Hunt: Showdown

HUNT SHOWDOWN NEW EVENT LADS (and a single lass apparently)

Enjoying the new weapons? Hating the headsman? Controversial opinions whilst simultaneously refusing to post any credentials? Come on in, the bayou's fine!

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  1. 8 months ago
  2. 8 months ago

    Fanning? Delete
    Levering? Delete
    High Velocity/Spitzer? Delete
    Slugs? Delete
    Mono-colored camo skins? Delete
    Long Ammo? Delete
    High RoF shit? Delete
    Nitro? Delete
    Cyclone? Delete
    Necro? Delete
    Bayou? Shit
    Different opinion? Shitter
    t. 10k hours, 1938275k/d semenslurper

    • 8 months ago

      Long Shotguns? Delete
      98% hp dmg + Bleed Ammo combo? Delete
      C and K? Delete

      Upgrade all short shotguns to medium shotguns
      Increase amount of throwing axes
      Fix moronic as frick throwing knife spread
      Make larger throwables like axe and hammer or at least axe 1 hit kills on body and pen arm
      Add bleeding/poison/fire to throwable melees as unlocks

      Gunfights actually ensue.

    • 8 months ago

      I genuinely believe that any long ammo rifle that isn't a single shot shouldn't be in the game.

      • 8 months ago

        I hope they'll eventually come out with some seasons or some shit where we only play Compact and Medium ammos

        • 8 months ago

          everyone having handguns only would be fun

          • 8 months ago

            true, true

            • 8 months ago

              what about if they had 2x reload speed?

              • 8 months ago
          • 8 months ago

            Think I've said it before but I'm sad i missed the event when bow was introduced, everyone was running around trying to lob arrows at each other. More events that funnels people into using niche weapons would be fun.

            • 8 months ago

              I'm sad that event got the bow nerfed into a meme weapon off shitters complaints.
              It's still usable but they fricked it up so much for a weapon you almost never see because shotbolt does everything it does but better.

              • 8 months ago

                that's an interesting take, i feel like the bow is still a better crossbow if you have hundred hands
                poison plus bleed plus USUALLY one shotting at like 30 meters is a fantastic combination, especially for a stealth weapon, plus the arc is substantially better on the bow than shot bolts

              • 8 months ago

                I'm an avid bow user but I can tell you it's waaaaaaaay shittier than a crossbow in prettymuch every situation now. The bleed got reduced to medium from heavy and they lowered its damage range to not be a one tap to the torso at distance with hundred hands making it a superfluous perk that actually makes it worse due to increased draw time, they also added much more sway if you're holding ADS on it because apparently people holding angles with that but no other weapon is a problem. All of the secondary ammo types but poison are near useless (frag arrows have terrible explosive range yet cannot one hit and concertina only exist to make people frustrated and leave compounds)

                You never see bows after the nerfs because there's no reason to ever use it - shotbolt not only one taps to the torso but it also can pen walls. The bows most effective usage is like a shotgun now except an actual shotgun can hit people through objects which is far more useful. shit I'd even go so far as to say the hand crossbow is infinitely more versatile and just as good at its role except it's a small slot.

                It's crazy that they nerfed the bow multiple ways after complaints from console players but then vehemently refuse to take care of other problem weapons in any reasonable way. We seen this exact same approach taken to the flash bomb with multiple compounding nerfs at once that made them functionally useless. not that anyone should care

              • 8 months ago

                >not that anyone should care
                As far as i'm concerned all flash Black folk should hang.
                Flash being dead is perfectly fine in exchange for five straight years of 6* players abusing it for guaranteed kills while ALSO being one of the cheapest consumable in the game. I loved the paper thin excuse people would give too: "it's the only counter against shotguns! I need it, shotguns are too overpowered!!!!!!" my homie how are shotguns even real just walk away from the compound lmao don't fight them on their own terms lmao. People who don't understand that you dont have to play by your opponents rules astound me

              • 8 months ago

                It's not like it really matters, everyone will just go back to bringing multiple frag bombs as they're still absolutely insane
                The amount of times it kills people through walls or at extreme distances is just stupid
                And no, increasing the price does not make a consumable worse Dennis, you haven't balanced shit

              • 8 months ago

                I'm an avid bow user but I can tell you it's waaaaaaaay shittier than a crossbow in prettymuch every situation now. The bleed got reduced to medium from heavy and they lowered its damage range to not be a one tap to the torso at distance with hundred hands making it a superfluous perk that actually makes it worse due to increased draw time, they also added much more sway if you're holding ADS on it because apparently people holding angles with that but no other weapon is a problem. All of the secondary ammo types but poison are near useless (frag arrows have terrible explosive range yet cannot one hit and concertina only exist to make people frustrated and leave compounds)

                You never see bows after the nerfs because there's no reason to ever use it - shotbolt not only one taps to the torso but it also can pen walls. The bows most effective usage is like a shotgun now except an actual shotgun can hit people through objects which is far more useful. shit I'd even go so far as to say the hand crossbow is infinitely more versatile and just as good at its role except it's a small slot.

                It's crazy that they nerfed the bow multiple ways after complaints from console players but then vehemently refuse to take care of other problem weapons in any reasonable way. We seen this exact same approach taken to the flash bomb with multiple compounding nerfs at once that made them functionally useless. not that anyone should care

                I want you to know I played an entire prestige melee and for about...two weeks? prior to the event holding onto it trying to upgrade everything I could to make the battlepass as easy as possible. I dropped to 3 stars at one point and I'm back to 5 stars and I have 11k hunt dollars. Balancing anything around money is so absolutely stupid.

              • 8 months ago

                Absolutely, I've been playing Nitro Express Shredder with uppercut or DolchP for months and I've only been gaining money
                Balancing around cost is only worth a laugh when a shitty weapon like the drilling ends up costing 500+, since it gives a look into the thoughts on the dev team

              • 8 months ago

                Is the Nitro standard ammo now worth taking after the Shredder nerf? Its pen is way worse now right

              • 8 months ago

                why the FRICK do you think people took shredder ammo because of the penetration?
                shredder still one shots to the chest at 58 meters which is vastly superior to baseline ammo

              • 8 months ago

                >45 meters with bonkers pen and arm shot kills up close vs. 58 meters with basically no pen and arm shots never killing
                There's definitely a decision to be made now with the ammo types.

              • 8 months ago

                That bleed will kill a panicking hunter, especially if they're caught out in the open. You can just run a sidearm with pen. How often do you kill someone through brick? I didn't do it often and I actively tried. No choice at all, Shredder is superior.

              • 8 months ago

                >especially if they're caught out in the open.
                This is like a solid 30% scenario of forced death vs le 1 in 20 wall random le bang.

              • 8 months ago

                I stopped prestiging 2 events ago and I got 100k in storage and I only play events which force me to use dogshit loadouts.
                Balancing around money is so fricking stupid because you can play like an absolute rat and not lose any money until you earn back the money you spent on your gear.

      • 7 months ago

        Long ammo weapons are what makes this game dull to play at higher ranks, everyone just camps with snipers or automatics.

      • 7 months ago

        Just got this game a few days ago. Super fun. Love getting the jump on people and hacking them to bits with the axe romero. Been trying to unlock all the weapons with melee weapons on them since it's so fricking fun, though it's been sorta taxing to get for some of the weapons I want like the winfield or ventrinelli(?) since I'm shit. The revive trait is super annoying though, I can never seem to make it work and it just makes killing others a schizophrenic experience, very unpleasant. The game has also been making me very aware of the aging status of my potato laptop, but I simply can't resist pumping the settings up and running it at like 45 fps, the game is just too pretty. Probably should get an upgrade.
        Oh, and I can't find out how to kill Rotjaw. I never seem to have gatorlegs or waxed dynamite when she spawns in, and I can never get any good hits in before being deathrolled into the bayou. Makes me feel like a moron, since the others are pretty dead easy.

        • 7 months ago

          The trick to rotjaw is so simple and dumb that I promise you're over thinking it. She always attacks straight forward. So it doesn't matter if she's doing the slow approach or the tackle, once you see it coming just turn and run 90° from it and she misses literally every single time. Then turn around and hit her with melee. It's easier with a stamina shot, but still doable without, you'll just have to sit out of the water and recouperate your stamina a lot.

          • 7 months ago

            This, once you learn the pattern she will become easy, bait out charge (she does 3 and lingers a bit after third) then always resurfaces for a bit to swim around and repeat. Only difference is she emerges and tries to bite if you are stacked on her when she's submerged.

          • 7 months ago

            This, once you learn the pattern she will become easy, bait out charge (she does 3 and lingers a bit after third) then always resurfaces for a bit to swim around and repeat. Only difference is she emerges and tries to bite if you are stacked on her when she's submerged.

            Now I just feel stupid. Guess going to the Prometheus School of Running didn't pay off.

    • 8 months ago

      I genuinely believe that any long ammo rifle that isn't a single shot shouldn't be in the game.

      Too bad, chud. Crytek is slowly turning this game into cowboy CoD, and there's nothing you can do about it. There WILL be 50 different semi-automatic weapons. That solo you killed WILL be able to continue to revive himself 10 times in a row. Cheaters WILL continue to go unreported because there will never be a replay system added.

      And you WILL be happy. Frick you!

      • 8 months ago

        There WILL be aim assist added to PC and controller WILL become meta

        • 8 months ago

          I think Hunt is PC-centric enough that everybody would throw an absolute shitfit if aim assist was actually that strong. It's not like Apex or CoD where the majority of the playerbase and the devs themselves play on controller. The playerbase is also full of shitters that suck Crytek's dick at times though, so, who knows?

    • 8 months ago

      Long Shotguns? Delete
      98% hp dmg + Bleed Ammo combo? Delete
      C and K? Delete

      Upgrade all short shotguns to medium shotguns
      Increase amount of throwing axes
      Fix moronic as frick throwing knife spread
      Make larger throwables like axe and hammer or at least axe 1 hit kills on body and pen arm
      Add bleeding/poison/fire to throwable melees as unlocks

      Gunfights actually ensue.

      Removing the arrow/bolt from your body by stopping the bleeding by RIPPING OUT THE BROADHEAD GAUGING AN ENTIRELY LARGER WOUND CHANNEL Delete

    • 8 months ago

      Long Shotguns? Delete
      98% hp dmg + Bleed Ammo combo? Delete
      C and K? Delete

      Upgrade all short shotguns to medium shotguns
      Increase amount of throwing axes
      Fix moronic as frick throwing knife spread
      Make larger throwables like axe and hammer or at least axe 1 hit kills on body and pen arm
      Add bleeding/poison/fire to throwable melees as unlocks

      Gunfights actually ensue.

      Hunt: Showdown? Delete.

  3. 8 months ago

    New menu song is cringe

    • 8 months ago

      Its like MUH vegana the song
      who the frick told this b***h to sing
      fricking hell its so fricking bad
      id literally rather have a man go DOO DOO DOO DOO
      than this "singer" woman do anything

      • 7 months ago

        I'd rather listen to a kid go
        EH REEEH

      • 7 months ago

        The first time i heard her "singing" was Light the Shadow (best song and best event btw.), and the song got absolutely ruined by her dogshit unfitting voice.

  4. 8 months ago

    Witness is pretty fun for death pact at least for me, you can play detective finding trails of pve kills (stays up decent time so you can tell if a compound has been cleared recently or long since) and it's easier to find player bodies and count them up.

  5. 8 months ago

    Why tf are the totems so loud when you trigger them?

    • 8 months ago

      Anti rat mechanic.

  6. 8 months ago

    I played for about 6 hours last night and didn’t see get two tapped by a Cyclone once. Seems like if it is strong, anyone who’s used it hasn’t figured it out yet.

  7. 8 months ago

    Anyone gotten their hands on Scott HV? Thoughts?

    • 8 months ago

      Who uses the Schofield?

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Get out of here you moron

  8. 8 months ago

    Real talk what do we think the new Wildcard condition is that Fifield mentioned in the update that's coming before the new map/engine?

    Thunderstorm? Night rain? Dust storm?

    • 8 months ago

      New map is supposed to be modeled after a colorado gold rush town, so I'm speculating snow map with sudden blizzards

      • 8 months ago

        I wonder how would they justify it in the lore - so far everything took place in Louisiana, which, to my limited, non murrican knowledge doesn't get snow.

        • 8 months ago

          Same way they explain everything. Sculptor did it.

  9. 8 months ago

    >infernal pact
    >immune to catching on fire
    >fire damage heals them
    >bleeding stops after a second
    >restores HP on kills and if a trade occurs they don't die
    Why did they make 2 bullet types irrelevant in a single patch and also slap it to the already best pact choice.
    Also why are they so obsessed with night maps? Every match 5star+ is nothing but headsmen and pitch black characters.

    • 8 months ago

      well black coat is bonus xp and infernal so yeah

    • 8 months ago

      at least Cain is tied to the worst pact (demented)

      • 8 months ago

        >Demented is the worst
        >Not death

        • 8 months ago

          >one random trait and a small amount of money per clue
          Pretty useless, chances are you’ll get something like ambidextrous or blade seer, and if you’re playing a single bounty match it’s a max of 3 per match
          Not bad but of the bar-restoring traits across the three pacts it’s the most situational and therefore the worst
          >ghoul special effect

          Finding bodies is great to quickly count how many hunters are down during a fight so you don’t have to guess and potentially risk getting downed yourself by someone you thought dead camping. Also helps with getting your max loot from each fight you’re in. Finding dead AI is also handy tracking other teams
          Self explanatory. Being able to be stacked 3 times makes it even better
          >vulture special effect
          Being able to spend a pledge mark to restore health by looting is incredibly handy during and after a fight and is nearly as good as Infernal’s rampage trait (objectively the strongest one) for teams and solos

          Sorry anon, but Death beats Demented in most ways. Infernal is easily better than both though

          • 8 months ago

            Not to mention:
            Death Pact + Relentless + Necro self + Resilience = death ambush attacks.

          • 7 months ago

            the only thing that saves demented for me, is that remedy is the only team wide restoration trait, and you can use it on the trait totems on supply points.

          • 7 months ago

            witness also fills empty chunks

  10. 8 months ago

    >spend 2 points for one health bar or spend 2 points for up to 4 health bars

  11. 8 months ago

    >How do we make Hunt worse
    >Add a semi auto Veterli
    >Make the event be even more cheese
    I think I will just uninstall

    • 8 months ago

      Officer is superior to Cyclone. You just need to practice smarter positioning.

  12. 8 months ago

    >Caldwell Conversion Pistol
    >Caldwell Pax
    >Scottfield Model 3
    >LeMat Mark II Revolver
    >Nagant M1895
    >Caldwell 92 New Army
    Break-Action Pistol (Tools)
    >Quad Derringer
    >Flare Pistol
    Semi-Automatic Pistol
    >Derringer Pennyshot
    >Bornheim No. 3
    >Dolch 96
    Lever-Action Rifle
    >Winfield M1873
    >Winfield M1876 Centennial
    Breech-Loading Rifle
    >Sparks LRR
    >Springfield 1866
    >Martini-Henry IC1
    Break-Action Rifle
    >Nitro Express Rifle
    Bolt-Action Rifle
    >Vetterli 71 Karabiner
    >Lebel 1886
    >Berthier Mle 1892
    >Springfield M1892 Krag
    >Mosin-Nagant M1891
    Break-Action Shotgun
    >Romero 77
    >Caldwell Rival 78
    Pump-Action Shotgun
    >Specter 1882
    >Winfield 1893 Slate
    Lever-Action Shotgun
    >Winfield 1887 Terminus
    Semi-Automatic Shotgun
    >Crown & King Auto-5

    Not counting the variants, these are all the firearms the game has. It needs more lever-action rifles.

    • 8 months ago

      >It needs more lever-action rifles.
      Well, I want Henry M1860

  13. 8 months ago

    >Enter a game
    >Get destroyed by a 6 star 3.5 kda trio who doesnt miss any shot.
    >they are chinese

    Frick, that sucks well time for another game

    >Enter a game
    >Get destroyed by a 6 star trio again
    >Look profiles
    >Its the same trio

    Now I remember why I unistalled this shit

  14. 8 months ago

    >another death due to the game swapping my fire and sprint inputs resulting in me exiting ads, sprinting, stopping and shooting from the hip
    It's getting unbearable

  15. 8 months ago

    Is there a way to disable the confirmation prompts about discarding contraband? I'm so fricking sick of having to confirm the deletion of every single spyglass, fusee and compact springfield off
    every free hunter

    • 8 months ago

      I wish you could, so I don't need to deal with confirming every healthchunk after respeccing.
      Crytek loves wasting time.

      • 8 months ago

        Refund the chunks then go back to the "overview" tab to add them back, that page doesn't make you accept a confirmation every time

        Yes its fricking stupid... Actually now that I fricking think about it, what's the point of the confirmation message on the respec page since if you do so by mistake you could just refund the god damned health chunk for free again? Fricking krauts I swear to god

        • 8 months ago

          Likely a carry over from the old system, though I agree with you in that it ought to have been updated with the rest of it

  16. 8 months ago

    Oops I made the assumption that the patch notes were actually accurate. Quick check in the shooting range showed that Shredder still one shots through everything up to and including brick walls. I figured if they were nerfing penetration they would actually make it noticeable, but if you can still 1 shot through everything then you're right, there's no point in not using it.

    • 8 months ago

      Bleeding needs to deal damage in increments, i.e it ticks down like normal but only applies damage after it has reached a certain threshold, say 25 hp, and even if you have 1hp left you will not die until it ticks down 25hp. Before this event there was literally no reason not to use bleed ammo over standard in any weapon that has it available.

      • 8 months ago

        >using bleed ammo
        >using poison ammo
        >using fire ammo


        • 8 months ago

          Infernal being fricking immune to every status ailment with an antidote shot is pretty bonkers. I thought their event trait balance sense was getting better since rotjaw but I guess fricking not

          • 8 months ago

            also you can stack vigor and stand in the fire

  17. 8 months ago

    man i loved this game but didnt have anyone to play with so uninstall :c

    • 8 months ago

      > Needing online """""friends"""""" that don't personally give a flying frick about your life outside of vibeo ganes to play with
      Haha. homosexual!

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah games like this get boring real quick if im not with friends.
        Also why would i care if they dont care about my outside life? I wouldnt expect them to if the only thing we do is game.

    • 8 months ago

      Just join the discord we have lots of anons

      • 8 months ago

        >teammates spot the enemy
        >I pop off chaos bolts
        >enemy looks to the left at them
        >teammates also look to the left


  18. 8 months ago

    Do hellfire bombs hurt you if youre inferno with the trait?

  19. 8 months ago

    Is this game as punishing as Tarkov? I was hoping to play it solo

    • 8 months ago

      not really, death and loot is much less important here than in tarkov

    • 8 months ago

      Not really, you die and lose all your shit just as easily but money is super easy to come by so it takes no time at all to recoup the loss of even the most expensive guns.

    • 8 months ago

      There's a few things in the game to help make solo experience a bit easier (mmr scaling and a few perks that solos benefit from) but at the end of the day you're still at a disadvantage, especially if you're learning the game.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm new-ish to the game (about to prestige for the first time), mainly playing it solo and I'm a 3 star brainlet - still have more fun than I had in Tarkov (which I tried solo and gave up after 30h). There's a few things this game has that make it easier:
      >during your first 11 levels of your account (called "Bloodline" - goes to lvl100) you can't loose your hunters
      >you can revive and be revived by your teammates (dunno how it is in Tarkov - haven't played in a team)
      >at Bloodline rank 29 you unlock a trait called Necromancer, which allows you to revive your teammates from a distance, or more importantly, when playing solo - self revive yourself up to four times
      >skill based matchmaking gives you a chance of facing same-skill level players. As a complete potato so far during my ~100h I only met other braindead players. I've heard that some higher skilled players intentionally get themselves killed to downrank and face easier opponents, but so far I haven't ran into one.
      Plus as others have said, if you don't go all out on loadouts in terms of money then even after a loosing streak it's relatively easy to bounce back financially. Even if you go completely broke the game always gives you the option to hire a free hunter equipped with low tier (but still lethal) gear.

      • 8 months ago

        Is this game as punishing as Tarkov? I was hoping to play it solo

        First 99 levels are in a separate match making queue too which (as far as I'm aware anyway) only matches you with other players in those first 99 levels. Once you hit 100 you're thrown in with the rest of the players

        • 8 months ago

          Then I don't know if it's broken or you're bullshitting me but I've been matched against prestiged players even when I was in the "new player protection" period (1 to 11). Unless the spectator mode and team summary are broken and display it incorrectly because that's where I'm getting this info. Like, my very first death in this game happened during my first match and it was by a thrice prestiged, level 70-something player with a hand crossbow + poison ammo.

          • 8 months ago

            you can also sell the shit traits back for 1 less upgrade point they they are worth and buy other traits with them if you didnt know.

            I cant remember if its lvl 100 or prestige 2.
            But I do remember that if you do exceedingly well, youll be unable to queue trios and will be forced to play solo or with friends only as it will not be able to find matches for you.
            t. 2.8ktd

            It'd be lvl 100 due to the amount of P0Lvl100 players out there, I think the system fricks up when hunters party up with non protection players

          • 8 months ago

            prestige doesnt really mean anything.
            theres no difference between 2stars and 5stars until the highest point of 5 star.
            they are all mentally moronic.
            5star to 6 star is like 2-3x the size in mmr difference of 1-4star combined.

            there is the off chance you might be playing with good players with their ui disabled who are making videos for the video awards thing that have died a lot recently and dropped to lower stars if they are attempting to do dumb shit in their only in hunt showdown field videos.
            Theres also people who purposely die over and over in the battleroyale mode to derank so they can get "easier" games at 3-4 star rank. They are homosexuals.

      • 8 months ago

        you can also sell the shit traits back for 1 less upgrade point they they are worth and buy other traits with them if you didnt know.

        First 99 levels are in a separate match making queue too which (as far as I'm aware anyway) only matches you with other players in those first 99 levels. Once you hit 100 you're thrown in with the rest of the players

        I cant remember if its lvl 100 or prestige 2.
        But I do remember that if you do exceedingly well, youll be unable to queue trios and will be forced to play solo or with friends only as it will not be able to find matches for you.
        t. 2.8ktd

    • 8 months ago

      I'm actually incredibly interested in Tarkov as a Hunt player, but I refuse to get Tarkov because it's been in fricking beta/early access for- what, almost a decade now or some shit? Tarkov is literally never getting a full release, is it?

      • 8 months ago

        there's some legal/business reason they do that, fortnite is the same

  20. 8 months ago

    i enjoy playing randoms just for the trip-to-the-zoo effect. I was being chased by a dude with a bat, round a corner where my team mate is standing, presumably he hears the guy running and swinging the bat right behind me, and he pulls out a beetle and fricking throws it, and I actually think he fricking saw the guy, as he pulls out a beetle and fricking throws it and immediately gets clubbed like a seal. i couldnt stop laughing.

  21. 8 months ago

    >join a match with randoms
    >they do the first clue and then turn around and leave the map


  22. 8 months ago

    Where did the wildcard contract go?

    • 8 months ago

      Because giving players the option to choose on what maps they want to play would make the game fun and we can't have that. Same goes for the increased rewards for playing the Wildcard contracts.
      Pain good.
      Fun bad.

      • 8 months ago

        Once again it's like the rain event, people who don't want rain gets it and those who want it more often gets it less since the map pool is larger.

  23. 8 months ago

    there is a bug that causes my audio to snuff out like i'm dead but i'm fricking not. i can hear my running and melee attacks and shit but a hive can scream right next to me and I barely hear it. not sure what causes it, and usually after a few minutes it corrects itself. dennis pls

  24. 8 months ago

    Uh guys theres no hackers in hunt showdown. I clearly heard him through the floor and shot at him through the hay and 2 walls cause I knew he was there okay? I heard him with my 150m away ears that give me bat echolocation abilities that pierce through buildings. Maybe try running death pact and you can see the truth.

    • 8 months ago

      That's a medium/compact bullet which means that guy shot at you from the other side of that window where your head just very clearly walked past and the audio fricked up directional cues because it's coming through multiple holes in the building, he wouldnt be able to pierce all the walls behind you.
      when you're panicking at the bottom of the stairs wondering where you got shot from you can VERY clearly hear the footsteps of the guy that did it nearby at the barn. The game does in fact have a hacker problem at the absolute pinnacle but this isn't one of those cases, this is just a skill issue

      • 8 months ago

        Pretty sure the guy is being moronic on purpose, the thing that completely killed off entire threads on /wsg/ and /gif/

      • 8 months ago

        how do you know thats not just a different person?
        if what youre saying is true that defeats the entire point of the fricking game if you cant trust directional sound cues from audio since the entire game is centered on audio.

        thats like blaming the driver when his car drives randomly in reverse and runs a kid over because too much light was shining on it on a hot afternoon.

        • 8 months ago

          because you fricking idiot, i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you're not baiting here, the BULLET HOLE THAT YOU SEE, RIGHT THERE IN THAT WEBM is a bullet that is incapable of penetrating several wooden walls, which are what are behind you. That shot would be quite literally impossible, even with FMJ, for you to be shot at from, behind. Games don't have perfect audio files all the time, you're having a skill issue.

          • 8 months ago

            the words you use dont mean what you think they mean
            you should use different words that mean things you actually know

      • 8 months ago

        because you fricking idiot, i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you're not baiting here, the BULLET HOLE THAT YOU SEE, RIGHT THERE IN THAT WEBM is a bullet that is incapable of penetrating several wooden walls, which are what are behind you. That shot would be quite literally impossible, even with FMJ, for you to be shot at from, behind. Games don't have perfect audio files all the time, you're having a skill issue.

        this anon is moronic disregard him, that was most definitely a long bullet.

        Uh guys theres no hackers in hunt showdown. I clearly heard him through the floor and shot at him through the hay and 2 walls cause I knew he was there okay? I heard him with my 150m away ears that give me bat echolocation abilities that pierce through buildings. Maybe try running death pact and you can see the truth.

        Most likely a spot you can de-render, if your settings are on low and you're far enough away with a sniper scope you can de-render walls.

        Or he was just shooting at the compound and almost got lucky

  25. 8 months ago
    >Hunters, We wanted to provide an update regarding the Wildcard Contract. This current Wildcard Contract has been deactivated and will return again this weekend. Please note, the Dark Inferno Wildcard Condition, 'Serpent Moon Night' and 'Night' Time of day have not been added to the current active Standard Contract rotation. Dark Inferno will return on Friday, October 13th @ 07:00 UTC until Monday, October 16th @ 07:00 UTC

    Inferno pact OP confirmed

    • 8 months ago

      why not put the burning map in standard rotation? So stupid

  26. 8 months ago

    None of these motherfrickers stay dead in this event, how is a rat suppose to loot a battleground without getting jumpscared by every fricker getting up. Gonna have to put down traps before i even loot.

    • 8 months ago

      Black person

    • 8 months ago

      Are you 3 or 4 stars? I'm pretty good so I'm always in 5 or 6 star lobbies when I'm solo but the amount of whining about solo revive on the subreddit is insane. I have seen a handful of solos alone or with a team and I don't understand why people have so much trouble dealing with solo bodies even with the extra burn time. Letting a solo get back up and getting your ass kicked 1v3 again a guy missing health has got to be the most embarrassing shit ever.

      • 8 months ago

        Forgot to clarify that i am also solo just that some rounds i just enjoy clearing out pve quests and loot the bodies of compound fight afterwards, had one guy pop up twice and 2 solo as well another match while i was busy scrounging. Gives me a heart attack each time. In a trio i don't have that much problem with solos we usually make sure to trap and burn (if possible) any suspects that might be solo.

  27. 8 months ago


    can I get a qrd on how this works? bushwookie is a qt btw

  28. 8 months ago

    >fight scrapbeak at reeves quarry
    >Kill a trio, banish
    >A duo rolls up
    >We're fighting at the south sliding door
    >Keep running out the barred door on the corner next to it, shooting them and running back in and barring the door back as they chase me
    >Guy starts spamming wallbangs at door in frustration
    >Seriously did this like 6 times including starting a frag from inside and opening door to chuck it around corner
    >Finally kill duo after my dumb team mates get downed and conc bombed, way harder fought than it should have been
    >Notice angy comments on my steam profile later that night, don't remember names so not sure if them but I hope

    Imagine getting outplayed by a fricking door

    • 8 months ago

      So whats the best way to kill people with doors anons?

      • 8 months ago

        I've encountered some pretty vicious doors in my travels, but almost all of them were stationary. If a door were giving me the business, I suppose I'd try rotating.

        • 8 months ago

          so it hits your arm and takes less damage?
          good strat

          I think we shouldnt brain storm defensive manuevers for doors. I dont want to help people. I want to hurt them with the door.

      • 8 months ago

        >Hear frag noise
        >wait a second
        >close the funny woodden object
        >frag bounces back and kills the wiener smoker who threw it

        • 8 months ago

          >game sucks ass and the frag pens the wall because half of the walls are broken

  29. 8 months ago

    I sure do love dying to people who already screamed their entire death voiceline

    what a great game
    think ill buy some dlc

    • 8 months ago

      Uh guys theres no hackers in hunt showdown. I clearly heard him through the floor and shot at him through the hay and 2 walls cause I knew he was there okay? I heard him with my 150m away ears that give me bat echolocation abilities that pierce through buildings. Maybe try running death pact and you can see the truth.

      I have a feeling that all of these are the same player, and if so, i'm sorry to tell you this, but you're just a dogshit player.
      If you're so dedicated to hating the game, just fricking quit playing it, man, nobody wants to see your dogshit gameplay where you b***h about trivial things that are normal in it. Your trade isn't even egregious, it's well within normal windows, stop crying and maybe you'll see improvement. You sound like a fricking tourist who bought the game on sale and feel like you're enlightening the world with your entry level complaints.

      • 8 months ago

        Redditpost somewhere else, Black person

        • 8 months ago

          telling you to stop fricking crying like a pissbaby homosexual makes me a redditor? have a nice day Black person if you werent such a fragile shithead you wouldnt be complaining like a fricking woman, git gud or git out

          • 8 months ago

            words words words
            complains about oc
            never posts oc
            many such redditors

          • 8 months ago

            You are the one crying about some dude posting clips
            Nobody wants to hear your crying, so shut the frick up

        • 8 months ago

          words words words
          complains about oc
          never posts oc
          many such redditors

          This homie

      • 8 months ago

        Nobody wants to read your inane homosexualry
        Get the frick out of the thread Black person

  30. 8 months ago

  31. 8 months ago

    reddit poster is right but he fell for the trolling
    baka baka frfr
    so cyclones aren't everywhere as predicted. everyone should have it unlocked by now...

    • 8 months ago

      I think everyone that tried it came to the same conclusion: it's a 4 shot officer carbine. Not much fire behind the smoke on this one.

      • 8 months ago

        reddit poster is right but he fell for the trolling
        baka baka frfr
        so cyclones aren't everywhere as predicted. everyone should have it unlocked by now...

        I mean you could also now roll a 87 uppercut medium with a full slug shotgun

        so its a decision over RPM or Stability

    • 8 months ago

      it doesnt matter what gun you pick when every other game is 3 man pubstomps of chinese hackers with 3ktd

    • 8 months ago

      unlocked but i'll probably see next week when i have to do the weekly chores.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't think I've encountered a single one yet, and I myself am still quite a few levels away from it. I imagine like the short centennial, krag bayonet and slate riposte it will just be another event filler variant everyone forgets about while they continue stacking every inventory slot with uppercuts.

  32. 8 months ago

    >you must deal 250 dmg with the crossbow
    >shotbolt a guy in the chest

    I hate this shit.

  33. 8 months ago

    I bought this game recently cause frick it why not and ive been having fun. I just had a game where I died super early so I went to go make breakfast and then revive and see what I can do only to die again instantly. I was gone for almost half an hour. You guys are frickin commited to keeping people dead.

    • 8 months ago

      That's a thing at very low and very high elo, if you started playing recently you're still probably in the subhuman lobbies where the players are VERY 'special'

      • 8 months ago

        The match ended with no bounty bosses being killed. Sure was something. Necromancer is pretty great though. Also not sure how MMR works in this game. Completed my "placement" games with like 1 bounty steal and 2 player kills which got me 3/5 on MMR stars.

        • 8 months ago

          So prestige 0 rank 1-11 is your training wheel placement matches, rank 12-99 is newbie island where it tries to only match you against other prestige 0 sub 100s, you'll get a lot of empty or partial lobbies UNLESS you queue with other players, queueing with someone who isn't in the containment zone will place you into regular matches. Once you hit rank 100 for the first time, you'll be put into the general population queues from then on and play against relatively normal people, unless you frick around and drop to 2 star land which is a bizarre twisted land of confusion and insanity.

          • 8 months ago

            Alright. Ya im getting sub 12 player games a fair bit. Though I have been killed by a prestige 8 player once.

            • 8 months ago

              Crytek may have changed it to letting you queue gen pop if the alternative is an empty lobby, when I was new back in late 2020 my first 100 levels had a ton of empty lobbies

              • 8 months ago

                You could get fully empty lobbies? That seems like sort of a waste. Though no I havent gotten a fully empty one. Always see at least one other player.

          • 8 months ago

            also if you do extremely well with near a 3ktd youll be unable to get matches with anyone and have to play solo or battleroyale quickplay or invite friends until you get to prestige and put in the normal matches and can queue with randoms again

          • 8 months ago

            >drop to 2 star land which is a bizarre twisted land of confusion and insanity.
            no longer true
            2* land is infested with 3-4* solotroons clubbing newseals
            Solotroons need to literally 41% themselves, fricking Black persontek

            • 8 months ago

              I have a buddy that does this and it's really quite laughable. he seal clubs teams when he plays solo, but the moment he plays in trios with us he crumbles against the worst players i've ever seen in my life. We were trying to teach a brand new player how to play the game, so i was on a smurf at 4* so the newbie wouldn't play at 6* with me and i would get 7 or 8 kills a match but the fricking moment i died both the newbie and the seal clubber would just fold, solo seal clubbers are moronic, man

          • 8 months ago

            Im level 15 and am being matched against prestige 80s. Send help.

            • 8 months ago

              Just play trios you tard. There are soo many solo subhumans you would be an idiot to play solo yourself.

              • 8 months ago

                nta, but I hope you meant pre defined trios and not random trios. Because the latter is either just three solos that happened to spawn at the same place or (if you're lucky) you'll get one semi-competent partner and one self propelled chaos bomb that follows you around.

              • 8 months ago

                >when you queue for random trios
                >they will sit in the lobby for 25 mins raging cause you wont ready up
                >tfw 20 secs in I had already launched another game
                >come back half an hour later they are still in here raging

              • 8 months ago

                that's actually a brilliant troll

              • 8 months ago

                Its only fair since me and the other random are actually trying to play and hes a lvl 100 on his like 40th prestige being an butthole taking a 1 shot weapon with silenced baby corn shooters.
                he cant even use a loadout or even by his slots full of shots.

                Hes gonna get shot at by a mosin and do what stand in the street shooting bullets 25 feet over the guys head and he'll just look back at him and start spinning around in circles screaming over mic AAAHHH OOOO EEEEEE OOOOOOF

                Frick those people man
                i want to play video games not frick around.

              • 8 months ago

                you're literally fricking around

              • 8 months ago

                I don't even play solo. My teammates are all sub 35

  34. 8 months ago

    >standing in fire with vigor as infernal pact works like the mariner in water crazy health regen

    Random video i pulled, it was either that one or ratcha showing it.

  35. 8 months ago

    Can't be bothered with another grindy event. I just don't care about more epic skinz.

  36. 8 months ago

    >Hear gunshot at cyprus huts at round start
    >grab clue from davant, blanchett is in a separate bounty zone so walk over to the waters edge to shoot at the people there when they leave assuming they'll head to davant or pitching
    >no more gunshots or any noise for two minutes
    >start slowly and silently making my way over to grab the clue, assuming whoever shot headed north despite that being a different bounty
    >show up and clue turns red
    >team instantly jumps me, having been I guess just sitting silently in a corner of the non-boss compound watching the clue for several minutes
    I just don't understand how to play around this kind of behavior

    • 8 months ago

      Im new too and solo. The grab clues and shit from a distance talent is pretty great. For alot of clues you can grab them from outside the area. But ya as that post above shows some people are willing to wait forever for the kill.

    • 8 months ago

      Serpent + Stamina shot

    • 8 months ago

      As a solo it lets you grab clues from outside aggro range.

    • 8 months ago

      I've done this to people before
      >Spawn solo at cypress
      >In duos so more teams, more spawn locations, davant has like 3 spawns so there's a reasonable chance people spawned there
      >Be loud AF, shoot hives, blow up a meathead, set off crows and chickens
      >Go under the bridge on the northwest and into the trees
      >Duo wanders over from davant
      >Kill them
      It's a laugh and a half m8

  37. 8 months ago

    God this event is absolute dogshit. Every single subhuman is an infernal Black person solo spamming concertina bombs and traps

  38. 8 months ago

    >Get killed by a Black person
    >Go to report them
    >Everybody is set as hidden and can't report a single person
    Nice game Cucktech

  39. 8 months ago

    I fricking hate that every single fricking game i have to fight against fricking people from china and brazil that have 180 fricking ping and they hit me after they are already dead and dont even fricking appear on my screen when they attack before im already hit.

    this fricking shit is ridiculous
    ban those frickers to their own servers or make a 150+ping only lobbies
    make them wait to play alone with each other
    fricking why do usa players have to be griefed by people playing on our fricking servers
    if you cant connect then too fricking bad
    stop playing video games and get a fricking job farming goats or some shit and move to the usa

  40. 8 months ago

    *casually no scopes you*

    • 8 months ago

      >he doesn't know that hipfire is nearly completely accurate, especially when crouched
      once again outing yourself as a shitter lollll

    • 8 months ago

      >he doesn't know that hipfire is nearly completely accurate, especially when crouched
      once again outing yourself as a shitter lollll

      i hate to keep denying to copeposter
      but spectator is notoriously dogshit and won't even show somebody scoping in if they do it too quick
      watching china/aus players from US you see them fire literally a second after they've shot on their screen and the bullet impact you see will be far off their client side registration

      • 8 months ago

        then why even have it?
        why have any of these things if the answer is repeatedly:
        "Uh well...It actually doesnt work as intended and what you see visually is wrong so you have to have someone manually explain how it actually works and also mechanically its wrong and you can hipfire a scoped rifle from your hip because frick you programming in hipfire randomization is too hard. Also what the server sees is a 3rd different thing and spectator sees is a 4th different thing and the chinese person's 200ping causes a 5th different viewpoint of the events than what took place in front of your own eyes. Oh and if we add replays the replay would be a 6th different thing because nobody at crytek can program something correctly. But let me explain why you not magically knowing about the deluge of shitty inconsistencies that reside in this broken as frick game is actually your fault and not crytek's for not having any level of consistency within anything not even a basic normal game mechanic like not being able to hipfire scoped rifles at 200m."

        Im beginning to suspect that youre a dev because only a self-interested bootlicker would defend such horrendous fricking lack of professionalism over the home depot mexican level of craftsmanship holding together this fricking game.

        Shits embarrassing and its why nobody wants to play this game long term and nobody takes it seriously. This kind of shit is what killed the entire Battlefield franchise.

        • 8 months ago

          I meant the dev part to

          >he doesn't know that hipfire is nearly completely accurate, especially when crouched
          once again outing yourself as a shitter lollll

          not you in case you didnt get that

        • 8 months ago

          that was fun to read
          i like bugs and wonky shit
          gives muh game soul

        • 8 months ago

          I meant the dev part to [...] not you in case you didnt get that

          >Why does this game that fills the niche of being clunky, awkward, and intentionally different from other shooters not play like call of duty?????
          The charm of hunt showdown is that there's so much depth to the game, so much mysticism behind the mechanics, so much of a skill ceiling, that even when you've sunk a considerable amount of time into learning the mechanics, there are still new things to pick up on.
          A well adjusted person would be humble and learn these mechanics from those more experienced from them, or decide that the game is too complicated and move on to Warzone II. You seem to enjoy staying dogshit at the game and whining about it on this general more than playing it

          • 8 months ago

            Thats now how skill ceilings work.
            Something being mechanically broken doesnt make its part of a skill ceiling.
            Youre trying to make an argument that youre better at basketball than the other guy because you purposely knew ahead of time that the floor in a certain spot is uneven and you lure him over there purposely so he falls down and gets hurt, so you don't actually have to be better at basketball than him. Youre not outplaying him. He's getting injured on your sabotaged playing field. You're essentially cheating through bug abuse.

            • 8 months ago

              >mfw the first people to figure out rocket jumping, bunny hopping, trimping, wavedashing, CS nade throws etc... were all cheaters
              Thankfully all of the rules are written out for you and covered by 100s of youtubers in Call of Duty, go play that instead please! 🙂

              • 8 months ago

                Those are mostly all mechanical parts of the game not things being abused in an unintentional way. Most of the references are also backed up by the quake guy is a cracked out super soldier with magical rune powers on top of his boosted body.

                These are just cowboys with zombies who at most have a spiritual connection with the spooky energy.

                Do you have a lag switch too since by your definition ping abuse is "part of the game mechanics" lol

              • 8 months ago

                >he thinks og quake developers intended for players to rocket jump
                >he thinks valve intended for players to bhop in counterstrike
                >he thinks mashahiro sakuri intended for players to wavedash in a children's party game
                >he thinks infinity ward intended for players to quickscope sniper rifles
                I'm done taking the bait lol

              • 8 months ago

                you mean youre done moving the goalpost with every statement you make
                here ill make your next moves for you

                >those things were accepted by the community as a neat and difficult thing to accomplish not a skilless bug abuse where any rational person would not expect to happen via an unintended nonsensical illogical action like looking up in 3rd person next to a wall in arma 2 allowed you to interact with objects through walls
                >well people in hunt showdown have accepted as a community that these are features git gud
                >oh so you admit its broken bug abuse
                >no its you not using every possible way to cheese shit
                >no its bug abuse
                >REEE POST STATS

                you're literally fricking around

                no im giving due vengeance for griefing

              • 8 months ago

                incoherent esl babble lol

              • 8 months ago

                Out of the kindness of my heart, I will accept your surrender
                you have my blessing and you may now become a woman


              • 8 months ago

                I'll pitch in, wavedashing was known by devs and intentionally kept in, first mention of it on record is by mitsubishi himself


                Really good channel, it's what got me into melee

  41. 8 months ago

    Firebombs feel so bad now, they already felt pretty shit for corpse removal when people can just choke them out or salveskin through it but now with people also being burn immune from pacts there's rarely good combat uses and with rain popping up with decent frequency they almost always feel like wasted inventory slots. Always feels better to just spend a little more for a concertina, it may not take a solo out of the fight permanently but at least you know it'll tack another 10-20 seconds onto any attempt they make to chase after you, plus probably cost them some of their healing.

  42. 8 months ago

    >Game is full of solo Black folk
    >Play trios
    >Every team mate is a window licker crouch humping subhumans, half of which use controllers
    I swear to god this game's community is even worse than Tharkov.

  43. 8 months ago

    outsourcing to the hivemind because i have the mind of a woman. Are the YS clan cheating? I can never actually tell, but am always super suspicious of any death that i've ever had to them

    • 8 months ago

      like everyone else I have no evidence, but I am discord friends with a guy who is deep in cheat software dev/sales communities and in a few exclusive discord servers where VIPs get their customer service. I asked him once if there were hacks for hunt: showdown because that was the only FPS I play and wanted to know what I was up against. he said of course, and while we talked about it he laughed and recalled there was a "big customer" who commissioned a few different versions of the hunt esp program with stripped down features, and apparently they were an "organization" that would distribute the gimped versions to their members, but seniority or "contributing" more to the group monetarily would earn you the right to use the better version

      he never said names but I'd bet my last fricking dollar that's YS

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, i get that feeling as well, at 6* it seems like all i'm playing against are those BB homosexuals and YS and while BB is just a bunch of zoomers who are either black or think being called black is a compliment, I only get the feeling that one or two of them aren't legit, with YS i have never in my entire life died to them and thought "huh, that seemed like a real kill"

      • 8 months ago

        >who commissioned a few different versions of the hunt esp program with stripped down features

        This actually fits with my experience with them.
        Some of them are blantant. Others are missing fricking weird easy shots. Others have god-tier positional awareness with obvious esp. Others have esp but fricking stupid as frick mechanics. Like I fricking melee them yet then they are fricking like shooting me from across the field in a random window as I run by and shit.

      • 8 months ago

        outsourcing to the hivemind because i have the mind of a woman. Are the YS clan cheating? I can never actually tell, but am always super suspicious of any death that i've ever had to them

        they are clearly hacking
        they very obviously know youre at a compound without making any noise and shoot at you from the edge of it or even further and then magically see you no matter what weird unusual place you peek from. You can try switching buildings blocking line of sight and then climbing some stairs halfway and peeking over the stairs in the middle of the stairs because why would they look here but NOPE they prefire you.

    • 8 months ago

      everyone in 6* is using or queuing with cheats, especially in NA.
      it's obvious when people peek and instantly fire. You'll also confirm this by pretending to peek but counterstrafing at the last second. Most 6* are morons who will prefire your peek only to shoot at absolutely nothing
      i've been playing hunt on and off since 2017 and was 6* before the past few events when Hunt's playerbase really took off. Now i'm consistently 5* and I cope by never playing after 8pm EST.

      there are no server replays and EAC doesn't do anything. It's easier to quarantine the top x% with strict matchmaking brackets than to address the widespread and blatant cheating issue.

      • 8 months ago

        How is MMR calculated? Ide rather not go up to the 5/6 much if I can help it. Dont suppose I could just load into a game and have a grunt kill me a few times with free hunters to drop?

        • 8 months ago

          You have to die to people, mobs and self damage won't count, most people seem to do it in quickplay which I guess is called soul survivor now

        • 8 months ago

          just play the game normally and work on improving. Sandbagging makes you hate yourself more than the game.
          Yes they cheat but cheaters aren't infallible. Cheats don't do anything against a pitcher'd frag or having them waste shots in an inter-compound kerfuffle. Play Hunt in short bursts or avoid times when cheater clans play.

        • 8 months ago

          >rat a hunter to get necro/reroll for it
          >go solo into trios
          >farm yourself against people lower than you, AI kills don't affect mmr
          You have now escaped the shitfest of 5/6 star mmr and can now have fun running around like a tard again.

          The lower the mmr of the people killing you relative to your own the faster you will drop.

        • 8 months ago

          look at the video description for the math.

        • 8 months ago

          >le 5/6* boogeyman
          Grow up

        • 8 months ago

          >How mmr is calc

          Teams who spam revive so they die on repeat < Solos who spam revive so they die on repeat < Solos who are morono < Teams < Solos from higher mmr.

  44. 8 months ago

    >best skin in the game isnt locked behind a battlepass
    im actually amazed israelitetek didnt lock the steampunk mech dude

    • 8 months ago

      >Best skin
      But the fireman (extermination trooper) isnt locked

      • 8 months ago

        I know, im surprised he isnt

  45. 8 months ago

    I must confess my sins
    >spawn at catfish
    >get clue, start to run towards church
    >fricking rotjaw on the bank right next to me slides into water
    >have stam shot so kill it really fast
    >friend gets phone call from sick grandad, he crouches in a bush to take it
    >decide to eat a little while we wait
    >ends up taking 15 minutes
    >initially thought we'd just grab rotjaw bounty and leave when he gets back
    >extract boat is also at catfish
    >bounty fight ends and bounty carriers begin to head our way as friend gets back from phone call
    >bet other friend bounty will be so confident they'll just walk into water to grab bounty without checking darksight
    >he says no way
    >we set up in bushes watching bounty pile and wait
    >bounty carrier marches right in and grabs rotjaw bounty as the other two continue into catfish proper headed towards extract boat
    >dumpster him
    >other two run back, one friend gets downed in fight but we kill other two
    I'd love to be in that discord call man. I realize I just created one of the ridiculous rat horror stories that get posted in these threads, we basically camped in bushes for 20 literal minutes to ambush people and it was stupid as frick and absolutely should not have worked at all but it did lol

  46. 8 months ago

    >Hit someone with 1 shell and 5 bornheim shots
    >No shot over 13 meters away
    >They live and kill me
    Oh ya I frickin hate this game.

    • 8 months ago

      Deserved for using the Bornheim honestly, that thing is complete useless garbage
      It's funny that they released the silenced variant but didn't actually make any changes to any of the bornheims stats, because in its current state it might as well not be in the game

      • 8 months ago

        Im still pretty new to the game. Ive been loving the caldwell 76 double barrel. It fails me sometimes but not often. Though the secondary has been buggin me. I dont really like any of the pistols. Been using the bornheim in case the 76 fails me or I just wanna """suppress""" someone kinda far away. What pistol would you recommend?

        • 8 months ago

          The "best" choice would probably be an Uppercut, but it's a little pricy. It's a great backup for a shotgun as it gives you range to fight people with rifles
          If you like more spammy weapons, the nagant officer is much better than the Bornheim, more shots, more damage
          A normal conversion pistol with fanning is also good, and so is the Pax/Schofield

          • 8 months ago

            default Caldwell Conversion Pistol with FMJ

            also you dont have to also be 1 big gun and 1 pistol
            you can also play 1 long and 1 short weapon
            say a bow and a springfield compact with bleed or Winfield M1876 Centennial Shorty

            the only thing you want to avoid for the most part is compact shotguns unless you have slugs unlocked
            their range is garbage at their effective range without slugs, youd be better off with a bat or a sword
            its always preferred shotgunwise to go long shotgun main with secondary for long range over long range with shortrange shotgun.

        • 8 months ago

          Run Nagant Officer or Caldwell New Army (if you don't have Officer yet).

          Rival+Officer/NewArmy is a trusty solid loadout.

        • 8 months ago

          I like taking the lemat because it gives you a few extra shitgun shells and the rival seems to get fewer than every other shitgun for some reason. lemat can't spam to suppress people like many other compact pistols but it has 9 shots before reload which has been useful to me for keeping pressure on people as I reposition or move from cover to cover

        • 8 months ago

          It normaly depends on what your primary is.
          Shotgun or spammy rifle like a winfield? A high hitting good range pistol will do
          A long bolt action rifle? Get a spammy pistol like nagant.

          However, with regen shots being the new hotness, spammy light pistols fall of because you can potentially outheal it inbetween shots.
          So high hitting pistols like pax, conversion or sparks are your friend.
          If it wernt for how easy it is to cuck poison, poison ammo would be the go to now with regen shots being so good.

    • 8 months ago

      >shoot a guy in the fricking head from across a river
      >he lives
      >shoot him in the body? arm?
      >he just walks around a corner and heals


  47. 8 months ago

    Are your proud of me? I got both the bosses.

  48. 8 months ago

  49. 8 months ago

    I have terminal melee aids

  50. 8 months ago

    I will now also share some of my clips. Here is some solo seal clubbing in a lobby full of 3 stars

    thank god 3 stars are moronic

  51. 8 months ago

    my last 6 deaths have been trades
    this shit makes me want to uninstall

  52. 8 months ago

    Just a theoretical, but what if Rival+Sparks Pistol?
    We all know Shitguns don't hit for shit at range, but it's the amount of pellets that a Rival can shit out in an instant.
    So the idea is to upper body tag somebody with sparks pistol and quickswap into rival and unload it, since there is a decent chance that at least 1 pellet will hit the target, that should take off the remaining ~1HP no?

    • 8 months ago

      > Relying on 2 gimmicky oneshot weapons, so that way if you aren't laser-accurate 24/7 you die like a moron
      THINK ANON, THINK! You're supposed to pair a shotgun with the Nagant officer, the Spitfire, or any other pistol that has a high rate of fire so you can score easy follow-up shots when you inevitably miss your opening volley.

      • 8 months ago

        my lil Black, the entire point is to NOT be laser-accurate

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah okay, whatever man. Let's see you clutch things out with the fricking Sparks pistol when you're out of ammo for your shotgun and getting rushed by some maniac duo that snuck into your compound when you had your back turned for 0.5 seconds

    • 8 months ago

      I like doing sparks pistol + specter flechette. I like to take FMJ on the sparks pistol for that build tho, you lose a chunk of muzzle velocity, but that lets it do the full 149 on body shots out to 30m and comboing someone who though they were well outside of shotgun range is very amusing

      • 8 months ago

        Hey man, that's the response i was looking for.
        Sounds like a very interesting angle to play with, like you are trading the wallpenetration potential of the shotgun for the basically guaranteed bleed and then finish them off with the FMJ.

        Have you been running this during the event?
        Since everybody seems to run Infernal and that makes them basically bleed immune, i imagine it's less effective.
        How are your experiences?

        • 8 months ago

          these people have been sitting in the lobby for over 20 mins already in anger cussing at me raging they plan to sit for an hour more because Im a 6 star and I dont want to play with a 0.8ktd 4star and im guessing his friend

          not him but the majority of people arent even using the perks from what I can tell. many people are also hard ignoring the totem things and just using them as enemy detection beacons.

          • 8 months ago

            they actually sat and waited for the entire hour or more. they were gone the next time i checked back

        • 8 months ago

          I've only played it once during this event:

          you're right it's certainly not as good right now because a lot of people are bleed immune, but it can still be a good time. unfortunately my random team mates ran outside and got clapped, and I was doing my best against 6 people but could never find time to revive and every time I'd land a shot on someone it seemed like someone else would land a shot on me and I'd have to take cover and heal instead of following up. lost that game, but felt like I put up a good fight. I've also noticed flechettes seem to have a different damage curve compared to buckshot. They certainly do less up close (although they can still 1 shot enemies if they're up in your shit) but they seem to do quite a bit more damage at the 30-40m range where buckshot just tickles people, if it even hits them

          In fact I'm going to go into the shooting range and test the loadout to see the max distance I can combo people on torso shots. will report back.

          • 8 months ago

            Very based, thanks for the response fren

          • 8 months ago

            Very based, thanks for the response fren

            ok it exceeded my expectations. with regular ammo on the sparks pistol it will consistently combo at 50m. with FMJ it will consistently combo at 60m, but the problem is past 60m the flechette spread is unreliable and the damage it deals inconsistent. I could sometimes combo the dummies at 65m with FMJ but it certainly wasn't something I'd bet on

            • 8 months ago

              but at that point...why not just shoot them 2 times in the chest with literally any real gun

              • 8 months ago

                why not just play mosin dolch every single game

              • 8 months ago

                c&k slugs with the new uppercut*

            • 8 months ago

              It's all good in theory mate but at the end of the day you're losing valuable penetration and honestly if you're at this level of theory crafting without realising it's not a good idea then you're not at the level to be hitting a single shot pistol in order for this win condition to function. Here's what you do:
              Always bring Caldwell conversion pistol with fmj. It mogs all other pistols with its ammo reserve, it's dirt cheap, it'll one tap hunters missing 50hp, it has a high effective range covering you for medium-long distance engagements. For your shotgun you bring either the spectre or the rival, depending on your preference in combat. Spectre has longer sustainability in a fight whilst rival has higher burst potential, in my experience there's arguments for either, though with the rival you're losing out on ammo. Arguments can be made for using the lemat which has slightly less damage for slightly more ammo, which if you find yourself constantly running out then it might be a good pick for you.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                Enjoy three star, loser
                >inb4 low mmr cope

              • 8 months ago

                Careful, anon. Don't make the 3 stars mad by pointing out the fact that their weirdo/off-meta loadouts will make them have to work twice as hard to secure kills

              • 8 months ago

                Careful, anon. Don't make the 3 stars mad by pointing out the fact that their weirdo/off-meta loadouts will make them have to work twice as hard to secure kills

                Enjoy three star, loser
                >inb4 low mmr cope

                even his loadout is shitty and stupid
                id go bleeding springfield compact for $138 and a bow and do the same thing better and for ONLY 3 EASY PAYMENTS OF $19.95

            • 8 months ago

              Those are pretty good results, thanks for the effort fren
              I'll try to run this combo, seems like fun

  53. 8 months ago

    >all this bad advise in the thread
    Kek you guys don't even play the game do you?

    • 8 months ago

      This, who the frick is ever going to take Flechette?
      morons who got lucky once and think it's good

      • 8 months ago

        >all this bad advise in the thread
        Kek you guys don't even play the game do you?

        yeah flechette is dog shit
        its never been more dog shit with inferno.
        you lose basically every shotgun range fight against every other 1 shot

  54. 8 months ago

    I like the bat

    • 8 months ago

      It's so much better than it has a right to be.
      It hits almost as hard as the world sledge, but 1/5th the stam drain. Crazy.

  55. 8 months ago

    So I died waited like 4 mins revived myself died to the traps they put on me now I cant revive again. What the frick happened? I still have health bars im just not allowed to revive? The frick happened?

    • 8 months ago

      did the server timeout?

      • 8 months ago

        No I dont think so. Im not insanely annoyed since it was a new hunter but frick I dont know what happened. Maybe I died too fast? I clicked revive and my duded died instantly and I wasnt given the option to revive again. Pretty grumble inducing to be sure I had gotten 4 kills that match only to lose it there. Oh well.

  56. 8 months ago

    i wish the penny derringer didnt have a sawn off barrel it'd look cooler

    it's funny tho i like bringing it

  57. 8 months ago

    Kind of a dumb question since it would be boring to do but would just farming the zombies and monsters around the map be "worth it" xp and money wise? Ive had games where I was certain I last dude alive so I could had just gone site to site killing everything but didnt. I wonder how effective it would be if you did it though.

    • 8 months ago

      >but would just farming the zombies and monsters around the map be "worth it" xp and money wise?
      if you find a cash register and get 500-1000 from it yes, otherwise no

    • 8 months ago

      Cash registers, hunter loots and saddle bag loots
      Last hits on meatheads

    • 8 months ago

      youd be better off doing quickplay and running around blowing up meatheads or last shooting meatheads with guns you want to level.
      most people are pvp and bounty holder chasing allowing you free reign over all the meatheads and lots of weapons to find and try.

      If youre last person alive after wiping everyone, its better to split up as you do the remaining boss pathing and extract pathing and kill everything you see on different paths on the way to the boss and extract.

      Whenever you play with a team and they get exp for a weapon you also get the exp for that weapon.

    • 8 months ago

      >get necromancer
      >do your thing
      >dynamite yourself or let the ai kill you
      >if there's no spectate button, you should be alone
      >no mmr loss
      should work

    • 8 months ago

      just play the game normally.
      the only resource you're wasting is your own time. Buy a legendary and you can usually respec one or two perks you want.

      majority of exp comes from killing enemy hunters and bosses. Even meatheads are worth less than a single hunter

      • 8 months ago

        hes not going to be able to kill a single hunter. hes shit at video games just like every other person in the fricking world
        bitches cant even figure out how to turn their dpi up.
        fricking turn like a geriatric disabled paraplegic person with diabetic retinopathy

  58. 8 months ago

    >Decide to play duo praying I get someone fun
    >Get some dude super new whatever
    >Get into game he walks to nearest area
    >Procedes to nearly die to a hive and took like 12 revolver bullets to kill
    >Walks into some walls
    I went on to steal a bounty and get out thankfully. Looked at him later and jesus.

  59. 8 months ago

    ive found that anyone who uses a sniper rifle has like 32 dpi
    they turn like one of those arma 2 bots.
    or they have a springfield compact or a fricking nagant deadeye and 1 poison shot as a fricking item

    meanwhile i have to fight 3 man pub stomps of 6 stars with triple nitro shredders
    while another 3 man 6 star team with sniper scopes shoots at me from fricking behind

    • 8 months ago

      hes not going to be able to kill a single hunter. hes shit at video games just like every other person in the fricking world
      bitches cant even figure out how to turn their dpi up.
      fricking turn like a geriatric disabled paraplegic person with diabetic retinopathy

      honestly I wish theyd add aimbot assist like apex to this game so my fricking teammates would at least be able to engage a fricking target

      every game of hunt feels like im either playing against people using esp shit or pubstomps with shredders and mosins. The rest of the community makes up my teammates that dont even want to try and their entire kit is worth $37 and if this were any other game we would never even play together because theyd be bronze or silvers at best and Id never fricking see them ever.
      The mmr system is so fricking bad. They need to make everyone 1-3 stars and make the jump to 4 and 5 star huge.
      The way it is its all masters playing with fricking bronze and silvers. Everyone's rank is so hyper inflated its fricking insane.
      Some fricking butthole with a 0.6 or a 0.8 ktd has no fricking business being in my 5 star game. Hes actually moronic. He doesnt kill anyone. He just fricking dies. Sometimes to NPCs. Every single time to the boss if I let him fight it alone even though hes prestige 62.

      Its not just this game either man. Every game is just so bad now. Devs dont care anymore. Its all just battlepasses and dlc shit. They dont care about balance or making the game feel good. They just want to force everyone into these MUH STARS GO UP aspect. But my shit never goes up cause im already at the top and so my experience in games is just miserable because im out of the rat loop that everyone else gets reward and punished at le random intervals or whatever. Im always on outlier for these mechanics so almost every single time im punished. I play hunt its a 1v9. I play apex my teammates die in 20s and insta leave and im left to play by myself for 40 fricking minutes. I play a battleroyale and I have to crawl in the grass for 40 fricking mins cause my team dies. Multiplayer games are just this punishment experience if youre any good at them and if youre not good at them its this die-leave-die-leave constant loop of 1 interaction that I guess people enjoy?

      maybe get a new hobby dude, try fishing or reading or something

      • 8 months ago

        i was planning to switch to payday 3 but the devs shit the bed so fricking hard it only has 3k players now, so im debating just refunding it

        • 8 months ago

          >i was planning to switch to payday 3 but the devs shit the bed so fricking hard it only has 3k players now, so im debating just refunding it
          Just shut the frick up

          • 8 months ago

            woah take your pills poonboy ur heckin goin wild!

            • 8 months ago

              Queer c**t

  60. 8 months ago

    honestly I wish theyd add aimbot assist like apex to this game so my fricking teammates would at least be able to engage a fricking target

    every game of hunt feels like im either playing against people using esp shit or pubstomps with shredders and mosins. The rest of the community makes up my teammates that dont even want to try and their entire kit is worth $37 and if this were any other game we would never even play together because theyd be bronze or silvers at best and Id never fricking see them ever.
    The mmr system is so fricking bad. They need to make everyone 1-3 stars and make the jump to 4 and 5 star huge.
    The way it is its all masters playing with fricking bronze and silvers. Everyone's rank is so hyper inflated its fricking insane.
    Some fricking butthole with a 0.6 or a 0.8 ktd has no fricking business being in my 5 star game. Hes actually moronic. He doesnt kill anyone. He just fricking dies. Sometimes to NPCs. Every single time to the boss if I let him fight it alone even though hes prestige 62.

    Its not just this game either man. Every game is just so bad now. Devs dont care anymore. Its all just battlepasses and dlc shit. They dont care about balance or making the game feel good. They just want to force everyone into these MUH STARS GO UP aspect. But my shit never goes up cause im already at the top and so my experience in games is just miserable because im out of the rat loop that everyone else gets reward and punished at le random intervals or whatever. Im always on outlier for these mechanics so almost every single time im punished. I play hunt its a 1v9. I play apex my teammates die in 20s and insta leave and im left to play by myself for 40 fricking minutes. I play a battleroyale and I have to crawl in the grass for 40 fricking mins cause my team dies. Multiplayer games are just this punishment experience if youre any good at them and if youre not good at them its this die-leave-die-leave constant loop of 1 interaction that I guess people enjoy?

  61. 8 months ago

    I just got killed by butcher through a wall...

    • 8 months ago

      with a fireball?

      • 8 months ago

        No it was a melee hit. I was outside and just traded as soon as I got up he smacked me through the wall. First time ive felt truly robed in this game.

        • 8 months ago

          yeah he can do that lunging attack far. I had him hit me outside a doorway and light me on fire and i stepped on a ladder and tried to put the fire out and it instead climbed on the ladder.

  62. 8 months ago

    Are shotguns just bad? The more I play the game the less I think they are worth using. Alot of times I can hit someone near pointblank the damage screen shows I hit them all over and they only take like 60 damage. At that point ide rather just use a fanning revolver. Sure at absolute point blank they one shot but so does the baseball bat. They are kind of fun to use but no other weapon type feels like im letting jesus take the wheel like when im using the slate.

    • 8 months ago

      >are shotguns bad
      No, as long as you're using anything but the terminus or sawn off terminus/spectre without slugs

      Romero's cheap and strong but lacks potential for multiple tangos in a single engagement in a short period of time. Rival picks up on this by giving you two weaker shots (still capable of one shitting hunters albeit at a shorter range) but you now have a second shot immediately after your first to either finish off a hunter/kill a second. Spectre gives you good sustain over a period of time though it's rate of fire is less than the rival between shots. Terminus is a garbage gun, with levering it does create a wall of lead but it's too unreliable in my opinion, slate isn't that great when the spectre exists for significantly cheaper. Crown and king combines the strengths of spectre and rival. Slugs are a sidegrade where you need to nail your shots. Famous YouTuber Cornf does a good video on slugs.

    • 8 months ago

      >are shotguns bad
      No, as long as you're using anything but the terminus or sawn off terminus/spectre without slugs

      Romero's cheap and strong but lacks potential for multiple tangos in a single engagement in a short period of time. Rival picks up on this by giving you two weaker shots (still capable of one shitting hunters albeit at a shorter range) but you now have a second shot immediately after your first to either finish off a hunter/kill a second. Spectre gives you good sustain over a period of time though it's rate of fire is less than the rival between shots. Terminus is a garbage gun, with levering it does create a wall of lead but it's too unreliable in my opinion, slate isn't that great when the spectre exists for significantly cheaper. Crown and king combines the strengths of spectre and rival. Slugs are a sidegrade where you need to nail your shots. Famous YouTuber Cornf does a good video on slugs.

      This guy is correct on all but a couple aspects.
      the slate is an objective upgrade on every single thing the spectre does with the only downside being a +/- 1 meter diference in one shot kill distance, it fires faster, has higher ammunition count in the magazine, and doesn't rely on bulletgrubber to succeed, and for the most part with shotguns fire rate is king, at maximum ohko distances being unreliable, so it's just better to shoot as fast as possible. Slugs are, in my opinion, absolutely mandatory on every shotgun possible, they increase the distance at which you will reliably ohko a player to the chest, making weapons such as the lemat and lemat carbine EXTREMELY effective because they no longer have dogshit pellet spread. Another funny interaction is slugs tend to increase the distance at which any shotgun will ohko, for instance, they turn the crown and king into the longest reaching shotgun in the game, capable of killing to the chest at 15.5 meters. The only downside slugs have is they can get expensive (who the frick doesn't have money lmao) and to my knowledge there isn't a single slug that can 1 shot to the arms at any distance, but as long as you don't have parkinsons this shouldn't ever be a problem consistent enough for you to not take them.

    • 8 months ago

      Shotguns have considerable range, but the crosshair doesn't align at all with the spread of the buckshot, which is what leads to frustration. You're just missing, but you can miss with a hunter completely inside of your crosshairs which is what can lead to frustration.

      • 8 months ago

        I CANT DRAW CROSSHAIR RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        - :'(tek

  63. 8 months ago

    Slate slugs + uppercut carried me to 6*, don't see a reason to run anything else if you wanna use a shotgun.

  64. 8 months ago

    >It's another episode of subhuman Black folk downranking themselves to 2 stars and still abusing aimbots

    • 8 months ago

      I'm so fricking sick of this shit
      Can only hope Black personTek makes Private Lobbies a real thing soon, so we can just play the game among friends

      • 8 months ago

        >It's another episode of subhuman Black folk downranking themselves to 2 stars and still abusing aimbots

        >meanwhile my teammates at 5-6 star with randoms

        • 8 months ago

  65. 8 months ago

    God I love the dogshit 20 tick rate servers.
    >Juke and jive a shotgun
    >Run on the right side of cover and run back
    >Run towards the left side
    >Don't even cross the object yet

  66. 8 months ago

    Just hopped into duos with a fren and absolutely smoked 3 teams with just fanning.
    When will this dogshit get nerfed/deleted.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't think there's any chance they nerf or delete playing with friends

      • 8 months ago


  67. 8 months ago

    Gettin close to my first prestige. I have reunlock all the weapons right? Do I also have to reunlock variants and ammos or do those come back when I get the weapon back? Like if a gun has poison ammo as an unlock will I get the ammo when I get the gun or do I have to get the gun and unlock the poison ammo again as well?

    • 8 months ago

      yes you have to unlock everything again

      • 8 months ago

        Uck. Ill miss you slate with slugs wont be seeing you again for a long time.

    • 8 months ago

      Nup everything, currently not worth it. If you decide to anyway, make sure you pick random legendary every time you can

      • 8 months ago

        Ill probbably do it at least once. If you get the legendary can it be hunters as well or just weapon skins?

        • 8 months ago

          Any legendary item (including the spyglass)

          • 7 months ago

            *Any legendary item you could purchase with blood bonds. You won't get past event or DLC legendaries from prestige reward

            Feel that's important to specify for newer players

          • 7 months ago

            *Any legendary item you could purchase with blood bonds. You won't get past event or DLC legendaries from prestige reward

            Feel that's important to specify for newer players

            Well I decided to do it. Got this cute little derringer which I guess is one of the best things I could had gotten since I toss on the derringer from time to time. Dont think ill prestige again though. Losing everything sucks so frickin hard. Especially the variants. Like ok I have to reunlock the guns but really I gotta reunlock the variants and ammo types? What a pain in the ass.

            • 7 months ago

              yes it is universally agreed upon that prestiging is a waste of time and universally unfun.
              Quite literally all they needed to do was make it so prestiging happened like it did in black ops 2, where every time you prestiged you got a token that would allow you to permanently unlock a specific weapon and all attachments for it, forever, even through prestiges. it made the grind far easier and worth, instead of this horseshit

              • 7 months ago

                Ya its a shame but I felt like rolling the dice and I think given the mountain of crap I could had gotten I lucked out. Still I dont think I can do without my slate for this long ever again.

              • 7 months ago

                I treat prestiging as a new ''playtrough''
                where I focus on a single weapon for the entire thing instead of just going with my bread and butter loadout that I know i'll do well with

              • 7 months ago

                >best cocnept skins that actually fit the settings get rejected
                >here are some more wacky doodle doo cage people

              • 7 months ago

                No one's going to buy skins that just look good, they need to give them a mechanical advantage like having stupid shit around their head and shoulders to make aiming for headshots ambiguous at long range

              • 7 months ago

                I pick Phantom just for the shinning white cloak alone
                they dont know me son

              • 7 months ago

                Lulu is the best skin because the enemy has to accept they just got killed by a common prostitute.

              • 7 months ago

                devs just scared to enable attractive white females

              • 7 months ago

                I wouldn't mind prestiging if I didn't have to spend 10 matches wasting vit shots. If I didn't have to unlock the sub types for usables and tools I would keep prestiging.

              • 7 months ago

                yeah fricking like 10 matches of just straight suffering and being gimped to have shots and throwing axes forcing yourself to use the combat axe or find and carry an axe around is fricking aids.

            • 7 months ago

              yes it is universally agreed upon that prestiging is a waste of time and universally unfun.
              Quite literally all they needed to do was make it so prestiging happened like it did in black ops 2, where every time you prestiged you got a token that would allow you to permanently unlock a specific weapon and all attachments for it, forever, even through prestiges. it made the grind far easier and worth, instead of this horseshit

              Ya its a shame but I felt like rolling the dice and I think given the mountain of crap I could had gotten I lucked out. Still I dont think I can do without my slate for this long ever again.

              they said in the 2024 roadmap after the engine upgrade they're looking at overhauling the prestige system and giving it new rewards. Hopefully it'll be something interesting in the near future.

  68. 8 months ago

    >2 tiers from getting the fireman
    >run out of challenges
    >dont feel like actually running around collecting shit mid game

  69. 8 months ago

    Spider got cute little halloween socks on, i might bother giving her a visit.

  70. 7 months ago

    havent played this in a few months and coming back i just realize how shit the game has become over time, solo revive is still cancer, rain is just annoying, still too much AI (even though nobody plays this shit for the pve), servers and hitreg still garbage. that bug where sound gets all weird when you reconnect is STILL in the fricking game (and there even seems to be a new one where it'll happen temporarily at random during a game). and they had the audacity to remove bonds from post-match, forcing you to do the boring as frick challenges (also the only way to get event points now)

    i hope crytek goes bankrupt

    • 7 months ago

      you forgot the get poisoned and you get perma fadding in and out of focus astigmatism vision

      • 7 months ago

        you can fix that by switching up your graphics settings.
        i get that you shouldn't have to in the first place, but at least there's an easy fix on the player's end.

        • 7 months ago

          oh what do you change? resolution?

          • 7 months ago

            I've seen it work with the object quality option.

  71. 7 months ago

    I random queued with two guys who started mic spamming the same noise at the same time in game and never communicated with me at all

    We wiped a trio at bounty compound and got pinned down on way to extract by a six star duo. I was out of healing, no shots, low on ammo, and down a bar, but I didn't have bounty so I snuck out of compound and ran to extract abandoning them there. Gave those mf the real randoms experience LOL

    • 7 months ago

      >Blog posting about how I was a loser and a coward will surely make me look good on this general

      • 7 months ago

        I don't want to look good. I enjoy making other people miserable. It's the entire reason I play this game. If there are 12 people in a lobby I don't feel like I've won unless 11 people want me dead, team mates included.

        • 7 months ago
  72. 7 months ago

    I really hate these event totems, last event with everyone grabbing the perk to get a dark sight glow was bad enough but these things blaring a siren means there's no chance of running into someone who doesn't have the perk yet or who doesn't happen to check dark sight, and there's a dozen of these things in every single compound and a half dozen scattered inbetween, you basically can't ever sneak up on anybody.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, gaytek needs to decide already if they want the game to be a fricking crouch-only immersed make-no-sound experience or fricking Unreal Tournament where everybody knows everything due to the amount of dogshit that is availabel as info

  73. 7 months ago

    did I find an easter egg of an upcoming legendary stam shot?

    when I go to Store -> Events, the page is blank and just says sold out, if I click the Events tab a second time suddenly this image of these stam shots appears. Looked like they're marked with paint and have a centipede pattern on them, doesn't match any existing stuff to my knowledge. Thoughts?

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        I had like 3000 bb when event started, bought the battle pass bundle that gave you 10 levels, then I wanted the scarecrow so I bought more bb to buy him. I started playing late 2020, I already owned all the previous halloween shit so I didn't need to buy any of that. I finished the event earlier this week naturally (I'll confess, after finishing my challenges this week I was level 49 so I just paid 200bb for the last level to have it finished)

        after that, the only thing left to purchase in the event tab was that dogshit romero handcannon, and I had earned enough BB while playing the event as you get a few hundred from the event itself, I just went ahead and bought the fricking thing, and then the events tab was sold out.

    • 7 months ago

      made a video demonstration of why I think it could be an easter egg, it's kind of hidden and I found it by sheer coincidence

      • 7 months ago

        I think thats the old event boosters.

        If you bought all the event items, it might be showing you the OG event placeholder background image from earlier Halloweens.
        I think it was called Wormseed shot.

  74. 7 months ago

    incoming female moment

  75. 7 months ago

    What the FRICK, is this FRICKING Matchmaking

    We are a 3.5MMR team
    alongside, a full 3 star, 3MMR team
    With TWO SIX STARS! and a FIVE STAR!
    Wtf is this shit
    They have a 5Star team MMR, this is ridiculous
    What in the FRICK, Crytek

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      how else are they going to populate the servers in oce

    • 7 months ago

      Hang in there HatHusky

      • 7 months ago

        Not me bro, I'm capable of containing myself and not sperging out on a Korean fishing forum, ty tho

    • 7 months ago

      OCE moment

  76. 7 months ago

    I hate women so much it's unreal

  77. 7 months ago

    post your favorite hunter

    for me its the sack dude
    plague doc is second

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Someone once told me it looks like he's wearing a toilet seat around his neck and I can't unsee it and it's stuck as my headcannon that kill buyer is a shit fetishist now

      • 7 months ago

        Yes. Hes a mentally ill ancientgay mplayer anon from like 1997 that covers himself in shit and ties people up and hangs them upside on hooks while he slaps their tummies which makes them spin around in circles as he makes predator clicking noises at them. Do you even internet?

  78. 7 months ago

    I hat the off center aim point so much it's unreal.

    • 7 months ago

      Get fricking filtered numbnuts

    • 7 months ago

      its not even consistient inbetween guns
      put a dot with tape and look at how fricking crooked that shit is depending on what weapon you use

      • 7 months ago

        I hat the off center aim point so much it's unreal.

        >Line up rear sights with front post
        >Aim top of front post at hunters head
        >Pull trigger
        Bonus protip: aim where hunters will be when using guns with lower muzzle velocity

  79. 7 months ago

    holy fricking shit why are 4 stars with 0.8ktd in my fricking matchmaking when my notepad says im fricking 2963.


  80. 7 months ago

    Now they wont even buy ANY ITEMS
    and then insult me cause I wont ready up

    • 7 months ago

      schizo anon i appreciate the content you provide to these threads i just wanted to let you know that

    • 7 months ago

      >no throwables

      • 7 months ago

        I never really use throwables until the boss fight and most of the time its to clear a door or a room for entry by cooking it. Every other engagement Im usually better off using uppercut or closer to just slug them in the chest. Usually first or 2nd compound you already have found a box or two and now theres wagons everywhere. People dont even go to the wagons. Theyre terrified of confrontation. They also screech at me half the time for taking the totems because "it makes too much noise". So then I fire my gun.

    • 7 months ago

      >kill traps
      >all shots
      that's a dodge for sure

      • 7 months ago

        If youre in a position to get smoked youre in a position to get distance rezzed instead. Lets be honest, when I go to rez you, youre going to leave the match anyways.

        >he doesnt want full immunity to every damage type
        >when people are running around doing quests with like a solid 80% chance theyre carrying these weapon types and have no pen
        >+ infinite heal with dark sight and any fire source.
        >and get a full inventory of grenades within 1-2 compound visits within the first 45secs - 4 mins into the game
        >still have like 5-15mins of immunity left for at least your first fight which you win
        >and get more shots and grenades from looting the corpses
        >and get free full bar heal backs from every kill you get

        The real insulting answer you were looking for was:

        >bro ur dolch precision for headshots?
        Which I am not good enough at aiming to confidently do.

        • 7 months ago

          homie I wouldn't give you the chance to necro me because I wouldn't play with you in the first place, I bet you're this guy too lol

          I random queued with two guys who started mic spamming the same noise at the same time in game and never communicated with me at all

          We wiped a trio at bounty compound and got pinned down on way to extract by a six star duo. I was out of healing, no shots, low on ammo, and down a bar, but I didn't have bounty so I snuck out of compound and ran to extract abandoning them there. Gave those mf the real randoms experience LOL

        • 7 months ago

          dude's the kinda guy to kill his random teammate with a kill trap and say
          >durr well I pinged it

    • 7 months ago

      >no chokes
      >all shots
      >kill traps

      I wouldn't ready up with you either

      • 7 months ago

        I dunno i bought it and its new to me so I figured Id use it.
        skins dont even matter
        honestly i forget most of the time to even turn my blacks back on and I leave them on 0 on my monitor from when I go to bed and I just play that way.

        I find myself actually buying nagant precisions semi-often when I have a poison, bow or pistol damage challenge since they don't seem to be that common on free hunters. In comparison there's basically no situation where I would want to take a vandal and those are on every other free guy.

        you should never be buying free guys
        you should be buying any skin and then rerolling the traits.

        • 7 months ago

          I find myself actually buying nagant precisions semi-often when I have a poison, bow or pistol damage challenge since they don't seem to be that common on free hunters. In comparison there's basically no situation where I would want to take a vandal and those are on every other free guy.

          >free guy

  81. 7 months ago

    why are there so many chinese on US servers right now? I have to chinese check my randoms and I've dodged like 4 groups in a row now

  82. 7 months ago

    Who wants to play on Xbox with me?

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      literally not a single living person on this god forsaken hellscape of an earth

  83. 7 months ago

    >take out a sniper rifle for the first time in weeks
    >its a fog map

  84. 7 months ago

    How many times a week do you think anyone takes any variant of a non-contraband winchester vandal on a hunt? I bet it's less than 10.

    • 7 months ago

      what about nagant precision chads?!

      homie I wouldn't give you the chance to necro me because I wouldn't play with you in the first place, I bet you're this guy too lol [...]

      nope not me

      dude's the kinda guy to kill his random teammate with a kill trap and say
      >durr well I pinged it

      traps are for screwing over angles.
      you think its for blocking doors, but I put around chokes so if you try and retreat behind this corner when I shoot at you to heal you walk into the trap that you dont expect to be there. This forces you to remove the trap/leave the hallway/stand directly in the hallway. The first guy chose to remove the trap without perk which told me he was there. And that trap was a trap to get him to feel safe which got him spotted and his teammate backed into the traps behind the barrel and died. Clearing them out and picking up his friend gave me time to come behind them and shoot them in the back.

      1d chess: putting trap in the doorway so I can hop over it
      2d chess: activating it to block the doorway
      3d chess: ??????
      4d chess: blocking hiding spots around corners
      5d chess: blocking hiding spots around corners with a fake set of traps out in the open to lure them into a false sense of safety.

      >dude's the kinda guy to kill his random teammate with a kill trap and say
      "Carelessness will find no clemency in this place"

      • 7 months ago

        I find myself actually buying nagant precisions semi-often when I have a poison, bow or pistol damage challenge since they don't seem to be that common on free hunters. In comparison there's basically no situation where I would want to take a vandal and those are on every other free guy.

    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        Non-contraband I said, obviously people will take contraband ones pretty regularly if they're just doing free guy budget runs but I don't think anyone is ever choosing to buy one for any loadout.

        • 7 months ago

          theres no reason to ever not at the minimum take a springfield with bleed or a romero with a pistol until you can afford a bow.
          it takes at most 2 braincells to calculate this decision

  85. 7 months ago

    the vandal gold rush skin is one of the best in the game
    i love the vandal and precision
    but they're on free hunters all the time so I always have the contraband
    also the centennial shorty is so obscenely good man, the precision fire rate is far better but otherwise. omg medium fmj with >450 velocity
    ahhhh i'm centinnialinggggg

  86. 7 months ago

    >fresh prestige
    >pull fanning on Black personcoat out of my ass
    >some homosexual free hunter has caldwell conversion
    >proceed to smoke server 3 matches in a row and hit 5*
    great, now i have to derank again
    i hate this game

  87. 7 months ago

    >have 20 minute fight at weeping stone
    >both bounties banish and leave
    >see 4 minute warning, closest extract is fricking pearl
    >o shit Black folk we might not make it
    >take off in that direction, frick this fight
    >team mates get the idea and start to follow
    >dumb bastards stop to farm mobs and hit a supply cart
    >I make it to extract with about 30 sec to go
    >dumb ass team mates are trailing behind
    >one of them has stam shot, is going to make it, other one is totally fricked
    >watching the timer count down
    >gets to 10 and guy is ALMOST to extract
    >intrusive thought
    >don't even fight it
    >shoot him with concertina arrow
    >he doesn't make it
    >wait for angry profile comment
    sorry man I'm mentally unstable and you were just too vulnerable

    • 7 months ago

      frickin deserved

  88. 7 months ago

    Only got this game very recently. So whats gonna happen with the event battlepass weapons once the event ends. You know the cyclone and bat and what not. Are they just gonna become regular weapons you can buy or do they go away once the event is over?

    • 7 months ago

      they're put into the unlock pool permanently
      for all their faults crytek doesn't ever make weapons limited, and you never have to pay for them

      • 7 months ago

        Ok I was assuming as much just wanted to check though.

  89. 7 months ago

    newbie here
    what should I do to unmoron? my friends are trying to guide me but im so dogshit and want to atleast contribute a little
    is there a resource for learning maps so I don't feel like a wheelchair bound vegetable being pushed around by my team every game?

    • 7 months ago

      You can scout out the maps with just AI in the trials mode, the trials themselves aren't particularly realistic or useful experiences but they might at least get you a bit more comfortable with moving around the compounds while shooting at shit.

    • 7 months ago

      99% of it will be through playtime and experience. I can give you a few tips. Q
      >General positioning
      Where possible don't put yourself in a compromised position i.e. skylining yourself, being in the middle of an open field, basically anywhere that would be unsafe to revive from. Don't peak the same angle twice, reposition between shots, communicate with your teammates on enemy positions. Stay at full hp as much as possible, even missing a small bar (25hp) puts you into territory of getting one tapped to the upper torso by 30% of the arsenal; where possible heal between taking hits.
      ALWAYS bring the following
      >Knuckle knife
      Best melee tool in the game, it's unlocked via earning 2000xp with the knuckle dusters
      >Med kit
      Self explanatory, unlocked at lvl1
      >Throwing axes
      Best pve tool for killing ai. It will one shot armoreds and hives to the chest and barbed wire armoreds to the head, quietly too. When you're out of stamina it will one shot grunts with the melee attack, it also destroys barbed wire with the melee swing.
      >Choke bombs
      Will extinguish burning teammates from a distance, also removes poison clouds. Can also be used in choke points to provide intel if a hunter pushed through it as they'll start coughing
      I've found the best to bring are the following
      >Deployable medkit
      Cheap and heals 100hp and can be used twice
      >Regen shot
      Recently buffed, constantly regenerates your health, helpful to save burst heals like the medkit when you're only missing a small bar of health
      >Dynamite stick
      Basic grenade, good for clearing out wire and hunters
      Denies an area for two minutes, also useful to burn downed hunters to put pressure on their teammates
      Use the Winfieldc. It's got good close range rate of fire, good suppressive fire at mid range and has the capability to one shot headshot up to 150m. Paired with levering and iron repeater and high velocity ammo it's great.

      • 7 months ago

        Pistols you either run the new army with its high rof for quick two taps up close or the conversion pistol with fmj for the ability to penetrate cover. If you join the thread discord you can find other anons to teach you the ropes. If you're from australia I can play with you aswell. There's about 500 different things I haven't listed here but imo the best a new player can do is just play what they're told to and they'll figure out why later down the line, avoid noob pitfalls like bad/incomplete/unoptimal loadouts, reliance on rng (dual wielding) and just bad player tendencies like crouch walking in open fields etc

      • 7 months ago

        oh that's thorough. thanks brah

  90. 7 months ago

    what a fricking shit engine

    cant even render fall dmg correctly or in 2000ms increments

  91. 7 months ago

    >asian player
    >joins match
    >walks to extract

  92. 7 months ago
    this website is also useful to get an overview of maps. i notice a lot of players struggle with directions in the game. all the compounds are intentionally angled to frick with you
    it'll also show you where all potential spawns are which is good to pay attention to, simply put they're all the roads going to edge of map
    if you're OCE i'll buy beretdog a skin in celebration

    • 7 months ago

      Post stats Shrekgaygit

      • 7 months ago

        you gotta put the hard git on me like that?

        • 7 months ago

          Have challenges reset so I can convince my friend to play yet?

          • 7 months ago

            it's like 10am EST wednesday

          • 7 months ago

            >Challenges are the caveat stopping him from playing
            Unlikely, ngmi

  93. 7 months ago
  94. 7 months ago

    That's it
    This prestige i'm going to play exclusively double single-conversion and fan it up everybody's butthole

    • 7 months ago

      finally a true cowboy

    • 7 months ago
  95. 7 months ago

    I haven't seen one fricking comment anywhere from anyone that the siege bond charm unlocked at level 42 in the event is a swastika. not the nazi one, but still a swastika variant, I figured crytek would be too sensitive to even brush up against that shit

    • 7 months ago

      muh swastike
      it's a frickin x made into a square like hundreds of other symbols
      eat a baby dick israelite

      • 7 months ago

        listen Black person they renamed black sun to obsidian sun because someone pointed out "black sun" was a colloquial name for the sonnenrad, which is a symbol used in neo nazi imagery. I just thought if they're THAT fricking sensitive to this shit, they'd not be willing to make a charm that vaguely clearly resembles the funny peace windmill. If they want to be fricking stupid that's fine, but at least be stupid consistently fricking twats

        • 7 months ago

          i'm very aware they changed the name of my #1 gun
          and didn't say A FRICKING THING
          my point is stfu and let us have what we can until the apocalypse

        • 7 months ago

          i'm very aware they changed the name of my #1 gun
          and didn't say A FRICKING THING
          my point is stfu and let us have what we can until the apocalypse

          sounds like you share my hate of israelites though so you should join the discord and we can rant while beating people with baseball bats and telling them israel is a covenant with jesus the israelites rejected

          • 7 months ago

            Discord is a gay program for homos


            • 7 months ago

              you bet not be Australian

  96. 7 months ago

    Is Rachta lurking here or did one of you gays dono on his stream for him to play this loadout?

  97. 7 months ago

    >crytek are going to add aim assist for controllers on PC
    lmao, every new decision crytek makes is fricking idiotic

  98. 7 months ago

    >this amount of wallhackers today with servers shitting themselves in addition
    nah Black persontek, i'm good.
    i can't be bothered try to outplay Black folk that come 2 compounds away on a hunter sitting still behind a wall in an unassuming corner not even inside the compound and immediately start throwing consumables and chokes at them every fricking game.
    Private lobbies can't come soon enough.

    • 7 months ago

      *climbs on top of the roof and shoots you vertically down through it with sparks in the head*

  99. 7 months ago

    >go to extract early since I didn't feel like fighting for the bounty with a shitty loadout I took for challenges
    >horses start going off
    >open door of hut near carriage, hear guy charge up a melee
    >back up and wait for him to rush
    >lever two shots into his chest, get two hit markers, then die to his melee
    >kill recap says I killed myself with a 25 damage shot from my own rifle, then shot him in the leg for 59, then was hit by a non-fatal 150 damage head and body shot from his vandal striker
    >challenge progress confirms only 59 damage dealt
    I swear every time I launch this game it gets buggier

  100. 7 months ago

    drowning water fill my bum

    • 7 months ago


  101. 7 months ago

    I hate the descendents of sub saharan africa


    Victorians get the rope

    • 7 months ago

      >I love spitzer

      Always knew that trannoid is a cheater. Pretty sure he/she/it is a mod on the OCE discord too kek

      • 7 months ago

        It's in the bugs genes to cheat as much as possible.

  102. 7 months ago

    finished the event + bonus charm, now what the frick am I supposed to do

    • 7 months ago

      go see lulu

    • 7 months ago

      prestige and watch the twitch events obviously for the free items to boost your prestige start

    • 7 months ago

      Just play the game like you did before the event

      >try to play smart
      >die to someone doing something too stupid to plan for
      >get put against dumber players

      Yep player prediction is hard at low levels of any game, can't read someone's mind when they have no thoughts.

      • 7 months ago

        I watched my 4 star teammate not be able to figure out how to get on top of a building and then take the worst ladder way and then within 6 secs fall off the fricking building and die

  103. 7 months ago

    >try to play smart
    >die to someone doing something too stupid to plan for
    >get put against dumber players

    • 7 months ago

      Get drunk, play dualwield redshirt or axe redneck and climb stars.

  104. 7 months ago

    Dual conversions and uppermat is a fun time. I originally played it for challenges, had damage with conversion pistols + headshot with pistol, now I've just been running it because it's enjoyable

  105. 7 months ago

    What's the point of the Uppercut Precision?
    Why would I take this over an Upermat or Oberz or just regular Uppercut?

    • 7 months ago

      Filler shit weapon to put into the Battle Pass so goys buy levels
      They still haven't addressed the mosin and the officer carbine is still ridiculous, so there really is little reason to pick anything else outside of intentionally gimping yourself for fun

    • 7 months ago

      it's got less sway than the uppermat and substantially less sway than the obrez, while doing more damage than the uppermat. It isn't entirely useless because you still get the long ammo advantage of being able to down in one body hit to someone you've downed before, so it makes a good complementary pair to the bow. that doesn't make it great though but it does have purposes

  106. 7 months ago

    >menu design is a cluttered mess
    >crosshair isn't even centred
    >walking simulator
    >jank gameplay and combat
    >get killed by a bush

    >awesome atmosphere
    >based western setting

    interesting concept, terrible execution

  107. 7 months ago

    anyone else having serious draw distance issues lately
    and freezing is fricking ass

  108. 7 months ago

    >queue wildcard solo
    >expect usual trio fights
    >get killed by a guy sitting in a bush
    >game is all duos

    • 7 months ago

      wildcard is trios only tho right?

    • 7 months ago

      wildcard is trios only tho right?

      yea but sealclubber troons keep queueing and that's what you get at low ranks.
      no trios, only mentally ill Black folk.

  109. 7 months ago

    anyone else having issues with female nephilim violently shaking them awake

  110. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      bonus points if he has a lantern or a derringer or something instead

      • 7 months ago

        even better he had an empty slot

  111. 7 months ago

    I fricking hate the vetterli
    it feels broken
    it doesnt seem to hit anything even though its the same speed +10 faster as the centennial
    it must have fricked up rng or the aiming point is crooked from where the bullet actually comes out
    something about it makes it miss constantly while other guns that are 600m dont have that problem

    • 7 months ago

      Are the guns really fricking this bad?
      I tried putting a piece of tape as a crosshair on my screen and on top of the guns not shooting in the right spot according to this

      the crosshairs dont even fricking align with my goddamn piece of tape and each gun's ironsight is in a different spot compared to the crosshair on the piece of tape

      I never use crossbow and the crossbow is off the crosshair point by the width of my entire pinky nail.

      So the iron sights are crooked on each gun.
      The gun isnt aligned so it wont shoot in the center of each iron sight on many of the guns. And the guns sway on top of that.
      And they dont load the extra round in the chamber "for MUH SAFETY" as they have already left the wagon and dun gone to kill people which they would've loaded since they left the safety of the town. But they do top off the shotgun THE MOST DANGEROUS CLOSEQUARTER GUN as they travel around in the wagon.


      Im going to break off my dick and eat it

      • 7 months ago

        i used a small dot crosshair back when reshade was whitelisted
        lined it up with the winfield crosshair and it was always aligned with every other gun

      • 7 months ago

        The crossbows are off because they’re sighted for I believe 40 meters for the large xbow and 25 meters for the hand xbow(store page has the accurate stats). Every other iron sight is completely accurate
        t. Uses crosshair overlay

  112. 7 months ago

    >fricking noob died to the crow boss
    >somehow he lit himself on fire and was bleeding
    >couldnt stop being on fire or die
    >enter the building
    >shoot all 3 of them
    >You Downed This Player
    >You Killed This Player

  113. 7 months ago

    >They gave the Nagant Officer Dum Dums
    When the event is over and people can't ignore bleeding this will be peak bs

  114. 7 months ago


  115. 7 months ago

    for fricks sakes does anyone have the youtube video where the guy is spectating his 5 star team mate on console and the entire fight is just a fricking embarassing benny hill sketch? I cannot find it on YT and I don't know if it's because it's just buried by all the other hunt content clogging up keywords or if the video has been removed for some reason

    • 7 months ago
      there's plenty of proud OC content on reddit from console gamers, it's fricking hilarious

      • 7 months ago

        going through them all...
        man I miss derpy fights. they should really bring weapon sway back. fun isn't being the best, fun is overcoming horrible odds and fricking up the least

    • 7 months ago

      is this what you wanted ?

      • 7 months ago

        yessss thats it

      • 7 months ago

        the part where he throws the dynamite into the wall in front of him always gets me

        • 7 months ago

          honestly I thought that was the best play in the whole thing that mightve got someone.
          I remember seeing someone kill dr disrespect by whiffing the dynamite into a window and instead smacking it into the wall into a falling drop like that and kill him with a negative iq play.

  116. 7 months ago

    Caldwell Upperdecker Chainpistol

  117. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      *Checks patch notes*
      Hmm yeah looks like we're raising the scottfield to 110 damage and giving it more reserve ammo

      Don't worry pax fans, you're getting a new variant, the pax starter gun! It's a blank gun that doesn't actually fire bullets, it just sounds like it. Paired with fanning you can really give someone a shock!

  118. 7 months ago

    • 7 months ago

      lmfao and he's indian and he crouched and looked right at it
      love it
      i think i've come full circle. i'm ready to be a trap troll

      • 7 months ago

        I like to troll team mates by running into their traps. Crouch up next to them while they ping it, look at it, look at them, look at it, ping it, look at them, walk away the turn around and sprint right into it. Wiped our whole squad once sprinting into a freshly placed alert trip on a red barrel. There is no greater joy.

  119. 7 months ago
  120. 7 months ago

    "Why do people keep telling me to buy a pair of headphones???"

    • 7 months ago

      Is this 2* elo? Your dogshit aim is more atrocious than his situational awareness. You had an enemy 5m away with his back turned to you and it took you 15 fricking shots to down him, you could've just swapped to your melee and killed him instantly IF YOU FRICKING HAD ONE

      • 7 months ago

        m8 I was piss drunk in this clip. I was playing with friends and we got drunk and thought it would be amusing to just be annoying, so we were taking flare pistols, fusees, and chokes to just shit up boss lairs and then start spamming to fish for wallbangs. Problem is being drunk, we'd all forgot and just charge at anyone we saw and start firing and completely forget any notion of a "plan"
        But this took place in a mixed 3-4 star lobby

  121. 7 months ago

    NaxNogs SEETHING at the 1V3

    • 7 months ago

      what the frick does this post mean

      • 7 months ago

        naxgays coping

  122. 7 months ago

    >fren shows me a shadowplay of nightmap davant ranch adventures
    >pitch fricking black
    >darker than inside a Black's ass
    >some absolute gamer god (3* btw) firing pinpoint precision uppercut shots at fren and headshots him 96m away
    >on a night map
    >in pitch black with no light sources around
    >no fren didn't even shoot because he cant see shit
    ok where do i get a gaming chair like this?
    Does Clara know?

    • 7 months ago

      >a shadowplay
      fricking lul

  123. 7 months ago

    >lost enough matches that my opponents start to aim as poorly as I do
    >solo without resilience self revives into my concertina bomb three times
    >go up a star
    They need to change that shit already

  124. 7 months ago

    >five star random wont ready up
    >i flip through my double ace hand max lvl 50s taking up all of my slots + extra slots
    >he still wont ready up

    • 7 months ago

      >playing randoms in the first place
      >thinking swapping through your hunters will suddenly make him really really want to play with you!
      Autism lol

      • 7 months ago

        I mean if youre not like prestige 80 and not at lvl 100, it tells me you have every hunter slot maxed and win a lot and if you cant mirror match, it tells me you lose constantly and buy a new holy shit the fricking youtube subscribe button now flashes rainbow homosex colors when people say subscribe in the video

        • 7 months ago

          What are you even saying lmao based schizo I kneel

          • 7 months ago

            im not schizo
            open this video and tell me you see the subscribe button light up when he says subscribe


            • 7 months ago

              oh god its if they say like too

  125. 7 months ago

    Can you fricking plugpull or something in this game? This c**t just shot where I was 40+ seconds ago.

    • 7 months ago

      Short answer, yes

  126. 7 months ago

    >get challenge to do 150 melee damage
    >Reroll it
    >Get challenge to set hunters on fire
    >When every fricking Black person in the bayou is fire immune
    >No more rerolls
    >Have spent the past 6 hours using dragons breath, dragon bolts, hellfire bombs, alert trips on every yellow barrel, running incendiary long ammo
    >Have successfully set 2 of 3 hunters ablaze
    Frick you cucktek you fricking wienersuckers. I guess I learned my fricking lesson, next time I'll just run the fricking bomb lance already since apparently there is always a greater evil

    • 7 months ago

      Just get a buddy and find each other in quickplay, you can get tons of challenges done that way

    • 7 months ago

      >play quickplay
      >run around with lanterns
      >pick up firebombs
      >use fire beetles on the other homosexuals when everyone is going on wellspring location.

    • 7 months ago

      >Rerolling melee damage
      Stopped reading there, I don't care about the opinions of shitters

      • 7 months ago

        Fricking this. lol
        fricking melee dmg is one of the easiest fricking achievements.
        fricking wasting a reroll on melee and not using it on something fricking gay like headshot a hunter with a pistol at 80m or some shit.

        • 7 months ago

          Only ones I skip are elemental effects as people run the trait and antidote so you're not guaranteed a proc when you hit as well as slugs as I don't play shotgun and I prestige often

          • 7 months ago

            I avoid prestige until I finish the event. Im on the bonus stage now. I'll prestige after.

    • 7 months ago

      melee is annoying to get but it's also pretty easy to do
      just go into a compound while players are fighting a boss and you should be able to get it

  127. 7 months ago

    can we frick off these chinks from our servers once and for all please? all hidden profiles with hidden KDs of course

    • 7 months ago

      Boy I sure do love all these chinese fricking hacking esp homosexuals with walls that literally approach a building from the sewer entrance and Im afk outside the main building in a random nonsensical spot not even playing for like the past 2 minutes cause im afk doing something on my second monitor and I hear them cooking a grenade to throw exactly at me from two floors below when they had no fricking LOS or bounty ever BECAUSE THEY WERE IN AN UNDERGROUND TUNNEL UNDERNEATH A BUILDING


      lol you too huh?

      • 7 months ago

        Was it the same team? I reported them but we all know crytek ignores in-game reports anyway

        • 7 months ago

          no a different team sadly

    • 7 months ago

      They really need to remake the MMR system, but between that and banning/region locking away all chinks and ziggers i choose the ban first.

    • 7 months ago

      Exact same trio at it again tonight. Frick this game, frick OCE, and most importantly FRICK china

      Douglas MacArthur was right, should have nuked them when he had the chance

  128. 7 months ago

    >no matter what, remains the GOAT

    • 7 months ago

      I mean they keep introducing weapons that suck compared to it, of course long ammo bolt actions are going to stay on top

    • 7 months ago

      lebel worst gun in game

    • 7 months ago

      lebel best gun in game

  129. 7 months ago

    I've recently Ironsidepilled my fren
    He used to play exclusively Sparks, because it's just good, 149dam, long ammo, cheap.
    And after taking a look, Martini Ironside is not a bad alternative, ofc. has it's own downsides but still a good budget gun.

    • 7 months ago

      Muzzle velocity can get annoying

      >no matter what, remains the GOAT

      >Higher rof, damage and velocity than mosin
      >Aperture variant
      >Other long ammo guns have been nerfed to lebels ammo resupply
      >Cheaper than mosin
      >10 rounds in magazine
      Yeah I'm thinking it's lebel time

      • 7 months ago

        Mosin has higher damage than the Lebel

        Also the lebel takes like 15 minutes to reload rather than the quick clip reload of the mosin. Still, I do enjoy playing the lebel from time to time, especially since it has pretty good skins. The berthier marksman might actually surpass the lebel marksman for me though simply because of its clip reload and the ability to take 2 ammo types

        • 7 months ago

          My bad I must have gotten them mixed up that said, the damage and velocity part was mostly just shit talk, there's barely noticeable difference in 99% of situations
          I'd argue that double mag size is equal if not better than the stripper clip; 10 bullets should be more than enough for any engagement
          >Berth marksman
          I only take stock, running spitzer is unnecessary given the muzzle velocity and the low damage is too much for me, I enjoy the luxury of being able to just hit the upper torso on downed hunters. I also don't like running the scoped weapons and instead prefer the flexibility of the aperture sight.

      • 7 months ago

        >better sights
        >better sound
        >better aesthetics
        >better skins

  130. 7 months ago

    I dont want to fricking play with 4 stars when im a fricking 6 star
    frick off crytek
    stop fricking griefing my games
    stop fricking punishing me to rejoin lobby to wait more
    fricking just let me wait until its 6 stars

    • 7 months ago


      frick off universe
      leave me the frick alone you god damn Black folk

    • 7 months ago

      >Be 4 star shutter
      >Queue randoms
      >Get paired with a 5 and 6 star
      >Already dodged like 6 queues, tired of waiting so just send it
      >In compound, a headsman jump peaks corner and immediate headshots me through the wall with mosin as he lands back behind corner
      >I only ever saw the tiniest sliver of movement and heard nothing because of Lightfoot I suppose
      >Entire lobby was mixed 5/6 star, I was only 4
      On fricking god I don't want to play in your nightmare sweatpool lobbies either, please for the love of god crytek

  131. 7 months ago

    >shitreel is no longer crytek partner
    KEK good riddance

    • 7 months ago

      cornf's time is now!

    • 7 months ago

      Wha happun?

    • 7 months ago

      My brother in christ he WORKS for them now

      Wha happun?

      he got hired by crytek to work on hunt

      • 7 months ago

        nice, i guess?
        Jems Delaney also landed at Crytek i heard.
        Don't know what to expect of this.
        Huffing hopium.

        >shitreel is no longer crytek partner
        KEK good riddance


        • 7 months ago

          Hopefully long ammo will finally get a reduction in power so that it isn't the most optimal pick in every single game (it won't)

    • 7 months ago

      My brother in christ he WORKS for them now
      he got hired by crytek to work on hunt

      Probably a marketing role or something. Still, good for him

  132. 7 months ago

    Why is the US server so full of cheaters? (in before that 2k hours played reddit gay who claims to have never met a cheater)

    • 7 months ago

      Accounts are cheap and disposable, the cheat software is the only cost. Add that to a small map where everyone wants to go the same few locations with only one or two teams that can be "winners" and you have a competitive game. An inaccurate spectator and kill cam, no replays, and shitty anti-cheat is the cherry on top. It's like cheating tarkov - no real detection or action from the devs - now the game just needs the redditors to watch a video by some streamer/youtuber on it

      • 7 months ago

        it's literally <4$ to buy a new steam account with hunt on it
        crytek doesn't do hardware bans
        you literally just flush you ip and buy a 4$ account and you're back at it
        not to mention that original ban is just for a couple weeks so now you have accounts to rotate between
        the only reason not the cheat if having a sense of morality

    • 7 months ago

      because you're a new player who doesn't have the ability to decipher between a legit player who's better than you and a cheater

  133. 7 months ago

    can i just get a flak jacket for 2x hp instead of 2 teammates
    pls ty crytek

  134. 7 months ago

    >deal damage with bornheim challenge
    thank god bornheim never actually kills anyone, I never run out of meat bags to poke with it

  135. 7 months ago

    God the meta movement in this game is moronic

    • 7 months ago

      homie you woulda missed if he stood still

  136. 7 months ago

    Matchmaking feels fricked, I'm pretty sure everyone is tanking their MMR on purpose to pubstomp the shit out of shitters like me.

    • 7 months ago

      Probably a lot of people who were playing solo which can tank your rating hard, especially if you get unlucky or make some risky attempts with self revives

      i'll be honest. i usually hover around 5 star and recently tanked down to 3 star playing with 6 star friends and being shit I guess
      decided to just embrace it and play solo in duos. 9 games in a row pub stomp, stupidly. and if i die to one of you guys even though I have necro and can get back up and get more kills, that one death is -50mmr while all the kills are +60 so I get to keep hanging out and doing the thing
      i never really played solo consecutively before, just here and there. it's ridiculous. 10s dark sight, do I get 2s per loot? serpent giving me clues from outside the compound. relentless letting me full res with necro and still clutch servers. getting bars back from looting... it's really not fair
      i literally have to not die to gain mmr. I can kill 7 people, die twice and get +15 mmr.
      inevitably it's going up, i went from 2500-2800 over those games and am back in 5 star. but solo matchmaking drops your mmr by about 200
      pic related, headshot through the wall after slurping bounty since his gun was sticking out
      disappointed i didn't get a hacker comment on my profile

      • 7 months ago

        >pic related
        not real

        • 7 months ago

          just let me be anonymous

      • 7 months ago

        how are you seeing what your mmr is?

        • 7 months ago

          1 - there's a video about it ITT that'll give you the exact math about it.
          2 - this dude has no idea how mmr works

        • 7 months ago

          hunt stats logger on github
          here's my last 100 games, each dot can be delved in to see all the players and their kills/etc
          it's based on the last mission details crytek saves in a text folder that refreshes after every game

          1 - there's a video about it ITT that'll give you the exact math about it.
          2 - this dude has no idea how mmr works

          ok homosexual. i can literally see the mmr of everyone in my matches and the difference between their match mmr and personal mmr

          • 7 months ago

            I'm trying to figure out why everything has gone to shit these last 3 months for me, i haven't even tanked on purpose nor have i solo revived tanked down my MMR and yet i have dropped from 5-6 stars to 3 by getting rammed in most games were talking complete one sided fights. Either I'm getting old and sloppy or the others are tired of carrying me or some other factor playing in.

            • 7 months ago

              last thousand games, across 3.5 months
              there's definitely peaks and troughs, all those major troughs are a week each pretty much
              idk sometimes it's good to just play some casual games or go outside or maybe address something in your life you're neglecting
              this last major drop for me probably correlates with being annoyed as frick with my girlfriend

          • 7 months ago

            pointing at a graph and understanding why it is that way are two different things moron.

            • 7 months ago

              i don't even know what you're arguing about

              • 7 months ago

                >post is full of bullshit statements about mmr calculations
                >gets called out
                >no look at my graph i can point at it

                geez i dunno why

              • 7 months ago

                what's bullshit? if you die to someone with less mmr than you you take a larger hit than if you die to someone with higher mmr than you
                if you kill someone with less mmr than you you get less mmr than if you kill someone with more than you
                meaning you can farm multiple kills on someone lower than you and even if they kill you once you almost break even
                i've seen the video
                I just posted examples of it of it
                sure I used hyperbole but are you seriously gonna be butthurt over that

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah okay, post stats moron stop shitting up the thread

      • 7 months ago

        Pretty sure all these solo buffs is to cater partly to streamers as well, maybe necro self revive needs to be changed to a burn trait (after the event)

  137. 7 months ago
  138. 7 months ago

    >facing more experienced players in 3 stars than in 5-6
    What gives?

    • 7 months ago

      Probably a lot of people who were playing solo which can tank your rating hard, especially if you get unlucky or make some risky attempts with self revives

  139. 7 months ago

    YS still havent been banned despite using obvious esp hacks
    im beginning to think they just paid off crytek

    • 7 months ago

      honestly i'm beginning to think it's a case similar to how square treats ffxiv, if it isn't happening on the servers they play on, they'll never fix it because it might as well not exist.
      It took yoshi-p actually playing on NA servers at a fanfest for him to realize the netcode was fricking shit for anyone above like 60 ping in xiv, and it was fixed within a week when he did, despite them having been told that for about five full years. Hunt i have the feeling is the same way, because YS arent actively dicking over dennis, the king of balance, or his homosexual fricking youtuber boyfriend psychoghost, they don't exist in crytek's eyes.

  140. 7 months ago

    >teammate goes down
    >we win the fight 3 seconds later
    >he ragequits after weve won the fight
    >turn around and say to other teammate why did he ragequit?
    >he says: "I dunno man"
    >he ragequits too

  141. 7 months ago

    bad ideas from Ganker: how to fix self revive maybe

    when you press the revive button, you take 25 char damage. you'll lose an additional small bar, or half of your big bar leaving you more vulnerable. either way, reduces the number of times you can stand back up significantly

  142. 7 months ago

    If i read correctly what you're all saying correctly, if you're playing solo in a lower player pool like oceania, do they get placed in crazy brackets difference like they seem to be in trios ?
    Doesn't that make it even less worth for them to play solo, mmr wise ?

    • 7 months ago

      Probably depends on what rank the solo is but I imagine it breaks even. Low population could mean that it puts the solo with people even further below their MMR or it could mean that it puts them with people not as far below, or even above, their MMR.

  143. 7 months ago

    ban all chinese and mexican 200 ping pieces of shit pls

  144. 7 months ago

    Thats it
    Im gonna leave the match every time I load into a raining map, what a shitty condition.
    Don't developers know that people want to be able to see and hear what they're shooting at?

    • 7 months ago

      what does it matter?
      all the cheaters have it disabled and esp regardless

  145. 7 months ago

    >Another Aimbot and ESP abusing homosexual at 3 starts
    When I finish the event I'm uninstalling the game and maybe even removing it from my library so I never play it again.

  146. 7 months ago

    A bit late but still.

    • 7 months ago

      this shit reskin is the first dip in constant growth since inception

      I think we're probably at the peak we'll ever get though, anyone that would enjoy and play hunt has heard about and tried it by now

      • 7 months ago

        Normally Vidya sees a constant increase during summer do to summer break. Which indicates that the changes brought in the Summer event have driven people off. Or that people are just moving on. I would say the numbers are too steep to be just people moving on.

        • 7 months ago

          it's a six year graph

          The graph might be a delayed snowball graph, the stagnation is not "no new players are coming", but rather, old players are leaving at the same rate as new players are coming in.

          yeah that's possible, plenty of older players I know have weaned off to play a lot less than they used to. especially with the redundant events
          but really the genre appeals to a minority, i'll be quite impressed if we manage to keep climbing
          a steady 20k is fine imo. i'm not an aussiegay tho

  147. 7 months ago

    The graph might be a delayed snowball graph, the stagnation is not "no new players are coming", but rather, old players are leaving at the same rate as new players are coming in.

    • 7 months ago

      I have been playing since day 1 and still play but this event just fricking sucks dick and I've just quit for the foreseeable future

      • 7 months ago

        i'm starting to get "event fatigue" too, probably because they're the same everytime.
        I kinda miss the serpent one.

        • 7 months ago

          I have been playing since day 1 and still play but this event just fricking sucks dick and I've just quit for the foreseeable future

          I always loved the day dying light did things where they changed zombie stats and spawnrates and stuff and unleashed them on people.

        • 7 months ago

          My favorite was the one for the Bow and Throwing axe.
          The fact that you just got score for running around the map.
          There was no gay battle pass.
          No shitty gimmick traits.
          No added gimmick for existing traits.

          Also the BP rewards are getting worse. They either add power creep stuff like dum dum ammo for the fricking officer nagant or pointless shit like the Bornehim suppressed.
          Also battle passes are just gay bullshit. Only F2P games should have battle passes and any game that has a BP that gives you less premium currency than it takes to buy it is a scam.

        • 7 months ago

          I played the first week of the event and quit for warthunder, just not interested in the game with this battlepass every few months bullshit. At least warthunder keeps the game play the same and you aren't forced to play with awful shit to progress for what you want

          • 7 months ago

            >Mfw I don't play snoreblunder

            • 7 months ago

              It's the only thing that's interested me since I lost the interest in hunt for now

              • 7 months ago

                Have you tried playing with friends as that's the main reason I play videogames; it's just a relatively entertaining medium to socialise to

              • 7 months ago

                I don't have any

              • 7 months ago

                Join the discord then, there's plenty of anons there to play with

              • 7 months ago

                I don't have any


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