>i am forgotten

>i am forgotten
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    It was built for 50 and 60+ year old men. Nobody else thinks this game is any good at all and for good reason.

  2. 8 months ago

    I think the planet exploration was very bad and that completely ruined the game for me

  3. 8 months ago

    Ugly npcs
    Sterile ugly locations
    No vehicles
    No procgen dungeons = repeat dungeons
    Nothing unique to find at locations
    Too many loading screens
    Basic combat
    Boring setting
    Terrible dialogue
    Boring quests
    Badly designed interactions, unkillable npcs etc
    Brain dead alien ai
    Generic bandit humans
    Spaceship is just an immobile home, can't fly it
    No build variety, physical guns is the best.
    No good rewards
    No immersive realistic space survival
    No EVA

    I can go on forever.

    • 8 months ago

      >Too many loading screens

      Your observations are 100% spot on, especially with loading screens. There are loading screens absolutely everywhere, for everything. There is no excuse why, in 2023, a game has to have loading screens all over the place.

      • 8 months ago

        The engine is from 1997. They can try to ship of thesis that thing but they suck so it will always have severe limitations.

        • 8 months ago

          most game engines are from 1990-2000

          • 8 months ago

            The engine is from 1997. They can try to ship of thesis that thing but they suck so it will always have severe limitations.

            CoD was using a heavily modified version of the Quake III engine for the longest time. Not sure if that changed with MW 2019.
            Not defending Bethesda though. CoD looks and feels much better than it did in 2005 even if it is running with the same core engine it had back then. Gamebryo feels virtually identical. In fact the only major improvement in the movement animations I could see in Starfield compared to Skyrim was the player character leans into turns slightly when running. At this point there's zero fricking excuse not to have vehicles. I vaguely recall some mod team with a diaper fetish dev made working vehicles in Fallout NV.

      • 8 months ago

        >There are loading screens absolutely everywhere, for everything.
        if you go to Cydonia you can jump from the top level down to the mining level. You can then get into an elevator at the mining level and go back up to the top level. There is a loading screen if you use the elevator.

      • 8 months ago

        >i am forgotten
        You're not.
        >Now that the dust has settled,
        It hasn't.
        >what went wrong?
        Not much, the game is a huge success and will be played for more than a decade.

        What went wrong is medieval gaytasy fans who don't like sci-fi but were forcing themselves to play this game because it's a Bethesda game.
        And of course people having moronic expectations because "space game" doesn't actually mean anything.

        >There is no excuse why, in 2023, a game has to have loading screens all over the place.
        The excuse is item persistence. Something that almost no modern engine is able to do. There's a reason most open-worlds have barely any interactivity and make you loot things from containers.

        • 8 months ago

          But the persistence is meaningless as the immersion breakers are so plentiful and the locations are "use once and never again" that it doesnt matter if that generic rifle you dropped in that generic outpost is still there when you come back. Beaceuse you never come back.

    • 8 months ago

      Is Starfield the worst game of all time?

      • 8 months ago

        It would go in my top 5 worst games of all time

    • 8 months ago

      >long ass list
      >ZERO mention of the horrific CPU/GPU performance

  4. 8 months ago

    Complete failure in worldbuilding Todd has finally been outed as an absoloutely talentless "creative" without more inspired setting creayed by others to leech from.

  5. 8 months ago

    It’s doing good.

    • 8 months ago

      Holy duck, more players than MaiNECarAFT????

  6. 8 months ago

    too many loading screens
    recycled POIs
    railroaded decisions
    constellation members

    • 8 months ago

      >too many loading screens

      Let's play No Man's Skyrim

      We are in a ship. Let's "fly" to that planet.
      >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
      We are in orbit around a planet. We can't explore the planet?! We can only land in the one and only city on the planet?! Fine.
      >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
      Well, the game landed the ship for us. Let's get out.
      >*cut scene of exiting the wienerpit to hide the loading screen*
      Okay, let's click the ladder to leave the ship.
      >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
      Well, let's walk around the city. Oh, here's a building. Let's go in.
      >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
      Let's go up to floor two. No stairs? Here's an elevator. Let's go in.
      >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
      On floor two now. Nothing to see here. Let's leave this building. Back in the elevator.
      >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
      On floor one now. Let's click the door to leave.
      >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
      Maybe there is something to do somewhere else. Hey, here's a train. Let's get in.
      >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
      Okay. Another area of the city. More buildings to click to go in. Nah, let's leave this planet. Back to the train.
      >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
      Let's walk to our ship. Click the ladder again to enter the ship.
      >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
      Let's go to the wienerpit. Click the chair.
      >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
      Let's ascend.
      >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
      Let's go to another planet.
      >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
      So, fast travel is the only way to travel in this game? There is no driving or any actual flying, landing, or ascending? There are world cell loading all over the place? Frick this, Bethesda.
      *clicks settings*
      *clicks exit to main menu*
      >are you sure?
      *clicks yes*
      >main menu
      >click any button to continue
      *clicks button*
      *clicks settings*
      *clicks exit game*
      >are you sure?
      *clicks yes*
      *crash to desktop*

      • 8 months ago

        you exit via settings?

  7. 8 months ago

    As one Japanese guy said, it feels more like Fallout 5

  8. 8 months ago

    >It doesn't HAVE to have ground vehicles
    >It doesn't HAVE to have water falls
    >It doesn't NEED to have real directional lighting that effects the enviroment.
    >It doesn't need to have life on more than 10% of planets
    >It doesn't need a modern engine.
    >It doesn't matter that the dialogue is porn tier quality.
    >It doesn't need fishing.
    >It doesn't need aquatic vehicles.
    >It doesn't need to have expressive dialogue animations.
    >It doesn't need to be more than 30 fps on consoles.
    >It doesn't need fallout 4's character body customizer.
    >It doesn't need flyable ships in a planets atmosphere.
    >It doesn't need playable alien races despite 10% of planets having life.
    >It doesn't need good gunplay.
    >It doesn't matter that its an Xbox exclusive.
    >It doesn't need to have interesting world designs.
    >It doesn't matter that those 1000 worlds are all randomly generated.
    >It doesn't need to have interplanetary flight, space ships can be loading doors
    >It doesn't need to be open world, its instanced.
    >It doesn't HAVE to be bigger than 2km x 2km maps on random planets.
    >It doesn't need fuel management.


    >It doesn't need to be playable at launch.
    >It doesn't NEED quality testing before release.
    >It doesn't need core features, modders will add it in a year.

  9. 8 months ago

    >too much fetching
    >average main and faction quests
    >mostly boring side quests
    >average to mediocre writing
    >awful companions
    >the same 3 copypasted dungeons with exact enemy and loot placement everywhere
    >outposts are pointless and bugged
    >way too many blacks and indians(like 90% of the npcs)
    >no aliens or points of interest
    >poor optimization
    >70 bucks

  10. 8 months ago
  11. 8 months ago

    it was a bit light on the handcrafted content

  12. 8 months ago

    So does new game plus do anything different besides the alternative starts and starborn dialogue?

    • 8 months ago

      Wait for the DLC

      • 8 months ago

        nope, and starfield shills have been blatantly lying and misleading people about it, I still see them doing it

        no aside from that nothing. and the dialog doesn't even do anything

        Thanks anons I got all the achievements and was wondering if it was worth it. Guess I'll just roll the one with yourself as a companion when the dlc comes out or just stay in the original universe

        • 8 months ago

          If you're willing to do it 10 times you get some pretty ballin armor. The ship stops upgrading at 6 though and sucks compared to what you can make on your own. Works well enough to speedrun through NG+'s though.
          Narrative-wise I thought it was cool siding with The Emissary at first, then The Hunter, then finally ending NG+9 by rejecting them both and passing the speech check to have them both surrender without fighting.

    • 8 months ago

      nope, and starfield shills have been blatantly lying and misleading people about it, I still see them doing it

    • 8 months ago

      no aside from that nothing. and the dialog doesn't even do anything

  13. 8 months ago

    shitty engine
    gutted for consoles
    no ground vehicles
    in system travel is just a cutscene
    no fuel mechanics

    console playtesters ruined this game

  14. 8 months ago

    People are finally waking up to Bethesda.
    They've been making low quality, dated, and buggy sandboxes for generations.

  15. 8 months ago

    Bethesda is outdated, dinosaur shit

    Even indies are starting to run laps around these frickers

  16. 8 months ago

    Space sim fans must be moronic or just >50 year olds who know no better.

    > why buy house when you can buy a pixel ship in a barely functioning tech demo

    > come back from work doing spreadsheets
    > boot elite
    > alt tab to chrome
    > open spreadsheets
    > plan and try to figure out what items to sell and where for 5 hours
    > finally play the game for 30 minutes and go to sleep

    > itt

    All space sims have no content worth doing. Same shit happening for 10 years now.

    • 8 months ago

      That's the problem. Starfield is Bethesda. It was supposed to be THE space sim. It was supposed to remedy the issues all those other games have by virtue of infinite money and years of developer experience.

      Now starfield is a complete shitshow and once again there are no good space sims.

  17. 8 months ago

    there's some paradigm shifting stuff in this game (see that planet, you can land there) but its hidden behind bethesda's main game design philosophy since 2011
    that is to say
    >every player should be able to experience everything, so creating a character who plays a specific role should be surface level AT BEST

    and then there is the ick:
    a horrifically embarrassing game engine that is so compromised it is astounding xbox allowed it through quality assurance.
    surely someone would have looked at the minute to minute gameplay and thought, gee this is an extremely fractured experience.
    I would have thought todd HIMSELF would think "man there are a lot of load screens, i thought i tried to go away from that in 2006."

    someone needs to kick todd's ass

  18. 8 months ago

    Boring setting, they should have just made TES VI but now that we saw how much blue haired freaks work in bethesda i think it's safe to assume that whatever gets released won't be true TES anymore.

  19. 8 months ago

    bethesda is full of boomers and it shows.

  20. 8 months ago

    Game is good. I was shitting on it for months so I had no expectations but the gunplay is surprisingly decent and the guns + some base layouts really remind me of Planetside 2. Being able to walk around your own ship while flying and look through the windows is really fricking comfy too

    I'm eagerly waiting for the Creation Kit release now

  21. 8 months ago


  22. 8 months ago

    I don't know man, it's just really boring and most of the time playing it I wanted to play something else. Lies of P > Bootyholefeild

    • 8 months ago

      >lies of p
      >above anything

      • 8 months ago

        I love it.

  23. 8 months ago

    I don’t understand the whole NG+ idea, its so counterintuitive in a Bethesda game. Why even bother to craft, build, do quests and buy stuff when you lose it all when you do NG+?

  24. 8 months ago

    >TES6 will use gamebryo
    >TES6 will have towns you need loadscreen in with 10 houses each of which you need to loadscreen in
    Microsoft please close bethesda and get their licenses please

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