A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    has this whole thing come from that weirdo shut-in posting on youtube recently? Reminds me of the creepy guy from my school that tried to stab up his neighbours at college

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      that 'weirdo shut-in posting on youtube' made $45k on Twitch in less than an hour and broke the all-time hype train record earlier today
      what are you doing with your life?

      • 6 months ago

        Do people not see the irony in giving money in exchange for nothing to the guy who said micro transactions are for morons?

        • 6 months ago

          Leftists can't think for themselves.

      • 6 months ago

        who and how, just for that video?

        • 6 months ago

          PirateSoftware, his dad is one of the OG Blizzard devs, like from the early 90s, and he himself worked at Blizzard for a very long time on all their major releases at different times, he knows a LOT about their inner workings and homosexualry, he streams all the time and one of his favorite things to do is air out all their dirty laundry, he's also making his own pixel rpg with a lot of elements of Earthbound and Undertale, if you're into that sort of thing

          • 6 months ago

            >pixel rpg
            I farted

          • 6 months ago

            >riding off his dad's success
            >making an undertake knockoff
            I always wondered why the only people I knew that were into undertake were rich kids. now I know.

            • 6 months ago

              its a lot more earthbound than undertale, but I see your point

      • 6 months ago

        You mean that softcore porn site for camgirls?

      • 6 months ago

        Not being a scab.

      • 6 months ago

        Why don't you?

    • 6 months ago

      >weirdo shut-in
      >son of the guy who was He Who Cannot Be Killed in the WoW episode of South Park
      Hello, Elon Musk?
      Community Notes?

  2. 6 months ago

    this kinda bothers me.

    • 6 months ago

      just dont buy it lol

      • 6 months ago
        • 6 months ago

          >republican refusing to have his tax money go to social services.

          • 6 months ago

            >republican refusing to have his tax money go to social services.
            Only to brown people

          • 6 months ago

            >social services embezzling safety net money to send weapons to third world shitholes to perpetuate forever wars
            my conscious is clear

          • 6 months ago

            >republican refusing to have his tax money go to blacks and non-whites that want to kill him

          • 6 months ago

            I will gladly help someone in need, they only need to ask.

            • 6 months ago

              Post a recipt of your donation to your local foodbank now then. They're always asking and the overhead costs are generally very low so your money isn't stolen.

          • 6 months ago

            And how does that affect you personally?

          • 6 months ago

            Burning and looting (in that order because they're not very smart) an entire city isn't a social service

          • 6 months ago

            You really rustled some jimmies with that one.

          • 6 months ago

            The only thing taxes should go to is infrastructure, education and defense.

            • 6 months ago

              Most of the defense budget is a scam and is used to fund failed west coast tech companies. Even a tiny bit of inspection makes you realize that it's the definitive tax payer black hole, followed by straight up embezzlement.

              If Americans would stop flinging feces at each other because some politician or podcaster told them what to believe, they should be looking at where their existing tax money actually goes (not anything useful)

            • 6 months ago

              yeah firefighters and paramedics are overrated

          • 6 months ago

            great bait
            nothing irks more than paying taxes knowing it's going to non-whites who's invaded your country.

            • 6 months ago

              It's really not and you fell for propaganda. A small minority of your tax money goes to welfare to begin with. Did you actually look up any data or are you going by what some moron like Jordan Peterson said in a podcast?

              • 6 months ago

                >Jordan Peterson
                I don't listen to israelite shills
                I do use them as gateways to red pill normies though.

              • 6 months ago

                He's borderline controlled opposition. Personally I like emphasizing how much propaganda exists in America as people straight up deny that it even exists.

                Anyway, maybe I was being a c**t, but in the US only about 8% of tax money goes to the poor, most of it is spent on retirement, defense, and health insurance. Which is weird to me because American health insurance is still a meme yet money is going in.

            • 6 months ago

              nonwhites were in America well before whites and will be well after
              nobody invaded anything, white people brought the chinks and africans here themselves. you don't pay taxes to begin with because you live with your parents and don't have a job

          • 6 months ago

            You give people the option and I guarantee, whatever money still going to social services at that point will 100% be coming from white people and nobody else.

        • 6 months ago

          it does affect me as its my desktop background

        • 6 months ago

          I have no sympathy for WoW players. They keep seething about the fall of Blizzard but keep renewing their subscription, actively choose not to play any of Blizzard's "legacy" titles because they're comparatively high friction, then coming up with some moronic rhetoric as to why they "can't leave".

          Guarantee you this anon has an active WoW subscription too . I know these morons all too well, it's the same story each time.

        • 6 months ago

          megamindjak hasn't been debunked yet

          • 6 months ago

            He didn't construct much of an argument. Just uninstall, lmao. You literally can't counter this point. The industry exists past Blizzard inspired games and related skinner boxes, even if you were a mobile hypercasual.

            Wow had millions spend on marketing too.
            Wow made 500mln$ a year, so even if we say Starcraft 2 budget was a staggering 500mln$ ( it wasnt, it was 100mln$), the profits would still surpass what ever wow made in revenue from subscriptions, microtrasactions, merch, events and all the shit that year.

            His numbers make 0 fricking sense since he dosnt give numbers, he has no idea how much SC2 made, or WoW, and if he wasnt a lazy lying piece of shit e could look it up, Blizzard is a public company, every 3 months they do a public revenue breakdown for stock investors.
            Again a QA guy would not have any access to this, especially since Blizzard is a subsidiary of Activision, so the finance people werent even in the same studio as him.
            Also WoW didnt make as much money as people think, Blizzard actually had many quarters where it went into negative and Activision had to cover the difference, blizzard makes only 20% of the companys revenue, they just spend too much.

            Not entirely sure how you disproved anything he said since you don't have numbers yourself. It's not hard to believe the borderline nothing of development costs for a mount make the difference.

    • 6 months ago

      Proof that there is no actual reward in this game anymore. You grind for nothing. Asmon was right when he quit.

      • 6 months ago

        It's been like that for over a decade now, approaching 2 decades.

      • 6 months ago

        Anon, you're supposed to play the game because you enjoy it

        • 6 months ago

          Why do people pay to not play the game then?

          • 6 months ago

            Because they're fricking idiots? If you don't find the game fun, you shouldn't play it obviously, not pay to not have to play the game, I have no clue how people get to that place

      • 6 months ago

        "raid-ready boost"
        what's the point of playing

        Ahh yes let me just take out my wallet to skip 99% of the entire games content

        Seriously though, why even have leveling, questing and other content that needs some kind of grind when you wont even play it?
        Modern mmo's are a disgrace

        With shit like this, it's not hard to visualize Blizzard's downfall into israelitery.

        >whole point of MMOs is the feeling of achievement spending 6~18 months leveling up to max level, grinding faction standings and unlocking gear
        what's the point?
        you swipe your credit card and you're already at the end.
        its like skipping straight to the last episode of a TV show or anime.

        This is the last patch of this expansion, the final boss is dead. The story is over.

        Why would you want to play outdated content now of all times?

        • 6 months ago

          >outdated content
          this is why wow is soulless now

          • 6 months ago

            You really want to do all those world quests that much?

            • 6 months ago

              Having "outdated content" to do is what gives a game life. Rushing to endgame to whack the same loot pinatas every week for +1% to a number on an external site is the very definition of soulless troonslop

              • 6 months ago

                Nobody is stopping you from queueing lfr or soloing old content

                I just bought the expac bundle and got this included. What should I boost? I have a 62 mage I'm leveling.. and a 50 druid I boosted 4 FREE. I'm thinking warrior or priest maybe.

                Paladin. Strong in all 3 roles

              • 6 months ago

                >Nobody is stopping you from queueing lfr or soloing old content
                I love how you're not even trying to refute it.

              • 6 months ago

                He is though? The game has outdated content, and you can go do it.

              • 6 months ago

                >He is, though
                You don't have to LARP.
                Also, deliberately misinterpreting what is being said/being obtuse is a pretty pathetic tactic.

          • 6 months ago

            at least you still have the option, not like XIV where previous expansion zones are literal graveyards where no one is ever at

            • 6 months ago

              >trying to bait people into making it a wow vs xiv thing because you can't defend wow on its own merits
              The absolute state.

          • 6 months ago

            WoW has never not been soulless. The gameplay is designed around stringing you along for long enough to get next month's subscription. WoW has never had any soul at all, you're just not a 13 year old anymore

            • 6 months ago

              You sad soulless construct

            • 6 months ago

              >it's always been le bad
              why is this always the defense? there is no denying that it's way worse than it was before

              • 6 months ago

                Because it's not any worse. They're doing the same shit they always have, they just don't bother to hide it anymore so low IQ dipshits like you can't ignore it

              • 6 months ago

                >Because it's not any worse.

        • 6 months ago

          >outdated content
          a properly designed MMO has content that's still relevant for 20 years

          • 6 months ago

            Explain what you mean by relevant. An old raid i can solo for cool cosmetics or titles is relevant to me
            What does relevant mean to you?

            • 6 months ago

              just accept that you know jack shit and play shit MMOs anon

              • 6 months ago

                I accept your concession

              • 6 months ago

                yes I know you conceded, no need to labor the point anon.
                good MMO design has players do ""content"" from all release dates, whether it was one of the first things added to the game or something in the most recent update.

            • 6 months ago

              So you want to do world quests, that's what you're asking? because that's the best way to increase reputation with those factions.

              If WoW had lvl sync, like any other modern MMO in the market, players would be able to queue for old raids in exchange for a new currency. that way the game would be able to exist outside of the newes patch and people would be able to make use of the 10+ years of content left to rot by blizzard. FFXIV and Lost Ark somehow figured it out, even tough WoW has been around for longer than both.

              • 6 months ago

                it does have level sync. Everyone can play old raids. We're not talking about old raids, we're talking about DRAGONFLIGHT content being irrelevant, moron.

          • 6 months ago

            So you want to do world quests, that's what you're asking? because that's the best way to increase reputation with those factions.

            • 6 months ago

              >terminal wowbrain strikes again
              a wow player couldn't identify a real mmo if it spat in his face

              • 6 months ago

                Duh. WoW is not an MMO. WoW players are not MMO players; ergo, they don't know what an MMO is like.

              • 6 months ago

                >real MMO
                Are you gonna bring up eq1 or ultima like a moronic boomer or what?

              • 6 months ago

                >are you going to bring up real mmos to convince me, a guy who hasn't played a single mmo in his life?
                no. it'd be wasted on you, like oxygen

              • 6 months ago

                I accept your concession

                If WoW had lvl sync, like any other modern MMO in the market, players would be able to queue for old raids in exchange for a new currency. that way the game would be able to exist outside of the newes patch and people would be able to make use of the 10+ years of content left to rot by blizzard. FFXIV and Lost Ark somehow figured it out, even tough WoW has been around for longer than both.

                Nobody wants to sweat in old content

              • 6 months ago

                >Nobody wants to sweat in old content
                Huh? That doesn't even make sense, if that were true Classic WoW wouldn't exist.

              • 6 months ago

                Which content in classic is old, dumbfrick?
                Classic is stuck into a certain period, nothing is old because nothing new gets added

              • 6 months ago

                All of it is old you moron, that's why it's "Classic". How are you this stupid?

              • 6 months ago

                >Which content in classic is old
                Haha what
                all of it
                Its old wow expansions

              • 6 months ago

                >Nobody wants to sweat in old content
                You don't want to do it and that is fine. the problem is that there isn't a option. Once a raid isn't new anymore it's abandoned and you can't play it in the intended way anymore. This is a stupid waste of time/resources and it's the reason why every expansion makes the game smaller, not bigger.

                it does have level sync. Everyone can play old raids. We're not talking about old raids, we're talking about DRAGONFLIGHT content being irrelevant, moron.

                >it does have level sync.
                No it doesn't. I'm not talking about synvc to the level of other players or timewalking. I'm talking about being able to queue to a Legion raid and be lvl apropriate.
                >We're not talking about old raids, we're talking about DRAGONFLIGHT content being irrelevant, moron.
                The Dragonflight raids have the same issue any other raid in the game faces once they don't give the good gear anymore, they become irrelevant. This could easily be resolved by making them rewarding the new trader's currency or something similar.

              • 6 months ago

                We're talking about reputation, you stupid frick.

              • 6 months ago

                go back to playing your non-mmo, loser
                your little gay pozzed e-sports chatroom that nobody but 30-somethings that can't accomplish anything else cares about
                and go back to begging blizzard for more goyslop store mounts and mogs

              • 6 months ago

                So which mmo that wow killed are you playing?
                You sound angry

              • 6 months ago

                not wow
                i am angry because you're the exact type of hapless, inner dialogue lacking slot machine esports troon who killed mmorpgs with your addon-using paypig mentality

              • 6 months ago

                I figured its not wow, niglet. Can you even read between the tears?
                I asked which mmo that wow killed are you playing. Tell me so I can laugh at you

              • 6 months ago

                why would i play wow?
                it's not an mmo. i like mmos.
                you don't

              • 6 months ago

                Black person you cant even read.

                All of it is old you moron, that's why it's "Classic". How are you this stupid?

                >Which content in classic is old
                Haha what
                all of it
                Its old wow expansions

                Are you morons moronic? If you play classic, none of the content there is old in relation to your character. MC is relevant even though Naxx is out.
                Its old as in time period, i am talking from a gameplay perspective

              • 6 months ago

                >Black person you cant even read.
                no, i can read just fine
                i don't play wow, because i play mmos
                you do not

              • 6 months ago

                And i asked for examples and you started to shit yourself

                >WoW Classic isn't old... no I didn't mean the content I meant the gameplay...I didn't meant the game I mean this other thing
                Just stop and admit you are low iq, your moronation is starting to bring other people down to your level of stupidity.

                Who fricking said 'old' is in relation to characters or what the frick ever?
                Ulduar is old, Black Temple is old, Dragon Soul is old, whether its in retail or the latest classic patch

                moronic Black folk. The discussion was about level sync. Why even bring classic here?
                Do you think anyone in retail wants to be synced to clear molten core? Are you moronic?

              • 6 months ago

                I genuinely think you are moronic and that is me being generous.

              • 6 months ago

                You claimed no one would be interested in doing old content, which is obviously what you would use level sync for
                Anon pointed out that classic exists, so obviously people ARE interested in doing old content
                And then you started this stupid pedantry over what you think 'old content' means to waste our time

              • 6 months ago

                Jesus christ. So you think people go to classic to experience molten core as it was and not because they prefer the vibe, leveling experience etc more?
                Youre more braindead than i thought

              • 6 months ago

                You absolutely do not get the same 'vibe' from raids when you are walking through them on your one insta-killing every boss with your autoattacks

              • 6 months ago

                Oh my god i cant believe you actually think that the reason people play classic is to experience the raids as they were.
                People play classic because they like the vibe of the game, the simplicity, the journey to max level. Nobody there says bro im so hyped to do bosses with 1 mechanic that die in 30 seconds because everyone has world buffs
                You are actually moronic

              • 6 months ago

                Bro PART of the 'vibe' is that you don't ONE-SHOT THE RAID BOSSES

                And the world buff meta WAS a legit cancer
                It was a sham to see all those raids so trivialized by the modern WoW player's minmax approach
                Bosses dieing in 30 seconds isn't much better than dieing in one hit

              • 6 months ago

                homie nobody plays classic for the raids

              • 6 months ago

                >WoW Classic isn't old... no I didn't mean the content I meant the gameplay...I didn't meant the game I mean this other thing
                Just stop and admit you are low iq, your moronation is starting to bring other people down to your level of stupidity.

              • 6 months ago

                Who fricking said 'old' is in relation to characters or what the frick ever?
                Ulduar is old, Black Temple is old, Dragon Soul is old, whether its in retail or the latest classic patch

            • 6 months ago

              quests are shit
              they're half the reason why MMOs are dead.
              the core gameplay is killing mobs for exp and camping rare spawn bosses for 5% drop chance loot

        • 6 months ago

          >the final boss is dead.
          I was about ask who they brought back to life so they could kill them again, but I don't actually care

      • 6 months ago

        >Proof that there is no actual reward in this game anymore
        > anymore
        WoW has always been picrel. Now it is just pay to win on top of it.

        • 6 months ago

          Post aotc or ce

          • 6 months ago

            it's the only appropriate response for your kind

            • 6 months ago

              I accept gladiator titles too
              And your concession, of course

              • 6 months ago

                no one gives a frick about those except idiots
                no one gives a frick about being good at this bad game except addicted losers

        • 6 months ago

          I'm still mad.

        • 6 months ago

          >Crying because 3%speed
          Lol imagine being this mad for a 3% lol

      • 6 months ago

        It's been p2w since the token. Now Blizzard just wants a direct cut.

        • 6 months ago

          i still dont get why people would buy boosts. like ok you paid someone else to beat the game... now what?

          • 6 months ago

            Its the same reason people boosts in any online game. They're shit and want to be among players. Luckily the vast majority that do end up there get immediately filtered

        • 6 months ago

          People were buying gold and loot since 2004 vanilla
          Remember the chinese menace? Even steve bannon had a wow gold farming scheme, it was that profitable

          • 6 months ago

            It was still cost prohibitive enough that you couldn't just pay a guild every week to farm your way into one. Not the case with the token economy.

            • 6 months ago

              No it wasnt. Chinks were selling gold for peanuts.

              • 6 months ago

                Assuming you were on a server where that was the case, and even then the chances of getting caught were high enough that no guild would risk taking you as part of a core raid team

              • 6 months ago

                Boosting was everywhere. And it hit its peak in wrath, when gearscore became a thing and groups became gatekeepey as frick
                Gold buying and boosting has always been in wow, you were either too young or stupid to remember

              • 6 months ago

                I've encountered this exact argument and probably you dozens of times now, and it always ends the same way
                >No proof
                >You crying until bump limit
                I'm not entertaining your shitty thread so I'll just say what I always do that shuts you down
                >Post proof
                Which you can't so feel free to frick off. Boosters geared out then never got in any raids for progression. Always was the case until tokens and raid groups started hurting for progression slots in late cata.

              • 6 months ago

                My proof is my own experience. People used to buy gold from chinka en masse and use that gold to secure raid spots in guild runs that had raids on farm, where they would get loot funneled to them. If you deny this you didn't play the game

              • 6 months ago

                not that guy, but lmao, go frick yourself, I'm not going to take the time to dig up screenshots and forums posts from a decade ago to prove something that is widely accepted fact that everyone who actually played back then is well aware of, only for you to just not reply
                do you ask people to prove to you the sky is blue or that shit smells?

              • 6 months ago

                my guild was selling BWL runs back in 2006-7, almost 80% of the playerbase bought gold from chinks to get mounts in vanilla because it was borderline impossible to make enough without having access to mats that dropped in raids to sell, it was a major part of the reason why locks, druids, and pallies were so popular, they got free mounts

              • 6 months ago

                Nobody knew how to make 1000g for their mounts back then so they all bought gold. That anon is braindead

              • 6 months ago

                >it was borderline impossible to make enough
                and because of that majority of playerbase got their 100% in TBC, you fricking moron

              • 6 months ago

                And tbc had 5000g for 280.LMAO

              • 6 months ago

                which most players, again, got in the end of expansion if not in wotlk

              • 6 months ago

                I've encountered this exact argument and probably you dozens of times now, and it always ends the same way
                >No proof
                >You crying until bump limit
                I'm not entertaining your shitty thread so I'll just say what I always do that shuts you down
                >Post proof
                Which you can't so feel free to frick off. Boosters geared out then never got in any raids for progression. Always was the case until tokens and raid groups started hurting for progression slots in late cata.

                can you post proof of someone actually getting banned for gold buying? people would openly brag about it back in the day but nobody would ever get banned. ive heard plenty of guild scandals about hackers and bug abuse (and clever use of game mechanics) but Ive never heard of anyone getting banned for buying gold

      • 6 months ago

        this time he quit for real guys, just like the devs were listening this time and this expansion would be great

        • 6 months ago

          I wish that white trash would quit for real.

      • 6 months ago

        why would you bust your ass and waste evenings upon evenings dying to a single boss for gear because little timmy is too fricking moronic to not stand in the fire, only to have your hard-earned "reward" get replaced by the next patch's catchup gear?
        the real reward from playing the game comes from collecting the most MOUNTSPETSMOGSCHEVOOOOOOOS

    • 6 months ago

      "raid-ready boost"
      what's the point of playing

      • 6 months ago

        WoW players can't answer this one simple question

        • 6 months ago

          it was always like this. i remember when my friends got wow addicted when the game came out and did nothing but rushed through the entire game, they didn't even enjoy it, they just rushed straight through it and tried to get to max level as fast as possible. they didn't even want to level with me because i was "too slow" and low level.

      • 6 months ago

        it gives you 424 gear, Current highest ilvl raid gear starts at 480 and goes to 489. This gear allows you to join LFR at most.

        • 6 months ago

          >"raid-ready" gear
          >have to buy more tokens so you can buy boosts for the real raid gear
          gotta admire the hustle honestly

        • 6 months ago

          >it gives you 424 gear, Current highest ilvl raid gear starts at 480 and goes to 489. This gear allows you to join LFR at most.
          So it's noob bait. Got it.
          WoW is trully on the route to become the new Destiny 2.

      • 6 months ago

        Furry and scalie ERP

      • 6 months ago

        chasing even a small taste of a dopamine high

      • 6 months ago

        you don't want to miss out playing with your WoW™bros do you fellow gamer??

      • 6 months ago

        >what's the point of playing
        porn addiction, mostly.

        • 6 months ago

          >why aren't people killing these rares they already farmed to death when it was current content?
          >it must be other people's fault that this game operates almost entirely on FOMO
          truly a mystery

      • 6 months ago

        Eh, never played WoW, but I can see it.
        Some people like the grind of MMO's and would see something like this as skipping all the fun parts.

        Others see the grind as tedious and are only interested in endgame.

        Kind of like how POE let's you create a PVP character that skips the leveling process and just lets' you pick the points for the PVP range you want. (of course no one plays PVP in POE but that's a different issue)

      • 6 months ago

        Most parties kick you if you lack of specific gear and upgrades. With the "boost" you are instantly ready for raids.

    • 6 months ago

      I'd rather have the boosts then mounts and other exclusive pay only cosmetics. non-exclusive stuffthat's account services is a better choice - it doesn't take away anything from you, and if some tard buys a max level and then shits the bed in the first raid they chose well, you can still tell them to frick off. However, if you can't get an item because it requires a purchase (or it used to and nows its gone) or if they pull bullshit like the brutasaur and other FOMO shit in game, that affects players negatively who are "just" paying the sub fee. The same issue is in FFXIV whhere its debatedly worse with all the shit they have constantly to buy cosmetic wise.

      • 6 months ago

        wow has both of that moron
        it's just not one or the other
        it was one which you already had and now this which is compounding

        • 6 months ago

          Fricking hell you can't read , autist. Nowhere did I say that WoW didn't have them both, just that i'd rather them stick with one than the other if need be. I'd rather have neither and go back to the day when you payed for the sub and that was it except one off expansions, but between the two account services with non exclusive boosts vs exclusive cosmetics, the former is greatly preferable. Not to mention OP's post is about the mount (aka a cosmetic being sold) not about boosters and that shit . Neither are good, one is less shitty.

          • 6 months ago

            >just that i'd rather them stick with one than the other
            but they won't, so it's just a thought exercise

          • 6 months ago

            You do realize WoW has more cosmetic shit that doesn’t even show in the shop right because they have a battlepass, exclusive cosmetic shit that isn’t just exclusive to paying money it’s tied behind FOMO limited exclusivity

    • 6 months ago

      >paying to play less of the game

      MMO players are clowns

      • 6 months ago

        Never looked at it like that before

      • 6 months ago

        Never looked at it like that before

        Don't forget that it's double-paying too because they need to pay sub in the first place to even be able to play the game, then they proceed to pay even more to play the game that they are already paying to play for LESS.

    • 6 months ago

      >20 renown
      Uh what the frick? Its been ages since I played but factions used to go "Friendly > Honored > Revered >Exalted " with later on some "Paragon" repeats of exalted for repeat rewards. What the frick is "20 renown"

      • 6 months ago

        Renown is a now a level and you train it like an exp bar

      • 6 months ago

        it's just a revamped reputation system, the principle is the same
        >each renown lvl is 2500 rep
        >renown for each faction ranges from 20-30
        >you get some small reward for each renown lvl like a tabard, some currency, access to new transmog, mounts etc (bigger rewards for renown 10, 15, 20 etc)
        >account-wide rep increases for all chars when you reach 10 and 20 renown

        • 6 months ago

          That...actually sounds like a possible improvement, though I can think of a million ways they could frick it up / not fix issues. So those 5 dragonflight factions having 20 rep is either max level or 20/3then? Does this affect all rep and if so, does it make any of the older ones either less or more grindy compared to the old way?

          You do realize WoW has more cosmetic shit that doesn’t even show in the shop right because they have a battlepass, exclusive cosmetic shit that isn’t just exclusive to paying money it’s tied behind FOMO limited exclusivity

          What are you talking about? There's a BATTLEPASS now? The FOMO shit as I mentioned was a problem even when it wasn't tied to paying real money - Ie. stopping making the ahead-of-the-curve and other "guaranteed before then new expansion" heroic/mythic raid mount drops from final bosses turn into a standard lower percentage clear and instead making them not accessible at all , or removing certain items entirely or rarely putting them on the black market auction house. I remember thinking if I ever game back , I was interested in unlocking the BFA era gold sink mount the Zandalari-looking Brutasaur which was kinda like a bracheosaur, the 'longboi" , but oh no they took it out entirely for awhile and then when people complained they put it on Black Market Auction House only and it sells literally for the maximum amount of gold the WoW client can hold, apparently. Fricking disgraceful, especially when previousgoldsink mounts may not have been as new and fancy but they were still available down the line for those who played something besides "TSM on the AH".

          I stopped playing at the end of Legion / start of BFA for a variety of reasons but everything I've seen since (The Great Summer Censorship Patch etc) has seemed to be leading to worse tedium monetization in thehopes of extracting more from players remaining. The more they rely on FOMO and cosmetic exclusivity the less I think about even giving it a try again.

          • 6 months ago

            Some are at 30. The newer ones are at 20.
            Old ones are unchanged. There are recurring weekly events that last for a week where rep gain is boosted by 50%. Then there is also darkmook faire with another 10% boost and timewalking weeks for older reps
            In next expansion, all reps will be fully account wide.

            • 6 months ago

              Ahhh, okay. I can remember some older rep being absolutely fricking murder, even with such boosts. I remember how flying for WoD required, among a frickload of other things that had exalted requirements , one faction that had very few daily quests and nothing else so you basically had to show up every single fricking day for 2 months or more and do all the quests to get it to exalted etc. Legion had some incredibly grindy reps too , some far worse than others , hey what happened to the Allied Races in this regard? I remember getting the Ligthforged Draenai and/or maybe Void Elves required some stupidly long and grindy max rep thing in the Legion final patch area, Nightfallen was basically doing the full questline for their race to exalted etc.. where some others were much easier (ie the Moose-Tauren was still grindy, but all you had to do was basically do quests in that zone and not even focused on dailies, you'd basically make it there nearly by accident if you cleared the zone etc).

              >What are you talking about? There's a BATTLEPASS now?
              I think what he's referring to is the Trading Post.
              They make new transmogs and mounts and all that and put it on there.
              You can buy it with currency earned chiefly from logging in (being subbed) that month and the other half is from doing some braindead activities. You can get about 1k of the currency in a month, and most of the items are 200 of the currency or above (mounts are frequently 600 to 800)
              There's also a monthly reward for filling a bar with those activities.
              All of this tied to that month. Presumably, it'll eventually rotate back and all that.
              But as of late, they've been early-releasing mogs on the wow shop for a month and then later reintroducing them to the trading post, as well as adding worthless shit (like flower bracelets) and adding trading post currency to them, as an """""extra""""".
              Might've forgotten to mention something or another.

              >trading post
              Ahh okay. Conceptually I thought it may be all right if instead of cash they made its simply by playing the game and being subbed, but the potential to make it grindy and shady or otherwise tedious is a concern.
              >monthly rewards
              >rotate in and out
              Yeah this is the big question. If it actually rotates back in reasonable amount of time okay, but if it doesn't or it takes forever that's some bullshit. Same with if the special reward for filling the bar is exclusive.
              >early-releasing mogs
              While it not being exclusive is a benefit at least, this is still concerning especially as youmention "mogs'. ONE way that WoW was undoubtedly better than (note this doesn't mean they were great,simply NOT AS BAD AS for the spergs about to have a shit fit) FFXIV was less and less frequent/new cosmetics for sale especially outfits. NuBlizz trying to squeeze remaining players who like cosmetics, especially outfits/RP is shitty.

              • 6 months ago

                >early-releasing mogs
                it's ingeniously greedy to be honest
                >be blizzard
                >make mog
                >put it on the store first for a month
                >most people who would ever buy it buy it in that first month
                >wait a while
                >put it on the trading post
                >people will need to be playing/be subscribed and perform the mau-farm tasks to be able to afford it ingame
                >win both ways
                >get lauded for being "generous" by community for "giving away a store mog for free!" rather than, you know, grabbing a trading post mog and giving store pigs early access

              • 6 months ago

                Its sad that this is still better than the alternative, but I'd think it at least the lesser of many possible evils IF the trading post overall wasn't shitty, grindy etc. If you get 1000 widgets a month if you do all the stuff required (500 for subscribing, 500 for doing the stuff as I hve read) and a lot of the stuff like mounts costs 500+ or rotates away and doesn't come back with frequency that's crappy in and of itself. Selling "pre-launch' stuff for cash is potentially shady though not as bad as some, but I remember reading that one of those "pre launch' thing that comes with "bonus" currency promised not to show up on the trade post for like 3 months or something; I'd kinda get maybe a "preview item for next month" but much longer is questionable. Worse, it seems from what I've heard they keep doing this for transmogs/outfits as opposed to the stuff that used to be on the store like pets and mounts and that makes me really fricking pissed.

                If they cycled it about to all kinds of content from the trading post then okay, cool. However, focusing mainly on character outfits / mogs is a big frick you to roleplayers, that they're specifically targeting those they know care about their character's appearance. While it may be better than JUST being a cash shop item exclusively, its still not a good precedent and if its successful there's going to be a new fricking outfit every month like goddamn FFXIV, and that you will either need to buy for $ or wait 3+ months for it to show up on the trading post. That's just shady to focus only on outfits especially when in all the time I played from near Vanilla launch to Legion/start of BFA, there were hardly any pay character outfits/mogs (they failed so badly with the 3 helmets they gave them away TwitchPrime) so finally making new "RP clothes" only to do this with them is a pain in the ass

              • 6 months ago

                Don't forget to add that afaik they're slowly increasing the prices on items. Probably trying to push it into "you will need an extra 'boost' to be able to afford the item you want, paye-- uh, I mean PLAYER."

              • 6 months ago

                You auto unlock all allied races for your faction just by hitting level 40. Non other requirement. Dragonflight has an insane amount of QoLs
                Items in trading post rotate all the time

              • 6 months ago

                oh you mean i can make those gross furries now? disgusting
                please reset WoW

              • 6 months ago

                They did.

              • 6 months ago

                You can also make gross scalies if that's more your speed.

              • 6 months ago

                i enjoyed the gameplay, but i hate how they look, back to my demon hunter

              • 6 months ago

                These dragons are ugly as hell, and their visage form is limited to half-scaled elves and humans, whereas npc dragons can fully transform into any race at will.

              • 6 months ago

                I just want to be one of the buff frickers and fully transform into a dwarf.

              • 6 months ago

                Oh that's good to know. Uh..is there some bonus/achievement/item for unlocking them the "old way"? I seem to remember hearing something about "heritage armor" or whatever or some other sort of unlockable for each of them. So this applies to the Legion allies as well as the BFA ones?

              • 6 months ago

                Heritage armor is a quest line for some of the original races in the game and allied races get theirs by reaching max level without boosting

              • 6 months ago

                Nearly everyone has heritage armor now, including original races

                In df, humans, orcs, forsaken and night elves got heritage armor
                You can still do the questlines for allied races, but its completely optional

                Ah okay, is there anything unlocked by "properly" unlocking the Allied Races or having done so in the past? If not that's actually preferable to not have some Feat of Strength or Achievement either no longer do-able, or there's a title/other reward for doing it the hard way etc.

                So the mainline races have quests (surely t max level) and the allies its reach max level without boosting? Okay, that's reasonable

                Its sad that this is still better than the alternative, but I'd think it at least the lesser of many possible evils IF the trading post overall wasn't shitty, grindy etc. If you get 1000 widgets a month if you do all the stuff required (500 for subscribing, 500 for doing the stuff as I hve read) and a lot of the stuff like mounts costs 500+ or rotates away and doesn't come back with frequency that's crappy in and of itself. Selling "pre-launch' stuff for cash is potentially shady though not as bad as some, but I remember reading that one of those "pre launch' thing that comes with "bonus" currency promised not to show up on the trade post for like 3 months or something; I'd kinda get maybe a "preview item for next month" but much longer is questionable. Worse, it seems from what I've heard they keep doing this for transmogs/outfits as opposed to the stuff that used to be on the store like pets and mounts and that makes me really fricking pissed.

                If they cycled it about to all kinds of content from the trading post then okay, cool. However, focusing mainly on character outfits / mogs is a big frick you to roleplayers, that they're specifically targeting those they know care about their character's appearance. While it may be better than JUST being a cash shop item exclusively, its still not a good precedent and if its successful there's going to be a new fricking outfit every month like goddamn FFXIV, and that you will either need to buy for $ or wait 3+ months for it to show up on the trading post. That's just shady to focus only on outfits especially when in all the time I played from near Vanilla launch to Legion/start of BFA, there were hardly any pay character outfits/mogs (they failed so badly with the 3 helmets they gave them away TwitchPrime) so finally making new "RP clothes" only to do this with them is a pain in the ass

                Frick, I remember seeing another outfit a few months back that must have been one of these "timed" ones. It was purple I think and kinda looked like magic user robes with books on the belt (reminded me of KirinTor as an oldgay but maybe I'm remembering it wrong) I know it was this year and on the cash shop with promise to come to Trading Post down the line, but no sooner than 3 months.

                Pic related is the current one going away at the end of the year. Anyone have a list of all of them they've tried to sell so far in this style, and if any of them have shown up on the Trading post yet?

              • 6 months ago

                You just get whatever you used to get by unlocking them through questlines. They are not feats, just some cheevos i guess

                Bro PART of the 'vibe' is that you don't ONE-SHOT THE RAID BOSSES

                And the world buff meta WAS a legit cancer
                It was a sham to see all those raids so trivialized by the modern WoW player's minmax approach
                Bosses dieing in 30 seconds isn't much better than dieing in one hit

                Anon, for the last time, nobody plays classic for the raids. By vibe, i mean overall vibe of the game. Duskwood. The barrens. Stranglethorn vale. World pvp. Getting whirlwind axe on your warrior. Everyone cramped up on original wow zones.
                There is no vibe in molten core.
                The fun for classic players is blasting bosses while stacking every buff under the sun for easy bis loot
                Nobody goes into raids thinking boy i am going to willingly gimp myself so that this stationary target dummy that has only autoattacks dies slower

              • 6 months ago

                Nearly everyone has heritage armor now, including original races

              • 6 months ago

                Pandaren? Trolls? Draeneis?

              • 6 months ago

                Those are races still yet to receive theirs

              • 6 months ago

                In df, humans, orcs, forsaken and night elves got heritage armor
                You can still do the questlines for allied races, but its completely optional

          • 6 months ago

            >What are you talking about? There's a BATTLEPASS now?
            I think what he's referring to is the Trading Post.
            They make new transmogs and mounts and all that and put it on there.
            You can buy it with currency earned chiefly from logging in (being subbed) that month and the other half is from doing some braindead activities. You can get about 1k of the currency in a month, and most of the items are 200 of the currency or above (mounts are frequently 600 to 800)
            There's also a monthly reward for filling a bar with those activities.
            All of this tied to that month. Presumably, it'll eventually rotate back and all that.
            But as of late, they've been early-releasing mogs on the wow shop for a month and then later reintroducing them to the trading post, as well as adding worthless shit (like flower bracelets) and adding trading post currency to them, as an """""extra""""".
            Might've forgotten to mention something or another.

    • 6 months ago

      Ahh yes let me just take out my wallet to skip 99% of the entire games content

      Seriously though, why even have leveling, questing and other content that needs some kind of grind when you wont even play it?
      Modern mmo's are a disgrace

      • 6 months ago

        >sell skip to endgame
        >now don't have to put any effort into rest of game/expansion
        >people who buy expansion incentivized to buy skip because the start sucks
        wait a minute...

        • 6 months ago

          Wow players are truly the subhuman

          • 6 months ago

            Esl moment

            • 6 months ago

              >even ESLs know how bad wow players are

      • 6 months ago

        >needs some kind of grind
        It's not the grind, there's barely any. It's the fact the game's progression is intentionally timegated and randomized to hell and back. Can't farm faction rep by killing mobs in dungeons/overworld. Loot from mythic+ is rarer than ever, only drops 1 (ONE) piece for the party of 5, and requires you be a sweatlord and/or buy the boost (pugging is essentially dead btw). No deterministic gearing at all, every raid is a glorified slots machine that you can only spin once a week.
        Modern wow is one of those games where "started too late" is a thing.

        • 6 months ago

          When was the last time you played wow? Have you ever played wow?

          • 6 months ago

            Quit 2 weeks into shadowlands.

            • 6 months ago

              When was the last time you actually played wow? That is not playing the game

              • 6 months ago

                I just told you the last time I played wow - the start of shadowlands. Are you dense?

              • 6 months ago

                Sis you played 2 weeks. Thats not playing the game, thats being a tourist
                I'm asking when was the last time you actually engaged with endgame content

              • 6 months ago

                Crucible was the last time I did "serious" raiding.
                What point are you even trying to make here? Did I say anything wrong, has anything changed? If that "raid-ready boost" thing is anything to go by then the state of the game seems to be pretty much the same - slots machine on a lengthy cooldown.

              • 6 months ago

                Yes, you are wrong.
                You can farm rep, now renown, by farming outdoor stuff. There are world quests, and outdoor eventa that give shitloads of renown.
                Besides, renown in dragonflight is only transmogs, pets and mounts. There is 0 player power attached to them. And you also unlock some additional questlines, which again, do not give player power
                Much better than in the past where you were forced to farm your reps (hello scryers/aldor) or you were fricked.
                Who the frick told you that only 1 item drops at the end of a m+ run? This is completely false btw
                >pugging in m+ is dead
                What a cooked take. Theres millions of runs every week, and the vast, vast majority of them are pugs.
                >no deterministic gearing
                In dragonflight you can convert pretty much any piece of gear into tier. You get charges every 2 weeks, account wide, on all your chars. So if you have an alt at max level thats been sitting there for a while, it still received charges, so you can basically have 4p from the moment you decide to play it
                Tier also drops from great vault now btw
                And the last boss drops an item, guaranteed, that you can turn into any tier piece
                Is there still rng? Yes, thr game always had it
                But there is less rng in your gearing process now than there was in the versiona of wow you homosexuals like to reminisce about

        • 6 months ago

          love when ex-wow players post rants about wow that are 100% factually incorrect. lmao

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah its always funny to read some totally incorrect post from a guy that last played 10 years ago
            Best part is they think they are correct and the game hasnt evolved

            • 6 months ago

              >Best part is they think they are correct and the game hasnt evolved
              They're right.
              It has devolved.

              • 6 months ago


                The introduction of M+ dungeons is what caused this mentality. Since M+ punishes you so hard for failing it forced the entire playerbase into becoming extremely picky about who they invite.

                Will people take me to raids as ret paladin in classic?

    • 6 months ago

      Westerners always whine about an easy mode. Here it is. The devs are actually listening.

    • 6 months ago

      With shit like this, it's not hard to visualize Blizzard's downfall into israelitery.

    • 6 months ago

      Who are these people who think the only point of WoW is shitty raids?

      • 6 months ago

        The modern playerbase.

    • 6 months ago

      >whole point of MMOs is the feeling of achievement spending 6~18 months leveling up to max level, grinding faction standings and unlocking gear
      what's the point?
      you swipe your credit card and you're already at the end.
      its like skipping straight to the last episode of a TV show or anime.

      • 6 months ago

        >whole point of MMOs is the feeling of achievement
        The whole point of MMOs is socialization. The content just provides an excuse to socialize, and a reason to keep playing.

        • 6 months ago

          the socializing is a by-product of needing to group up with 5~17 other people to level up or get gear.
          want to level up?
          you need to do it with 5 other random dipshits for 6 months.
          through that comes the socialization, making friends etc

          • 6 months ago

            No wonder wow killed that garbage lol

            • 6 months ago

              morons like you are why modern WoWclone MMOs are solo RPGs with dungeon finders and no voice comms

              • 6 months ago

                and that's a good thing
                other people are the worst part of MMOs. you exist only to gawk at the collectibles i've collected

          • 6 months ago

            >the socializing is a by-product of needing to group up with 5~17 other people to level up or get gear.
            And you need to do that because the devs designed content with grouping in mind.

      • 6 months ago

        you think LFR queues are the end, which explains everything and why you are a troony.

        • 6 months ago

          >no actually you dont get it its only finished if you kill the same boss on the super mega big boy tendies version and get the goodie good parse

      • 6 months ago

        >feeling of achievement for doing mindless menial grinding for a long time
        No sorry I'm not a loser

    • 6 months ago

      >424 Gear
      Ready for LFR, at best. You get 428s from Heroic dungeons and 437s from Mythic 0s

      • 6 months ago

        >blizzard trying to fleece people with the promise proclaimed raid-ready gear
        isn't that even worse

    • 6 months ago

      ffxiv would never

    • 6 months ago

      I just bought the expac bundle and got this included. What should I boost? I have a 62 mage I'm leveling.. and a 50 druid I boosted 4 FREE. I'm thinking warrior or priest maybe.

      • 6 months ago

        don't go priest unless you like healing, shadow is way underpowered right now. Warrior is also out of meta and you will never get a group even if you queue tank.

    • 6 months ago

      It's a scam (or convenience thing), you are only able to queue for the brain dead mode of the game (LFR). Just by reaching 70 normally, you are immediately given 415+ upgradable gear right away as you are doing the patch intro quests. If you are already 70, and you buy this boost you are saving like 2 or 3 hours at most.

      • 6 months ago

        Its convenience for lazy fricks. The biggest value here is the renown

        • 6 months ago

          renown is huge, you get mileage out of that if you are a collector or someone that is going to try to do professions but noone that lazy will delve into those things, and the recipes given from that renown have all been milked dry in the market at this point.

          • 6 months ago

            Renown AND reputation continuing to exist alongside eachother is just daft to me. They literally mean the same thing

    • 6 months ago

      >still don't get invited to raids because you lack all the mandatory addons and achievements
      Very cool.

      • 6 months ago

        The addons lmao

      • 6 months ago

        The addons lmao

        Outside of the time when GearScore addon homosexualry was an issue (which blizz fixed by integrating a better version into the game native, and also having official IL ratings that showed if someone was not geared enough for X they couldn't queue up for a public group for it ), overall I don't remember being rejected from any raids for lack of addons, or making any of them required.

        WoW's addons were one of the smart things Blizz did back in the day - officially supported API that you couldn't get in trouble for using, but was quitepowerful. If someonemade stuff that became required or trivialized encounters, OldBlizz didn't ban anyone or have a fit, they just changed the API (WoD era I think, there was an addon that could automatically print in the game world itself where it would be safe to stand to avoid future attacks. This was patched out ) or rarely the encounter (back during original Naxx, Blizz developed an encounter - I think it was Loathab - that basically required the Decursive addon which auto-magically was a single button you hammered to decurse/poison/disease everyone in the raid; it was near impossible for someone doing it manually. So they changed the encounter and also the API so that Decursive still required clicking individual frames of those you wanted to to decurse, which is how it was by the time I stopped playing) . There were some fantastic things created as addons which even got implemented into the game like basic shit like raid frames and a ready check, but there were also things far beyond and not integrated, like all of the RP addons based on FlagRSP, notably MyRolePlay and especially TotalRP3 which had basically full dungeon master custom items, factions, quests, geocache etc...tools, as well as RP profiles.

        I always heard stories of people getting turned down for lack of addons, but I never saw it. If anything I usually saw "link achievement that shows this is basically trivial to you" style shit

      • 6 months ago

        >get the addons
        >get the achievements
        >get the gear
        >roll the meta class
        >still don't get invited because everyone elses addons show you haven't played the game in the past several patches and have no prior dungeon, raid, or pvp experience

        new players are eternally fricked no matter how much they grind or spend.

        • 6 months ago

          Wow players always find an excuse to kick other players or not invite them to their groups.

        • 6 months ago

          Maybe this is just in the past few years or something, but when I played that was never an issue. Though maybe I was playing on servers with less shit community or something (and before anyone blames cross-realm dungeon finder, this was way after that I had no problems of that sort)? If that's how it is for everyone these days, then that's really fricking depressing.

          • 6 months ago

            The introduction of M+ dungeons is what caused this mentality. Since M+ punishes you so hard for failing it forced the entire playerbase into becoming extremely picky about who they invite.

            • 6 months ago

              Unless M+ means something different recently, those were basically only a tiny amount of 5-man challenge mode content, so its sad if it turned everyone into invite-restricting autists. I mean, I get that you wanted to find 4 others who were not idiots and on the same page for thebest outcome, but frick you'd think it shouldn't result in that kind of moronation. Then again back in the oldgay days the default 5 man dungeon experience required some degree of communication - who was going to polymorph/root/sap, kill order, buffs and the like - but then people got used to basically powering through everything without speaking and if they lost their shit when the admittedly often harder shit like M+ required even more. Then again, I thought that you pretty much ran M+, just like harder difficulties of raids, with guilds or people you knew - or at very least "arranged" manually created groups in the group finder? There was no reason to be insanely restrictive except for children basically just looking to be carried without actually asking and other dickheadedness.

              • 6 months ago

                >Unless M+ means something different recently, those were basically only a tiny amount of 5-man challenge mode content, so its sad if it turned everyone into invite-restricting autists
                M+ is the most played endgame content and Blizzard has done nothing but make them more annoying to clear, leading to people only inviting specific class/specs. Blizz even put an aoe cap on all abilities during Shadowlands just to max out the frustration from running M+ as much as possible.

              • 6 months ago

                M+ are infinitely scaling dungeons that have a timer and various affixes that rotate weekly

                >Most played endgame content
                Not raids? Really? That sounds horrible if they've made it that tedious.

                Frick, something like that was part of the reason WildStar failed to launch, stupidly trying to be WE R HARDKORE and putting the progression for dungeons withsomething very similar - if you go the top Gold rank you got a chance at good armor that would help you progress to raids etc... but if you got Silver or below it was basically useless crap, encouraging everyone to only invite those that were overgeared.

                M+ are infinitely scaling dungeons that have a timer and various affixes that rotate weekly

                Guess that's a change, I remember the days of keystones that went up to like +15 with a timer and special conditions ,but it was something you did relatively rarely for an achievement, reward etc...and with people you knew for the most part (or a custom arranged group). If theother anon is correct though thats horrible they were made more tedious

              • 6 months ago

                Its not more tedious, id argue that right now its probably the easiest its ever been in a long time as the dungeon pool is easy. Throne of the tides, ataldazar, blackrook hold, waycrest. All easy
                But yeah, now they scale infinitely. So you couls technically get to try a +30, but at that point its just for flexing
                Its an endgame activity that gives good loot as the ilvl also scales with the difficulty. Plus you get vault slots
                But there are also a ton of people raiding. Just check on wclogs how many people are raiding, both game modes are healthy

              • 6 months ago

                Huh, it seems other anons disagree on the tedium or difficulty, but okay. So at what point now do you max out all the gear, achievements, rewards etc...? +15 ,+ 20 etc?
                >Vault slots
                As in the Vault thing extended storage that used to be on the same Ethereal traders that did Transmog? You got more slots by completing M+?
                >Dungeon pool is easy
                So its heavily dependent on which dungeons are available that week? Others seem to talk about the difficulty getting a key for a certain M+ level or a certain dungeon - is that a problem?

                >I remember the days of keystones that went up to like +15 with a timer and special conditions ,but it was something you did relatively rarely for an achievement
                uhh what
                people spammed m+ for loot since their inception. are you thinking of challenge modes from wod and mop?

                Yeah, thats the original ones I remember were the Challenge Modes in MoP.. The actual M+'s I remember circa Legion were mostly +15 for the top rewards I think.

                >Not raids? Really?
                Why people even like raids? They're boring.
                Not to mention that getting into raid usually harder that clearing it.

                Raiding was a completely different experience with coordination both in - and in the old days, to some degree out, all of the getting into the raid , scheduling stuff you mentioned. - of game. It also allowed for epic fights with different mechanics and in some cases required a fair bit of practice, especially when harder modes, Heroic or Mythic, etc.. changed not only the stats but often the attack pattern of the boss. I always applauded the introduction of the Raid Finder difficulty which made it accessible to players when they could queue up, and it let them see the story while getting good loot though not quite as good as higher raid levels; some achievements and whatnot were only on harder levels but this stuff was done often in pre arranged groups or guilds. Raiding isn't for everyone,but it can be a great cooperative, fun event when itsat its best.

              • 6 months ago

                >Huh, it seems other anons disagree on the tedium or difficulty, but okay. So at what point now do you max out all the gear, achievements, rewards etc...? +15 ,+ 20 etc?
                The guy that iniially replied to you does not play the game so he has no room to talk about difficulty lmao.
                +20. Its the point where majority of people stop because you cant get better rewards and you also unlock the portals. People go past 20 for fun or to flex
                >As in the Vault thing extended storage that used to be on the same Ethereal traders that did Transmog? You got more slots by completing M+?
                Great vault. Its a system in game in which you complete various activities (dungeons raids or pvp right now) and based on the amount of content you did, you unlock vault slots. These vault slots can give you rewards with the ilvl of the content you did.
                So for example, for each type of content there are 3 slots. For dungeons, its 1/4/8. Meaning. If you complete 1 m+ dungeon, you unlock 1 vault slot. 4 m+ dungeons for the second and 8 for the 3rd. Same for raids, but there its based on the number of bosses you kill
                pool is easy
                >So its heavily dependent on which dungeons are available that week? Others seem to talk about the difficulty getting a key for a certain M+ level or a certain dungeon - is that a problem?
                Dungeons are per m+ season which generally lasts for 5 6 months. There are 8 dungeons, and each seasom features a mix of new and old dungeons into the pool. If old dungeons are added, the rewards are scaled up and made relevant again.
                Regarding keys, its random which key you get. I guess that is what that anon was referring to. As in if you want to run a specific dungeon for a specific item and you dont have the keystone for it, youre forced to join someone elses, or run your key and keep rerolling it until you get the one you want

              • 6 months ago

                blizz rescaled m+ so currently 20s are equivalent to old 15s. max ilvl loot is from 20s, you also get the ability to teleport straight to a dungeon after you time it on 20. you get io/score from beating dungeons (even over time) and if you get enough score you get cosmetic shoulder particle effects, a mount, and a free piece of tier
                vault is the weekly m+ loot chest from legion. instead of getting 1 random reward, you unlock reward slots and pick 1 reward from them
                you can get slots from raiding and rated pvp, but m+ is so much easier that youll almost always end up getting the best rewards from m+. in order to get mythic raid loot you need to beat mythic raid bosses. if you do a single m+18 you can get the same ilvl as mythic raid stuff
                dragonflight re-added old dungeons to the dungeon pool. in legion you could only do legion m+. same in bfa and shadowlands. people got bored running the same dungeons for 3 years straight. in dragonflight blizz scaled some old dungeons up each raid tier/season. currently all the scaled up dungeons are pretty easy

                >Others seem to talk about the difficulty getting a key for a certain M+ level or a certain dungeon - is that a problem?
                yeah that was me talking about that lol. you can only make your own group for dungeons you have the key for. that leads to high level keys, or keys to dungeons with extremely good loot, being rare and there being 100 applicants to every 1 group using their own key. those key groups become extremely elitist because they have so many applicants

              • 6 months ago

                By the way, with dragonflight timewalking dungeons and heroic dungeons give vault slots too, not just mythic

              • 6 months ago

                >Not raids? Really?
                Why people even like raids? They're boring.
                Not to mention that getting into raid usually harder that clearing it.

              • 6 months ago

                >I remember the days of keystones that went up to like +15 with a timer and special conditions ,but it was something you did relatively rarely for an achievement
                uhh what
                people spammed m+ for loot since their inception. are you thinking of challenge modes from wod and mop?

              • 6 months ago

                m+ always scaled infinitely, the loot capped out at 15. m0 dropped lfr ilvl loot at 15s dropped heroic raid loot (with the weekly chest giving you a piece of mythic raid loot). nowadays people love doing m+ because its faster than raiding, easier than raiding, requires less people than raiding, and gives the same rewards

                >Not raids? Really?
                Why people even like raids? They're boring.
                Not to mention that getting into raid usually harder that clearing it.

                doing raids with a group of friends/your guild is amazing. pugging is hell

                Oh so you mean having the option of choosing your key instead of it being random? You can roll it at the end but yeah. Would be nice to be able to target the dungeon for your key

                yeah, im saying half the problem with groups only inviting high ilvl meta specs with exp is because you cant freely make your own group

              • 6 months ago

                >your guild
                at this point its almost impossible
                every guild mutated into clique of people whos refusing to accept new people unless you agree to became a literal slave to them

              • 6 months ago

                Depends on key level. I play a fury warrior which is obviously far from meta. Sitting at 2300ish rating and all 18s done. Next, 20s. All pugs. Started week 2 too.
                After 20? Groups become metagamey as frick. But id say thats more because of the infinite scaling. There will always be specs with which you can cheese something or make something easier at that high level
                I personally dont even care for 20+ lol.

              • 6 months ago

                M+ are infinitely scaling dungeons that have a timer and various affixes that rotate weekly

              • 6 months ago

                M+ are 5 man dungeons that scale infinitely, on a timer, and have various affixes that rotate weekly

        • 6 months ago

          I started this latest patch at 0 rating and im now at 2300 with a non meta spec and no addons
          Get good

          sex with horse girls

          Best post itt

          • 6 months ago

            >bragging about playing WoW

            • 6 months ago

              Are you moronic?
              >nooo stop liking the video game
              The number of dumb Black folk on Ganker has increased dramatically, unfortunately. I also think that playing Mario in 2024 is goofy as frick, but I never enter Mario threads to shit on anons for enjoying it. Grow up you miserable frick

        • 6 months ago

          people only care about your current season experience (and thats largely secondary to ilvl/being a meta spec). nobody gives a shit if you were a gladiator back in wotlk. youll be actively mocked for linking old achievements

          The introduction of M+ dungeons is what caused this mentality. Since M+ punishes you so hard for failing it forced the entire playerbase into becoming extremely picky about who they invite.

          the other half of the problem is m+ keystones.

          in the past if you couldnt get into a group, youd make your own and take whoever you could get. youd probably end up inviting a bunch of low ilvl/exp/nonmeta people, but who cares you can still do the content. nowadays thanks to m+ keystones, you cant make your own group if you dont have a keystone. if you want to run a specific dungeon on a specific difficulty, you have to apply to other groups. this leads to a massive amount of people applying to in demand keys. why would anyone take a no experience low ilvl guy when 50 high ilvl giga nerd experience guys are applying?

          • 6 months ago

            You can get a key from a m0 which is piss easy

            • 6 months ago

              but that key will be for a random dungeon at +2 difficulty. if you want to run a specific dungeon at a specific difficulty, you cant make your own group

              currently my key is a +20 darkheart thicket. I already ran that at +20 to unlock the teleport and got all the loot I need from the dungeon. A trinket I want drops from throne of the tides. Id like to do any throne of the tides above +17 to get the highest ilvl trinket possible. I cant make my own group for that because I have a different keystone

              • 6 months ago

                Oh so you mean having the option of choosing your key instead of it being random? You can roll it at the end but yeah. Would be nice to be able to target the dungeon for your key

      • 6 months ago

        >mandatory addons
        WoW players are the only morons that NEED a program to tell them basic things like you shouldn't stay in the fire or that your attacks do 0 damage while boss is invulnerable.

    • 6 months ago

      Why would you even play

      • 6 months ago

        That's what I'm wondering.
        Apparently because wow players are mentally deceased. That's why.

    • 6 months ago

      easy to explain both homosexual lands and queer flight were such bad expansions no one wants to play them or put in effort to unlock the content

      • 6 months ago

        no its a trick for literal morons. you can buy a full set of 424 gear off the ah for 100 gold a piece. doing the newest patches campaign gives you free 428 gear

        • 6 months ago

          Like another anon said, renown is the most valuable part. And even there, you get only cosmetics and some side questlines

        • 6 months ago

          no one wants to do these quests or play DF in general

        • 6 months ago

          >blizzard using the notion of raid-ready gear to promote this, whether it's real or not, is not depressing to him

    • 6 months ago

      I'm just waiting for: "Give us $10000 and we'll write your name down as the best player to ever play the game. "

    • 6 months ago

      And shit like this is why i have zero interest in MMOs anymore. There is zero integrity in the game, real life influences the outcome of a virtual world and anything you achieve in the game is meaningless. Unless you enjoy the moment to moment gameplay or the social aspect, modern WoW has nothing to offer you.

      The nail in the coffin wasn't these types of promotions. It was when the people who championed the good old days either bought these services when they tried out retail or if they bought gold in classic WoW. That's when i realised that I'm in the extreme minority of people who actually wants a game with an even playing field and a long term reward structure. I've found other things to do but it's related to making money so MMOs shitting on their players only to get rimjobs of the players asking for more was probably a good thing for me in the long term.

      I want to hate the companies but the 2010s basically showcased how consumeristic the player bases are. The loyalty to IP allows these companies to rape your wallet and childhood at the same time, but like the little b***hes the average consumer is, they just keep coming back for more.

      • 6 months ago

        nah, youre just a slow moron that hasnt adapted to the times. if you want prestige and epeen flexing, you become a parsegay. its impossible to buy your way into a good parse

    • 6 months ago

      I remember inviting a friend to play FFXIV with me back in the day and he almost instantly bought the level boosts. Then proceeded to play for a whole 2 days with me on another character, didn't even make it to the first dungeon, then stopped playing. Some people have zero control when it comes to just blowing money.

      • 6 months ago

        You don't get it, anony.
        They need their handful of targeting dummies to whack for le barse every week or they'll go mental.

    • 6 months ago

      You can get better gear in just a few hours after getting to 70, bags are super cheap and a non-issue, faction renown will naturally increase by doing the weeklies and world quests which are pretty fast and easy, not to mention they're mostly useless outside of some cosmetic crap.
      This is just bait for moronic whales, and I have no doubt it will sell.

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      >Pay to skip the only possible interesting part of the game

      • 6 months ago

        modern day wow players in a nutshell, anon

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      >why play the game when you can just spend money?

      • 6 months ago

        To dab on the poorgays.

    • 6 months ago

      Boosts have been in the game for like 15 years

    • 6 months ago

      >All these people who spend tens of thousands of hours for a shred of pedigree
      >you can just buy your way through everything
      Truly sad, WoW addicts did deserve better. They threw away their lives so they could play this game and then the people who didn't throw their lives away are just able to have an almost identical account for a few hundred bucks

    • 6 months ago

      This shit is like paying for battlepasses in gacha games. Paying to skip the grind.

  3. 6 months ago

    WoW fans are what killed gaming.

  4. 6 months ago

    Consumers are morons, it will never get better.

    • 6 months ago

      Is this even true? This is just something I've seen repeated over and over wince this youtube guy here said so with no numbers or proof.

      • 6 months ago

        Supposedly he worked at blizzard and his dad is the guy from the wow south park episode

        he won

        Literally.. who?

        • 6 months ago

          He probably did work at blizz but they have armies of devs and I've never seen anyone post any numbers. I think this shit is fake. SC2 sold millions of copies. The profit margins are definitely better with a horse reskin, but I doubt it made the same amount of money as a full price (witbh the usual optional collectors editions) game selling millions.

          • 6 months ago

            How much did sc2 sell?

          • 6 months ago

            Im sure the game made more sells but it still require advertisement and all the shit that comes from selling and building actual product as oppose to just get a guy to make a mount in WoW when the basic work of making a horse in the game has already been built.

          • 6 months ago

            SC2's sales are stated to be 6 million, let's assume an average price of $50 per copy since you could be spending more on collector's editions or less on sales/the eventual price drop to $40. That's 300 million in profit. You'd have to sell 20 million sparkleponies to start cresting that. Possible? I suppose.

            • 6 months ago

              It's about profit so you have to count the costs of making the game, running servers, ads and shit.

      • 6 months ago

        it's not, he literally didn't work for blizzard until after WoL was released, he also was a low level cyber security person.
        Guy is literally just a pathological liar who is hitting it off in the algorithm. So many things he says don't line up

        • 6 months ago

          >who is hitting it off in the algorithm
          it requires understanding of how said algorithm works to reach that level, he obviously knows something.

        • 6 months ago

          i believe it because the dev confirms all the worst shit about bring an employee of blizzard. the bullshit stories he has of HR are so ridiculously evil and stupid it matches perfectly with what has made it out to the news. one thing that really caught my attention was how badly he was being paid, like $10/hr in fricking south california.

          also his father was the cinematic director for blizzard, who is the south park wow guy. his father did appear on stream. he admits to being a nepobaby hire but hated the feeling of being bad at his job so he got gud over the course of like 10+ years.

          the other anons are ignorant and/or schzo. i watched his streams exactly because of the SC2 short and i wanted to know if he was the real deal. he's pretty fricking close, more than you'll ever get with anyone past or presently employed by blizzard. i wouldnt be surprised if blizzard started hiring street shitters to dicredit him.

          one thing that strikes me as being weird is that whenever i see him program something in these clips, it looks like absolute shit, like actual 1st year comp science student level mistakes despite having 15 years of industry experience. that said it's possible that he was focused on weird non-technical tasks through his entire time there, like QA, manually banning bots, and so on. he markets himself as a master hacker, but it seems more like he just has basic knowledge of social engineering and so on (which admittedly is a way of "hacking" stuff)

          but yea idk how much truth is in the stuff he talks about blizz. it's probably mostly true though

      • 6 months ago

        i believe it because the dev confirms all the worst shit about bring an employee of blizzard. the bullshit stories he has of HR are so ridiculously evil and stupid it matches perfectly with what has made it out to the news. one thing that really caught my attention was how badly he was being paid, like $10/hr in fricking south california.

        also his father was the cinematic director for blizzard, who is the south park wow guy. his father did appear on stream. he admits to being a nepobaby hire but hated the feeling of being bad at his job so he got gud over the course of like 10+ years.

        the other anons are ignorant and/or schzo. i watched his streams exactly because of the SC2 short and i wanted to know if he was the real deal. he's pretty fricking close, more than you'll ever get with anyone past or presently employed by blizzard. i wouldnt be surprised if blizzard started hiring street shitters to dicredit him.

  5. 6 months ago

    This is the reason retail won't die or Blizzard to change anything major, there's too many moronic boomer whales still playing 2 hours a week and buys everything that pops up on the store

  6. 6 months ago

    how come they call it wow?
    because wow you are gay if you play this

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      holy shit

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        >Still using bodypaint armor
        This isn't fricking EQ1, vests don't work like that

        • 6 months ago

          You have two options in WoW.

          >Painted textures
          >A 3d dinner plate floating in front of your character's body

    • 6 months ago

      world of trooncraft players wish they were just gay

      • 6 months ago

        First guy looks like fricking Kevin from The Office with a wig.

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      wowsisters? our response?

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      But I am gay and I dont play wow
      Id frick a Vulpera waifu(male) though.

    • 6 months ago

      I've laughed and smiled with the glee of an innocent child once again lol

    • 6 months ago

      WoW in shambles

    • 6 months ago

      he won

      • 6 months ago

        please dont

      • 6 months ago

        i feel like you're the "ffhiv" guy sowing posts for you to sperg about

      • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      It's the little things

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Put me in the screencap bro!

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago


  7. 6 months ago

    next time make the fricking starcraft people wanted not some esports BULLSHIT you absolute fricking mongrel shitsucking homosexuals.

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      blame the asiatics

  8. 6 months ago

    Ok but which mount though

    • 6 months ago


  9. 6 months ago

    WoW paypigs are hopeless
    and this why the will keep on adding 'microtransactions' cancer to games, it just works!

  10. 6 months ago

    who the frick cares about RTS

  11. 6 months ago

    Why didn't he save Starcraft?

    • 6 months ago

      because he ruined it

    • 6 months ago

      people like him either sell out like Gabe and get to ride out their career or end up like Dan Houser.

    • 6 months ago

      He wrote the hamfisted love story that destroyed it. Remember Raynor swearing to kill Kerrigan? Metzen doesn't.

      • 6 months ago

        >i swear to kill you kerrigan...
        >2 beers later

    • 6 months ago

      kerrigan was wearing a swimsuit

    • 6 months ago

      because he hates your guts.

    • 6 months ago

      Chris Metzen

  12. 6 months ago

    it was the mount that everyone was going to boycott btw. that's why Blizzard has been stubborn despite releasing critically panned stinkers for over a decades straight.

    • 6 months ago

      good times

  13. 6 months ago

    i could believe this
    especially if he's talking about the first one, the star horse, from ulduar

    • 6 months ago

      Wasn't that because it applied to all characters and had the fastest riding unlocked for free?

  14. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      It would have been so easy to have raynor being the one getting corrupted, using the desire for revenge against kerrigan to lead him down the path or arthas 2.0 but no.

      • 6 months ago

        >yes i would like more recycled plots from warcraft in my warcraft in space

    • 6 months ago

      Fricking ruined Kerrigan. She's a great villain, but they just had to make her into a sad chosen one bug waifu who is completely blameless for the massacres she directly caused because mind control or something.
      "Always been a story about a boy and a girl" my butthole. If they really wanted to go down that route they should have had Raynor have a change of heart only after finding out she could be disinfested, not the complete 180 flip they had offscreen.

    • 6 months ago

      Heart of the Swarm never happened
      fricking happened.

    • 6 months ago

      Wasn't Christie golden also responsible for sc2 lore?

    • 6 months ago

      In case you forgot, here is how Starcraft 2 ended.

      A better story will never save starcraft 2 or any future sequels

  15. 6 months ago

    In case you forgot, here is how Starcraft 2 ended.

    • 6 months ago

      the man who wrote this is now writing the newest wow expansion and wow gays are celebrating because they believe it means the story is going to be "great again"

      • 6 months ago

        WoW players are so desperate for the game to not be a cring MCU ripoff, that they forgot that Metzen last works on blizzard were terrible. He didn't just wrote for Starcraft 2, but also for Diablo 3.

      • 6 months ago

        This is the period where metzen was being worked like a mule. Think about it. The man had to write for 3 or 4 different franchises, of course he was doomed to fail.
        But now hes in charge of wow only. He wrote WC3, pure kino, at a time when it was his only project, so I am giving him a chance. The passion is there, and blizzcon showed it

        • 6 months ago

          These are cope levels unparalleled.

          • 6 months ago

            How is it cope? He was the sole writer of warcraft 3 and it was a fricking good game, still played and beloved decades later

            • 6 months ago

              Bro he hasn't written anything good for over a fricking decade.

              • 6 months ago

                Wow Legion?

              • 6 months ago

                lmao even

              • 6 months ago

                What? Legion was kino

              • 6 months ago

                >Legion was kino
                I can't hold all these keks.
                The funny part is that you guys will believe it, too.

              • 6 months ago

                Explain then

            • 6 months ago

              >warcraft 3
              >fricking good game
              i wish millennials would frick off with this moron take already
              wc3 was trash, nowhere as good as wc2
              only reason people even remember it is cuz of fricking dota and LOL

              • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Honestly I stopped caring before lotv came out. I said I wasn't going to buy any part of it before all three campaigns were done and technically I stuck to that.

    • 6 months ago

      Tychus was the only fun SC2 character, and they killed him in the heart of a zerg hive and decided to never use that for anything. Redeeming Kerrigan was stupid as frick to begin with, but it could've at least been cool to have Infested Tychus show up as an "Evil zerg" to balance out the moronic new "good zerg".

      • 6 months ago

        Abathur and Alarak were good too b ut yeah I agree with you zerg Tychus would have been really cool.

    • 6 months ago

      Frick Blizzard.

    • 6 months ago

      Never played Starcraft. What am I looking at here?

      • 6 months ago

        What used to be a relatively tame game about surviving in a galaxy of hostile aliens using barely refurbished military equipment, suddenly turning into Dragon Ball Z and Naruto if they had a diseased love child.

    • 6 months ago

      Saving this for when Alleria does the same thing in Midnight.

      • 6 months ago


  16. 6 months ago

    Now hold on surely WoL sold gangbusters

  17. 6 months ago

    >ffxiv's story is over
    >wow is dead
    >eso is boring
    >destiny 2 is going to die if the next expansion isn't an actual 10/10
    Should I just play runescape or something?

    • 6 months ago

      Read a book.

      • 6 months ago

        Book are stupid tho

    • 6 months ago

      You decide

      • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        why do they call them jumpers?
        because you are more likely to jump off a cliff if you wear one

      • 6 months ago

        >The one called "Gay" is the lest gay-looking one
        We live in a very strange timeline.

    • 6 months ago

      Quit MMOs.

    • 6 months ago

      >ffxiv's story is over
      if being able to play the game requires waiting on the devs to add more story then its a shit game
      >wow is dead
      wow was never good
      >eso is boring
      no shit, how are you at all surprised that a low effort cashgrab MMO is boring?
      >destiny 2 is going to die if the next expansion isn't an actual 10/10
      if an MMO relies on new expansions adding content to make it fun again then its a shit MMO

      this is why picrel is still 100% true
      you morons ""hate"" MMOs because all you do is play the absolute shittiest ones

    • 6 months ago

      If wow is dead, then ffhiv and the rest are half eaten corpses

    • 6 months ago
      Certified Schizo Gamer™

      gta online or fallout 76 are the best mmos and before you niggays cry that they arent really mmos uh yeah most mmos are "massive" idle chat rooms with 3d moving avatars and 0%-1% of actual gameplay involving all the massive amount of people.

      there are only very few times where i really felt i was playing a MASSIVE multiplayer game and thats when the AQ serverwide grindfest started (similar to what the matrix online did) and when acheivements dropped in wrath and MASSIVE multiple raids were formed in order to kill the leaders of the respective cities. otherwise its infinitely more fun to play a jet and bomb poor souls in los santos or grind in f76 to cheese the pvp

    • 6 months ago

      Play Warframe™. It just got one of the best updates in years.

    • 6 months ago

      Play an actual game instead

    • 6 months ago

      Not sure about RS3 but streamer tryhards homosexuals who didn't even play in 2007 took over osrs for the last 6 years and keep shaping the game to their autistic playstyle, despite that it's still relatively fun

  18. 6 months ago

    I remember when people were doom posting about the sparkle pony and how it would eventually lead to a slew of overpriced cosmetics and level boosts and stuff and it all got dismissed as just being a slippery slope argument.

    • 6 months ago

      The slippery slope of yesterday is just the world of tomorrow.

  19. 6 months ago

    I'm honestly surprised they never tried to pull a wow and just stick Starcraft in a brand new genre. They gave up the IP pretty quick

    • 6 months ago

      Some shitty fps was in development hell and back and hell and back and hell and back

    • 6 months ago

      they tried, it was in development hell for over a decade then wound up being the framework for Overwatch

  20. 6 months ago


  21. 6 months ago

    Sounds about right. You have to keep in mind, SC2 was a game made from scratch. Making the damn thing must've been expensive as frick and it sold like what, 1 million copies during wings of liberty? When did they start releasing cash shop horses in wow? It had to have like 4-5 million players at that time, ontop of that it was probably dirt cheap to make.

  22. 6 months ago

    Isn't starcratf 2 free?

    • 6 months ago

      I think Wings of Liberty and the multiplayer is free.

    • 6 months ago

      Maybe now.

  23. 6 months ago

    This is all from that one youtube shorts homosexual, he pretends he worked at blizzard and makes up obviously fake stories to get attentnion and the tiktok zoomer morons believe them

  24. 6 months ago

    And people wonder why games are so shit now.

  25. 6 months ago

    I avoided the nu-microtransactions like the plague.
    I didn't try halo infinite, fortnite, valorant, Warzone, Destyiny 2 or Apex because they all had battlepasses and cash shops, even though they all looked fun
    It got to the point where Overwatch was the only modern shooter I could play
    Then overwatch added a battlepass and cash shop
    and now I'm spending $30-70 per each 2 month season (which only translates to the battlepass and 1-3 skins by the way)
    I shouldn't even care, I make and save enough that spending this effectively has zero impact on my life, but it just feels wrong. I voted with my wallet for 10 years and it got me nothing
    and now it's too late to go back to any of those other fun games I skipped out on because I already missed years worth of battlepasses in them

    • 6 months ago

      Just play offline games bro

    • 6 months ago

      >I voted with my wallet for 10 years and it got me nothing
      Voting with your wallet is pointless, you need to vote with everyone else's wallet.

      • 6 months ago

        Everyone else isnt mentally ill enough to care what you do with your money

      • 6 months ago

        voting requires many people, yes. of course one person not buying isn't changing anything, but wide boycotts work, just ask bud light

  26. 6 months ago

    So uh, when are we getting that WoW killer everyone has been talking about for the past 15 years?

    • 6 months ago

      We got it in 2004.

      • 6 months ago

        We did?

        • 6 months ago

          Yes. It's called WoW.

          • 6 months ago

            Neat. So when will it kill WoW?

            • 6 months ago

              It's already doing so and has been doing so for a while.

    • 6 months ago

      Its not happening. Every now and then you hear of a wow killer and just as quick you stop hearing about it
      People would rather try old wow than trying a new mmo

    • 6 months ago

      It came out a couple of years ago. It was called World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.

  27. 6 months ago

    Starcraft 2 was shit, the WoW mount would have been a better thing to buy

  28. 6 months ago

    I have never played world of warcraft.

  29. 6 months ago

    >le horse armor meme won
    It's over

  30. 6 months ago

    I haven't touched WoW in years. Would it be possible to sell my account?

    • 6 months ago

      What do you have on it?

      • 6 months ago

        A large number of toons, the highest is only 110 I think.

        • 6 months ago

          They level squished. The max is 70 now I think.
          And also, leveling alts is super easy nowadays. You'd need to have retired items and mounts and all that.

          • 6 months ago

            Is that what they call removing items to spread FOMO now? Retiring? KEK

            • 6 months ago


            • 6 months ago

              There arent that many. Pvp rewards are always fomo. So the gladiator titles and mounts
              Some titles for clearing the raid when it was current content. Outside of that they kinda stoppes doing it
              The most valuable shit is stuff like spectral tiger. Blizzard bear. TCG stuff

        • 6 months ago

          Do you have anything rare? Stuff like the spectral tiger or something. Rare mogs. Otherwise its as valuable as a comb is to a bald guy

  31. 6 months ago

    >the cope

    You can't save or increase sales for an RTS game, and that new Stormgate game will flop hard as frick.

    You have a better chance of reviving arena shooters (lol) than reviving RTS. Gamers hate losing, gamers hate 1v1, gamers want to blame teammates - none of those things are pandered to by an RTS.

  32. 6 months ago

    This thread is live proof that modern wow players are not only not mmo players or even gamers at all, they're not even human.

  33. 6 months ago

    wowsisters aren't having a good thread

    • 6 months ago

      WoW threads are some of the worst on the boards
      Ganker is a terrible place to talk about MMOs in general

      • 6 months ago

        too many people love to argue over the wrong things and have the dumbest positions and aren't able to realize it

      • 6 months ago

        WoW and blizzard by extension have been raping Ganker for almost 2 decades

    • 6 months ago

      WoW threads are some of the worst on the boards
      Ganker is a terrible place to talk about MMOs in general

      I feel like /wowg/ is here again spamming wow threads and posts because their own general is dead as frick.

      • 6 months ago

        I haven't been in /wowg/ for over a year.
        How bad is it?

  34. 6 months ago

    Better off dead now. New blizzard has no right to touch old IPs let alone revive them.

  35. 6 months ago

    READ homie, READ!!!

    • 6 months ago

      He a dummy

  36. 6 months ago

    Wowbucks aren’t human, news at 11

  37. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Vanilla was 2 decades ago. But that image is probably a decade old too

      • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        >Vanilla was 2 decades ago
        >still one of the biggest MMOs on the market
        i hate this
        id play EVE but frick 20$/month

        • 6 months ago

          I'd pay $40 a month IF it meant ALL COSMETICS AND CONTENT could be unlocked IN THE GODDAMN GAME without additional charge. I absolutely abhor "F2P" monetization and would be happy to just pay a subscription and get all the game content included.

  38. 6 months ago

    This is no longer your hobby grinding/hardcore/hobbyists/passion homosexuals, this industry is for us WHALER CHADS. We FUND your games b***h, now sit down and humble yourself as I spend 3000 dollars to instant boost my characters while you spend 500 hours doing the same.

  39. 6 months ago

    sex with horse girls

  40. 6 months ago

    new Ascension season in less than 2 days. zero point in playing retail, classic, or SoD.

  41. 6 months ago

    I can't imagine what anyone still fervently playing WoW today would look or act like.

  42. 6 months ago

    i dont think i'd ever play world of warcraft. i played on my brother's account once and made a character, then he criticized me about my freestyle build. then he offered to sell me his account but he had to have access to his characters from time to time. high autism levels with that guy

    • 6 months ago

      Was he playing a paladin?

      • 6 months ago

        >Was he playing a paladin?

        Actually I think he did lmao. He's really into christian theology and shit.

  43. 6 months ago

    CDs/DVDs cost money to press. Packaging costs money to design and make. Shipping out millions of units across the planet costs a frickton of money.

    Or sell someone a completely digital horse that does not exist in any way in the material plane. Only has to be designed once and it's good to go.

    We praise old Blizzard for being great, but they made piss-ass chump change compared to nu-blizz and their Hearthstone booster packs, Rumble coins, and wow mounts (and now OW2 battle passes).

  44. 6 months ago

    >"At the time of its release, StarCraft II became the fastest-selling real-time strategy game, with over three million copies sold worldwide in the first month"

    this mount sold 7+ million, maybe closer to 10 million back in the early 2010s

    and blizztards act like they werent the cancer that killed gaming

    • 6 months ago

      If you listen to vtards, every day its someone else's turn to kill gaming. For a long time it was bethesda and the oblivion horse armor. Then fortnite/gacha

      • 6 months ago

        you're fricking moronic if you think Blizzard didnt popularize DLC, Live service subscription trash, MTX and P2W with Diablo 3

        Most of this shit came before 2012 btw. Its insane how much Blizztards defend Blizzard just cause they were tards that grew up playing nothing but WoW

        • 6 months ago

          Anon, blizzard isnt the reason that drooling morons buy the same fifa game, card packs and players every year en masse

          • 6 months ago

            >Blizztard defending this shit
            homie they made close to or maybe even 10+ million from that mount alone in the 2010s. They then double downed with popularizing P2W with Diablo 3 which despite being trashed on for adding it back in the day was insanely popular and made blizzard hundreds of millions

            The fact that Blizztards still deflect to FIFA when Blizzard popularized this shit before it became super popular in sports games just shows how fricking out of touch they are

            >card packs
            what is hearthstone?

        • 6 months ago

          the fricked up part is that by current standards, diablo 3 is an incredibly generous game because it let players get the majority of the money from item sales, instead of the company getting 100% of it like they currently do.

  45. 6 months ago

    G A Y

  46. 6 months ago

    Crazy how wowgays ITT can see OPs pic and not act like they were some sort of a cancer to gaming back in the day

    • 6 months ago

      Nobody was able to make a better and more complelling mmo. It is what it is. Maybe riots will change that


    • 6 months ago

      >they were some sort of a cancer to gaming back in the day
      wow still have the WORST community
      ive never seen so many gatekeeping poopsockers hating every other person in their game

      • 6 months ago

        >wow still have

      • 6 months ago

        This is result of databases, spreadsheet autism, and the popularity of Youtube.

        In vanilla it took a long time for people to figure out BiS, you couldn't scour the game's files and find the perfect items and where they were from. You had to rely on the thottbot addon to upload user data and then people had to theorycraft what actually made your DPS go up. That sort of data was hidden away by the poopsockiest of guilds (they wanted to be server first, they didn't share).

        Wowhead came along and more and more people started writing guides. Everyone could look up everything. DPS was no longer a mystery, it was a very measurable thing and that data was more accessible to the average player. Then finally Youtube started explaining how to top dps for people who didn't even have the attention span to read Wowhead.

        Now, people who would have been sub-average in vanilla worship their dps guides like a holy book and if you aren't outputting maximum dps they are disgusted by you and the fact you dared to play their game. It drives away anyone who actually likes to have fun and you're left with these miserable fricks who stare at the Details chart more than what they're actually doing.

  47. 6 months ago

    Not even surprised. "People" love mounts in WoW no matter how ugly or reskinned they are.

  48. 6 months ago

    I’ve played both StarCraft and WoW my whole life, and if I could go back and undo one of them I’d never touch WoW.
    Wow single handedly set my life back significantly, whereas StarCraft gave me the confidence to try new things and push forward.
    Yes, it’s much harder and much more stressful but I do not regret playing StarCraft because it made me stronger irl. Wow was the chocolate cake of my life. I love chocolate cake but that shit fricked me up.

  49. 6 months ago

    >rush to levelcap with guides
    >grind everything with guides
    >shit on people whos trying to play normally
    at this point im convinced that wow players dont actually like wow and play it just to get approval from other autists

  50. 6 months ago

    >this dude from my server
    >playing wow every day
    >at least for 6 hours
    >hes been doing it since tbc
    can someone explain how people not getting bored playing the same game for years?

    • 6 months ago

      Same reason people play league or cs for just as long with even less variation. They are familiar with the game and they like it

    • 6 months ago

      despite it's issues, WoW unironically has a massive amount of varied content, and they make an active effort to expand the game horizontally every expac
      like you can actually do what is essentially pokemon now, and get hundreds of hours out of it

      • 6 months ago

        Pet battle autism. Might get into that.

  51. 6 months ago

    This game is gatekept.

    • 6 months ago

      Its the playerbase.
      >if you want to raid MC you need to have at least BWL gear
      >if you start to play in the middle of the expansion then frick you

      • 6 months ago

        Join a guild

        • 6 months ago

          Guilds usually set some requirements to join.
          Also i noticed how guild become more and more closed and clique-favored.

          • 6 months ago

            Depends on what you want to do. Mythic raiding guilds will have reqs. The rest, not so much

      • 6 months ago

        Nobody gearchecks anyone for MC or BWL on Classic.

    • 6 months ago

      if youre feeling left out, youre probably the reason

    • 6 months ago

      life is gatekept. there's no reason to hire anyone you can't make money off of. wow is the same. if you won't carry me there's no reason to invite you to a key. if you aren't geared enough to survive easily there's no sense even raiding with you. if you aren't entertaining or helpful get out of my fun social guild.

      basically the world isn't good and it doesn't care about you. just shut the frick up about it already because no one wants to hear about it and your habit of whining isn't helping you either.

      • 6 months ago

        indeed and this is why nationalism will always fail. no one ever does anything for free, not even for their own "kind".

  52. 6 months ago

    Ill just remind you that gatekeeping killed TBCC.

    • 6 months ago

      Blood Elves were the opposite of gatekeeping, babymode entry into the Horde that irrevocably ruined their demographics.

      • 6 months ago

        It had nothing to do with belves.
        >join game
        >need to grind dungeons for rep
        >need to grind heroics for rep
        >need to run older raids for attunes
        >guilds already done this and not gonna help new players cause hurr durr
        At the end of BT phase servers usually had 1-2 guilds and thats it.

  53. 6 months ago

    If you oppose this perfectly fine example of capitalism, you are an enemy of the American people

  54. 6 months ago

    Is there any pirate server or anything to have fun for a first time wow player? I have never played the game but would like to try it solo. No multiplayer shit.

    • 6 months ago

      Official Classic wow

      • 6 months ago

        Omg they ask 130 bucks per year.

  55. 6 months ago

    cringe song
    cringier pic
    cringiest OP of the day

    • 6 months ago


  56. 6 months ago

    I quit wow in 2009 because wotlk was absolute dogshit and tbc started introducing many of the systems that would ultimately destroy the original experience. I've had friends begging me to return 'because this time the expansion is totally good bro' for 15 years. Though they've silently quit playing over time for the most part

    • 6 months ago

      and yet you keep going into wow threads. you may not play the game but wow still lives in your head rent free

      • 6 months ago

        It seems like I'm living in your head rent free, thanks for the big empty space

        • 6 months ago

          >Literally posts in the thread
          >"I'm rent free!"
          Obviously ESL, although the Chen picture already made that clear

  57. 6 months ago

    WoW has always been about milking its moronic playerbase from day one. World of Warcraft was never about anything except getting money from addicts. Why else would they timegate content? I've always wondered why you can't just raid as much as you want and only get 1 opportunity a week...

  58. 6 months ago

    I've not heard that song in 15 years now

  59. 6 months ago

    you can download wings of liberty for free i thought, you only have to buy the zerg and protoss expansions.

  60. 6 months ago

    MMOs just aren't the same. You don't have that sense of wonder and community anymore, because the novelty wore off and everybody you come across are just mutes because they're all on discord.

  61. 6 months ago

    I defended the Celestial Steed at the time because Chris Metzen was still at Blizz, just like how I defended tf2 lootcrates and csgo weapon skins because of Gaben or Fallout 76 because of Todd.
    I really don't give a shit about ethics I just want funny meme man to make money.

    • 6 months ago

      Christ Metzen is back

  62. 6 months ago

    World of Warcraft is still the best MMORPG that has ever existed. Cope and seethe.

  63. 6 months ago

    And how would a random QA gay know that?
    Jason Thor Hall never had any high position, never worked in finances or HR, he worked as a QA.

    Also it just sounds fricking moronic.
    Wings of liberty had 200mln$ revenue in just its release month, according to blizzard public stock report Starcraft 2 surpassed 1 billion $ revenue overall.

    If every single person of the 10 milion players who played wow that year bought it then it still be only 150mln$, and even if every single active user bought it, of which there where 50 million, that would still not top a billion.
    And no, not every single person who ever played wow bought the mount.

    This is why you never listen to those leftists eceleb homosexuals, they all lie for clicks.
    A QA lead is about as much of a game dev as a fricking janitor, probably less, a janitor does some work himself.

    • 6 months ago

      What a cuck. I bet that his gigachad father bullies him daily

    • 6 months ago

      >Left Blizzard with the title of Senior Red Team Specialist.

    • 6 months ago

      brainlet take
      cost of making sc2 vs cost of making a mount?

      • 6 months ago

        he doesn't know

      • 6 months ago

        Wow had millions spend on marketing too.
        Wow made 500mln$ a year, so even if we say Starcraft 2 budget was a staggering 500mln$ ( it wasnt, it was 100mln$), the profits would still surpass what ever wow made in revenue from subscriptions, microtrasactions, merch, events and all the shit that year.

        His numbers make 0 fricking sense since he dosnt give numbers, he has no idea how much SC2 made, or WoW, and if he wasnt a lazy lying piece of shit e could look it up, Blizzard is a public company, every 3 months they do a public revenue breakdown for stock investors.
        Again a QA guy would not have any access to this, especially since Blizzard is a subsidiary of Activision, so the finance people werent even in the same studio as him.
        Also WoW didnt make as much money as people think, Blizzard actually had many quarters where it went into negative and Activision had to cover the difference, blizzard makes only 20% of the companys revenue, they just spend too much.

        • 6 months ago

          >Left Blizzard with the title of Senior Red Team Specialist.

          you underestimate how much money wow makes
          you have no idea how much it costs to build things
          youre a kid on the internet

          • 6 months ago

            >Senior Red Team Specialist.
            I too like to make up positions for myself.
            I wonder which seat on the board of directors a "team specialist" has

            He didn't construct much of an argument. Just uninstall, lmao. You literally can't counter this point. The industry exists past Blizzard inspired games and related skinner boxes, even if you were a mobile hypercasual.
            Not entirely sure how you disproved anything he said since you don't have numbers yourself. It's not hard to believe the borderline nothing of development costs for a mount make the difference.

            i do have numbers myself "google blizzard stock revenue release "

  64. 6 months ago

    >posts an image of text..

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