Hunt showdown

Anyone wanna play Hunt showdown?
Add me @ Senpai Storm#5570
Just tell me your ASL please

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  1. 2 years ago

    Forgot to post my ASL
    29/F/east coast

    • 2 years ago

      What's your MMR.

      • 2 years ago

        typically a 5 star but I've been committing Sudoku to derank

    • 2 years ago

      yuo will never be a woman. your ugly wide shoulder and adams apple look hideous. your gross stinking hairy dick flopping around and your male pattern baldness make you disgusting

      • 2 years ago

        Spotted the slug user

        • 2 years ago

          Nah, he right... the need to announce ur description is cringe, if I'm gaming w/ someone I only give a frick if they're competent, n this is an 18+ board so no matter what ur gonna be gaming w/ adults; so I don't see the reason ppl needa know ur "female"

          This thread itself tells me casuals think this game is good meaning it caters to casuals n now I realized it went from gotta buy; to gott boycott... think I'll try tarkov

          Tl;dr: I could play w/ aphrodite herself n if she was annoying over mic n couldn't do shit for the team; she gone

          • 2 years ago

            not sure if esl or if 70iq.

          • 2 years ago

            >if I'm gaming w/ someone I only give a frick if they're competent
            Sad how pathetic the posters on this board are. Worse than /lgbt/, /LULZ/ and /soc/.

            • 2 years ago

              Our rule for finding randoms in the discord is you either have to be competent or fun to talk to

              • 2 years ago

                >you either have to be competent or fun to talk to
                And you are? Lmao

      • 2 years ago


        Anyone wanna play Hunt showdown?
        Add me @ Senpai Storm#5570
        Just tell me your ASL please

        >ASL is needed to play a video game
        How about you frick off and be a predator somewhere else.

    • 2 years ago

      I only play with guys sorry no girls allowed

    • 2 years ago

      Are you hot. Post boobs.

    • 2 years ago

      >feast coast

      seriously though, i hope the next event won't be as cancerous as the last one

    • 2 years ago

      women need not apply

  2. 2 years ago

    Can I get team mates that aren't absolute low IQ pussies that even after I kill 2 people won't push the fricking enemy?
    I had to leave 10 matches today cause I couldn't be bothered waiting for moron mc frickface to get domed while he crouches for 2 hours.

    • 2 years ago

      saging this thread because OP is gay and game deserves a better NOT general

      make friends or use a discord where you can verbally communicate what play styles you expect before game

  3. 2 years ago

    I'm so bad at accounting for drop off on bullets and can't aim for shit. On the other hand I wiped a whole server with a sword somehow so I feel ok.

    • 2 years ago

      But there is no drop off in this game?

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry I meant damage drop off. I keep shooting way too far out with medium ammo rifles.

      • 2 years ago

        wait, there is no drop off? i only need to compensate for velocity?
        frick me

        • 2 years ago

          still saging btw

  4. 2 years ago

    What do you like to use off a fresh prestige and you are level 1?

    • 2 years ago

      add sage

    • 2 years ago

      Romero HC + Axe + Knuckles and spam the frick out of vitality shots for unlocks. You want to die.

  5. 2 years ago

    fricking homosexual devs won't let us play on linux

  6. 2 years ago
    Make or break for me, if i still get subhuman gopniks on EU server then I'm putting the game down for good.

    • 2 years ago

      You've been playing this long, you won't do shit tough guy.

  7. 2 years ago

    >suddenly drop about 20fps average in game
    >stutter when fighting anyone close

    Well. GG from me till they optimise guess.

    • 2 years ago

      Update Nvidia drivers.
      If that don't work delete the user folder.
      And remember the game is CPU bound, maybe you have cooling issues or something.

      • 2 years ago

        I have a 2070S and a 3600. Everything was fine till about a month ago. I’ll try what you said though.

        • 2 years ago

          Same problem bud, been ongoing for a month or two. I get some bizarre stutters where I don't technically lose frames but it feels very stuttery for a second or so. Even happens in offline trials so something in 1.8 likely caused it. That on top of 40+ fps drops when I render compounds/encounter players is sapping my will to play.

          DeSalle patch gutted this games performance and it's never coming back.

          • 2 years ago

            This update definitely fricked something up
            I got a shit CPU sure but I could still run this game at a solid 40 FPS but since the update I'm getting the stutters you describe as well as the game just freezing for 5-10 seconds at a time. Never happened during PvP yet but it happens at least a couple times every single match

    • 2 years ago

      Servers have been complete shit these last 2 days, either it's a ddos attack because people are mad over region/ping lock or it's just crytek's shit servers that's finally given up.

  8. 2 years ago

    Why is every homosexual running around with automat all of the sudden? I encounter at least 1 every game.

  9. 2 years ago

    >play quick play
    >headshot some one
    >they fall to the ground, dead
    >muzzle flash from their location a second later
    >i die
    well, i guess im done playing until the next patch. again. this shit needs to be fixed.

  10. 2 years ago

    Could a group jump into this with no knowledge or is it too late to git gud?

    • 2 years ago

      yeah, its a basic shooter at its core, its never too late

    • 2 years ago

      100% get it dude. I know it sounds bias but it’s one of the best shooters out at the moment. Unfortunately it’s got some issues with lag and dsync that can sometime occur and ruin your match but it’s worth sticking out.
      If you do get it the best starting advice I can give you is be silent, every mob apart from bosses and “meat heads” (massive headless dudes with slugs around it) can be one shotted with the knife. Most noobs go round shooting shit out of everything then wonder why they got jumped.

    • 2 years ago

      Just go for it. It's really rough to learn solo, but if you have a group it's great fun even when you are clueless. It matches you against the worst absolute shitters for the first 5 or so games so you have a grace period to figure out how the game works.

      Best advice I could give for fights is that movement is huge in this game. Peeking the same spot should be avoided at all costs, and whenever possible you need to keep your team moving and rotating around the enemy trying to find unexpected angles. A team that sits in one spot is free kills for good players.

  11. 2 years ago

    How do I help my friend gain some game sense if he doesn't play solo?

    • 2 years ago

      Just keep playing. All game sense is knowing sounds and how close you can get before you trigger a noise trap or agro a mob.

  12. 2 years ago

    this game is unironically dying

    • 2 years ago

      I actually agree. More bad than good with every update these days. Still, lasted me 1500 hours so I can't complain.

    • 2 years ago

      its been dead for a long time, son

  13. 2 years ago

    saw the game is on sale. should i buy the game? is it good to play with a friend?

    • 2 years ago

      What kind of games do you like to play? If you’re looking for a more casual experience hunt isn’t the game for you. It’ll take at least 100 hrs before you’re even competent at this game. If you enjoy learning nuances of a digit game and getting better you’ll enjoy it, otherwise I wouldn’t recommend it.

    • 2 years ago

      What country you from anon

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      It's very fun as long as you have a friend to play it with. People will jerk themselves off about how hard and complex it is, and they are right that there is a lot more thought that has to go into fights in Hunt than in the vast majority of shooters, but it's really not that bad. As long as you have at least competent skill at FPS games, you can do fine in low MMRs even before you have in-depth knowledge about the game.

      • 2 years ago

        >people will jerk themselves off about skill
        >also they’re right
        This game does require more time commitment than most shooters. You have to make a conscious effort to improve or you will get shit on constantly

        • 2 years ago

          lmao. no it doesnt.

          this game is considerably easier than most MP shooters on the market. it doesn't even have the standards of Tarkov or RS6/Apex demand from you.

          • 2 years ago

            >thread about to (rightfully) die
            >moron who has nothing actually on topic to talk about bumps it from page 10 with an inflammatory post, desperately trying to get engagement

            • 2 years ago

              nice reading comprehension fricktard.

            • 2 years ago

              >dipshit can't even follow a series of posts or let alone have coherent thoughts

            • 2 years ago

              We were so close to having a proper Hunt thread. But morons gonna moron.

          • 2 years ago

            This game is considerably harder than most games.

            • 2 years ago

              no it isnt you fricking double digit iq troglodytes. it's barely above COD/BF in terms of skill level needed to play and maintain a positive KD. there's plenty of ways to straight up get bullshit/easy kills (camping corners with shotguns, spitzer, dualies, semiautos, HV, general spam, and etc.). despite them nerfing concertina, increasing the length needed to burn corpses, reverting combat changes by bringing it back in some form, hampering movement, price revamps, and etc.

              you fricking morons still manage to have sub 1.0 kds with no hunt dollars to spare. there's a time commitment if you're dense (cuze u cudnt fricking read a wiki/starter guide before playing lmao).

              tired of crytek pandering to fricking morons like u dudes.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh you're one of those morons. Guessing you're also this samegay lol

                nice reading comprehension fricktard.

                >dipshit can't even follow a series of posts or let alone have coherent thoughts

                Game is not about k/d. It's about extracting with the bounty.

              • 2 years ago

                dudes getting so mad they have to accuse me of samegayging. sounds like you're getting desperate because people know you're fricktards.

                thanks for your surface level analysis 3 star dipshit too. K/D is a strong measure of player performance in 99% of fps. if you disagree with this, i know you're a fricktard :). besides, nobody (good) even puts an emphasis on getting bounty/extracting over actual kills. cuze it's a dogshit game mode.

              • 2 years ago

                Kek you're a shining example of one of my favourite concepts: the fool too foolish to notice his foolery. I've stated it before a few threads back, anywhere between 0.8 and 2 is a good kd. Players with 0.8 and above can hold a fight but often die before the end of said fight, often being the ones to entry frag or be using utility and assisting their fellow hunters in the conflict. Anything lower indicates that they're still learning the ropes. Up to 2kd implies that they know what they're doing, able to statistically 1v2, but usually it's a case of them securing kills either by their team mate setting up with an initial hit or getting a clean shot from an advantageous engagement position (sniping/holding an angle). Above 2kd is where things start getting a bit dicey. Either this Hunter is a God, or there's something sketchy going on (cheating or smurfing)

                Kd does give an indication of player reliability but at the end of the day, Hunt is more complex than your average shooter and there's too many factors that go into what makes a player good, and kd is not the sole statistic.

                On-top of all this, your mother is a fat hamwhale, but I fricked her good while your feminine father watched, cried and jerk offd. You're a colossal Black personhomosexual, have a nice day.

                Posted from my iPhone

              • 2 years ago

                If you play the game long enough it's hard to change your kd

  14. 2 years ago

    Anybody else getting much worse FPS indoors in some compounds since the hotfix? One of the most noticeable ones for me was Wolfshead, I used to get steady 50+ in every compound other than Upper and Lower, but now I get temporary spikes as low as 25 FPS.

  15. 2 years ago

    >done with masteries on all weapons
    What should i do now? besides getting good.

    • 2 years ago

      Play for fun?
      That randomizer loadout is pretty good.

    • 2 years ago

      You remembered to prestige 11 times, right anon?

  16. 2 years ago

    >amazing setting
    >great weapons
    >best FPS gunplay bar none
    >not pozzed
    >fantastic level design

    shame it's all built around the most boring game design possible. find 3 arbitrary clues (you will likely see nobody along the way) then either camp the boss for the next 30 minutes, checking your minimap every 4 seconds to see if the target has left the compound, or try and kill the boss and get 3rd/4th partied out the ass, which is why people just camp forever.

    they good extract all the good elements out of this and make the best multiplayer shooter going, but its fundamental game mode design needs a total rethink.

    • 2 years ago

      i think a regular battle royale mode (with duo and trios) would help this game of the rut a bit. but the base game mode is total shit despite the great combat. maybe something along the lines of a control point esque or search and destroy game mode would help.

      • 2 years ago

        quit being a homosexual and recommending BR's. There are enough games with that shit and we don't need more of it shoved into everything.

    • 2 years ago

      >>not pozzed
      something tells me you didn't play the game early access when it didn't have these stupid b***hes running around

      a problem with the game design is that it doesn't force combat. people think it's acceptable to camp or literally setup shop outside the fricking bounty building and wait (while being level 100 with dozens of prestige so cash is not a issue). Normal BRs use a zone to push people in. Maybe Hunt could use some sort of PvE method, like once the bounty has been started to banish or has been banished all the AI will congregate towards the compound, making anybody outside under constant attack.

      • 2 years ago

        Or how about they make the bounty actually worth fighting for and give the bounty holding team some major advantage.

        • 2 years ago

          bruh you will get 3 uses of a shitty wall hack and you will like it

    • 2 years ago

      I kinda wish the maps were cut in half. It's annoying as shit when the bounty is on the opposite end of the map with an extract so you can easily go games where you see no other teams. I'm also tired as hell of compound fights,gimme ambushes, clue fights, 9/10 fights are always at bounties.

      • 2 years ago

        I think smaller maps would be cancer because any extended fight would get third partied to hell. Bosses next to extractions are kinda annoying, I guess they could change it so that the banishment time is dependent on the distance to the extraction to give people more time to get close.

        Ive had plenty of ambushes, whether its spawn fights or waiting for a team to come because they set off alarms. Ambushes are really lobsided, since mobility is low and lethality is high. If you have some stupid idea to encourage ambushes (like an open world boss), everyone would just avoid it. Or someone would do it, get shot, and then learn to never try that again. Cluefights also happen, both spawn fights and by reading the map greyout and setting up an ambush.
        That fights happen at the bounty is obvious because
        >compound means you arent killed instantly since there is cover
        >everyone is told people are there and will stay there (most likely)
        >you have to wait 2 minutes for the boss to banish
        >its the game objective
        Sure, you have compound shotgun campers, sure, you have mosin sniper campers, but plenty of 6*s on twitch show you can play aggressively and sitting in a bush for 45 minutes isnt the end all of strategies.

  17. 2 years ago

    Do I still need to set my headphones to stereo for sound propagation to work properly or can I actually use my 7.1 surround sound setting. Haven't played in a minute but want to get back into it.

    • 2 years ago

      Stereo works best, like every other game with truly good audio. 7.1 on headphones is just a gimmick, and properly built stereo sound is going to be better every time.

  18. 2 years ago

    >Game goes F2P
    >F2P players cannot earn blood bonds through any means
    >Those players can pay 10-20$ to be able to earn blood bonds like regular players

    • 2 years ago

      >Open the floodgate for more cheaters and exploiters
      >Servers will be even more overloaded

    • 2 years ago

      I think they should invest in working servers before they decide to do anything moronic like that.

    • 2 years ago

      they would probably have to reinvest a lot of capital in going F2P. they might as well since they have more artists over game developers at this point (for skins and cosmetics) and definitely think it will help boost the player base in terms of count.

  19. 2 years ago

    these weapon balance changes be 4 da better in 1.9.1 fr fr no cap

  20. 2 years ago

    Anyone wanna play on console?
    PSN is FootLover14_
    MMR is like 2600 but I started like 2 days ago lmao

  21. 2 years ago

    really fricking hate spitzer mosin sniper Black folk

  22. 2 years ago

    Glad their wasting resources on a "next-gen" console update for a game that should have never been on console in the first place. Console Black folk are cancer

    • 2 years ago

      ye. nobody even fricking plays it on console.

  23. 2 years ago

    How bout dat der uppercut rebalance ay?

    • 2 years ago

      Lower damage lower damage drop off? good balance imo have we got flat numbers yet?

    • 2 years ago

      probably removing the 1 tap on 125 hunters in exchange for further 2 tap range

      • 2 years ago

        Lower damage lower damage drop off? good balance imo have we got flat numbers yet?

        We already have the numbers, it was in the devstream. It does 126 at 20 meters and can headshot up to 115 while get more reliable 2-taps from that increase. If you want to see the graph of the old uppercut vs new go watch the devstream or a recap video

        • 2 years ago

          >Not 124
          Weird for them to commit to such high damage for a secondary, what was the range where damage hits 124 that said, the only stat that I really care about is effective range as I'm not a shitter

  24. 2 years ago

    Really wish they went upper uses special ammo route to see the seethe. Guess this is OK

  25. 2 years ago

    I'm so fricking sick of randos who just fan out to the godforsaken butthole as soon as banishing starts so they're too far away to do anything other than whiff potshots with their long ammo rifles and die anyway once the enemy squad rushes them 3 v 1

    • 2 years ago

      What the frick did you even just say eslgay

      • 2 years ago

        randos bad.

  26. 2 years ago

    Gator boss

    • 2 years ago

      >sparks pistol
      >dual sparks pistol
      >can have 4 sparks at once

  27. 2 years ago

    Is there any way to get run ideas for bloodbond expenses by crytek? They seem to be struggling with how to get people to buy them and I've been kicking around a few concepts for weeks. Like, a Random load out button that has different tiers of loadouts for tier 1, 2, and 3 & legendary hunters. there's several random loadout generator apps/webpages, there's clearly an interest in the concept.

    How about being able to unlock items in the weapon book for bb? People on the prestige grind could pay 100bb to unlock mosin from level 1. Balance? Fresh prestiges get set up against level 100 trios anyway there's clearly no consideration for that involved in balancing anyway

    In the post game screen if your hunter died what if there was an option to pay BB to save your hunter? People other than 6 star sweatlords would be willing to run level 50 hunters a few games maybe

    Based on this black market thing they clearly have no idea how to convince people to spend money on the game

    • 2 years ago

      All of your suggestions are bad and not very incentivizing or just flat-out make people upset. I don't think there is a way that Hunt can be properly monetized, short of completely resetting everyones BB count, unless they decide to do a battlepass system for each event that lets you get everything faster than someone who decides to grind it during the event. And if they decide to do that they will need to make a whole lot more weapon skins because most people already have more than half of them

      • 2 years ago

        Shut the frick up you ignorant twat I would use all of those features you don't know shit about shit break your fingers and never type again they must be employing a bunch of morons like you that don't have a fricking clue what players would enjoy I'm going to screenshot that anons post and go spam it on their fricking discord maybe they'll have a moment of clarity and do something not moronic with their monetization scheme

        • 2 years ago

          Ahhh, /vm/Hunt, home

    • 2 years ago

      besides the weapon book buys they're decent ideas
      im gonna get real mad though if at the end of every game a prompt addresses me if i want to save my hunter with BBs

  28. 2 years ago

    >play a lot of solo vs trios
    >that one game of the day where you wipe half the server and moonwalk out with the bounty
    >hands shaking the whole run to extraction
    i love this fricking game bros

    • 2 years ago

      Good hunt, partner. Respect the bayou and she'll pay well.

      • 2 years ago

        What a gay post.

        • 2 years ago

          Ur a gay post

  29. 2 years ago

    >that terrifying moment when you hit your crossbow shot on someone right next to you and they survive
    >the relief when you hear them bleed out as you take cover again

  30. 2 years ago

    Wot do you think the anti-camping mechanic will look like? I'm not sure if they plan to do anything about bush snipers but I had an idea for making people get out of the fricking boss lair
    >After banishing if both bounty aren't picked up in 5 minutes the boss respawns
    >When killed again, collapses into a new banish pile, no 2nd banish or anything
    >5 minutes after both tokens are taken the boss's spirit takes vengeance from hell
    >Phenomena start happening in the boss lair, random fires, poison gas clouds, hive swarms spawn, wind and screaming noises deafen you, lightning flashes blind you momentarily
    >Staying inside almost certainly means death
    Would b kool AF but they also need to make it so there's a reason to actually have the bounty or no one will bother killing the boss, they'll just camp around the compound waiting for someone else to do it. Spitballing shit here, maybe holding bounty should give permanent Regen/antidote/stamina shot and you should get time for landing kills on people on top of looting.

    • 2 years ago

      >Boss lair spawns poison clouds and hive swarms
      >Bounty token gives them antidote effect to negate it
      Lol. I could see it giving them unlimited stamina, I'd rather not the antidote and Regen effect.

    • 2 years ago

      I hope they DO do something to address bush wookies. I hope it's something stupid and on the fricking nose too, like staying in a certain square meter area for too long causes enemies to start spawning on them. I'd love to hear mosin sniper homosexuals cry about it being unfair that 4 hellhounds spawned right on top of them as the bounty ran past and cucked them out of their ez kills

    • 2 years ago

      Camping gives you bayou covid. Your coughs and sneezes emit a bright orange smoke and can be heard two compounds away.

  31. 2 years ago

    The dude in the monetization video they just put out is the first person I've heard speak about the subject like an actual human and not some corporate robot.

    • 2 years ago

      When he said they intend to change refunding traits to a hunt bucks feature eventually I was fricking floored, that's literally the only consistent blood bond expense I use, I buy $20 of bb every few months so I can just roll legendary hunters and spec them as I please. If I want to play a levering terminus game I grab a random legend, refund the traits and grab levering, bullet grubber, and whatever else if there's points leftover. That they're going to take these minor out-of-game conveniences and divorce them from blood bonds for moronic shit like the black market actually has me thinking this assclown

      Shut the frick up you ignorant twat I would use all of those features you don't know shit about shit break your fingers and never type again they must be employing a bunch of morons like you that don't have a fricking clue what players would enjoy I'm going to screenshot that anons post and go spam it on their fricking discord maybe they'll have a moment of clarity and do something not moronic with their monetization scheme

      might be right, holy frick they don't know how to get people to buy bb

  32. 2 years ago

    >monetization changes are coming little pay piggies
    >Still no Billy twitch drop

  33. 2 years ago

    what is the point of prestige-ing?
    just the feeling of pride and accomplishment from grinding all the way up again?
    i don't wanna unlock all my guns and grind out all the variants again, and i don't want to use lame looking hunters for 30 levels
    what's the point? am i missing something?

    • 2 years ago

      >Haha number go brr
      You also get legendary skins for first 10 or so prestiges, though I stopped prestiging given how I hate grinding out the knuckle knife t.prestige20

      • 2 years ago

        There is none, it's just an arbitrary task for GAYMERS that need a pointless "numbers go up" task to feel like they're doing something. That being said, I'm prestige grinding because I like it lmao I focus on using different weapons each prestige. I think most people prestige once, decide it's dumb and just stay level 100 forever after that.

        ironic considering sitting at rank 0 permanently is just "numbers go up" but with money instead

    • 2 years ago

      There is none, it's just an arbitrary task for GAYMERS that need a pointless "numbers go up" task to feel like they're doing something. That being said, I'm prestige grinding because I like it lmao I focus on using different weapons each prestige. I think most people prestige once, decide it's dumb and just stay level 100 forever after that.

      • 2 years ago

        ironic considering sitting at rank 0 permanently is just "numbers go up" but with money instead

        Value of prestiging is in the eye of the beholder too, good point about the using different weapons, I would focus on a different playstyle every prestige, the money wasn't a huge issue either I would always notice I'd have an extra thousand or so hunt dollars at the end of prestige versus the last one so I guess in that aspect it can be a measure of improvement too

        Anons post loadouts and rate haven't had one of these in a while

        • 2 years ago

          Sometimes I feel like just fricking around I take martini henry marksman and uppercut with explosive ammo and just artillery people from long distance until I run out of ammo then go extract.

    • 2 years ago

      There is none, it's just an arbitrary task for GAYMERS that need a pointless "numbers go up" task to feel like they're doing something. That being said, I'm prestige grinding because I like it lmao I focus on using different weapons each prestige. I think most people prestige once, decide it's dumb and just stay level 100 forever after that.

      Also just in case you didn't know, there are a few exclusive legendary you get from prestiging.
      >Prestige 5: legendary sparks
      >Prestige 10: legendary bornheim
      >Prestige 25: legendary derringer
      >Prestige 50: legendary Winfield
      >Prestige 100: legendary mosin

  34. 2 years ago

    >Crytek hires black queer to write lore
    >next event contents get leaked
    >Legendary Event Hunter will be a bearded snake-man called the Viper who is nonbinary and gets angry from being referred to as a "he" instead of a "they"
    >Man who called the Viper a "he" apologizes for not having had the opportunity to exchange pronouns yet


    • 2 years ago

      Black person homosexuals

    • 2 years ago

      Fricked if true, where ingame is this interaction?

      • 2 years ago

        Presumably this leaked lore will be revealed to players piece by piece as they make progress on the upcoming event, the same way as in previous events. If so, it won't be shoved in your face, but it's still dumb to introduce modern-day gender identity into a game set in the year 1895.
        Leaked update content and event lore can be found at

        The mentions in the lore that I'm talking about start with the line: ”He keeps to himself,” came the gruff reply.

        • 2 years ago

          >modern-day gender identity into a game set in the year 1895.
          People not meshing with gender roles has existed forever, and it has always been common in places where the pretenses of civility aren't around. Poverty, war, frontiers etc have always broken down the gender norms and as a result those queer cowboys, soldiers, and factory workers, both male and female, gained new venues of self-expression.
          Plus, the late 19th century is when the prudish Victorian Era norms were being eroded rapidly. They wouldn't be destroyed until the 20s, but it was already going away.

          I'm not a big fan of "Grrr use me right pronouns because we're allies!" stuff in general, but the concept behind it has more historical precedent than it just being modern day.

          • 2 years ago

            Thats a lot of words to say nothing.

            • 2 years ago

              Sorry let me try again
              >"modern-day" problem
              >has existed forever
              >historically existed when the game was set

              • 2 years ago

                >Be impoverished man in reconstruction south
                >Have frick all job prospects
                >Have frick all money
                >Can't even elect my own officials
                >But what I really care about is Jane now wants to wear trousers even tho she doesn't ride a horse

              • 2 years ago

                This, don't get me wrong the whole gender memes have been around for years but that doesn't mean that they had anywhere the influence nor prowess that they possess in current year and pretending they did is both folly and ungodly

              • 2 years ago

                >But what I really care about is
                You're right, they wouldn't care
                That's the point.

    • 2 years ago

      Presumably this leaked lore will be revealed to players piece by piece as they make progress on the upcoming event, the same way as in previous events. If so, it won't be shoved in your face, but it's still dumb to introduce modern-day gender identity into a game set in the year 1895.
      Leaked update content and event lore can be found at

      The mentions in the lore that I'm talking about start with the line: ”He keeps to himself,” came the gruff reply.

      Crytek has said since the start that they intend to give us an alternative version of history because it would be too traumatic to make people relive the authentic racism and sexism of the past. I still feel like the lore used to be better though. Now it falls into that trope of explicitly explaining what the characters are thinking instead of leaving motives and shit up to interpretation. I don't know why wokeoids write like that but it's obnoxious

      • 2 years ago

        They explicitly explain EVERYTHING. It's like reading a trashy young adult graphic novel. They don't leave anything to reader interpretation or the reader could end up at the WRONG conclusion and they absolutely cannot allow that, they MUST make sure you understand their vision and moral message!

        Frick sakes.

  35. 2 years ago

    Game is full of bush wookies level 50 mosin cains and pussies who camp and refuse to move for 45 minutes. Along with that moronic 800ms kill trade window.

    • 2 years ago

      >Wasting time trying to move an immovable object instead of just extracting
      No it doesn't, take your meds

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        homereel is such a homosexual

        • 2 years ago

          Who tf is homereel?

      • 2 years ago


        >modern-day gender identity into a game set in the year 1895.
        People not meshing with gender roles has existed forever, and it has always been common in places where the pretenses of civility aren't around. Poverty, war, frontiers etc have always broken down the gender norms and as a result those queer cowboys, soldiers, and factory workers, both male and female, gained new venues of self-expression.
        Plus, the late 19th century is when the prudish Victorian Era norms were being eroded rapidly. They wouldn't be destroyed until the 20s, but it was already going away.

        I'm not a big fan of "Grrr use me right pronouns because we're allies!" stuff in general, but the concept behind it has more historical precedent than it just being modern day.

        high estrogen modern israelite historical interpretation
        they weren't identifying as a different gender they just didn't give a frick if a girl wore pants

        • 2 years ago

          >they weren't identifying as a different gender
          Usually they were, yeah. Because that's where the urge for girls wearing pants and guys wearing dresses comes from.
          But hey maybe I'm wrong and actually I have a lot to learn from a guy who thinks that israelites control history.

          • 2 years ago

            you are wrong homosexual
            go guzzle more twitter netflix propaganda history specials

      • 2 years ago

        oh its ghosty. ive run into him before

  36. 2 years ago

    Lol. Lmao even. Imagine.

    • 2 years ago

      i actually think the nitro is low key op and the only reason it's allowed to be is because low mmr shitters can't adjust to the sights and don't use it, and 3-4 star crybabies are by far the loudest voices regarding balance

      • 2 years ago

        It's biggest problem is the low special ammo cap.
        Even if you are a slow and careful shot chances are by the time you deal with one team you will be out of ammo.

      • 2 years ago

        >i actually think the nitro is low key op
        It's not. Most comparable guns also kill in one or two shots, but aren't restricted by having only a handful of backup shots.

        • 2 years ago

          There's no comparable gun. It one-taps on a torso shot over 50m with dumdums, and is capable of 200m headshot snipes like in the webm. There's nothing else like it. The low ammo and intentionally obtrusive sights are the "balancing" factors and with practice the sight issue can be mitigated, and special ammo isn't so hard to find. You can also bring an ammo box. But just using mosin or slate slugs is easier and gives results faster than putting in the reps to master the nitro so it's currently not a problem.

  37. 2 years ago

    Centennial bros we won

  38. 2 years ago

    Just got this game.
    All the pistols seem the exact same. Is there one that's way better than the rest, or are they basically the same?

    • 2 years ago

      main differences are;
      base damage
      fire rate
      reload speed
      ammo capacity/reserve capacity.

      Each one is a balance of these factors. All things considered, Conversion pistol FMJ is probably the best.

    • 2 years ago

      They are quite different. Mainly ammo type and dualwield/fanning accuracy/speed.

      It has weak performance, reloads slowly, and is outclassed by just every other pistol. It has the fastest fanning fire rate, but the accuracy on it is terrible, Dual wielding is equally terrible. So no reason to pick it over the conversion (except if you want a specific special bullet type)
      more of a tool than a pistol to shoot people with. You can shoot horses, knock out lanterns on kennels, shoot zombies without expending stamina, shoot concertina armored, the works. With poison ammo it can tap out an immolator without making it blow up. For PvP only fanning is interesting. So a sniper+fanning silenced nagant is a good combo. The nagant allows you to reposition quickly and quitely to line up the perfect headshot.
      nagant officer
      pretty much best for a short range pistol. High rate of fire, 2 tap in chest, with HV ammo it can even be used to rapid fire at someones head at range. Its competitors are expensive or have other issues.
      calwell conversion
      fast fanning, little recoil and little spread on fanning, dualwielding, being very stable in sway, decent reload speed as well. All in all a very basic pistol. FMJ ammo gives it amazing range, on par with the uppercut, at the cost of lower muzzle velocity.
      loadsa bullets, worse sway than conversion. The fanning is a meme, some like the meme for its big bullet count, while others dont like the meme since it sprays everywhere.

      • 2 years ago

        It is the only long ammo 1 slot pistol. That means 130 body shot for oneshotting hunters missing a bar, better damage drop off over range and high muzzle velocity. This makes it the premium choice for a long range sidearm. But unlike full size guns it starts losing damage at 20m and drops damage faster. Still, despite being worse than a 3 slot long ammo weapon, its still your best bet when carrying a shotgun. Another quality is that it shares ammo with other long ammo weapons. That means +9 reserve ammo and bigger long ammo pickups.
        shoots about twice as fast as the officer and has high muzzle velocity. but it is a 3 tap on the upper body, with 5 bullets (6 if you have one in the barrel) which is shit. It has a fast magazine style reload to compensate. Overal its overpriced and underpowered. only use if you want a quickswap followup after something like the sparks. but even there, if you miss the sparks you rather have an officer to fall back on than the bornheim
        pretty expensive for a meh pistol that has okay fanning. The main pistol is similar to a conversion, decent range with FMJ. 9 shots, I prefer its iron sights as well. But nothing to write home about. The shotgun has an effective range of like 2m (slugs are a funny meme though)
        A decent enough pistol for long range engagements. Not as strong as the uppercut, but decent enough muzzle velocity. FMJ conversion does have better damage at range though. Also an option if you want the extra medium ammo
        The claw is basically a knife on the heel of the gun.
        extremely nerfed, but it is a medium ammo semi auto pistol with 10 shots and clip reload. but the reload is slow, and it uses as special ammo instead of medium ammo. Its better than the officer in that it has 10 shots and slightly more damage. but its not +650 hunt dollar better.
        fans more slowly than the pax. I do like it for just fanning it, since it still turns someone into swiss cheese in close range

      • 2 years ago

        It is the only long ammo 1 slot pistol. That means 130 body shot for oneshotting hunters missing a bar, better damage drop off over range and high muzzle velocity. This makes it the premium choice for a long range sidearm. But unlike full size guns it starts losing damage at 20m and drops damage faster. Still, despite being worse than a 3 slot long ammo weapon, its still your best bet when carrying a shotgun. Another quality is that it shares ammo with other long ammo weapons. That means +9 reserve ammo and bigger long ammo pickups.
        shoots about twice as fast as the officer and has high muzzle velocity. but it is a 3 tap on the upper body, with 5 bullets (6 if you have one in the barrel) which is shit. It has a fast magazine style reload to compensate. Overal its overpriced and underpowered. only use if you want a quickswap followup after something like the sparks. but even there, if you miss the sparks you rather have an officer to fall back on than the bornheim
        pretty expensive for a meh pistol that has okay fanning. The main pistol is similar to a conversion, decent range with FMJ. 9 shots, I prefer its iron sights as well. But nothing to write home about. The shotgun has an effective range of like 2m (slugs are a funny meme though)
        A decent enough pistol for long range engagements. Not as strong as the uppercut, but decent enough muzzle velocity. FMJ conversion does have better damage at range though. Also an option if you want the extra medium ammo
        The claw is basically a knife on the heel of the gun.
        extremely nerfed, but it is a medium ammo semi auto pistol with 10 shots and clip reload. but the reload is slow, and it uses as special ammo instead of medium ammo. Its better than the officer in that it has 10 shots and slightly more damage. but its not +650 hunt dollar better.
        fans more slowly than the pax. I do like it for just fanning it, since it still turns someone into swiss cheese in close range

        Awesome, thank you for the tips.
        The only question I have is does muzzle velocity just affect how quickly the shot hits the target, or is there something else to it?

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, its just projectile speed. However, since headshots are so important, having high muzzle velocity means there is less of a chance a target wiggles around in some unexpected way and dodges the shot

          • 2 years ago

            lol, lmao even
            different anon here, the other anon made good points for the most part but I'll throw my hat in the ring

            When starting out the officer is going to be your best friend. Early unlock, forgiving, great stats all round and cheap. 2-taps the upper torso up close with enough in the cylinder to wipe a trio with 1 bullet to spare. The fanning perk is great in terms of burst damage but using it by mag dumping isn't using it to its full potential given it's reliance on rng. It can help net kills early on as you start but later on it can become a detrimental habit of relying on a dice roll; I've had enemy hunters fan the entire cylinder at me and miss all shots. You're better off using the officer for controlled aimed body shots whilst transitioning and slowly focussing on getting headshots.

            What region are you from, pardner?

            All guns in Hunt shoot projectiles that take time to hit their target, muzzle velocity tells you how fast that projectile moves and how much you need to lead your shots
            Also there's no vertical bullet drop with some exceptions like crossbow bolts

            >Early unlock
            Yeah, about that. Those homosexuals at crytek put the unlock to a higher level, and put the caldwell new army in its place. Because they know prestiging is shit, and they just love making it more shitty for no reason.

            As for the difference between them (for newanon). New army has 1 less shot, different sights (I find them worse) and lower muzzle velocity, but it has different ammo types (dum dum is pretty amazing on it) and a faster reload. Also, both the scotfield and the new army have better partial reloads, because other revolvers will do a little barrel spin if you cancel a reload, while the scotfield and new army dont. Overal I prefer the officer for the sights, but otherwise they are close enough that it doesnt matter too much what you run.

            As for fanning, its pretty garbage for most pistols, I have no idea why people keep running it with the chain pistol. But for the scotfield, caldwell conversion and pax the accuracy is pretty decent. If you fire it center of mass on a shotgun-range target, it is reliable enough in my opinion.

            Great info, thank you all.
            I play on US West, and I've been playing pretty casually with friends and doing lots of the trials just to understand the basics better (and they're fun).
            I've also kind of enjoyed playing solo, though it has spawned me 5 feet away from a team of three at least twice that I know of.
            It's a lot of fun, but I need to play it more like a stealth game.

            • 2 years ago

              you can turn off trios. There are a bunch of spawnpoints at the edge of the map, roughly 100m between each point (usually you can see a road go to the edge of the map, indicating thats a spawn), but the game doesnt distribute people evenly. So its possibel you spawn inbetween 2 teams, or you spawn at the other side of the map of all the other teams. Depending on your spawn its often a good idea to not run to the nearest compound but instead look to your right and left if there is anyone ther (especially with corner spawns). You can also look how many roads from hte edge of the map lead towards a compound to get an idea where the other team will be (if they spawned close) and how many teams zero in on the compound.
              Also dont fall for the trap of crouchwalking everywhere. Youre more stealthy if you trigger a horse and keep running for 5 minutes than crouchwalking through a body of water for 5 minutes. That said, avoiding crows, horses, kennels and shooting your guns does help a lot. For example, if I hear a horse in the compound south of me, notice that the map blackout makes them likely to go north, I can just wait and pick them off. Having the drop on someone is a huge advantage.

        • 2 years ago

          All guns in Hunt shoot projectiles that take time to hit their target, muzzle velocity tells you how fast that projectile moves and how much you need to lead your shots
          Also there's no vertical bullet drop with some exceptions like crossbow bolts

  39. 2 years ago

    I like the Swig of Fortune stuff but damn the cost. Like I'd buy it for the usual 7 bucks or whatever but with the full bundle price in blood bonds it's like 20 frickin bucks

  40. 2 years ago

    Did we really need ANOTHER terminus hand cannon skin? The frick

  41. 2 years ago

    >it's another 1 extraction in 4 hours episode

  42. 2 years ago

    >4 Star
    >Getting paired with nothing but 5 and more often, 6 stars
    >Every fricking match they run off like Rambo before securing any kind of objective, eat shit, and quit as soon as they're downed the first time

    Take me back to shitter ranks, please. It's like everyone is playing solo-queue but refusing to actually queue solo

    • 2 years ago

      lol, lmao even

      Awesome, thank you for the tips.
      The only question I have is does muzzle velocity just affect how quickly the shot hits the target, or is there something else to it?

      different anon here, the other anon made good points for the most part but I'll throw my hat in the ring

      When starting out the officer is going to be your best friend. Early unlock, forgiving, great stats all round and cheap. 2-taps the upper torso up close with enough in the cylinder to wipe a trio with 1 bullet to spare. The fanning perk is great in terms of burst damage but using it by mag dumping isn't using it to its full potential given it's reliance on rng. It can help net kills early on as you start but later on it can become a detrimental habit of relying on a dice roll; I've had enemy hunters fan the entire cylinder at me and miss all shots. You're better off using the officer for controlled aimed body shots whilst transitioning and slowly focussing on getting headshots.

      What region are you from, pardner?

      • 2 years ago

        >Early unlock
        Yeah, about that. Those homosexuals at crytek put the unlock to a higher level, and put the caldwell new army in its place. Because they know prestiging is shit, and they just love making it more shitty for no reason.

        As for the difference between them (for newanon). New army has 1 less shot, different sights (I find them worse) and lower muzzle velocity, but it has different ammo types (dum dum is pretty amazing on it) and a faster reload. Also, both the scotfield and the new army have better partial reloads, because other revolvers will do a little barrel spin if you cancel a reload, while the scotfield and new army dont. Overal I prefer the officer for the sights, but otherwise they are close enough that it doesnt matter too much what you run.

        As for fanning, its pretty garbage for most pistols, I have no idea why people keep running it with the chain pistol. But for the scotfield, caldwell conversion and pax the accuracy is pretty decent. If you fire it center of mass on a shotgun-range target, it is reliable enough in my opinion.

  43. 2 years ago

    When is this game getting more content? I swear all they release is shitty updates with cosmetic battle pass shit.

    • 2 years ago

      event soon(tm)

  44. 2 years ago

    Anyone had any fun or success with the poison ammo after the buff?

    • 2 years ago

      What the frick did you just fricking say about me, you little b***h? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fricking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fricker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fricking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fricking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fricking dead, kiddo

  45. 2 years ago

    what's the fastest way to derank. I am playing with friends who are absolutely fricking awful, and I am at 5 stars so they are getting completely reamed. I've heard that quickplay is a good choice but will it take long to get down to like 4 stars?

    • 2 years ago

      I think qp deaths matter for bh rank, and mmr is not enabled there so u meet anyone from 1-6 stars, just go die a ton there to players to derank super fast

    • 2 years ago

      i assume running whiteshirts with just a dynamite stick and killing yourself over and over

      • 2 years ago

        killing yourself literally does nothing to your MMR so you assume incorrectly

        • 2 years ago

          what about dying to zombies? Otherwise quick play is probably your best shot since you can find people more easy since everyone is solo

          • 2 years ago

            Mmr only changes when you kill or are killed by a player.

  46. 2 years ago

    how is it after 1.9 fellas
    did the slugs nerfs actually make people not camp like pussies for half an hour

  47. 2 years ago

    >Get enough blood bonds for a legendary
    >Decide between Marshall and Sheriff, go with Marshall
    >Literally one week later she's on sale

    • 2 years ago

      The legendaries, especially the hunters, are in a constant rotation of sales. What the frick were you expecting?

      • 2 years ago

        There are like fifteen of them that cycle, so the odds of it being the next one on sale aren't that high.

        • 2 years ago

          Right, but I'm saying why would you buy any legendary at full price?

          • 2 years ago

            I thought it looked cool

  48. 2 years ago

    Just heard some guy in a video mention how crouching 2+ times in a short duration makes you move real slow. This shit is news to me, is there any other things like this that aren't mentioned anywhere?

    • 2 years ago

      Jumping 2-3 times in a row does the same thing.
      Off the top of my head: The first half second to a second after switching to a pistol will have really shaky aim, you can hide your head from being shot on some low walls by looking straight down, you can shoot grenades out of the air (really hard even with a shotgun unless its going straight at you), choke bombs do 1 damage and so do flash bombs so you can combo them with the sparks for an instant kill

    • 2 years ago

      its really obvious if you ever do it and if you don't ever do it, well it doesn't really matter eh?
      if you running jump into water you can jump one more time ASAP and minimize the travel time through the water
      crytek rotates the cracks AKA peaks in wooden building walls every update
      if you shoot pistol before rifle you don't have to deal with additional sway that comes from rifle to pistol
      also OP is a homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        >crytek rotates the cracks AKA peaks in wooden building walls every update
        dont believe this one, I've been using a crack at Darrow for years and its still there

        • 2 years ago

          i didn't say crytek rotates ALL cracks

          the crouching and jumping is to prevent people jumping around or rapidly crouching to avoid headshots, there is also some weight to your movements so moving left and right isnt too erratic

          crouching nerf is to prevent tea bagging
          jumping nerf is literally just because of lightfoot

          we really need a mmr reset and KD reset option

    • 2 years ago

      Jumping 2-3 times in a row does the same thing.
      Off the top of my head: The first half second to a second after switching to a pistol will have really shaky aim, you can hide your head from being shot on some low walls by looking straight down, you can shoot grenades out of the air (really hard even with a shotgun unless its going straight at you), choke bombs do 1 damage and so do flash bombs so you can combo them with the sparks for an instant kill

      the crouching and jumping is to prevent people jumping around or rapidly crouching to avoid headshots, there is also some weight to your movements so moving left and right isnt too erratic

  49. 2 years ago

    fricking hate 5-6 star lobbys, always dying in one hit by headshoots and fricking shotguns

    • 2 years ago

      >Not good enough to into outplaying cowards
      Black person shitter

  50. 2 years ago

    >Quick play is filled with crouch camping homosexuals even at 2-3 stars
    >Solo play I always fight teams that push my shit in even at 2 stars
    >Group play my teams are always useless and never push
    Maybe its time for an MMR reset

    • 2 years ago

      play is filled with crouch camping homosexuals even at 2-3 stars
      what did he mean by this

      • 2 years ago

        >Move towards wellspring
        >homosexual is crouching inside a building just outside the red trigger distance for the wellspring

        • 2 years ago

          but there is no skillbased matchmaking in QP.

          • 2 years ago

            K. Still bullshit

            • 2 years ago

              Camping the wellspring clues is moronic though. Often enough nobody comes to the clue and even if they do, the range to turn red is big enough that you cant have a full view of it (unless its out in the open and the target is moronic and goes for it anyway). Meanwhile someone gets all 4 clues, turns into the wellspring carrier, and can just sit in a corner with a shotgun to kill whomever rushes him

    • 2 years ago

      Cope shitter kek you don't even know what you're talking about you're clearly garbage I'm not sure what an mmr reset would do for you

      • 2 years ago

        Shake up the MMR so the wanna be 6 stars that wash up to 3 get set back up and I don't have to deal with them

        • 2 years ago

          What? ESL gay is this you kek. From what I can tell you're just garbage at the game where you can't beat the most basic of shitter strategies

          • 2 years ago

            You're trying way too hard.
            Are you false flagging again?

            • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Remove mmr and put it back to being completely random lobbies, or just make it k/d based so campers can fight against campers in their own lobbies for 45 minutes

  51. 2 years ago

    What if they put an extraction at the middle of the map, like a train station. It should be a hard to defense compound with flanks from every side. Would this help with sniper homosexualry camping extracts at edge of the map

  52. 2 years ago

    A roaming boss would be cool. Compound fights are starting to get old, fighting in the swamp is where the grime is

    • 2 years ago

      Just as long as the drop is still inside somewhere with coverage. Don't want to die instantly or bring serpent just for

  53. 2 years ago

    So Sparks pistol and Romero with external magazine
    Strange since both will strain the meta.
    Also the hunter skin looks fricking terrible.

    • 2 years ago

      sparks pistol sounds like a better idea than the uppercut, since then at least there is a tradeoff that its a single shot pistol. Romero sounds like a mistake, especially since we just had the slate

      A roaming boss would be cool. Compound fights are starting to get old, fighting in the swamp is where the grime is

      then youll just cry about snipercampers shooting everyone doing the boss

    • 2 years ago

      >both will strain the meta

    • 2 years ago

      jesus frick they actually added the Alofs
      that's the most "we did it, Reddit!" addition I've ever seen to this game
      one video of one in operation followed by a forgottenweapons video and suddenly everybody is screaming "we NEED this in Hunt"

      • 2 years ago

        And its a terrible idea, either it doesnt have the romero's stats so it might as well be the specter. Or it is close to the romero and now you have a romero without the drawback of being single shot. Imagine crying about the dolch and then demanding the alof to be put in. I hope it will be expensive so hoarding reddicucks will never buy it because they need to stay about 5m dollars

    • 2 years ago

      >both will strain the meta

      Strain the Meta outside of 5-6* lobbies maybe.
      Why would a 5-6* Mosintroony not continue taking Mosin or Lebel

      I for one just want Custom Lobbies/Private Lobbies right now

  54. 2 years ago

    Is the Centennial better than the Vetterli now? Kinda seems like it now that the firerate is basically the same

    • 2 years ago

      more muzzle velocity but no onetap on someone who lost a bar

    • 2 years ago

      Comparing base to base, probably. But vetterli has better variants hands down.

  55. 2 years ago

    >grab $1000 off a dead hunter during a firefight after we banished the boss
    >my two teammates have the bounty, $300 between them
    >press tab and check my money
    >immediately ditch them and sprint for the extract
    >they both die and leave rude comments on my steam profile

    • 2 years ago

      >caring about money

    • 2 years ago

      imagine being a poorgay

  56. 2 years ago

    Have YOU seen the monolith anons?

    • 2 years ago

      I saw it on my first time in that map, tbh
      t. newbie

    • 2 years ago

      >Implying something of such material and dimensions would exist here in the bayou
      Had a bit too much to drink, pardner? That photograph you have there is clearly doctored and you're a fool to even indicate that it would be anything other than such

    • 2 years ago

      Anything is a dildo if you're brave enough

    • 2 years ago

      Of course

      How many event points to get everything?

      about 24,000, or 400 per day. I am getting about 100 points per good match, so I am going to struggle to get 28 matches in on my spare time on every weekend. A shame, I really like the snake themed skins

  57. 2 years ago

    I just lost my only friend that played this game frick my life man

    • 2 years ago

      how'd you lose them

      • 2 years ago

        He was 5'7" and fell between the couch cushions

        • 2 years ago


  58. 2 years ago

    Goddamn I hope this event drags some new blood in because I played for 2 hours in trios and got absolutely carried, and everyone who killed me was 1.3+ K/D (not KDA). I fricking hate 5 star matchmaking.

  59. 2 years ago

    Hello you stupid wonderful fricking people I threw together another shadowplay clips video of me and some friends and I like you guys so I wanted to show you thanksgiving

    • 2 years ago

      ok I kek'd at 6:55. what are these videos for though, most of the clips seemed very mundane. a few nice shots but like, completely average gameplay otherwise

      • 2 years ago

        We have a few friends in our group that don't play multiplayer stuff because they have poor internet but they liked watching my shadowplay clips when they would come over to hang out. I decided to start putting them on YT so I could show them instead of waiting a few weeks/months for another opportunity for us all to hang out. Then I decided to share them here every now and then because /vm/ are frens right?

        No interest in being a israelitetuber, it's just a convenient video host.

  60. 2 years ago

    >paid battle pass for the serpent moon event

    Well, we had a good run huntbros

    • 2 years ago

      Unavoidable if you ask me, miracle that the games gone on as long as it has. Makes sense for more monetization to be happening to continue the game's lifespan.

    • 2 years ago

      Bruh I hope the battle pass goes even further and just completes the event for you. I'm a busy mf I didn't even get to play during traitors moon. I'd drop $20 in bloodbonds to know I'll have all the unlocks at the end of I don't manage to finish the event

    • 2 years ago

      >you pay for it with premium currency
      What's the fricking issue? You guys don't just have 4k BB saved up?

  61. 2 years ago

    >take martini marksman + uppercut full explosive ammo meme machine loadout
    >banishing at upper desalle
    >go look
    >snipe moron walking around on balcony, dead
    >trade shots with his team mate a bit, reposition
    >look just in time to see he has revived first guy
    >quickly shoot the wall and down him again with splash damage
    >he revives again immediately
    >shoot partner but don't get headshot, splash damage downs first guy AGAIN
    >this time is also broke a lantern and set guy on fire
    >partner throws a choke as I rush up
    >throw bees on the balcony
    >he revived the dude AGAIN and the bees immediately down him again
    >finally push inside, flash the partner and kill him with knuckle knife
    poor dude got farmed lmao

    • 2 years ago

      >teammate picks necro
      >this is me for the next 2 matches

    • 2 years ago

      Instarezzcucks deserve the rope
      Hope that gay and his gay friend uninstalled the game after you shredded their buttholes wide open

      • 2 years ago

        >die in a short range engagement, enemy is clearly pushed off and probably ran away to heal or pick up his buddy
        >teammate refuses to pick me up, instead waits for them to pick up, heal, and then pincher him
        >die to a sniper
        >teammate immediately runs out onto the street to pick me up
        taking the friendpill is the best thing that happened to me. Randoms always just crouchwalk around, freeze up when people are close, try an half hour to line up some moronic shit that is never going to happen, and have no sense of where people are.

        • 2 years ago

          >teammate refuses to pick me up, instead waits for them to pick up, heal, and then pincher him
          Yup, that's how they play, even at high MMR. Every. Fricking. Time.

  62. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  63. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Isn't that the voice of their community manager Rick?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          The guy at 9:30:

          • 2 years ago


  64. 2 years ago

    >load into match
    >kill 2 teams
    >walk to bounty
    literally my last 4 matches
    winning every fight except the ones that actually matter
    frick me dude

    • 2 years ago

      Were you pushing a losing fight? No shame in calling it quits to save hunter and come back with some traits. Going for the boss every time is respectable but dying needlessly is for morons though only playing for kills is lame

      • 2 years ago

        basically used no resources in the first fights, always walked into the last fight with full health, consumables, w/e
        my iq just drops 50 points whenever i'm inside a compound

  65. 2 years ago

    New event has started. The new hunter looks gay, don't see the point with the Romero. There's just too much shit going on in this event.
    Frick off, this game used to be comfy now it just looks like another micro transactions ADD fest for zoomers.

    • 2 years ago

      How many event points to get everything?

    • 2 years ago

      >Wahhh my special game now has option things I don't like!!!!
      Then don't do it.

  66. 2 years ago

    >Hunter looks moronic
    >Skins for new guns are behind a paywall
    >The event takes a month of active play to complete
    >There are like 2 cool skins
    >For guns I don't use
    I think I am gonna skip this one even tho I have enough BB saved up to buy the battle pass

  67. 2 years ago

    Realistically speaking how many years until until Hunt goes f2p?

    • 2 years ago

      Unless Cucktech makes a new game that sells well

      • 2 years ago

        Thought so. The optimist in me says 5 years but I wouldn't past them to make this game F2P in 2023.
        Such a good setting and all they did since release is release one map and one boss... in 3 years. All the events have been about skins and cosmetics and "stand around X object press E" x1000 to earn said skins and cosmetics.
        If you choose to follow a GaaS model then provide a service.

        • 2 years ago

          F2P mean more cheaters
          At least with a pricetag you dont see them in every match
          Compared to every other F2P game in hunt i saw one actual hacker in like 500 hours of play

          • 2 years ago

            F2P also means more players and a slightly lower bar of entry(if the performance issues don't affect you) which in turn means more consumers that abide the FOMO style. Maybe then crytek will have the money necessary to actually put content into the game and hire a team to actually program shit in it.

            • 2 years ago

              While this is a good bussines maneuver to bring fresh money/customers i dont remember any examples that actually made more gameplay content with it, not just more cosmetics for now bigger audience.
              To be honest, good for them to not actually dropping the game outright just because it wasnt the next fortnight back then.

              • 2 years ago

                I agree with you, it's good that the game wasn't just dropped or worse mutilated into F2P sloghouse. But at this pace the game will die and... that's it. There are no ways to run this game on someone else's server unless something happens.
                But the reason they lack a good playerbase after all this time(besides it being a niche game) is because there isn't really anything substantial to go back to. The game you played 2 years ago is pretty much the game you played today. If I started playing today instead of early access what would you say that I missed besides cosmetics?
                If I don't care about skins and such what do I gain from these "content updates" in comparisons to other games?
                It would be really nice from time to time to have a different game mode that would actually make me stay for more than a day and play it. That would actually bring more players back for longer than cosmetic updates.
                There are other things but I'm not sure what goes behind the scenes that even simple changes that have been requested for a long time haven't been addressed.
                >Despite the player base complaining from day 1 that contracts should be auto-activated the moment you get them nothing has changed
                >The idea of an "Evolving hunter" has been asked from early access where your hunter would evolve(get better clothing) with levels. Still not implemented.
                I really get the feeling that they didn't built the game to have easy to program in content or the team is abysmally small that larger content project aren't feasible. How many years of shitty monetization would they need to start making good content?
                I don't want this game to fail but it doesn't provide incentive to play. Not to mention the community who eats this shit up and I guarantee you they would agree with a F2P model, which is sad

              • 2 years ago

                with the event they're hitting their highest player count ever 40k players isn't anything to spit at whatever financial woes crytek are in are entirely of their own doing

              • 2 years ago

                CS1.6 didnt get changed for years either and people still play that. People can come back for good gameplay, not because everything is completely remade every year. I know its the hip new thing, but I wish people would try playing a game because its fun

              • 2 years ago

                What more game modes do you want? There already is PvE and pure PvP. Are you some fricking zoomer who want an arena mode that boils the game down to basic sweaty compound fights? That would kill the game as it is now because 80% of the playerbase would just queue for that.

                Literally all Shitek needs to do is expand the core game, produce more maps and bosses. DLC cosmetics for money. That's it.

              • 2 years ago

                >Literally all Shitek needs to do is expand the core game, produce more maps and bosses.
                Woah anon, don't you know those tax the oh so precious servers? Why invest in that when you can make more skins

                CS1.6 didnt get changed for years either and people still play that. People can come back for good gameplay, not because everything is completely remade every year. I know its the hip new thing, but I wish people would try playing a game because its fun

                If crytek decides to cut support and shut down the servers will I be able to host a Hunt server to play with them?

              • 2 years ago

                >If crytek decides to cut support and shut down the servers
                I doubt they will do this within the next 5 years, they might stop developing new content at some point but servers will still run for a good while. Unfortunately server hosting tools for games like this with various progression elements outside of game servers need either substantial reverse engineering or a full sdk release from crytek, which is unlikely to happen (though they did it with crysis). I'm also not keen on the fact that games can shut down with no way to ever play them again, it happened to me with blacklight, but if hunt were to shut down today I could at least say that I got my moneys worth from it. The crytek leak from a year or two ago revealed that they were working on hunt 2, though that was at a point where the game was nowhere near as popular as it is now so that was probably shelved but it's still likely that crytek will release it at some point

                >gained massive popularity
                Yet I never see any other game complaining about not having money for server. Curious.

                When did they complain, have a source for this? The server issues with hunt stem from the fact that player tend to spike all at once and then average out to the number that they'll stay at until the next influx of players, it financially doesn't make sense for them to perpetually rent out servers capable of hosting say, 50k players when the majority of the time theres 20-30k online. Tarkov has the exact same issue with wipes.

              • 2 years ago

                >When did they complain, have a source for this?
                Because I don't see any other player base defend the rampant monetization like this one(well there is Star Citizen so I might not be entirely right) with the cope of "needing money for servers". Since for every contract/ivory/bottle boost item event they said the same thing I just assumed it was constant problem.
                >hunt 2
                I can't wrap my head around that. What would they make different? Make a template-like system to easily add items/characters/skins more easily? Have a base weapon onto which you add to / subtract from. I hope that in the future we are able to host our own servers, having that ability would be really a nice final gift.

              • 2 years ago

                i remember a few months ago someone in these threads claimed to know something about the hunt sequel. how legitimate that is, I have no fricking idea. he claimed the mere concept had just been greenlit and no actual work had started, but the basic story board was it takes place 20 years later during ww1. the same shit that happened in louisiana starts happening in africa, and all the countries involved in the great war agree to a cease fire in the afflicted zone and different international AHA variations will be present as factions. if true, sounds cool.

              • 2 years ago

                Cool concept, would be plausible if it's illegal to make a zombie shooter in Africa.

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                what does this expression convey

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                That'd be pretty awesome. I personally would like to see some small Coop pve with an evolving hunter

              • 2 years ago

                imagine hunt: the dark continent, which has a single player campaign that's retro voodoo crysis set in africa to compliment it's multiplayer mode that is the real selling point. damn that'd be a kino game.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >Hunt: The Dark Continent
                First and likely only time in my life a hypothetical video game title has given me a semichub

              • 2 years ago

                The game started out with less than 1k average players before it hit 1.0, and then it dwindled back down to 1-2k quickly after full release. Ever since then it's been picking up more and more steam, last night it was at 40k, what the frick are you talking about "dying?". It's one of the rare cases where a genuinely good but niche game has actually succeeded in coming back from the brink of death and gained massive popularity. I hate the fact that games now have to pull in fortnite or cod numbers to be considered a "healthy" playerbase.

              • 2 years ago

                >gained massive popularity
                Yet I never see any other game complaining about not having money for server. Curious.

            • 2 years ago

              I think F2P is a good move for crytek, but not for its players, this game is a rather niche proposition (guns are slow and clunky, death is quick, movement is slow and deliberate, you have to be quiet and listen instead of just run and gun) and I think most of the people that are willing to pay for it already did so. Although the lack of advertisements and promotions is pretty bad, maybe there are still some potential sales out there. But im not sure if game sales can really keep the dev team going.

              But as a player I would loathe to see F2P, since it would just invite a bunch of hackers, now they have to pay 20 bucks for every ban, and the hacking tools are pretty weak since its a small game. Also F2P keeps undesirables away.

  68. 2 years ago

    >All servers are currently occupied.

    • 2 years ago

      highest player count since the game first launched hit today

  69. 2 years ago

    Instead of going f2p maybe they should consider a price reduction. It's a hard sell to get people to pay $40 for it, so they constant put it on sale for $20. Just drop the price to $20 and do $10 sales now. The game has pretty much only spread by community word of mouth, help us convince people to try it a little.

    • 2 years ago

      Cheaters will happily cheat if the going rate is 10 dollars per ban

  70. 2 years ago

    The solution which they would never implement is to have the F2P Black folk only play with F2P Black folk and give the option of paying customers to choose if they want to join the cesspit.

  71. 2 years ago

    you guys complaining about losing stars but here i am desperate trying to get back to 4 star and comfy lobbies and it feels impossible unless i blatantly grief games

  72. 2 years ago

    The event gimmick kind of sucks if I'm being honest.

    • 2 years ago

      What do you mean anon? Now instead of hitting the event object you can press F on it then press F on the other event object in the boss compound. It's revolutionary and if you don't buy the bundle and the blood bonds for the battle pass then you are literally killing the servers

      • 2 years ago

        I just want to shoot pumpkin heads again man.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm sure they'll release the halloween event after the battle pass is over. Although I don't think that it will be a battle pass maybe a 2-3 week event again.

  73. 2 years ago

    >flew to close to the sun trying to get a second bounty token as a solo and died
    Such is life.

  74. 2 years ago

    Why does this game only have 3 colors for majority of characters?
    Black, brown, and grey are terrible choices when that's how most of the game looks already.

    • 2 years ago

      well, thats what people wear most of the time
      very time and place appropriate too

      • 2 years ago

        Okay, but that has a major effect on gameplay when people are blending in with backgrounds.
        People complained about cain until they made him vivid white, but everyone else seems to get a free pass

        • 2 years ago

          Its better when everyone blends and you depend on sounds
          Imagine if everyone was as a whiteshirt at night

          • 2 years ago

            I think that'd be infinitely better than the current nun that's completely invisible past 60 meters thanks to the fake darkness crap they're applying.

    • 2 years ago

      Okay, but that has a major effect on gameplay when people are blending in with backgrounds.
      People complained about cain until they made him vivid white, but everyone else seems to get a free pass

      get your eyes checked. Also working as intended

  75. 2 years ago

    >not picking obnoxiously bright hunters to dunk on cains

  76. 2 years ago

    This event is really gun and im glad they gave kinda new spin to all this.
    I wish there would be some other ways to get the snakes too tho.

  77. 2 years ago

    For me it's Prodigal Daughter and Red Shirt. And you?

  78. 2 years ago

    I just started playing
    Did I get in just as the game was dying? Frick

    • 2 years ago

      Nah, the Event brought lots of new players. I think the game is in pretty great spot right now.

      • 2 years ago

        >Is the game dying
        >Hits highest concurrent players

        Oh, okay, that's good to hear. Just reading a lot in these threads about how the game is going downhill since I just bought it was concerning is all.

        i saw you in the thread b***h, decided against black coat huh

        You got me, yeah, redneck speaks to me somehow

        how does anyone look at this loadout and think "yeah, this'll do"

        I'm new and stupid, what else should I have? First aid kits I've been made aware of so I guess those as well

        • 2 years ago

          >new and stupid
          leave it at new, you would not believe some of the shit that comes up in this thread.
          always bring medkit and choice of melee weapon (most versatile is the knuckleknife which is unlocked by getting xp with the dusters)
          for me personally I bring a pve and pvp choice with my last 2 slots. for pve you have the throwing knives, throwing axes, fusees, flare gun and derringer (I take the tomahawk due to its ability to oneshot anything bar immolators and meatheads)
          for pvp you have the choice of placeable tripwires or better yet, chokebombs, the latter is what I would recommend due to its ability for intel, saving burning teammates, one shotting immolators as well as dispersing fire and poison.
          generally speaking its worth taking 2 vita shots (small heal 75hp large heal 150, small gets me by) as well as 2 throwables. generally speaking a dynamite stick is mandatory as it has a variety of uses like flushing out hunters, killing a troublesome meathead, holding a flank for 4 seconds. firebombs are helpful for area denial as well as burning a downed hunter to force engagement. Sticky bombs will do 75% boss damage which makes for a quick boss kill. DO NOT listen to anons when they tell you to not bring throwables as "you can loot them". its unreliable and moronic to rely on luck.

          with your weapons, my best recommendation for a new player would be running sparks and conversion pistol fmj/ officer. sparks forces healthy habits of rotating/positioning as the 4 second reload removes any possibility of an immediate followup shot at effective range forcing you to have to change position in order to not get immediately headshot on repeek.

          happy to answer any further questions but tldr your gear should looks something like this

          • 2 years ago

            you should think about why taking a 1 shot rifle with a 3 second reload and a melee weapon might be a bad choice when the enemy could easily have a repeating rifle

            >>I'm new and stupid, what else should I have? First aid kits I've been made aware of so I guess those as well
            Take a officer or new army to go with your rifle. Since those are better at short range. Incen ammo is a meme, so just take all normal ammo.
            For tools always, ALWAYS take a medkit: so
            >knife/dusters/knuckleknife for killing AI
            >chokes (to put out burning allies mostly, but also for other more niche stuff)
            consumables are 2 shots+whatever else you want. I like 1 firebomb for burning and a frag bomb. But what you have is fine.

            Not only does the medkit give you 3 charges of healing, it also can be refilled with toolboxes. If you use a shot its gone.

            Thanks anons for the advice. Does this look better? Note that I'm unwilling to switch from the Martini since I technically bought the game to run one.

            • 2 years ago

              That's better and the martini is ok, I think it's even better than people give it credit for since it gets more ammo and a shorter reload than the sparks but the muzzle velocity let's it down past ~75m. I've still used it very effectively in closer engagements. Don't underestimate the hipfire.

              The low MV really is a pain after you get used to shooting in this game and start taking longer and longer shots

              • 2 years ago

                >he's a leadlet

                Thanks anons for the advice. Does this look better? Note that I'm unwilling to switch from the Martini since I technically bought the game to run one.

                yes, and dont sleep on pistols in this game. They still kill with headshots and 2 in the chest is also lethal. Its not like COD or whatever where the pistol is a meme. Its just that after 10m the damage dropoff kicks in hard.
                Also I prefer the knife for bosses, dogs and most AI. But knuckles are fine too.

              • 2 years ago

                S K I L L
                I S S U E

              • 2 years ago

                4u fellow martini henry enjoyer

                and just a few random martini kills from recent games

                Based Martinibros

              • 2 years ago

                4u fellow martini henry enjoyer

                and just a few random martini kills from recent games

                Amazing, thank you.

              • 2 years ago

                DPI and sensitivity?

              • 2 years ago

                800 dpi, 1.20 hipfire .90 ADS

            • 2 years ago

              There are pretty much my 'to go to' tools, always bring chokes, especially if you play with teams - they're invaluable.

            • 2 years ago

              we did it reddit

          • 2 years ago

            What is the point of a legendary medkit? You can barely see the thing as you’re holding/using it. At least with gun skins you can see them and loot them off other players

            • 2 years ago

              Frick you that's why on the path of exclusively using stock Winfield/Martini so I can return to greatness what skins should I use

              • 2 years ago

                I like the long hand martini skin. It looks like just a normal real gun. It's simple but I appreciate that.

        • 2 years ago

          you should think about why taking a 1 shot rifle with a 3 second reload and a melee weapon might be a bad choice when the enemy could easily have a repeating rifle

        • 2 years ago

          >>I'm new and stupid, what else should I have? First aid kits I've been made aware of so I guess those as well
          Take a officer or new army to go with your rifle. Since those are better at short range. Incen ammo is a meme, so just take all normal ammo.
          For tools always, ALWAYS take a medkit: so
          >knife/dusters/knuckleknife for killing AI
          >chokes (to put out burning allies mostly, but also for other more niche stuff)
          consumables are 2 shots+whatever else you want. I like 1 firebomb for burning and a frag bomb. But what you have is fine.

          Not only does the medkit give you 3 charges of healing, it also can be refilled with toolboxes. If you use a shot its gone.

        • 2 years ago

          /vm/ just doesn't have nearly as much traffic as somewhere like /vg/. I honestly think it being on this board might be one reason it doesn't catch more eyes from other people browsing the boards. I know it's kind of niche anyway, but less people are going to see it here than the other game boards, I'd think

    • 2 years ago

      i saw you in the thread b***h, decided against black coat huh

    • 2 years ago

      >Is the game dying
      >Hits highest concurrent players

    • 2 years ago

      how does anyone look at this loadout and think "yeah, this'll do"

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, okay, that's good to hear. Just reading a lot in these threads about how the game is going downhill since I just bought it was concerning is all.
      You got me, yeah, redneck speaks to me somehow
      I'm new and stupid, what else should I have? First aid kits I've been made aware of so I guess those as well

      so, hunt was an undebated commercial failure. it flopped hard at release. for the first ~2 years of official release it had abysmal player count, and crytek pretty much threw in the towel on it. it was maintained as a passion project by a skeleton crew, and it was clear there was a set timeline for how much longer they would support it before moving on. Then, it defied nearly all video game industry standards and started clawing its way back up out of the grave it was born in, to literally everyones' surprise. There is uncertainty now about what crytek plans to do with it. It was all but certain that they had written the project off before, but now with the monetization changes and the communication that they can't rely on game sales to sustain operation, it would seem the suits higher up have decided if it can turn around and be a revenue source, they'll keep it afloat and support it more. it's in a limbo state right now where it has to prove it deserves the resources it takes, and nobody is sure what that looks like, what numbers it needs to hit. the little renaissance it has enjoyed has given it at least a few more years of life. if you just jumped in now, you're fine, you can be assured the game will still be online another 4-5 years, but beyond that all depends on if it can continue growing and draw in more players or not. personally, I'm wondering if crytek is has a fricking marketing department, I've literally never seen an advertisement for the game, myself and everyone I know who plays it learned of it by word of mouth from friends or from small content creators on youtube.

    • 2 years ago

      I seriously hope thats not your loadout final

    • 2 years ago

      I was one of the few who was saying that the game is dying. That came out of frustration but lately I've been playing with a friend and I really had fun these past couple of games. With my partner we got past the barrier of "too scared because we'll die" unless it's a really shitty uphill(literally) battle. I REALLY hope that it doesn't go F2P in the next 5 years and that if it dies we could still play it on personal servers somehow.
      Other than that remember that there are many little things about this game:
      >playing with a friend raises your confidence
      >you get better at shooting hunters if you shoot at them(duh), so don't be afraid, you can easily get your money and loadout
      >playing trios could potentially mean less teams
      >count the bodies, there are 12 - X enemies on the map where X is how many, including yourself are in a team
      >quickplay, you can get a feel for all weapons, I think
      >in the boss compound if the boss is not dead you can scan and see the boss icon flashing. white means it's safe, red with whispers means there are enemies in the compound
      >above tip works similarly to clues but in a radius around it
      >move as fast as you can as quiet as you can
      >most of the time you don't want to be in the same spot after shooting/killing
      >meatheads can drop traits after they are killed, this is not a guarantee
      >always read the weapon tooltip when you want to use certain traits, ie Fanning doesn't work with New Army
      >don't offer 50 BB to get to 10k in dark tribute, not worth(i got 2 upgrade points to all my hunters in my rooster)

      For anyone else, if I prestige without claiming the trial rewards, will I lose them(besides the BB and the skins)?

    • 2 years ago

      If you're going to rock a martini, learn to love something like the derringer. You need some kind of pistol, and it shoots way faster than a single action does.

  79. 2 years ago

    The devs should genuinely be forced to do their own trials until they can 3 star all of them and then get back to us on them being fair and balanced.

    • 2 years ago

      git gud lmao that shit was ez

      • 2 years ago


  80. 2 years ago

    Yes I do use shotguns because I spazz out when taking precise shots because I get nervous and the buckshot compensates for that.

    • 2 years ago

      >Yes I do use shotguns because I spazz out when taking precise shots because I get nervous and the buckshot compensates for that

  81. 2 years ago

    >playing solo sniper
    >kill one team approaching compound
    >withdraw and let other teams fight it out with bounty team
    >bounty team finally leaves for exit
    >stalk them perfectly
    >snipe first of them to stop them from moving
    >start circling and pick them off
    >they revive but i keep getting them down
    >night map so they become more and more paranoid
    >shoot wildly into bushes
    >one walks past me and i just knife him
    >finally just one left
    >snipe as he is confusingly staring into bush where was 2 minutes ago
    >job done
    >about to pick bounty
    >get hs by lebel marksman
    >a fricking russian solo player had been camping nearby all time
    >he leaves with bounty, everybody else dead

    • 2 years ago

      out fricking skilled

  82. 2 years ago

    Is there any really good use for things like the gramophone, player piano, bell etc? Or are they just there to tempt me into using them at the least opportune times?

    • 2 years ago

      In the lawson station trail you should shoot the bell to attract zombies towards it.
      The other ones can be used to muzzle your footsteps or to troll

    • 2 years ago

      You say in VOIP "we got guests, let's put on some music" then use it to mask your movements if it's in a building. You have the advantage, you know the entrances and exits, they however don't know where you are at, which floor, which room you're at so you're able to move freely when you have the piano masking your footsteps.

  83. 2 years ago

    Why is there no other knuckle knife skin than the Rasp? I love the versatility of the knuckle knife but my vanity prevents me from using anything but a legendary skin.

    • 2 years ago

      A new one was leaked in a datamine for the next dlc after prescient

  84. 2 years ago

    This might be the first event I sit out. Honestly can't be bothered with the absolute slog of a grind for some of the worst skins yet.

  85. 2 years ago

    Holy frick get the chinks out of US West what the frick.

    • 2 years ago

      I got one on EU

  86. 2 years ago

    >Have enough BB for the BB
    >Only want one skin
    >You get back 1000 BB so you only really spend 500 BB
    I mean the Berthier skin looks really nice and it's a gun I actually use but everything else is worthless.

  87. 2 years ago

    So is it required you play like an absolute mouthbreathing ape to use Hail Mary or just encouraged? Like a disproportionate amount of people I’ve both teamed with and played against using that skin seem to play like absolute morons

    • 2 years ago

      It gives you event points boost and right now the game is flooded with new players who probably pick it for that reason.

  88. 2 years ago

    How cringe is it to share clips from my stream

    • 2 years ago

      not maintaining anonymity on Ganker is one of the highest levels of homosexualry

      • 2 years ago

        i was wondering if ican cut my face from the video cuz it was pretty fun kill, but yeah, you're right

        • 2 years ago

          There is the discord which has a clip section

  89. 2 years ago

    So glad they boosted the metal scrap decoys. Those used to be worthless but now that they emulate the sound of steps I found them to be better than the gunshot decoys. Most experienced players quickly figure out the gunshot decoy but the step one is so subtle it throws them off.

  90. 2 years ago

    >certain legendary hunters get an event point bonus
    lol that's moronic.

    • 2 years ago

      First time playing hunt?

      • 2 years ago

        I only really played around the Halloween event so I don't remember if that was there too.

        • 2 years ago

          Way to our yourself moron got any more moron takes while you're at it

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah you should come and give me a big smooch you gay.

  91. 2 years ago

    Man I kind of wish we got more guns like the Vagrant, love that thing.

  92. 2 years ago

    Lol man...

    >Want to farm event points
    >Nowhere to set up laptop properly
    >Play using mousepad
    >Eat shit over and over but farm a few hundred points
    >Get knocked down to 3 stars
    >Tonight have a place to set up and use mouse
    >Back to playing normally
    >Kill bounty duo at extract
    >Check stats after match
    >One of them is 6 kills to 6 deaths
    >Other player is 4 kills to 11 deaths
    >Feel bad

  93. 2 years ago

    >Kill team at Assassin lair
    >Third gets disconnected while banishing
    >Wait for him a while until we figure we'll go ahead and hoof it to extract and pull back if he reconnects
    >He reconnects and we pull back
    >He apologizes for the crash and asks us if we want to fight the other bounty team or extract since the closest extract to both compounds is right by us
    >We opt to fight
    >End up having a standoff with them at Reynard in which the DC'er goes down and gets lit on fire
    >He immediately D/Cs
    >Me and the other guy manage to kill the other team and extract with both bounties and a bunch of snake bucks
    >mfw he would've been rezzed if he'd just chilled for a few more minutes

    I understand quitting while down if you're getting burnt or are burned, don't have bounties, no chance to get bounties, etc., but it seems dumb to me to do that when you have a completely legit chance of getting a rez and keeping all your rewards.

  94. 2 years ago

    Nothing is more comfy than solo lobby event farming at 4AM on a weekday.

  95. 2 years ago

    18/f/cali :3
    pm'd you ;*

  96. 2 years ago

    >still only level 2 on the track
    That's it, I'm going full sneakboi and just searching the greyed out zones for snakes.

    • 2 years ago

      id be down to do the same, wanna team up?

    • 2 years ago

      wouldnt this be the worst way to gather points it seems like the best way is to just play the game normally gather a few snakes when you find em and then get the bounty my team are able to get 80-140 a match doing that

      • 2 years ago

        >pick Vulture
        >sneak around fights

        • 2 years ago

          god that sounds so unfun tho

          • 2 years ago

            It's effective and it gets my heart racing when I get close to being caught. You can also intervene sometimes with a nice silenced headshot.

      • 2 years ago

        Sounds about right, the best way I've found to get massive amounts of points is to just rush down the bounty as usual, making sure to kill all players, preferably in easy to access and highly visual spots, and then beeline for the extract with the bounty. Of course always leave one bounty token unclaimed on the map as a good luck offering. Can highly recommend this method to everyone.

  97. 2 years ago

    The spitfire is the best gun in the game.

    • 2 years ago

      That is a possibility, but lemat is the coolest

  98. 2 years ago

    >need to get a bunch of xp with the Martini to unlock the bayonet variant
    >you barely if ever actually use the guns for anything except fighting other hunters
    >9/10 in any engagement with another hunter I lose due to being shit
    Is there any other decent way of earning weapon XP? Maybe if I just went on my own, shot a bunch of pve mobs and then extracted?

    • 2 years ago

      last hit bosses

    • 2 years ago

      Take incendiary ammo and shoot every hive and armored you see. It kills them in one shot. You only have to sacrifice the tactical advantage for like 2, 3 games tops

      • 2 years ago

        Only took one, as it turns out.
        I didn't look for the boss, I just ran around the various camps solo shooting all the big enemies I could (armored, meatheads, etc), looting etc. I ended up extracting with a bounty token anyway, since after like 20-30 minutes there was one token still left and the other was extracted.
        This game is a lot more fun when you run and gun.

        • 2 years ago

          Further to this: with a Martini riposte and Brawler no.3, would it still be worth taking a knife or knuckle duster?

    • 2 years ago

      if you light attack normal mobs with a melee tool you can final hit it with the weapon light attack for the xp at only a little more stamina than a strong melee tool hit
      efficient but gets real tedious

      Further to this: with a Martini riposte and Brawler no.3, would it still be worth taking a knife or knuckle duster?

      nah enjoy bringing traps or a derringer or something you don't normally get to play with

    • 2 years ago

      Only took one, as it turns out.
      I didn't look for the boss, I just ran around the various camps solo shooting all the big enemies I could (armored, meatheads, etc), looting etc. I ended up extracting with a bounty token anyway, since after like 20-30 minutes there was one token still left and the other was extracted.
      This game is a lot more fun when you run and gun.

      4u fellow martini henry enjoyer

      • 2 years ago

        >teammate just stands there
        is this a 2* lobby or something

        • 2 years ago

          unfortunately without audio you can't hear the deadman's click. Then I guess panic set in.

      • 2 years ago

        pr0tip. Light melee with a riposte to the head is still a oneshot (although shorter range and harder to hit)

        • 2 years ago

          Why risk not getting the kill tho

          • 2 years ago

            less stamina consumption, although in this case he had a stamshot
            I just wanted to share that little riposte fact

  99. 2 years ago

    >track down monster
    >point is contested, nobody trying to attack the monster
    >spend the next 20 minutes very slowly and quietly sneaking around the area trying to find the other player before getting one shot

    • 2 years ago

      You obviously can't sneak up on other players who are camping. Your steps even when crouched will always make them hear you before you spot them.

      What you do is make them chase you. Then you use angles and choke-points in the environment to set up kills. Stealth is only for when you can't outrun an enemy team hunting you. You dive into a bush or some cover where they wouldn't expect you to be. Sit still and allow them to run past you before you shoot one of them in the back and run the other direction.

  100. 2 years ago

    What's with all the fricking automat shtiters? Every game I have one of them bumrush me or mate.

    • 2 years ago

      loads of people are playing it because you can run 2 sparks pistols as a secondary and go into a match with 28 reserve ammo for your avtomat (30 if you empty the pistols and resupply)
      also you get like 7-10 long ammo every resupply which is absurd

    • 2 years ago

      I saw a tier 3 hunter who had it so I figured why not and gave it a try sorry if I killed you anon

  101. 2 years ago

    just got killed at extraction with bounty token for the first time
    god this fricking sucks so much
    I am almost surprised at how much this wipes out any prior enjoyment I was having

  102. 2 years ago

    Does unlocking the Miner’s Song skin in the event pass unlock it for real or is it just a “Here’s three of these, go nuts” and you still have to buy it in the blood bond store to actually keep it?

    • 2 years ago

      What do you think?

      • 2 years ago

        Well in the past the skins unlocked in the pass were…unlocked. I didn’t play Traitor’s Moon so I don’t know how that one went but the others before were just unlocked once they were unlocked.

        You get a few copies, after they are gone by any means(selling/dying with them), that's it.

        Ah, alright. Well that sucks.

      • 2 years ago

        The event is so convoluted so I genuinely don't know.

        • 2 years ago

          whats even the point of making miners song seperate when they give you 1k throughout the event if you get the ultra mega uber b a t t l e p a s s (tm)

          • 2 years ago

            most people won't finish the BP and will get <400 bb from it

    • 2 years ago

      You get a few copies, after they are gone by any means(selling/dying with them), that's it.

  103. 2 years ago

    >all these newanons in the thread
    It's fricking annoying repeating the same info over and over again but atleast we have more anons to call morons more ausgays when

  104. 2 years ago

    listen u brainded little shits if the fricking item has a gold background that means u are unlocking that legendary if it is a legendary item with a normal background u are unlocking an instance of that legendary item

  105. 2 years ago

    and just a few random martini kills from recent games

  106. 2 years ago

    I just picked up the game and will be shit but hear the game is more fun with friends, only problem is I don't have any friends.

    • 2 years ago

      there's team matchmaking to put you with randos although they can be savagely moronic. game is absolutely more fun with friends, or at least people that aren't fricking Black folk.

      someone post the /vm/ hunt discord

      • 2 years ago

        what region you from? I just started playing in aus, looking for m8s

        • 2 years ago

          Frick off texasanon how you doing champion been a while

      • 2 years ago

        what region you from? I just started playing in aus, looking for m8s

        join this and speak to BeretDog

    • 2 years ago

      i have it but never really played it yet, let's learn together Anon

  107. 2 years ago

    >every match is nothing but mosin sniper lebel marksman avto and poison sparks
    I don't think I've ever had this little fun playing.

    • 2 years ago

      >make a cheaper long ammo pistol
      crytek is really moronic. At least the 275 dollars kept the plebbitcucks from using uppercuts because they didnt want to spend any of their 5m dollars on weapons

  108. 2 years ago

    Are the Martini and Spencer the only long guns with bayonets? Seems that way, and if they've got them I've got to have them.

    • 2 years ago

      mosin also has a bayonet variant and the berthier has a riposte variant

      • 2 years ago

        >Mosin and Berthier
        Oh boy.
        I wish there were more opportunities to rush and go loud without playing solo. Doing it with randoms seems like it would be unfair.

        • 2 years ago

          it will just lead to frustrations both way
          >partner picks long ammo, follow his lead
          >expect to take engagements at range to get the most out of long ammo
          >he rushes in
          >gets killed and set on fire

  109. 2 years ago

    For me, it's the Vetterli

    • 2 years ago

      What do you tend to pair it with?

      • 2 years ago

        Nagant Officer with poison rounds.

      • 2 years ago

        hand crossbow with poison bolts

  110. 2 years ago

    >killed 4 people including the guy holding the bounty while solo
    Best game I've had since I started playing again.

    • 2 years ago

      I hadn't played for a while and wew lad the elo decay is real apparently. I got put in a low 3 star lobby and server wiped. My free hunter came with dual scottfield swift and romero handcannon. I took starshells on the handcannon because I wanted a flaregun, relied on the duallies the whole way because dual wield spam is the apex of skill.

      • 2 years ago

        >Hadn't played for a while
        >3rd day extraction card

        • 2 years ago

          well I wanted to play for the event but I was on a business trip on my laptop. I tried playing on mobile hotspot two days in a row and got carried through games by friends but kept dcing and having sustained ping spikes, so both nights I only played one game. the 3rd night I was at a place with legit wifi and actually got to play 4real

  111. 2 years ago

    Seems weird the Event hunter doesn't get the same bonus to event points as the others. Normally I'd say it was to drive DLC sales, but two of the applicable Hunter skins can be acquired semi-cheaply via an amount of Blood Bonds you can get pretty easily just playing the game

    • 2 years ago

      hard to code small family company

      • 2 years ago

        Racist devs

    • 2 years ago

      The 2nd 3rd and 4th version of the Hunter do.

      • 2 years ago

        Cool. I'm pretty close to unlocking the second version, so I think I'll start using him once I've unlocked him.

        • 2 years ago

          2nd skin doesn‘t give the 10% boost, enjoy your Night Seer.

  112. 2 years ago

    How's your progress on the pass going? I just got to level 9 myself.

    • 2 years ago

      just got to level 14 off the back of a 600 point game

    • 2 years ago

      Level 8. But that's cause I am trying to finish book entries for guns.
      Running in like a moron with Double Dolch+Double Dolch is not condusive to looting corpses.

    • 2 years ago

      Think I'm still on level 2 or 3? I'm fairly new at the game though so maybe that's to be expected, I rarely manage to survive rounds. Have like a three star rating?

      • 2 years ago

        correction, level 4 it turns out.

    • 2 years ago

      about halfway between level 5 and 6, shit's real frickin slow
      dragons breath alamo is fun as frick though so it was worth jt

    • 2 years ago

      200 points away from level 4 I think, I suck at gathering solo. Is it 700 points to get to level 5 from 4?

      • 2 years ago

        It goes up by 100 points for each level. Yes, that's about 24,000 points to get to level 19.

        Are there any reasons to bring the Pax or New Army over other pistols?

        Fairly new to the game and still experimenting but so far I’ve had a lot more success with the officer, the conversion and its variants and the scottfield and its variants

        The New Army shoots very quickly and has access to dum-dum bullets, the Pax has better penetration. However,

        The spitfire is the best gun in the game.

        • 2 years ago

          >Pax has better pen
          Conversion fmj exists

          • 2 years ago

            compact is shit for mid range though

  113. 2 years ago

    I bought all the paypiggy stuff and got to level 9 without playing a single game

    • 2 years ago

      good piggy

      • 2 years ago

        Thank u

  114. 2 years ago

    >buy gilded path
    >farm points for a few days
    >realize all the skins look gay
    >burn out
    >level 8
    These events are garbage

    • 2 years ago

      moon berthier is god tier

      • 2 years ago

        this is the only reason im considering buying the pass, but i'd rather just try to grind out the blood bonds before the event ends
        i keep being surprised at how many build up after a while

  115. 2 years ago

    >with a trio
    >get shot, downed
    >one of the group survives long enough to get us both back up
    >later, heading to bounty havers
    >checking the map, can see they're close
    >shot in the back of the head
    I wish I wasn't so dumb sometimes.
    Is there a group playing in EU/US East?

    • 2 years ago

      And then I do a solo run, playing like a fricking idiot, just shooting monsters to level up enough to get the bayonet Spencer... and end up getting a solo boss kill and bounty extract plus another hunter kill. What the frick.

      • 2 years ago

        >playing like a fricking idiot, just shooting monsters to level up enough to get the bayonet Spencer
        I would assume everyone who heard you shooting figured you cared less about winning the match than they did and ran in the other direction looking for snakes.

        • 2 years ago

          Hm - fair enough.

  116. 2 years ago

    Are there any reasons to bring the Pax or New Army over other pistols?

    Fairly new to the game and still experimenting but so far I’ve had a lot more success with the officer, the conversion and its variants and the scottfield and its variants

    • 2 years ago

      New Army has terrible velocity but the full reload has actually saved my ass a couple of times. No idea why you would use the Pax though when the Scottfield w/FMJ exists though.

    • 2 years ago

      Because they're cool and sick af

    • 2 years ago

      New Army is one of the best pistols only outclassed by the Upercut

      • 2 years ago

        this bait is trash lol, the new army is just a worse version of the nagant. the only thing the new army has going for it is FMJ, but it's terrible damage and effective range make it pretty much worthless.

    • 2 years ago

      Pax is the coolest gun ever made. Sure it has less ammo variants than the Scottfield, but I prefer its ironsight more for mid range headshot

    • 2 years ago

      the only time I ever use the pax is when I'm playing a medium ammo rifle and don't feel like using the scottfield. It's obsolete in it's current state because the scottfield is just far more versatile.

      the new army is basically a nagant officer with FMJ, so if you're running a FMJ winfield and need a secondary the new army is a decent pickup. Also the new army works pretty well as a dual wield weapon.

      • 2 years ago

        >if you're running a FMJ winfield and need a secondary the new army is a decent pickup

        Yes but the Conversion with FMJ works too, and is probably the better choice anyway

    • 2 years ago

      new army unlocks faster than the officer, so if you prestige there is that. It has dum dum and FMJ ammo. if you do a partial reload you wont get the spin animation so its ready faster. It reloads about 0.2 seconds per bullet faster, for a total of 1.2 seconds on 6 bullets.

      I always run the officer over the new army once i get it.

  117. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      you will eat the clay
      you will eat the ash
      you will eat a shotgun in the basement

  118. 2 years ago

    Does the Signee trait for +10% event points stack with the +10% you get from using the event Legendary hunters?

    • 2 years ago

      You really can't spare 10 points to test it out yourself?

      • 2 years ago

        You really can’t spare 10 seconds to answer my question?

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, all bonuses stack

  119. 2 years ago

    trials are suffering but i want the skins

  120. 2 years ago

    starshell should do 150 damage to burning players

    • 2 years ago

      Does it not set people on fire anyway? That's weird if so.
      I was trying out the dragon's breath shells on the Spencer yesterday, surprisingly not as effective as I would have thought.

      • 2 years ago

        have a nice day, israelite

        • 2 years ago

          HOW DID YOU K- I mean what?

      • 2 years ago

        Special ammo for shotguns is a huge meme. Just use regular ammo for an instant kill.

        • 2 years ago

          I wanted to burninate stuff

        • 2 years ago

          cept for slugs

          • 2 years ago

            You can get a decent rifle for $200+X

            • 2 years ago

              what do you think slugs are for anon?
              they just increase your oneshot range

              • 2 years ago

                They got nerfed bad though. Since the latest update I‘ve been hit with slugs twice and survived both times. A poison Sparks is just better and cheaper now.

              • 2 years ago

                poison sparks doesnt onetap to the chest though.

                Special ammo for shotguns is a huge meme. Just use regular ammo for an instant kill.

                slugs are still fine, I like flechette on handcannons since you can blast someone at a decent range to put bleed on them.

        • 2 years ago

          Flechettes are pretty based on shortened shotguns since they still cause medium bleeding I think.

  121. 2 years ago

    imagine not playing huge meme loadouts

  122. 2 years ago

    I do like meme rounds for the Martini though, incendiaries feel good to use.
    Also: seems weird that if you run a gun with special ammo that when you run out, you can't THEN load the gun with normal shells.

    • 2 years ago

      Wait, am I being dumb? I don't think I tried just hitting 'swap ammo'. If I take, say, a spencer with dragon's breath and run out of shells, can I swap to regular shells after?

      • 2 years ago

        no, only single shot weapons and the berthier can take 2 different ammo types

        • 2 years ago

          Dang it. Seems dumb - if I can unload a shotgun I should be able to load regular shells into it.

  123. 2 years ago

    Anyone want to help out a smooth brained three star bullet sponge? How important do you think traits are to making guns viable? Do you ever take single actions without fanning, lever actions without levering/iron repeater, scopes without scopesmith?

    I die a lot so often run hunters without lots of traits, and usually end up just buying low trait guns like Shotgun/Officer. I see a lot of people tell new players to use the Winfield because it's super solid, but that seems weird since it has so many traits linked to it and they probably won't have them most of the time. Am I just overthinking things and are these guns still good even without traits?

    • 2 years ago

      I personally feel there are two different schools for this.
      People who build 'overall' good traits - then pick weapon specific.
      Or then another way around.
      I love getting Beastface, Gatorlegs, Lightfeet, Silent Killer in the beginning because they simply give more maneuverability - no matter what the gun. Then later choose something that compliments my weapons.

      • 2 years ago

        What weapons do you think you would straight up not use while getting your first couple utility skills? I know the Terminus is basically garbage without levering, do others come to mind?

        • 2 years ago

          I dont think there's any really, i enjoy all kind of guns. I guess some of the bows can kinda get 'better' or QOL with some of the traits? I've never used them tho.
          Im also horrible reloader so maybe Bernthier without bulletgrubber is a bit nasty?

    • 2 years ago

      The only weapon trait I buy is bullet grubber because I've always suffered from a bad case of reloaditis. The Winfield, Vetterli and Rival are good beginner guns. Stay away from medium weapons. The Terminus and Spectre are also shit and WILL get you killed.

    • 2 years ago

      all weapons are viable without traits, but there are some in particular that greatly benefit from having traits, such as bolt thrower with the crossbow. generally they're nice QoL but if you can't use a pistol without fanning then there's something wrong with your aim or playstyle

      if i feel like playing something like terminus or crossbow that benefit a lot from levering/bolt thrower/whatever i'll usually pick that first, other trait points i put into traits that increase survivability and give you more resources to work with, like doctor and packmule. stealth perks like lightfoot usually come next and then whatever.

      t. 150hr newbie but still easily camping 5 stars playing stupid shit

      • 2 years ago

        I dont think there's any really, i enjoy all kind of guns. I guess some of the bows can kinda get 'better' or QOL with some of the traits? I've never used them tho.
        Im also horrible reloader so maybe Bernthier without bulletgrubber is a bit nasty?

        The only weapon trait I buy is bullet grubber because I've always suffered from a bad case of reloaditis. The Winfield, Vetterli and Rival are good beginner guns. Stay away from medium weapons. The Terminus and Spectre are also shit and WILL get you killed.

        Thanks for the input anons, I tried out some of the trait weapons and they indeed are still pretty solid without them. I won't sweat the gear as much now.

        • 2 years ago

          good hunting fren

    • 2 years ago

      I dont run crossbow without bolt thrower, the 10% damage on bows (100 hands i think?) is also a musthave for me. Bolt thrower makes the reload so much faster, the 10% on bows makes it a lot more reliable. Scopesmith on multi shot scoped weapons is also really nice to have, but not as essential.

      I love the nagant deadeye and you must get deadeye scopesmith for it to be viable.

      • 2 years ago

        I also enjoy the nagant deadeye and wish they'd give it a little buff. it's so bad without scopesmith and not even all that great WITH scopesmith.

        • 2 years ago

          I dont really see how they could buff it, short from removing the deadeye scopesmith requirement to keep it scoped.

    • 2 years ago

      Pick generic good traits on Hunters you buy, then after you get a win you use those trait points for weapon-specific builds. Bloodless, Mithradist, Greyhound, Silent Killer, Gator Legs, Packmule, even meme stuff like Fanning or Levering can be good depending on the weapon. The main takeaway is don't buy Hunters for the gear they're holding, buy for the traits or the skin they have.

    • 2 years ago

      i always get quartermaster, iron repeater, levering, packmule
      that's reliable from one win
      then I can upgrade my spectre+uppercut to terminus+oberez and have a grand ol time

      • 2 years ago

        i meant iron sharpshooter
        then bulletgrubber on the next round
        resilience, necro, vulture, pitcher, determination, greyhound

  124. 2 years ago

    >Hey anons, they broke the game again

  125. 2 years ago

    >Single target hunt
    >Group kills the initial bounty carriers and returns to the boss lair
    >Go up there to try and get it
    >They've put 2-3 traps on every entrance
    >Loads of concertina everywhere
    >Neither of us can do anything
    >They ask us to leave in text chat
    >Frick around for 5 min trying to find an opening
    >Manage to wallbang one of them once, they stop going near the windows at all
    >Cleared a bit with explosives but didnt have enough to do much, and they just concertina'd it
    Literally what do I do in this situation? Eventually we just left. What's the point of holing up in a barbwire nest and wasting a bunch of time?

    • 2 years ago

      You camp extract or ambush them on the way there

    • 2 years ago

      sit around and let the timer run out, it isn't just your time being wasted

    • 2 years ago

      if you're solo you frick off and try to intercept them when they leave to extract. if you've got team mates, somebody goes and finds an axe and cuts the concertina down. Don't push all the way in, they know what paths they can rotate inside and you don't. just rotate around cutting all the entrances free while your m8s pressure them as they try to stop you

    • 2 years ago

      Back off from darksight range, pretend you left, then murder them when they leave.

    • 2 years ago

      alttab out and shitpost on Ganker till the timer runs out. murder them as they have to rush to make it

  126. 2 years ago

    If I see any Discord links in the next OP I'm going to take a Hive-sized shit in the next thread

    • 2 years ago

      Do it homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      literally can't make an OP worse than this
      the thread died for days at a time in spite
      i got a ban for saging it
      frick this OP

      • 2 years ago

        Imma make one when I finish work hopefully the disc link filters homosexuals

  127. 2 years ago

    >mfw ambush a duo perfectly and wipe them out with 2 bullets to the head
    Hunt broke me completely... I can never go back to playing semen slurping zoomer shooters like Apex anymore....

    • 2 years ago

      >team mate gets picked off in the tall tower at pelican island
      >enemies rush up and start throwing shit in through roof
      >quickly trap doors
      > run out of room and beat bees off of me as I hear enemy rush through door
      >webm related
      >coom a little at how well that worked

      There's nothing else quite like it

  128. 2 years ago

    Been playing this for 14 hours and I’m already sick of it. Gave it an opportunity because I thought it was a unique BR experience different from all the popular zoomer shit, but maybe it’s worse and most devoid of action than those games.
    >spawn away from everyone in huge ass map, only 12 players
    >objetive on the other side of the map
    >go to collect clues, do it without making any sound so it’s a slow process, at least I’m safe.
    >collect the clue, no one is around, but keep it stealthy in case someone is around , (they don’t, there is no one around, ever, just crows and npcs)
    >go to another clue same old dance, but I kill some npcs with a dagger
    >explore the area looking for someone or something to do but no one is around like usual
    >decide it’s fricking boring and start chasing the gunshots around the map, they are always super far away so I always miss the action when I arrive to the place, use stealth again and no one is around what a surprise
    >somehow realize where the boss fight is taking place, go there, nothing in my way there either just dogs and zombies
    >three dudes are already vanishing the boss, they are armed to the teeth, all the place is in their advantage they are bidding in corners and placed traps everywhere
    >get there because I want to see something different even if I get killed don’t care I just want to shoot or something, I’ve been doing nothing for the last 15 minutes of game
    >get killed with a single shot, or get killed or avoided due to the wallhack after the vanishing is done.
    >go back to main menu, navigate it for a while, everything is micro transactions, in my paid game
    Such a waste of money, got the game with a discount but I could’ve done other things with it, anything. I had like one exiting moment in all the 14 hours kept playing to see if I had something similar but is not worth the time. I’ll never understand the BR gender.

    • 2 years ago

      hunt isn't a BR

      • 2 years ago

        You are right, is not a battle royale, at least in those I can land on the center of the map or something if I want to jump straight to the action, if I decide to explore in the quitter places of the map I’ll get to at least find another dude in the next 5 minutes or something in most cases .

        based moron

        I’m not a based moron, I’m just a moron who already hated BR like games and decided to try another one BUT PAYING for it this time.

        based moron

        I’ll give it the last try tomorrow will play with a rando in a duo or something, to be honest the setting and the gunplay of the game are top shelf, I really like the style in everything, real firefights feel great (when the galaxies align), the slow guns make everything feel so unique in a great way, but the gameplay itself feels fricking boring, it feels like the matches need more players,I want to find something different from npcs from time to time.

        • 2 years ago

          Spawn fights happen for me around 1/3-1/4 of the time, where two teams spawn right next to each other and generally fight

          Also depending on the MMR matchmaking rank you're in, lower skill teams tend to be far more defensive and passive, higher will pick a fight and push. By running as a solo you're putting yourself at a big disadvantage since you can effectively be pinned and surrounded

    • 2 years ago

      based moron

    • 2 years ago

      Don't play solo as a newbie

      >everything is micro transactions, in my paid game
      All the paid DLC is purely cosmetic, and the premium currency is earnable by just playing the game

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >this game sucks because i'm dogshit at it
      many such cases

    • 2 years ago

      seems like a skill issue

    • 2 years ago

      >be noob
      >crouchwalk everywhere because im a noob
      >confused by it plays so slowly because i am a noob and crouchwalk everywhere
      >dont realize crows are triggered by players
      >play against trios as a solo, be confused by there are 3 guys in a compound
      >dont use any of the breaching tools like flashbangs or nades
      >run into a shotgunner like a moron, or sit still till someone uses darksight to blow your brains out
      >wtf this game sucks

  129. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >planning with trannoids on discord

  130. 2 years ago

    new thread


    >new thread


    new thread


    >new thread


    new thread


    >new thread


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