I didn't have internet in 1997, so it's not like I could know what the people outside of my social circle thought of Q2 (and the average age...

I didn't have internet in 1997, so it's not like I could know what the people outside of my social circle thought of Q2 (and the average age in my social circle was 12 back then), so let me ask you: was this game really that hated when it came out?
The remastered version dropped days ago and all I can see is shit like:
>Yeah, it's not that good, but it's still fun to play.
>It's cool they remastered it, but I never liked Q2 that much.
>You know, it's actually not as bad as people used to say back in the day.
>Oh, I always loved Q2! It's everyone else who was wrong.
>Q2 is the holy messiah crucified for our sins! I'm sorry, John Carmack! Please, forgive us!
Is this true or just another case of revisionism mixed with mass hysteria? I thought everyone liked Quake II. At least more than Quake I. Which I like anyway, but I can see how people could think it's boring compared to Quake II.

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  1. 10 months ago

    >was this game really that hated when it came out?
    No, everyone with Windows 98 had the demo installed and running in software mode.
    90% of the hate came from zoomies who watches some youtube e-celeb who has a hardon for Q1 and liked to shit on 2 for no reason.

  2. 10 months ago

    I just played Quake for the first time ever and Looking at it and then at Quake 2 I can see why people would be upset. Quake 1 has an amazing medival iron maiden dark fantasy vibe full of zombies and monsters n shit. Quake 2 looks like a syfy movie type vibe thats full of robots and space fighting. Tone change this drastic with always divide the fanbase.

    • 10 months ago

      I find it hilarious how zoomies keep spouting this "medieval theme" meme when Q1 has plenty of tech bases and futuristic sci-fi weapons/enemies.

      Truth is, Quake 1 wasn't even supposed to be an FPS, it just ended up as one because they ran out of time/ideas for their RPG and turned it into a doom clone in a lazy attempt to salvage the assets.

      • 10 months ago

        The medieval shit was just one episode wasn't it? I don't remember.
        Quake 2 is kino btw

        • 10 months ago

          >The medieval shit was just one episode wasn't it?
          It was really heavy in episode 1. But medieval / dark fantasy vibes kept appearing here and there throughout the game.

        • 10 months ago

          >The medieval shit was just one episode wasn't it?
          It was really heavy in episode 1. But medieval / dark fantasy vibes kept appearing here and there throughout the game.

          Each episode starts with one techbase level and the rest of the levels are medieval

      • 10 months ago

        Even with that being true it was better than Quake 2. Sad!

    • 10 months ago

      I also prefer Quake 1's aesthetic but that's not the reason I don't think Quake 2 isn't as fun. Thinking a sequel being bad because it doesn't do exactly what the first game did is pretty asinine thinking. What I dislike about Quake 2 that still makes me prefer Quake 1 is the game doesn't put you in fights with progressively more bullet spongy enemies and in greater numbers. Quake 2 has a ton of enemies but towards the end game every fight is a drawn out slog. Quake 1 uses it's map design and more limited enemies to greater effect IMO. I think Quake 2 is a pretty solid 7/10 for what it is and I can see why people back then would have thought it was revolutionary but Quake 1 has just aged better.

      • 10 months ago

        I can't agree with that. Recently I played Q1 campaign and the ogres are spongy as frick. They also hit quite hard and these are enemies you encounter almost at the very start of the game.

  3. 10 months ago

    Everyone I knew frickin loved Quake 2.
    I was able play it online at heat.net on dial-up back then.
    It was one of the hottest multiplayer games of the time.
    The haters you see nowadays are brainwashed idiots who have all their opinions fed to them by youtubers.

    • 10 months ago

      That's the strange part. They don't really seem to hate it. They just claim it was hated. It's like those people who claim
      >b-b-but Diablo II was hated for it's colorful palette too, you know!
      Makes me feel like I woke up in an alternative timeline or something.

      • 10 months ago

        >b-b-but Diablo II was hated for it's colorful palette too, you know!
        Yea that was never an opinion anyone had.

        • 10 months ago

          It wasn't but youtubers and streamers keep repeating that lie just like they claim Diablo 2 was hated upon release but then improved upon because they're coping Diablo 4 fans.

  4. 10 months ago

    I don't know what the consensus on the game was but I could understand if people weren't super into it. It's a pretty big change in style and structure. I just played both 1 and 2 for the first time recently and I much prefer 2. 1 is really good but 2 just clicked much more with me.

  5. 10 months ago

    It had a better campaign than Q1, which was all I wanted back then. Only shit I hated about the game was the starter blaster. Worst fricking starting weapon in the history of FPS. Even the fallback melee weapons in a lot of FPS do more damage as a fallback tool than the blaster.

    Shame the remaster absolutely fricked the AI up. They're waking up way too early, especially on multi-level stages where enemies on the upper floor are supposed to remain idle unless you prematurely shot at them.

    • 10 months ago

      You get the shotgun pretty quickly, not as quickly as doom but you're not stuck with the blaster long.
      Also speaking of AI did the enemies duck under your shots in the original? I swear I can't remember them doing that but in the remaster they're ducking under every other shot.

      • 10 months ago

        >Also speaking of AI did the enemies duck under your shots in the original?
        No. Just like Berserkers didn't have the crazy jump attack that completely fricks up the gameplay in some places now.

      • 10 months ago

        No, they redid a lot of the AI. In the original they either did stand+shoot, or run a straight line to you. They were a bit predictable, similar to Quake 1. Berserkers are downright overdone with their changes though. The game doesn't let you move fast enough to actually deal with their lunge attack consistently.

      • 10 months ago

        Yes they did duck

      • 10 months ago

        Yes they did duck, mostly under blaster shots

  6. 10 months ago

    I think a lot of the comparisons are conflating SP vs MP. Add QW into the mix makes it even more confusing.

    I started with Q2 in 97, but I exclusively played MP. Switched to QW after about a month. For me QW is far better than Q2 MP.

    I'm having a lot of fun with the Q2 remaster MP, but I do find the lack of air movement and starting blaster frustrating. Also frick playfab.

    Don't really have an opinion on SP, they are completely different games and have very different strengths and weaknesses.

    • 10 months ago

      Do you have a lot of delay in the remaster? I tried to play MP in the remaster but everything has a half second delay, feels unplayable to me.

      • 10 months ago

        Not getting anything like 0.5 seconds. Playfab is pretty shit though. Have your tried creating a local game with bots to see if you are experiencing it there as well?

        • 10 months ago

          I just did. Everything felt fine. Went back to MP and still there's that delay, specifically with the shooting, movement feels fine.

          • 10 months ago

            How does hosting your own online vs joining an existing game compare? Also check your ping to client hosted games. Anything over 100 ping is pretty bad, especially for non hitscan weapons.

  7. 10 months ago

    its a good game but very obviously a new ip they just called quake 2 instead of something else which i will never get. back then id was on top of the world and anything they made sold like crazy. quake 2 iirc was one of the first (maybe the first) game with colored lighting which was incredible back then. they could have released an fps called 'shoot gun bang bang' and a million copies still would have flew out of the door and carmack could buy another f50.

  8. 10 months ago

    Quake 2 was fun for the gibs

  9. 10 months ago

    Nobody really enjoyed Quake, the gameplay was simplistic and boring, they were popular purely as cutting edge graphics demos

    • 10 months ago

      >they were popular purely as cutting edge graphics demos
      That was UNREAL, anon

      • 10 months ago

        It was both

      • 10 months ago

        Quake 1 had level design with proper verticality, allowing even more exploration. It was nothing like your general Doom clone before. DN3D kinda achieve it with a lot of tricks.

        Unreal 1 had new set of weapons, with alt fire, incredible ai for its time, and, once again, very big levels with backtrackings and verticality.

        • 10 months ago

          Quake 1 was Doom with worse enemies, worse weapons and better level design

          • 10 months ago

            *and 3D mouslooking (real game changer)

        • 10 months ago

          *and don't get me started on the multiplayer.

  10. 10 months ago

    It absolutely was not hated. People loved it, Unreal, and Half Life. There was no real console warring over the games because PC gamers were above that shit.
    Anyone who tries to say otherwise wasn't there. Simple as.

    • 10 months ago

      >Half Life
      Everyone loved Half Life except for Id lol. Apparently when it came out the only people at Id who liked it were Romero and American McGee.
      I imagine there was probably a lot of bitterness towards Half Life from developers around that time, cus Half Life did overshadow pretty much every other fps around that time.

      • 10 months ago

        when Half Life came out John Romero didn't work at id

        • 10 months ago

          He was too busy working on making us his b***h.

        • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago

            Was Tom hall at Id during this time? I would image he's like half-life

            • 10 months ago

              Nah, he was long gone. I didn't even really work on doom, his design Bible got thrown out and he went to work on Rise of the Triad instead.

              • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            what a bunch of idiots

          • 10 months ago

            I'm a 39 year old boomer and I have no memory of Quake 2 being hated at the time it came out. Later in the 2000s when I was on gaming themed forums it also was looked back at with nostalgia and I don't think I remember anyone saying it was shit.

            "Storytelling" was common in games back then just not in first person shooters.

          • 10 months ago

            >believing this ccp loving ball bag about ANYTHING.
            Everyone liked q2, everyone liked half life.
            Literally the only fps games that ever had heated fanboy discussion (not even a candle to console war homosexualry) were quake vs dn3d, and quake 3 vs unreal tournament.
            That's it.

            • 10 months ago

              Romero retweeted it, which gives it some legitimacy for me because Romero is willing to correct people on twitter when they're wrong, even his pas colleagues.

          • 10 months ago

            uhh based? half life is worse than garbage like daikatana

          • 10 months ago

            Valve not only ruined games with half-life ebin movie kino, they popularized micro transactions, and ones that alter stats to boot, also battle passes, half-assed feature implementation, and loot boxes.

            • 10 months ago

              Wrong on everything except loot boxes

              • 10 months ago

                TF2 goy spotted

    • 10 months ago

      console wars are literally from the console gays who argued about nintendo and sega, because most people couldnt afford both. its an infantile way of thinking.

    • 10 months ago

      imagine the smell

  11. 10 months ago

    When I was a kid, my older brothers loved the frick out of this game and I used to play it with them.
    I played the remaster and it's even better.

    Quake 1 is just a chash grab Doom skin.
    Quake 2 is an actual game

  12. 10 months ago

    Nah, people loved it back in the day. All of the hate for it is recent because of streamers.

  13. 10 months ago

    It may have been the shock of how Quake 2 isn't actually a sequel to Quake 1 at all and only carries the name, which was a very last second decision, as originally the game was going to be called Strogg.

  14. 10 months ago

    People were either talking about this, Age of Empires, Fallout, Ultima Online, Turok, Abes Oddysee, Blood, FF7, Tomb Raider 2, GTA, Shadow Warrior, Mortal Kombat 4, MDK, Dungeon Keeper or Lego Island. Because holy frick 1997 was a nutty year for gaming.

    • 10 months ago

      >Lego Island

    • 10 months ago

      >Lego Island

    • 10 months ago

      >Abes Oddysee
      At first I was confused why you put this with other titles. But then I started thinking harder and... yeah, Abe was kinda big in those days. Feels weird.

    • 10 months ago

      >Nah frick that Quake shit, y'know what we should be playing?
      >Lego Island

  15. 10 months ago

    >was this game really that hated when it came out

    Multiplayer was well liked, single-player had a ton of mods, and it sold well.

    So, no, it wasn't hated. It's just that Quake 1 had been single-player and Quake 3 (obviously) had better multiplayer, so it's in an awkward middle spot where it doesn't perform either job as well as the games that bookend it.

  16. 10 months ago

    I blame yahtzee.
    He started lets drown out with quake 2 in the early days and played it without music and with cheats and calls the game dull boring and shit.

  17. 10 months ago

    I played it in 1997. The game wasn't hated. It was considered a great FPS and even had some big mods like Action Quake 2. Some people were a bit disappointed that it was a totally different setting but the game wasn't hated by the players and wasn't panned in the reviews.
    That's a modern contrarian lie and it seem that it pretty much isn't a thing outside of Ganker.

    • 10 months ago

      What I do remember was everyone being amazed at the technical features like the colored lighting and the animations. Not just people in general but devs as well, everyone wanted a go at that engine. That's until Valve put out half-life the following year and made it look like a joke.

    • 10 months ago

      >it seem that it pretty much isn't a thing outside of Ganker
      Lol, no. It's the gamin journos claiming Q2 was hated back in the day. Even the YouTubers who should know better repeat this shit. GmanLives is in that weird spot where he keeps saying how he always loved Q2, despite everyone else hating it. And when you look at the comments, everyone agrees with him. So who the frick were those mythological people who hated Q2? Frick only knows.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm a zoomer, but I get a feeling that the internet back in the day was less unanimous, so it was harder to get a feel on what the general consensus on a game was. Everyone was in their own little pockets of the internet and free to form their own opinions. Some of those pockets may have loved Quake 2, some may have hated it, so your view on what the consensus of Quake 2 was may have been tied to the communities you were in. Today everything is very unanimous. It's easy to get a feel on the general consensus on a game, and peoples opinions may be influenced by that.
        Again I'm a zoomer who didn't exist in those times so I really wouldn't know, but that's the feeling I get.

        • 10 months ago

          Not that anon, but the late 90s/early 00s Internet hubs were basically Gamefaqs, Rotten.com, Stileproject, Newgrounds, Portal of Evil, Geocities. People liked Quake 2. I didn't see hate for it anywhere. Somethingawful came a bit later but they also liked Quake 2.

      • 10 months ago

        was it gaming journos? all the quake or doom threads I've seen on Ganker over the last 15 years you'd have dozens of spergs saying 2 sucks 1 is amazing

  18. 10 months ago

    Graphics were always the most important thing in a lot of people's minds and Quake 2 blew Quake one away in terms of graphics and that's all anyone really cared about.

  19. 10 months ago

    >shit like
    Use your words, you fricking wigger. It's not difficult.

    • 10 months ago

      >t. actual ESL

  20. 10 months ago

    If you like doom 2, doom 3, quake 4, quake 2, unreal 2, halo 2, blood 2, serious sam 2, half life 2, fear 2, etc then you need to frick off. Kill sequel Black folk.

    • 10 months ago

      Actual Serious Sam 2, or did you mean Second Encounter?

    • 10 months ago

      >there are no good FPS games with 2 in the ti-
      HOLD IT

  21. 10 months ago

    Who cares? being exposed to ID software's audience or quakegays in general is about the worst thing you can do. You play these games once in a blue moon if you feel like going back to them for the nostalgia purposes, but just avoid talking to the people who play them. See my experience with playing Quake Arena was entirely with friends in our own lobbies. I didn't have to speak to these morons once in my entire life and that's the way i like to keep it, it was just good casual fun. So if you liked back Quake 2 then who cares what these morons think? most of them are failures at life anyway. Avoid talking to /vr/ boomers in general and just enjoy it.

  22. 10 months ago

    No, it was pretty good, bit 1 was better

  23. 10 months ago

    Quake 2 would be as good as Quake 1 if the weapons were the exact same. How the frick are they going to make a sequel to Quake 1 without the fricking grenade launcher? The levels are fun to play through but the weapons aren’t as fun. They just aren’t. On it’s own yeah it’s a pretty great game but compared to the first (and 3) it’s a black sheep. Not even because they changed the enemies from the lovecraftian stuff to the Strogg, it’s simply the weapons they went with this time. A hitscan SMG and chaingun versus the nailgun???? Come on.

  24. 10 months ago

    The big contention is that it's simply not as good or as interesting as the first game.
    As an FPS, it's fine. It's not amazing, but it's fine.
    I've been enjoying the remaster, it's fun enough.

    • 10 months ago

      There is no big contention. It's just streamer and youtube dipshits jerking each other off and lying about a game's reception that they barely remember playing back in the day.

      • 10 months ago


        If you like doom 2, doom 3, quake 4, quake 2, unreal 2, halo 2, blood 2, serious sam 2, half life 2, fear 2, etc then you need to frick off. Kill sequel Black folk.

        • 10 months ago

          I just see another moron mixing good games with bad games in order to create the laziest bait ever.

  25. 10 months ago

    What's codex opinion?

    • 10 months ago

      who cares

  26. 10 months ago

    No. Some people didn't like the gunplay as much as Quake but the better balance made up for it. Most people who played Quake moved on to Quake 2. The bigger fight was between Quake 2 and Unreal. Keep in mind that video games were improving rapidly at this time and people were excited for new games instead of skeptical and trolling like today. Games as a service didn't exist and no one expected to be playing the same game for years on end. By like late 98-early 99 Quake 2 was regarded as an old game and people were busy talking about newer games.

    Unrelated note: while I was taking a trip down memory lane I found this thread. Enjoy.

  27. 10 months ago

    It wasn't reviled, but it showcased the worrying general direction that the FPS genre was heading in during that era:
    >graphics were going up
    >enemy count was going down to keep the game running smoothly
    >enemy health was going up to compensate for fewer numbers
    Also gameplay wise Q2 didn't do anything new. It was yet another straightforward corridor shooter (with slightly contextualized lever pulling).

    • 10 months ago

      >It was yet another straightforward corridor shooter (with slightly contextualized lever pulling).
      calling Quake 2 a corridor shooter is the cope of the century.

      • 10 months ago

        It's a corridor shooter in the sense that you walk around contrived death mazes and shoot everything that moves. I never said that was a bad thing, gaytard.

        You weren't there and you're doing the modern pseudo-academic analysis take on a game from 97. It was an upgrade from Quake 1 in every way and people loved it. The only dudes that stayed with Quake 1 were those who didn't have the hardware to run it. It's youtuber tourists who now reveal the complex history of video games to the masses that are responsible for people constantly bickering about useless shit, rather than enjoy games. It's the same people that will tell you to turn texture filtering off in Quake because that's how it's meant to be played, where literally those games were a huge reason to buy a 3D card back in the day and texture filtering was about the only thing those early cards could do. And no, Ultra Violence is not the correct way to play Doom.

        I was there more than you ever were, shitbrain. id themselves thought that making Quake 1 just "Doom with fancy graphics" was too boring and uncreative, and I'm the one retroactively over analyzing it? And you too are too fricking stupid to realize that I wasn't shitting in Q2, but of course you're arguing in bad faith and want to misinterpret even the slightest comment as negative, so you can pretend to be a hardcore old school gamer. Frick you, homosexual.

        • 10 months ago

          OP asked what people thought at the time. Not for hindsight 25 years later. He can get plenty of that elsewhere.

        • 10 months ago

          >I was there more than you ever were, shitbrain. id themselves thought that making Quake 1 just "Doom with fancy graphics" was too boring and uncreative, and I'm the one retroactively over analyzing it?
          Yes you were right there in id's office knowing what they though about Quake.
          >It's a corridor shooter in the sense that you walk around contrived death mazes and shoot everything that moves. I never said that was a bad thing, gaytard.
          Corridor shooter is a modern and derogatory term used to describe COD-like linear shooters. You said what you said, now you try mental gymnastics to explain to everyone how you meant something different and accuse people of bad faith where at best you are incapable of expressing your opinions in clear and intelligible manner and at worst just stirring shit up.

    • 10 months ago

      You weren't there and you're doing the modern pseudo-academic analysis take on a game from 97. It was an upgrade from Quake 1 in every way and people loved it. The only dudes that stayed with Quake 1 were those who didn't have the hardware to run it. It's youtuber tourists who now reveal the complex history of video games to the masses that are responsible for people constantly bickering about useless shit, rather than enjoy games. It's the same people that will tell you to turn texture filtering off in Quake because that's how it's meant to be played, where literally those games were a huge reason to buy a 3D card back in the day and texture filtering was about the only thing those early cards could do. And no, Ultra Violence is not the correct way to play Doom.

      • 10 months ago

        >It's the same people that will tell you to turn texture filtering off
        i agree with most things you say but actually you should do this. I don't understand how people like the Nintendo 64 blur fest. lol

      • 10 months ago

        >The only dudes that stayed with Quake 1 were those who didn't have the hardware to run it.
        >the only [x]

        I wish you homosexuals would stop using this phrase. In 97 you knew about 10 fricking people; you have absolutely no basis for these sweeping statements.

    • 10 months ago

      >I was never there but I will make comments pretending I was.

  28. 10 months ago

    >was this game really that hated when it came out?
    I remember my very tech savvy/PCMR uncle hating it BUT he was a huge Doom/Quake 1 stan that also hated the modernization of FPS games including everything military shooter related. He is one of those boomers that just love the idea of FPS games being nothing more than blasting endless braindead hordes.

  29. 10 months ago

    >was this game really that hated when it came out?
    No, it was very well received. It looked gorgeous and had excellent gameplay. But it was also forgotten fairly quickly as it didn't do anything new. Abstract maze keyhunts didn't cut it for singleplayer anymore and Quake 3 ate up 2's netplay audience just a couple of years later.

  30. 10 months ago

    I was there. Everyone loved q2 at launch, it's only cause half life came out a year later that it didn't have a lasting significance.

    Q3 on the other hand was actually quite divisive. Some people thought it was great, but a significant number thought it was boring and shit as they just played it as a single player game against bots.

    • 10 months ago

      >Q3 on the other hand was actually quite divisive.
      UT was better.

      • 10 months ago

        UT was like Mario kart while Q3 was gran autismo.

        • 10 months ago

          What a gay anal-ogy.

  31. 10 months ago

    >was this game really that hated when it came out?
    Who the frick thought that? It got ported to PSX and N64 and got a sequel.

  32. 10 months ago

    I think people were a little on the fence with the single player campaign. But it's an ID game, so they can be a little polarizing in that respect. But Quake II had a lot of fans, and the online multiplayer was still popular and so was the modding. I feel like Quake III being multiplayer only was a result of the mixed reactions from the single player in Quake II.

  33. 10 months ago

    I remember my older cousin using it to show off his brand new 400mhz PC. And every teenager with a good enough PC had a pirated copy or at least played it despite the game being banned from open sale in my country.

    • 10 months ago

      kys bugposter

      • 10 months ago

        Eat farts

        • 10 months ago

          i bet she has nice tasting farts

  34. 10 months ago

    The gunplay is a bit annoying and the maps are not too great, but there is something that makes you keep playing.
    The l is great and very good to have. If you want to see how we played in 1998 turn on the CRT Filter option.

  35. 10 months ago

    Quake II was also the first PC game that I can think of that shipped with OpenGL on day one. Quake 1 originally released with software rendering only,and only supported one graphics card. 3DFX helped ID Software port OpenGL to Windows 9x, and released it as the miniGL drivers. All of the major video card manufacturers started adding OpenGL support to their cards. This was back when DirectX was in its infancy and every video card company would have their own graphics API's. Every video card manufacturer adding OpenGL allowed Quake II to become the original bench marking software.

  36. 10 months ago

    I was a teenager when Q2 came out. Played the shit out of multiplayer on my dialup modem. Downloaded mods, weird machinima things, made maps, dabbled in making mod dlls - it was awesome technology. No one ever played the single player campaign. It was shit. Even when it was brand new. Duke 3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior, even Quake 1 ate the Q2 campaign for breakfast. It was all about the map and multiplayer technology, and as soon as half-life came out, anyone interested in maps or mods moved to it because it was basically the Q2 engine with more cool shit in it. That's why team fortress, CS, day of defeat, etc are half life mods.

  37. 10 months ago

    People really like Quake 1's setting, but it's really only the fan content that does anything special with it while the original game is really held back by technological and creative limitations of the time. So they take that fan content and act like it was reflective of Quake 1 as a whole and being superior over Quake 2 where back when it was released, Quake 2 was superior in every way.

  38. 10 months ago

    >mogs your game
    Where’s the fricking remaster nightdive

    • 10 months ago

      SiN Reloaded is looking terrible in everything they've shown, compared to Q1/Q2 Remastered generally trying to be faithful to the original's visuals.

  39. 10 months ago

    >was this game really that hated when it came out?

    No, when it came out it was widely liked. A few people criticized it for being too different to the first Quake but mostly nobody gave a frick because guess what, most people didn't actually care much for the first Quake. Then sometime around a decade or so ago, contrarians started popping up shitting all over Quake 2 and espousing the nonexistent superiority of Quake 1 which led to dumbfrick normies following the herd and contributed to the impression that Quake 2 was hated all along when it was the opposite - nobody cared about Quake 1 while Quake 2 was considered the best and the reason why Quake games after 2 continued using the Strogg vs. humans story instead of going back to whatever schizophrenic clusterfrick the virtually nonexistent plot of Quake 1 was.

    • 10 months ago

      >opinions change 10-20 years of technological progress
      >this is the evil contrarians making the "normies" change their opinion and not just a natural consequence of video games being technology that advances
      when the big selling point of your game is "look at how impressive the technology is" then no shit people start looking at it differently when the technology is no longer impressive.

      • 10 months ago

        Normies didn't really change their opinions, that's the point dumbass. They still liked Quake II better but went along with the impression that they were an outlier because a bunch of morons like you started b***hing really loudly than no, Quake II sucks and Quake is better. Which is why you have dozens of videos with hundreds of comments saying that they loved it even though it was supposedly hated and barely anybody that actually hates the game. Because the actual number of people back in the day who hated Quake II is tiny.

        • 10 months ago

          It's time to stop pretending to be an oldgay.

    • 10 months ago

      >dumbfrick normies following the herd and contributed to the impression that Quake 2 was hated all along when it was the opposite -
      Quake 2 wasn't hated, but a lot of people, including me and my brother who were in the FPS phase at the time, didn't like it very much. For me, Q2 was a bit of a disappointment, in fact, the game seemed mediocre to me at the time, it seemed mediocre to me when I played it months ago, so I didn't even waste my time with the remaster.
      As for people considering it better than Quake 1, that's not what I noticed in my reality, but when Quake 2 was released there weren't really many people talking about Quake anymore, so it's hard to say.

  40. 10 months ago

    Q3A = Q1 > QET > Q2 > Q4 >>> QC

    • 10 months ago

      Still sad how quick QWET died. Shit was great. There was always WolfET as the fallback, but I preferred the Quake coat of paint.

    • 10 months ago

      What's wrong with Quake Champions? Also what about Quake Live?

  41. 10 months ago

    I've never played any Quake game with music before and everyone I see raves about the Quake II music so I was excited to hear how it sounded with the remaster seeing as it still never worked on the Steam version.

    Goddamn it sucks ass.

    • 10 months ago

      You are wrong. So wrong in fact that I play quake 1 with the quake 2 soundtrack because it's better than the droning lullaby that is quake 1 music.
      The thing that killed quake 2 was that you couldn't swap weapons quickly. That's it. In Q1 you can shotgun a guy, switch to your nailgun whatever almost immediately but in quake 2 you've got to watch the fricking readying animation every single time which kills it.

    • 10 months ago

      It’s good until the game reuses the same track over and over and over. It was less noticeable in 1 because it sounded like good ambience

  42. 10 months ago

    I used to be a tourney Quakeworld player. And I think Q2 is the best one of them for singleplayer, hands down.

  43. 10 months ago

    >was this game really that hated when it came out
    It wasn't hated but it was a really obvious step down from the original. You're talking about a time period where the average person would play games months if not years after release so if you just waited a year you got Half life 1 and Unreal 1 and even if you got quake 1 on release you would've been looking at magazine previews of both of those games.
    Most of the modding scene also stuck with the original Quake especially with GLQuake getting released in the same year as Quake 2 and then in 1999 TF Classic getting released.

  44. 10 months ago

    quake 2 shareware was installed on all the machines in the school computer class and hosted LAN multiplayer deathmatches every day after hours

  45. 10 months ago

    Me and my friends loved the MP (LAN parties mostly) but as a singleplayer experience I personally thought it wasn't as good as Quake 1.

  46. 10 months ago

    nah, that's complete bullshit and i have no idea where this moronic opinion came from. everybody was going apeshit over how great it was, and how amazing idtech2 looked - and rightfully so.

  47. 10 months ago

    I just want to say that I basically never saw people crusading for Quake 2 on Ganker before this remaster hit. Before that point it was almost entirely people preferring Quake 1 and hating the super generic sci-fi setting that has no connection to 1.

    • 10 months ago

      >I just want to say that I basically never saw people crusading for Quake 2 on Ganker before this remaster hit.
      that's because it is way fricking worse and does nothing particularly new over quake 1. the guns feel worse, the 3d explosions looked kinda shit, the enemy variety sucked in comparison, the level design was pretty fricking moronic in comparison to 1. the only thing 2 had going for it was superior multiplayer and an actual final boss that wasn't just "walk to this teleporter and teleport inside it game over"

      everything else quake 1 does infinitely better to the point that 3 tried it's best to feel more like 1 than it did 2, which is why people typically group the franchise 1/3 and then 2/4. the strogg centric games are fricking ass in comparison.

    • 10 months ago

      Because Ganker is a hivemind of moronic ESL zoomer homosexuals that parrot shit they heard from their parasocial eceleb friend without actually playing the God damn game and making judgments for themselves... at-least that is until >LE EBIN 4K REMASTER that they don't need to put any effort into setting up comes out on Steam or the Switch BasedShop.

      • 10 months ago

        >they don't need to put any effort into setting up comes out on Steam
        As far as I know the only thing people would need a set up for is to get music working. Q2 with the latest patch it had would just work on modern Windows systems.

    • 10 months ago

      Nah. I always liked Q2 just as much as Q1 and even liked it more for some reasons (mostly because of Rail Gun and no LG) but I did start playing Q2 before the original.

      I just think that it got too much hate since Quake suffers from the same issue as TF2 and AoE2 a little bit

  48. 10 months ago

    Holy shit Ground Zero fricking sucks.
    Frick off already with these moronic Black person turrets

  49. 10 months ago

    >I'm a third world moron so *insert piece of shit here* is the best game ever because I cannot let go of opinions I had when I was 8 years old
    why is this so common

  50. 10 months ago
  51. 10 months ago

    People didn't hate Quake 2, but when it was released the reality was different for games and ID Software. When Quake 1 was released, Doom was still something of a fever and even though Quake 1 took other paths, it still carried the baton. When Quake 2 was released, my impression is that the impact wasn't the same and a lot of people didn't really care that much.

  52. 10 months ago

    It was a good game just not a good quake game.

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