Humanizing the villain enrages and confuses the BoTW/ToTK zoomer.

Humanizing the villain enrages and confuses the BoTW/ToTK zoomer.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Not every villain has to have a tragic woe is me background.

    • 12 months ago

      Even if they do have it, if they don't stop stabbing babies, why should you stop punching them?

    • 12 months ago

      His backstory isn't supposed to be tragic, that's why morons don't understand him
      >hyrule was beautiful while I was forced to live in a desert shithole
      >i envied them and wanted to take it for myself
      He just wanted that beautiful land for himself and only himself, that's why he could not move on a century later.
      It's not "antagonist is either pure evil or a misunderstood hero" like you autists like to pretend. WW Ganondorf is still evil, he's just has a bit of restraint now and has an actual motivation for his greed and desire for power. According to you, that's a bad thing.

      • 12 months ago

        >According to you, that's a bad thing.
        It is a bad thing. Ganon is a primal evil in Zelda, he shouldn't have any motivation besides being evil. He's demise incarnate.

        • 12 months ago

          Wind Waker came out 9 years before Skyward Sword. Stop looking at characterization in retrospect.

          • 12 months ago

            >Stop looking at characterization in retrospect.
            So, we're supposed to ignore Windwaker?

            Cause I don't know how to break it to you but OOT Ganondorf was perfectly happy to just summon a bunch of monsters and frick over every kingdom.

            • 12 months ago

              That's part of the reason I say WW Ganondorf is still evil. He started out jealous of Hyrule due to the shithole he lived in and spiraled into a power hungry monster. The only difference is that he's now an older man and has a bit more restraint.
              He still wished for Hyrule to belong to him alone and decided to kill Link and Zelda out of pure spite when that wish was prevented. He's the same man.
              I don't like how people treat WW Ganondorf as some sympathetic misunderstood character, either because they like him or criticize him. All WW did was humanize him a bit by giving him a starting point for his evil, not make him less evil.

        • 12 months ago

          I think the "primordial evil" shit is moronic, especially with how they really don't care about an actual timeline. I don't see whats gained by saying 'all ganons and ganondorfs are the same entity' and then 'none of the entitys really connect together anyways'

      • 12 months ago

        >and has an actual motivation for his greed and desire for power.
        So does TOTK's seething indignation that someone calling themselves a King is squandering their power and he intends to show a "God" how it's done, they're both pretty simple.

        >Frick you, goat man! You could summon monsters and purge the weak!
        >I really wanted that cool shit

        • 12 months ago

          I never said I dislike ToTK Ganondorf. I think the shitflinging between ToTK and WW is forced and artificial. I like both iterations of the character.

          • 12 months ago

            >I think the shitflinging between ToTK and WW is forced and artificial.
            That I can agree with. I prefer WW's version myself, not because of his characterization but because he fricking STYLES in that final fight. The Flurry Rush counter was cool and all don't get me wrong but I still remember that twin blade dancing shit.

            • 12 months ago

              Having a cool fight doesn't need to come at the expensive of being a lame, completely one-dimensional character.

              • 12 months ago

                I know, but I get to play the cool fight and just watch the backstory, I'm always going to remember the cool shit I fought against and did over the reason why I'm doing it. Sure, cool story will always make it a little better so I know the context and resonates better, but in both cases I had plenty of reason to just want this guy stabbed.

                Gameplay's just more important to me and the dance battle was more fun than the Flurry Rush Counter fight.

      • 12 months ago

        > shithole desert where you are the uncontested king with a literal legion of harem women who all want your seed


    • 12 months ago

      people say this but the "woe is me" villains have always and will always be the best.

      i don't even know if there's a "i'm evil because i'm evil" villain i like. that's so shallow and trash.

  2. 12 months ago

    >Implying WW Link was even listening to wtf this whacko was saying

  3. 12 months ago

    >BoTW/ToTK zoomer.

    • 12 months ago

      WW ganondorf is the same person, just older.

      • 12 months ago

        >just older
        is that why he feels so much wiser

        • 12 months ago

          >spend centuries watching everything he wanted get washed away
          time and time to think does things to a mf.

  4. 12 months ago

    i shit those pants, i suppose.

    • 12 months ago


  5. 12 months ago

    I know you think you’re funny, but you’re really not.

  6. 12 months ago

    WW Ganon was an odd villain. His motivation made perfect sense but his reasoning is completely moronic.

  7. 12 months ago

    I think my biggest gripe is that you can infer from general knowledge of the lore / tear flashbacks that Ganondork is evil but the sense of impending danger doesn't really exist in the modern world.

    Like people go "WHAT, THE DEMON KING" but I wish there was more at stake

    • 12 months ago

      There are plenty of people in the game that express how dire and spooky the situation is though. I haven't had a game give me this kind of vibe since MM.

      • 12 months ago

        Nowhere except the main towns which are directly cursed are even impacted by Ganondorf. Everyone else just goes about their daily lives as if nothing is wrong.

        • 12 months ago

          Lookout Landing characters and some of Kakariko's characters talk directly about the main story and have updated dialog after you go through the "Crisis in Hyrule Castle" event showing how they're worried about what's going on. You didn't pay attention to any of that stuff did you?

        • 12 months ago

          >Nowhere except the main towns which are directly cursed are even impacted by Ganondorf.
          Lookout Landing is a fortress that's got a bunch of broken shit around it, every single person you see on the road is going to get attacked at some point(Except that dude with the signs, somehow...), and giant pissed off hands randomly spring out of nowhere and chase your ass down.

          Everyone acts like this is the end of the world, except Hateno. The FRICK was up with Hateno? They were focused on a mayoral election with the lamest "Scandals" in history while there were actual literal monsters in direct line of sight. You can see them from any place on the map! Why do you guy give a frick about mushroom hats?

  8. 12 months ago

    I don't give a frick.
    Purah thread.

  9. 12 months ago

    What are some vidya villains that are 100% correct about their goals and motivations?

    hard mode: not in a /misc/ edgy way

    • 12 months ago

      Dr. Breen was sending Black Mesa researchers to their death on Xen and completely ignoring safety measures that could have saved the world from a Combine invasion well before HL2

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah, but he might have felt a little bad about it once.

    • 12 months ago

      Kreia from kotor 2, Kessler from infamous.
      senator Armstrong

    • 12 months ago

      Who the first guy on that list?

      • 12 months ago

        Ozymandias from Watchmen

        • 12 months ago

          Thank you, Anon

    • 12 months ago

      Ozy is in the wrong. Like come the frick on it’s in his name, it’s the most on the nose shit in watchmen.

      • 12 months ago

        t. kant

    • 12 months ago

      Senator Armstrong.

  10. 12 months ago


  11. 12 months ago

    >how Ganondorf handles his jealousy of a neighboring territory

  12. 12 months ago

    i don't even remember what ganon says in wind waker but i remember him being the most interesting iteration of ganon i've ever seen. like you said, he felt human. not pure cackling evil.

  13. 12 months ago

    This Ganondorf is objectively shit. The only cool thing about him is his design.
    >Completely uninspired backstory which is just an unapologetic rehash of Link to the Past's Ganondorf
    >Has no discernable goal. Does not want to conquer Hyrule. Does not want power. Is just a genocidal maniac for no apparent reason.

    • 12 months ago

      >Does not want to conquer Hyrule.
      u wot? That's the whole point of the OP line. He was from the desert where winds meant dust bowls, famine, death. He saw harmonious sweeping winds over Hyrule's plains and wanted that instead.

      • 12 months ago

        I meant Tears Ganondorf. I should have specified.

        >>Has no discernable goal. Does not want to conquer Hyrule. Does not want power. Is just a genocidal maniac for no apparent reason.
        He's the demon king. His goal is to conquer Hyrule and turn it into a den of monsters and rule over them as their king.

        >His goal is to conquer Hyrule
        No his goal is to "eliminate the kingdom and leave no survivors" per his own word. He was not doing that in Ocarina. He was a brutal warlord, sure, but he wasn't savagely killing everyone after he assumed power. He didn't do that in Wind Waker either.

        uninspired backstory which is just an unapologetic rehash of Link to the Past's Ganondorf
        Is LTTP's Ganondorf and OOT's Ganondorf really that similar? Because TOTK is obviously meant to have callbacks to OOT.

        >Backstory as Gerudo King who tricks the Hyrule king, complete with bowing scene
        >In both scenarios he steals the magic mcguffin that grants him all the power
        >When Link wakes up from a long slumber Ganondorf has specifically fricked up the Zoras, Gorons and Gerudo, but Kakriko Village is mostly untouched.
        >Final battle is a straight 1-1 until the finale when he becomes a giant monster and you have to stab him in the head.

        >Is LTTP's Ganondorf and OOT's Ganondorf really that similar?
        They are the same person. Tears is the second Ganondorf since LTTP.

        • 12 months ago

          >They are the same person
          Frick it, I'm going to play that sometime this month I've heard how great it is and I've enjoyed the other 2 2D Zelda games.

        • 12 months ago

          >No his goal is to "eliminate the kingdom and leave no survivors" per his own word
          And then the monsters that are serving him become the new denizens of Hyrule, and he rules them as their king. How do you not get this?

          • 12 months ago

            >And then the monsters that are serving him become the new denizens of Hyrule, and he rules them as their king.
            That's not his goal. He wants the world to be in a state of perpetual turmoil, not to make a world for his demons he conjured up. Him being disgusted by "peace-loving cowards" is the corniest shit I've ever heard.

        • 12 months ago

          >but he wasn't savagely killing everyone after he assumed power.
          ...Yes he did? He froze the Zora, fed Gorons to the Dragon, infested the Kokori with maneating plants, tried to wipe out the Gerudo and rip out their souls, and wiped out Hyrule castle and filled it with dead bodies that now roam the streets, humping as they go. There was exactly 1 place that he hadn't gotten to yet, Kakariko, but that was the only place he hadn't specifically attempted a genocide on. Motherfricker woke up and chose to make everything dead.

          • 12 months ago

            He did all of that shit in order to force the other races to submit to his will. The shit with the gorons is even expressly said that he did it to make an example. There are npcs like Ingo who willingly work for "the great Ganondorf". His goal was to conquer Hyrule and he killed people as a means to an end. Tears Ganon, his goal IS to kill everyone.

            • 12 months ago

              >He did all of that shit in order to force the other races to submit to his will.
              The Zora are all frozen when you get there, they didn't get an option.

              >Tears Ganon, his goal IS to kill everyone.
              Think you might be taking the "Leave no survivors" line out of context, he specifically was going to war right there. Big battle, lots of paintings, remember? He very much didn't kill everyone when he woke up, he just did the exact same thing that would force them to bow to him or get fricked up.

              • 12 months ago

                >Think you might be taking the "Leave no survivors" line out of context, he specifically was going to war right there.
                It's not "out of context" at all. "Eliminate this kingdom and her allies. Leave no survivors." and "My power will sweep across the land. You need but await the inevitable end" leaves absolutely no room for interpretation. His goal is to lay waste to Hyrule. Also Calamity Ganon itself is just some primordial evil that is seeping out of his mummy over his years of imprisonment. He's a being of pure destruction.

                >He very much didn't kill everyone when he woke up
                Because he's a decrepit mummy that spent the majority of the game hibernating and regaining his power.

          • 12 months ago

            It is kind of funny how much Ganondorf in TOTK was chill concerning the Gorons in comparison.

            >For you, Zoras, I poison the very water you dwell, never shall you know the comfort of the waters as you wither away!
            >Rito, you despicable things, I shall take from you the skies you fly in, never again shall you know the warmth of the sun, only the cold hunger as the last of your land freezes away!
            >Gerudo, for you I hold the most contempt, and I shall trap you in this land you thought I could not rule. And upon this land shall be an endless horde that no blade can fell, who will feast on your corpses as my plague grows anew!
            >GORONS!... Wanna try some crack?

            • 12 months ago

              withering as they eat rock crack is not a much better outcome for them

            • 12 months ago

              I guess the idea is that Gorons are particularly good at surviving through any hardships through raw strength and hard work, so the best way to kill them off is to kill their motivation.

    • 12 months ago

      >>Has no discernable goal. Does not want to conquer Hyrule. Does not want power. Is just a genocidal maniac for no apparent reason.
      He's the demon king. His goal is to conquer Hyrule and turn it into a den of monsters and rule over them as their king.

    • 12 months ago

      uninspired backstory which is just an unapologetic rehash of Link to the Past's Ganondorf
      Is LTTP's Ganondorf and OOT's Ganondorf really that similar? Because TOTK is obviously meant to have callbacks to OOT.

      >Backstory as Gerudo King who tricks the Hyrule king, complete with bowing scene
      >In both scenarios he steals the magic mcguffin that grants him all the power
      >When Link wakes up from a long slumber Ganondorf has specifically fricked up the Zoras, Gorons and Gerudo, but Kakriko Village is mostly untouched.
      >Final battle is a straight 1-1 until the finale when he becomes a giant monster and you have to stab him in the head.

    • 12 months ago

      >for no apparent reason.
      what part of I coveted that wind you don't get dumbass

  14. 12 months ago

    >Spends literally the entire game doing crazy evil

  15. 12 months ago

    >I suppose
    operative phrase here. he's justifying his actions in retrospect. but I guess making him psychopathic evil is still more humanized than cackling dark wizard evil.

  16. 12 months ago

    >filtering brainless to this day
    based WW

    • 12 months ago

      >left his own people to die and rot in the desert even after he had conquered Hyrule, many of them being mind fricked by Kotake and Koume, never tried to bring the Gerudo into the verdant lands of Hyrule and even when he conquered it he immediately let the land go to shit and fricked everything up

      This isn't a villain opining on his wrongful motivations, it's a psychopath who's centuries of delusion have warped his memories into believing a ridiculous lie of his own making.

      • 12 months ago

        It's not like he said "I coveted that wind so I could help my people." All he said was "The wind brought my people death, while it brought Hyrule comfort. I coveted that wind."
        WW Ganondorf never said he did it to help the Gerudo, he just wanted to steal the land of Hyrule for himself like King of Thieves he is.

  17. 12 months ago

    Did some YouTuber make a video about Wind Waker? Why are there suddenly so many threads about this scene?

    • 12 months ago

      totk released with a shitty version of ganondorf.

      • 12 months ago

        >mfw there's a Zelink thread

        • 12 months ago

          I don't think Ganondorf cares about sex, only power.

    • 12 months ago

      TotK’s Ganondorf is so barebones and lacking that people have gone back to appreciate how he was in the older titles

    • 12 months ago

      >Why are there suddenly so many threads about this scene?
      Because a new Zelda game came out that has Ganondorf for the first time in like 17 years so obviously more people are talking about the series and the character. Threads about WW Ganon aren't new.

    • 12 months ago

      TotK Ganondorf just ended up being OoT Ganondorf again as if that's somehow a flaw.

      • 12 months ago

        He’s OoT Ganondorf but worse, there’s no presence or history with Link, you just watch memories and watch him LARP as Zelda

        • 12 months ago

          >or history with Link,
          He wakes up and fricks you up so hard your arm has the N word pass, I think the threat is established.

        • 12 months ago

          >breaks Master Sword
          >damages your arm so hard you need to have it replaced
          >forces your wife to go back in time and become a mindless dragon
          if you also count his Calamity form took his home, his friends, his castle, his king and almost his life, yeah.

          • 12 months ago

            Not counting the Calamity since barely anyone even acknowledges that it happened either

  18. 12 months ago

    >have one (1) moment expanding on his motives during the very finale of the game
    >Gets lauded among the best antagonists in the medium
    How do the actual unironic nintendo manchildren fanbase force this kind of shit?

  19. 12 months ago

    Genuine question, why is some schizo making constant posts about “muh sympathetic ganon” and villain motives. 1 or 2 posts is understandable the hourly spam confuses me

  20. 12 months ago

    > best antagonists in the medium
    cool strawman, people say it's one of the best Ganondorfs, not villains in general. And he is, he's both an evil prick but has a motivation, jealousy. He wanted to conquer a kingdom because he wanted the land.

    TotK Dorf wants to kill everyone in the world because uhhh so that he can chill with his bokoblins?

  21. 12 months ago

    I personally hope they never, ever expand on this line. Its impact is such a powerful testament to simple storytelling, and the specific scenario of Ganondorf basically fighting over scraps is really the only way it could ever come up. This is a Ganondorf who won in OoT and nearly won again only for the sages to just flip the table and outright destroy what he wanted. It's not a Ganondorf full of piss and vinegar like TP, who was denied his chance of ruling Hyrule.

    That isn't to say ToTK Ganondorf doesn't suck dick. He's lamer than both OoT and TP Dorf despite being more involved. I think it's because those games had him as someone more calculating and manipulative while ToTK just kind of makes him feel more like a violent brute. Like how they recreate the bowing scene from OoT except Rauru is already clued into Ganondorf being obviously evil.

  22. 12 months ago

    that wind is for Link only

  23. 12 months ago

    what if Link PLAPPED dorf's Zelda?

  24. 12 months ago

    TotK is the worst ‘sort because he looks the most breedable. Not what you want from your villain, leave that to jobber mid bosses

  25. 12 months ago

    To recognize that a villain had an understandable backstory and still realize that they need to be put down like a mad dog regardless is the peak of villain writing.
    Prove me wrong.

  26. 12 months ago

    Fujibayashi is a bad writer, it's as simple as that.

    He should let someone else write the next Zelda. Maybe get Koizumi to consult.

  27. 12 months ago

    >I coveted that ass, I suppose.

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