Dark Souls 3 is fun, but utterly soulless


I can't put my finger on what makes Dark Souls 3 so soulless. Fun game sure. But we can all see it. Then there's 2 which just ooozes it. You'd have to be a soulless person to not see that. What happened? It's as if Miyazaki came in and just sucked up all the soul.

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  1. 3 years ago

    It feels like a parody of the first game. Improved nothing, amplified the superficial features.

  2. 3 years ago

    why do you have so much hp with so little stamina

    • 3 years ago

      Because he's embered and you don't need to put points into stamina anyway. What's gonna happen? He's not gonna be able to roll? lmao

    • 3 years ago

      You don't need stamina when one single UGS swing one shots everything in a wide arc

  3. 3 years ago

    It was made to fulfill a contract and this comes through, even overly in the themes of the story. No great surprise that it evokes a tired and soulless(lol) feeling

  4. 3 years ago

    First game is slower and more methodical, DS3 just happens too fast. You have no business being able to roll that much on starting endurance

  5. 3 years ago


  6. 3 years ago

    1 year of development and lack of inspiration. They also made it dull on purpose to evoke that feeling of everything going to shit, but it seems they went a little too far.

  7. 3 years ago

    I'm playing through it now and the level design is leagues above 2 but the floaty rolly gameplay is clearly stripped down with the intent of being as easy as possible with no stamina management. the more aggressive enemies help to keep it interesting but I prefer 1 and 2 where encounters cant just be danced around

  8. 3 years ago

    >I can't put my finger on what makes Dark Souls 3 so soulless. Fun game sure. But we can all see it.
    Ok, we can have a thoughtfull discussion
    >Then there's 2 which just ooozes it.
    Trash thread, duck off troony

  9. 3 years ago

    Bait threads are shit, sage in all fields

  10. 3 years ago

    3 is bb sloppy seconds

  11. 3 years ago

    2 had a lot of flaws for sure
    But it also had ideas and dreams
    It wanted to try new things and play with the lighting but sadly consoles and nip devs held it back
    3 on the other hand was made quick and dirty to tie up the contract and contains tons of rehashed elements
    That's why it feels so soulless
    What it really is
    Bloodborne with a DS theme but also missing features that elevate BB combat
    So it's soulless
    Simple as

    • 3 years ago

      This right here. 2 might have a shit ton of problems, but at least it tried new things and it improved on quite a few things. 3 just feels like they went out of their way to completely ignore everything 2 did right and just go back to being DS1.
      It's the only Souls game I've finished once and never even finished the DLCs. I just can't find any motivation to go and play it again. Meanwhile I can always go through Demon's, 1 and 2 just fine and have a blast.

    • 3 years ago

      the rollecoaster of terrible encounter balancing in ds2 was so fricking soulful. having shit like coveteus demon and demon of song be in the same game as those 3 tall armored frickers and king's guardian made it feel surreal. 3 is too sterile with very stable challenge level throughout the game.

      • 3 years ago

        Exactly 2 was demented but not sterile. A crazy trip and the surreal nature fit the protagonist's dementia perfectly. It also didn't overdo the fanservice.

    • 3 years ago

      this is exactly it. 3 is an objectively better game, but I respect 2 more. It tried and failed (and boy did it fail), but I respect that more than a lazy cash-in.

      • 3 years ago

        DS2 didn't fail that much besides graphics downgrade, it had solid online with good balance and all the broken shit got patch in 1-2 months of them becoming well known.

        That's why it still has 3-5K player peaks every day, nearly 1/2 of what DS3 pulls in.
        If you play DS2 PvP/COOP right now it plays like a slower DS3.
        If you play DS1 PvP it's fricking garbage.

        • 3 years ago

          DS1 for comparison.

          • 3 years ago


        • 3 years ago

          At 29 seconds when you get hit and he doesn't follow up for the gauranteed 2nd hit, you should have known that he has 0 stamina and pressed on him hard instead of spacing out. nice mixup with the hex sword that got him tho

          btw your clip is kind of boring and it's in the boring arena.

    • 3 years ago

      Pretty much this. DS2's ambition and corporate interference were what ruined its potential and created the mess that it ended up being. 3 is just Bloodborne with shields. DS3 is a bit better to play and kill some time with but I respect 2 more and I wish that we could have gotten the full version of it. Seems that Elden Ring is taking a lot of inspiration from DS2 so hopefully it makes amends for what happend with DS2.

  12. 3 years ago

    Dumb shitposting aside, the previous Souls-games all had a sense of the devs reach exceeding their grasp. The games were trying something new, and while they often failed in execution, the ambition shone through their failings.
    DS3 comparatively feels very "by the numbers". It's a product following a formula, simply doing what works but not much more. I still think it's enjoyable, but the earlier entries were trying for more than what DS3 does.

  13. 3 years ago

    It's the most polished game, but also the most streamlined and linear.
    Souls 2 is a mix of bad and good ideas both terribly executed, which is what you refer to as "soul".
    DeS is the one with actual soul.

  14. 3 years ago

    >Rolling in pools of water puts your torch out in 2
    >Does nothing in 3

  15. 3 years ago

    Everything is grey brick buildings for the most part and just castles/cathedrals everywhere. The whole game is pretty much grey brown and orange so those colors on their own naturally feel soulless. Normal enemies in general didn't feel very good. I wish more stuff was like the areas before Yhorm/Giant hand baby because those enemies felt good and twisted. Bosses in general were decent but because gameplay lost the stamina management edge to it only a few of them ever felt intimidating at one point. Even though DaS1 is far easier then DaS3 when you first see the bosses you never flat out feel like you are going to slap them to death easily because of the sluggish movement/stamina management well traversing to them.

  16. 3 years ago

    God DS2 looks so much better. 3 really is soulless, what the frick man.

  17. 3 years ago

    Dark souls 2 is soulless garbage, frick off seriously

    theres more soul in this video than the whole of ds2

    • 3 years ago

      >missing half of his HP
      >in Forest of fricking Giants
      Just how bad you people are at this game?

      • 3 years ago

        It's not me it's the enemy placement. I-it's its i-its...ADP!

    • 3 years ago

      DS1 looks worse and this is inside the playable area unlike your example.

      • 3 years ago

        what the frick. thats a scandal.

    • 3 years ago

      I barely even know who these people are when I meet them or care. It's also just a samey 10 hit combo roll-dodge boss like all the others with another opera track. Compare that to Vendrick whose talked about and built up as this all powerful monarch throughout the whole game. This is what your goal has been from the beginning. And you finally meet him and he's just some decrepit hollow, stumbling about a dark room with eerily melancholic music while paying you no attention. And when you get the ashen mist heart you can actually go back and talk to him and he gives you insight into what he was doing, his downfall, and gives you a mission himself that further contextualize the dlc areas and give them more importance. You can fight him too if you want and depending if you have giant souls in your inventory determines how powerful he is. There's way more depth and nuance going on with all this. Than just hitting the dodge button at the right time to some bombastic orchestral music, like all the other bosses, you've done a dozen times to before.

      • 3 years ago

        Shame they gutted the time travel going back in time to those memory fragments was really cool. All this lore homosexualry and people missed the best bits of the series in 2 and how it tells so many stories at once.

  18. 3 years ago

    aww yiss, just what we needed
    another fricking souls thread

  19. 3 years ago

    >DS2 gays salty that there is a new pasta about how shit their game is


    • 3 years ago

      If DS2 flopped then there wouldn't be Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring, you fricking idiot.

      • 3 years ago

        Bloodborne was already in development during DS2. Besides sales don't say anything about the quality of a game.

  20. 3 years ago

    >Miyazaki sucked up the soul

    Holy cope. Ds2 is the only game in the series without Miyazaki on the dev team and it shows. Every other game oozes with soul and ds2 is just grey and low res and shit arstyle and clunky mechanics as if some poor slavs made it.

  21. 3 years ago

    Have you ever bullshitted a college paper to get a good grade? DS3 is like that. Just take the easy "correct" opinion, throw in some fancy words, tidy it up a bit, and tell the teacher exactly what she wants to hear. Easy A. DS2 is the Mein Kampf or Elliot Rodger manifesto.

  22. 3 years ago

    It's just too similar to DaS1. It was basically soulless.

  23. 3 years ago

    It's bloodbourne for pc

  24. 3 years ago

    If you actually go in depth into these games mechanically, DS1 is easily the black sheep of the franchise and most of the fundamental gameplay changes from DS2 were made to adress all the broken garbage from DS1 like OP poise, backstabs, spamming spells, infinite stunlocks and DS2 succeeded in creating the base template for these games going forward.

    In fact Miyazaki specifically requested Tanimura to be the DS3 co-director and used most DS2 mechanics 1:1 just shows how mechanically solid the game was, even if the graphics and animations were unpolished.

    Here's the list of things DS2 pioneered and DS3 copied:
    -estus shards/bones instead of kindling
    -casting magic also consumes stamina to limit spam
    -multi direction rolls while locked on
    -midroll up to 70% weight
    -effigy/ember at any time and get HP penalty removed
    -2 hit stun limit in PvP to prevent infinite stunlocks
    -backstab has a 2 way confirmation via an extra grab animation
    -4 ring slots (plus rebalanced rings so more niche effects aren't just ignored like DS1 where everyone used Havel's and FAP)
    -parry frames in the middle of the animation (at the apex of the swing)
    -infusions separate from upgrade levels
    -longer messages with 2 phrase structure
    -reasonable poise levels
    -ultra weapons unpariable when 2H
    -jumping attacks on almost all weapons unpariable
    -guardbreak allows for a riposte
    -blue sentinels to save noobs from reds
    -seeds of giant to aggro PvE to invaders
    -limited respec

    So if you like DS3 and at the same time hate DS2 you're either a graphics prostitute or a schizo.

    • 3 years ago

      >imagine being this mindbroken
      just let it go, bro. ds2 is the inferior game. maybe, if they had one more year development time, it could have been something. but as it stands in reality, its the laughingstock for every souls enthusiast.

      • 3 years ago

        >its the laughingstock for every souls enthusiast

        Then why do the souls enthusiast prefer to play it over DS1?
        SOTFS regularly hits peaks of 3-5K while DSR barely gets to 3K.
        Stop being such a huge contrarian, DS1 fanboy.

        By the way, since DS3 uses DS2 mechanics as a base and ER look a lot like DS3, that means Miyazaki's next game will have a lot more in common with DS2 than DS1. Cope.

        • 3 years ago

          >Then why do the souls enthusiast prefer to play it over DS1?
          Because it has better pvp. and do you know why? because it came AFTER DS. everything should have been better. but it only has the, quite complex, pvp working in its favour.
          let me point out, why your logic is flawed. youre saying: look how much better DS2 is, than DS. but at the same time, youre saying: look how flawless DS2 is. DS3 had to copy all of that, while completely neglecting every stupid decision they made with DS2. and where are the DS3 player numbers? why deliberately leave them out? from your point of view it cant be that much of a difference right? its basically the same game with worse pvp but better graphics and animation. you had to resort to cherrypicking to make a point for your inferior game. which is the true mindbroken final cope.
          >By the way, since DS3 uses DS2 mechanics as a base and ER look a lot like DS3, that means Miyazaki's next game will have a lot more in common with DS2 than DS1
          and end it all with schizophrenic prattling. its sad to see what DS2 does to people. youre lost bro. i wish you better.

  25. 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      DeS is barely a 6/10 compared to DS2 and DS3.
      Stop kidding yourself nostalgiagays.

      • 3 years ago

        I played demon's souls for the first time on rpsc3 a few months ago. It's short and sweet, and doesn't have any of the mind numbingly bad sections like Izalith in dark souls 1. There isn't a single area in dark souls 2 that's better than latria or boletarian palace. The only things that make dark souls 1 the better game are anor londo and the DLC.

        • 3 years ago

          It also has the worst bosses, magic, weapons, PvP and only 2 decent big interconnected areas: Latria and Stonefang.

          And even the few decent bosses are barely comparable to DS2 starting bosses.
          Penetrator, the second to last boss is pretty much Pursuer with 3 attacks instead of 10 and that's possible starting boss for DS2.

        • 3 years ago

          DeS suffers from its own crap.
          > Gimmick bosses
          > moronic AI that didn't improve in DaS1
          > Worst balance when it comes to weapons AND magic - again something DaS1 improved on but only slightly
          > Latria is good and Boletaria is a fun level but Stonefang feels generic as hell, VoD is the worst swamp in the series (Blighttown on blightroids) and Shrine is just a gimmick with an interesting finale.
          Yes it started the Souls series but the only reason you enjoy it more is because you're a nostalgiagay.
          > Regarding Boletaria and Latria few areas in all the games come close especially Latria. Boletaria is more of an overrated tutorial that does the job well but nothing touches Latria out of all 4 Souls games. Still 2 has some fun DLC areas.

          • 3 years ago

            Not that guy but I found Stonefang to be one of the best DeS levels, you genuinely got lost for hours in those tunnels.
            Compared to the ones that were just linear paths like Shrine of Storms, Boletaria 1-2 and 1-3 it was god tier.

            • 3 years ago

              You got lost in Stonefang for hours? Fair enough if it gave you that experience. If you want more of that type of thing try King's Field (2 onwards but if you can't handle dated 4) trust me you won't regret it.

              • 3 years ago

                I mean on the 2nd part of Stonefang after the spider.
                I also played DeS shortly after DS1 when I was still average at these games.
                So on a blind run where you're trying to collect all the loot and don't just go to the boss via the elevator you unlock when you find it, it can takes a lot.
                I remember spending a lot of time in the lava area with the bearsbugs.

  26. 3 years ago

    I had fun with all 3 games 🙂 They have all have their own unique challenges and gameplay

  27. 3 years ago

    That’s because 3 is shit.

  28. 3 years ago

    Black person

  29. 3 years ago

    Official "how much I enjoyed playing each souls game that may be different than your own because enjoyment is subjective" Tier List
    DaS > BB > DeS (original) > DaS2 > DaS3

  30. 3 years ago

    They made the enemies super fricking annoying in 3 to compensate for the fact nothing will ever hit you. If they do manage to hit you stagger and get insta death combo'd from 2 hits because poise doesn't exist and armor is borderline useless. They can spam combos and do full screen acrobatic jumping attacks that cover tons of ground in an instant, while all you can do is stand in place and slowly hit attack. But that's okay because here's a near infinite roll dodge that has no recovery and barely any stamina cost you can abuse to get out of any situation. It's simultaneously cheesy and broken, and frustrating at the same time. Give me DS2 enemies that actually behave and attack like their archetypes. I can expect a guy in armor to lumber and swing like a guy in armor, not jump over my head and full screen DMC stinger me to death in one hit.

  31. 3 years ago

    Playing through The Convergence mod. Absolutely incredible, it's like 12 different ways to play an improved and remixed DS3

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