I didn't finish it.

I didn't finish it.

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Same, it wasn't compelling enough for me to finish it unlike botw. I was going in expecting MANY floating continents but instead I got myself into a lazily designed underworld

    • 8 months ago

      good morning false flagging snoy! of course you didn't complete it, you don't even own a switch.

      but the game isn't on playstation, D'Shawn... how could you have possibly played it?

  2. 8 months ago

    The game is only fun with glitches like duplication and flying around with the wing glitch but Nintendo patched most of them out because they're gays

  3. 8 months ago

    I finished the first dungeon... And that's it.

  4. 8 months ago

    I did because zelfs is my self proclaimed favorite series but I thought it sucked honestly. I really dunno how to feel. Feel like Zelda is dead but I did enjoy BOTW a lot. But this and SS were horrid so I just can't really feel good

    • 8 months ago

      I unironically think SS mogs BOTW.

  5. 8 months ago

    I'm finishing up the shrines

    • 8 months ago

      the shrines are the best thing ever, and exploring
      (i did find a huge labyrinth in the sky you might need to check), clear labyrith in ground, the sky then you'll be told to jump to depth. Nice mission
      main quest is boring

      • 8 months ago

        The labyrinths were gay
        >Follow deez nuts
        >Use your body, mind, skill, wisdom, courage, power, etc... to follow these map markers
        >Jump into the abyss below where your game will freezeframe while loading assets and then fight a gay robot
        There's nothing to 'em. And they're copy-pasted, not just one to another, but from the entire last game. It's just lazy bullshit that makes no sense in context and is boring in gameplay.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah I forgot the reward was goblin camp chest tier, you're right I expected Excalibur or some shit in the end lmao
          Even breath of the wild had more fun with the constant guardians with a laser beam kek

  6. 8 months ago

    same. Once you're done tinkering around with ultrahand and exploring the depths, you realize the overworld is 99% the exact same as the previous game and that there's nothing really new for you to do and see, besides visiting like a handful of fresh setpieces
    Game is a 9/10 if you haven't played BotW. If you have, it falls to a 5/10.

  7. 8 months ago

    It's been reported that, on average, only 10-20% of gamers complete the games they start. While TOTK is known for its extensive content, which can span over 100 hours, it's estimated that around 30 hours of gameplay offer a truly enriching experience before it becomes repetitive. That leaves roughly 50-80 of unplayed hours from your averaged person. Considering these statistics, it's plausible to suggest that a significant portion of those defending the game more than likely have not beaten the game, possibly dropping out well before the halfway mark.

  8. 8 months ago

    TOTK is actual kusoge. Boring, repetitive shit and somehow worse than BOTW.

    • 8 months ago

      It's literally worse than Ubisoft games, even those have 10+ mission types dotted around the map.
      TOTK has like things repeated 100 times each.
      Even Genshin 1.0 wasn't this barren.

      • 8 months ago

        >mfw replaying Far Cry 4 after BotW
        It's crazy how bad BotW was in terms of world design and how the variety of elements interacted with it. Everything felt disconnected, despite being "open" like instead of random interactions everything is just waiting for the player, and if you do accidentally aggro an enemt you can just walk ten feet away and look at them standing there, unable to leave their designated space.
        The smallest enemy encampment in Far Cry is bigger than the largest one in BotW/TotK. The only thing to scale was the overworld itself, but it's just jam packed with really bad combat and writing, and some mediocre puzzles.

        • 8 months ago

          It's because the commitment to the believable world hurt the game part of the open world game. For example you have the ability to create pillars of ice from any nearby water source. This can range from puddles to Lakes to waterfalls. Now in any other game the level designs would manufacture reasons to take advantage of this power. Maybe there's a place you can only get to by creating sideways pillars to get up a waterfall. Maybe there's an enemy that you can counter by freezing water before it can hit you. None of this ever happens. Vah Ruta is the only instance of using Cryonis to break ice projectiles before they hit you. There's some Shrines where water can be raised to stun a Guardian even though it's faster and more efficient to parry it. So in this vast open world there's very few instances to take advantage of Cryonis. Which ties into the problem of enemy variety. There are so few enemies in this game and they're dealt with so similarly that even if there were an opportunity to take advantage of Cryonis, you have no incentive to.

    • 8 months ago

      It's literally worse than Ubisoft games, even those have 10+ mission types dotted around the map.
      TOTK has like things repeated 100 times each.
      Even Genshin 1.0 wasn't this barren.

      >mfw replaying Far Cry 4 after BotW
      It's crazy how bad BotW was in terms of world design and how the variety of elements interacted with it. Everything felt disconnected, despite being "open" like instead of random interactions everything is just waiting for the player, and if you do accidentally aggro an enemt you can just walk ten feet away and look at them standing there, unable to leave their designated space.
      The smallest enemy encampment in Far Cry is bigger than the largest one in BotW/TotK. The only thing to scale was the overworld itself, but it's just jam packed with really bad combat and writing, and some mediocre puzzles.

      It's because the commitment to the believable world hurt the game part of the open world game. For example you have the ability to create pillars of ice from any nearby water source. This can range from puddles to Lakes to waterfalls. Now in any other game the level designs would manufacture reasons to take advantage of this power. Maybe there's a place you can only get to by creating sideways pillars to get up a waterfall. Maybe there's an enemy that you can counter by freezing water before it can hit you. None of this ever happens. Vah Ruta is the only instance of using Cryonis to break ice projectiles before they hit you. There's some Shrines where water can be raised to stun a Guardian even though it's faster and more efficient to parry it. So in this vast open world there's very few instances to take advantage of Cryonis. Which ties into the problem of enemy variety. There are so few enemies in this game and they're dealt with so similarly that even if there were an opportunity to take advantage of Cryonis, you have no incentive to.


  9. 8 months ago


  10. 8 months ago

    I didn't either, and trust me, I tried. Several times now. Zelda is my favorite game series and I've played every single one to completion at least once, many of them several times (with OOT, WW and ALBW probably sitting in the 5+ times range). I really loved BOTW, but TOTK is so BORING. It's a really big expansion back that just takes BOTW and adds a bunch of shit to it, but none of the shit is meaningful and is only interesting in isolation as none of it adds up to a cohesive experience. It's so damn repetitive, the story is awful, the shrines are even less substantial than BOTW and the puzzles easier, you've seen and done it all before in BOTW, etc. The only way I could ever consider TOTK a 10/10 is if I'm operating on some kind of "BOTW was a 10/10, and this has all of BOTW repeated in it, therefore it must also be 10/10" anti-logic.

    I really didn't like SS but I was at least engaged enough to finish that one back when it came out. TOTK couldn't even het there for me. I keep putting it down and playing and finishing other things instead. I feel like I'm being gaslit by the entire Nintendo fandom with this one.

    • 8 months ago

      Literally me
      Something broke inside of me after finishing TotK
      I'm not digging the direction where series is headed in
      They just said in the interview "sheikah machines disappeared" which means "we don't give a frick about the plot"

  11. 8 months ago

    i did
    what a waste of time

  12. 8 months ago

    I played a little bit in yuzu before leaving home
    Can't wait to get back home in 3 months

  13. 8 months ago


  14. 8 months ago

    I barely began it. Got to the arm thing, did a couple puzzles and got bored

  15. 8 months ago

    I loved BOTW but couldn't get behind TOTK
    I just kinda feel like, with all the new features, it's just kinda bloated. i've barely played it
    I mean I guess I can build a funky car to move around but I'd rather just have the mastercycle back
    Don't even get me started on the new fusing arrows thing

  16. 8 months ago

    BotW and TotK have a benefit of ending when you want it to end. Just jump below Hyrule Castle and finish the game.

  17. 8 months ago

    Never played it, I plan on keeping it that way.

  18. 8 months ago

    me neither, i went on to play other games in my backlog

  19. 8 months ago


    What are you allowed to say about BOTW/TOTK?

    • 8 months ago

      That they're masterpieces / the high metacritic and sales magically make them good / anyone doesn't like them is an evil hater who doesn't understand game design / all other games are shit in comparison.

      Take your pick. Arthur will be here shortly, since he's preoccupied in another threat at the moment. He'll be sure to bring his cavalcade of smug zelda images and game journo articles.

      • 8 months ago

        TotK is the first game I've honestly dropped because of sheer boredom. The whole time it was just a string of "I've seen this before" and "I did this already." All of the "new" stuff is bland as hell and the story is phenomenally dumb even for a Zelda game. It's probably the laziest "sequel" I've ever played.

        my homie, same here

        my homie, same here

        my homie, same here

        Erictroony, your cope isn't working

  20. 8 months ago

    my homie, same here

  21. 8 months ago

    TotK is the first game I've honestly dropped because of sheer boredom. The whole time it was just a string of "I've seen this before" and "I did this already." All of the "new" stuff is bland as hell and the story is phenomenally dumb even for a Zelda game. It's probably the laziest "sequel" I've ever played.

  22. 8 months ago


  23. 8 months ago

    I didn't even make it off the tutorial area before dropping it.
    I can't wait for this game to win GOTY.

    • 8 months ago


      Erictroony, stop trying.

  24. 8 months ago

    I'm struggling. I unlocked the fifth dungeon a month ago but that encounter at Hyrule Castle with Ganondorf demotivated me so much. Why are these games written like episodes of Sesame Street?

    • 8 months ago

      The labyrinths were gay
      >Follow deez nuts
      >Use your body, mind, skill, wisdom, courage, power, etc... to follow these map markers
      >Jump into the abyss below where your game will freezeframe while loading assets and then fight a gay robot
      There's nothing to 'em. And they're copy-pasted, not just one to another, but from the entire last game. It's just lazy bullshit that makes no sense in context and is boring in gameplay.

      Erictroony, stop trying

      • 8 months ago

        I never try, only win.

      • 8 months ago

        You're as insane as the game is a mediocre rehash. Cope and seethe.

  25. 8 months ago

    i barely finish any game.
    totk is a good game though.

  26. 8 months ago

    I played for like 30 hours and never did a main dungeon and then sf6 came out

    because I'm a huge ADHD autist who can only focus on one thing at a time I completely dropped the game even though I was really enjoying it and I can't force myself to go back to it

    someone please convince me to go back, I've been agonizing over it for months I want to play it so bad but I just can't force myself because I'm mentally ill

    • 8 months ago

      What made you prioritize SF6 over TotK?

      • 8 months ago

        because I love street fighter and sf6 actually looked like a competent release so I was obsessed with playing it
        but now I don't want to play it anymore but can't make myself go back to Zelda

        • 8 months ago

          So TotK was incompetent in your mind? Sounds like you answered your own question and might be in denial about how much you "loved" TotK. Most games seem great when you're first playing them. It's called a honeymoon phase, and is not exclusive to vidya, as evident by the phrase itself.
          I'm in the same boat, except my SF6 equivalent was Starfield. I chose to stick with TotK and haven't even booted up the former yet though. I don't imagine I'll ever replay TotK, but I do intend to finish it.
          My point being you already dropped it for what may be a subconscious reason, and I'd be lying if I said it's worth it to fight that feeling and pick it back up. Sometimes you just gotta let shit go.
          >mfw I remember playing DotA when it was a WC3 custom map and get that urge to load up a contemporary MOBA then remember they're all garbage pandering cashcows with horrible balancing
          Shit sucks, man, but living with a fond memory of time spent prior is better than trying to relive it in real time and being constantly disappointed. Better to just move on.

          • 8 months ago

            no you fricking mobile posting strawmanning moron, I just wanted to play a new game that came out that I was really interested in and because I have severe ADHD I can't focus on more than one thing at a time

            shut the frick up holy shit

            • 8 months ago

              I was asking you a question, not attempting to argue. Your phrasing of "SF6 looked like a competent release" is a bit odd, so it's hard to tell if you meant compared to prior Street Fighter iterations, or compared to TotK.
              That's why I was asking. You do know what a question mark is, right? It's that funny little symbol at the end of a sentence.
              How do you expect anybody to convince you to return to a game when you don't give any context into your experience with the game or potential motivation?
              You just want that honeymoon phase, evidently. Hard to tell if you even give a shit about SF6. How many therapists have you had in the last five years? I'm sure you can't commit to one.

    • 8 months ago

      >someone please convince me to go back
      Why would anyone do that? It's like convincing someone to go back to "Animal Crossing" or "No Man's Sky", in other words, making you waste time on useless tasks in a virtual world that demands nothing of you.
      I stopped playing the game for a similar reason to yours, but I'd already spent 100+ hours on it, and I'm not going to go back to collecting useless items in a braindead game.

      • 8 months ago

        Erictroony, stop trying.

  27. 8 months ago

    What do you mean finish? I did all the main story stuff and did about 100 shrines.

  28. 8 months ago

    The only zelda game I ever finished was Twilight Princess and that was only because of Midna's delicious imp booty and the little moans she'd make when she was riding on wolf link's back. Zelda as a series in general is always the same repetitive shit: "Ganon is back, defeat him Link! You are the chosen one, again!"

  29. 8 months ago

    Same. Went to the castle to save Zelda. Turns out I was just dicked around. told to find a fifth sage. Yeah, frick off.

  30. 8 months ago

    Shame. Ganondorf's fight is the only genuinely good part of this mess.

  31. 8 months ago

    >another thread of third worlder subhuman seethe
    good to know zelda won and lives rent free in your heads
    byw dont bother replying because i am leaving after posting this, meanwhile you will SEETHE for hours just like you have been for the past 6 years

  32. 8 months ago

    >Loved Zelda Totk
    >Loved BG3
    >One of these will win GOTY
    Can't wait for the seethe fest after the game awards

  33. 8 months ago

    I did. Almost seven years ago.

  34. 8 months ago

    It was a shit game and I wasted a voucher on it.

    • 8 months ago

      Erictroony, stop trying

  35. 8 months ago

    It's mid

  36. 8 months ago

    Sucks for you. The ending is fantasy book-tier kino.

    • 8 months ago

      It's mid

      Didn't start it, not playing troonycore garbage just because it co-opted the name of a once-enjoyable nintendo series.

      Erictroony, stop trying with the page 10 bumps

    • 8 months ago

      From what I heard the ending is fanfic tier. Since when have you read a book anyway?

      • 8 months ago


        Erictroony, stop trying with the page 10 bumps

        • 8 months ago

          See pic related, homosexual.

  37. 8 months ago

    Didn't start it, not playing troonycore garbage just because it co-opted the name of a once-enjoyable nintendo series.

  38. 8 months ago

    i'm 80 hours in and i love it

  39. 8 months ago

    who the frick is eric

  40. 8 months ago

    same, i was getting through it and got bored because i have already been around this world, and i didn't care about going underground

  41. 8 months ago

    Nice to see more BotW fans starting to realize TotK isn't what they wanted from Zelda.

    >But it's more of the same!
    Yes, but it's more of the same of the wrong thing. BotW was cool because despite being open world it was still about adventure and exploration, the thing Zelda is known and loved for. TotK on the other hand is the same map, so way less adventure and exploration, and the gimmick instead is playing with digital lego and fricking around with the physics. It's not what Zelda should be.

    • 8 months ago

      same, i was getting through it and got bored because i have already been around this world, and i didn't care about going underground

      See pic related, homosexual.

      who the frick is eric

      who the frick is eric

      Erictroony, stop trying.

  42. 8 months ago

    posting just to trigger the bot

  43. 8 months ago

    After a while I played the game in tunnel vision. Focusing only on the main quest, then putting the game down once it was done. I just can't be bothered with these open world goyslop games anymore, especially one as bland and frustrating as this.

  44. 8 months ago

    I'm not convinced anyone here has actually played it.

  45. 8 months ago

    Barely anyone did, it was fricking boring.

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