I am having fun on EVE online

I am having fun on EVE online

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 8 months ago

    >see the game years ago
    >this looks really cool
    >download it
    >log in
    >no hotas support
    >you fly your ship by clicking like a fricking moron
    >never think about the game again

    • 8 months ago

      That's because it's not a fighter game. These are Cruisers and Battleships. They made one for the fighter parts of the setting though.

    • 8 months ago

      you fly a menu and thats brilliant i was going to play it on my laptop cuz its slow enough to be usable with a clit mouse but the problem is the f2p people are not real players, its literally subscription game but with a big free tiral, once i learnt trading and other essential functions are gimped unless you pay i was not going to give a second thought to the game.

      SPEAKING OF MMOS, anyone got another suitable style of slow mmo i could play on an oldish laptop??thats not a scam plez

      • 8 months ago

        Slow as in interface-oriented like EVE? No. If you mean stuff you can play on a laptop with just the touchpad, there are plenty of old MMOs that qualify. What are you looking for?

      • 8 months ago

        pick one of the lv75cap private servers
        either this, Ragnarok or Everquest are your best bets on a potato laptop for a slow comfy MMO

      • 8 months ago

        oldschool runescape.

        • 8 months ago

          dont, its literally just The Sims skill grinding with low effort combat/pvp slapped on

        • 8 months ago

          runescape not my type

          pick one of the lv75cap private servers
          either this, Ragnarok or Everquest are your best bets on a potato laptop for a slow comfy MMO

          ive tried but it runs like ASS, and its not like its a hardware issue cuz the game is old enough to run on my laptop idk what caused it but it was so bad i uninstalled i cannot look at such framey messes.

          Slow as in interface-oriented like EVE? No. If you mean stuff you can play on a laptop with just the touchpad, there are plenty of old MMOs that qualify. What are you looking for?

          i mean anything that you can tab target should be fine, i can menu with a mouse and do slower stuff. Eve kinda had that impression.

          and as my own tastes i barely have any for mmos the only one i played in past was tibia that i enjoyed but its dead as FRICK now.

          its SP but you could try Astrox Imperium

          looks fun but i kinda wanted an mmo to meet people, thanks for the input tho any is much helpful thanks bros

          • 8 months ago

            >ive tried but it runs like ASS
            FFXI you mean?
            yeah you need to drop a dxd9.dll file into the game directory so it makes the game actually use your laptop's gfx card
            i had the same issue as well.
            after i did that i could run it on my 1.6ghz single core netbook with 1ghz ram and an intel integrated card.

      • 8 months ago

        its SP but you could try Astrox Imperium

  2. 8 months ago

    Sucks that they never figured out how to offer a good New Player Experience

  3. 8 months ago

    Started playing in 2003. It was great initially. Community was fun, corps felt like an amazing group effort to make successful. Got bored of the grind when losing a ship in a war. Tried it again more than a decade later and there's just way too much shit now. New players are fricked. The game needs a reset.

    • 8 months ago

      >The game needs a reset.
      >reset the game
      >everyone's back to where they were in a week
      >politics and nullblocs are back to where they were in a week

      • 8 months ago

        What about EVE 2

        • 8 months ago

          The number 2 is about to be banned in the industry, so no go there.

        • 8 months ago

          No one is able to make EVE 2

          The idiot sevants that made EVE retired over a decade ago, modern CCP can't even make a new game without it shutting down in half a decade, single fricking player games mind you.

          They also just revealed their new "MMO shooter" that is just a EVE tarkov clone with max player instances of 21 players, fricking less players than a TF2 lobby.

          No one is going to make EVE 2 any time soon

    • 8 months ago

      >New players are fricked.
      You can literally just buy your way into whatever the frick you want now, how are they anymore fricked than they were before?

      • 8 months ago

        >You can literally just buy

        You answered the question

        • 8 months ago

          I don't get the problem. New players and old players more or less have access to all the same shit. What are you expecting they were supposed to be doing?

        • 8 months ago

          >buy SP and isk
          >lose it all because you dont know how to play the game
          >back to square one

          • 8 months ago

            No Zealot-Kun! Its a trap, there is a falcon 50km out just waiting for you.

  4. 8 months ago

    me too anon
    ive made some nice isk from the current event and unlocked some skins, cant complain
    corp is moving to a new region of space so looking forward to something different.
    FW been some gudfites too, but event has sort of put that on hold for this month.

    anyone got a good Bellicose fit?
    itching to fly something different, dunno if i should shield tank or armor tank it. my gut tells me to armor buffer dual-web, but the pussy in me wants to shield nano ASB fit it

  5. 8 months ago

    A reset is fairytale nonsense that only works in your imagination where everyone starts from scratch and empires start from nothing.
    BULLSHIT. With discord nowadays communities are more connected outside of the game. The same groups would band together and the same empires would rise with the same people in power.
    Not to mention the game would go bankrupt from casuals unsubscribing because frick the time-gated skill shit

    • 8 months ago

      A whole mmo is being kept hostage by a handful of players. What an interesting end for Eve Online.

      • 8 months ago

        Just like real life.

        • 8 months ago

          Testament to the skilled designers of the game that they managed to replicate corporatocracy to such a degree that the game they made is a picture perfect replica of real life political power in action. Of course you have actual diplomats in Libyan embassies getting killed while playing the game, only such people have the patience to have a 2nd job ingame.

          • 8 months ago

            I really don't know what people expect was going to happen other than this.

          • 8 months ago

            >stats released at 20th anniversary fanfest
            >43 Eve accounts created in Antarctica

  6. 8 months ago

    I got baited by the mining meme and got so bored I quit within a week

    • 8 months ago

      >everyone tells you not to mine because its boring and pays like shit
      >do it anyway
      >get paid shit and quit cuz its boring
      thats on you for being moronic anon

  7. 8 months ago

    Played 3600 hours and got nothing but regret for it.

  8. 8 months ago

    I don't believe you

  9. 8 months ago

    Time-gated leveling shouldn’t be a thing anymore. It just artificially holds players back. The “not having to grind for XP like a shitty korean mmo” defense doesn’t work because everyone grinds for hours and hours for in-game currency anyway.
    If someone wants to whelp a dread and they grinded for all the currency, why stop them? Just because they didn’t tick some skills and wait 2 IRL years? If you own a ship you should just be able to fly it and use the modules if you paid for it. The skilling is unnecessary

    • 8 months ago

      >no reply
      >shit opinion on a topic no-one cares about
      >doesnt actually play the game anymore
      hi /eog/

  10. 8 months ago

    I love EVE. Solo Exploration was my thing. It's a lot of fun and surprisingly lucrative.

    • 8 months ago

      It was nerfed to the fricking ground because alliances demanded cheaper T2 shit. Boring as shit now and pays nothing and doing it outside empire isn't worth the risk anymore.

      • 8 months ago

        When did this happen? Are intact armor plates not worth anything anymore?

        • 8 months ago

          All the good sites are in Null and Wormholes. If He's only doing it in highsec of course it's not paying anything.

          • 8 months ago

            that guy is just moronic and hasnt played in years sounds like
            even highsec data sites are worth bank now cuz you need gas, PI and explo drops to make battleships, T2 ships, faction/pirate ships and capitals.
            price of literally anything bigger/fancier than a T1 battlecruiser is through the roof.

            Yeah, looks like IAPs are still in demand. You can collect these in Catch and Stain with a T1 Frigate, so IDK what he means by "not worth the risk."

        • 8 months ago

          They are but decryptors etc. tanked because now you can find tons of them from highsec sigs, and removing rats from sigs removed all risk and fun in running them. Before you had to run lowsec/null sites to find anything valuable and had to fight rats while watching dscan for pies and other explorers. Now it's all gone, a monkey can run them and the value of the loot went to shit.

          • 8 months ago

            man yeah you're talking about shit from years and years and years ago
            shits different now, explo pays bank because you need shit from it to make practically everything, same with PI mats.
            gas went up for a while but has leveled out after C5/C6gays figured out a way to bug out the rat AI so they can huff in safety.
            main sticking point for a lot of shit is also Isogen, which is 50% of the build cost of shit now.

            its why you see so many more faction ships than T2 or Pirate nowadays, people can just run some FW and convert T1 hulls directly to faction with LP, instead of competing with other industrygays to buy limited stocks of mats to build T2/Pirate shit from scratch.

      • 8 months ago

        When did this happen? Are intact armor plates not worth anything anymore?

        that guy is just moronic and hasnt played in years sounds like
        even highsec data sites are worth bank now cuz you need gas, PI and explo drops to make battleships, T2 ships, faction/pirate ships and capitals.
        price of literally anything bigger/fancier than a T1 battlecruiser is through the roof.

        • 8 months ago

          >pre scarcity
          >thought about buying an Orca when they were 600mil
          >slept on it
          >6 months later they were 1.9bil

  11. 8 months ago

    Its a fun game for a good many hours, and most bitter people that shit on EVE also got probably at least 100-200 hours of fun with it before they started hating it as they realised how shit works or it became too grindy/repetitive over time.
    So enjoy your time of enjoying it OP, its definitely worth playing at least some.

  12. 8 months ago

    Getting back into the game after some years away, hated Pochven at first but it's just too useful for moving stuff to/from Jita.
    t. gatecamper who this change weakens since I make all my money killing people at chokepoints

  13. 8 months ago

    its another fun with friends kinda game

    • 8 months ago

      Not really, I played solo and loved exploration or camping areas and so on and its stuff you can do alone, and honestly most of the time it was funner than when joining a corp and just follow people around and shit. Just depends on what you enjoy.

  14. 8 months ago

    >all this hype, trailers, theorycrafting etc leading up to Zarzakh coming out
    >system's gates come online
    >no-one's talked about it since
    >at best, Snuffed and Frat are just using it as a 2-jump shortcut across the entire map
    >everyone's back to farming 2bil/day in halloween event data/combat sites as per normal
    needs to be a proper war, not 18 months of blueballing followed by the attackers surrendering to goons without a fight.
    at least lowsec is popping off still

  15. 8 months ago


  16. 8 months ago

    >P2W garbage

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