed

              • 8 months ago

                This is the tale
                Of the canaanite vampires
                They're not from the bible
                And they're not really israelites
                They're mutated khazars
                And parasite blood drinkers
                They claim in the talmud
                They can rape kids if they choose!

          • 8 months ago

            In true 5e brainrot fashion, his character is level 1 but already a top-class individual
            Of course the human fighter is boring, look at the expectations of 5e players...

            • 8 months ago

              In true looneytroon crotchrot fashion his sex is male but he wants to be female. Of you will never be a woman, look at a mirror...

              • 8 months ago

                What is wrong with you

              • 8 months ago

                I meant to reply to

                >Eldritch Knight
                Stopped reading there freakshit.
                We're talking about FIGHTERS, not harry potter.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh well he is playing an Eldritch Knight so point stands

  51. 8 months ago


    YHVH isn't lawful or good. Jesus is arguably good but definitely not lawful.

  52. 8 months ago

    There should be more human male fighters so that the exotic races and classes can actually be exotic.

  53. 8 months ago

    its interesting by virtue of not being special, being the "literally who" guy that relies on steel and tools in a world of magic and massive monsters is always going to be a more compelling character than someone that can shoot fire from their fingers

  54. 8 months ago

    My favorite D&D character is a Male Human Fighter. I managed to make it to lvl 20 without ever being dropped to zero and also scored the Eye and the Hand of Vecna.

  55. 8 months ago

    Any character can be interesting. The key is to stop making your character a <race> <class>. Human fighter falls into this as much as loxodon time lord or Mongolian basket-weaver.

    Focus on three points: the setting, how your character will interact with it, and how the mechanics support that interaction.

  56. 8 months ago

    I rolled badly in 3.50 and played a human male fighter with average stats across the board except for a 15 in

    charisma. A veteran soldier at the end of his career, he had lost the hardiness of his youth but was valued in his role as a tactician, morale booster, and brave inspiration to the party. Mechanically, he just hit for 1d8+0. One of my favorite characters to play.

  57. 8 months ago

    Make him interesting by doing interesting things. Badger the party rogue or ranger to help set up traps in order to ease a tough encounter. Carry a set of signal flags for long distance communication on the open field. Have him carry a shovel or pick axe to dig works/through works.

  58. 8 months ago

    Male human fighter has all his character development ahead of him. What will he die for? What will he run from? What will he do for money? What will he do for free? What crimes can he forgive? Who are the people he will admire? What flaws can he overcome?

    Every other character type has some of these answers built in. The more snowflakey, the less there is to answer, and the less of an arc there is to be had. Which is fine if you don't want to play through the arc and just want to enjoy the end product, like the TTRPG equivalent of New Game Plus. But it's less interesting over time.

  59. 8 months ago

    Half-elf male fighter is kino because you can speak Elvish and have a few special things and I think still get your extra skillpoints or half of them at least and can have an inferiority complex towards real elves because you can't see hidden doors or whatever automatically
    Guard backstories are potentially the most interesting but most people can't write or think

  60. 8 months ago

    Very typical "human male fighter" thread, they just can't help but cause trouble
    On the internet, at the table, anywhere.

    The proof is in the pudding.

    • 8 months ago

      Very typical israeli male kvetching post
      They just can't help but complain

  61. 8 months ago

    In D&D 5e specifically, my favorite kind of Fighter is the Eldritch Knight, because I love the archetype of the warrior-scholar. My dude has INT on par with any wizard and has proficiency in History and Arcana, but he also values being able to rely on the skill and training of his own body when abstract concepts and well-laid plans fail. His worldview is a holistic one where he's equally interested in learning about both the greater context of the world around him and better techniques for slaying unrepentant evildoers. If his adventuring career goes well, he'll probably retire a baron with an army that punches well above its weight thanks to his study of military history and his correspondence with wizard colleagues about the bleeding edge of magical research.

    Also, from a meta perspective, flinging fireballs with a sword in your hand and erecting force-field Shield spells with your actual shield is aesthetic perfection.

    • 8 months ago

      No one cares about your Mary Sue homosexual

    • 8 months ago

      >Eldritch Knight
      Stopped reading there freakshit.
      We're talking about FIGHTERS, not harry potter.

  62. 8 months ago

    Fighters are not NPCs, they are PCs. Fighter is a class that is truly inaccessible to the vast majority of characters in a given setting, where NPC classes like Warrior define the rabble of "town guards" and common soldiers.

    Notably, like all classes, Fighters have a training time. This is the minimum requirement of training you need to be a level 1 Fighter, and it's about 2 years. That period of training is full time, professional-level, it is therefore out of reach for bumblefrick moronic blacksmiths' apprentices and farm boys. Your character is meant to be the pre-eminent martial expert who can embarass grown-ass lifelong questing knights in a melee, not some mouthbreathing peasant dog.

    Your Fighter should be a nobleman, mercenary, or a legitimate folk hero. Stop making 18 y/o boys who have never swung a sword, it is against the rules.

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