I am a Bloodborne lore sage.

I am a Bloodborne lore sage. I posted a thread yesterday but I fell asleep shortly after because it was boring, so I missed most of the thread. Maybe this one will be more interesting. Ask me about Bloodborne lore, I am the most learned sage in the cosmos about Bloodborne lore.

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  1. 9 months ago

    kos or kosm

    • 9 months ago

      For some it's Kos and for others it's Kosm. It's down to personal preference, although the authors of the game seem to prefer Kos.

      does every npcs you help end ups dead?


      • 9 months ago

        >Ask me about Bloodborne lore, I am the most learned sage in the cosmos about Bloodborne lore

        >It's down to personal preference, although the authors of the game seem to prefer Ko
        The fact that you don't even know the meaning of it show that you don't know what you are talking about.

        • 9 months ago

          The name Kos does not have any clear meaning. I have heard all the attempts at painting a clear meaning for it, and none of them are good.

          • 9 months ago

            Then stop pretending you know shit. I do know more than anyone over here about BB.
            Kos (or Kosm) signify cosmos (world), or in that specific case (the game), microcosm (small world), or more specifically, the cell that make you what you are (human).
            A microcosm to grant us eyes (insight) on the true world (us).

            • 9 months ago

              That is a moronic theory and it doesn't resonate with anything else Micolash says.

            • 9 months ago

              >Kos (or Kosm) signify cosmos (world)
              > or in that specific case (the game),
              Sure why not.
              >microcosm (small world)
              >or more specifically, the cell that make you what you are (human).
              Sure but where did microcosm come from? Not to mention from what you said about microcosm on nothing in the game reflects that.

              I'm aggressive because I'm tired of people like you that tarnish the reputation of the game by knowing nothing about it. BB does have one of the greatest and deepest story of any video games (honestly, it's close some of the best sci-fi novel out there), but it's true meaning have been totally hidden in the west by idiots like you.
              The purpose of BB was to analyze what is to be a human, a deep inspection of ourselves, cell wise.
              This is why the game is called BloodBorne.

              >The purpose of BB was to analyze what is to be a human,
              Again sure.
              > a deep inspection of ourselves, cell wise.
              What does this have to do with kos or kosm? It's almost like you springboarded off of the kos or kosm posts just to talk about Bloodborne.

              Why can the church create giant undeads? What's the process here?

              They're found in the wild aren't they? You find the naked, unarmored ones in that cave underneath Yharnam. The church just took them in.

              • 9 months ago

                The game analyze what is a human from the inside, aka, the microcosm that create the world that we see.
                In the game, you get a transfusion, that allow you to dream. In that dream, you act as a hunter trying to fight the "foreign" blood. That fight (which is more of a test to analyze yourself) you learn about what you are as a human.


              • 9 months ago

                Please stop posting in my thread with your shit ideas.

              • 9 months ago

                Then stop being moronic. You did nothing than parroting what any fricking Bloodborne wiki page explain, you know nothing about the game nor the message that dev wanted to convey, and this, even after I specifically posted proof from Miyazaki interview.
                Go back if it's to act this way. (you are lucky that the page refreshed)

              • 9 months ago

                You didn't post any proof at all. You posted Miyazaki wondering to himself about getting the idea of Great Ones only having one child from r/K selection theory. It didn't even relate to the idea that you were failing to persuade for.

              • 9 months ago

                Hes attempting to engage in a deeper reading of the game rather then just recalling facts about the "events" of the game and you're complaining.
                lol lore "sage"

              • 9 months ago

                You underestimate his power

              • 9 months ago

                I don't have an issue with 'deeper' readings of the game, I think his in particular are hackneyed and unconvincing.

              • 9 months ago

                Could say the dream/game world is a microcosm. For instance where you fight orphan.

            • 9 months ago

              Which is pretty much spoken out in game. Insight (inner eyes) can lead to a quick death (frenzy). When you have max insight, you hear a baby cry and the whole game world looks different.

              • 9 months ago

                Exactly, and actually, the "death", is not even a death, but more of a "wake up", this is why in the alpha of the game, the original lamp was a chair.
                It's also why the doll and the brain (with eyes) give frenzy, because you start to realize that you are in a dream, you "wake up" like micolash say, which act like a death in the game.

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe Kosm, or Kos, is short for Kosmos

      • 9 months ago

        Incredible that people cannot understand it....
        Kos/Kosm = shorter version of Kosmos, Kosmos mean "world", therefore, Kos, is a shorter world, hence the term microcosm.
        Which is what we travel in the game, which grant us eyes on what we are really. It's after this test that we are reborn (Bloodborne).

        • 9 months ago

          >It's after this test that we are reborn (Bloodborne)

          i like your theory, but are you aware that borne (being carried) like that means something very different than born (to be given birth to)

          • 9 months ago

            >different than born (to be given birth to)
            The reason why I say "reborn" is because you travel inside the dream from the adult phase to the child phase. You basically deconstruct everything in reverse. That's why you start with father Gascoigne (father from church) and end up with Mergo the wetnurse.
            It's also related to the ending.


            Come on, that's also in the game. When you kill the guy with the cage. Mikolash or so.
            It's a dream and dying means waking up. This is congruent with sex, stillbirth and surrogate. The secret boss queen gives you a fossilised fetus, which represents the pc. Pc is it's reincarnation.

            >Come on, that's also in the game. When you kill the guy with the cage. Mikolash or so.
            I know, but the reason why I point this is because it's easier to understand that everything is a dream inside of a dream. Understanding that the real version of the lamp is the chair make everything easier to analyze. It explain a lot of things. Like that all the pillars in the Hunter Dreams are nothing more than other Hunter Dreams, and thus, each hunters have his own Hunter Dreams.

            • 9 months ago

              The pillars are ship masts.

        • 9 months ago

          Clearly the pc is the surrogate

    • 9 months ago
  2. 9 months ago

    does every npcs you help end ups dead?

  3. 9 months ago

    Why didn't they just fly the eagles to Yharnam

  4. 9 months ago

    Which Great One has the biggest dream?

    • 9 months ago

      I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, I'm sorry.

    • 9 months ago

      Wow, I tried to make a dick joke, but it actually just ignored the spoiler tag. Thanks, hiroshimoot.

  5. 9 months ago

    Why I can't save Eileen

    • 9 months ago

      You sort of can, maybe. Eileen gets hurt by the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst but she claims that she has taken enough blood to save an old woman (and this type of thing is what blood is for so I don't know why it wouldn't work in this case). She doesn't leave a corpse, so maybe she is still alive.

  6. 9 months ago

    >I am a Bloodborne lore sage
    I think you mean
    >I am unemployed

  7. 9 months ago

    Who is the Zanzibart of Bloodborne?

    • 9 months ago

      Hm, probably Gehrman.

  8. 9 months ago

    summarize the plot of bloodborne in less than 3 sentences

    • 9 months ago

      A city that worships special blood is home to a school that uses the baby of a god to beckon the moon and inflict an endless night of hunting monsters upon the city streets. A traveller with knowledge of a mysterious name receives blood ministration and then becomes a hunter themselves. Soon, they put a stop to the ritual and allow the sun to rise again.

      • 9 months ago

        This is why I hate Vati and most idiots that think they understand Souls game. They just copy/paste the thematic without understanding the message of the game. Fricking braindead people.

        That is a moronic theory and it doesn't resonate with anything else Micolash says.

        Don't say it's moronic when you don't even know what BB is talking about, go read some of the interview made by Miyazaki on the BB strategy guide and you will realize that it make sense.

        • 9 months ago

          >Don't say it's moronic when you don't even know what BB is talking about, go read some of the interview made by Miyazaki on the BB strategy guide and you will realize that it make sense.
          it doesn't make sense at all, and you're being aggressive because your idea is not credible and you don't know how else to make a case for it except angrily pretending it's obviously correct.

          • 9 months ago

            I'm aggressive because I'm tired of people like you that tarnish the reputation of the game by knowing nothing about it. BB does have one of the greatest and deepest story of any video games (honestly, it's close some of the best sci-fi novel out there), but it's true meaning have been totally hidden in the west by idiots like you.
            The purpose of BB was to analyze what is to be a human, a deep inspection of ourselves, cell wise.
            This is why the game is called BloodBorne.

            • 9 months ago

              No one outside of the west thinks that.

              • 9 months ago

                Why do you talk about things you don't even know ? What do you get by acting like this ?
                There is enough evidence from Miyazaki interview about what is the true meaning of BB, it's not because most western gamers are fricking moronic that all of them are.

          • 9 months ago

            It does. Best story on a ps4 game. Apparently from can only make good games with a small budget.

            • 9 months ago

              Stop spamming my thread frickhead.

              • 9 months ago


                Exactly, and actually, the "death", is not even a death, but more of a "wake up", this is why in the alpha of the game, the original lamp was a chair.
                It's also why the doll and the brain (with eyes) give frenzy, because you start to realize that you are in a dream, you "wake up" like micolash say, which act like a death in the game.

                Come on, that's also in the game. When you kill the guy with the cage. Mikolash or so.
                It's a dream and dying means waking up. This is congruent with sex, stillbirth and surrogate. The secret boss queen gives you a fossilised fetus, which represents the pc. Pc is it's reincarnation.

              • 9 months ago

                Okay, schizo moron, I'll ask you some questions to demonstrate how little you know about the game, perhaps explaining why your epic theory is based on a word sounding like another word if you take away some letters.

                Question one: the Forbidden Woods are inhabited by villagers, but why are they there instead of behind the city walls? What are they doing, who are they and how did they end up there?

                Question two: how does the scourge impact the perception of Yharnamites, such as Gascoigne?

                Question three: what is the visual metaphor of Paleblood and how does it apply to the Moon Presence?

              • 9 months ago

                Not only you are not quoting the right person, but you are also asking stupid questions.
                >Question one: the Forbidden Woods
                >Question two: how does the scourge impact the perception of Yharnamites, such as Gascoigne?
                >Question three: what is the visual metaphor of Paleblood and how does it apply to the Moon Presence?
                You would know if you would have read the interview.

                This is why in my theory I said that the Moon Presence is your body trying to re-connect with you, and why there is a distinguishable sound of "dripping liquid" when he appear.

              • 9 months ago

                >Moon Presence is your body trying to re-connect with you
                That makes perfect sense, the chairs, too.
                The moon presence is the old or new body? The new one, I imagine, but why can you submit or end the moon presence then? I reckon there's a symbolic meaning behind the 99% attack of the mp, too?

              • 9 months ago

                >The moon presence is the old or new body?
                old body
                > I reckon there's a symbolic meaning behind the 99% attack of the mp, too?
                Indeed, he try to "synchronize with you", but can't because you are not the same anymore, like I said, you are reborn (after eating 3 Umbilical Cord).
                >The new one, I imagine, but why can you submit or end the moon presence then?
                My theory explain all of that, it explain literally everything, but it's very long to explain.

                To make it short, when you are transfused with this blood at the beginning, you are "summoned" inside yourself. You are not a "hunter", but just an antibody trying to fight this invasion (the new blood), you need to seek for paleblood, which is your body (moon presence) that is getting drained.
                The test that happen during this hunt, is to see if you can resist to the temptation of that duality that every human have (the survival instinct, the beast, or the insatiable desire of knowledge, the kin), this is why you have 3 endings, that represent the 3 choices: beast, kin, and neutral (balanced).

                You can summon the moon presence only after defeating what I "suppose" is your own DNA (Gehrman), because he (Gehrman) is the one making the link between the body (Moon Presence) and you.

                And if you kill the Moon Presence (your body) you are reborn as a great one (you choose the kin path), therefore, your body in real life become vegetative.

                If you kill Gehrman without being reborn (3 umbilical eaten), then you take his place, but you take his place while having chosen the beast path, that mean you reconnect with your body and now you will certainly become a beast, someone governed only by his basic instinct of survival, repeating over and over the same hunt. (that's why they say that everyone become a beast sooner or later)

                The ending where you let yourself being killed by Gehrman is the true ending, the balanced one where you keep your humanity. (The balance in the force, in a certain way)

              • 9 months ago

                Hence you kill it, got it. Wasn't sure as the old body is also an item.

                Yes, makes sense, hence it leaves you almost dead (awake).

                >To make it short, when you are transfused with this blood at the beginning, you are "summoned" inside yourself.
                Now I get it. Stillborn, new guy starts dream (blood communion aso), kills old self and reemerges as surrogate. True. Every other end leaves you to dream anew. The true ending makes you a squid old one.

                I doubt german is your dna. He just supervises the dream and is a final test of sort. You can't become the surrogate without overcoming the dream, temptation and hence gehrman. Iirc gehrman was a sinner, too.

                No, the true ending is to become the surrogate. Every god child is still orne but yearns for a surrogate. Making the orphan the perfect boss in the dlc and mother Maria watching over it.

                The pale blood is obvs a symbol for cum.

              • 9 months ago

                Not really.
                What bloodborne ask is this: what are we, human ? What define us ? What make us different than, let's say, other animals ?
                Inside us, we are composed of chemicals elements that do govern us, our brain can of course override some functions, but deep down, we are still a result of DNA and over biological features. Our fear, doubt and even desire are deeply linked to those, even before we can use our brain to create what we consider our "consciousness".
                So by doing that transfusion, we go deep down into our biological foundation. This is why we have so many elements of the Bloodborne world that talk about human parts: Amygdala, tonsil, Brain etc... but also many background statues and notes that explain the duality of what every human face: the basic survival instinct that any species and lifeforms have and the desire of knowledge, that are both on the extreme opposite of each others, which are represented by the beast and the kin.
                The great one in example, are the people that choose the kin path to an extreme, to a point where their desire of knowledge totally eradicated their survival instinct (this is why Miyazaki make the correlation about smart people not making babies). On the other hand, beasts are nothing more than people that choose the path of survivability to the extreme, they run aimlessly and try to kill before being killed, this is also why every hunters can become addicted and become a beast.

                The true ending, is the one where the player understand what a human is, it's an harmony between your basic survival instinct and that desire of knowledge. You hunted those enemies, you have the skill to survive, and you gave your life to Gehrman without wanting to know more (3 umbilical cord eaten), you will wake up and forget everything, because you accomplished your mission, you did understood and stopped at the right time, you didn't become addicted to the hunt (beasts) or to the desire of knowledge (kin).

              • 9 months ago

                >What bloodborne ask is this: what are we, human ? What define us ? What make us different than, let's say, other animals?
                Disagree. These are topics that are touched in the game, sure. The main theme is bloodborne. The pc is the surrogate of the stillborn of yharnam.

                >Inside us, we are composed of chemicals elements that do govern us, our brain can of course override some functions, but deep down, we are still a result of DNA and over biological features.
                Plays a minor role, really. Dna is never mentioned. There's body (blood), mind (kin, knowledge) and soul (cosmos, dream). Blood invigorates, and is "more popular than alcohol".

                >So by doing that transfusion, we go deep down into our biological foundation.
                Disagree. Bloodborne, bleeding (menstruation, e.g. Failed pregnancy) and blood-letting (like European medicine in medieval times) are part of blood ministration. An old one will always get a stillborn (Yharnam stone) and yearns for a surrogate (the pc as kin, beating the moon presence, his old human body) and gehrman, first hunter and overseer. In the dlc mother Maria and orhpan (the sticky white stuff around the fetus is clearly cum).

                >This is why we have so many elements of the Bloodborne world that talk about human parts: Amygdala, tonsil, Brain etc...
                Tonsil are filters, iirc they symbolize the switch between real world and hunters dream. Kin stands for mind and beast for blood.

              • 9 months ago

                I don't have much time left before F1 so....
                >Disagree. These are topics that are touched in the game, sure. The main theme is bloodborne. The pc is the surrogate of the stillborn of yharnam.
                You are conflicting the message and the theme here. Yharnam does not exist nor matter to the message, in fact, everything that happen before and after the dream (the game part) does not even exist in the message, it's here only to server as a host.
                It's like me making a game in a train station, spending a lot of times explaining all the lines, stop and time passage and how people are always late to take their train while the message of the game is about how a kid become a man. You can easily see that you should not mix everything up to understand the true message.
                Yharnam is a location that need to exist for the sole purpose of letting the action happen.
                >Plays a minor role, really. Dna is never mentioned. There's body (blood), mind (kin, knowledge) and soul (cosmos, dream). Blood invigorates, and is "more popular than alcohol".
                DNA is maybe not the term that they use, but Gehrman represent your ancestor (grand father?) that keep the gene passed to you, he is the link between your body and you, this is why he is begging to be set free.
                >An old one will always get a stillborn (Yharnam stone)
                Same answer that the first one, you are mixing the message and the theme. You try to mix everything together, when in reality, there is some important elements made for the message of the game and others that exist only for the game to function as a game or make it fun.
                >Tonsil are filters, iirc they symbolize the switch between real world and hunters dream. Kin stands for mind and beast for blood.
                It's mostly that they serve as a way to understand how some of your emotions and reaction that you have as human works (amygdala and the fear), this is also something talked in the DLC in the research hall.

              • 9 months ago

                German is never the father or whatever of the pc. The pc is the bloodborne, the surrogate of Queen yharnam and the old one.

                We disagree then.

                You are viewing the game like the pc is a tourist in a dream. Yharnam, queen yharnam, fisher Village, blood ministration is real. The dream part is where the pc evolves to the surrogate. If he doesn't, he starts a new. If he does, he becomes an old one and will make a child and cycle starts anew.

                Gehrman and Maria are also real. Bloodborne isn't (my opinion) about a guy stumbling in a dream and getting tested there by the universe or whatever in a lore raft setting to find balance between kin and body. That would be like the story of some guy (like in the game nox) ending up in a video game. Think about it. The pc, the bloodborne, kills the wetnurse if the still born (baby cries stop), queen yharnam thanks the pc, he kills gehrman (doesn't want to wake up), old human body calls, insight and umbral cord (rebirth of the still borne) severs connection to the waking world (where yharnam, chalice, fisher village aso exist), kills body, dies and is reborn as the surrogate of the yearning old one. New xyxle starts. Pretty sure it's called true ending in achievements, too. Don't forget the last chalice boss is queen yharnam and you can rip out her stillborn (literally you), which is called yharnam stone.
                If what you say is true, nothing ever happened and the whole back story and lore would only exist in the dream world. Doesn't seem plausible to me.

                Have fun with f1.

  9. 9 months ago

    If sneed were a bloodborn character what would his main weapon be

  10. 9 months ago

    Could I fix her?

  11. 9 months ago

    Why can the church create giant undeads? What's the process here?

    • 9 months ago

      I don't think the Church can do that, they just dug them up and enslaved them from the labyrinth. They are undead presumably for similar reasons that Annalise is undead. The clue is the colour of the skin and the eyes. In the bestiary, these qualities are explained as "never having been touched by the sun."

  12. 9 months ago

    Are you trans?

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Are you Zullie the witch?

        • 9 months ago

          No, but do you have any evidence that she is trans? I suspect it too.

  13. 9 months ago

    Here’s what I know about the bloodborne lore
    >I’m a badass with cool weapons who kills stuff
    I’m convinced that’s all there’s to it. I bet Miyazaki laughs his yellow ass off every time he reads your made up story nonsense

    • 9 months ago

      What convinced you of that?

      • 9 months ago

        Because there are no definitive answers anywhere. People come up with new theories all the time

        • 9 months ago

          I don't think that's true. There are a lot of definitive answers.

    • 9 months ago

      Acting like there aren’t deeper meanings to things is an unashamed brainlet take. You’re confusing being confident with being correct.

    • 9 months ago

      >I bet Miyazaki laughs his yellow ass off every time he reads your made up story nonsense
      If you would have read the whole interview you would have realized that they want people to make theories about the game.

      Because there are no definitive answers anywhere. People come up with new theories all the time

      There is some answer that make almost everything in the game logical, my theory is the closest one.

      You didn't post any proof at all. You posted Miyazaki wondering to himself about getting the idea of Great Ones only having one child from r/K selection theory. It didn't even relate to the idea that you were failing to persuade for.

      >You didn't post any proof at all
      You expect me to post the entire interview ? Go download the BB strategy guide on the internet and read it yourself.
      >It didn't even relate to the idea that you were failing to persuade for.
      Because you need to read the whole interview to understand how all those ideas did come of. Fromsoftware have their own internal forum, where most devs of the company share ideas and concept about the lore and story of the game, hence why not everything come from Miyazaki himself. But the point of that passage is the fact that Bloodborne is inspection of ourselves and our attitude, it's a way to explain what we are wand why we act this way, by looking from deep inside us.

      Why do you think there is a duality between beasts and kins ? Why the 3 different endings ? Why the term Bloodborne ? Why having the doll ? Everything can easily be answered by that theory, that same theory that match a lot of indices that Miyazaki explained in different interview about the game.

      • 9 months ago

        I have the guide and I have read the interview many times. Nothing in there persuades for your shit theory, and only hacks think everything in a story needs to, or is likely to, conform to some grand message. Leave this thread and never come back.

        • 9 months ago

          >I have the guide and I have read the interview
          Why do you lie, moron ?
          >and only hacks think everything in a story needs to, or is likely to, conform to some grand message
          Ah yes, you really did read what Miyazaki said.....

  14. 9 months ago

    Bloodborne used the theme of sex, stillbirth, reincarnation, surrogates and lots of catholic church and cum. Pretty much like sh2 did.

  15. 9 months ago

    >make a homebrew Bloodborne ttrpg
    >constantly wonder about a variety of things when planning the campaign or writing mechanics and enemies
    >this thread comes up
    >don't remember anything

  16. 9 months ago

    Was the protagonist hired by Flora to eliminate rival Great Ones?

    • 9 months ago

      No, the Moon Presence does not direct the player character to do anything.

      • 9 months ago

        Then who messages us to kill Mergo after breaking Rom's ritual?

        • 9 months ago

          Nobody in particular.

        • 9 months ago

          Mergo protects the stillborn, pc is the surrogate. Pc overcomes the trauma and end the dream to take it's place as surrogate.

  17. 9 months ago

    What's the process behind becoming a hunter? Besides getting the blood transfusion. I know there are church hunters and then there is Gehrmans workshop. But before the dream was created, how did you become a regular non-church hunter? Are there guilds, organizations, companies or can anyone that kills a beast call himself a hunter?

    Also, how exactly does one transform into a beast? Is it the old blood? I know in the events of Bloodborne, the moon is playing a role in this too. But there is also some supposed beast plague that caused the incident of Old Yharnam, if I remember right.

    • 9 months ago

      After the fisher village, monsters appeared. German was the first hunter. Maria (clearly mother of God) was his trainee.

    • 9 months ago

      Pretty much anyone who kills beasts can call themselves a hunter, but you are viewed as more official if you join a workshop. Moon-scented hunters are chosen by the messengers when a special need arises. Gehrman and the Doll were looking for a hunter, so the messengers found them one. People become beasts because the blood exaggerates qualities they already have. It really amounts to inner darkness + blood + time = beast.

      • 9 months ago

        Just look at the first vicar or any vicar.

    • 9 months ago

      >What's the process behind becoming a hunter?
      You sign a contract with a great one for its blood. The contract ends when you complete the task.

      >before the dream was created, how did you become a regular non-church hunter? Are there guilds, organizations, companies or can anyone that kills a beast call himself a hunter?

      Oath Memory Caryll Runes will show you the way.

      >Also, how exactly does one transform into a beast? Is it the old blood? I know in the events of Bloodborne, the moon is playing a role in this too. But there is also some supposed beast plague that caused the incident of Old Yharnam, if I remember right.

      The old blood is what puts you on the path of beast or kin. What decides your path from a lore perspective is your level of insight. Basically if you're a dumb shit you become a beast, if you're intelligent you can ascend, but you're likely go insane seeing all the cosmic crazies which is too much for the brain to cope with as if you've swallowed a load of magic mushrooms all at once.

      • 9 months ago

        >but also many background statues and notes that explain the duality of what every human face: the basic survival instinct that any species and lifeforms have and the desire of knowledge, that are both on the extreme opposite of each others, which are represented by the beast and the kin.
        They aren't logical opposites, but they are in game opposites. Didn't know about the chair, but seems plausible. The most important statues are these umbasa pray to the moon statue with one hand stretched north and the other 90° from it, embracing/praying to the moon (giving up old body), hence they look up. Some kin are also failed experiments.

        >The great one in example, are the people that choose the kin path to an extreme, to a point where their desire of knowledge totally eradicated their survival instinct (this is why Miyazaki make the correlation about smart people not making babies). On the other hand, beasts are nothing more than people that choose the path of survivability to the extreme, they run aimlessly and try to kill before being killed, this is also why every hunters can become addicted and become a beast.
        Old ones are way older than humans and hunters need blood to compete with beasts. If they don't manage ascension, they become beasts from the invigogring blood ministration.

        Come on, the true ending is clearly not getting beheaded by the guy who basically started everything, but to beat him and the boss after him. What are you thinking?

        • 9 months ago

          >They aren't logical opposites
          They are actually, the .
          >The most important statues are these umbasa pray to the moon statue with
          Not really, the most important status is the one that we see before getting in the research hall, its the one that explain literally everything (and it's the one that have an entire place for it) (pic rel)
          This statue show the dilemma that BB try to portray, the science (KIN) and the beast (BEAST) lying under every human body.
          >Come on, the true ending is clearly not getting beheaded by the guy who basically started everything, but to beat him and the boss after him. What are you thinking?
          It is. You have 3 path, the knowledge, the survival and the balanced one.
          It's again an issue that you have by mixing everything. Gehrman didn't started anything, Gehrman is part of you, part of your body, he is your DNA trapped in that continue over and over the same ritual. You are summoned here because of that transfusion, that transfusion that serve as a test, and you need to choose a path during that test.
          You can become a beast, a kin, or stay human. The whole Bloodborne message is simply this.

          • 9 months ago

            The bloodborne message is that greatness is often mistaken for madness and you can either remain a blind beast safe from the knowledge man was not meant to know, or become mad

            • 9 months ago

              > and you can either remain a blind beast safe from the knowledge man was not meant to know, or become mad
              That's almost what I said, but in my case, the real message is about what a human is. The whole concept is to understand what we are. In example, the desire of reproduction is not something that we control, it's our own body that "force us" to want to reproduce, something that, in the end, we can suppress with logic and knowledge, but the question remain, what "thing" in our body create that desire of reproduction ? Why that "thing" understand that reproduction is important for it's survival, and why that "thing" exist inside us ?

              This is what bloodborne try to decipher, to split the part of our body that is mostly made of chemical needed for the basic survival instinct and our "consciousness" that can almost override everything to a point where our own life does not matter anymore. That duality of flesh (beasts) and knowledge (kin), and that, to explain what a human is, you need to choose the path that let you live with each of those things inside you, the basic survival instinct, and that desire of knowledge, and this, while keeping a balance between each of them.

              And if you want to know why this is the true message of the game, seek no further than the gameplay itself, that basically emphasis that quest of "balance" between aggression and patience.

              (time for F1, see ya!)

          • 9 months ago

            I really don't understand how you can actually think that a Japanese game makes you go the extra mile collecting three umbilical cords (game's called bloodBORNE) and kill 2 additional bosses which results in you being reborn not being the true ending. No offense, just genuinely wondering.

      • 9 months ago

        Blood pellets make you a beast. Iirc carefully cured blood.

  18. 9 months ago

    >falling asleep because your own thread is boring
    Lmao cerrainly you soultrannies are something else

    • 9 months ago

      This one is even worse because there is some moron yelling about nonsense.

      • 9 months ago

        You are just too moronic to understand it, my condolence.
        If you were making a game with lore and world building, you would have understood the difference between the "thematic" and the "message".
        Bloodborne have a message wrapped in a Lovecraft thematic. If you want to understand what is the message, you need to be able to differentiate the message from the theme.
        If tomorrow I want to make a game with a message explaining how societies do fall and I wrap it up with a thematic about a chocolate factory, that doesn't mean that the story and everything related to the game is about a chocolate factory. No, the theme is the theme, the message is the message.

        It's exactly like Death Stranding, which is nothing more than an autobiography of Kojima, and not a game about babies or even "reconnecting America"....

        • 9 months ago

          If you are bored, would appreciate a couple if sentences about death stranding. Never played, but watched a couple of mins on yt. Seemed like a wonky version of mgs5.

          • 9 months ago

            seconding. but i actually love ds and have hundreds of hours

            • 9 months ago

              What do you like about it? Played mgsv?

          • 9 months ago

            seconding. but i actually love ds and have hundreds of hours

            Not sure that I will have the time, F1 is starting in 1 hour.

            To be quick about Death Stranding: Kojima explained what happened with Konami and how he meet the people at Sony with DS.

            The baby represent the project that Kojima wanted to make for years but couldn't because it was forced to make MGS over and over and over again (Clifford "Cliff" Unger is MGS, coming for the baby constantly). This is not even a theory since Kojima itself say that one music is extremely important to understand the message of DS, that music is:

            The reason why SAM is afraid of making contact is to match how Kojima mentality was after the Konami incident. It's only after meeting people and making "contact" with hands that he started to get back on his project "his baby" and finally overcome the "only make MGS".

            Reconnecting America is nothing more than a code of "people should go back to make real world contact and not let themselves end up alone, like whales stranded on beach after losing their group", exactly what happened to Kojima back then.

            Now, why this is important for him, is because this is the reason why everything happened at Konami, Higgs "understand the meaning of Death Stranding", "he can make good connection to the other side", Higgs is nothing more than the director that did everything to put Kojima out (I don't remember his name, sorry, you will need to make some research about it).

            He was the one that took "control" of Konami (Amelie) with his fricking mobile games, this is why he is obsessed to beat the player "Kojima" etc...

            I have even more "links" that prove that it is the correct message, but I'm sorry, not enough time now.

            • 9 months ago

              Thx mate.
              Not saying your wrong, it's actually a typical thing for japanese, esp modern ones to tell their story like that. I do find it in this case rather pretentious.

              Boy, kojima has good music taste. Kek at cliff hanger.

              For kojima hating mgs, he sure as hell copied the pachinko mgsv play style. So much for that.

              Kojima is a hypocrite. I do like him and he's an outstanding designer, but he wasted money big league and those pachinko games financed his dreams.

              I believe you, this is also a common interpretation of pt (playable trailer). That's scary stuff.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, too bad I don't have much time to go deeper on this, there is a lot of meaning left on DS that Kojima intended, too bad, F1 is starting now.

                And yeah, it's quite pretentious, I will give you that kek.

  19. 9 months ago

    do you contemplate suicide often, because you should

    • 9 months ago

      Quite often.

  20. 9 months ago

    why amelia can fricking heals herself

    • 9 months ago

      Faith and prayer.

  21. 9 months ago

    Sage OP, are there any links between Bloodborne and Sekiro lore?
    "Links" could be direct, or thematic, or meta, or anything else that you can see

  22. 9 months ago

    whats the symbolic significance of the snail?

    • 9 months ago

      Cum. In ds3 there's a little red tint in pale blood or whatever its called there.

  23. 9 months ago

    Here is the real lore god

  24. 9 months ago

    Yharnam stone is the stillborn and the pc is the surrogate that the invisible god yearns (Yharnam meaning yearn?) for.

  25. 9 months ago

    Hello homosexuals, I have never played the game, but I have a thick and heavy concept art book with a massive amount of concept art from the game :^)

  26. 9 months ago

    Okay, lore homosexuals, here's a question for you. Explain why, after the first patch, a gray wolf cub's lullaby was cut out, which was sung by a Doll.

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe it was replaced with the baby (Yharnam stone) crying? Idk. Doesn't seem like such an important details. Doesn't the doll sleep sometimes?

      • 9 months ago

        >Doesn't seem like such an important details
        Are you crazy? In games from Miyazaki, every detail is important!

  27. 9 months ago

    How do I get milk from werewolves

  28. 9 months ago

    When is the PC release?

    • 9 months ago

      When is the PC release for Demon's Souls?

  29. 9 months ago

    tfw to intelligent to talk to people about lore

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