I cant move on.

I can’t move on.

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Literally can't my life

  2. 5 months ago

    When all the instruments played I got a little teary eyed. I went all homosexual for a minute.

  3. 5 months ago

    Why? What makes it so special?

    • 5 months ago

      it's soo comfy

      • 5 months ago

        Can you explain to me without sounding like a shill? It's just a game where you travel to small planets doing things then the universe explodes? That's it? What makes it so special?

        • 5 months ago

          name 10 "special" games

          • 5 months ago


            you are trying to discover an ancient civilization's history and figure out why you're in a time loop. 90% knowledge check game with cool exploration and telling you explicitly what makes it special would ruin it for you so that you can't experience it for the first time in game. it's a game best played blind and filters out people who see no value in exploration and figuring out mysteries

            It's generic as heck

            • 5 months ago

              "Generic" in the sense that every game that fits into this genre should take notes from this game and figure out why it worked so goddamn well? Sure.

            • 5 months ago

              concession accepted

            • 5 months ago

              >outer wilds is generic
              oh cool, i've been looking for games like outer wilds
              since you think the game is generic, that must mean you know of 100 other games just like it
              please list a few of your favorite!

              • 5 months ago

                I think it's generic in plot. The game is just a walking simulator where you do check marks but floating in space.

              • 5 months ago

                ok then list a couple books and movies with similar plots

              • 5 months ago

                2001: A Space Odyssey
                Star wars

            • 5 months ago

              >It's generic as heck

              Of all the possible criticisms you chose the one that is completely false. Fricking lmao you dumb tard

            • 5 months ago

              >It's generic as heck
              I have never played a game like Outer Wilds in my life, so I'd like to know what games could possibly be similar enough to make this "generic." The only game I can even really list is Majora's Mask because of the Groundhog Day mechanics, but aside from that, they couldn't be more different.

            • 5 months ago

              Be glad it happened, not sad it's over
              Think of all the people who have not played it yet or the morons hating it on principle like
              When you think about it we're pretty lucky to have experienced that kind of incredible video game

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                looks like an album cover

            • 5 months ago

              >It's generic as heck

            • 5 months ago

              I'm glad someone else gets it, I don't know what these anon's are talking about where they learn about a new mechanic. What mechanics? The game never evolves or gets deeper or better.

              • 5 months ago

                >he never found a new mechanic
                anon... you looked it up online, did you? you missed out, anon. you will never experience it now.

              • 5 months ago

                >learning how the game works as you play isn't learning new mechanics

        • 5 months ago

          you are trying to discover an ancient civilization's history and figure out why you're in a time loop. 90% knowledge check game with cool exploration and telling you explicitly what makes it special would ruin it for you so that you can't experience it for the first time in game. it's a game best played blind and filters out people who see no value in exploration and figuring out mysteries

          • 5 months ago

            I think the best thing about the game is discovering gameplay mechanics you didn’t even know existed or understand how they can be used. The game might introduce you to a mechanic and give you a use, but there’s two or three other uses for the mechanic you won’t understand until later. Those moments of realization are some of the most powerful in the game for me.

          • 5 months ago

            >figure out why you're in a time loop
            You also have to figure out why the frick your star is exploding in the first place and how to stop it
            and then you have to figure out how to cope with the fact that you can't do anything about it as the whole universe just reached the end of its life cycle

            • 5 months ago

              I feel like that's part of "figure out why you're in a time loop." I think it's cooler to realize in game "wait my sun is about to explode"

              • 5 months ago

                Okay fair.

                Eventually every single sun(star in the universe) dies by going super nova and exploding. It will happen to our sun as well there's nothing to discover.

                And the most plausible way the universe will die is not by exploding but it will continue expanding, every star will finish it's energy and shut down until only black holes will be left and in the end there will be nothing but darkness. The game is not even accurate.

                >there's nothing to discover
                There is, in context of the game. Not to mention a couple red herrings throwing you off before the reveal.

                >still have to finish the DLC
                One day I'll muster up the courage for it yeah I suck at horror games.

                I found the horror sections more annoying than scary tbdesu. Still absolutely worth finishing though.

              • 5 months ago

                And why the aliens have 4 eyes? It doesn't even make sense for an humanoid creature to have a feature like that it's just moronic. It's like if the dev tried so hard to be creative and made the most moronic thing they could think of.

            • 5 months ago

              Eventually every single sun(star in the universe) dies by going super nova and exploding. It will happen to our sun as well there's nothing to discover.

              And the most plausible way the universe will die is not by exploding but it will continue expanding, every star will finish it's energy and shut down until only black holes will be left and in the end there will be nothing but darkness. The game is not even accurate.

              • 5 months ago

                Your sun and every other star seems to be dying out before it should based from their understanding of physics, one of the other astronauts tells you this near the end of the cycle. Then after reading that you watch the sky and see how there are few stars and some are reddening and dissapearing. Realizing that in game is a good "well frick" moment, because you realize that there's no escape and no one to blame.

        • 5 months ago

          It's my favorite game of all time. It's artistic without being pretentious and you can feel the care put into it by developers that weren't bound by corporate checklists. It starts out as a very competent space flight simulator with a really cool physics engine and unravels into the most tantalizing mystery game I've ever played. The story is phenomenal and when the credits rolled I legitimately felt like I was taught a lesson about life. Few games have made me as emotional.

          • 5 months ago

            >It's artistic without being pretentious and you can feel the care put into it by developers that weren't bound by corporate checklists.
            You sound pretentious.

            >It starts out as a very competent space flight simulator with a really cool physics engine and unravels into the most tantalizing mystery game I've ever played.
            It's literally just unity physics

            >The story is phenomenal and when the credits rolled I legitimately felt like I was taught a lesson about life.
            And what lesson did you learn exactly? That you can leave the orbit of your planet by using a space ship made of wood?

            • 5 months ago

              Always wonder who's behind all the posts slandering and being dishonest about genuinely good games on this board. Don't know if it's because society is getting stupider and more brown, or if it's paid shills smothering potential competitors ( since AAA games are fricking shit the only thing they can do is kill the good game devs if they can't buy them ).

              • 5 months ago

                Trolls have always been around, it's a thrill for newbies to act like a contrarian on an anonymous board. I remember doing that when I got here over 10 years ago so it's not like it's a new development or some conspiracy

              • 5 months ago

                Haha. Not on this scale. Or maybe the malcontents are so numerous today it's now the norm to shit on everything. I see it IRL too, syndrome of a dying empire.

              • 5 months ago

                >syndrome of a dying empire.
                You mean the empire of AAA games? There's no way you're over 14yo.

              • 5 months ago

                Delusional homosexual. Don't reply to me. Double don't reply to me if you're an amerimutt.

              • 5 months ago
            • 5 months ago

              >Muh Roche limit
              >wood in space
              >it's impossible for a space suit RCS system to have enough Delta-V to orbit a planet
              >that's not how quantum entanglement works (I know!)

              Now, who's being pretentious?
              it's an illusion, genius. You suspended your disbelief, learn the absurd mechanics of this whack-ass universe, and progress using that knowledge. imagine if all humans thought like you did, we wouldn't have satellites because orbital mechanics is a broken system not worth playing.

        • 5 months ago

          It makes you feel like a speck of dust in the universe. Seriously though, this game should have "megalophobia warning". I've seen too many people saying how scary it is

          • 5 months ago

            It's all about being easily impressionable i get it.

        • 5 months ago

          I never really found it comfy, it’s more stressful and frustrating honestly, but it’s a very unique and interesting game. Definitely worth a play for the fun of exploration and discovery, but it’s massively overrated. The DLC especially.

        • 5 months ago


          It's generic as heck

          Based, moron homosexual shills BLOWN the frick out.

          • 5 months ago

            It's okay to let the thread die, man.

        • 5 months ago

          youre caught in a time loop. the main gameplay is exploring this solar system, scanning objects, figuring out basic puzzles, trying to piece together a story and hopefully fix the time loop somehow. the solart system consists of 10 or so locations that can be fully explored. sometimes you have to explore other planets first, to piece together a method to advance another area. so in a way, the whole solar system itself is this giant puzzle as well. eventually you figure how to beat the game its an a bit mindfricky. the game feels scary, cozy, really mysterious, and beating the game was a really cool journey for me. i played it during covid and had a ton of fun.

      • 5 months ago

        It is literally the most terrifying game I've ever played. I've only played a handful of horror games, two of them being Alien: Isolation and Amnesia, and neither of those games made me shit my pants as much as Outer Wilds did.

        I bought the DLC a week ago and for some reason it's even freakier. Like just approaching The Stranger gives me a slight panic attack, and every time I fall in the water I can almost feel the underwater vegetation touching my legs, which freaks me out for some reason.

        Am I just a pussy or something?

        • 5 months ago

          you would piss your pants if you ever played don't starve

    • 5 months ago

      It's a really good mystery story that can't really be anything else other than a game, first you try to find out what's happening to you, then what's happening to your sun dying and what happened to the previous alien civilization, and later what's happening to your whole universe that's fricking dying out and there's nothing you can do about it. Few movies, games or whatever stuck with me after finishing it like this game did.

      Didnt play the DLC, some people dislike it.

      Not a shill, go pirate it for all I care.

      • 5 months ago

        >Try to find answers about you
        >Try to find answers about your surroundings
        >Try finding answers about the past
        >Try finding answer about the future

        >Literally every single civilization in a nutshell.
        Best and most original game ever.

        • 5 months ago

          >Best and most original game ever.
          I'm glad you agree now

          • 5 months ago

            You're just easily impressionable.

        • 5 months ago

          >everything is simple and one-note if I just be a reductive pedant
          make something if you feel your ideas are superior (you won't)

      • 5 months ago

        DLC is almost as good as base game. It takes nothing away and adds more context to the story.

      • 5 months ago

        That's where you illiterates suprise me. It's directly told in several snippets in the beginning of the exploration that yes, the universe is ending, yet it took you till the final game to realize this "revelation". Sure, the game has interesting motifs (xenoarcheology and tracking are those), as well as great art design (not mentioning the whole simulation), but the ending is kindergarden tier for people after lobotomies.

        • 5 months ago

          Depends where you begin your exploration. Not everyone will take the same path

        • 5 months ago

          >It's directly told in several snippets in the beginning of the exploration that yes, the universe is ending
          Not really, unless you make a point to talk to Chert a bunch of times. The only other hint is the supernova cycle in the museum but that's less a reveal than it is foreshadowing.

        • 5 months ago

          I don't know what part at "the beginning" you are talking about. The snippets are talking to Chert at a specific point in the loop after he realizes whats happening and before he's catatonic and the other Nomai's messages that reached the Vessel. If you exclude the distant supernovas that not everyone notices, you can get quite far in the game without realizing the universe is dying. My first playthrough I never talked to Chert at that specific time and the Interloper and Vessel were the last things I reached. I seriously thought the game was building up to stopping the Sun Station from causing the supernova. When I first got there probably 80% of the way through the game and the reveal that it didn't work and therefore the Sun was at the end of its natural life floored me harder than it would have by just being told by Chert or the distant Nomai.

    • 5 months ago

      It's the sense of melancholy you get when you complete any game you're heavily invested in, only it's much stronger with this game because of how entangled you get, and how emotional the journey and ending are. it's hard to move on from.

    • 5 months ago

      its an actual videogame unlike most of the social engineering softwares thats being pumped out all the fricking time.

    • 5 months ago

      It's the most emotional game I've ever played and it's not because of the soi ways that most games aim for it. It's the experience, the discovery, what that discovery means both in universe and as gay as it sounds irl
      Game didn't cure my depression but it adjusted my thinking in a few extremely large ways and I can't sys the same has ever been done by another game
      Really wish I could experience it again, I, had like 20% spoiled by distortion2 when I used to watch twitch and I really wish I didn't. But I also never would have played if not for that so idk. I certainly wouldn't have played due to vee, and these threads are one of the only few safe places for no trolling.

      BB and Outer Wilds are games of the decade

      • 5 months ago

        what is BB?

        • 5 months ago

          big boob

    • 5 months ago

      why not just play it?

      • 5 months ago

        Time is money

    • 5 months ago

      really good exploration

    • 5 months ago

      It's like playing Link to the Past for the very first time again. The freedom, the exploration and discovery. It's on a level of it's own.

  4. 5 months ago

    >le game BROKE me

    • 5 months ago

      The game that taught me how to LIVE

  5. 5 months ago

    Still haven't played this, it's just sitting in my steam library. Got an OLED deck coming in soon so I think I am going to blast a bunch of edibles and finally play this under the blankets in bed

    • 5 months ago

      >Still haven't played this, it's just sitting in my steam library.
      Well get to it
      >Got an OLED deck coming in soon
      Hell yeah
      >so I think I am going to blast a bunch of edibles
      Gay as frick zoomer shit
      >and finally play this under the blankets in bed
      Surprisingly acceptable and redeeming

  6. 5 months ago

    this game is so overrated I dont get it

    • 5 months ago

      You were filtered, but not in the conventional sense, you were SOVL filtered and exposed as an npc drone. Outer Wilds is the Voight-Kampff test.

    • 5 months ago

      Visualize a red apple in your mind. Can you see it clearly?

  7. 5 months ago

    tried this shit and uninstalled. Any game that's on a timer is garbage

    • 5 months ago

      It isn't though. You have unlimited tries, and there isn't a single thing you can't accomplish within 20 minutes. Hell you can complete the game on the first loop as long as you know where you need to be.

      • 5 months ago

        I think one of the greatest aspects of the game is learning to not give a shit at all about the timer. Or keeping the ship intact.

        • 5 months ago

          >keeping the ship intact
          its funny watching other people playing it for the first time and seeing how carefully they maneuver the ship and try to be as delicate as possible with take offs and landings

  8. 5 months ago

    >Gone home but in SPAAAACE

    As soon as I was in space and seeing the garbage chibi planets I stopped playing

    • 5 months ago

      talk yo shit, sis

    • 5 months ago

      >Gone home but in SPAAAACE
      Really? Should I play Gone Home if I liked this?

      • 5 months ago

        Gone Home doesn't have a spaceship, not worth your time.

      • 5 months ago

        They're nothing alike. Gone Home is a walking sim pretending to be a mystery with a shitty story. Outer Wilds is the best adventure game since Riven.

      • 5 months ago

        gone home is a glorified slideshow but i still liked it

    • 5 months ago

      homie, you think anyone has time to explore to-scale planets for every point of interest? Chibi planets is 100% necessity unless you like following HUD markers, but I think we all know your opinion on casual games that tell you where you need to go.

  9. 5 months ago

    >still have to finish the DLC
    One day I'll muster up the courage for it yeah I suck at horror games.

  10. 5 months ago

    I like how at the start of the game they let you fly the mini space ship which controls like shit to make you more scared of flying into space

  11. 5 months ago

    incel moment

  12. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      this, so many "hardcore gamers" fall to pieces without linear progression.

  13. 5 months ago

    The moment you see stars getting snuffed out around you as you walk through that forest, it's both awe inspiring and desperate. Both urgent (the urge to reach out and save those stars) and calm (acceptance that you are powerless before the greatest force of the universe).
    I have no better cat pic to represent my thoughts.

  14. 5 months ago

    Really don't like the dlc. Unlike the base game there isn't a big area with dozen interest points around you if you face a roadblock so you can enjoy a flowing more flexible game experience. I know it's just a dlc and got way less time for it to be developed but that's not the only thing pissing me off sadly. Maybe it was just my playthrough and others had a different trip, but for me half the discoveries I made in the strangers were pieces of information I was already aware of so it wasn't as satisfying as, again, the main game.
    You also don't get to take the ship around, it's a big part of the fun gone. I was getting really sick of the dam breaking, the time constraints, the river, going into the simulation, sneaking around fricking owls in a dark building I already traversed many times, hunting for stupid shit that turned out to be for naught like the combinations etc
    And overall I found most of the exploration in the secret place really annoying with your limited field of view, the labyrinths, knowing where I needed to go but having to search every inches for shortcuts knowing there's the time limit (worse depending of the "entrance" you take). Everything in that place was like the course of events you do at the end of the base campaign with the player rushing against the clock, having to do very precise actions and navigating in headache inducing zones.

    I also hated the "killing yourself to negate the bell's effect" trick, it's goes against your natural instinct and I'd have never thought of something so stupid. For me in the slideshow I assumed the elder was already connected to the sim when dying, like, you don't immediately die when you get a heart attack you pass out so it's as close as going to sleep as you can get. I didn't think putting yourself ON FRICKING FIRE would work but heh whatever, I had to cheat and look up a guide for this ridiculous puzzle and it pissed me off

    • 5 months ago

      And for that puzzle because I ran out of characters in my last post so I'll have to continue here I'd wish for it to be handled differently, like having a sleeping room connected to a vent with a light controlled mechanism so you can put your scout down, go to sleep, and the vent would open and the air rushing out of the room would force you to deplete all your oxygen eventually killing you, I find it less idiotic than again, PUTTING YOURSELF ON FRICKING FIRE

    • 5 months ago

      >I also hated the "killing yourself to negate the bell's effect" trick, it's goes against your natural instinct and I'd have never thought of something so stupid.
      That part was fricking amazing, how dare you

    • 5 months ago

      Disagree on a lot, but you are right with the roadblock problem. If you are stuck, then you are stuck due to how linear multiple parts of the DLC progresses. I had many loops where I accomplished/discovered literally nothing because there was something that I just was not understanding and had nowhere else to go.

    • 5 months ago

      I liked the DLC but I actually agree with everything you said. I guess I enjoyed the game more than how the bullshit stealth sections annoyed me. Also the section at the end where you not only see the prisoner's projections but you also project your own experiences onto the prisoner is quite kino
      >You also don't get to take the ship around
      google "outer wilds lucid dreaming glitch"

  15. 5 months ago

    Walking into this game blind was one of my best decisions of 2022. What a ride that was.

  16. 5 months ago

    >every chungus reddit frick shills this hard
    >download it
    >launch it
    >jump into the nearest geyser and die
    >game over
    Yeah, it's shit. You'd think there would've been a cool cave down there or something

    • 5 months ago

      there is a cool cave down there though?

      • 5 months ago

        I think that's the joke

    • 5 months ago

      It's probably bait, but that's actually how my first playthrough went and didn't touch the game again for a couiple of months. The second time I started it when I got into the ship and saw how intricately the game simulated the physics of the miniature solar system I got completely hooked.

  17. 5 months ago

    Either you get it or you don't

    • 5 months ago

      Were there no black mountaineers? I haven't really thought about this (because why would I), but this collage kind of sparked my curiosity.

      • 5 months ago

        climbing a mountain is a personal challenge
        they have no interest in working on themselves or growing as a person, they only want to show off to their peers how thuggish they are and how much bling they have because they only care about impressions

      • 5 months ago

        A black mountain is reading a book from cover to cover without somehow committing a crime or overdosing on fentanyl

      • 5 months ago

        A black mountain is reading a book from cover to cover without somehow committing a crime or overdosing on fentanyl

        Can you guys frick off to a different thread

    • 5 months ago

      I want to make fun of black people for this but I sure as frick don't want to climb mountains either. But I do respect the sense of personal accomplishment experienced from doing so.

      The thing is Outer Wilds is designed to be very easy and make you feel smart, so it's particularly embarrassing when people get filtered by it

  18. 5 months ago

    did you play it in VR? it's so amazing

  19. 5 months ago

    What do you think the traveller smells like

    • 5 months ago

      >Beef jerky

      • 5 months ago

        Really don't like the dlc. Unlike the base game there isn't a big area with dozen interest points around you if you face a roadblock so you can enjoy a flowing more flexible game experience. I know it's just a dlc and got way less time for it to be developed but that's not the only thing pissing me off sadly. Maybe it was just my playthrough and others had a different trip, but for me half the discoveries I made in the strangers were pieces of information I was already aware of so it wasn't as satisfying as, again, the main game.
        You also don't get to take the ship around, it's a big part of the fun gone. I was getting really sick of the dam breaking, the time constraints, the river, going into the simulation, sneaking around fricking owls in a dark building I already traversed many times, hunting for stupid shit that turned out to be for naught like the combinations etc
        And overall I found most of the exploration in the secret place really annoying with your limited field of view, the labyrinths, knowing where I needed to go but having to search every inches for shortcuts knowing there's the time limit (worse depending of the "entrance" you take). Everything in that place was like the course of events you do at the end of the base campaign with the player rushing against the clock, having to do very precise actions and navigating in headache inducing zones.

        I also hated the "killing yourself to negate the bell's effect" trick, it's goes against your natural instinct and I'd have never thought of something so stupid. For me in the slideshow I assumed the elder was already connected to the sim when dying, like, you don't immediately die when you get a heart attack you pass out so it's as close as going to sleep as you can get. I didn't think putting yourself ON FRICKING FIRE would work but heh whatever, I had to cheat and look up a guide for this ridiculous puzzle and it pissed me off

        >it's goes against your natural instinct and I'd have never thought of something so stupid
        there's a tape explicitly showing that "bug" and an area specifically blocked by a bell so it's an obvious deduction, you have no one but yourself to blame

        • 5 months ago

          I explained why I came to a different conclusion in the same post. It's not a question of deduction level but of point of view. You're the kind of guy replying to a post the very moment you see something displeasing to you.

          • 5 months ago

            Not him but I thought THAT was one of the best discoveries of the dlc

            You simply had a lapse of common sense, like when I ||funnelled on getting the vessel a warp core, forgot what the warp core was powering, and rammed my ship at max speed into dark bramble when I heard the music||

            • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              Mmmmh yes, dying multiple times of the worse death you can imagine is the logical solution, why didn't I think of that sooner. I know I'm supposed to be playing a video game but even for outer wilds it's way to hardcore to go the Gandhi way each moments you want to pass a bell. Also there's an artifact creating a gas explosion if you use it to reach the simulation so It was more logical for me to think it had something to do with it, like putting it in the same room, going to sleep and eventually the artifact would take fire while I'm in the dream killing the body I left behind. That's what I thought I was supposed to do so I wasted time with it

              • 5 months ago

                Yes dying of fire is horrifying, thats why that method was reserved for the FINAL seal and only point in the game where you must walk through bell alarms

                It is supposed to be a piece of knowledge to use as a last resort, a point of no return or a parallel to taking out the warp core in the base game

              • 5 months ago

                It fits thematically with the way the knowledge in the game was burned so it could be hidden forever. You yourself must burn to access that knowledge.

          • 5 months ago

            skill issue, you're just blaming the game for your own mistake

            • 5 months ago

              Keep sucking that dev wiener. Maybe the trolls are right and OW fans love the taste of dicks.

  20. 5 months ago

    The real question is why does people liking something trigger these vtards so badly? They absolutely SEETHE that people enjoy something they have decided is bad and 'wrong to enjoy'

    • 5 months ago

      I have a theory that with AIs many corporations and the gov are training them on the internet and interacting with toxic anons made the bots toxic themselves. To make everything worse because there's many corporations with different bots the bots themselves don't know who's a bot so they're learning from bots too from competitive corps and the whole situation is snowballing.

  21. 5 months ago

    Can any Outer Wilds enjoyers tell me about these games? I've heard them recommended before:

    Case of the Golden Idol
    Painscreek Killings
    Chants of Senaar

    • 5 months ago

      >Chants of Senaar
      This one's nice. Pretty short and pretty easy though. The language gimmick is cool even if it kinda loses most of its coolness about halfway through. It also feels like the game ran out of budget or something? Because the 4th area and language kinda suck and the 5th just falls off the cliff entirely. The forced stealth segments suck ass too. Though overall it was a very positive experience and confirming words in your notebook feels super good. I wish there were more interpreting puzzles too. Definitely recommend it overall, but probably not at full price.

      • 5 months ago

        Cool, thanks for the rundown. I'll pick it up on a sale

    • 5 months ago

      >Case of the Golden Idol
      Really enjoyable puzzle game. Basically you’re presented with a freeze frame in time of a death and you have to investigate and solve puzzles to figure out who everyone is and what exactly is happening. Sometimes there are other puzzles involved as well to change things up. The DLC is also great if you enjoy the base game. It’s basically a prequel to the main game’s events.
      >Painscreek Killings
      I enjoyed it but it’s a little janky if I’m being honest. You explore an abandoned town where a murder took place years ago and it tore the small community apart. It’s kind of spooky even though it’s not really a horror game. Worth checking out if you can get it on sale
      >Chants of Sennaar
      It’s a language based puzzle game. One of my favorites I played last year. You’re basically trying to learn languages through context clues and puzzles. There’s also some minor stealth segments to change up the gameplay, but nothing too crazy. Highly recommend

  22. 5 months ago

    Redpill me on this game. I've never paid attention to it. What is it?

    • 5 months ago

      It's a detective game, you explore and try to piece together a mystery. The story is pretty good and can be equal parts uplifting and terrifying. Many are filtered by the ship controls which are designed to be realistic

  23. 5 months ago

    >tfw I found out about the vr mod after beating the game

    • 5 months ago

      you should still try it out. I spent way too long just floating around the zero G cave because it was so pretty in VR

    • 5 months ago

      Why the frick didn't any publisher pick up the tab for a native VR version? Game's nearly perfect for it.

  24. 5 months ago

    I finished it two months ago and every game I've played since has felt pointless

  25. 5 months ago

    This game is a religious experience for some people

    • 5 months ago

      It was for me because on top of being a good game it also handled astrophysical concepts in a cool way which I've been really interested in for years

  26. 5 months ago

    it dethroned ocarina of time and bloodborne as my favorite game of all time

    • 5 months ago

      >it dethroned ocarina of time and bloodborne as my favorite game of all time
      hella Based.

  27. 5 months ago

    YEAH me neither and i haven't even played picrel

  28. 5 months ago

    Maybe I'm just moronic but I had to look up one of the three combinations in the dlc because I didn't realize the bridge moved up and down when you changed the dial. I thought the whole thing would just move into place once you put in the correct code so I just never touched it even after putting the latern down I can't be the only one that did this

    • 5 months ago

      I found this out accidentally when I jokingly considered brute forcing the dial and when I tried it out I discovered that the dial moved the pieces of the bridge.

  29. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Still confused by the bramble, how did the fish get everywhere

      • 5 months ago

        I'm pretty sure they're just native to the Bramble and occasionally smaller ones find their way out into space.

        What do they eat? No idea.

      • 5 months ago

        Gameplaywise: They are spooky and make you thread carefully, specially at the end when time matters

        Lore wise: uhmmm...

      • 5 months ago

        they're interdimensiononal creatures from another dimension

        before dark bramble there used to be an ice planet with jellyfish and maybe other forms of aquatic life. a bramble seed from another system found its way on the planet and imploded it. some fragments of the old ice planet landed on giant's deep. maybe the anglerfish are native to the bramble, or are evolved forms of some other creature from the old ice planet that adapted to bramble's environment

        • 5 months ago

          In some of the Owlks slideshows you can see what Dark Bramble looked like before the seed came.

  30. 5 months ago

    the biggest midwit game to ever exist
    and heaven forfend you call it what is because Gankeredditors get their feelings hurt

    • 5 months ago

      How to flag your post as low IQ bait in four easy buzzwords

  31. 5 months ago

    Same, the funny thing is that that is one of the messages of the game, to move on

    • 5 months ago

      Moving on sounds gay, now let's watch these VR slide shows of our old home planet.

  32. 5 months ago

    I’ve been watching the astrophysicist guy play the game after seeing someone recommend it in a thread, the guy is a genius sometimes but is a crackhead lunatic most times rambling schizo theories for minutes on end instead of playing the game, doesn’t help he forgets stuff so often and get distracted by meaningless stuff, it’s hard to hard even on 2x speed

    • 5 months ago

      At least it's a guy talking about the game and not his music albums, super smash bros, blade runner or the super Mario brothers super show while not paying attention to what's happening on screen.

    • 5 months ago

      The perfect Outer Wilds playthrough does not exist.

      t. guy who recommended astrophysicist playthrough

      • 5 months ago

        My playthrough was perfect.
        Didn't record it though.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm watching him too. It is the most impressive, lucky/unlucky, infuriating/hilarious playthrough I've seen. Most recent episode I watched was him learning quantum entanglement and ranting about eyelids for 3 minutes while glossing over the text that he normally does a good job at reading. I enjoy some of the distractions. Him finally reaching the fricking Southern Observatory after 8 episodes of trying to get there had more buildup than Probe Tracking Module or Quantum Moon.

    • 5 months ago

      oh shit he discovered imaging before even landing on giants deep

  33. 5 months ago

    To the person that recommended both Outer Wilds and Pathologic 2, thank you.

  34. 5 months ago

    Why do we always fall for bait when we enjoy such sophisticated games, other wilds sisters ?

    • 5 months ago

      Maybe because it's not that sophisticated as you think.

      • 5 months ago

        The bait? I agree.

  35. 5 months ago

    I keep getting this mixed up with outer worlds and wondering why the frick Ganker has such bad taste. Outer Wilds looks comfy for my deck

  36. 5 months ago

    >hmm, today I will listen to music from the Outer Wilds
    getting sick of y*utube and their shit

  37. 5 months ago

    It's been a while since I played it but I remember getting stuck and having to look up a walk-through for the desert moons

    • 5 months ago

      They added a couple better hints for that teleporter pad, I believe. But that stumped me too, originally.

  38. 5 months ago

    I managed to get one of the vinyls. It's full of nice little easter eggs.

    • 5 months ago

      Fugg. I was looking at one of those last summer but it was like 200 bucks.
      Worth it? I have some Christmas money I might drop on one.

      • 5 months ago

        Wait for a reprint or get around 100 USD.
        I'm hoping there's one for Echoes of The Eye sometime.

    • 5 months ago

      show us.
      which one did you get?

  39. 5 months ago

    I just started sobbing uncontrollably like a woman while whistling the theme. What the frick is this game, what has it done to me?

  40. 5 months ago

    Timber Hearth. Home.

  41. 5 months ago

    I'm crying like a homosexual with a smile on my face again, why am I feeling all these emotions all at once

  42. 5 months ago

    >enter the simulation for the first time
    >look up
    this fricking game

  43. 5 months ago

    I don't like its art style, therefore, it's a shit game

  44. 5 months ago

    Where is that anon that posted the big chart of "Outer Wilds-like" recommendations? I played Tunic based on that and the endgame is probably the worst possible execution of a decent idea I've seen in a game. Soured the whole experience for me.

  45. 5 months ago

    >get filtered by basic logic
    >sperg about it and blame the game
    this shit right here is why despite being one of the greatest games ever made, outer wilds is not suitable for most people

    • 5 months ago

      It fits thematically with the way the knowledge in the game was burned so it could be hidden forever. You yourself must burn to access that knowledge.

      Yes dying of fire is horrifying, thats why that method was reserved for the FINAL seal and only point in the game where you must walk through bell alarms

      It is supposed to be a piece of knowledge to use as a last resort, a point of no return or a parallel to taking out the warp core in the base game

      Oh, oh, and let me guess Black folk, the dlc being redundant, dragging with all its back and forth and showing the devs limit and lack of capabilities to launch something as great as the base game is a parallel with the owl-tards rushing to create a device that isn't fixing anything, and a sim that traps them forever as miserable ghosts wandering the same corridors back and forth the way you do when you're stuck in this gay ass dlc, yeah everything sticks! Whoah what a masterpiece ( of plebbit pretentiousness).
      Again keep sucking.

      • 5 months ago

        The DLC isn't redundant.

        • 5 months ago

          How many reels to show you codes and shit you guessed do you find in this dlc? It's nothing like the real game. The rewards for exploring are laughable I'm comparison with how perfect the base campaign is.

          • 5 months ago

            Literally none, the only time you get a code is via the scout launcher. The reels only give you knowledge, and the knowledge is powerful enough to completely trivialize the horror game the game became once entering the simulation. The reveals of the secret slide reels are genuinely better than the base game in some regards. Putting down the lantern and walking away for the first time is fricking incredible.

      • 5 months ago

        you will never understand, it's like explaining paintings to the blind
        just move on with your life and pick some hand holding game you can handle

        • 5 months ago

          Just redirect me to the nearest gay pornhub link I bet I can understand.

          • 5 months ago

            you're the one bringing up wieners and gay porn to a topic that has nothing to do with it
            it's okay to be gay but you gotta stop projecting and being moronic about it

            • 5 months ago

              >you're the one bringing up wieners and gay porn to a topic that has nothing to do with it

              I thought it was a OW thread

  46. 5 months ago

    I can't either, I'll never forget the $15 I wasted on this trash.

  47. 5 months ago

    The way it sets up musical instruments and the Hearthian theme as an actual useful gameplay mechanic with the signal tracker, giving each character and therefore each planet its own melody, while at the beginning you're just that inexperienced confused hatchling looking at the stars and wondering about the unknown, is brilliant. Assigning the naturally contagious whistling, the one instrument we all already possess as the closest to Hearth, likely the first one you'll find and associate with feelings of comfy safety close to home, a familiar face, a bonfire and marshmallows, and then expanding from there with the dangers and mysteries, making new contact a reward. The first time I lined up two "unknown" sounds and realized they synced up as melodies, my mind realized it would matter, but mostly my heart felt it. It felt satisfying to my soul, the way only music can feel, fired up my curiosity to find the others, to see if I could line them all up from a unique angle.

    That curiosity accompanying me throughout the game, like musical puzzle pieces, every time I pulled out my signal tracker, started blurring, became habit, background noises I didn't even register anymore. So when *it* finally happened, the build up, the delay, the culmination of everything in between, of course, it worked like clockwork. It's simple set up/pay off.

    Turning a gameplay mechanic for locating characters, what initially sounds like a silly theme of unassuming comfort and familiarity, into the bittersweet soundtrack for life and death, loss and birth, stages of grief, home, etc. It's both cozy and epic, the micro and the macro, whole. You can take it literally or treat it as a personal allegory, project your own emotions. Now this theme emotionally affects me deeply and it's the last thing I would have expected after my 1st time randomly raising my signal tracker into space and wondering what the hell those "unknown" sounds were.

    Game is not an IQ test, it's a soul test.

    • 5 months ago

      >taking a game that has nothing to do with race and turning it into some white man faustian spirit horseshit soul test
      Man frick off

      • 5 months ago

        Black person

        • 5 months ago

          Solve this puzzle

          • 5 months ago

            have a nice day

    • 5 months ago

      You get it

  48. 5 months ago

    Probably the most pretentious fanbase in existence. Way beyond Rick and Morty. Stay soilent frens.

    • 5 months ago

      It's your own fricking fault. The virulent, ridiculous, seething hatred for the game with constant screaming of 'le walking simulator! you are not allowed to like it!' at anyone who seems interested in the game requires equal turning up of the fans espousement of enjoyment to that same level, lest you homosexuals non-stop verbal diarrhea be taken as fact and Ganker's opinion of the game.

      • 5 months ago

        Never seen anyone say "you are not allowed to like it" but I've seen plenty people get called a low IQ soulless Black person if they dare to say anything negative.

  49. 5 months ago

    >he got scared by the DLC "monsters"

    • 5 months ago

      I honestly think that the game telling you that there is scary content etc primes you into thinking it's going to be way more scary than it actually is.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah I spent most of the DLC tense as frick cause the game was like HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO SCARY WE HAD TO PUT IN A LESS SPOOK MODE, only to eventually find out what it was and picrel
        I guess it's is the sort of thing that's scary and frightening to the average redditor

        • 5 months ago

          I honestly think that the game telling you that there is scary content etc primes you into thinking it's going to be way more scary than it actually is.

          same, fish from first game had no warning so how scary can dlc be if they needed it there?

    • 5 months ago

      They spooked me the first time until I realized they just blow out your flame. Though the neck snap disturbed me on a primal level.

      • 5 months ago

        >be species with incredibly high intelligence
        >been stuck in vr world for 200k years or something
        >see an alien that made it into your world
        >immediatly send him away
        weird, guess you could explain it with "they had all gone mad"

        • 5 months ago

          Just like you said, they're just very intelligent.
          From all we learned by interacting with other races on earth I consider that the best course of actions to take when contacted by a new race is to nuke it from orbit.

          • 5 months ago

            >intelligent species goes completely insane after being presented with facts they don't like
            >ensconce themselves in literal coffins forever pretending to exist in the old world they destroyed through their own hubris and become living corpses as a result
            "I really relate to these guys!"

          • 5 months ago

            yeah, also
            >send alien away
            >knowing that he could just blow out your lantern in the real world, ruining your eternal life

            • 5 months ago

              after 200k years maybe they completely forgot about real life being a thing

        • 5 months ago

          They know they are dead, how exactly would an alien help them? Also since they discovered that the Eye destroys the universe, they have an extreme fear of the unknown.

          • 5 months ago

            >the Eye destroys the universe
            or does it...

          • 5 months ago

            >the Eye destroys the universe
            i don't remember that ever being mentioned anywhere

            • 5 months ago

              >the Eye destroys the universe
              or does it...

              It's not clear if it does, but it is clear that it was the Owlks interpretation.


              • 5 months ago

                If nothing else the game makes clear that entering the Eye is a death sentence.

              • 5 months ago

                I mean, what else would it do? We know its used to create a new universe. How else could it create a new universe if it didn't destroy the old one?

              • 5 months ago

                Quantum Black Hole sending the hatchling back to the very beginning of the universe thereby functioning as a naturally occurring version of the ATP, allowing the hatchling to seed the new universe with the memories of the old, starting the time loop anew and allowing life to begin again.

              • 5 months ago

                I mean, what else would it do? We know its used to create a new universe. How else could it create a new universe if it didn't destroy the old one?

                the universe destroys the universe, they eye merely facilitates the creation of a new one. it cannot do this without an observer

        • 5 months ago
  50. 5 months ago

    My toaster cant run it

    • 5 months ago

      Consider yourself blessed.

  51. 5 months ago

    nothing can recapture the first few hours of discovery

    • 5 months ago

      The 3 blue orbs next to the white hole. What are those ? I don't remember them. Is it just stars ?

      • 5 months ago

        >he doesn't know

        Yeah probably nothing, just my early game schizo detective screenshots of things I couldn't make sense of but was curious about.

        Funny looking at it again after knowing what everything is/means and how some big clues were right under my nose while some were nothing at all. I spent like 30 minutes looking around the Giant's Deep "warp exit floor" wondering if it was something I could solve. I love that feeling of "what even is this? how do I even begin to interpret this? ok now I know what this is but how does it connect to that other thing?" and getting randomly sidetracked, etc there's so much to take in all at once in the early game it's glorious

        • 5 months ago

          Fauna pls

  52. 5 months ago

    What was their fricking problem anyway?

    • 5 months ago

      The inevitability of death terrified them too much to consider letting go, so they retreated to the past and took agency away from all other creatures

      • 5 months ago

        so they're the rightwingers of the game universe basically

        • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      They didnt want any normies in their simulation

  53. 5 months ago

    >never played dlc so can't talk about the base game

    • 5 months ago


  54. 5 months ago

    what are the best mixes of the main theme for the feels?

    • 5 months ago

      Just go listen to the Lost Reels from Andrew Prahlow
      River's End Times into Spirit of Water is unbelievably kino

  55. 5 months ago

    I've been playing every puzzle game on the planet since I finished it but none of them come close to the same feelings outer wilds gave me. Lots of really good games though.

    • 5 months ago

      any you'd rec anyway?

  56. 5 months ago

    i tried this game around release, was really stoned and got spooked by landing on some green planet with monsters and shit or something and turned it off. ive never felt so uneasy in a game before

    • 5 months ago

      I miss weed so much

    • 5 months ago


  57. 5 months ago

    The quantum mechanics were great, I hope there's a sequel exploring that stuff further

    • 5 months ago

      I'd be pissed if they announced Outer Wilds 2. They should make an entirely new IP.

  58. 5 months ago

    I view outer wilds as doing an lsd / mushroom trip in game form tbh

    • 5 months ago

      Good way to explain it but people not experienced will probably just take this as "Le wacky Trippy!"

    • 5 months ago

      Probably closer to shrooms than LSD for me. Shrooms I gained an appreciation for the natural world around me to a much greater extent LSD I was mostly trying not to go insane.

  59. 5 months ago

    The sorry style and cringe furry aliens make me not want to play. Wish it had a better aesthetic so I didn't feel like a troon playing it

    • 5 months ago

      That feeling happen to you a lot?

    • 5 months ago

      Am I a bad person if I enjoy reading posts like this? Seeing morons get filtered makes me feel better about enjoying things I like. I know it’s dumb and juvenile but something about it just tickles me. idk why I like feeling superior to dimwits on Ganker so much. It’s like, stay away, this isn’t for you

    • 5 months ago

      I avoided it playing for 2 years because I disliked the art style and it looked generic and boring while watching videos.

      Yet I immediately fell in love with it the moment I started playing it. It's one of these games that remind me there's a different world between watching a game and playing a game, and how fricked it is that we're letting videos color our first impressions of games.

    • 5 months ago

      >DA GRAFIX
      just watch a movie

    • 5 months ago

      140th post, best post
      frick these furry three eyed aliens
      this is a Le artsy walking sim

  60. 5 months ago

    Why the FRICK are most space games generic and samey looking. Only ones , outside of strategy games, where space actualy looks weird and otherworldly are this, No man's sky, and Star Control games.

    • 5 months ago

      most people don't see celestial bodies as more than "balls with things on them"

      • 5 months ago

        Yea but its just weird how with so many other forms of media like books and movies, games about space always tend to be "Wild west but sci fi", with only humans or the most cliche aliens. Mass Effect didnt invent anything, yet somehow it is one of unique ones.

        • 5 months ago

          that's because the idea of "space" is such an astronomically (lol) large concept that the average mind can't really fantasize about space itself but more so about things IN space because the only lives humans have ever known were terrestrial, so we need a frame of reference.

          i imagine, even in zero g, while you were playing the game, you still had to create a frame of reference for yourself to know what was "up" and "down"

  61. 5 months ago

    I have no idea how people mention Obra Dinn and Outer Wilds in the same breath. Outer Wilds is a 10/10 with actual gameplay and Obra Dinn is a boring 0/10 with no actual gameplay.

    • 5 months ago

      both are pretty unique

  62. 5 months ago

    >Mouse Acceleration
    Shit game

    • 5 months ago

      there is nothing "causing" stars to die or galaxies to drift apart, they just do

      >he played with kmb

  63. 5 months ago

    >key mouse board
    it's over..

  64. 5 months ago

    Suppose I watched the Anderson supercut yesterday

    Suppose I'm gonna be watching astrophysicist supercut today

    Also I watched the achievements hunters 'landing' video and it was pretty funny. I hadn't seen a video from these guys in years, found them obnoxious. It's an interesting setup because there's a guy who hasn't played it and he just plays these random games for these skills checks. There's that older Gavin guy who has already played it and even though I thought he was just a dudebro he clearly has stars in his eyes thinking about the game and just stays silent when they're usually loud mouths cracking unfunny jokes, there's the new guy who hasn't played it yet and has no idea what it's about, like his assumption is it might just be a generic minor space game but he's noticing Gavin's behavior is something genuine instead of an act for the show. Also funny because he sticks the landing on his first try. Meanwhile the third guy is a loudmouth unfunny moron who can't read the room.

  65. 5 months ago

    Moment(s) that made you realize it was special? Also generally favorite moments
    fricking around on timber just getting used to the gravity controls, launching probe into the seed, seeing duplicate signal, immediately following it only to get eaten by fish and thinking nope I'm not going back there
    First trip to giants deep trying to land but getting filtered by velocity, gravity and cyclones, the pure chaos feeling of it, crashed on a tree then explored the temple, why is the water draining ahhh where's my ship why am I upside down
    Getting used to the time limit, going from 'what the frick is this and how do I land' to 'gotta go fast, nailed that perfect landing and jumping into a shortcut'
    Stumbling upon the dlc not realizing it was the dlc and getting mind fricked by unknown language error, and the scale of it
    Investigating the white hole and visuals shifting like an acid trip not knowing what it was
    Realizing that some of the puzzles are designed around environments changing in time, trying to climb the brittle tower, only to get stranded in space via black hole thinking frick what a failure, only to start seeing the tower emerge after me and realizing what I had to do, in awe of the game design genius combined with the stress of comfy yet ominous music starts playing
    When the music starts playing after you pick up the core and you're like 'frick no not yet' but it shifts into different gear and it's fricking awesome
    Frick I could list the whole game

    What was your progression like, In what order did you explore?
    I guess pretty conventional, timber, quick nope encounter in bramble, moon, crashing on giants deep next to the tower by complete luck, dlc discovery but not really, brittle, twins, comet, quantum moon, sun station, and finally back to bramble where everything clicked, curious to hear tales of anons who followed a different order

    • 5 months ago

      Getting into the Interloper was when I was fully in the tank for this game. Wedging myself into a crevice and watching the comet make a close pass around the sun while the ice started to melt was incredible. Seeing my fricking ship get snatched by the sun's gravity as I'm falling through sticks in my mind.

      • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago

          Honestly considering the shit you find in the Interloper, having it be a one way trip once you get inside makes sense.

  66. 5 months ago

    I wish there were more spachip games where you have to take gravity into consideration. Flying around in this is fun

    • 5 months ago

      I wish more games considered Flatearth™

  67. 5 months ago

    then move off

  68. 5 months ago


  69. 5 months ago

    How can you not be filled with awe and be blown away by this game? Its game design is so pure, cohesive, immersive, no artifices, no pandering, constantly throwing new creative ideas at you and nailing all of them perfectly, it's complex and intelligent while being accessible and unpretentious, it never interrupts your gameplay with nonsense and cutscenes, call it a stupid comparison but it's the first time I've felt this way since Dark Souls, it's cliche but I'm not surprised to see all these "it's the one game I wish I could forget" or "it cured my depression" types of messages.

    • 5 months ago


  70. 5 months ago

    Guys i got filtered by the controls, I'm on ps4, what do i do

    • 5 months ago

      What's wrong with them? Getting filtered by piloting the ship or platforming on foot? You'll get used to it and get better. Bumbling around like a terrible pilot and getting fricked by laws of motion in shifting environments at first is part of the fun of discovery. Cherish it, it's part of the experience.

      • 5 months ago

        How the frick do so many people fail to understand inertia?

        • 5 months ago

          Suppose it has to do with other video games treating space physics and gravity in more accessible ways, matters of habits and conventions, so players get used to piloting a ship like piloting a plane where you have to keep accelerating. You have to unlearn those bad habits.

          • 5 months ago

            What the frick? I never knew those particular skeletons reassembled.

            • 5 months ago

              they're not reassembling, they're different versions of the same skeletons across timelines

              • 5 months ago

                Quantum frickery means you don't really know what is going on with them. Nowhere in the solar system are skeletons standing up unless it's quantum frickery (or the bones held together inside a spacesuit).

              • 5 months ago

                >Nowhere in the solar system are skeletons standing up
                there are infinite timelines and you don't think at least one of them has standing skeletons?

              • 5 months ago

                There is no reason why bones could be standing with no ligaments or muscles. It's clearly some kind of other force at play. Nobody leaves a standing skeleton not encased in rock or something. Roll those dice infinite times. It doesn't fricking matter.

              • 5 months ago

                the ghost matter killed them instantly. they could've died standing up. they are inside a closed environment with no wildlife and no wind. they could've decomposed while encased in sand, and when the sand lowered, their skeletons were still standing. with an infinite number of time, anything is possible

              • 5 months ago

                The bones are standing because quantum effect is making them behave in a spooky manner. That's all. You don't need to try this hard to "SCIENCE IT OUT" when the Eye of the Universe itself is basically supernatural with a fricking skeleton circus act.

              • 5 months ago

                if there's a <0.00000000000000000000000000001% chance of standing skeletons then you will eventually see a standing skeleton

              • 5 months ago

                Well I'm telling you that's not what the developers had in mind. It's just trying to spook you out because quantum effects sneak up on you every time you turn around.

              • 5 months ago

                well i'm telling you it's a video game and video games are not real life

              • 5 months ago

                Then why the frick are you the one trying to justify a 0.00000000000001% chance of something, you fricking clown?

      • 5 months ago

        First time I went to Giant's Deep, I landed on Bramble Island. I was walking through the tunnel when it got lifted up by the cyclone, so I couldn't see what was happening, then I got physics'd into the wall at 100 m/s then ricocheted into ghost matter. It was a while before I went back.

  71. 5 months ago
  72. 5 months ago

    >yfw Dark Bramble seed landed on Timber Hearth and will eventually destroy it too
    This game is just too heart breaking

    • 5 months ago

      soul check: did you start whistling at the end?

      least of timber hearth's problem, no?

      • 5 months ago

        Does humming count? I can't whistle 🙁

    • 5 months ago

      >and will eventually destroy it too
      did you beat the game? the entire damn universe died before that could even happen

  73. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      what if these were on Giant's Deep?

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      dumb aislop poster

  74. 5 months ago

    Bros if we are also affected by our suns gravity does that mean we are heavier at night and lighter during the day when we are slightly pulled towards it? Should I pump iron at night for extra gains?

    • 5 months ago

      It could depend if you're on the equator or on closer to the poles.

  75. 5 months ago

    >the first time you bing bing wahoo on the geysers and slide down into the caves
    >the first time you land without your space suit on and die like a moron
    >the first time you try to chase the purple probe
    >the first time you see through a projection pool and it looks spooky as frick
    >the first time you realize why they're called the hourglass twins
    >the first time you see "you are dead"
    >the first time you realize half the early game spooky things are actually comfy, like how giants deep becomes a fun water park you can land on at full speed, the bramble signal is just bro chilling by bonfire, the ominous mask room is a rewarding place of knowledge

    • 5 months ago

      I think the way the game inverts the player’s expectations of the Nomai in the base game is wonderful, and the way it takes those expectations and inverts them back with the Owls is genius. Their whole aesthetic being so closely hewn to the Hearthians love of woodworking and nature immediately puts you more at ease.

    • 5 months ago

      projection pool of the ATP freaked me out hardcore
      finally reaching it was like "holy frick" and i even got shivers typing this

      • 5 months ago

        Man I fricking love the ATP, the music is perfect for the context, the way everything spins with the planet and stops as soon as you remove the warp core, it really makes you feel the significance of where you and what you just did

  76. 5 months ago

    >the first time you visit twins and sand filling up crushes you to death so you start to fear the sand going up
    >the first time you realize sand going up is your ally
    >the first time you're on the comet getting a close call with the sun so you start to fear the sun
    >the first time you hear the ice melting and realize sun is your ally
    >the first time your surface falls into the black hole so you start to fear surface integrity and the black hole
    >the first time you realize the black hole is your ally
    >the first time you start associating names and personalities to the corpses
    >the first time you're thankful Solanum is still alive
    >the first time you remember there was a skeleton next to her ship

  77. 5 months ago

    meeting you-know-who on you-know-where for the first time was like meeting a celebrity. i've only ever heard about them through the log artifacts.

  78. 5 months ago

    One of the only game where I would be confortable defending the argument that video game can be Art.

    • 5 months ago

      Of course video games are art, this game and every other game
      All games, whether electronic or physical, are art
      Fricking monopoly and candy land are art
      Baseball is art
      Art is not synonymous good, it is not some measurement of quality
      Kids make art every single fricking day
      Art is a physical representation of the human experience that is not explicitly designed as a tool for survival, it has nothing to do with a specific medium, or specific quality, and everything to do with intention

      • 5 months ago

        I know that in the broader sense video game are obviously art.
        But we both know that there is a difference between being technically art and being recognized as art by society as a whole.

      • 5 months ago

        I took a shit with artistic intent this morning. My magnum opus

        • 5 months ago

          You’ll never be him

          • 5 months ago

            i can't read this

            • 5 months ago

              You’re reading it on mobile, aren’t you.

              • 5 months ago

                can you see if this link works

              • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            Back when Ganker was still epin

  79. 5 months ago

    amazing watching other ppl playthroughs and seeing their thought process, how some things are universal while other things are very specific and personal

  80. 5 months ago

    >reddit wilds thread
    >full of homosexuals posting with spoilers
    Every single time. You are all gay

    • 5 months ago

      >game all about discovery has courteous anons who don't want to spoil it for people who care
      yeah, they're the homosexuals here, not you
      Go look for the hip new TORtanic you hope fails, teenager.

  81. 5 months ago

    When Outer Wild ends, and you're watching the credits, and you're slowly realizing you can never go back and experience it for the first time again, you will literally feel your heart being ripped out of your chest as if you're driving you're driving to the vet to have your terminally ill childhood pet put down.

    This is the only review of Outer Wilds you ever need. I played this shit two years ago and I still think about it like every week.

    • 5 months ago

      fully convinced that everyone who had an extreme emotional reaction to this game has never really explored in real life very much. it's a good video game, but come on

      this is ridiculous. I had more life-affirming experiences volunteering in animal rehab for a couple months.

      • 5 months ago

        Nah it’s a great video game and really dovetailed with the life experiences I had. But it’s very very rare that any piece of art will mean more to you than your real life experiences, especially in something like animal rehab. Or drug rehab. Or any field where you’re helping other living things, that’s incredibly meaningful.

      • 5 months ago

        Nonsensical comparing life experiences with reactions to creative works of art and fiction. People project their life experiences when they react strongly to art, meaningful art heightens, heals and unlocks repressed emotions, speaks to subconscious, memories, interpretation, ideals, fantasies. You never had a song or literature that felt meaningful to you during a specific phase of your life, associated to some relationships or situations, that felt like the piece spoke directly to your soul?


    • 5 months ago

      >When Outer Wild ends, and you're watching the credits, and you're slowly realizing you can never go back and experience it for the first time again

  82. 5 months ago

    >played on launch
    >have almost no fond memories
    >but still remember all the minor frustrations
    At least the DLC is still somewhat fresh in my mind

    • 5 months ago

      >frog Black person
      >bad taste
      goes together like PB&J

      • 5 months ago

        Are you shitting on me for liking or disliking the game? I honestly can't tell

  83. 5 months ago


  84. 5 months ago

    >tfw want to replay it, but know the experience just wont be the same
    it's over...

    • 5 months ago

      replay it in vr
      that will spice things up

  85. 5 months ago

    One of the aspects I love most about this game is how exciting it feels to get information and on the next loop thinking "I want to go to this place and try this"

  86. 5 months ago

    wtf lmao https://youtu.be/Va6Izbo0Evs?t=4717
    is this a bug?

    • 5 months ago

      HOW https://youtu.be/Va6Izbo0Evs?t=4845

    • 5 months ago

      that's the frozen island clipping into the other island
      the original 2012 alpha used to have dark bramble clipping into other planets for some real terror shit

  87. 5 months ago

    >be the security officer on the stranger for countless years
    >its boring job, i got to monitor one jail cell and thats it
    >first alarm sounds in god knows how long
    >wtf? look at the cameras
    >some weird little fish mouse child is in the base. great, now we have a pest outbreak of alien mice on the ship or something
    >walks into the lantern room, strangely doesnt look around for its bearings, just fricking beelines there like it owns the place.
    >it pulls out a bag a marshmallows. what the hell am i looking at
    >starts roasting it on the fricking soul bonfire we all use to live, while standing in the fricking bonfire
    >see a alien mouse burn to death for a good minute
    >well problem solv- aw shit, its in the system. ill just send a guy over to boot him out.
    >the mouse child fricking chucks the damn lantern 10 meters at some fricking rocks
    >starts humping a wall
    >"Yahoo! Yaho-Yah-Ya-Y-y-y-y-y-y-"
    >clips itself through several walls and into the prison

    im quittting

    • 5 months ago


  88. 5 months ago

    finding dlc by accident


  89. 5 months ago

    goddamn I had missed that detail somehow kids in fish cave

  90. 5 months ago

    alright you gays I'm convinced I'm gonna play it
    100% blind play through btw, didn't really read the entire thread

    • 5 months ago

      Posting this for you anons to enjoy

      Have fun - the intro planet is really slow and boring at first but don't let that turn you off from the game. Once you get the ship it's all good stuff

      • 5 months ago

        I liked Timber Hearth and didn't find it boring. Lot of fun little things to explore.

        • 5 months ago

          I mostly just found it boring when walking around the planet with no jetpack and talking to NPC's - it gives an impression that the game is more walking sim than proper exploration.

      • 5 months ago

        read this, just advice: disable assist options in the settings as well if you want ideal blind playthrough and don't use the in-game ship computer, it spoonfeeds too much, rely on screenshots and written notes instead

        alright thanks

      • 5 months ago

        Bookmarked, thanks

        >disabling esk*r because I'm already doing it
        >jk now I'm enabling him because we're a bros duet
        we need more instruments

      • 5 months ago

        >letting just the prisoner and solanum duet

    • 5 months ago

      read this, just advice: disable assist options in the settings as well if you want ideal blind playthrough and don't use the in-game ship computer, it spoonfeeds too much, rely on screenshots and written notes instead

    • 5 months ago

      remember that the camera has a snapshot mode, you don't always have to launch it
      remember that the camera is also a light source
      remember that the camera can read data about some surfaces it lands on

    • 5 months ago

      take in what they teach and say in the starting village, especially what the throwing kid says
      write it down because you will not remember it when your brain needs it
      the scout launcher is your friend

  91. 5 months ago
  92. 5 months ago

    So what IS the eye of the universe anyway?

  93. 5 months ago

    I find it odd that this game has so much staying power, that is unless it’s just a couple dedicated posters. Creative, brilliant at times, maybe even complete if a game could ever be so, but it is hardly a game. More of a message, maybe.

    • 5 months ago

      >hardly a game
      Explain your reasoning, I disagree of course but interesting to see such divided reactions sometimes. Are point and clicks not games for you either? What makes "a game" then?

      • 5 months ago

        he's most likely a bing bing wahoo brain

      • 5 months ago

        I did say it was a game, and point-and-clicks are games, but both only fit the most abstract definition of a game and thus barely clear the bar. If you were to explain what you had to do to a first time player, a good chunk of people could probably get the true ending on the very first cycle. Once you know, you know, you know? That’s just a story, or, even more abstractly, a process, at that point. The “game” is reduced to clicking the start button on the start screen.

        Let’s not pretend it isn’t anything more than 6DOF Gone Home minus the lesbians of course haha.

        • 5 months ago

          >If you were to explain what you had to do to a first time player, a good chunk of people could probably get the true ending on the very first cycle.
          That has very little to do with whether or not it's a game.

          • 5 months ago

            >The “game” is reduced to clicking the start button on the start screen.
            you can say this about literally every game ever

            I’ll tag you but I’m mostly responding to the other guy.

            Following your logic, shooters are just clicking on heads, rpgs are just dice rolls and scrolling through spreadsheet menus etc everything can be reduced in stupid terms...

            It's simply replacing gatekeeping metroidvania abilities or locks and keys with knowledge you can't erase from your brain, which combined by lack of combat, kills replayability yes but the "process" involve all kinds of game mechanics and design elements (open world, non linearity, physics and varied traversal mechanics, environmental hazards, deaths, time limit, complementary tools, platforming, puzzles, core focus on player agency, route planning, decision making, resource management, risk taking, stress/tension, interplay between the ship and the player... all these complimenting each other) that make it different from what I recognize as a walking sim. Walking sims bore me, this had me on the edge of my seat utterly engrossed throughout.

            If the game had "get key a to open door b to obtain ability c to unlock path d" logic and some generic combat with filler braindead AI, it would be a lesser game yet there wouldn't be this stupid argument.

            Different games have different rules, hence why point-and-click versus an FPS versus a beat game like Osu! are all different genres despite the actions being the same.

            A game is a set of rules to follow and your progress is up to how well you interpret and call upon them. In this case, just knowing the story will get you through a majority of obstacles unscathed. There are some mechanics, but not many. Again, not saying Outer Worlds isn’t a game because it is, but some games are more “game” than others. Chess is more of a game than tic-tac-toe.

            • 5 months ago

              >but some games are more “game” than others
              visual novels are not, never were, and never will be games

            • 5 months ago

              just because you don't appreciate knowledge being a reward and the game's skill check doesn't mean the rest of the elements don't exist. Someone had to do the weird puzzles, the platforming, and the thinking to learn how to beat the game before the knowledge was placed on the Internet

        • 5 months ago

          >The “game” is reduced to clicking the start button on the start screen.
          you can say this about literally every game ever

        • 5 months ago

          Following your logic, shooters are just clicking on heads, rpgs are just dice rolls and scrolling through spreadsheet menus etc everything can be reduced in stupid terms...

          It's simply replacing gatekeeping metroidvania abilities or locks and keys with knowledge you can't erase from your brain, which combined by lack of combat, kills replayability yes but the "process" involve all kinds of game mechanics and design elements (open world, non linearity, physics and varied traversal mechanics, environmental hazards, deaths, time limit, complementary tools, platforming, puzzles, core focus on player agency, route planning, decision making, resource management, risk taking, stress/tension, interplay between the ship and the player... all these complimenting each other) that make it different from what I recognize as a walking sim. Walking sims bore me, this had me on the edge of my seat utterly engrossed throughout.

          If the game had "get key a to open door b to obtain ability c to unlock path d" logic and some generic combat with filler braindead AI, it would be a lesser game yet there wouldn't be this stupid argument.

  94. 5 months ago

    absolute dogshit overrated trash

  95. 5 months ago

    >devs put in a dialogue option to the starting npc (slate) that explains how to detect ghost matter because morons kept dying to it, even with the tutorial in the village

  96. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      move over for the superior outer wilds lets play
      incomplete because he's too moronic

      • 5 months ago

        moron playing ow sounds like perfect contrast kino after this guy
        I want to see dsp playthrough

        oh shit it exists

      • 5 months ago

        I'm already getting angry with this guy not paying attention to details despite spending two hours on timber and constantly checking the computer

        • 5 months ago

          It's when he starts whining about there not being any unlocks where things start to go really moronic

    • 5 months ago

      Shame the closest you can get to re-experiencing the sense of discovery is doing it vicariously though lets plays. I loved the white/black hole time travel test/discovery back when I played it

  97. 5 months ago

    he figured out imaging and now entanglement but got wienerblocked by the stone at the door

    • 5 months ago

      That was actually the one part of the three I deduced on my own, I knew it was relevant it always puts you on the south pole when you enter

  98. 5 months ago

    If Outer Wilds is sooo good why havent you gamedeved you own Outer Wilds clone, huh?

    • 5 months ago

      It's only been 3 and a half years. I would have had to decide I wanted to do that at launch to even have a chance at releasing now. Don't bust my balls, Worf.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm nowhere near creative enough to make something as good

  99. 5 months ago

    post more outer wild pics

    • 5 months ago
  100. 5 months ago

    The ending of the DLC felt a bit off to me tbh. You talking to the prisoner and showing him all that has happened since he let the eye's signal back out, his joy at finding out his sacrifice had value, and his suicide once he is free all have a good strong emotional impact. But then are forced to also have a nice day and time travel him back into being alive and trapped in his prison, which just feels like it hollows it out.
    Wonder if I am alone on this?

    • 5 months ago

      I don't disagree, but I think it fits. Most of what we learn are tragedies long before us. Theirs is much more present and ongoing. But all is subject to the loop from the decay of the planets, the destruction of the sun, and the prisoner's continued fate. You can't free him forever until you finish the cycle.

      But even saying all that, I felt that same pang of "I wanted to really help him though 🙁 " so I get you bro.

      • 5 months ago

        To be clear I did like the ending of the DLC, just that part made it feel a bit off. Though I do like your framing of it as a tragedy made even worse by how close you can get to actually helping him

        If you looked up the actual codes so you can brute force the locks, could you in theory release the prisoner in time for the sand to drain from ash twin and then go do the final run?

        I know, and I believe they added a Easter egg later where his sarcophagus opens and you can see his body if you use the code instead of doing the fire "glitch"., but thats not really the "intended" experience I think

    • 5 months ago

      If you looked up the actual codes so you can brute force the locks, could you in theory release the prisoner in time for the sand to drain from ash twin and then go do the final run?

      • 5 months ago
  101. 5 months ago
  102. 5 months ago

    how do hearthians reproduce

    • 5 months ago

      they lay egg?
      it's why they call you hatchling?
      do you have braindamage?

  103. 5 months ago

    when should we be expecting another game like this to come out? it shouldn't be too hard to make one. at it's core it's just a puzzle game with separate but interconnected zones. all the heart and soul comes after that basic game design.

    • 5 months ago

      i hear "tunic" is alright

      • 5 months ago

        Great game IMO
        Combat is slightly too simplistic and the sense of discovery isn't on the same level as Outer Wilds but it's still got a lot to like.

    • 5 months ago

      there's a recent game called cocoon

  104. 5 months ago

    oops wrong thread sorry guize

  105. 5 months ago

    I'll never forget the moment I realized "Oh shit, the universe is just dying it's natural death" after I talked to Chert and the lil' guy told me to watch the stars and check for supernovae.
    No clue why that's when I realized it, it was way before I got into the Sun Station.

    • 5 months ago

      It's like a murder mystery with dozens of red herring suspects, but the victim committed suicide, At the very beginning I wondered about the probe. I followed the interloper and seeing it get swallowed up by the sun 30 seconds before it explodes and thought it was the culprit. Wondered about the stars. Something about the Sun Station didn't seem right but the ATP was a good suspect. Could have been related to Bramble because frick Bramble. Kept wondering about the significance of why so many things kept coincidentally collapsing separately, why is Brittle Hollow also only now falling apart, why is Timber Hearth only now getting swallowed up by Bramble, why did it seem like Nomai just died recently... Tried to make everything make sense but some of these things don't have to make sense.

      • 5 months ago

        reminder that the closest stars to our sun are several light years away

        • 5 months ago

          outer wilds works on some kinda clown astronomy where planets are less than a dozen kilometers apart

  106. 5 months ago

    is this game really THAT good?
    everything i see about it people say it's one of the games ever made but to go in blind and won't elaborate on why it's good

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, it's THAT good if you like narrative driver / exploration games and mysteries. But take the leap of faith if you want to try it, trust us. You can only play it for the first time once.

    • 5 months ago

      telling it would be spoilers. its pretty hard to explain it while still being vague about it. if you ever liked puzzle games and point and click adventures, this is a good game to try. wishlist it and pick it up on the super cheap when it goes on sale.

    • 5 months ago

      i cried more than once playing it so yeah i'd say it's pretty alright
      basically, the whole schtick is that the story IS the gameplay

    • 5 months ago

      You can't elaborate without spoilers
      There are just not experiences like this in vidya. The way everything unravels and (You) put the pieces together with the knowledge you accumulate over time, finalizing in twists and revelations that can truly leave you speechless makes it a very special kind of game

    • 5 months ago

      there are no powerups or unlocks (except for 1 which grants a timeskip at certain checkpoints) everything else is pure knowledge. you will never know how to progress in a certain area without first learning vital knowledge somewhere else. at its core it's an archeology game.

    • 5 months ago

      It is that good, just play it Black person

    • 5 months ago

      its an exploration puzzle game, with a time loop. you have 20 minutes to explore the solar system with a few planets and other objects. there are environmental puzzles everywhere and trying to complete them in the allotted time is a big portion of the game. you explore and scan objects to understand more about the solar system and the civilization preceding yours, and try to solve each locations puzzle. eventually you do enough exploration, and complete enough puzzles to piece together the broad storylines secrets, and you can finally finish the game. the best thing about the game is the mystery and sense of discovery all throughout.

      the last hour or the game is an incredible experience and the anons who played it itt know what i'm talking about.

    • 5 months ago

      >won't elaborate on why it's good
      The thrill of curiosity, wonder, discovery, exploration, figuring things out on your own
      No handholding
      Non-linear open-world mystery - can be played in any order, your progress will be unique to your playthrough
      Reason people use spoilers is because it's full of secrets and lore you have to figure out for yourself and cool unique environments to discover
      You get to role play as a space detective/archeologist
      There's a specific game mechanic I won't spoil but it's very gamey, it's something that's inherently fun and makes it unique because it ties gameplay and mystery together
      The gameplay revolves a unique physics engine, which mixes autistic physics sim with creative liberties for scale/pacing reason, why it's so much fun can't be explained, you have to play it to feel it
      Myst in space but that doesn't describe it properly, it's highly dynamic and environmental, interactive, 3 dimensional
      Handcrafted solar system, not proc gen bullshit, it's not no man sky or starfield slop
      Game has no cutscene, your gameplay is not interrupted, it's not a movie game
      Zelda in space, let's say each planet is a dungeon and you can explore in any order
      It's an adventure, a journey
      Incredible level design, very creative use of 3D environments, environmental storytelling, genius game design ideas
      Indie game made by phd gigabrains, passion project they worked on for 10 years, but don't mistake it for STEM autism simulator, it has genuine artistry and fun to it
      It's ultimately emotional and philosophical, but very unpretentious and in a way you feel, in a fun celebratory way, rather than something forced and shoved in your face
      There simply is nothing like it
      It's not derivative
      Don't let seemingly ugly visual style/potentially boring intro dissuade you
      It does require a certain mindset, patience, observation, are you tired of AAA titles spoonfeeding everything to you?
      Does any of this appeal to you? Play it and avoid spoilers like the plague

  107. 5 months ago

    >recommended game to my fiance
    >I was very nervous thinking if he wasn't able to resonate with it and my entire perception of him would be ruined
    >he just started and is actually enjoying it

    • 5 months ago

      me when i try to smash through deep's current at 999999km/h only to get atomized on an island

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >if he wasn't able to resonate with it and my entire perception of him would be ruined
      That seems stupid of you. If they didn't enjoy your favourite food would you be upset too? Your partner doesn't need to enjoy specifically what you enjoy.

      • 5 months ago

        The difference is that Outer Wilds is a formative experience that says a lot about a person if they didn't enjoy it. It's not just food, and I don't think I could be with someone if they didn't have the itch that OW scratches.

        • 5 months ago

          this is different than just taste or sharing hobbies, [...] this post nailed it saying it's not an IQ test, it's a soul test
          people with a sense of wonder and curiosity will be delighted go out to explore, seek and understand the entire galaxy around them, people without a soul don't have the drive to be moved by such things and they'll just get annoyed with the lack of objectives and cheap dopamine
          sounds pretentious but this game is very special and unique which is why some people are obsessed with it while others don't get it at all

          Extremely cringe-worthy. It's a videogame. I enjoyed it too, but it's not a fricking 'soul test' you mongoloids. Stop being 14.

          • 5 months ago

            >I enjoyed it too, but it's not a fricking 'soul test' you mongoloids.
            Then you didn't get it.

      • 5 months ago

        this is different than just taste or sharing hobbies,

        The way it sets up musical instruments and the Hearthian theme as an actual useful gameplay mechanic with the signal tracker, giving each character and therefore each planet its own melody, while at the beginning you're just that inexperienced confused hatchling looking at the stars and wondering about the unknown, is brilliant. Assigning the naturally contagious whistling, the one instrument we all already possess as the closest to Hearth, likely the first one you'll find and associate with feelings of comfy safety close to home, a familiar face, a bonfire and marshmallows, and then expanding from there with the dangers and mysteries, making new contact a reward. The first time I lined up two "unknown" sounds and realized they synced up as melodies, my mind realized it would matter, but mostly my heart felt it. It felt satisfying to my soul, the way only music can feel, fired up my curiosity to find the others, to see if I could line them all up from a unique angle.

        That curiosity accompanying me throughout the game, like musical puzzle pieces, every time I pulled out my signal tracker, started blurring, became habit, background noises I didn't even register anymore. So when *it* finally happened, the build up, the delay, the culmination of everything in between, of course, it worked like clockwork. It's simple set up/pay off.

        Turning a gameplay mechanic for locating characters, what initially sounds like a silly theme of unassuming comfort and familiarity, into the bittersweet soundtrack for life and death, loss and birth, stages of grief, home, etc. It's both cozy and epic, the micro and the macro, whole. You can take it literally or treat it as a personal allegory, project your own emotions. Now this theme emotionally affects me deeply and it's the last thing I would have expected after my 1st time randomly raising my signal tracker into space and wondering what the hell those "unknown" sounds were.

        Game is not an IQ test, it's a soul test.

        this post nailed it saying it's not an IQ test, it's a soul test
        people with a sense of wonder and curiosity will be delighted go out to explore, seek and understand the entire galaxy around them, people without a soul don't have the drive to be moved by such things and they'll just get annoyed with the lack of objectives and cheap dopamine
        sounds pretentious but this game is very special and unique which is why some people are obsessed with it while others don't get it at all

        • 5 months ago

          The difference is that Outer Wilds is a formative experience that says a lot about a person if they didn't enjoy it. It's not just food, and I don't think I could be with someone if they didn't have the itch that OW scratches.

          You cannot be serious. Not even the most fart-sniffing of Gankerizens are this consumed by their media consumption. Pynchon's Mason & Dixon single-handedly changed my life's trajectory 9 years ago when I read it, and all the people I've recommended it to have said "yeah this sucks lol". Instead of distancing myself from them for being fundamentally incompatible with me or whatever, I show them something else I love. Jesus Christ, it's just a book and a video game.

          • 5 months ago

            Extremely cringe-worthy. It's a videogame. I enjoyed it too, but it's not a fricking 'soul test' you mongoloids. Stop being 14.

            this isn't the same as a silly book to have fun for a few hours, filtered soullets

        • 5 months ago

          >lack of objectives and cheap dopamine
          haha ship log updated haha

        • 5 months ago

          >or sharing hobbies
          I would argue that hobbies, especially ones where you produce actual objects/works of art are way more of a soul test lmao, please let this be a false flag

          • 5 months ago

            gaming is a hobby, chud

  108. 5 months ago

    ok i like outer wilds and all but you can't go on fricking saying that people who don't like it don't have a soul. that's fricking ridiculous.

  109. 5 months ago

    I had a long loathing disdain for the N*mai fricking shits as I learned more and more about them. They were meddling with forces far beyond their comprehension, and their arrogance led to their ultimate demise. Their hubris was astounding.

    • 5 months ago

      >their arrogance led to their ultimate demise
      red herring

    • 5 months ago

      very wrong, their philosophy is to seek out and understand, curiosity isn't greed
      and their deaths were caused by a random comet that just happened to fly to the galaxy, it had nothing to do with their actions

  110. 5 months ago

    x wake up

  111. 5 months ago

    I haven't picked it up because hear there is time limit during exploration where the universe resets. Not fan of being rushed in games, especially one about exploration.

    • 5 months ago

      by the time you reach an endpoint from the start of one objective you're already halfway through the 2nd before the time limit

    • 5 months ago

      there's also an option to freeze time when reading logs and dialogue

    • 5 months ago

      I had the same issue. There's a few cases where time is of the essence and I don't look back on those fondly, but the game is still in my top 5 of all time. YMMV

    • 5 months ago

      It's extremely well done for a variety of reasons, not done the way you'd think like a generic game would, not punishing or annoying, don't worry about it and trust me when I say it's very thoughtfully done, somehow it's somethng that enhances the exploration rather than something frustrating, if you love exploration you'll adore this

  112. 5 months ago

    For me it's getting my ship stuck on a tree on Giant's Deep and getting waterboarded for an entire loop.

    • 5 months ago

      same, immediately fell in love

      • 5 months ago

        My ship was stuck on a smaller island so I kept grasping onto the chance of it getting flung up into space, I even tried looking for Gabbro's ship (and found it) before receiving an entire island to the skull

  113. 5 months ago

    why did he do it?

  114. 5 months ago

    >Going through the museum in the Eye of the Universe
    >Impenetrable dark outside
    >Total silence
    >Reading once again all the matter-of-fact descriptions about the exhibit, but this time the exhibit is about the real universe and its real death, and the descriptions are totally omniscient, but also strangely wistful

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