Hunter: The Parenting - Chapter 4: The Feuds of our Fathers

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  1. 3 months ago

    Are the Celtic Martial Arts and Sun Powers actually WoD thing or is it just a MtA based character?

    • 3 months ago

      >Celtic Martial Arts
      Warrior's Halo. It's a House Scathach specialty.

      • 3 months ago

        speaking of, im pretty sure I saw a Unseelie Court seals on a number of cloaks in the background of this episode.

    • 3 months ago

      I think he's a sorcerer. His fast movements could be Conveyance 1 and he was going to do some sort of time consuming blood ritual to sniff out the ghoul (Alchemy). Which checks out since the Arcanum does have some sorcerers within their ranks despite largely being an organization of normal mortals and hunters. M20 also kinda retcons them into a being a proper Sorcerous organization but idk if they're taking that as cannon.

      • 3 months ago

        not really into m20 but that could just be the timeline moving a bit, last time (outside of v5) we had plot with the arcanum their leader secretly turned himself into a cabiri mummy and if the leadership is that far into the supernatural it would make sense if they can introduce more sorcery to the rank and file

  2. 3 months ago

    No, I will not watch your mid podcast, shill

  3. 3 months ago

    I feel like they took the worst possible frame to take these characters and try to continue the story. Like I can't follow what the original storyline would have been.

    • 3 months ago

      It really seemed that the direction was going to be D and his Family pushing deeper and deeper into the heart of the Norfolk Camerilla but became sidetracked thanks to the Pub Episode and them falling in love with the side charterers there.
      I mean frick they have the capability to make good shit they just don't want to.

      • 3 months ago

        To be far, I also fell in love with the side characters and want them to have my babies.

        • 3 months ago

          Fricking hell it's like Hex Maniac but the fanart proportions are CANON

        • 3 months ago

          >realize that the types of Girls these characters are parodying basically stopped happening post 2014
          >Be 5 years to young out of the age range to find a girl like this my age to have a stable relationship with.

          • 3 months ago

            two things.
            -no they haven't.
            -those relationships would never have been stable.

            • 3 months ago

              -Goth chicks have been replaced with Red Nose & Glitter & Freckle style girls and Weeb Girls who still act like this never leave their houses outside of conventions where they are not looking for relationships.
              -I am a deeply loyal person whenever I have a partner with the only things that can break that is cheating or my girlfriend saying its over and so on my end I will make it as stable as possible.

              • 3 months ago


                I cannot count the goth girls I have seen in the past year. they never left. they've always been here. I see them in fricking walmart of all places. they're everywhere.

              • 3 months ago

                Where do you live because over here in Nor-Cal I have seen like one person who fits the description.

              • 3 months ago

                No wonder, it was over for you before it ever began, your gonna have to be Midwest to east coast at bare minimum

              • 3 months ago

                tennessee. they're everywhere.

                wonder if its correlated between organized religion. goth girls tend to be rebels and intertwine tightly with wiccan bullshit.

              • 3 months ago

                If you ain't 209 or 530 you and me are gonna have a problem ese

                >no verification required

              • 3 months ago

                Sorry man I'm a 707 Kid, my sympathies in you live in Modesto though, I spent some time there and outside of the theater its a suburbian wasteland. If you live anywhere else I hope its nice.

              • 3 months ago

                I live in Chico, funnily enough. Spanish word for "Boy"

              • 3 months ago

                Weeb girls have just become femcels that raid LULZ now

            • 3 months ago

              >no they haven't.
              Where would one find them then?

        • 3 months ago

          >Elise Stole the contents of Giles pockets to bribe the maids with cigarettes and use his keys.
          >Grimaline being in the security room during the map blurb.
          Good chance they're the Ghouls getting blasted in the next episode

          • 3 months ago

            not to big on vampires lore, but could it be that occam might actually be A ghoul? i mean, the actual leader of the organisation would make for an amazing ghoul (and all the informations they gather would be easily accessible to him for obvious reasons) and nobody paid attention for him, also (this might be due to angle or a continuity error but still might be worth mentioning) the bruises on his neck dont seem to be their in the last shot, which could be a sign of him having already healed somehow

            • 3 months ago

              It would fit HtR5 lore because the big hunter organizations are a bunch of cartoonishly incompetent or evil conspiracies because damned if you want some nuance to your setting like Vigil did with its conspiracies ranging from government funded supernatural CIA to private interest corporations to an ancient order of human protecting warriors of faith to an insane cult.

            • 3 months ago

              It doesn't really make sense, since Occam could have just denied the accusation from the start as nonsense.

              • 3 months ago

                not quite, its a very serious accusation and any member who isnt up his ass nor stupid might INSIST on atleast investigating which could end up casting suspicion on Occam the moment fingers are being pointed

              • 3 months ago

                It'd be between Blacklaw, Waters, and Fatigue, and the first two didn't buy into it even after Occam took it seriously. Fatigue seemed neutral. I don't think there was any reasonable possibility of that.
                On the other hand, the accusation also wasn't backed up with any evidence.

              • 3 months ago

                fair point however a) we dont know how fatique would have reacted if the accusation was ignored (hes propably the most experienced and might know enough about vampires and ghouls to understand the seriousness of the accusation) and b) maybe he also took it serious because its what he normally would have done before being ghouled and since Big D is his ex-husband, that also could have tipped off Big D (but those two points are probably big speculations)

          • 3 months ago

            I think the ghoul hasn't actually attacked anyone and Occam and Fatigue's attacks are unrelated.
            After all, why would the ghoul leave Occam alive and kill Fatigue so brutally?

          • 3 months ago

            Why was Spit in music alone?

            • 3 months ago

              Trying to calm his nerves by practicing with the chapter-house piano.

              • 3 months ago

                ...Spit plays piano?

              • 3 months ago

                Of Course
                why else would he be in the music room?

        • 3 months ago

          They are pure unadulterated SEX
          God DAMNIT there will never be enough porn of them

        • 3 months ago

          I can't believe anyone would find these characters likeable. The homosexuals were bad enough.

          • 3 months ago

            >not liking the weeb gremlin
            >somehow hating the big goth who at the very worst interpretation doesnt have much of a personality
            pic related

            • 3 months ago

              That's why I said likeable. Goth whale felt like she had maybe five lines total of goth cliches in the pub. The weeb though I actively disliked enough I had to start and stop that episode about a dozen times to suffer through it to see if there was anything interesting. I haven't watched the new episode yet, but I don't know how that was enough for either of them to become darlings of the fans or creators.

              • 3 months ago

                >an audience of weeb gayhags and wannabe-witch whales will like and identify with a weeb gayhag and a wannabe-witch whale

              • 3 months ago

                the weeb is imo the only actual bad part because she cant go two sentences without speaking in anime, the goth however has a bit of personality if we consider what one of the firstthings she does is

              • 3 months ago

                Weeb is the best part

          • 3 months ago

            I dont like either of them but I want to have sex with both of them

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          Elise is a troony

          • 3 months ago

            Grimal is also Brother, she just never bothered scratching it out. I get a feeling these old magician places never expected to have many girls around unless they were high ranking, so unless Grimmal is actually totally a dude, Elise is the only one bothered to write herself properly on the card. Which feels apt in a way, Grimmal is just shitty anime references which fits her really.

            • 3 months ago

              Elise feeling the need to alter it while grimal doesn't just lends credence to Elise being trans because being misgendered is a big deal to them

              • 3 months ago

                Mate, I feel the need to point out Elise looks like a fricking milk military with an entire baking battalion under a gothic gown. She does not have a dump truck, she has the entire municipal civil service on her cheeks. Her entire identity is literally big woman who refuses to back down from her interests as a gothic woman in england and is best friends with Grimmal while being both a weeb but also a very compassionate and sweet wierdo who does care for her friends. Her design's too rounded and feminine to be a transexual, on like a basic construction and application level, they make sure the designs and the like are coherent with their story utility and how they act in the narrative.

                Even if you think this is some technocracy tier gender reassignment, it kind of sounds like baloney and a reach, not the kinds you'd give around. Hell, she's the one who really is saddened and not complaining about researching in the Arcanum, Grimmal keeps whining about it and supervision while Elise sincerely wants to research fae hard as frick. Her wanting to be taken seriously as a woman's a really good plot beat for a stuffy old filled chapterhouse with her leading the faerie research.

              • 3 months ago

                >Elise looks like a fricking milk military with an entire baking battalion under a gothic gown. She does not have a dump truck, she has the entire municipal civil service on her cheeks.
                Because they're fat.
                >Her design's too rounded and feminine to be a transsexual
                Again, fat, also this is a cartoon, most characters are stylized based on personality and not biological reality, I mean Door looks much older than his father.
                >Her wanting to be taken seriously as a woman's a really good plot beat for a stuffy old filled chapterhouse with her leading the faerie research.
                Now that's a reach

              • 3 months ago

                >There is already porn of Elise, and the porn is getting better
                I don't know whether to be ashamed or proud of this community

              • 3 months ago

                Proud. If the show is all about cringe being dead and revolting versus the system then letting people express themselves and create freely is to be encouraged in this world of darkness. Even if it is a goddamn bad b***h of a goth girl flashing her breasts at you.

                >Elise looks like a fricking milk military with an entire baking battalion under a gothic gown. She does not have a dump truck, she has the entire municipal civil service on her cheeks.
                Because they're fat.
                >Her design's too rounded and feminine to be a transsexual
                Again, fat, also this is a cartoon, most characters are stylized based on personality and not biological reality, I mean Door looks much older than his father.
                >Her wanting to be taken seriously as a woman's a really good plot beat for a stuffy old filled chapterhouse with her leading the faerie research.
                Now that's a reach

                Not him but there's fat and then there's her. She feels undeniably girly in a very manners and form way, and frankly I don't think the crew would want to touch trans stuff with a 50 foot pole or even think they can really pull it off. Kind of a powder keg to frick with versus big bad goth b***h to gain attention and get art out of in a business sense.

            • 3 months ago

              >Grimal might have a penis
              If I get any more erect I will have to go to the hospital

              • 3 months ago

                It'd explain Kitten hooking up with them for sure. Dare I fricking ask who tops, dare I wonder.

              • 3 months ago

                What about Grimal makes you think she wouldn't be pressing the issue of regular Mating Press?

              • 3 months ago

                Honestly Grimal's just fricking nuts. She's the kind of blue haired loonie that would unironically be into big hands manga and getting plowed while roleplaying some fricked up fanfiction she read online but at the same time bang a dude till next morning to the beat of hokuto no ken on repeat.

                Wouldn't that be the funniest fricking shit, Kitten being traumatized over that. God I can't imagine what dumb as frick writing room shit these guys have back at their HQ, must be some wild stuff.

              • 3 months ago

                I have been aware of the Yaoi internet culture thing for 15 years at this point and I have never heard of "big hands manga" until this very night.

                Dear fricking god...

              • 3 months ago

                Brother, you don't know the fricking half of it. Bet you 15 solid Ganker passes that Grimal has one of Kittens hoodies that she still sniffs and an entire sims game with mods and at least 3 copies of him and other couples she would like to see do the naughty and has drawn her own stuff too.

                Girls like her are fricking insane. Don't look too deep on how women artists draw men they find attractive, the big hands conspiracy is fricking real, they're hard wired to it same with the scent shit. A lot more common than you'd think.

              • 3 months ago

                >He doesn't know

              • 3 months ago

                If you got intel, I wanna hear it sure.

        • 3 months ago

          Honestly I get Blacklaw wanting to just electrocute all of these people to death. Everyone is insufferable and deranged but then I guess that's the point. This is how dsyfunctional hunting societies are, no wonder the world is overrun by vampires.

          • 3 months ago

            And to the average person, a hunter just sounds like a crazy guy with a tinfoil hat on that believes in little green men. As it becomes the level for the normie of
            >"After all, if these threats to society actually exist, how come I never seen one? Checkmate hunters."

      • 3 months ago

        I havent even watched that episode because i find the female characters insufferable. I just couldnt bear it
        They work better in this new episode though. Since their antics are spread apart and there are other entertaining characters around.
        Maybe now that im used to them ill watch the pub episode

    • 3 months ago

      Whilst I enjoyed the episode enough it definitely felt like a rather jarring switch from the past three. Granted the whole ghoul spy in the Arcanum bit was set up a while ago and is a pressing enough issue to follow it. Still, the sheer number of extras and turning it into a murder mystery was a strange turn; a redeeming quality is if they set it up well enough that on a closer watch you can figure out who the culprit is. If it's none of them then that will be terribly cheap. Still, after the long wait and the dripfeed of content it felt almost...anti-climatic? And leaving it on a cliffhanger again is pretty rough.
      So whilst it is undoubtedly impressive in terms of the production values (though I noticed some spotty VO here and there), besides the finale it lacked that touch of WoD the previous episodes had.

      • 3 months ago

        You've checked the audio logs, right? The one with kitten and marckus in a pub sets this up

  4. 3 months ago

    this guy made more money via his patreon than the CEO of GW did a year, but ended his main series because they could have potentially have recieved a cease and desist letter in the mail he could just ignore since hes Finish.
    GW never took any videos down from youtube, the astartes guy like the dumbass he is offered to.
    Just a bunch of cowards buckling the slightest wind of opposition now he makes this dumb and bad shit, what a homosexual.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not gonna defend them running with the tail between their legs but it is a group project so Patreon shekels get divvied up between them

      • 3 months ago

        This is a big one, plus he has a family to support. This isn't one guy and people working for free.

        People online, especially here, like to take the least charitable interpretation and run with it.

        • 3 months ago

          Alfabusa is in a weird place in terms of /tg/ culture.
          He got his start as a clear part of the Angry Marines Era and was making content based off of that culture basically refining it and sending it out to the rest of 40k sphere.
          Then people /here/ became more jaded and cynical while also resenting people who profited off of the culture (while also killing that culture in fear of others profiting off of it) and grew to resent him.
          While at the same time old grogs who mainly care about 40k in its form as a wargame started to resent the culture of secondaries who main introduction was stuff like TTS and The Hour Heresy Novels, to the point that when TTS was canceled their was an entire thread that celebrated its death.

          • 3 months ago

            Yes, a large segment of /tg/ is indeed made up of joyless c**t subhumans.

          • 3 months ago

            I wonder how well you can map the rise of cynicism of people making stuff off of /tg/ culture with the change of content that was made based on that culture for wider export changed from passion projects to ones focused purely on the money. Especially the ones that just read off old stories (sometimes just throwing some text to speech voiceover) rather than trying to make something of their own based on it.

    • 3 months ago

      The problem here is that if a company does take them to court, they're fricked because they'll just bleed dry in money and have to give up, no matter how right the law says they are.

    • 3 months ago

      You (and other anons) forget that the guy was getting burnt out on TTSD bullshittery, and wanted to try something new and fresh with another setting he loved.
      Personally I prefer it. WoD suits the wacky zainy characters better than something more poignant and nuanced as old 40K.

      • 3 months ago

        I'd agree if he didn't make the main characters references to the 40k characters, cripples the who "fresh" aspect of it.

        • 3 months ago

          This. I like the series a lot but re-using designs and personalities was a bit of a big hurdle for me to get over when I first gave the series a try.

    • 3 months ago

      gw doesnt need to sue them. youtube will take videos down for literally no reason - they didn't want to lose their archive.

      youtube fricking sucks for video hosting now but no ones made an alternative. hopefully someone will.

    • 3 months ago

      I honestly think they saw a chance to get out, and took it. If it wasn't due to GW's statements, they'd have probably tried to wrap it up or put it on hiatus anyway.

    • 3 months ago

      >entire livelihood of making fan content for a GW IP is at risk due to new policies
      will you
      >hedge your bets hoping the company notorious for being greedy decides to spare you
      >pivot into a different IP that's fine with fan content and still keep the vast majority of your patrons
      Hindsight is 20/20, GW could have just as easily done some mass ban wave immediately or 6 months down the line after everyone relaxed. They still might do it. They probably won't, but I sure as shit wouldn't bet my career on it.

    • 3 months ago

      He just wanted to stop making the stupid TTS shit.

    • 3 months ago

      No, they absolutely made the right decision and every development in the last ten years totally vindicates them. Companies around the globe are becoming obsessed with their IPs simply because it is so obvious that Hollywood and the rest of the media machine is too overrun by shit-drinking communists and geriatric hebrews to do anything new, so whoever can hold onto the biggest IP for the longest before selling it to be made into more anti-human propaganda will make massive bank.

      40k is being fattened to be sold, and nobody is going to be allowed a bite before James Workshop. TTSD was one of several casualties of this but they were not at fault, fighting lawfare against giant corporations is how you end up in the poorhouse.

  5. 3 months ago

    Elise’s massive fricking elises.

  6. 3 months ago

    Was Spit coming down from drugs? I know they mentioned he was out of ritalin, but he was behaving strangely. I don't know a lot about WoD, but why were the 2 major incidences of violence so different? Why was the chancellor only choked out while the old man was torn to pieces? The only person who was unaccounted for when the chancellor was getting choked was the female doctor, but she wasn't in the room when the old man was killed.
    Could there be more than one monster?

    • 3 months ago

      I liked it, H;tP's first episode was meh but I'm really into it now.
      I'm also surprised Blacklaw is just as unhinged as D except he's old-money themed instead of murder-hobo themed, I thought he'd be a more cliche old money European.
      Frick, why did I never do a closed-house developing murder mystery in my WoD games? it seems so obvious now.

      I bet the ultra-rapid-dismemberment and the choking-out were done by two different "people".
      As for spit his behavior makes him so suspect I think he's a fake out and not actually the ghoul or any other monster.

    • 3 months ago

      Thread on Ganker theorizes dementation was used on him. Or possibly something werewolf related. Like alongside the ghoul plant, there's also a Garou that was trying to sniff them out. Cause that could also be delirium effecting Spit.

      • 3 months ago

        I really hope there doesn't also just happen to be a Werewolf too. That would be very unsatisfactory.

  7. 3 months ago

    The animation style is certainly very entertaining and raw feeling.

  8. 3 months ago

    3:12 has "When you accidentally turn on Discord Bright Mode" energy.

    Also I'm pretty sure Spit is Werewolf. I'm not a WoD Lore buff, but I can't think of the circumstance where a Ghoul could do that much damage in such short notice.

    • 3 months ago

      If Spit is a werewolf they are a ghouled one at that. As back in old world of darkness, which seems to be what they are using here, werewolves could be ghouled. As they are noticeably absent in the shot to show the horrific scene in the pub. Which if Spit is a werewolf, that means they very likely inflicted Git with delerium (your mind forgets you saw a werewolf and instead rationalizes it something else like a big wolf)

  9. 3 months ago

    I don't know why I thought Grimal was going to be way shorter than everybody else. Im glad that she is normal adult woman proportions and not a Boy sized gremlin, because now there is a much, much smaller chance of people making fetish porn featuring her.

  10. 3 months ago

    Odd that nobody is suspecting Dr. Waters with her Archives access. She has the least screen time and was among the first to isolate herself from everyone else.

    • 3 months ago

      Because she's a nothing character in a sea of colorful characters. Same reason only a few blokes are suspecting harry.

  11. 3 months ago

    >comedy series
    >isn't funny

    • 3 months ago

      at least emperor tts had some good jokes.

    • 3 months ago

      >male poster
      >is an effeminate homosexual

    • 3 months ago

      It's a phenomena I've been seeing more and more lately. I don't really understand it, I personally like my comedy series to be funny, but I guess some people enjoy them not be funny, so idk.

    • 3 months ago

      It's a phenomena I've been seeing more and more lately. I don't really understand it, I personally like my comedy series to be funny, but I guess some people enjoy them not be funny, so idk.

      I know right, it's like all those anime abridged series. Where are the jokes?

      All of them.

    • 3 months ago

      It's pretty clearly a Drama now with comedy occasionally thrown in to appease the original audience.

      • 3 months ago

        And it's largely decent. I think the issue is the most poorly written characters are often the more despicable human ones.
        Namely blacklaw and half of his band just don't make any sense. To exist they would have to be walking around at all days at all times in a bubble and reality more insulated than Big D.

        Which is... Possible, but given how much they travel, unlikely?

        • 3 months ago

          I want to double down and say this worked in TTS because TTS took itself less seriously and it could pawn off those roles to one off caricatures or characters we don't see or learn enough about to realize how little they have going on (Clancy from the boys series, and all of the bureaucracy on that Capitalist plannet come to mind), or in a great example: The tabletop episode of TTS, started them as one off jokes only to expand on them later.

        • 3 months ago

          I want to double down and say this worked in TTS because TTS took itself less seriously and it could pawn off those roles to one off caricatures or characters we don't see or learn enough about to realize how little they have going on (Clancy from the boys series, and all of the bureaucracy on that Capitalist plannet come to mind), or in a great example: The tabletop episode of TTS, started them as one off jokes only to expand on them later.

          Honestly I dropped off of TTS ages ago back when it started to take itself seriously, so I can't comment on that.

          Got into HTP because I'm much more down for a drama if it actually starts as one, and I'm a sucker for urban fantasy. Only problem is I think WoD is like 30% gold and 70% shit, so if they start going deep into stuff like Mage or Werewolf I might fall off it again. Also the WoD5 stuff they're including to appease paradox hurts my soul. I cringed at the open acknowledgement of the Second Inquisition.

          • 3 months ago

            Would you have cringed at Midnight Circus being referenced?

            • 3 months ago

              No, I usually hate cross-splat but Midnight Circus is a guilty pleasure of a book for me. Probably because I love Something Wicked This Way Comes.

              • 3 months ago

                Bringing King David in for The Wastland was fricking asinine but then again Changeling was never my cup of tea. Personally i prefer Werewolf

          • 3 months ago

            V5 is alright, at least it feels like it's a direction they took it in I just personally don't like. Once they incorporate W5's "stop trying and support big faceless corporations" I'll drop the show.

            • 3 months ago

              Honestly I'd drop WoD if it's revealed Pentex was founded by Caine himself.

            • 3 months ago

              That's a lot more charitable than I'd be to V5. It is a direction I suppose, but it feels very contrived and forced how things developed in-setting for V5 to happen. I can't suspend my disbelief for it and it annoys me how much it tries to force exactly one kind of game.

              On one hand, W5 is definitely worse. On the other hand, there's so much less of it that it's easier to ignore. I can't ignore V5 outside of my own group, it's bound to come up during online discussion of VTM.

              Well Trainspotting was a documentary but i doubt Occam would've fired him over heroin use. Granted him potentially being a Garou would be quite a twist.

              Not a fan of the Werewolf theory myself. Adds a bunch of needless complexity to an already somewhat convoluted murder plot, that relies on the Arcanum being extra stupid and a straight up Lycanthrope expert not seeing the warning signs and telling someone.

              • 3 months ago

                Fatigue seemed to have been preoccupied with Spit for a good bit of the episode but that's pretty flimsy. For all we know he died BECAUSE he noticed something was wrong and the thing got him before he could do anything about it. Either way I'll be annoyed if the murder mystery has an anticlimactic outcome and the ghoul/killer isn't even someone we know or something.

              • 3 months ago

                Was actually starting to like the geezer. Almost seemed like he knew more about Garou than he let on.

                Obviously. I'd rather they stuck with HtR since it's way cooler anyway.

                Meh, CofD was never my thing especially after high school

              • 3 months ago

                What are you on about? HtR is oWoD. nWoD is HtV.

              • 3 months ago

                The Ghoul HAS to be one of the people currently in the Chapterhouse. It'd be pure hackery otherwise.

                I'm most suspicious of Occam, Elise, Grimal, and the Doctor Lady. Given that we're dealing with an Elder Tremere's ghoul Dominate is on the table as well. Whodunnits get way harder when Magic is involved.

              • 3 months ago

                The team has written enough stories that them suddenly doing a total hack job is pretty unlikely but I couldn't help but consider it.
                I initially thought the culprit would be logically deductible but then as you say, magic allows you to skip logical steps. Doctor lady (the blonde called her cocaine doctor, indicative of a drug habit perhaps?) was the one who examined Occam so she could have lied about the injury. Occam's hands were stained with blood so I wonder if he didn't grab at his own throat when he started suffocating or the like. She could have given him something to make him pass out. Even with Potence I don't think she could rip Fatigue apart though.
                Grimal is clearly unhappy about the leadership and she has been studying Kuei-Jin for a while meaning she had contact with vampiric knowledge of one kind or another. Kitten has lost someone to a vampire attack; his ex being under vampiric thrall could make narrative sense.
                The odds of a werewolf being involved are non-zero anyway. The claw marks combined with the taxidermy wolf being the only one left standing are an appealing trail of evidence to follow.

              • 3 months ago

                I think gen 7th vamps can have ghouls with 3 in disciplines, don't quote me on that though. Maybe not the doctor lady but on someone with good mortal strength they could maybe do that. It could also be a magical attack, not physical that demolished Fatigue.

                I could see a second killer, but I don't like the Werewolf theory. The claw marks in other rooms are too small for a Werewolf, and the first one leading to the ceiling of the meeting room makes me think it's Grimal that made those marks. More pressingly, no clawmarks at all in the room where Fatigue actually was killed in. It's a messy kill, but it looks almost intentionally so. Not how a Werewolf operates. From what I heard too, the only screams from the room were human, no howls, growls, or gutteral noises.

          • 3 months ago

            The H5 inclusion is kind of janky since, all things considered, it's way too early in the timeline for SI anyway. Sabbat and Camarilla seem like their pre-V5 counterparts for example and all that. So hopefully the contamination will be minimal.

            • 3 months ago

              20th anniversary > 5e

              • 3 months ago

                Obviously. I'd rather they stuck with HtR since it's way cooler anyway.

          • 3 months ago

            The H5 inclusion is kind of janky since, all things considered, it's way too early in the timeline for SI anyway. Sabbat and Camarilla seem like their pre-V5 counterparts for example and all that. So hopefully the contamination will be minimal.

            The Series takes place in 2006 and the Second inquisition dosen't really take off till 2008 with the Vienna Raid timeline wise. So the series makes note of as a thing building in the background.

  12. 3 months ago

    Shit my pants with excitement when I saw this was up. My group literally just had session 1 of our Sabbat game last night.

  13. 3 months ago

    This series makes me want to get I to the wod stuff
    Shame I don't have any fricking friends that aren't ultranormies

  14. 3 months ago

    I didn't notice it before but, isn't it odd for there to be claw marks and a loose tile on the ceiling in Occam's office?

    • 3 months ago

      I believe Grimal likes to crawl around in the vents but the claw marks sure are strange... Nice find

    • 3 months ago

      I believe Grimal likes to crawl around in the vents but the claw marks sure are strange... Nice find

      There's more claw marks around the closet in the bar too

      • 3 months ago

        There's another clawmark under the stairs where Big D was, and where Elise and Kitten met up after the interlude.

      • 3 months ago

        There's another clawmark under the stairs where Big D was, and where Elise and Kitten met up after the interlude.

        I didn't notice it before but, isn't it odd for there to be claw marks and a loose tile on the ceiling in Occam's office?

        Speaking of odd.
        Anyone else notice that the third cup down on the floor, rightside, appears to not have spilled much blood? The rest have much larger spills.
        If the 'Ghouled Werewolf' theory is true, it might be that blood was used to ghoul Spit somehow. Or it might just be me being schizophrenic, not sure.

        • 3 months ago

          Wasn't spit also the one who we DIDNT see give his blood? The one behind the screen?

        • 3 months ago

          I can't believe Mordenkainen's fricking dead

        • 3 months ago

          I can't believe pat and woolie murdered plague of gripes in cold blood

          • 3 months ago

            Over a slice of Pie. Frickin' Wools man this is why you don't trust Leafs.

          • 3 months ago

            Over a slice of Pie. Frickin' Wools man this is why you don't trust Leafs.

            Glad I’m not the only one who saw the resemblance.

            Big D is a goddamn sexual Tyrannosaurus


            Elise definitely *wants* to be a sluaugh but she legitimately hasn't done any progress on anything. She's an actual faerie researcher with access to the Arcanum, she'd likely have contacted or found anything of the sluaugh and be positively whispering in joy if she was a real deal. Fairly sure if she was some kind of changeling, her awakening would have happened already or she'd have figured something but she's pretty oblivious.
            Spitz screams red herring. Him being like this at the end might be woof hysteria or just trauma as he's just not used to the supernatural and he saw a good person get fricking eviscerated in front of him.
            Maid is totally the ghoul
            D is probably a Mummy or something, fairly sure youtube people already cracked this with how our Magnus basically did a Mummy curse on the tosspot major.

            Leaning towards agreement on all points.
            Wondering if the O’Tolley’s joke with Door and Boy is to get people thinking Werewolf.

            Chekhov's M60


        • 3 months ago

          >Sixteen knocked over cups
          >Fourteen people
          >Originally there was fourteen cups on the table

          • 3 months ago

            Fifteen on the table before, so there's just one extra. But that IS strange.

            • 3 months ago

              Whoops yeah I miscounted, but yeah 15 vs 16 is still odd. And there would only be 14 spilled over cups with blood, but there is sixteen with blood (or looks like blood as some of it is orange). Which suggests tampering.

              • 3 months ago

                Also double checked the scene with the cups. When Spit pushes his from behind a bookcase that would still be cup number 15.

                Also a small sidenote when reviewing the role call scene, the only person whose card is not easily visible is Occam as its held at a distance and his finger is over

    • 3 months ago

      There's more claw marks around the closet in the bar too

      I think the joke about Remold saying "Amanda doesn't sweat" isn't actually a joke but a hint and she could be a ghoul in the beginnings of jonesing for vitae

      Seeing as a ghoul who has inherited non-ghoul-standard disciplines from its master is very much on the table, it might very well be a ghould of a vampire with protean (Gangrel most likely, probably not old-clan tzimisce) or a ghoul that has been fleshwarped by a new-clan tzimisce

      • 3 months ago

        If that's the case then a Gangrel ghoul would be more likely since they have established so far that Sabbat activity is basically nonexistent in the Norfolk area, making Tzimisce unlikely. I'm still more inclined to believe the Garou theory though.

  15. 3 months ago

    I can't decide if I fricking hate grimal or if I fricking love her. She's cute but goddamn dude.

  16. 3 months ago

    With how powerful mages are they could easily kill Caine and frick the Vampires over. I dunno why they wont

    • 3 months ago

      >With how powerful mages are they could easily kill Caine and frick the Vampires over. I dunno why they wont
      Caine doesn't have stats, his provided CANON character sheet just says you fricking lose all over it. If a group of mages somehow kills Caine, you aren't playing a World of Darkness game anymore. You might be playing a rather fun, wacky homebrew game heavily inspired by World of Darkness, but you would have deviated too far from the canon and the themes of WoD.

    • 3 months ago

      Well yeah. They could. They could do that, they could kill God, fix up the world of darkness universe, uplift all of humanity, etc. They are the ones with the biggest potential for unlimited, to the point where becoming anything else other than a mage is considered failure.
      They know the truth of the universe, or at least more so than everyone else.

      The problem? They don't necessarily agree on how to go forward with such power, and basically end up being their own worse enemy.

    • 3 months ago

      any attack against Caine will be returned Sevenfold + GOD wouldn't want him too die yet and might just crush your skull

  17. 3 months ago

    Another thing I noticed. Elise looks terrified when D goes to interrogate her, and Grimal immediately follows for a moment, looking just as terrified.

    • 3 months ago

      D is an unpredictable lunatic and they mostly know stuff about him through Marckus. Who wouldn't be terrified?

      • 3 months ago

        True, it's mostly Grimal's reaction that seems a bit odd. Marckus, Kitten, even Harry don't show any reaction that's nearly as immediate.
        I suspect that Grimal was actually going to go follow after Elise and D, but decided to stay after Marckus said he'll go break up the interrogation.

        I think the joke about Remold saying "Amanda doesn't sweat" isn't actually a joke but a hint and she could be a ghoul in the beginnings of jonesing for vitae

        Is not sweating a thing Ghouls do when in withdrawal?

        • 3 months ago

          Not sweating can be a sign of supernatural endurance/resilience but vitae withdrawal is consistently described as akin to a cocaine withdrawal on steroids.
          It could be nothing but hiding a hint inside of a joke is a good place to hide it.

          I also think Remold is right about D wanting something from the archives and may have attacked Occam to delay the ritual so he could get whatever it is he's looking for. D's whereabouts on the map are listed as "???" so he's either in the hidden tunnels Occam mentioned or he's in someplace incriminating, like the archives.
          Plus he's wasting his time with a feud and a bit too cavalier about the ghoul when he knows exactly how dangerous a ghoul can be which makes me think he's using the situation to an end and Fatigue getting made into burger meat didn't factor into his plans.

          • 3 months ago

            He did also go on a vampire hunt on LSD before, and totally fricked up and nearly died in the process.
            I also don't know how he'd get into the archive with Occam.

            • 3 months ago

              I'm unsure how he could get in as well, bar Occam letting him in. Fatigue and Waters don't mention losing their keys and Remold clearly had his keys after Occam was attacked.

              Assuming Occam didn't let anyone in and he's right about their being no tunnels that lead to the archives - the only person who could have attacked him would be Waters since she's the only one with access and was alone. But then there is the question of why Waters would leave Occam alive when his living would reveal her one way or another. It could be was a forced ghoul and didn't want to kill Occam more than the bloodbond could make her do

              • 3 months ago

                My closest guess would be that he could've snagged the keys from Occam's office. Assuming the claw marks indicate different entrances and exits for secret tunnels, it's possible, but the only problem is that Elise is right infront of the Archives, and should've been able to see him.

  18. 3 months ago

    Also very suspicious is that Blacklaw's "polygraph", actually might work. It does fizzle out when Grimaline tells the truth, and both her and the cleaner that was bribed with cigs are very suspect

    • 3 months ago

      I think the joke about Remold saying "Amanda doesn't sweat" isn't actually a joke but a hint and she could be a ghoul in the beginnings of jonesing for vitae

  19. 3 months ago

    I'm a bit sad that Door and Boy didn't get to be part of the murder mystery.

    • 3 months ago

      I feel like the Golden Goose having M60's installed on its upper deck is definitely gonna be important later.

      • 3 months ago

        Chekhov's M60

  20. 3 months ago

    My sluagh waifu.

    • 3 months ago

      SEXO (D would smash ngl)

  21. 3 months ago

    Can ghouls even touch holy symbols? Let alone wear them?

    • 3 months ago

      Very easily, and only certain vampires are affected by holy symbols the rest are vulnerable to True Faith - which has no effect on Ghouls. Some Ghouls and even vampires have True Faith themselves, but that;s very rare

    • 3 months ago

      Unless they're Baali ghouls they can just fine.

      Wasn't spit also the one who we DIDNT see give his blood? The one behind the screen?

      Yep. That alone was very sus. Though it doesn't matter too much since Occam couldn't complete the ritual.

    • 3 months ago

      yeah holy symbols only work if used by someone with true faith

      even vampires (that aren't baali a demon related bloodline) can wear a cross or go all the way and pose as priests (the lasombra favorite)

  22. 3 months ago

    i just realised something... why the hell did occam do a ritual that would make the blood of the ghoul react differently... ALL BY HIMSELF? The cups werent lappeled meaning he could literally swap out the cups

    • 3 months ago

      You've seen those morons he has to work with?

      • 3 months ago

        there are SOME reasonable people, most noteworthy Kitten, Elise and Fatique, who he could have used as witnesses so that nobody can cry foul about the result

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        You mean that he cant do it while people who dont believe in it are watching? All the people there seem to believe in it tho, Even Blacklaw only objects to it mildy because its SATANIC nonsense

        • 3 months ago

          He can do it, it's just more difficult with people watching. Most of the chapter members however would count as sleepers and even one present is enough to frick it up. Of course this hangs on the fact that Occam is an awakened mage, which while possible is unlikely given that the Arcanum in lore is a sorcerous organization at best. Plus everything we've seen him do or is implied that he can do can very safely be done within the Consensus with hedge magic.

      • 3 months ago

        Hedge magic is a different beast to the kind of Magic a true Mage can sling around since linear magic is still working within the Consensus.

        i just realised something... why the hell did occam do a ritual that would make the blood of the ghoul react differently... ALL BY HIMSELF? The cups werent lappeled meaning he could literally swap out the cups

        An oversight on his part due to all the frustration Remold and D were causing him with their constant bickering. The Archive was a sealed room with only one way in so it wasn't that unreasonable to think he'd have been fine to do it alone.

        • 3 months ago

          >An oversight on his part due to all the frustration Remold and D were causing him with their constant bickering. The Archive was a sealed room with only one way in so it wasn't that unreasonable to think he'd have been fine to do it alone.
          my point isnt that he left himself open for an attack but rather that it would easily either allow him to swap out the blood and accuse someone else of being a ghoul or giving the ghoul the reasonable excuse of accusing him of doing it since nobody can track whos blood is in what cup should someone switch them around, making the whole ritual pointless without witnesses that can attest to it NOT having happened

    • 3 months ago

      theory: because Occam is the ghoul duh it makes sense, the supposed attack against him was a false flag.

  23. 3 months ago

    Another minor detail that's probably irrelevant to the whole whodunit is the box (deprivation chamber?) that they haul out of the room. It had the mage symbol for matter on it. Probably a mage wonder of some sorts that the Arcanum found/stole/etc.

  24. 3 months ago

    I would have preferred if The Parenting was about them being newbie vampires with D being an Elder rather than following humans. I also believe it would have gotten them more views because, ya know, when people think Vampire they think vampires, not hunters.

    • 3 months ago

      There's more to WoD than VTM dummy

    • 3 months ago

      It should've been Reckoning because New WoD is trash and they fit pretty well with the Hunter Creeds.

      >Big E
      Weaponized his family into weapons against the supernatural, is on drugs, is insane.
      He's a Wayward.

      Mercy, probably an Innocent or a Redeemer or something gay like that.

      >Red Boy
      Martyr, the only thing gaayer than an Innocent or a Redeemer.

      Judge or Defender but probably defender.

      Hermit lol. He talks to the fricking horse.

  25. 3 months ago

    Its totally the angry maid, she's the one basically done with all of this, the only one actually bothered by the lockdown, the least suspicious, the ones who can and probably would get to the vents (remember, she knows the security room is the most ventilated and can get in, she just doesn't let Kitten in), the vents are near places where she'd have gone to and she has access to the secret tunnels and deep knowledge of the place. Spit is too obvious. Also the vent spot in the meeting room with the claws. She even looks like she'd be a gangrel like pawn to be honest.

    • 3 months ago

      She's been with someone else at almost all times, though.
      And what vent?

      • 3 months ago

        The vents Grimal climbs through

        • 3 months ago

          Where are those shown?

          • 3 months ago

            They were mentioned before and the opening of one was shown in occams office

    • 3 months ago

      Shit. Good theory.

    • 3 months ago

      that would explain why
      she always had the gloves on, hide the claws maybe?

  26. 3 months ago

    Goth mommy knocked Celtic wizard out with an intense session of blowie chokie, Weeb fist of the north stared poor ol fatigue to death

  27. 3 months ago

    My theory on who's what.
    The Angry Maid is the ghoul mole. She strangled Occam.
    Spit is a werewolf and he killed the old man
    The old man could have also been the ghoul, but I find it unlikely. Due to him being a woof expert it is possible that he is a Kinfolk and he recognized that Spit was a werewolf that was going to crack due to rage. Notably it's also a full moon, which makes raging far easier.
    Elise is a sluagh fae. She's a goth, she always whispers and she's the local fae expert. If there's a scene in the future where she suspiciously easily escapes handcuffs or ropes, that would 100% confirm it. It's also possible that she's Kinain (fae blooded). Basically the faerie equivalent to a ghoul (in terms of being a weaker more human version of a supernatural)
    Occam is a hedge magician/sorcerer. Unlikely to be a mage but not out of the question.
    Big D... who knows. Could be supernatural for all we know. He has supposedly been alive for millennia. Though that photograph in the background does refute it.

    • 3 months ago

      Big D is a goddamn sexual Tyrannosaurus

    • 3 months ago

      Elise definitely *wants* to be a sluaugh but she legitimately hasn't done any progress on anything. She's an actual faerie researcher with access to the Arcanum, she'd likely have contacted or found anything of the sluaugh and be positively whispering in joy if she was a real deal. Fairly sure if she was some kind of changeling, her awakening would have happened already or she'd have figured something but she's pretty oblivious.
      Spitz screams red herring. Him being like this at the end might be woof hysteria or just trauma as he's just not used to the supernatural and he saw a good person get fricking eviscerated in front of him.
      Maid is totally the ghoul
      D is probably a Mummy or something, fairly sure youtube people already cracked this with how our Magnus basically did a Mummy curse on the tosspot major.

    • 3 months ago

      If spit was a werewolf who went on a rampage his clothes wouldn't be intact. When he is crying on the floor he is shown to have completely untouched clothing, save for the blood covering him. He even has his cap on.

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Spit is the ghoul, but he's a Malk ghoul being nudged around by his master, which is why he acts the way he does.

    • 3 months ago

      I bet they'll set it up that Big D reincarnates to layer the reference to their previous work no Text to Speech. Like he had originally been Big A (maybe Adam), and over the years he died to become Big B, then Big C, and in the Vampire: the Masquerade era he's become Big D. It therefore becomes implied that his next life will be Big E.

  28. 3 months ago

    is there anything about ritallin or meds like it in WoD? I only know it as ADHD medication but never heard of people with ADHD getting a headache from it. And for those who somehow missed it, Spit takes Ritalin and the withdrawal is what causes SOME of the stress hes suffering from

    • 3 months ago

      I know hard drugs and alcohol typically go on a temporary bonus to some as the cost of lowering others. Cocaine is a bonus to Strength to Stamina at the cost of paranoia and Weed mellows you out at the cost to debuffing like half your stats.

      • 3 months ago

        so... just regular "drugs in an rpg" type stuff? no actual connection to the supernatural or organisations that are acting in the interest of likes of the wyrm?

        • 3 months ago

          Pretty much, their is GM fiat for making special poisons and you can justify some special Pentex made evil drug. But regular drugs are mostly addictions you character has to deal with as a coping mechanism for the bullshit around them. Although it common that they can lower your willpower.

  29. 3 months ago

    Why is every second character a flaming bisexual?

    • 3 months ago

      Its WoD the embodiment of 90s gothic punk and all the degen shit that came with it, filtered through 2006 nostalgia.

    • 3 months ago

      A number of Ogre Poppenang aren't straight themselves iirc, if the non-straight members happen to also be some of the writers, the probability that Non Player Characters not being straight goes up exponentially as they translate the lived experience of "I know a lot of gay people" to their game.

    • 3 months ago

      it's WoD

    • 3 months ago

      Brother its fricking WoD. They've been doing this forever, its on the spirit. I'd just like to see that fricking goth with her breasts out however, goddamn straightest bad b***h as the kids say.

      • 3 months ago

        >goddamn straightest bad b***h as the kids say.
        Tolkien had a name for women like this.

        • 3 months ago

          All I'm saying is, I want to see her fricking breasts and out and her nips better be fricking onyx black just like her soul. Artists get in on that.

          • 3 months ago

            H A E D A E C G E

            • 3 months ago


              That's just for style reasons, just overgrown nails. For claws you need protean, which is a gangrel in house special, and unless Kevin did that gayest thing with Apeboy, He ain't got the sort of claws that turned Fatigue into clam chowder

              Nah, I bet they bloodbound the shit out of some gangrels and feed their blood to let some newbies get it. Or we have the Hunter shit where base Vampire mechanics don't apply and you can make whatever the frick you want really. Knowing this is ultimately a narrative, it makes sense they don't sweat it and just give these guys claws for style, design and utility too.
              >verification not required

              • 3 months ago

                Except Kevin never used his b***h nails as a weapons, nor did any other vampire who coulda swapped BP with Ape. Shit Pyotr got the whole juice box and he used a shovel.

              • 3 months ago

                Kevin was outnumbered and still won with his mind control. Pyotr still stabbed the shit out of Apeboy too. He got the shovel mostly just for the sheer fricking intimidation and his shtick as an ambush hunter alongside trying to use dirt and also throwing it as a projectile.

                He was still going to impale Door. The claws are useful if they're your weapon, especially if they're the only weapon you have or are allowed to have.

              • 3 months ago

                B A S E D
                T I T T Y
                L O V E R

              • 3 months ago

                If she's a fricking Awakened Changeling Sluaugh soon, you can even fricking pay her by letting her titjob the hell out of you. It's so fricking good bros, WHERE IS THE FRICKING ART

              • 3 months ago

                A N O N
                C E A S E
                M U H D I C K

              • 3 months ago

                JET BLACK NIPS


                I wish I could draw fat people as I wanna draw this fat b***h so fricking bad but im a hack fraud artist

                Give it a go anyways Anon, even if it turns out kinda bad its a good practice and experience for you to learn.

              • 3 months ago

                i mean...I 1000% agree with everything you're saying, holy christ Elise' design is great...but man has allowed the horny to subsume him completely

              • 3 months ago


                A FRICKING CRIME


              • 3 months ago

                Did you even SEEEEE the paintings in the hall before the big door? Absolutely Horny.

              • 3 months ago

                A N O N
                C E A S E

              • 3 months ago

                >Awakened Changeling Sluaugh
                You can't do that

              • 3 months ago

                Watch me

              • 3 months ago

                I wish I could draw fat people as I wanna draw this fat b***h so fricking bad but im a hack fraud artist

              • 3 months ago

                You will likely live for many decades hence. Work at your craft, your shit hack fraudery will improve with effort and study.

    • 3 months ago

      Western society is degrading morally

    • 3 months ago

      For Magnus it's a way to show that Kitten won his soul in the card game, and then Kitten swore his service to Magnus. I actually find it very clever. As for D, he's just a plot device.

    • 3 months ago

      Because there's only 2 genders

  30. 3 months ago

    I've seen this theory in the comments, that apart of a ghoul infiltrator, there could also be either actual vampire (very unlikely, since all this chapter focuses on vampires), or that Spit is becoming a werewolf.
    What is your opinion on the latter? Ghouls are stronger than humans, but there's no chance one would mutilate human like that.

    • 3 months ago

      The tremere are the heads of the local cammies, it seems. There are claw marks on the ceiling and certain doors, too small to be woof work. My guess, is one of kevin's ol pals sent a fricking blood haemonculus, imp, whatever, one of the monsters they can make cause they sipped that Tzimisce smoothie. Unlikely since this sort of shit isn't well known, but that would make it more shocking to the non WoD fans watching this

    • 3 months ago

      The tremere are the heads of the local cammies, it seems. There are claw marks on the ceiling and certain doors, too small to be woof work. My guess, is one of kevin's ol pals sent a fricking blood haemonculus, imp, whatever, one of the monsters they can make cause they sipped that Tzimisce smoothie. Unlikely since this sort of shit isn't well known, but that would make it more shocking to the non WoD fans watching this

      Bros even fricking Kevin, the wiznerd, has claws. You don't even need to be a Tzimisce to get it, even his ass got them bros, are you forgetting?

      • 3 months ago

        That's just for style reasons, just overgrown nails. For claws you need protean, which is a gangrel in house special, and unless Kevin did that gayest thing with Apeboy, He ain't got the sort of claws that turned Fatigue into clam chowder

  31. 3 months ago

    Do we know who all is in this portrait? I can recognize Blacklaw, Brok, and what looks like Big D and Occam. What about the others?

    Also, anyone know what those hooded Pinnochio-esque figures in the background are? You can see them throughout the background of the episode, so I'd be shocked if they don't become relevant. There's one on a bookshelf in the conference room in the opening fight scene. The masqued woman in the portrait next to the Archive doors is holding a book with one on it. They show up in pic related. And in the vault is a collection of them wearing amulets with the heraldry of the Unseelie Court. Could be something OC based off Norfolk folk holidays?

    • 3 months ago

      The ones in the archives had changelings symbols on their cloaks

    • 3 months ago

      Assuming this picture was taken 20-25 years before the series, based on brok being around 30 during it. then my theory is left to right

      >Big D?
      >Blacklaw's Wife, daughter or sister, She looks close enough to blacklaw to be a relative of him but not close enough to Brok to be his mother
      >Blacklaw's sister or sister in law and occam's mother
      >Blacklaw's Brother or Brother in law and Occam's father.

      I was under the impression that Big D in some way ageless but seeing him younger, or at least different makes me question that

      • 3 months ago

        It's also strange that Blacklaw is belgian enough that he uses french/belgian terms in conversation while having such a english name and a irish nephew

        • 3 months ago

          >irish nephew
          what? i dont even recall a mention of him having a nephew

          • 3 months ago

            Occam O'connel is his nephew. During the rolecall in the beginning of the episode he calls himself "Occam's Esteemed Uncle"

        • 3 months ago

          He could have been raised Belgian or married into the Blacklaw family. If the latter, his wife had some seriously angle genes to produce Brok in spite of him being half Belgian

  32. 3 months ago

    Friend suggested that the 'dolls' we see are Inanimae from CtD, maybe their shells.
    >The Mannikins are the faeries of inanimate humanoid things. Of all the Empires, they are the only one which is mostly comprised of the Krofted. Their Anchors are toys, puppets, sculptures not covered by the other Empires, and the ever-present storefront mannikin.

    • 3 months ago

      That's a lot of shells to just be keeping on hand. I don't imagine fae as being the type to copy one another. I wonder if they're more of a treasure. Maybe there's one central marionette that controls the rest?

  33. 3 months ago

    Occam is the Ghoul. My points are as follows.

    >Occam immediately takes command of the Witch Hunt, a pretty solid tactic to avoid suspicion.
    >Specializes in Celtic magic, namely "Solar" magic. Both of which would be of immense interest to a Celtaboo Vampire.
    >Knows a lot about ghouls like how the bloodbond works and how one can go into withdrawl.
    >Orders everyone to get out during the Blood Test, and seemingly starts it on his own while everyone is outside. Alone he could easily forge the results of the blood test, assuming he didn't just make it up.
    >Despite being the leader of the witch hunt, and claiming to have a way to identify the ghoul, Occam's assailant only knocked him out despite having ample time and resources to finish him off (all the scalpels).
    >Occam managed to recover in no time, and Pic Related, those massive bruises on his windpipe are gone, he's good as fricking new.
    >D is much less likely to suspect his former lover. Remold, the other likely witch hunt leader, won't suspect his own nephew.
    >Though it may be just a flourish of the stylized fight at the beginning, he may be able to teleport, allowing him to move freely throughout the chapterhouse.

    • 3 months ago

      "Teleport" is pretty flimsy of an excuse for how Mr. Fatigue ended up chopped into a billion pieces and one of Brok's guys locked into a room
      + he'd ended up soaked in gore from doing that

      • 3 months ago

        Being soaked in gore is the issue with my theory, but it's not like he telefragged him. The ghoul of a 7th gen can have some pretty impressive disciplines, easily enough to rip an old man in half. Teleport is how he got in and out without being noticed.

        He could have changed rapidly, or worn something to keep the blood from getting on him.

    • 3 months ago

      Or he's just the head of the house and naturally the only way for the plot to progress and to get blacklaw and D to quit fricking around. Kitten had very big "I'm going to fricking shoot someone for ruining everything" energy and I cannot blame them as frankly, I would be murdering half of the fricking cast in a situation like this. He's too valuable to be caught dead by a vamp, if they got him then he wouldn't be doing even a fifth of the bullshit or even indulge the nonsense of D as he could easily discredit his shit, keep filtering info, not fricking tell everyone vampires are real and breaching the Masquerade and so on and so forth.

      You got more holes going on than you realize. The chekov m60s would make more but sadly this is a part 1.

      • 3 months ago

        It is only a part 1, so really anyone's theory could be shot to shit when part 2 comes out via new information. I don't think my theory is absolutely perfect, we're only in act 1 of this murder mystery, but I see nobody else with better means to be the killer.

        The big things I'm stuck on are
        >Why the hell did Occam order everyone out, he should be smart enough to understand everyone has to stick together.
        >Why the hell did the ghoul just knock Occam out, and evidently not that bad, when Occam claimed to have a supernatural method of identifying the ghoul.
        >Where did his bruises go, bruises on a windpipe don't disappear after less than an hour.

        I don't see good motives or cues it's anyone else. Spit seems like a really, really obvious misdirect.

        • 3 months ago

          >>Why the hell did Occam order everyone out
          A true wizard never reveals their secrets.

        • 3 months ago

          Also if Spit was a misdirect, why was he sus in placing his goblet on the table?

          • 3 months ago

            Tweaking out, could be afraid of Occam finding drugs in his blood and firing him.

            Something's definitely up with spit, but he's way too obvious to be our ghoul.

            • 3 months ago

              Well Trainspotting was a documentary but i doubt Occam would've fired him over heroin use. Granted him potentially being a Garou would be quite a twist.

        • 3 months ago

          >Why the hell did the ghoul just knock Occam out, and evidently not that bad, when Occam claimed to have a supernatural method of identifying the ghoul.
          The Ghoul didn't intentionally engineer the situation they're in, so they're probably not seeking to just murder everyone else.
          Infact, their primary goal is probably pinning the blame on another, so they can fade back into the metaphorical shadows. Escape is just a backup plan for if all hell breaks loose, and murder is just a means of pinning blame on someone else. Afterall, if Spit gets pinned with killing (Or even just assaulting) Fatigue and losing his shit, then he's obviously the infiltrator.
          Perhaps the Ghoul acted exactly on that assumption, but unfortunately, Spit was not just a normal addict suffering from withdrawal.

          • 3 months ago

            Also, if Occam is the ghoul, his actions just don't make any sense so far.
            He could've disregarded D's accusation without any problems. He could also have just finished the ritual and pinned the blame on someone else. He also would already have had access to the archives, so if he was the ghoul, the hunters have already lost.

            • 3 months ago

              >Why the hell did the ghoul just knock Occam out, and evidently not that bad, when Occam claimed to have a supernatural method of identifying the ghoul.
              The Ghoul didn't intentionally engineer the situation they're in, so they're probably not seeking to just murder everyone else.
              Infact, their primary goal is probably pinning the blame on another, so they can fade back into the metaphorical shadows. Escape is just a backup plan for if all hell breaks loose, and murder is just a means of pinning blame on someone else. Afterall, if Spit gets pinned with killing (Or even just assaulting) Fatigue and losing his shit, then he's obviously the infiltrator.
              Perhaps the Ghoul acted exactly on that assumption, but unfortunately, Spit was not just a normal addict suffering from withdrawal.

              D's not the type to just give up and Occam would know that, better to stop it now than to let D keep running amok when he knows something. Whoever the ghoul is, I reckon they don't want it getting out that they were made. Ghouls can do absolutely stupid things because of the blood bond, and trying to avoid a cruel domitor from finding out about their failure is one reason to lock everyone down and maybe do a little killing and a little blaming. As for the vampires already having the info, I don't see that as an issue with a theory. This is Hunter, sometimes you straight up lose.

              One thing that's bugging me is how stupid everyone's acting. Occam doing the ritual alone is sus as hell. Elise pickpocketing Giles is questionable at best in a time like this, and she gave his cigs to the servants. Grimal in the security room is extremely suspicious. I'm used to D pretending to be dumb so he must have an angle here, but he looked as shocked as everyone else about Fatigue's death. Splitting up the first time can be chalked up to not everyone taking the threat seriously, but after they find Occam out cold? No excuse for them to split up again.

              • 3 months ago

                >D's not the type to just give up and Occam would know that, better to stop it now than to let D keep running amok when he knows something.
                This is just speculation, and it's at odds with the logical course of action. If he was the ghoul, buying time for himself by making D frick off for a bit would be very useful, and would still make total sense and not really do much to upset his position. He could even just tell D that he needs to go and bring actual evidence before they undertake any investigation, a completely reasonable thing to request.
                It's also contradictory with Occam not actually finishing the ritual and falsifying the results.

              • 3 months ago

                It's not just a matter of taking the threat seriously, there's a lot of big egos around on all sides who believe they have the best idea on how to solve the case. It's stupid, but it's a believable, very human kind of stupid.

        • 3 months ago

          Occam would order everyone out because if they stay the ritual can't be realistically finished in the chaos. He'd stick them somewhere else but for now he needs to fricking figure this shit out ASAP. Ghoul knows if he kills Occam he's escalated shit tenfold, risks himself massively and more, this way he delays the finding out or possibly eliminates it, can still escape or try to make something happen, and he's a sorceror, he can likely magic that shit out with some of his own big dick energy.

          There's the meta irony of Occam invoking the principle of Occams Razor and it just being him while everyone else is overthinking it, but I think the writers are smart enough to do 2nd level subversion.

          that would explain why
          she always had the gloves on, hide the claws maybe?

          You're catching on. Good. Keep looking.

        • 3 months ago

          Who the frick is even strong enough to strangle Occam and not only survive, but get away with it?
          It was 100% Sir D, who didn't give any explanation as to why he was opening the door to the Archives early, stole the keys distinctly for that purpose, was unaccounted for when Occam was strangled and is a Master Hunter that may know of people in his own family whose blood may not be 100% human

          • 3 months ago

            Potentiality of Occam figuring out he’s a mummy or some sort of non-ghoul supernatural more important than figuring out who the ghoul is? Knowing his character and some of the speculation here it might fit.

          • 3 months ago

            You sound like a Belgian waffle

            • 3 months ago

              If it wasn't for the fact that he has a pair of nuts hanging off of his jaw, I would be of the opinion that Blacklaw is actually kind of a DILF, and more my type of DILF than Sir D honestly.

          • 3 months ago

            You'll have realized that D and Blacklaw basically got fricked by his martial arts because they didn't dare to strike back or actually fight Occam. IRL, a lions choke knocks out anyone in about 5 seconds, you just need some blood potence and you're good to fricking go, especially if you're a ghoul to the Lady Regent.

            Notice who's angry. Notice who cares. D is aware there's shit going on, he's analyzing the people around him. Blacklaw is irrate but he's pissed at D. None of the Goon Squad is an infiltrator, too fricking stupid and unhinged to be worthwhile, or the son of Blacklaw who'd be able to sniff out his stupid as shit kid even harder than anyone else. Old lady didn't even know Vamps were real, Friend Squad is basically all in shock and looking at each other for support except Elise which is a lot more Goth and prepared but still surprised. Kitten is paying attention, Marcus can't be it as he's under the watch of D and him betraying them is nigh impossible in timescale even if thematic, Old Man is dead. Two realistically left.

            One who doesn't care and is aloof, basically going "lmao whatever really, this pays well. The other, eternally gloved, with deep knowledge, unsatisfied, tries to dissuade Kitten with the hunting, knows how to go everywhere, actually pissed at this all happening. Even her design screams villain.

            • 3 months ago

              Matilda? Sure I guess, she is top 3 in my suspect list too, im just saying that Sir D has reason to stop a test of his families blood, is capable of taking a person from behind (lol) and might be able to get into the archives assuming that the tunnels and vents are connected in some way. Sir D is the only person 100% in a tunnel in the timeframe that Occam was assaulted assuming he isn't in on the act

              • 3 months ago

                suspect list as in ghoul suspect list, not list of people who could strangle Occam because I think she would have just killed him

              • 3 months ago

                D literally can't get in the vents. I hate to be this realistic, but the dude's a fricking anatolian meat tank, the fricker just can't squeeze in unless he does some Mummy magic shit and he'd be fricking risking a lot if he revealed his power level like that.

                Also his fricking hands are huge. If he left a mark while choking, which he fricking would have, he'd have a neck that's one big fricking stranglehold. Same with Blacklaw. Those marks were smaller from someone with smaller hands who could realistically infiltrate the vents and know them from extensive cleaning of the entire place. Bump her from 3rd to 1rst, D is willing enough to let his former Ex know he's what he is if its to keep the hunt going and save the movement in the country. He isn't about to ruin something he vehemently defends over stupid shit like this, he's a Hunter to the core. Getting the quarry and saving innocents is what matters.

              • 3 months ago

                Suspect one is the Abigale, the dark skinned woman, being that she is shifty when any sort of blame starts to creep its way to her direction and nobody was paying her any attention when Lord Fatigue was torn in half.

                If I recall correctly, Abigale isn't even in the final panning shot where everybody is looking down at the body.

              • 3 months ago

                Dark skinned maid was on the floor twitching when Fatigue was ripped apart, and was presumably under the watch of the Blacklaws the entire time since the discovery of Occam

              • 3 months ago

                I don't think the ghoul would let Occam live, it was another person putting the strangulation on the man from the irish nation.

              • 3 months ago

                If it was the ghoul doing the strangling, they're probably not willing to kill someone over it, or they just messed up and didn't strangle them as much as they should have to kill him. Though this assumes they're one of the civilian suspects, the hunters should be less likely to be that merciful/incompetent, I imagine. Regardless, I think priority 1 for the ghoul would be to mess up Occam's test, not to kill him.

            • 3 months ago

              >Old lady didn't even know Vamps were real
              Waters? She absolutely did, she's part of the chapterhouse's leadership.
              Matilda is a pretty good suspect overall, but the only issue is that she seemingly hasn't had any good opportunities to do anything. She's been with someone seemingly at all times.

              • 3 months ago

                Ain't she a psychic lady with a nose for cocaine doing blow when she's going "reading"? Doesn't mean she knows about vamps or is really aware of them if she's just out here slinging psionics and being a doctor trying to improve on that shit with some whacked out research, I wouldn't bother with searching for that kinda shit if I were her at all, I'd just specialize in my deal as a major researcher.

                A physics dude doesn't know engineering, and its not like the Archives got the settings book either. No student's searched the entire library related to their course, much less to the entirety of someone else's course while sniffing nose candy to try and perfect telekinetics.

              • 3 months ago

                I believe this chapterhouse specializes in vampires, so it's highly likely she would know of their existing.

              • 3 months ago

                Considering the fact the headmaster is a Sorceror doing Solar Magicks, they got Changeling shit in the vault, a box of clear Mage making they likely snatched, Fae researchers with the Hot b***h, apparently a dragons head, a psychic researcher, a werewolf loremaster and the only local vampire-like researcher who's not banned being into Kuei Jin (and find Kuei Jackshit), I don't think we can realistically call it a vampire focused chapter house at all Anonymous.

                Like, I'd like for it to be, but no its seeming like the opposite. If anything, this is a Magicks chapter house with a Tremere magician interested in it.

                Suspect one is the Abigale, the dark skinned woman, being that she is shifty when any sort of blame starts to creep its way to her direction and nobody was paying her any attention when Lord Fatigue was torn in half.

                If I recall correctly, Abigale isn't even in the final panning shot where everybody is looking down at the body.

                Other guy said it for me. Also her design ain't antagonistic, and it makes sense she, processing that vampires exists, doesn't want to be suspected like that in any way when she's still trying to realize her reality as a maid for some whacked out loonies is actually going to change her life. She's the archetype of the newly born Hunter.

              • 3 months ago

                >I don't think we can realistically call it a vampire focused chapter house at all Anonymous.
                I think we can, actually. That they have other things on hand doesn't really discredit or even oppose this statement whatsoever.
                That said, if the students apparently know about Vampires existing, Waters, an elder, definitely does.

              • 3 months ago

                Students mostly know because they hang around with Magnus. If they didn't, they'd basically be shit out of luck and doing frick all related to vamps because again, D team is banished and the only ones actively doing real vampire knowledge or with D being the closest to a realistic loremaster. I actually did check back however and Waters did know what disciplines was, so I'm a goof and admit defeat anyways.

              • 3 months ago

                >Students mostly know because they hang around with Magnus.
                It's probably the opposite since they call them blank bodies, a term that D and Crew don't really use.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago


                Well, lets "Don't really use" and more "Didn't originate from", since D doesn't call vampires that. Door exclusively calls them blank bodies iirc.

                Not "their" lingo either. It's a term mostly used by people not-really-in-the-know with Vampires, and would be a term the Arcanum's familiar with, since this particular chapterhouse banned other designations besides 'blank' because they were used by D.

              • 3 months ago

                Kitten also called them licks, vamps and so on. Door doesn't know much more than the rest as his education is still focused on D (he even lectures Marcus on how he retains information for their safety), and its perfectly plausible that D gives them basic names for Vamp rather than Kindred to protect his family, the same way he did when he accidentally said Tremere and nearly died of a heart attack as he thought he primordially fricked up and nearly signed the death warrant of Kitten.

                Blank Body or Lick is infinitely better than Kindred and safer too as even if they find out hunters know that, the priority for killing them is way lesser than someone who knows of the Clans, the Masquerade isn't as fricked. Sludgelad beats the shit out of Nosferatu if you accidentally say it and the ban was more because they hated D rather than his lingo being wrong. Marcus sliding them some information with blanks and such while still using his verbiage makes perfect sense, isn't like D needs to invent an entire new term for a blank and it isn't like the students are that interested in Vamps like the family is, Harry's just in it because its his job it seems, Elise is Fae and Weeb is Weeb Chi Suckers.

              • 3 months ago

                Mostly true, though again, I'm just saying Blank still doesn't originate with D and it was still likely information that the Chapter house students knew of beforehand.

              • 3 months ago

                Well, lets "Don't really use" and more "Didn't originate from", since D doesn't call vampires that. Door exclusively calls them blank bodies iirc.

    • 3 months ago

      >Occam managed to recover in no time, and Pic Related, those massive bruises on his windpipe are gone, he's good as fricking new.
      It only takes a few minutes IRL to regain consciousness if you're knocked out by a punch or strangulation, and we can't actually see much of his throat in that pic.

      • 3 months ago

        The bruises were on the sides of his neck clearly, and they are no longer present when he's back up.

        It did occur to me it could be an animation error but would they really screw up that key of a detail when it's been damn near a year of waiting for this episode?

        • 3 months ago

          You can't really see the sides of his neck. And actually yeah, earlier when he's found unconscious, the bruising isn't visually consistent, since it's also on the front of his neck sometimes.

        • 3 months ago

          I don't see why a ghoul would burn vitae to regenerate seemingly superficial bruising, thus blowing his cover

          The problem with mystery stories to me is that it can be hard to tell when something is a deliberate clue or an error on the part of the creators

          • 3 months ago

            >is that it can be hard to tell when something is a deliberate clue or an error on the part of the creators

            Yeah. This is also act one of at least three I'm guessing, so we're all working with limited information. You don't reveal all your clues in the first act of a mystery.

            >D's not the type to just give up and Occam would know that, better to stop it now than to let D keep running amok when he knows something.
            This is just speculation, and it's at odds with the logical course of action. If he was the ghoul, buying time for himself by making D frick off for a bit would be very useful, and would still make total sense and not really do much to upset his position. He could even just tell D that he needs to go and bring actual evidence before they undertake any investigation, a completely reasonable thing to request.
            It's also contradictory with Occam not actually finishing the ritual and falsifying the results.

            Of course it's speculation. We've got basically zero hard evidence in favor of anyone. We have to speculate on personality, positioning (which we only have confirmed for before the Occam incident, not before Fatigue's death). And as for the logical course of action, I don't agree that blowing off D is necessarily the logical route, or that a Ghoul would even act purely logical when they're close to being found out. If he gets D to frick off for a time, there's a chance his domitor learns that someone suspects a ghoul in the chapterhouse. Which means the ghoul might be killed because their life is easily expendable. Because D is not reasonable and is not the kind of guy to take no for an answer. He won't just say "oh ok I need more evidence I'll be back later", he's already busting in to a place he was banned from to force this issue, who knows what he'll do next? Better to nip this in the bud right now and find a way to shift the blame. As for why to fudge his own assault instead of completing the ritual and blaming someone? That I'm not sure about, though it could be concern that someone might call BS on the test, Remold was already skeptical. We pretty much have to armchair psychologist the characters in order to guess a motive, assuming each is the ghoul.

            Out of curiosity, who's your leading suspect? Because really we could go back and forth on this all thread and make no progress because we don't agree on what the characters might be thinking, or if they're even thinking rationally at all.

            • 3 months ago

              >Of course it's speculation. We've got basically zero hard evidence in favor of anyone.
              I don't think you understand what speculation and evidence is.
              You can look at whether any given behavior makes sense or not based on a person's presumed interests. E.g. if Occam is the ghoul, he would be most interested in pinning the blame on someone else, and on delaying the investigation to accomplish whatever it is needs accomplishing.
              Saying that Occam would just know D wouldn't give up and would then skip over the other benefits based on this is purely speculative, because it's backed up with nothing that suggests this is the case, and doesn't logically bear out with the information we have.
              Also, we do have hard evidence pointing towards suspicious behavior with no alternative explanations than malicious ones from Grimal, Elise, and the Cleaners.
              Mind you, I'm not saying Occam ISN'T the Ghoul, only that your reasoning is faulty and we have no direct evidence of suspicious behavior on his part, but the exact opposite.

              >or that a Ghoul would even act purely logical when they're close to being found out.
              This falls under pure speculation in regards to Occam. He shows no signs of being illogical or lacking in judgement. You could say differently for other characters in other circumstances.
              >there's a chance his domitor learns that someone suspects a ghoul in the chapterhouse.
              That's probably going to happen regardless, and D being told to frick off or not has no bearing on whether it would occur.
              >That I'm not sure about, though it could be concern that someone might call BS on the test
              I don't see how ruining the ritual helps him at all in these circumstances, and it would have been easy for him to accuse one of the cleaners. He could also just have accused Spit, since he's not likely to be able to defend himself very well.

              >who's your leading suspect?
              Elise and Grimal are the most suspicious.

              • 3 months ago

                In particular, Elise was in the hallway right outside the archive, Grimal was in the security room which only Elise could access (With Gits keys, or the Cleaners keys), and one or the other must have bribed the cleaners with Gits cigarettes, somehow and to some end.

                I think gen 7th vamps can have ghouls with 3 in disciplines, don't quote me on that though. Maybe not the doctor lady but on someone with good mortal strength they could maybe do that. It could also be a magical attack, not physical that demolished Fatigue.

                I could see a second killer, but I don't like the Werewolf theory. The claw marks in other rooms are too small for a Werewolf, and the first one leading to the ceiling of the meeting room makes me think it's Grimal that made those marks. More pressingly, no clawmarks at all in the room where Fatigue actually was killed in. It's a messy kill, but it looks almost intentionally so. Not how a Werewolf operates. From what I heard too, the only screams from the room were human, no howls, growls, or gutteral noises.

                There are clawmarks in the pub room where Fatigue was killed, on the wardrobe facing the bar. It's shown in an earlier scene where Blacklaw and the lads are talking amongst one another.

              • 3 months ago

                Well we can't forget she's friends with harry and he apparently has security access too which more than likely means he also has keys that she could borrow.

              • 3 months ago

                Elise and Grimal are definitely suspicious, they're definitely on my list of people to watch. But I don't agree with your assessment of what Occam's priorities would be if he were the ghoul. You can say it's rational, I disagree. He was D's former lover, he should know the man. More to the point, we know the man pretty well as the audience, so I'm confident in saying he would absolutely not be dissuaded and would cause even more problems if Occam attempted to stall. We simply disagree on what the rational move here from OccamGhoul's position is, again assuming he is a purely rational actor. We could go back and forth on this until autosage kicks in, and not convince each other, so I see no point in arguing it further.

                In particular, Elise was in the hallway right outside the archive, Grimal was in the security room which only Elise could access (With Gits keys, or the Cleaners keys), and one or the other must have bribed the cleaners with Gits cigarettes, somehow and to some end.

                There are clawmarks in the pub room where Fatigue was killed, on the wardrobe facing the bar. It's shown in an earlier scene where Blacklaw and the lads are talking amongst one another.

                The clawmarks were there before Fatigue got mulched, so that doesn't matter at all in determining what killed him. I think the claw marks are signs of Grimal grimaling, as she mentioned in an earlier audiolog sneaking around the the vents. Also the fact nobody seems to notice these obvious claw marks is either a plot hole, or everyone's so used to them they're not worth mentioning.

                The big issue with Grimal and Elise as direct perpetrators is that neither of them would have access (based on the information we have) to Occam during his ritual, as they at best only have security clearance. The only possibility we know of right now is that Grimal crawled through the vents to strangle Occam. However, both were accounted for during the murder of Fatigue, so if one of them is responsible for Occam's throttling, there is a second possibly independent actor that killed Fatigue. Which I can think is plausible but I don't particularly like from a story angle.

              • 3 months ago

                >He was D's former lover, he should know the man.
                Maybe, but we still don't know Occam much, so your entire bit is pure speculation as to what decisions he might make.
                Furthermore, what does this really offer him in terms of decision making alterations?
                Scenario 1: D will not accept being stalled for any reason, and will IMMEDIATELY try to cause a scene.
                I don't find this very plausible as a scenario, actually, because D is fairly smooth as a talker and not given to just bludgeoning his way through situations with brute force. But from Occam's point of view, if we are to assume he believes this to be likely, it doesn't really change much. It's still worth trying to stall, and he's still free to back down and give in to D's demands.
                On the other hand, if he believe this was the scenario and instead planned to lead him astray, false flagging the ritual directly contradicts this, which makes the scenario highly implausible.

                Scenario 2: D accepts the need to bring evidence, and either goes off or sends one of his kids off to go retrieve it, while demanding everyone else stay put.
                This seems a plausible response to me, and it gives a ghouled Occam the potential of something going awry and the evidence not materializing, or an opportunity for him to slip out and make what preparations are needed to ensure he isn't caught.
                Again, there's no reason for him to not try and stall in this situation.

                Scenario 3: D accepts the need to bring evidence, and backs down and leaves entirely.
                This is also fairly implausible to me, but it's possible, and would give a ghouled Occam the ideal opportunity to get whatever needs doing, done.

                Scenario 4: D feigns acceptance and pretends to back down, but prepares to force the matter by another means.
                This is probably the most plausible scenario based on D's past behavior, but it still gives Occam an ideal opportunity to just slip away or do whatever needs doing. There's still no additional utility to be gained by stalling here.

              • 3 months ago

                Elise and Grimal are definitely suspicious, they're definitely on my list of people to watch. But I don't agree with your assessment of what Occam's priorities would be if he were the ghoul. You can say it's rational, I disagree. He was D's former lover, he should know the man. More to the point, we know the man pretty well as the audience, so I'm confident in saying he would absolutely not be dissuaded and would cause even more problems if Occam attempted to stall. We simply disagree on what the rational move here from OccamGhoul's position is, again assuming he is a purely rational actor. We could go back and forth on this until autosage kicks in, and not convince each other, so I see no point in arguing it further.

                The clawmarks were there before Fatigue got mulched, so that doesn't matter at all in determining what killed him. I think the claw marks are signs of Grimal grimaling, as she mentioned in an earlier audiolog sneaking around the the vents. Also the fact nobody seems to notice these obvious claw marks is either a plot hole, or everyone's so used to them they're not worth mentioning.

                The big issue with Grimal and Elise as direct perpetrators is that neither of them would have access (based on the information we have) to Occam during his ritual, as they at best only have security clearance. The only possibility we know of right now is that Grimal crawled through the vents to strangle Occam. However, both were accounted for during the murder of Fatigue, so if one of them is responsible for Occam's throttling, there is a second possibly independent actor that killed Fatigue. Which I can think is plausible but I don't particularly like from a story angle.

                The only possible downside to be seen in stalling is contradicted by what events occur: That Occam would want to assert his leadership (Something he seemed a bit sluggish to do anyways), and not be questioned on it by D or Blacklaw.
                However, if he intended to this, all he needed to do was falsify an accusation. The entire ritual going awry is totally inexplicable from this point of view.
                While it does feel almost too obvious for the ritual to have been disrupted by the ghoul, there's no plausible alternative.

                Elise would have had moved very quickly. She leaves the room at 33:30 and the screaming happens at 34:35. One minute, five seconds to get to Fatigue, Git, and Spit and start killing, while claiming to get Dr. Waters.

                It's not clear if it's all real-time, but having a narrow window of time to act in would also be true for both of those that are totally unaccounted for, and for the other three possible unaccounted as well.
                It also occurs to me that Occam might end up having an alibi if Waters, Harry, or the maid were with him while he was unconscious and in his office.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, Occam could have an alibi. Elise said she was going to get Waters, so she'll either have an alibi herself or a total lack of one that's glaring.

                I really hope the plot isn't surprise Werewolf.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm pretty sure Spit's a werewolf of some sort and killed Fatigue, or maybe less likely is that Elise knifed him up something fierce.
                The body has huge lacerations across it, so something long and sharp went to work there, and it had to be something terribly strong to rip and tear him to bits like that. And Spit's the only one covered in blood.

              • 3 months ago

                Speaking of Spit being covered in blood, anyone else find this picture weird? As this is the last time Git (Giles), Spit (Simon), and Fatigue were seen together before the interrogation scenes. And when we go to the gory scene, there is one person missing, Git/Giles.

              • 3 months ago

                You can hear him, or at least read his subtitle at the end when everyone is stunned by Fatigue's corpse

              • 3 months ago

                >The only problem for Grimal is that it seems like the only way she could access the security room would be through Elise, barring the use of another vent. But why even be in the security room in that case?
                Keeping tabs on people?

              • 3 months ago

                Whoops meant this for

                Git is in the toilet behind the bar, locked or trapped in by the bear taxidermy. So he's kinda present.
                I think he's worth considering too though, because we don't know what state he's in, and he doesn't sound all that terrified. Just confused and angry. Whereas spit is a trembling wreck.

                She leaves right after Grimal is rescued, and does so right after D and Blacklaw are distracted with fighting eachother again. So when Fatigue dies, she's unaccounted for.
                Werewolves also do have a half-woof form, Glabro or whatever it was called:
                "A Garou shifting into Glabro essentially doubles (or perhaps triples) their human form's body weight and adds between six inches to a foot onto their normal height. Clothes strain and tear, but do not shred... yet. The Garou's teeth and nails thicken and sharpen, and while they’re not especially powerful, they add to the werewolf’s intimidating presence."

                True. Waters hasn't done anything very openly suspicious and may have an alibi after Occam is found, but she has the means to do everything that's been seen.
                The only problem for Grimal is that it seems like the only way she could access the security room would be through Elise, barring the use of another vent. But why even be in the security room in that case?

              • 3 months ago

                Git is in the toilet behind the bar, locked or trapped in by the bear taxidermy. So he's kinda present.
                I think he's worth considering too though, because we don't know what state he's in, and he doesn't sound all that terrified. Just confused and angry. Whereas spit is a trembling wreck.

                Elise is accounted for, she was at Grimal's rescue. The only issue with Spit being a wolf is that he's fully clothed, and the way he's acting would imply this were his first change. Would be a bit strange if he already had dedicated clothing. The culprit being a werewolf seems the most likely, they've been gearing up to introduce them for a while now with them figuring prominently in the outro. I think it's an as yet to be introduced actor given that no one else is covered in blood, unless this was a ghoul with obfuscate to hide the appearance of blood, protean for the claws, and potence to rip someone in two. But at that point it's getting a bit extreme for just a ghoul.

                She leaves right after Grimal is rescued, and does so right after D and Blacklaw are distracted with fighting eachother again. So when Fatigue dies, she's unaccounted for.
                Werewolves also do have a half-woof form, Glabro or whatever it was called:
                "A Garou shifting into Glabro essentially doubles (or perhaps triples) their human form's body weight and adds between six inches to a foot onto their normal height. Clothes strain and tear, but do not shred... yet. The Garou's teeth and nails thicken and sharpen, and while they’re not especially powerful, they add to the werewolf’s intimidating presence."

                I feel like Dr waters isn't a big enough part of the conversation

                She has universal access as an elder and as I recall she is the only who is mostly unaccounted for during the time between Occam starts his ritual and him being found choked. Save for Occam himself, Grimal and to a lesser extent spit

                Most others have some sort of vignette or other explanation where they are during that time,

                Marck and Harry are excercising, the maids are washing dishes, etcetera. while Dr Waters just slinks off to her office with the excuse of catching up on reading, a strange thing to do in this situation.

                There is also the aforementioned Grimal. As she has only appeared in an audiolog and this episode she is established enough that the viewers might have formed a connection to her while being disposable enough to the story that she can be killed without shaking up the story too much for the second arc of what might be a long series. On the map she is also seen in the security room. "The most ventilated room in the chapter house".Noting this observation:[...] She could easily have entered the archives without elder access by crawling the vents as she apparently often does.

                True. Waters hasn't done anything very openly suspicious and may have an alibi after Occam is found, but she has the means to do everything that's been seen.
                The only problem for Grimal is that it seems like the only way she could access the security room would be through Elise, barring the use of another vent. But why even be in the security room in that case?

              • 3 months ago

                Elise is accounted for, she was at Grimal's rescue. The only issue with Spit being a wolf is that he's fully clothed, and the way he's acting would imply this were his first change. Would be a bit strange if he already had dedicated clothing. The culprit being a werewolf seems the most likely, they've been gearing up to introduce them for a while now with them figuring prominently in the outro. I think it's an as yet to be introduced actor given that no one else is covered in blood, unless this was a ghoul with obfuscate to hide the appearance of blood, protean for the claws, and potence to rip someone in two. But at that point it's getting a bit extreme for just a ghoul.

              • 3 months ago

                I feel like Dr waters isn't a big enough part of the conversation

                She has universal access as an elder and as I recall she is the only who is mostly unaccounted for during the time between Occam starts his ritual and him being found choked. Save for Occam himself, Grimal and to a lesser extent spit

                Most others have some sort of vignette or other explanation where they are during that time,

                Marck and Harry are excercising, the maids are washing dishes, etcetera. while Dr Waters just slinks off to her office with the excuse of catching up on reading, a strange thing to do in this situation.

                There is also the aforementioned Grimal. As she has only appeared in an audiolog and this episode she is established enough that the viewers might have formed a connection to her while being disposable enough to the story that she can be killed without shaking up the story too much for the second arc of what might be a long series. On the map she is also seen in the security room. "The most ventilated room in the chapter house".Noting this observation:

                >Occam: Our Chapter House Has Many Secret Doors,but none of them lead here
                He says that as they walk past a vent that is partially obscured by a bookcase.

                She could easily have entered the archives without elder access by crawling the vents as she apparently often does.

              • 3 months ago

                Git is in the toilet behind the bar, locked or trapped in by the bear taxidermy. So he's kinda present.
                I think he's worth considering too though, because we don't know what state he's in, and he doesn't sound all that terrified. Just confused and angry. Whereas spit is a trembling wreck.

                She leaves right after Grimal is rescued, and does so right after D and Blacklaw are distracted with fighting eachother again. So when Fatigue dies, she's unaccounted for.
                Werewolves also do have a half-woof form, Glabro or whatever it was called:
                "A Garou shifting into Glabro essentially doubles (or perhaps triples) their human form's body weight and adds between six inches to a foot onto their normal height. Clothes strain and tear, but do not shred... yet. The Garou's teeth and nails thicken and sharpen, and while they’re not especially powerful, they add to the werewolf’s intimidating presence."

                True. Waters hasn't done anything very openly suspicious and may have an alibi after Occam is found, but she has the means to do everything that's been seen.
                The only problem for Grimal is that it seems like the only way she could access the security room would be through Elise, barring the use of another vent. But why even be in the security room in that case?

                People also forget Matilda's remark of "cocaine doctor" which might allude to Waters' going through withdrawals.

            • 3 months ago

              In particular, Elise was in the hallway right outside the archive, Grimal was in the security room which only Elise could access (With Gits keys, or the Cleaners keys), and one or the other must have bribed the cleaners with Gits cigarettes, somehow and to some end.

              There are clawmarks in the pub room where Fatigue was killed, on the wardrobe facing the bar. It's shown in an earlier scene where Blacklaw and the lads are talking amongst one another.

              Oh, also, we actually do have some good positioning knowledge, importantly at the exact time that Fatigue was killed.
              Waters, Harry, and the White maid were together.
              were together.
              D, the Black maid, Blacklaw, Grimal, Kitten, Marckus, and Brok were together.
              Fatigue, Git, and Spit were together.
              Which leaves only Occam and Elise totally unaccounted for. It's also possible that Waters, Harry, and the maid were separated too, though we don't know for certain.

              Well we can't forget she's friends with harry and he apparently has security access too which more than likely means he also has keys that she could borrow.

              That's a great find. It makes me think that Harry is probably guilt-free, since it wouldn't follow that Elise would need to steal Gits keys if she could get the same level of access through Harry, as the only places that would require staff access but not allow student access, are the security room and storage room.

              • 3 months ago

                Elise would have had moved very quickly. She leaves the room at 33:30 and the screaming happens at 34:35. One minute, five seconds to get to Fatigue, Git, and Spit and start killing, while claiming to get Dr. Waters.

  34. 3 months ago

    I still think Remold is a puppet to the Camarilla because i hate Belgium (it's not a real country). Also frick werebears.

  35. 3 months ago

    Who the frick is this guy and why does alfa keeping saying he's in the episode?

    • 3 months ago

      Who's this fricker?

      • 3 months ago

        Looks like an enforcer for the big bad hunters.

        Lester Knifesman he's a knifes guy and likes ketchup

        • 3 months ago

          Lester is like Malal: they don't exist,shut up about it.

    • 3 months ago

      Looks like an enforcer for the big bad hunters.

    • 3 months ago

      What if he is and he's in the vents. Still don't think he's the one who ripped the old man apart like paper with hardly any noise with someone else in the room. Ghouls are strong but you wont be able to do that that quickly no matter how much vampire juice you get

    • 3 months ago

      Alfa trying to psyop us into thinking it's this made up guy.

  36. 3 months ago

    God I want to motorboat Elise's giant fat tiddies so much

  37. 3 months ago

    They look like soijaks

  38. 3 months ago

    where the frick did spit even get his cup from? it's the same kind of ornate gold goblet as the other ones that were already on the table.

    • 3 months ago

      ah. nevermind, rechecked and there's 15 cups on the table before the blood-gathering, so i guess it checks out.

    • 3 months ago

      His came from the table with the others. As there was 15 cups on the table to begin with. Then when Occam is finishing drawing blood from D, there is 14 cups, to which we see the 15th cup from Spit from behind a bookcase. The oddity is that there is a 16th cup in the room when everyone later finds Occam passed out with strangulation around his neck. In addition all sixteen of the cups contents have spilled over even though there is only fourteen people to draw blood from.

      • 3 months ago

        Who the frick is this guy and why does alfa keeping saying he's in the episode?

        What if it wasn't a meme and we got a ghoul with obstufucate and dominate running around

        • 3 months ago

          There is potential with obfuscate, as it would allow someone to walk around unseen. Dominate maybe. Potency would be a third discipline as it would allow for super human strength and therefore strangulation.

  39. 3 months ago

    >Occam: Our Chapter House Has Many Secret Doors,but none of them lead here
    He says that as they walk past a vent that is partially obscured by a bookcase.

    • 3 months ago

      If the security room is the most ventilated then that means the security room could access the archive room. And both Grimal and Matilda had visited the security room. And Grimal likes to crawl around in the vents of the chapter house.

  40. 3 months ago

    >all these complex theories based on analysing the map and the characters
    >meanwhile I'm standing here assuming it was definitely the maids because 1. they're new characters, while I assume from a marketing and narrative continuity standpoint the cast has a vested interest in keeping the careers of their existing voice actors alive for more than 4 episodes and 2. they made a point of having them talk to Kitten, mentioning the key theft, and have one go "iS tHE gHOuL ReaLLy ThAt bAD" just screams red flag to me
    I wish I wasn't cynical enough to look for out of universe flags as a way to guess the outcome of murder mystery plots.

    • 3 months ago

      I want them to keep going with the bit, and make Occam a specialist in the Entropy sphere so he can curse people to have the most likely outcome transpire for them.

      • 3 months ago

        Frick, meant for

        Occam would order everyone out because if they stay the ritual can't be realistically finished in the chaos. He'd stick them somewhere else but for now he needs to fricking figure this shit out ASAP. Ghoul knows if he kills Occam he's escalated shit tenfold, risks himself massively and more, this way he delays the finding out or possibly eliminates it, can still escape or try to make something happen, and he's a sorceror, he can likely magic that shit out with some of his own big dick energy.

        There's the meta irony of Occam invoking the principle of Occams Razor and it just being him while everyone else is overthinking it, but I think the writers are smart enough to do 2nd level subversion.
        You're catching on. Good. Keep looking.

      • 3 months ago

        Frick, meant for [...]

        Isn't he more of a sorcerer than outright a Mage? Can you even become a master at a sphere while basically casting lower level stuff? I'm not super well versed in most of this lore, but if so, that'd be profoundly fricking funny.

    • 3 months ago

      I think it's more complicated than one persons work. The ghoul could very well be the maid but there's something else in play

      • 3 months ago

        What if the ghoul hasn't done anything violent yet? That they are just an observer. And what actually happened with Occam was a nonghoul venting their anger?

    • 3 months ago

      That's a fair way to make your guesses, half the reason I'm suspect of Occam is we know the Regent is a celt LARPer and sun magic is something any vampire would want on a minion. On the other hand he seems like too much of a "cool" character for them to use as a villain and kill off.

      For what it's worth they killed off Pyotor after only 3 episodes and his VA was great, so they might not be playing VA favorites here.

  41. 3 months ago

    Has this show stopped being homosexuals and friends and dollar mart return policies yet?

    • 3 months ago

      Dude this is Hunter, finding the supernatural as a team of cracked up morons goes about their mundane day to day and fights a losing war to protect humanity is the entire point. D is kind of a GMPC but he's still the soul of the average Hunter who survived like 10 sessions. Hell, these guys have entirely deconstructed the entirety of the tabletop soul in TTS even back when, this is purely distilled WoD tabletop into a drama plot.

      But even if it wasn't so you're in luck because yeah, now its a proper who done did it murder mystery infiltration where people are way less friends and way more trying to find whats up. Guess you can enjoy it a bit more now then. Frankly the gamer episode was the real slop but then they fricking hide their brilliant as frick Mage shit on Patreon, like what the frick, that stuff's way better.

      • 3 months ago

        >D is kind of a GMPC
        I'd take D over BLAST HARDCHEESE the hardest man in the World of Darkness, tbh-WAIT

        they have Mage shit
        It's Patreon-gated
        awwwwwwFRICK they better release it at some point.

        • 3 months ago

          Bro the patreon is fricking open to everyone, they're actually really fricking solid about that and refuse to hide any information about it. They posted some status updates and more over there and are actually pretty good about informing of whats what and the like, its just that their Mage shit there is fricking wonderful and its an utter shame that even without supporting visuals, their sound episodes of Mage are excellent.

          • 3 months ago

            >Have a patron
            >Make it basically open and free
            >Still make a frick lot of money every month
            I shouldn't be surprised that Warhammer fans have deep pockets seeing how much those tiny plastic figures go for

          • 3 months ago

            Oh. Damn, that's...I've been really jaded to the monetisation of everything. That's really nice of them.

      • 3 months ago

        So that's a no then, thank you.

    • 3 months ago

      That episode was secretly a horror episode if you didn't get that far.

      • 3 months ago

        The only horror there is that the beginning was probably true to life.

  42. 3 months ago

    I feel like we haven't talked enough about the scratches on the vents.
    Because grimal might not be the only one crawling around in them. It feels like a key clue to me.

    I will admit the most likely suspect, or at least the most sus is still probably elise.

    That being SAID she may have an alibi in that we see her standing outside the archive when someone comes to talk to her and she's putting her hair into a ponytail. That could be her albino but it's a surprise she didn't see anything.
    Albeit could she be doing that for two hours?

    >Also if spit is a werewolf, He will never admit it because of what Occam said.

    • 3 months ago

      >That being SAID she may have an alibi in that we see her standing outside the archive when someone comes to talk to her and she's putting her hair into a ponytail.
      She's on the first floor when Kitten leaves the kitchen and runs into her.

    • 3 months ago

      I sure hope that grimal is the one crawling in the vents because not only does it VASTLY increase the liklihood of her getting stuck, it also increases the chance that, at some point, she convinces Elise to crawl into the vents for whatever reason, making elise stuck.
      My japanese culture infected brain INSISTS that there is going to be some sort of "Help me out boys, im stuck in the wall" type of gag with the feisty simulacrum.

  43. 3 months ago

    I just hope it won't take them over a year to push out the next episode, you can't rightfully maintain tension that long.
    As for why Occam is probably not the ghoul, vampires tend to be more indirect than that. Instead of controlling a politician directly they might go for their aide sort of thing; not a hard rule by any means but it not only is their mole under less scrutiny, if they go off due to botched discipline use, vitae withdrawal etc it will be less damaging.

  44. 3 months ago

    Is the next ep coming shortly or are they just going to frick off for another year?

  45. 3 months ago

    Are there any novels or splat books worth reading for fun in this setting? I remember trying out the vampire splat books a long while past and being disappointed how little there was in them.

    • 3 months ago

      World of Darkness has a few failed passes at the Horus Heresy style prequel novel series, most of them are bad. The best of the writing you will find will be in either the revised versions of 1st/2nd edition or in the 20th anniversary edition books, its a fun read when the writers start poking fun at themselves and after a couple of passes through those books and earlier editions, it shows that having a bit more "leg room" to elaborate on the parts of the setting that works was just what the people working at White Wolf needed to make the act of studying the rulebooks enjoyable.
      I recall some of the vampire adjacent books where they rely more on the mythology portion of the lore are pretty good, what with the Book of Lilith being a moody piece of feminist satire striking in the way it makes fun of the most extreme interpretations of third wave feminism while wholly embracing it or the semi-graphic novel Book of Nod, which does a good job turning the tragedy of Caine as is recalled by vampired elders into an evocative fairy tale, then following that feat up with a curious in-world exploration of vampire societies ancient customs and lore.
      I didn't read anything werewolf or changeling adjacent, so they might be ass.

  46. 3 months ago

    Why is this fanbase's go to explanation for everything that every other character is a secret supernatural?
    >Boy's gonna awaken as a Mage!
    >Elise is a Changeling!
    >Spit is a Werewolf!
    >D is a Mummy (can those guys even have kids? I can't imagine they could.)
    >Kitten is a Werecat

    I'd find it pretty disappointing if this was the case honestly. It's Hunter the Parenting, not clusterfrick crossplat menagerie the Parenting. oWoD loses so much of its charm when you start trying to dive into multiple questionably tied together (at best) loredumps, and making too many characters secret supernaturals takes away from the focus on humanity. Hunter's fun because you can engage with more than one kind of spooky without getting loredumped at and realizing how little sense any of this makes. I got pulled in to this series for comfy monster hunting in bumfrick nowhere England, I personally will lose interest hard if it turns into the everyone's actually magical plot.

    • 3 months ago

      >Boy's gonna awaken as a Mage!
      Being called an oracle is a big deal in WoD, it basically makes you a Mage Bodhisattva
      >Elise is a Changeling
      The Elise thing is probably horny over-analysis imo
      >Spit is a Werewolf!
      werewolf first changing's are a mixture of the worst hormonal mood-shift marathon ever, a drug-overdose and puberty setting in all while the howls of your ancestors sing in your blood to give into your violent instincts. Maiming/Dismembering people during a particularly bad one isn't unheard of, though it is unheard of for someone to be experiencing it late in life. This would be the right call if Spit was a decade younger.
      >Kitten is a Werecat
      Kittens parents are implied to be the cats that used to hang around the house all the time when his "Mum and Dad were gone." and they stopped showing up after his parents died, its included in his character sheet in the lore+questions bit at the end.

      Why are you suprised that Wild Mass Guessing is inaccurate? Why are you assuming that even a decently large number of the fanbase buys into any of these theories, much less the absolute garbage string of coincidences the story would have to be if you wanted to believe that ALL of them are true at the same time.

      People aren't that stupid, mate. At least not individually

      • 3 months ago

        Well in humans the first change happens between puberty and your early twenties. So how old is Spit?

        • 3 months ago

          i think the idea is that marcus and his friends are in their early twenties, atleast thats the vibe im getting from them. So Spit and his friends are probably around the same age

          >it is unheard of for someone to be experiencing it late in life
          That's not exactly true. Late changes are rare, but they do happen. Usually it's due to an individual heavily suppressing their natural rage and anger. I don't think that's what's happening with Spit, though. The crowd he hangs with is violent, plus his behavior leading up to what would be his first change was him being an anxious pussy.

          he was not quite JUST an anxious pussy, he seems to be on the edge in general snapping at fatique with atleast some anger. If the werewolf transformation really comes with unreasonable rage, his anxiousness might have come from being emotionally overwhelmed, fighting the urge to start shit

          • 3 months ago

            >i think the idea is that marcus and his friends are in their early twenties, atleast thats the vibe im getting from them. So Spit and his friends are probably around the same age
            well if it helps narrowing it down any, kitten's character sheet that was posted on alfa's patreon says he's 34.

            • 3 months ago

              >They're all in their 30s

              My god. That's horrifying.

            • 3 months ago

              >Kitten is a fricking 34 year old man playing GMOD and getting fricked by a cripple with broken legs while walking around in a cat ears kevlar hoodie

              They got the cringe part of WoD down for sure, good god, that's just fricking depressing dude, I figured he was like early 20s or something, Grimaline doesn't look anywhere fricking near in her 30s. Making me ask questions I do not want to fricking ask.

            • 3 months ago

              >Kitten is a fricking 34 year old man playing GMOD and getting fricked by a cripple with broken legs while walking around in a cat ears kevlar hoodie

              They got the cringe part of WoD down for sure, good god, that's just fricking depressing dude, I figured he was like early 20s or something, Grimaline doesn't look anywhere fricking near in her 30s. Making me ask questions I do not want to fricking ask.

              and how old are you gents?

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                25, which is still 9 years younger than a homie with ballistic goggles and a custom made kitty ears hoodie walking around Norfolk in the early 2000s. I have never been that cringe, thank frick.


              • 3 months ago

                If you think an 11 or 13 year old is near 18, I got news for you dude. There's early or mid 20s and then there's being midway through your thirties and actually going out in public with your basically kevlar coated kitty onesie, its like if you went outside right now in a tutu and wifebeater with kitty ears, you'd still look fricking ridiculous mate.

                I'm really also trying very hard not to look at this too hard because again, Grimaline does not look like she's in her mid 30s either, chick looks like 18 and without even blossoming. Either these guys and girls are aging like fricking asians while being brits (and brits age like shit, especially stressed ones) or they hooked up with some age differences that would get a fetish tag and maybe some question marks too.

              • 3 months ago

                you're taking this awfully seriously considering one of the characters is a vampire who dresses like a shirtless wizard and screams at the top of his lungs to speak

              • 3 months ago

                IT IS TIME FOR SIPPY

              • 3 months ago

                25, which is still 9 years younger than a homie with ballistic goggles and a custom made kitty ears hoodie walking around Norfolk in the early 2000s. I have never been that cringe, thank frick.

              • 3 months ago

                28 and autistic, never been AS weird as a 34 year old in a Kitty hoodie

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago


                27 myself, Ganker is a hobby that has come and gone in my life

                Yeah. But that said every WoD is supposed to be a horror, it’s sort of poetic that the trade off to being a hunter is being that person in your 30s wondering whether this shit is all worth it (if you’re lucky).
                Yet again the Emperor wins father of the year for how Marky Mark turned out.
                Contrast that with Kevin, who before 30 was at least fighting the good fight with a solid job, apartment, pet, and the will to be better and live a good life.
                And he wasn’t even doing *well* by his or the the time period’s standards.

                God them all being in their mid 30s makes it just kinda sad. They aren't really written as such and they really feel a lot younger that.
                While yes I owned a cat eat hat I also owned it when I was 15. When you have the same fashion sense as a very spergy 15 year old that's not good.
                Hopefully that's the point and not an oversight and the writing being more a reflection of the writer's than it should be

                Whats cringe is being a grown ass adult and being concerned about what people think about you when you have bills and shit to pay. Yall think about this kind of thing like children still concerned that if they aren't "cool enough" then they will never lose their virginity or get to go to Junior Prom. Working 5 days a week to support a family and having regular sex makes you a lot less prone to giving a shit.

              • 3 months ago

                >Whats cringe is being a grown ass adult and being concerned about what people think about you when you have bills and shit to pay.
                Anon, it is exactly because of that for which we care of what people think of us. You cannot get a job, a decent one, if you walk in with a kevlar onesie and cat ears around town, you will be mocked to high shit and never given a chance because you are a lunatic. I semi respect the balls of a working man to be a strange fricker and do what he likes, but there's a clear line crossed when you are in your mid thirties and wheeling around town in a baby blue kitty cat outfit.

                Is it fitting that Hunters basically give up on being presentable, semi normal people after a point, diverting into a pack of schizophrenics with deep lore, protecting a world they can't ever truly inform, a world that will never truly appreciate them? Yes. Its also tragic and massively cringe, which is also fitting because this is WoD. Just because Kitten got laid and gets laid doesn't mean he isn't still a fricking bizarre ass man in his mid thirties with a mine field in his front lawn.

                There's a limit to it all. Everyone's quick to say frick normies until you meet a guy 5% more autistic than you and your first instinct is to load the shotgun.

              • 3 months ago

                The never showing any skin and the ballistic glasses are the weird part about his day to day dress code, not the cat ears hoodie. And like neither him nor his friends come across as too fricking weird, they just all adults who decided not to have kids which is an easy decision to make if you are in the Arcanum. I am telling you it is perfectly fine to be an adult that wears kitten eared jackets or likes anime, you will be paying all of your own bills and if you can pay your own bills and still be weird than there is literally nothing stopping you but childish shame.

                Also, side note, you know that most employers aren't stalkers who follow you around town and checking to make sure that you aren't being cringe while under his employ right? Like, if you keep your head down on social media, do as he asks when on the job and play by the rules a reasonable employer does not have to give a shit?

              • 3 months ago

                Maybe its just culture shock but if I dared to do half of what kitten does, I'd be fricking exiled from my family and basically guaranteed to never have a job anywhere near a 60 kilometer range in my country, and I can't expect England boonies to be much better than that in the early 2000s either to be entirely honest.

                His friends are strange but relative to him they're entirely whatever. Fae Chick is gonna have some employment troubles in normal society but she's already a student for the Arcanum, Harry is dangerously normal, Grimaline's weird but assaults with a sex paddle aside she might get work if people forget. Kitten is straight up in his autistic bullet cloth snuggly all the time and walks around his people with a fricking flintlock stake spear while taking it up the ass and being an Inquisitive Hunter.

                He's not society normal. He's not even relatively normal. He's now a societaly exiled moron fighting for Light in a World of Darkness and I refuse to have anyone try to fricking tell me if I decided to do a glorified kevlar fursuit in the middle of western europe I wouldn't suffer goddamn repercussions, I sure fricking would especially if I was exiled by my own will to take it up the ass and make sure Vampires ate shit too.

              • 3 months ago

                Kitten, again, is mainly weird in that he never shows any skin and wears ski/ballistic goggles all the time. The stake spear is not something he would carry to the grocery store (if/when he has the money,) the "fursuit" is just a hoodie with ears stitched on my guy. The only reason he wears it everywhere is because
                1. its an animated show and it is much easier to have one clothing style per character unless otherwise necessary
                2. it is implied that he is a Bastet or some sort of abnormal shapeshifter anyway
                so none of your points apply to him anyway. You can take your personal insecurities about your dad kicking you out of his house for being a furry somewhere else.

                Also I doubt you live in western europe, your posts bleed eastern european machisimo insecurities

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, this is two very different cultures interacting with one another. No, he's profoundly fricking strange and even amidst his own he's wielding shit that's downright comedic, the fact he's also some kind of abnormal shapeshifter isn't much better for the argument he's not bizarre because he very much is versus the mundane Bob and Bridgette of the WoD. Goon squad are ironically the normies of the setting for the kind of locale, and its funniest because they're the enemies everyone's facing aside from the vampires.

                >Also I doubt you live in western europe, your posts bleed eastern european machisimo insecurities

                You don't know Iberian culture, which is fine really as few do, but you shouldn't just accuse someone of being a slav, thats downright rude. Besides, no fricking slav would ever dare call themselves an iberian or worse, a fricking Frenchie, they'd rather gargle bleach and die.

              • 3 months ago

                Spain is Eastern Europe post WW2, second world country that couldn't even civil war correctly lmao

              • 3 months ago

                Anon as much as I love to meme on my neighbours, I feel as if you trying to call Spain anything but western europe is profoundly silly. Deeply funny but cmon, thats just plain wrong.

              • 3 months ago

                I was saying Spain is Eastern european in the way that Spain is a broken country whose main internet culture export is being profoundly racist, I have no reason to pretend like the weird Hispanic Machismo thing he is insisting on is at all reflective on normal society where im from. Imagine not being able to wear a light blue hoodie in public if it has cat ears stitched onto it, like those little cat ears are the Star of David and all your neighbors are anti-semetic.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon I hate to bring this up to you but that shit is strange in a lot of places in europe still and you're trying to make it so "bad culture" is just eastern to shitholes when they aren't. French dudes are racist as frick too, spanish guys, portuguese ones, germans even, fricking Finnish are beyond racist like holy shit its actually funny as frick. Helsinki is a shithole, and most everyone else besides it thinks they're all batshit insane when they see people in shit like the hoodie, same with everything else dude.

                Like, if you live in a place that doesn't care, best of luck to you and I don't mean this in any derogatory way, sincerely good if you like to do stuff like this, but thinking this is strange is not exclusive to eastern european ultra machismo, you can be non machismo western european just fine and still find kitty ears hoodies and his actions and gettup to be bullying prime material because its blatantly attention seeking quirky behaviour under the collectivist mindset of the place which heavily relies on reputation, social connections and more.

                Not to talk down on you in Ganker of all places, but cultures got different protocols. Not everything easterners do is wrong, not everything westerners do is right. Just because Holland has some good money doesn't mean their culture can't be hot dogshit and just because Serbia has mad issues doesn't mean they can't still have a good brotherhood with friends. Calling a western country eastern because it isn't your preffered flavour of politics is reality denial and you ain't no Mage doing terranorming.

              • 3 months ago

                None of what you said is how normal people think, i'm not going to bother pretending that "every country is racist, and that is okay" is at all a defensible position, much less from somebody who is trying to convince me that kitty cat ears on a hoodie is a good enough justification to be shunned by society and barred from having a job.
                pic unrelated, but I still think its funny boy oh boy do I hope you reply to this post mentioning the image though

              • 3 months ago

                Anon, my entire country's current political system is in a gridlock because the racist party became the third biggest one about yesterday, and neither the left nor the right want to touch it. Its gotten that big not because we're all racist but because people refused to acknowledge the racial tensions present in a lot of the places and the electorate for it felt fricked by the last political cycles and decided to vote a fishmonger into legitimacy. If you don't think there's shit like this happening elsewhere, I dunno what to really tell you, its shaken shit up so much we got the eternal left and right spectrum commentators agreeing with news anchors just relaxing on the job from how in face of a fricking enemy, they're actually talking and discussing stuff instead of monologuing to one another.

                I hate to disappoint you but if you like Hazbin, you're free to do so. I wasn't kidding when I said more power to you if you live in a place conducive to your interests, but in a lot of places the shit I said up above is creeping up and it can't really be astroturfed or faked that easily across all of europe. I ain't trying to say its all crypto faschas but its more present in the day to day person than you'd realize. It ain't great by any means, but it is reality, and I ain't terranorming my countries parlamentary seating anytime soon. Really this whole thing's a shitshow, send help.

                For what it’s worth in most of the US if you wear a fricking neko hoodie full time and you’re in your thirties society will not be kind. Especially if you’re a guy. Fittingly the only one who passes is Door, who just looks like a boomer.
                Markus has the columbine trench coat which isn’t great either.
                And no, you’re not going to be heckled or beat up or whatnot. You’re just going to be seen as infantile.
                If you’re down with the consequences, fine, but it is what it is.

                Worse here. Good if over there it ain't a big deal, but you guys aren't changing my reality here.

              • 3 months ago

                Good luck man.
                And trust me, a lot of us do know it’s rough out there. These days it feels like all of our systems are showing their relative faultines.
                All the better to enjoy World of Darkness tbh. Nice reminder that things can always be worse.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, the world could be utter shit AND its biggest buttholes could all be immortal

              • 3 months ago

                It really is in the spirit of WoD that in the midst of IRL potential political chaos, malpractice and more, we enjoy an even more fricked up system and world through the tabletop. Fricking feels like the early 2000s again man, what a world. Where the goth chicks at, I need something beautiful to look at again.

              • 3 months ago

                I miss the goths too, man.
                If only we knew what we had.
                C’est la vie I suppose.

              • 3 months ago

                For what it’s worth in most of the US if you wear a fricking neko hoodie full time and you’re in your thirties society will not be kind. Especially if you’re a guy. Fittingly the only one who passes is Door, who just looks like a boomer.
                Markus has the columbine trench coat which isn’t great either.
                And no, you’re not going to be heckled or beat up or whatnot. You’re just going to be seen as infantile.
                If you’re down with the consequences, fine, but it is what it is.

              • 3 months ago

                A far less Ganker-brained response, thank you

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, this is two very different cultures interacting with one another. No, he's profoundly fricking strange and even amidst his own he's wielding shit that's downright comedic, the fact he's also some kind of abnormal shapeshifter isn't much better for the argument he's not bizarre because he very much is versus the mundane Bob and Bridgette of the WoD. Goon squad are ironically the normies of the setting for the kind of locale, and its funniest because they're the enemies everyone's facing aside from the vampires.

                >Also I doubt you live in western europe, your posts bleed eastern european machisimo insecurities

                You don't know Iberian culture, which is fine really as few do, but you shouldn't just accuse someone of being a slav, thats downright rude. Besides, no fricking slav would ever dare call themselves an iberian or worse, a fricking Frenchie, they'd rather gargle bleach and die.

                For the record I’m 99% positive kitten turning into a cat was just a funny haha thing. Pyotr wouldn’t have reacted like daffy duck if he saw a hunter turn into a Garou’s cousin.
                Just my 2¢

              • 3 months ago

                None of these characters have jobs. Kitten inherited his house. They’re literally outside of the society and live on a bus intermittently. Don’t think the “fully functioning adults” label holds much weight for D and senpai. Except maybe Door.
                That said, one of the morals of the Sabbat characters is “don’t waste your life being scared to do what you value because you never know when it can be taken”
                >Shitbeard finally gets to college, gets murdered and turned instead
                >Kevin finally sets out to make his life less dull and sad. Turned.
                >Pyotr does everything right, has a great and exciting career, is even handsome. Turned into a high-gen Nosferatu and dies a coward after eating his packmates.
                >Ape is so desperate to be accepted he’s STILL obsessing over what his packmates think in the fricking Sabbat
                Meanwhile, one of the morals of D’s senpai is “you can absolutely live your truth and be an eccentric goob, but that comes at the price of being stuck on the fringes of society”.

                >Whats cringe is being a grown ass adult and being concerned about what people think about you when you have bills and shit to pay.
                Anon, it is exactly because of that for which we care of what people think of us. You cannot get a job, a decent one, if you walk in with a kevlar onesie and cat ears around town, you will be mocked to high shit and never given a chance because you are a lunatic. I semi respect the balls of a working man to be a strange fricker and do what he likes, but there's a clear line crossed when you are in your mid thirties and wheeling around town in a baby blue kitty cat outfit.

                Is it fitting that Hunters basically give up on being presentable, semi normal people after a point, diverting into a pack of schizophrenics with deep lore, protecting a world they can't ever truly inform, a world that will never truly appreciate them? Yes. Its also tragic and massively cringe, which is also fitting because this is WoD. Just because Kitten got laid and gets laid doesn't mean he isn't still a fricking bizarre ass man in his mid thirties with a mine field in his front lawn.

                There's a limit to it all. Everyone's quick to say frick normies until you meet a guy 5% more autistic than you and your first instinct is to load the shotgun.

                Wholly agree. Normal people don’t become hunters because it’s World of Darkness. You have groups like the Camarilla and Pentex actively working to ostracize people like D and family even if they weren’t high functioning eccentrics as it is.
                One of the cardinal rules of WoD is that you can either live a comfy life or a genuine and/or supernatural life. It was made in the era of ‘wake up sheeple’ and that’s down to the setting’s marrow.

              • 3 months ago

                These senpais are a cruel vengeance for me forgetting not to spell out the full word ‘family’. Forgot that was even a thing.

                The never showing any skin and the ballistic glasses are the weird part about his day to day dress code, not the cat ears hoodie. And like neither him nor his friends come across as too fricking weird, they just all adults who decided not to have kids which is an easy decision to make if you are in the Arcanum. I am telling you it is perfectly fine to be an adult that wears kitten eared jackets or likes anime, you will be paying all of your own bills and if you can pay your own bills and still be weird than there is literally nothing stopping you but childish shame.

                Also, side note, you know that most employers aren't stalkers who follow you around town and checking to make sure that you aren't being cringe while under his employ right? Like, if you keep your head down on social media, do as he asks when on the job and play by the rules a reasonable employer does not have to give a shit?

                They’re not *too weird* they’re appropriately weird to be good people in the World of Darkness.

              • 3 months ago

                >Working 5 days a week to support a family and having regular sex makes you a lot less prone to giving a shit.
                Normal people have a very strong aversion to being shamed, actually.

              • 3 months ago

                Im pretty sure having sewn on cat ears on one of your hoodies isn't as bad as you purport

              • 3 months ago

                Can't remember purporting that anywhere, just pointing out that normal people do infact take social norms very seriously.

              • 3 months ago

                Pointing out that societal norms are a thing is not taking a position, my position is that Kitten isn't all that cringe and people here are coming across as insecure by trying to imply that something is wrong with him for being a homosexual man in his 30's that wears hoodies with cat ears sewn on.

              • 3 months ago

                You claimed that normal people doing normal things don't really feel shame or give a shit about social norms. That's just wrong, and you're probably a weirdo if you can't understand this.

              • 3 months ago

                You are implying that, according to social norms, a man wearing a hoodie with cat ears sewn on DESERVES shame, I disagree with that. I can think of many, many other things that deserve shame before wearing a hoodie with cat ears on them. Being a deadbeat father, a person who steals from stores or a virulent racist are a few examples of people social norms should shun because those things harm society. Sewing cat ears on a hoodie is NOT one of societies problems.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't care about your dumb ideological crusade, freak.

            • 3 months ago

              God them all being in their mid 30s makes it just kinda sad. They aren't really written as such and they really feel a lot younger that.
              While yes I owned a cat eat hat I also owned it when I was 15. When you have the same fashion sense as a very spergy 15 year old that's not good.
              Hopefully that's the point and not an oversight and the writing being more a reflection of the writer's than it should be

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah. But that said every WoD is supposed to be a horror, it’s sort of poetic that the trade off to being a hunter is being that person in your 30s wondering whether this shit is all worth it (if you’re lucky).
                Yet again the Emperor wins father of the year for how Marky Mark turned out.
                Contrast that with Kevin, who before 30 was at least fighting the good fight with a solid job, apartment, pet, and the will to be better and live a good life.
                And he wasn’t even doing *well* by his or the the time period’s standards.

              • 3 months ago

                That's why I said hopefully that's the point. Kevin is a nice contrast to the group. Just a regular regular man. Till he died. Did everything right by societys standards and still got screwed over and now he's a vampire wizard.
                WoD is a cruel place

              • 3 months ago

                I like Kevin. He makes me laugh *and* makes me sad.

              • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        >it is unheard of for someone to be experiencing it late in life
        That's not exactly true. Late changes are rare, but they do happen. Usually it's due to an individual heavily suppressing their natural rage and anger. I don't think that's what's happening with Spit, though. The crowd he hangs with is violent, plus his behavior leading up to what would be his first change was him being an anxious pussy.

        • 3 months ago

          Also Git mentioned that Spit is "all out of their rittalin". Which may have actively been a suppressant for Spit's Garou stuff. As rittalin improves focus and reduces impulsive behaviors.

          • 3 months ago

            Rittalin could've certain been keeping Spit's Garou nature at bay. Certain drugs and substances can either increases or decrease the rage a shape changer feels, so without it his true nature was likely finally free to come out.

            i think the idea is that marcus and his friends are in their early twenties, atleast thats the vibe im getting from them. So Spit and his friends are probably around the same age

            he was not quite JUST an anxious pussy, he seems to be on the edge in general snapping at fatique with atleast some anger. If the werewolf transformation really comes with unreasonable rage, his anxiousness might have come from being emotionally overwhelmed, fighting the urge to start shit

            A being's first werewolf transformation doesn't just come with unreasonable rage, it comes with the burning hate of spending a lifetime feeling wrong and being constantly mistreated. So when that transformation finally happens all that rage built up over the years is unleashed in a unrestrained frenzy of bloodlust leading to the werewolf killing everyone around them.

            Also Fatigue with his knowledge of Lycanthropy, and perhaps being a kinfolk (someone who carries werewolf genes), could've seen the signs and chose to willingly sacrifice himself. He couldn't reveal that Spit was a werewolf, cause that would lead to the other members targeting him leading to the change happening sooner, leading to even more people dying. So I instead Fatigue tried to get just himself and spit alone to minimize the damage that would be caused. This theorizing is all under the presumption that Spit is indeed a werewolf.

            • 3 months ago

              >A being's first werewolf transformation doesn't just come with unreasonable rage, it comes with the burning hate of spending a lifetime feeling wrong and being constantly mistreated.
              Which is literally what He complains about to fatique (where His face also Shows him being livid), He hates how for example He has to Go from His day Job to partying EVERY DAY, He also clearly isnt a Fan of brok bullying Marcus, or atleast Not as much as the other Guy as He was really interested in the ngage and wanted to kinda Talk to Marcus and His friends

              • 3 months ago

                Another thing werewolves, when they're in human form people can instinctually tell that there's something wrong with them. Even if they can't explain it this pushes them to be scared or just angry at them. Given Spit's passive nature this would've lead to people being aggressive with him and treating him as lesser. Examples being Grimaline joining in on kicking him when he's down, and Markus and friends ostracizing him when he tried to enter their conversation. Which would've fed into all that rage building up.

              • 3 months ago

                Though I think major problem being is it's waaaay too late for a First Change; I guess it could be a late change, slowed down by medication or something, but that would make the circumstances even more unusual. Plus his clothes wouldn't be intact after that.
                Maybe the whole werewolf thing is a red herring but if so it's a pretty well set up one. You have the scratch marks, the lycanthrope expert being dead and the wolf taxidermy being the only one left standing. I'd honestly rather it all be explained by the present characters than introducing ANOTHER one to an already crowded scene.

      • 3 months ago

        I made that post because people are constantly posting them wherever the discussion is to be had. I don't know why you're so upset.

  47. 3 months ago

    What is the closest thing to a 40K White Scar in World of Darkness?# Shadowsun and Kor'sarro Khan.

  48. 3 months ago

    what warhammer man is kitten anyway

    is he the only native to wod

    • 3 months ago

      he was in text-to-speech too, but he was just an OC goober. same with boy.

  49. 3 months ago

    Caught up on this, kinda dropped it because it initially wasn't funny and it wasn't immersive. Degenerate desire to frick the fat goth until something pops aside, it still isn't funny and the tones all over the place.

  50. 3 months ago

    There's a difference between being thicc and being fat. Elise is thicc, if she was fat her waist and belly would be as big or bigger than her chest. At that point she'd look like she was drawn by Andrew Dobson.

    • 3 months ago

      She still has a belly though, I’d say chubby but not a landwhale.

    • 3 months ago

      She still has a belly though, I’d say chubby but not a landwhale.

      Oh she's definitely a landwhale, probably not the biggest by today's standards and the fat going in mostly the right places and her being 6'+ helps but she for sure is in the 400 to 500lb and probably has issues in the bathroom with the toilet paper holder poking her and wiping her ass

  51. 3 months ago

    I’ll be honest before this episode I got the impression that Elise was short and broad, kind of like a dwarf, did expect her to be big. “Built different”, as they say.

  52. 3 months ago


    NTA but their is a difference between your idealized version of the world in which you seem to have found a bubble of that accepts people like that on a passive level.
    However you have also been conflating that statement with personal generalizations that go against common understanding within "the west" of normalcy and what is expected from people both to be normal and what the consequences are for stepping outside of being normal.
    When receiving push back on these claims you are then conflating their lived experiences not lining up with yours as an indictment of your views when on a surface level the claims made are just "it may work like that where you live but that not the average experience" which in itself is not a value judgment but a statement of validity checking in the face of a broad statement.
    That is not to say the previous statements were not made with an undercurrent of a value statement but that you refuse to engage with the surface level text in a meaningful enough way to ever properly address the subtext.

    TLDR: A moral statement about how things should be is not the same as a statement of the validity of ones lived experiences against the general population. Your mixing the two up and it makes you hard to talk to.

    • 3 months ago

      Im fairly certain I was arguing with more than one anon, the first of which isn't much of a "lived experience" argument, his exact words are
      >[Kitten]'s not society normal. He's not even relatively normal. He's now a societaly exiled moron fighting for Light in a World of Darkness and I refuse to have anyone try to fricking tell me if I decided to do a glorified kevlar fursuit in the middle of western europe I wouldn't suffer goddamn repercussions, I sure fricking would especially if I was exiled by my own will to take it up the ass and make sure Vampires ate shit too.

      Maybe its just culture shock but if I dared to do half of what kitten does, I'd be fricking exiled from my family and basically guaranteed to never have a job anywhere near a 60 kilometer range in my country, and I can't expect England boonies to be much better than that in the early 2000s either to be entirely honest.

      His friends are strange but relative to him they're entirely whatever. Fae Chick is gonna have some employment troubles in normal society but she's already a student for the Arcanum, Harry is dangerously normal, Grimaline's weird but assaults with a sex paddle aside she might get work if people forget. Kitten is straight up in his autistic bullet cloth snuggly all the time and walks around his people with a fricking flintlock stake spear while taking it up the ass and being an Inquisitive Hunter.

      He's not society normal. He's not even relatively normal. He's now a societaly exiled moron fighting for Light in a World of Darkness and I refuse to have anyone try to fricking tell me if I decided to do a glorified kevlar fursuit in the middle of western europe I wouldn't suffer goddamn repercussions, I sure fricking would especially if I was exiled by my own will to take it up the ass and make sure Vampires ate shit too.

      which isn't a "lived experience" argument by any means, he is just telling us that he wouldn't do it, straight up just called a hoodie with cat ears on it a fursuit and frosted the dumbass cake with a nice thick layer of homophobia so you can take that flawed attempt at an argument and shove it up your ass.
      Secondly, I still defy you to tell me exactly what is wrong with having cat ears on a hoodie without resorting to simply telling me that society at large wouldn't allow it.

      • 3 months ago

        Anon no amount of reasoning will convince people that set in their ways to see your point of view, better to just leave it be honestly.

        • 3 months ago

          I acceptio your concessio

  53. 3 months ago

    Back to H:TP, I believe Remold is based off the worst parts of the inquisitors and witch hunters of 40k and Fantasy, and maybe a big bit of the nobility from both too. He's a sadistic classist with crazy religious views and outdated way of thinking whose prejudice and paranoia leads him to be a burden and detriment to everyone else around him, most especially in investigation.

    The points being:
    >The Arcanum is a scholarly organization that collects and sorts data about the supernatural. Remold burned all of the data that D's family collected despite how correct any of it could be.

    >The Arcanum is not to engage in dealing with the supernatural, only observe and study. Remold active hunts werebears for sport.

    >Jumps on shakey evidence and scorns people's intellectual capacity based purely on their class, association, and his personal prejudice. From his disdain to the maids and his insults to Kitten.

    >I'm probably wrong, but he likely has connections to keep the average citizen quiet about Brok's antics. Likely through intimidation and bureaucratic obstruction rather than bribery. May not be enough to stop police, but that'd likely just make him all the more aggressive and dismissive to the lower class and demanding all others of high station be too.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the reason why he fried Amanda first was because she was both a woman and non-white, Grimal being next due to her obsessions with a non-european culture, and kitten last so that he can watch what awaits him before Remold blasts all remaining electricity at full wattage.

    If Wilde is the ghoul, this actually ties in with how I's play vampires; ruthless exploiters of vices and failings. They took advantage of Remold and Brok being buttholes to bring an unsuspecting maid to their fold with the possibility that the info she gathers will take those two down. Something that, while self-serving, is utterly understandable and even sympathetic due to what we've seen of those two.

  54. 3 months ago

    Was a good thread Anons. Happy to see that even way past the 300 posts we still had some fun sliding down the pages. Here's hoping the team don't take 5 years to make the next parts.

    • 3 months ago

      I think I’m the Ganker thread someone said the reason they gave for it taking so long was all the new art they needed to make, so the next one shouldn’t take as long.

      • 3 months ago

        One sure can hope. If nothing else we should know eventually anyways via a patreon post or the like.

    • 3 months ago

      As anon above said they cited all the new characters, pipeline as well as economic shit in Sweden. Makes me wonder if it was worth it trying to do a murder mystery with so many characters we probably won't see again especially if the show grinds to a halt every time they want to introduce new ones.

      • 3 months ago

        They won't be introducing any new characters for this arc I think. IIRC they are going to produce three arcs with three episodes each. I think its safe to say the characters we've seen are going to be the characters for the rest of the season, unless they have a surprise character pre-planned.

        Honestly I get Blacklaw wanting to just electrocute all of these people to death. Everyone is insufferable and deranged but then I guess that's the point. This is how dsyfunctional hunting societies are, no wonder the world is overrun by vampires.

        Blacklaw doesn't have much of a leg to stand on, just because he has a good relationship with his son and control over Brok's friends doesn't erase that he's just as eccentric as D but in a different direction. Fact in point, he is disdainful of the maids due to 'lower class' and subjected the nicer one to electro-torture for terrible reasons, declared a conspiracy newspaper the 'paraphrase word of god', ect.

        Basically, he's there to make Big D look good. Probably why he wants Big D and the family dead. Though not because they show him up or that they are insane and himself a normalcy enforcer, but because they are not 'his' version of insane.

        Talking an insane drug addict looks comparatively better compared to working for what I'm assuming is a victorian era equivalent to Alex Jones. Big D's going to do nonsense and drag you along but he won't actively try to harm you. Remold seems like he's going to work you to death as he forces you to abide by rules that hinder or outright stop you from following his orders, then right off any harm as 'poor people problems' thus 'no problem at all' as Brok laughs at you and goes out of his way to make your job harder.

        Oh she's definitely a landwhale, probably not the biggest by today's standards and the fat going in mostly the right places and her being 6'+ helps but she for sure is in the 400 to 500lb and probably has issues in the bathroom with the toilet paper holder poking her and wiping her ass

        No question there, unless she is a fairy in which case she probably has no problem at all.

        • 3 months ago

          It's what makes this mystery troubling for me; are they going to be hacks and pull the culprit being a third party or someone we know? It's also pretty early to leave on a cliffhanger, previously we had a set up in episode one and then things escalating in episode two, cliffhangered for the climax.

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