I didn't think it was possible for a game to flop as hard as this one did. Especially by Bethesda of all companies.

I didn't think it was possible for a game to flop as hard as this one did. Especially by Bethesda of all companies. I truly thought they were one of the few who had enough dedicated drone fanboys that they could never fail. Alas, here we are. 1 month, 300k sales, and a "mostly positive" later, we have bethesda's biggest flop both commercially and critically in company HISTORY and it can't even keep 50k players steady. It'll be below Skyrim by years end. It's crazy how grim this game ended up being for their future. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if no one even cares about TES6.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 8 months ago

    >300k sales

    did you really just take the all-time concurrent peak from steamdb and try to pass it off as the sales from the opening month

    • 8 months ago

      Source me up on some more accurate sales numbers famalam. Keep in mind that Microsoft's marketing department putting out a graphic that says "10 gorillion players" is not sales data (this is important)

      • 8 months ago

        if we are to go by this logic, GTA V only sold around 350k copies, you fricking donkey.

        besides, using this metric it's still far from the worst flop, as fallout 76 peaked at 36k concurrent players on steam

        • 8 months ago

          GTA 5 forced you to buy through the rockstar store even if you're on steam and has a proprietary launcher. it also was not included in a gamepass bundle where you can literally pay $1 to sample it. you aren't using my logic of looking at metrics logically, such as players vs reviews on multiple platforms and general player scores and reviews. You're an idiot.

          • 8 months ago

            >unironically believes starfield sold 300k copies
            >"I am logical, you're an idiot"

            i'm not even arguing that starfield isn't a flop. it is, even if we use bethesda numbers. they claimed starfield was "their biggest launch" with 6 million players during launch, but according to their own numbers fallout 4 sold 12 million copies at launch.

            >gta 5 propieritary launcher

            brain rot. the rockstar launcher was introduced in 2019, several years after the gta v peak players, mr logical

            • 8 months ago

              It was 12 million shipped, not sold

          • 8 months ago

            Based off leaked FTC numbers, gamepass users pay on average $9.69 so most pay standard price. Also the $1 deal was remove when starfield launched

            • 8 months ago

              old $1 codes still worked
              t. used one to play starfield
              also even at $10 that's 1/6th of a sale while also needing to maintain the service and servers of gamepass itself

            • 8 months ago

              It generates $300 million a month

      • 8 months ago

        >Sales number for a Gamepass game
        I'm gonna pit hundreds of hours into it, play it for years and likely never buy it

        It was impressive how many people paid money just to play it a few days early, even though a lot of them were salty playstation fanboys who blewup their toasters taking meme screenshots of black npcs because they couldn't actually play the game in hopes they'd crash the games reputation so they wouldn't feel like there 'missing out' Only Playstation gets to have huge AAA exclusives, it's bad for the industry when someone else does it

        • 8 months ago

          >It was impressive how many people paid money just to play it a few days early, even though a lot of them were salty playstation fanboys who blewup their toasters taking meme screenshots of black NPCs because they couldn't actually play the game in hopes they'd crash the games reputation so they wouldn't feel like there 'missing out' Only Playstation gets to have huge AAA exclusives, it's bad for the industry when someone else does it
          You sound like a literal clown when you post things like this lol

        • 8 months ago

          GOOD MORNING SIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • 8 months ago

        You don’t even need a source? It’s basic math and some common sense

      • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Source me up on some more accurate sales numbers famalam. Keep in mind that Microsoft's marketing department putting out a graphic that says "10 gorillion players" is not sales data (this is important)

      steamcucks really think the world revolves around them

      • 8 months ago

        I have it for free on gamepass but its just too boring to play. If they would release gaypass active players it would be just as grim Im sure.

        • 8 months ago

          I bet your PC can't even run it

          • 8 months ago

            I Have series S. I dont need a powerstation to justify myself as l33t gamer.

            • 8 months ago

              >series S
              OH NO NO NO

    • 8 months ago


      I didn't think it was possible for a game to flop as hard as this one did. Especially by Bethesda of all companies. I truly thought they were one of the few who had enough dedicated drone fanboys that they could never fail. Alas, here we are. 1 month, 300k sales, and a "mostly positive" later, we have bethesda's biggest flop both commercially and critically in company HISTORY and it can't even keep 50k players steady. It'll be below Skyrim by years end. It's crazy how grim this game ended up being for their future. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if no one even cares about TES6.

      Source me up on some more accurate sales numbers famalam. Keep in mind that Microsoft's marketing department putting out a graphic that says "10 gorillion players" is not sales data (this is important)

      I didn't think it was possible for a snoys to seethe this uncontrollably for months on end.

      It's funny that this is the only cope you have left at this point, lol. As if anyone cares about what the ponies have to say. They already have Skyrim which is a better, more thoughtful game than this AI hackjob slopshit of a game.

      >this highly successfully and widely popular game was a flop!!1
      You got an odd reality you are living in there.

      one revealing indicator is the number of reviews on Steam, it's been at 63k for weeks. No one bothers to write a review means there's no interest in the game.

      • 8 months ago

        it means people aren't playing it on steam because it's a gamepass game

        • 8 months ago

          why does game pass have 40k less reviews than steam? ruh roh raggy somethings not adding up here

          • 8 months ago

            >game pass reviews

            • 8 months ago

              game pass has a user review system similar to the way steam does

            • 8 months ago

              its sitting at 3.9/5 with 18k reviews on game pass

          • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              how? why would it have more reviews on steam than gamepass if theres apparently 9.5 million players using gamepass over steam? why does steam have 63k vs gamepass' 18k?

              • 8 months ago

                probably much lower review rates for kids with xboxes than people with keyboards

          • 8 months ago

            MS filters the reviews per region dipshit, Steam shows every single worldwide one.

            >oh no no no starfield only has 79 reviews it's over

            • 8 months ago

              Yes. Clearly we're talking about the US. 19k is miniscule. You just proved how irrelevant other markets are lol 79 reviews? Be super duper unfairly generous and toss in another 10k for the rest of the world and it's still less than half the steam reviews.

              • 8 months ago

                Black person I'm Belgian there's like 250 people in this country

              • 8 months ago

                Exactly so pointing out it's region locked when I used the most popular region that it's most heavily marketed in makes no sense you moron.

              • 8 months ago

                >compares region locked number to global number on different service
                >uhhh duurrrrr hurrrr

              • 8 months ago

                What part aren't you getting? I already addressed this dipshit, be RIDICULOUS and double the number of reviews the US had for the rest of the world, it's still not at the number of steam reviews world wide. nowhere near the number of reviews it should have with "10 MILLION(!!!!)" players

              • 8 months ago

                can you address this?

                only 23k in the US though. guess starfield on steam is more popular than FH5 on xbox

                pretty crazy

              • 8 months ago

                no one owns an xbox and the forza numbers are probably just as manipulated as the starfield ones

              • 8 months ago

                manipulated to be low?

              • 8 months ago

                No, their claims that forza has 30 million players. And the numbers they say gamepass has in general. I wonder how many are active subs and how many are just accounts that have signed up at one point with a trial or code of some kind. all games on the platform have suspiciously low review numbers. Would be interesting to see gamepass add a "# in game" playercount thing in their menus. But that'll never happen

              • 8 months ago

                Black person I'm Belgian there's like 250 people in this country

                Fricking Forza Horizon 5, the penultimate Gamepass game doesn't even have 500 reviews
                People don't give enough of a shit to review things on MS

              • 8 months ago

                still 6x'd the number of starfield reviews in your country though... not helping your case here!

              • 8 months ago

                >the most played game on gamepass that has been out for 2 fricking years only has 6x the reviews of starfield that came out a month ago
                Holy shit the amerimutt educational system at work

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah i'm sure everyone is waiting 4 months to write their reviews lol the other 3 million will roll in any month now

              • 8 months ago

                only 23k in the US though. guess starfield on steam is more popular than FH5 on xbox

        • 8 months ago

          And MS boasting about a surge in gamepass subscriptions because of Starbotch is where exactly?

      • 8 months ago

        why does game pass have 40k less reviews than steam? ruh roh raggy somethings not adding up here

        Yes. Clearly we're talking about the US. 19k is miniscule. You just proved how irrelevant other markets are lol 79 reviews? Be super duper unfairly generous and toss in another 10k for the rest of the world and it's still less than half the steam reviews.

        So you think steam users who paid full price for starfield outnumber gamepass users 3 to 1? Because of the review numbers?

        • 8 months ago

          I think there's a frick of a lot less than 10 million people who paid to play this game.

          • 8 months ago

            >Over 20 million Series X/S
            >Most of them have gamepass to play online on Fortnite and COD.
            That means at least 20 million people had access to Starfield on day one for free. Yeah, the 10 million people played is highly realistic. It’s going to be over 20 million by the end of the year. With 80% of that being on gamepass. It’s the new AAA rpg. And it’s free for every 10 year old Fortnite kid to download. Doesn’t mean it was a financial hit, just means that 10 million downloaded the game and tried it out, instead of playing COD one single evening.

            • 8 months ago

              >here are some numbers i'm hauling out of my ass so its definitely not a flop
              give specific console installations and gamepass sub numbers or frick off
              this is all hypothetical until then

              • 8 months ago

                You are discussing if its flop or not with picrel mentally ill defender

                Lots of Fabio seethe @ cope itt

                it doesnt even have 1mil players total worldwide
                Soon it will fall below 100k
                Yes its that bad

              • 8 months ago

                >it doesnt even have 1mil players total worldwide
                and how do you know that?

      • 8 months ago

        Anon, on average you get one review for every sixty sales. That means it's close to four million sales on Steam.
        Steamspy also confirmed it has at least 5 million owners.

        • 8 months ago

          It's quack science. It could be off by arbitrary amount.

  2. 8 months ago

    It truly is the worst game I've played this generation

  3. 8 months ago

    I didn't think it was possible for a snoys to seethe this uncontrollably for months on end.

    • 8 months ago

      It's funny that this is the only cope you have left at this point, lol. As if anyone cares about what the ponies have to say. They already have Skyrim which is a better, more thoughtful game than this AI hackjob slopshit of a game.

      • 8 months ago

        I've played the game for 60h now and I'm level 21 and have not progressed the main quest after dumping the robot.
        You just lack the intelligence to have fun in a game like this. Go get your hand held by your glorified cutscene of a game.

        • 8 months ago

          But this game is made for moronic people. You can't actually do anything in it. You have to pretend you're doing things like being a space trucker. You have to literally just go into your brain and say "ok now make believe I'm playing a space trucker game" or it doesn't work. You are LITERALLY just imagining you're playing a better game.

          • 8 months ago

            How can you say there is nothing to do then say you can do whatever you want? What kind of mental gymnastics is this?

            • 8 months ago

              You can do whatever you want in your head anon. You don't need starfield for that. It tells you you can be a space trucker, but you can't. You can press the "accept mission" button, then the "fast travel to mission destination" button. but that's not being a space trucker. The "space trucker" part would be laying the controller down on the couch and pretending you're playing a different game that has space trucking in it. That's how this game works. You just pretend you're doing other things while the game runs in the background. It's dogshit for idiots.

              • 8 months ago

                Tell me then, anon. What games do you enjoy?

              • 8 months ago

                Underrail was great. Quake. BG3 was amazing for a big budget 3D game (inb4 schizo meltdown calling me a chinese-belgian larian operative). Slay the Spire is infinitely playable especially with mods, love that game. Factorio. A lot of games that bethesda tries to ape, but translates for moronic people. Like how basebuilding in fallout 4 is factorio for people too stupid to play factorio. And SF's base building is a shade dumber than FO4's.

              • 8 months ago

                Underrail, BG3 and Slay the Spire are a completely different genre.
                Underrail is a turn-based survival game. BG3 is a drama simulator with turn-based combat. Slay the Spire is a fricking card roguelike.
                What do those have to do with a borderline-imsim like Starfield?
                Quake's an FPS sure but it's not RPG at all.

                And what's the argument against having a simple system? Does every system in a game have to be an entire game in and of itself?
                Go play you shitty indie games then lmao why are you so adamant about attacking a game you don't like?

              • 8 months ago

                You asked what games I liked. I listed them. I wasn't comparing them to starfield. BG3 is a better RPG than starfield.

                Not every system has to be factorio level but it offers nothing that you can't get from other games that do everything this game does better. Quake and even nudoom mog the shit out of bethesda stuff for fps gameplay, and games like underrail and BG3 mog it for build variety and BG3 mogs it for the story interactivity elements. It's fine to have a simple game. I just said this game was made for stupid people.

              • 8 months ago

                And Starfield mogs the frick out of all the games you listed for physics, AI and world building.
                But I don't drop into threads about other games to proclaim Starfield superiority. I don't come into BG3 to b***h about how npcs don't have life cycles or a third fricking dimension to move in...

              • 8 months ago

                But it doesn't. The AI in starfield is worse than Cyberpunk and Grand theft auto. The AI in SF is legit one of the worst games AI i've ever seen. I don't know why you actually brought that up at all lol. Enemies walk into walls and literally stand around waiting to be shot. And the world building is trash in Starfield too, the lore is inconsistent, the factions are generic and 99% of the "lore" books in the game are just snippets of actual public domain books like dracula or a christmas carol. I'd be interested in hearing specifically what aspects of the AI and world building impress you. I won't even argue physics, as floating around the casino was a lot of fun and I've been impressed with the way clutter works. Gotta give it that. But it's not like you can't do similar stuff in games like gmod or or other sandboxes with physics engines. It is really cool though when you spawn hundreds of items of clutter and watch them roll around or collide though. Fair point.

              • 8 months ago

                Anon you can't just move the goal post all the time like this.
                We weren't talking about Cyberpunk and GTA. But even if we were Cyberpunk and GTA don't have life cycles for NPCs, they don't "do things". The npcs in those games just appear next to you so you can walk by them.
                GMOD is a better sandbox game ok but it doesn't have a massive believable universe to explore with those sandbox mechanics...
                You keep bringing up cherry picked aspects from other games but none of those games have as much complexity as Starfield. Bethesda games in general are like this. They obviously can't invest all effort in any of the mechanics but they bring it up high enough to be enjoyable.
                Pic related is an NPC pretending to lead me to his stolen loot after I almost persuaded him to turn himself in, he tries to kill you at the end. I don't care that he didn't vomit 30 tomes of dialogue with quirky expressions in my face. He's a lot more realistic like this.

                uhhh starfield NPCs dont have schedules/cycles anymore in starfield.. besides maybe spending 12 hours of a day in 1 seat at the cafe then switching to another for the next 12... and there are literally dimensional beings in BG3 lol... you spend a lot of time in the astral plane. Bad examples

                No moron, a third dimension movementwise as in going from a 2d game to 3d. You can't even jump in BG3 let alone fly, float, sprint, crouch....

              • 8 months ago

                >Anon you can't just move the goal post all the time like this.
                what goalposts? I moved nothing. you asked games I like and I listed them. then I said starfield does nothing that is any more impressive than its contemporaries, Cyberpunk and GTA being 2 (even though gta is 10 years older) their AI is comparable to. As

                uhhh starfield NPCs dont have schedules/cycles anymore in starfield.. besides maybe spending 12 hours of a day in 1 seat at the cafe then switching to another for the next 12... and there are literally dimensional beings in BG3 lol... you spend a lot of time in the astral plane. Bad examples

                pointed out, the NPCs in starfield don't have life cycles either anymore like Skyrim or Fallout 4. The bartender lives behind the bar 24/7. The shopkeepers don't have homes. The art dealer in New Atlantis doesn't leave the store he's standing in. They just stand there like they would in Cyberpunk or GTA.
                >You keep bringing up cherry picked aspects from other games but none of those games have as much complexity as Starfield. Bethesda games in general are like this. They obviously can't invest all effort in any of the mechanics but they bring it up high enough to be enjoyable.
                Those aren't cherry picked systems those are my ENTIRE point. Starfield excels at NOTHING. Even being a bethesda game, it gets outclassed by Fallout 4 of all things just by virtue of things like NPC homes/schedules and a coherent connected landscape with things to explore and find that arent just copy/pasted.
                >Pic related is an NPC pretending to lead me to his stolen loot after I almost persuaded him to turn himself in, he tries to kill you at the end.
                I did the same mission. It's not really anything special. It's a pretty regular "go to the blue dot" mission.

                >You can't even jump in BG3 let alone fly, float, sprint, crouch....
                Not only can you do all of those things, you can teleport, turn invisible (and have it actually work unlike starfield), turn into a bat/bird and fly where you want to go, turn into a cat to climb things, turn into a gaseous cloud to go through vents and pipes and things like that... What an odd thing to say. Why be so assertive about a game you clearly didn't play?

              • 8 months ago

                >hose aren't cherry picked systems those are my ENTIRE point. Starfield excels at NOTHING.
                there is literally no game you can bring up that I can't do the same shit you're doing
                just bring up some OTHER game that is focused on a specific thing and irrationally claim the first game is therefore bad.

                >you can do all these things in BG3
                no you can't, you can do an abstract version of them
                it's like claiming a text adventure is more complex than a physics simulator because you can type "do complex thing"

              • 8 months ago

                My point is if you want to play a base builder play a game that does it well. If you want to play a shooter play a good shooter like doom or quake. If you want to play an RPG play a good RPG with build variety or story choices. If you want to play a spaceship builter play kerbal. if you just want to stare at rocky empty planets load up space simulator. There is nothing you get from doing all these things badly in starfield that you wouldn't get more out of in playing individual games that focus on doing those things well. Starfield is like a dumbed down fallout 4 that was already a jack of all trades master of none deal.

              • 8 months ago

                But I don't want to play a boring JUST BASE BUILDER.
                Nor do I want a boring JUST FPS.
                Nor do I want a simplistic CHOOSE YOUR OWN CUTSCENE SIMULATOR
                I want a real game with a real world with enough complexity to feel like it's worth thinking about and immersing in. I want to talk and navigate complex 3d environments and minmax some rpg elements.
                And I have never built a base in Starfield. Do you know why? Because I have a brain and I used it to deduce that the base building is shit without even trying it out. You should try getting one of these.
                Again you just are not capable enough to enjoy this game.

                >no you can't, you can do an abstract version of them
                You're moronic
                You can do every single one of those things. Fly up to ledges, into windows, out of buildings, through passage ways. Pic related is me, literally, not as an abstract, LITERALLY turning into a cloud of gas to pas through a pipe and sneak into a room undetected. Your equivalence is so faulty it's not even funny. Your comparison to the text simulator is more apt for starfield where you have to pretend you're a trucker in your head because otherwise you're just selecting dots on a menu and getting money for it.

                You can't control you character in the third dimension like you can in an fps
                this is why imsims are always first person. you can't have immersion without proper control
                my analogy was perfect, you're just too limited to understand the point.

              • 8 months ago

                >You can't control you character in the third dimension like you can in an fps
                ...you *literally* can
                you can't do it in first person because it isn't an fps
                the game is LITERALLY built around verticality and getting higher ground (see: z axis or "3rd dimension" ) vs your opponent for advantage

              • 8 months ago

                Can you control your jump momentum mid air?
                Can you arc your jump and go through a hole in a wall that is not at ground level?
                Can you explore cities by walking on small pipes or other tiny outcropings in completely vertical walls?
                Can you shoot arrows through 2cm narrow edges in a wall?
                Can you pick up objects and place them perfectly on an NPCs head to give them a little hat?

                No, you can't. Shut up already, go play your dumb jrpg. It's so fricking good, why are you wasting your time here? I'm here because I've got all these screenshots and I want to share them. I don't mind if it's while shitposting :^)

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                >Can you control your jump momentum mid air?
                no because the system in pace shows you an arc so you can plan your jumps precisely.
                >Can you arc your jump and go through a hole in a wall that is not at ground level?
                >Can you explore cities by walking on small pipes or other tiny outcropings in completely vertical walls?
                not quite how the game is designed as there's 1 city, not "cities", but yes there are plenty of areas with rafters and ledges you can sneak around on in the city and in the villages and castles and areas before the city.
                Can you shoot arrows through 2cm narrow edges in a wall?
                yes if you can line of sight it.
                >Can you pick up objects and place them perfectly on an NPCs head to give them a little hat?
                you can ragdoll them and drop items on them, yeah

              • 8 months ago


                pathetic, lmao. outright lying.
                Why aren't you making these arguments in Cyberpunk threads? You literally only come here because you have some moronic thing against Bethesda. You're either Morrowind gays who are still seething 20 years later about individual pauldrons and levitation. Or you are NV trannies coping with the fact that most people enjoyed the open world original, not the railroaded gayscape.

              • 8 months ago

                cyberpunk is a different kind of game and does the starfield thing better than starfield. it's still a worse RPG than BG3 though.
                and every thing those posts said you can do is accurate. you can fly to the roof of a building, sneak onto the rafters and shoot a flaming arrow into a gunpowder barrel through a tiny open window from across the street. you are coping.

              • 8 months ago

                >cyberpunk is a different kind of game and does the starfield thing better than starfield
                I didn't know cyberpunk had space exploration

              • 8 months ago

                it might as well for as much as starfield has. the city and technology is more futuristic and alien looking than starfield kek.

              • 8 months ago

                look at your screenshot
                you have dots on a chessboard
                you can't do ANYTHING except cope
                you can't control anything, you can only choose actions like you're navigating chapters in a DVD. though I understand why you might not know what that means lmao

              • 8 months ago

                you have an empty landscape of playdough looking rocks and a copy/pasted renamed version of saturn that you can't even approach in your "space" ship

              • 8 months ago

                true but I climbed my spaceship by controlling my muscles, not by selecting the "Jump" skill and clicking on the ship.

              • 8 months ago

                nah you did it by pressing y and forward, i can jump in BG3 by pressing up and a

              • 8 months ago

                Ironic you say that because your str doesnt affect your jump height in Starfield, when in BG3 you can actually use your muscles, i.e. level up strength and your character will literally jump further and higher lol

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah but bg3 is a glorified 2d theme park corridor game with redd*t writing

              • 8 months ago

                But it's 3d and not a theme park. Starfield is the theme park. It is a non-linear corridor though, you used one of your buzzwords half right.

                do you really want to do this?

              • 8 months ago

                But the size of the planet I was standing on affected the gravity pulling my character down.
                Though I guess it is better than Starfield's gymnastics skill that only doubles your jump height at lvl 4

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                The base builder would be worth trying if you didn't have to research every little thing before being able to build it.

              • 8 months ago

                >no you can't, you can do an abstract version of them
                You're moronic
                You can do every single one of those things. Fly up to ledges, into windows, out of buildings, through passage ways. Pic related is me, literally, not as an abstract, LITERALLY turning into a cloud of gas to pas through a pipe and sneak into a room undetected. Your equivalence is so faulty it's not even funny. Your comparison to the text simulator is more apt for starfield where you have to pretend you're a trucker in your head because otherwise you're just selecting dots on a menu and getting money for it.

              • 8 months ago

                Starfield AI is on par with cyberpunk AI but for some reason they have this really weird long reaction time start up. They already have some of the basics from other Bethesda games like picking up stronger weapons laying around and fleeing when they’re weaken. Now they even try to crawl away to cover when incapacitated to the ground. They can use their booster to get up to far high vantage points, I noticed they will run from grenades and have tactical rolling animations to get away. They throw grenades to get you out of cover which rockstar never does for their games for some reason. Anyway, Bethesda AI is actually pretty smart even going back to fallout 4. Bethesda just makes them really slow on start up for some reason

              • 8 months ago

                Cyberpunk's hit stun is ridiculous but they still won't literally just walk into walls and stand there looking at you without pulling the trigger like starfield does

              • 8 months ago

                Can cyberpunk NPCs even fight eachother unscripted? I genuinely don’t remember and I played the game around launch

              • 8 months ago

                idk about pre launch but I've seen cops get bumped into by ganger cars, i think the animals, and then they got into a gun fight shootout carchase that didn't seem scripted. seemed like the ganger npc car accidentally hit the cop car and the cops reacted to them like they would if the player hit the cop car. idk about gang vs gang though.

              • 8 months ago

                >idk about pre launch
                idk about pre-2.0*

              • 8 months ago

                I don't think so, I've watched police patrol right past Maelstrom guys leaving burning cars in the road
                They do have random police shootouts vs gangs and stuff, it helps a little

              • 8 months ago

                Enemies in Starfield spend at least half the time not attacking you even when they can
                This is why the space combat feels so so bad, enemies there don't do that and will just shoot full blast if they have a line

              • 8 months ago

                They spend half the time not attacking because they get staggered if you land head shots. There are some enemies that hunt you down ruthlessly and some enemies that hide behind cover.

              • 8 months ago

                I don’t know if Bethesda still uses this for their AI(probably knowing them) but they have levels to how aggressive, defensive, and cowardly an NPC is. Thinking now they likely 100% still do this for starfield as the scanned creatures show temperaments ranging from Wary, Defensive, Territorial, and Peaceful and maybe another one.

              • 8 months ago

                No, even without you doing anything to them spend a large amount of time hiding behind cover when they don't have to, moving from cover to cover when they don't need to, etc. The combat is just a formula like Morrowind

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah this is why number of enemies in space is the biggest factor toward difficulty in that gameplay, Bethesda obviously knew this since the UC flight sim difficulties only add more guys
                Only way to properly defend yourself is either take tons of hull and shields, or get that perk that makes enemies unable to attack you while boosting
                >you can hide behind asteroids!
                Enemy AI is so simple they don't realize the asteroid is in the way, and will just continue to try and shoot at you through it. At level 50+ they blow it up in like 2 seconds

              • 8 months ago

                uhhh starfield NPCs dont have schedules/cycles anymore in starfield.. besides maybe spending 12 hours of a day in 1 seat at the cafe then switching to another for the next 12... and there are literally dimensional beings in BG3 lol... you spend a lot of time in the astral plane. Bad examples

              • 8 months ago

                >Point a gun at an NPC
                >Nothing happens
                >See NPC walk into a "store" on a planet like Neon.
                >Follow said NPC into store just to find that said NPC wasn't there because all he/she did was despawn from the map.

                Whoa. So this is the power of "Starfield".

              • 8 months ago

                reminder that this is the first bethesda RPG in over 20 YEARS that does not have underwater swimming

                The one game they made literally themed around exploration, and they remove an exploration feature that was present in LITERALLY EVERY GAME THEY'VE EVER MADE

                That should literally tell you all you need to know about Starfield.

              • 8 months ago

                You just know this is because they were either too lazy to implement water planets or they're saving them for DLC
                Its not even like it'd function any diferent from space, you're in your air tight suit and floating around in 0g
                itd just be like the space casino gameplay
                its literally gonna be dlc i bet you anything lol

              • 8 months ago

                Nope, doubt it
                that would make sense if this was a shorter project, but Starfield was in development for like 6 years
                this was not a rushed game, they didn't cut anything out and if they claim otherwise, it's just the usual todd BS like 'haha the game is totally optimized guys, just upgrade your pc, your 4090 not running the game in 1080p is totally normal'

                starfield as a whole just feels so fricking weird
                it's like the entire game was either made by AI or they just stuck all the interns together who have no idea what they're doing
                todd claims terrain generation for planets was tricky when you can pull any old moron programmer off the street nowadays who could code you procedurally generated planets in unity in like two weeks at the very most

              • 8 months ago

                No, I mean cut as in they made it work, it's ready for release, and they took it out to sell a sea world DLC pack. Not something they planned to have and couldn't make the deadline for.

              • 8 months ago

                Mmm, I doubt it.
                The state the game is in, I don't think they'd have the balls to cut anything out. Releasing between Phantom Liberty and BG3, they had to know just how outdated and lazy their shit is.

              • 8 months ago

                I really don't. I think they completely thought they could sell this game as the next skyrim. They had 9 months of extra time on this game and did nothing with it apparently but "squash bugs" which is hilarious considering there are still morrowind bugs and game breaking bugs all over the place. Keep in mind they planned an under water world DLC for fallout 4 that did actually get cut. I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of the first things they had when they started SF honestly.

              • 8 months ago

                Swimming was cut from the game because it wasnt reasonable to build the feature when most people are just gonna skip it. The fact that they have marine life as scannable animals on planet says that they initially planned to do something but realized how much work it would take when other features need a higher priority.

              • 8 months ago

                >Swimming was cut from the game because it wasnt reasonable to build the feature when most people are just gonna skip it.
                lol WHAT
                Its been in their games since morrowind literally just let me swim under water why take that away
                they put useless basebuilding in the game which just endlessly generates a resource loop that you don't need because you can just buy resources
                they implement all kinds of useless shit no one uses lol

              • 8 months ago

                Todd Howard says they worked on a lot of new systems and cut out the ones that werent fun to play or require a ton of work for nothing. Swimming was obviously one of them when there's only realistically 100 planets with water on them and they want the sea area to be robust instead of an empty texture.

              • 8 months ago

                But he didnt cut swimming you moron he just cut being able to dive down
                Its not complicated and it's a lot more fun than floating across the top of the water without any weight or depth like you currently do in the game

              • 8 months ago

                Translation: the lazy Black folk chose to remove swimming entirely instead of reimplementing water combat

              • 8 months ago

                >Tap A to scan Fauna 10 times
                >Tap A to scan Flaura 10 times
                >Tap A to scan each Resource, and yes do it 10 times
                >Do this for an hour and a half to fully survey planet with each of it's biomes.
                >This was deemed a "fun" and "necessary" system and thus is one of the few fully developed mechanics in the game.

                These "fun and necessary" systems make more sense when you understand that this is a Game Pass game in which you your "playtime investment" is of the upmost importance, far beyond anything such as "immersion" and "world building" and "story telling". Having you complete menial and meaningless tasks over and over again makes it much easier to achieve an over 200 hour playtime investment, no?

              • 8 months ago

                Scanning planets is actually fun if you spec into science and want to catalog every planet, at first I was complaining about lack of in game encyclopedia that track your data, but after a while I wouldn't have it any other way, the fact you have to take your own notes enhance that RP aspect and make you feel more like a real researcher.

              • 8 months ago

                my man, underwater swimming was in even back in arena/daggerfall

              • 8 months ago

                >Starfield mogs Underrail world building
                You are an absolute shiteating Black person. Styg is a fricking homosexual but you are an ultragiga super homosexual who is utterly incorrect. Frick you.

          • 8 months ago

            oh my god I'm keeping this post lol
            this is the most zoomer post I've read all year

          • 8 months ago

            >you are artifically traveling in space
            top kek. im 60 hours in and still enjoying it greatly. keep seething

        • 8 months ago

          >lol you didn’t play the game
          >yes I did look
          >w-well you’re not smart enough to enjoy it
          The copes keep coming and they don’t stop coming
          Todd’s dick you’re sucking and you’re braindead moronic

      • 8 months ago

        >the game is so shit the basic story missions are rare achievements
        wooo ald

        • 8 months ago

          >in a game they expect people to NG+ 10x to get the real final gear

          • 8 months ago

            >and then the armor sucks anyway

        • 8 months ago

          >story missions
          >bethesda game

      • 8 months ago

        Entangled was the only good quest. The entire game could have been cool like that but they were lazy. Sucks.

    • 8 months ago

      You've somehow missed all the BotW/TotK threads over the last six years?

    • 8 months ago

      I'm neither an snoy nor an xdrone, but this game is mid as hell, it doesn't deserve more than a 6 score being generous.
      For fricks sake on the quest to kill the terromorfs you have to enter the planet plagued with them, how much there are? Around 5 of them.

      • 8 months ago

        If the game's truly mid then why are people like you still seething about it instead of moving on a month later?

        • 8 months ago

          No one's seething Fabio we're laughing at you. Threads like this are more fun than playing the game lol.

        • 8 months ago

          I literally started playing the game this saturday, I'm not seething, you're the idiot who keeps seething at people criticizing it.

  4. 8 months ago

    >this highly successfully and widely popular game was a flop!!1
    You got an odd reality you are living in there.

    • 8 months ago

      >170k/875k = 19.3% player retention from peak
      >65k/330k = 19.7% player retention from peak
      Reminder that Starfield lost as much of its playerbase in 3 weeks as BG3 did in 2 months
      This time next week it'll have lost more of its playerbase than BG3
      BG3 peaked higher than Starfield's all-time peak in its 9th weekend of release
      It's incontrovertibly a flop.

      • 8 months ago

        It's a shame so many like the railroading troony game

        • 8 months ago

          these images do wonders for showing how awful Starfield is to play

        • 8 months ago

          it's funny cause bauldes gate and cyberbunk are better than starfield

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah but this is just based on steam. Frick off with these steam only numbers.

        >Lol starfield succs, look at the steam numbers and gamepass doesn't count even though this was a big seller and you can play the game for a month for 10$.
        This is every fricking homosexual on here, just ask these people their favorite games and you will never listen to them again.

        • 8 months ago

          The problem, and a big reason we know it's a flop, is that we can ONLY go by steam numbers. They don't give anyone access to Gamepass numbers and won't say how many sales there were so we have nothing but their ads saying 10 million and the GP reviews. Also BG3 is on ps5, gog and larian's own store. probably on other game services as well. steam is just the best metric we have. game pass is irrelevant anyway because it costs $1 and would need 70+ people to buy gamepass JUST for starfield to equate to 1 steam sale.

          • 8 months ago

            What if it ISN'T a flop, you can always save up money and play it in the future, I know your a corporate bootlicker who would never betray Sony but you realize life goes on if Starfield isn't a flop, you can now stop trying to bend reality to match this narrative
            God forbid Xbox ever releases an exclusive masterpiece, it would literally break the insecure poorgays

            • 8 months ago

              I've already played and beaten the game. You are schizophrenic. I haven't owned a playstation since 2.

              • 8 months ago

                You beat the game?
                What did you think of the tour on Titan? That NPC tour guide had more personality than most modern crpgs put together.

              • 8 months ago

                I didn't go to titan. I did the main quest, got NG+, did CF, UC and Ryujin storylines. Had enough and uninstalled. I don't disbelieve you that there's some cool stuff somewhere in the game. The vast majority of it is bland and uninspired though. And none of this has to do with the fact that there are clearly far under 10m players.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh, for sure. I keep telling people you really just need to know how to play Bethesda games.
                If you follow the quest marker you will get the blandest hand-holding of your life.
                But if you know how to choose a good balance of random exploration while picking up quest with interesting looking npcs in interesting places it's pretty good.

              • 8 months ago

                But the problem with this game is that no one wants to do that in starfield, because 95% of the time you stray off the path and check out something that isn't specifically uniquely named you'll find the same stuff you see everywhere else and it just gets boring. Their old games didnt have this problem because it was 1 overworld map and you would run into those cool off the beaten path areas just by walking through the world. You're not rewarded for doing that in SF and since there's 1k planets you either get autistic and check each one for something that's named or you just get lucky and find one speck of something cool in a sea of empty moons

              • 8 months ago

                >you stray off the path ... you'll find the same stuff
                no, YOU'LL find the same stuff
                I will find interesting stuff, because I also THINK about how to stray off and where to go.
                I NOTICE when a pattern repeats and avoid it. I went into two caves, saw they were the same and NEVER went into a cave again. Simple basic rationality that many in this thread seem to lack.

              • 8 months ago

                >its okay that every cave in the game is the same
                man you serfield players are something else

              • 8 months ago

                >Never went into another cave again
                Ok so now do this again for all the POIs and when you ignore all the camps, outposts, farms, factories, mines and science labs because they're all copy and pasted you'll see what everyone means.

    • 8 months ago

      errmmmm what are your metrics for defining something being "highly successfully" as you put it and "widely popular"? Because this just simply ain't it.

      • 8 months ago

        The positive reviews by gaming journalists and the huge amount of people that played the game make it a successful game. Besides you just linked twitch viewership I think your opinions on the matter are void.

        • 8 months ago

          still waiting on that source for the "huge number of players" (Keep in mind once again that microsoft marketing is not a reliable source!)
          They got a few xboxnation and xboxgamer websites to give it a 10/10 but even the big 3 gave it a fricking 7 which might as well be a 4 in real terms since the game scoring scale has been completely fricked up for years. critics are idiots and liars. if it wasn't a trash game and there were tons of people playing it there would be a LOT more positive reviews on steam and game pass.

          • 8 months ago

            >Caring about sales number
            >Caring about "Muh big 3"
            None of this means anything, it's like any show you watch on Comedy central has a Leftist bias all the major reviewers have a Playstation bias
            You literally write off the good reviews because there Xbox biased, but yet use that same logic to declare the game a failure thiking shit like IGN is unbiased, I can literally tell you have a low IQ dude

            • 8 months ago

              I never said IGN was unbiased at all. In fact I said they specifically have to overrate everything from big companies. Learn to read and understand words before trying to discuss things. "even" the big 3 means that's a low fricking score. If you continue reading the thread, you'll see that I don't value any game reviewers opinions because they live in a fantasy world where "work" for them is writing about video games. I don't care about what those kinds of people thing. They can't figure out cuphead and need guides for dark souls.

  5. 8 months ago


    I mean I just posted a screenshot of my playtime in SlopFailed so you tell me, moron

  6. 8 months ago

    mods will fix it

  7. 8 months ago


    >the source from the only place that knows the actual number and one that could be sued for billions if they publicly lie about numbers isn't a reliable source!!1
    Again, what an odd reality you live in.

    • 8 months ago

      >let's just trust the Marketing department for a game whos goal is to sell people the game and generate hype. Let's ignore the fact that they use the term "players" and not "sales". let's ignore the fact that literally every other supplementary metric from video views to stream viewership to general social media buzz to reviews on the platforms themselves all track with the game being way, WAY below what the marketers tell you is true as well.
      You're an idiot lololol do you believe subway is good for you too because that pedo lost 300 pounds eating it?

      • 8 months ago

        >WAY below what the marketers tell you is true as well
        Odd. Reality.

        • 8 months ago

          odd, that's demonstrably untrue for steam players and STILL comes up over 80% below what the marketing department says.. Interesting indeed..

          • 8 months ago

            You do know that doesn't factor in game pass players and people who bought the game after launch right? That is just sales from the 100 dollar early access.

            • 8 months ago

              Yes, and you know that's fricking absurd to say because we can see the concurrent steam players not even being 1/5th at any point in that 3 day pre launch window, right? you're literally proving my point lmao

              • 8 months ago

                >everyone who bought the game has to be playing at the exact same time because everyone is awake at the same time and everyone has time off at the same time because we all live in a bubble
                Jesus Christ either I'm being trolled or I'm talking to an actual moron at this point.

              • 8 months ago

                Nope, nice try but I didn't say that they all needed to be. It's kinda fricking strange though that not even 200k people who paid $100 for the premium edition were online at the same time in that tight 3 day early access window though isnt it? Why pay for the $100 early edition if you aren't going to use that early access window? What happened to the other 800k+ that random twitter user is speculating exist? You'd expect at least 4 or 500k in that window if they were over a million sales.

              • 8 months ago

                You lack the basic comprehension that people around the world sleep and work at different hours of the day.

              • 8 months ago

                damn if 1 million poeople = 200k for starslop imagine how may people actually bought BG3 if they hit 850k! holy smokes! that's like 40 million copies using bethesda math

              • 8 months ago

                Holy shit anon... Larian said they sold 5.2 million copies. The numbers add up almost perfectly.

    • 8 months ago

      they specifically said players so they cant be sued, and even if they did outright lie and say sales they still couldn't be sued for billions over lying like that. the worst would be an anti trust lawsuit or some SEC bullshit for misleading advertising but even that probably wouldn't happen if it's just an ad and not an explicit report for stock holders. you have a childs understanding of the law and how marketing/public companies work. stop.

      • 8 months ago

        Why wouldn't they just bold face lie then instead of giving a reasonable number?

        • 8 months ago

          10 million players isn't a reasonable number. It's a fricking moronic number. It's literally a bold face lie lmfao.

  8. 8 months ago

    all the same patterns as diablo4

  9. 8 months ago

    >Don't believe your lying eyes! The steam charts mean nothing! The people who have a vested interest in selling the game, they're the ones we can trust!

    • 8 months ago

      >can't trust people who make statistical analyses
      >can't trust people who review games for a living
      >can't trust the source
      >have to rely on twitch viewership and illogical degenerates on Ganker
      Very odd reality indeed.

      • 8 months ago

        >>can't trust people who make statistical analyses
        That's not who you're getting information from. You're getting information from twitter users who are getting information from Microsoft's marketing department.
        >can't trust people who review games for a living
        why would you trust a video game reviewer lol
        they're dependent on keeping big publishers happy so they get pre release access for big games to drive traffic
        they don't want to piss any big companies off which is why 7 actually equates to about a 4 in modern video game journalism
        on top of that, they're useless idiots who write about video games for a living. i would never respect what they have to say even if the point about them being reliant on publishers isnt true
        >can't trust the source
        not when the source uses weasel words like "player" and has a vested interest in the products success. absolutely can't trust them then, you're right.
        >have to rely on twitch viewership and illogical degenerates on Ganker
        anon you purposely left out the ratio of reviews, the player reviews (non dependent on keeping companies happy) and the literal raw steam numbers that we can see in real time. a bit dishonest to say I'm relying on twitch and Ganker lol

        You lack the basic comprehension that people around the world sleep and work at different hours of the day.

        No, I don't you fricking mong. You lack the basic understanding that in a 3 day window for a game you pay $100 to access, a lot more than 180k people would have been on at its peak time that weekend if there was actually 1 million sales. If you sell 1 million copies of a game day 1 and only 200k people are playing it at 1 time over the next 3 days it must be a mighty shitty game.

        • 8 months ago

          You just proved you lack a basic understanding. People play at different times. People go to bed. People work. People do other things.

          • 8 months ago

            you are proving your lack of a fricking brain by not understanding the point i'm making

  10. 8 months ago

    the sad thing is that it doesn't even matter. TES VI will release and it will be the same outdated boxed-in and bug-riddled mess as ALL the Bethesda games but it will still sell like hotcakes.

  11. 8 months ago
  12. 8 months ago

    They made a looter shooter space game. Of course it was gonna be a disaster.

    • 8 months ago

      And they left out the looting and the space. Seriously theres like 9 guns in this game. And almost no fricking skins other than the 1 DLC skin despite there being a crafting component for skins. And no aliens or alien looking worlds or locations. Just fall out monster-bugs.

    • 8 months ago

      >They made a looter shooter space game.
      I fricking wish. It's fricking boring. You can go hours without shooting if you do nothing but fetch quests

      • 8 months ago

        >choose to do quests that don't involve shooting
        >complain there is no shooting

  13. 8 months ago


    You came into a shazamtroony thread, what the frick were you expecting?

  14. 8 months ago

    >it doesn't need to work smoothly on latest gen hardware
    >it doesn't need to break even in sales
    >it doesn't need to be developed by someone not named Kumar
    >it doesn't need to be fun the first 12 hours
    >it doesn't need to have non-identical planets
    >it doesn't need to have whites in it
    >it doesn't need to have good graphics
    >it doesn't need to have good ratings
    >it doesn't need to be relevant 1 week after release
    >it doesn't need to be more popular than a DLC for a 3 year old game

    • 8 months ago

      >it doesn't need to be developed by someone not named Kumar
      >it doesn't need to have whites in it
      Heh, nice try /misc/

  15. 8 months ago

    How does a rated M game manage to feel so PG-13? There is barely any gore. No nudity, can't even strip NPC's, no slavery or morally questionable characters. Even the drug city is somehow PG-13 friendly with barely any junkies around.

    • 8 months ago

      They barely even fricking swear lmao. I only remember one curse and I think it was the big bad mafia don in Neon who says DON'T FRICK WITH ME or something like that as a "oh shit this is serious" moment. It legit feels like a PG13 game you're right

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah the whole game feels very sanitized with zero grittiness anywhere. Even the space pirates manage to be kid friendly somehow. No idea how much of it is because of Microsoft or because of Bethesda laziness but it does make me worried about TES6

  16. 8 months ago

    Bot thread
    Mods should do their job.

  17. 8 months ago

    >a whole israelitetube video script worth of points
    >super fricking bland game

    >they finally added a toggle aim option

    can't wait for skyrim 2 to launch with a fov slider some time in the 2030s

  18. 8 months ago

    Todd made the game fricking unplayable, boring and uninteresting "on purpose". I have no doubt they have improved traversal, buggies, bikes etc just ready to be deployed in a paid-for-DLC.

    People played Skyrim without having to gimp the gameplay so I don't know why Todd even did that.

    • 8 months ago

      Todd Howard really stabbed everyone in the neck. Starfield is pretty empty because they expect modders to do their job, and the little Bethesda will release for Starfield will be cheap cosmetics and mechanics that should have been in the base game.

  19. 8 months ago

    I cant imagine caring about this crap. I'm enjoying Starfield and that's all that matters. Why should I give a shit that strangers don't?

  20. 8 months ago

    So many loading screens and just boring shit with no purpose. Cities are dull and you can't even swim underwater, feels outdated and made for last gen consoles.

  21. 8 months ago

    i'm having more fun with fate samurai remnant and it probably had about 1/100th of starfields budget.

  22. 8 months ago

    Shit story. An RPG needs an edgy vibe. Swearing, controversial topics, hot women. Not these robotic, emotionless, snowflake npcs. Their vision of space is also grey and dull, everything looks the same. Just awful

  23. 8 months ago

    >I wouldn't be surprised if no one even cares about TES6
    Gamers are moronic, they will get hyped for TESVI, they will pay extra 40 bucks to play it "earlier" and they will pretend to like it because "everyone else likes it"

  24. 8 months ago

    I played it on gamepass, while I enjoyed my adventure in space once you've beaten it you really see the flaws. For a game that ends with the big secret being you can travel to different universes but nothing changes besides some optional dialouge. If events were actually different then it might have more value but as it is, it's pretty mediocre.

  25. 8 months ago

    Jesus, this game really makes snoyggers seethe with rage. Multiple hate threads per day lmao

  26. 8 months ago

    >I didn't think it was possible for a game to flop as hard as this one did.
    the game is empty on purpose
    They are going to make dlc for it now, silly.

  27. 8 months ago

    Skyrim released
    >I didn't think it was possible for a game to flop as hard as this one did. Especially by Bethesda of all companies. I truly thought they were one of the few who had enough dedicated drone fanboys that they could never fail. Alas, here we are.

    Fallout 4 released
    >I didn't think it was possible for a game to flop as hard as this one did. Especially by Bethesda of all companies. I truly thought they were one of the few who had enough dedicated drone fanboys that they could never fail. Alas, here we are.

    Starfield released
    >I didn't think it was possible for a game to flop as hard as this one did. Especially by Bethesda of all companies. I truly thought they were one of the few who had enough dedicated drone fanboys that they could never fail. Alas, here we are.

    Can you please get some new material. You've been using the same coping mechanisms for over a decade now.

  28. 8 months ago

    >I wouldn't be surprised if no one even cares about TES6.
    I just hope that everything related to TES 6 burns and is destroyed. Otherwise Bethesda is going to ruin The Elder Scrolls forever.

  29. 8 months ago

    I honestly don't understand what people thought Starfield was going to be.
    I expected Skyrim/Fallout 4 in space which is what I got.
    The only thing that surprised me was how stable the game is compared to launch Skyrim and Fallout 4.

  30. 8 months ago

    it didn't flop
    it might have flopped from the consumer's perspective because everyone more or less thought it was shit

    but as always, it sold enough because people have no self control and have to be 'in' on the latest game.

    • 8 months ago

      >everyone more or less thought it was shit
      That's not true at all

      • 8 months ago

        it really is
        i've seen even hardcore bethesda shills drop it and complain about everything without outright admitting it is terrible
        add to that the fact that I've seen some of Bethesda's youtube videos being literally, unashamedly with bot comments, and yeah, public perception is pretty fricking shit
        give it another month or two and I wouldn't be surprised if steam reviews hit mixed

        • 8 months ago

          No you haven't.

  31. 8 months ago

    getting a free month of gamepass was great because I got to find out how shit this game was and not waste any money on it

  32. 8 months ago

    100% of "critical" posts with the game's boxart are false flag paid shilling. They just want to farm "engagement" while putting a big dumb advertisement up
    This guy lowballs the player count just because it's going to generate responses and "proving them wrong" gets put down as positive on his review sheets

    • 8 months ago

      >hmm thread needs an image
      >google starfield and pick the first image

      • 8 months ago

        >accesses meme dismissal folder

        • 8 months ago

          >2016cancer thinks reaction images are dismissal

          • 8 months ago

            >le 2016 tourists in my libshit club
            You dont belong, newbie.

  33. 8 months ago

    Lots of Fabio seethe @ cope itt

    • 8 months ago

      The cope will be thermonuclear when BG3 wins GOTY at doritopope's show this year

  34. 8 months ago

    >Wanting Fallout 8: nothing is different edition
    The bethesda formula suuuuuucks. They peaked with morrowind then just started focus grouping everything to death until all the fun was removed for maximum non-offensiveness and mass-appeal.
    I have gamepass and still didnt bother downloading this piece of shit and any and all hype for Skyrim 8 died before skyrim even came out.

  35. 8 months ago

    It would be funny if it doesn't even get nominated for GOTY

  36. 8 months ago

    Rangeban pajeets

  37. 8 months ago

    >this thread
    You cannot win against Godd guys, just let it go already.

    • 8 months ago

      The man that is going to brutally murder The Elder Scrolls.

      • 8 months ago

        there's two outcomes

        one, they realize they have to actually put effort in and TES 6 ends up being a good game
        or two, starfield made them realize they can put zero effort in and still turn a profit, and it ends up even lazier that starfield

        my money's on two. Bethesda's track record since Oblivion has been horrendous and it hasn't changed, it's not going to start now

        • 8 months ago

          Starfield is an objective improvement over everything in Fallout 4. They listened to every complaint and fixed everything people disliked in Fallout 4 and tried to improve things. The combat is better, the weapon variety is better, the protag isnt voiced and there are multiple choices for the quests and more.

          • 8 months ago

            No, it's not. I hate Fallout 4 with a passion and Starfield is infinitely worse than it in every single metric other than graphics, and even there, there's barely an improvement.

            • 8 months ago

              Also the dialogue system. To be fair, the dialogue itself is worse (which is incredible) but thet non voiced protag and a the skill and trait tags, sparse as they are, as well as not being limited to a 4 option wheel, are way better than FO4

              • 8 months ago

                in the grand scheme of things, those things might as well not have been there
                the background/trait stuff literally never changes anything just makes the npc say 'oh so you already know' and occasionally give a few extra creds
                Having more than 4 options never really did anything because the dialogue is so barebones and linear

                The only part of Starfield that were an improvement was the persuasion system. At no point does the game ever let you roleplay anything other than 'bright eyed space-farer fascinated with space and science'. The only other thing you can do is occasionally have a snarky reply, the exact same as Fallout 4.

    • 8 months ago

      Sorry bud, but Toddposting has been brutally murdered by an Italian 'sperg. it's over

  38. 8 months ago

    Being completely honest there have been so many great games released in recent years that I'm still catching up on, and I don't play games much anymore as a 40 year old, that I wasn't excited about it at all- I felt like I would give it the 2 or 3 year treatment. For instance I am about to pick up Cyberpunk which is clearly 10x the product it was on release.

    But then, even as overblown as it was, and knowing people cherrypick terribly to make falsified arguments, I saw the screenshots of all the black and southeast asian people in space

    I don't play video games...To look at semi accurate yet uncanny valley/disturbing recreations of regular, ugly people of races that I generally don't want to interact with to begin with.

    Game companies will either get this, or they won't. If I can give money to China for Chlorinde or give money to America for Black Space NPC #3663, then I'm giving the money to China.

    • 8 months ago

      >Cyberpunk that is clearly 10x the product it was on release
      Nope. It's virtually identical. PL is great and the content there is a lot more polished/detailed, but in terms of what the game feels like, the general amount of bugs, etc, it is virtually identical to launch. I say this as someone who loved the game at launch. Some elements are worse than launch, like itemization.

      Starfield absolutely is not a game that will magically get better in 3 years no more than Skyrim did; if you play Skyrim today, modded out of the ass, it still has the same big issues it had on release, those being shitty animations, tiny cities, awful writing and VA, and zero character building/roleplay. And Starfield will not get HALF the modding support that Skyrim did because not only is it not fantasy and therefore not as widely appealing, but it's also a new IP, unlike the TES series.

      • 8 months ago

        i think itll get enough modding support...if its not half of skyrim its still more than almost any other game ever, lol

        im a hardcore gamer, so having actual mod support matters to me more than almost anything else

        starfield looks shitty though and tbh if and when i play it im modding the humans to be beautiful. people wouldnt have fricking face lines in 300 years. my wife doesnt have face lines at 34 because she uses retinol, are you frickin kidding me? they dont have retinol in 300 years?

  39. 8 months ago

    >biggest flop both commercially and critically in company HISTORY
    literally F76

  40. 8 months ago

    it completely lacks any aesthetic charm or atmosphere
    the story is totally unengaging
    the gameplay is mind-numbing
    it's a game for playing while you listen to a podcast and wait for death to take you. The vidya equivalent of one of those shitty netflix shows producers deliberately steer away from being interesting or compelling, in order to make sure they're sufficiently "second screen" for viewers to have on in the background

    • 8 months ago

      >while listening to pdocast

      people always say this but am i weird...i have never been compelled to listen to a podcast. ever.

      i listened to some cumtown highlight reels, those guys were funny in spurts but if you listen to the actual show there will be like 17 minutes of nick just jerking himself off when he clearly did coke last night

      • 8 months ago

        just gotta find someone you're interested in. rogan is a meme but take a look through some of his guests. if he has anyone you're interested in hearing speak listen to that. they're great for passively learning things. if you want funny MSSP is hilarious.

      • 8 months ago

        theres cool ones out there, shawn ryan show has amazing episodes if you like politics/current events/military lore

      • 8 months ago

        its for sure a NPC thing. i never once actually want to spend time with people who listen to podcasts. its become something i accept if someone does that, i wont find them interesting to spend time with. enough exp told me that

  41. 8 months ago

    No one is immune to failure. Pride cometh before the fall.

  42. 8 months ago

    >300k sales
    lmao OP, just lmao. you're delusional

  43. 8 months ago

    This game mindbroke Ganker
    /v/irgins think that because it is not worshiped here or by e-celebs that the game is a flop.

  44. 8 months ago

    >I truly thought they were one of the few who had enough dedicated drone fanboys that they could never fail.
    it's really weird
    this is just fallout 4 without the fallout branding, it's a carbon copy
    but they liked that and not this?

    they were both equally bland, boring games

  45. 8 months ago

    Just imagine that game is good. It doesnt need to be good.

  46. 8 months ago

    Fallout 76 is about twenty times worse of a game than Starfield, and even that game is successful to this day with a dedicated playerbase.

    Ten years from now, Starfield will still be growing and changing while games like Cyberpunk and BG3 will be forgotten in favor of the FotM games of the day.

    Literally no other developer does longevity of their games like Bethesda does, and only the yurojank dickriding zoomers of today don't understand that because they were 3 when Skyrim came out.

    • 8 months ago

      Nobody gives bethesda credit for skyrim's longevity because only a moron would ascribe it to them, moron

      • 8 months ago

        Let me guess you think modders are responsible. The are the most delusional group on the planet.

        • 8 months ago

          >99% of all the content repacked into every rerelease of skyrim by bethesda is modded content ripped

        • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >every game is as modular as any other and nothing about Bethesdas builds benefit that at all
        Delusional moron

        • 8 months ago

          your employers design philosophy is letting a bunch of troons with more talent than your jeets do all the work post launch, you brown moron

  47. 8 months ago

    game is so bad it made 76 (shit) look good

    • 8 months ago

      The game is awesome though. I'm sorry you bought a PS5(shit), but on the bright side at lease you can play 76 there since you like it so much.

      • 8 months ago

        kys Fabio

        • 8 months ago

          That's actually my name but I ain't that dude.

  48. 8 months ago
  49. 8 months ago

    The only reason to play Bethesda games was the worlds and they took that away, everything else would be bearable

    • 8 months ago

      >they took that away,
      What you don't like looking at diverse creatures among random containers and clip art tier offices? Future is great.

  50. 8 months ago

    >I didn't think it was possible for a game to flop as hard as this one did
    Talk about hyperbole
    Forspoken is a much bigger flop and came out just a few months before.

    • 8 months ago

      you have the measure the level of flopness against the amount of money invested and amount of hype.

  51. 8 months ago

    You may be to stupid to argue with.

    • 8 months ago

      >to stupid to argue with
      Love how the pseud morons always tell on themselves.

      • 8 months ago

        that reply really made you butt hurt for some reason.

  52. 8 months ago

    >months out poorgays and console war tards continue to seeth and spam the board with doomsaying and hate threads about a major release while the people enjoying the game are busy actually playing it
    sure is a day ending in y on this godforsaken board

    • 8 months ago

      >a major release
      lel, more like major anal discharge

    • 8 months ago

      Then why do the player numbers keep goin' down lil bro?

  53. 8 months ago

    you're confusing "bad game" for "commercial flop"
    those are two very different things and it's why Bethesda keeps getting away with this shit again and again

    • 8 months ago

      >and it's why Bethesda keeps getting away with this shit again and again
      i think starfield will be a great schism for bethesda fans, a giant wake up call, almost all casual coverage of the game is pretty mediocre

  54. 8 months ago

    Thousands of better games have flopped harder, are you fricking stupid? Are you a goldfish who only pays attention to whatever popular only to move onto the next new popular thing?

  55. 8 months ago

    I do not care how many other people are playing the same single-player game as I am.

    • 8 months ago

      But you do otherwise you wont be spamming in these threads 24/7 samegayging half of the posts, blatantly lying all the fricking time

  56. 8 months ago

    The game was fully paid for in 2020 and that's the reason it was made in the first place. Todd already has his golden parachute.

    • 8 months ago

      i love ai images. even more knowing ai images for some reason upset all the brown people that use Ganker.

      • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      ya it's not a flop for Todd, it's a flop for microsoft

      • 8 months ago

        Microsoft has more money than God.

    • 8 months ago

      >it doesnt need to be not dead within 1 month

  57. 8 months ago

    I never knew Fabio was such a popular name.

  58. 8 months ago

    fricking gold perfect litmus test for bad gamers

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