I don't get it, am I just supposed to be resetting over and over until the game gives me some decent cards?

I don't get it, am I just supposed to be resetting over and over until the game gives me some decent cards?

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    no, you're supposed to learn the game and get better. If you're playing on the base difficulty, any remotely decent player can beat it with 100% winrate

    • 2 years ago

      >no, you're supposed to learn the game and get better.
      How are you supposed to learn when the cards you get are random?

      • 2 years ago

        StS is all about understanding what your deck does well and where it's lacking at all point sin the game. It's also a game that rewards knowledge on the encounters to come. You're expected to avoid elite fights if you know your deck can't defeat them in its current state, and also expects you to prepare for the act's boss as you go through it, that's why it shows you the boss as soon as you enter it.

        There are cards that are stronger than others, yes, but the game is much more situational than that. The same card can be absolutely amazing in one run and unpickable in another. You're supposed to learn how to synergize your deck with what you're offered. As your understanding of the game grows your winrate will increase.

        • 2 years ago

          >understanding what your deck does well and where it's lacking
          And what if what you're lacking simply doesn't show up because all cards are dice rolls?

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            the amount of choices you make per run is absolutely insane so if you play correctly you can minimize that risk. Besides, that's about as likely to happen as being given such good cards that it's impossible to lose.

          • 2 years ago

            If the OP cards don't randomly show up, you need to get better at the game. You're obviously shit.

          • 2 years ago

            You're given THREE card choices after every encounter + cards at shops + relics and events giving you extra card choices. That's more than enough to steamroll everything up to A10. Once you get to higher ascensions you'll need to account for different chances of different cards to show up in your strategy.

          • 2 years ago

            What do you mean? You don't have to hard lock into a narrow strategy. You build your deck around the cards/artifacts you actually get. You don't decide on a strategy before starting the run.

            I have played the game four several houndred hours and I can hardly remember any round where building a good deck was impossible

          • 2 years ago

            >all cards are dice rolls
            go play Library of Ruina and you will truly understand what that statement means

        • 2 years ago

          >avoid elites
          >no relics
          >get weaker and weaker
          How are you supposed to win the game with this strategy?

          • 2 years ago

            >he can't beat the game with the right combination of cards and no relics
            LMAO shitter

            • 2 years ago

              Hello police I can't tell if I'm being memed

      • 2 years ago

        You have to learn to get more lucky you idiot

      • 2 years ago

        they're not. The cards you get are the cards you choose to add to your deck. The vast majority of your card rewards should be the "skip" button.

        • 2 years ago

          >The vast majority of your card rewards should be the "skip" button.
          That's what I'm doing though, I'm just going through as many fights as I can, mashing the 'skip' button until I get the synergies I'm looking for, not getting them, then resetting and trying again.

          And even if I DO find the cards I'm looking for, then I have to get lucky all over again to remove all the dogshit cards the game forces you to start with, since removing cards is also entirely RNG based.

          I just don't get what I'm meant to be doing, am I meant to be looking up guides for this stuff?

          • 2 years ago

            If you're trying to beat elites with 5 strikes and 5 blocks, you will lose. You need to ignore what they fricking tell you on here, skipping cards will only help if you have OP ones in the fricking first place. It's. Fricking. Luck.

            • 2 years ago

              if you anything you should be trying to remove cards like strike from your deck to increase your odds of drawing OP shit.

              but then those fricking junk card spammer elites will destroy you

              • 2 years ago

                No anon, haven't you read the thread? The wizards in here can beat it with the start deck in under 20 mins, get fricking good.

            • 2 years ago

              >skipping cards will only help if you have OP ones in the fricking first place
              Ah yes, let me put this unupgraded barricade in my deck at act 1 floor 1. Oh shit, another one on floor 2, it's gold, better put that in my deck too...

              Obviously exaggerated, but if you didn't understand the point, there's no helping you. Skipping cards at the start isn't always bad. I'm not sure you understand what skipping cards even means, I think you think it means card removal.

              • 2 years ago

                So the game actually tries to reward you with stuff that is always detrimental to your deck? What a great fricking game. But ah yes I have to get good to know to press "no" every time

              • 2 years ago

                >always detrimental
                you haven't even played the game to know what barricade does and why it isn't good in your first 5 fights?

              • 2 years ago

                Barricade's good though. But if you get it early on, it's a burden.

              • 2 years ago

                and if you dont get it early it might never appear again and youve gimped yourself

              • 2 years ago

                How have you gimped yourself?

              • 2 years ago

                or get cards that dont rely on barricade

                if barricade is dependent on other cards and other cards are dependent on barricade then logically you cant pick any of them because theres no guarantee you'll get the other in the future

              • 2 years ago

                the only cards thats remotely close to dependent on barricade is entrench
                and even then if you got the block it still works okay in desperate times
                shit like body slam or any of the defense cards clad has works perfectly fine without it

              • 2 years ago

                It's not about other cards entirely. It's also about the point in the game. If you're in early act 1 and you have no energy and no draw, barricade sucks. If you're halfway through act 2, you have 4 energy and you have a decent self-sustaining deck that's maybe floating a bit too much Block, Barricade might be good. This isn't rocket science.

              • 2 years ago

                There are many cards that will encourage you to take barricade but that you will have picked simply for their own virtues.

              • 2 years ago

                Why are you acting like this game is fricking Yu-Gi-Oh where cards only work in one specific context and do nothing otherwise?

              • 2 years ago

                or get cards that dont rely on barricade

              • 2 years ago

                You're taking on a concrete immediate burden to avoid an imaginary, hypothetical one.

              • 2 years ago

                >The game should just give me what I need to stomp everything or it's a bad game
                You sound like a homosexual

              • 2 years ago

                >Oh shit, another one on floor 2, it's gold, better put that in my deck too...
                What kind of moron do you have to be to make this decision

              • 2 years ago

                >What kind of moron do you have to be to make this decision

                If you're trying to beat elites with 5 strikes and 5 blocks, you will lose. You need to ignore what they fricking tell you on here, skipping cards will only help if you have OP ones in the fricking first place. It's. Fricking. Luck.

                >skipping cards will only help if you have OP ones in the fricking first place

                That one.

              • 2 years ago

                Where did he say take duplicates you coping prick

              • 2 years ago

                But if you don't take it, that means you've skipped it.

          • 2 years ago

            You're playing it wrong then. You shouldn't skip until you find the synergies that you want, you have to work with what's given to you while preparing for what lies ahead. If you get stubborn you're going to die.

            If you want to play a shiv deck but you get offered poison cards and a catalyst, then you either pivot or die, either way you're not playing a shiv deck.

            • 2 years ago

              >If you want to play a shiv deck but you get offered poison cards and a catalyst, then you either pivot or die, either way you're not playing a shiv deck.
              And when you get offered a couple poison cards and a couple shiv cards and are left with a deck that does neither well enough to win?

              • 2 years ago

                If your problem is that you're critically lacking in damage then you pick the path that will offer you the most chances at seeing cards, the game isn't that rigid in the ways you can make up for one of your deck's deficiencies. If you're a beginner you should fear bad decisions way more than hypothetical bad RNG.

              • 2 years ago

                The game has a component of luck, in the sense that some runs are basically autowin (Dead Branch Corruption) and sometimes you just get fricked. But so does any cardgame or roguelite.

                But if you haven't beaten the game even once you just suck and some people beat it 100% of the times on Ascension zero and you're saying the game is all luck, you're a coping brainlet.

                Most Silent decks are a mixture of attacks and poison actually. Shiv cards scale really poorly (at least before the buffed the shit out of them) and poison cards ramp slowly. Act 1 usually it's not really about synergies anyways, you get some strong attacks to deal with elites then eventually you get a good card/relic and start building around it.

                Sometimes you might have to rest or avoid elites, you don't just die most of the times like people here suggest.

              • 2 years ago

                There are multiple cards that synergize with poison + damage so a hybrid deck can also be really good

          • 2 years ago

            >until I get the synergies I'm looking for
            that's not how it works. If you try to start a run looking for specific cards you're obviously going to lose. You have to adapt to every situation and not try to build the same deck every time because you obviously won't be able to. It's all about making the best decisions with what you're given, not looking for specific things and complaining when you don't find them.

          • 2 years ago

            >mashing the 'skip' button until I get the synergies I'm looking for, not getting them
            then get cards that combo and synergize with what you have
            and get rid of your base cards dammit

          • 2 years ago

            >until I get the synergies I'm looking for
            Don't do that, pick what you makes your deck better at dealing with what you're about to face, especially if you're not aiming for the long term goal of killing the heart.

            If you're trying to beat elites with 5 strikes and 5 blocks, you will lose. You need to ignore what they fricking tell you on here, skipping cards will only help if you have OP ones in the fricking first place. It's. Fricking. Luck.

            >If you're trying to beat elites with 5 strikes and 5 blocks
            This guy is silly but at least he's right in that, you'll often want to grab a few cards that won't be very useful by the end of your run but that will help you a lot at the start simply by the virtue of dealing more damage than your strikes.

            • 2 years ago

              >mashing the 'skip' button until I get the synergies I'm looking for, not getting them
              then get cards that combo and synergize with what you have
              and get rid of your base cards dammit

              >until I get the synergies I'm looking for
              that's not how it works. If you try to start a run looking for specific cards you're obviously going to lose. You have to adapt to every situation and not try to build the same deck every time because you obviously won't be able to. It's all about making the best decisions with what you're given, not looking for specific things and complaining when you don't find them.

              Maybe I'm explaining this badly but I think you guys are missing the point here.

              So far I've beat a run once on the first three characters, just by stuffing my deck with as many 0 cost attacks as physically possible. Which seems to work on every enemy except one of the final bosses (the one that punishes you for spamming cards by forcing your turn to end every 12 cards you play), which is also RNG, go figure.
              I'm trying to figure out other synergies but I keep getting filtered by either not getting any chance to remove the shitty starting cards, or getting a handful of good cards that synergize but missing some core ingredient and getting nothing useful for the rest of the game.

              Like genuinely am I supposed to just look up which decks are good and try to emulate them? Because the game seems to punish you for experimenting for yourself

              • 2 years ago

                you are suppose to pick cards good for the deck you currently have
                not look for a specific set of cards and hold your breath for one specific one

              • 2 years ago

                >getting nothing useful for the rest of the game
                That seems extremely unlikely, you're probably just not recognizing what is useful and what isn't.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm sorry to say but it seems like your iq is literally too low for this game. It happens. Accept it and move on to other games, you will be happier.

              • 2 years ago

                >Like genuinely am I supposed to just look up which decks are good and try to emulate them? Because the game seems to punish you for experimenting for yourself
                no, there's no such thing as "looking up decks". If you truly want to improve, the fastest way is to watch someone who is good at the game play it. Jorbs is one of the best players in the world, for example.

              • 2 years ago

                >there's no such thing as "looking up decks". If you truly want to improve, the fastest way is to watch someone who is good at the game play i
                So that's a 'yes' then lmao

              • 2 years ago

                That's not looking up a list of cards, that's looking up a series of decisions within their context.

              • 2 years ago

                Same shit, I'm more interested in whether this is something I can play casually at my own pace, or something that I have to go full autismo and treat like a second job just to get by.

                losing is not really a punishment for experimenting, it's just the result of the experiment

                it does sound like you've fixating on only one strategy, the game won't work like that, you gotta play with what you've dealt, you'll lose while you try to figure things out but that's how it is... the game is giving you good cards, you just don't realize they're good

                honestly I learned with a mixture of playing and watching streamers play, which does seem less painful that figuring EVERYTHING out by yourself - I would've never tried to build a deck around Fire Breathing Evolve deck if I didn't see that it could work in the first place

                lol ironically trying a Fire Breathing deck is what made my start this thread in the first place
                I either get a bunch of cards that add statuses into my deck, but Fire Breathing never appears, or Fire Breathing shows up early, I snap it up because it seems so rare, then I get nothing at all that adds status for the rest of the game

                That's kinda what I mean by being punished for experimenting though. Some cards seem to only work in combination with other cards, and if you grab one without getting the others you're fricked, but then the only lesson you learn is to never grab that card because there's no guarantee it will be useful later down the line.

              • 2 years ago

                that's just trying to force a deck archetype and it doesn't work. If you try to grab fire breathing just out of nowhere when none of your deck supports it then you're going to have a bad time. You can still take it though, it's just a single card and won't hurt that much in the long run, as long as you don't try to force the rest of the deck to work with it and ignore other potentially better decisions.

                I've taken firebreathing simply because it's great against sentires and slime boss and it was fine.

              • 2 years ago

                >that's just trying to force a deck archetype and it doesn't work
                But that rules out like 80% of the cards in the game as being completely unusable

              • 2 years ago

                that's not true, the majority of cards in this game are perfectly playable. There are some outliers ofc. looking at you, reprogram. Even reprogram has it's use though, there's a run where jorbs makes a deck around reprogram and beats the heart, it's fricking glorious.

              • 2 years ago

                No it doesn't. You take good cards and then take cards that are synergistic with those good cards.

              • 2 years ago

                >You take good cards and then take cards that are synergistic with those good cards.
                And if those synergistic cards don't appear, then anon tells you you shouldn't have taken that good card in the first place because that's forcing an archetype
                It's all so tiresome

              • 2 years ago

                >And if those synergistic cards don't appear
                If these cards don't appear you still picked a good card. That's whu it's called a good card.

              • 2 years ago

                Taking Fiend Fire in act 1 isn't forcing an Exhaust archetype. It's taking a good card. If you get, say, Fiend Fire and one other Exhaust card that's decent by itself, you might be inclined to take Feel No Pain after that. If you get Feel No Pain offered after fight 1, you won't take it. If you don't get Feel No Pain at all, you still have two good cards in your deck.

              • 2 years ago

                i'd probably take feel no pain regardless on ironclad, it's just so fricking good its worth carrying as a curse in the early game. Plus it single handedly trivializes the sentries

              • 2 years ago

                You could, but it'd be more of a gamble. My point was that synergies aren't strictly package deals, it's just that the cards you already have in your deck affect the desirability of future offerings.

              • 2 years ago

                i agree with your overall point, i was being pedantic because feel no pain is super strong

              • 2 years ago

                Nobodies mentioned this yet so I'll spell it out for you. At high ascensions you don't settle into an archetype until half-way until Act 2. The first Act and a half are all about picking cards against specific fights and keeping your deck balanced for any challenge. You need equal attack/block, AOE attack, some draw if you have low energy cards or some energy if you have high energy cards, etc.

                Act 1 is all about just making a balanced deck, that's it. Act 2 is when you look at your cards and relics and begin building for an archetype while you remove as many strikes/defends as possible.

                If you could draft certain cards and relics OUT of the pool, it would be more fun. Like damn, can I just remove Clash from the card choices so it doesn't take up a slot in rewards or shops? Same with Reprogram.

                Wouldn't really be more fun for me, just seems like you would stomp mindlessly at that point.

              • 2 years ago

                Bam. Seething tranons btfo

              • 2 years ago

                >post that got 3 responses that were all calmly explaining why anon was wrong
                where is the seethe?

              • 2 years ago

                >something I can play casually at my own pace
                If you just want to play at ascension 0 then you can, you're gonna miss out on most of the interest of the game though.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, some of the highly synergistic cards are tricky to evaluate. Taking Fire Breathing first is risky (having more options through something like prayer wheel, courier makes this more appealing) but if you already have some cards that are good by themselves like Immolate, then Fire Breathing becomes a good option. Even if you don't get Fire Breathing, you can still try to get some upside out of the statuses by taking Exhaust cards like Fiend Fire or Sever Soul, which then increases the appeal of other powers like Dark Embrace, etc...
                I don't think you particularly need to watch streamers or look up guides to progress by the way, if you're willing to experiment and try things even if they failed in the past.

              • 2 years ago

                A firebreathing card in act 1 is ok, if the boss is slime boss. It also has use vs book of stabbing and the chosen. You shouldnt take it without synergies in any other case.

                You dont really go in a run, thinking about what deck you want to build. You focus on the challenges you are abt to face (usually elite fight or boss) and assessing w/c of the card rewards and shop options you need to deal with it.

              • 2 years ago

                >go full autismo and treat like a second job
                >SECOND job
                The people who are into StS don't have a first job

              • 2 years ago

                There's no such thing as looking up decks. Watch this guy and look up what decks he uses

              • 2 years ago

                no, watch this guy and see how he plays in the context he's given. This is the problem with the game, it truly is beyond the majority of this board. You guys really are too fricking stupid to play it.

              • 2 years ago

                The main skill you need to learn is to pick cards that are going to help you accomplish your long and short term goals. i.e. a card like Lightning Strike isn't really particularly great or deck-defining. But in Act 1, the main thing you want is some decent attacks to deal with Elites, so if you're not already full up on those, it's definitely better than skipping. No use holding out for a perfect deck if you're gonna die in Act 1. Conversely, you don't want TOO much short-term thinking, or you might end up with a deck full of cards that crush Act 1 but fall off hard later, like Bludgeon.
                As you go up in Ascension, especially past 15, randomness starts to play a bigger role. But at the very least at A0, every game is reasonably beatable blind.

              • 2 years ago

                losing is not really a punishment for experimenting, it's just the result of the experiment

                it does sound like you've fixating on only one strategy, the game won't work like that, you gotta play with what you've dealt, you'll lose while you try to figure things out but that's how it is... the game is giving you good cards, you just don't realize they're good

                honestly I learned with a mixture of playing and watching streamers play, which does seem less painful that figuring EVERYTHING out by yourself - I would've never tried to build a deck around Fire Breathing Evolve deck if I didn't see that it could work in the first place

              • 2 years ago

                Watch Jorbs overexplained runs for each character in YT and you will understand

              • 2 years ago

                >Because the game seems to punish you for experimenting for yourself
                Do you understand the concept that experimentation should inevitably lead to failure at times? Do you expect to win 100% of the time doing random shit? The mere concept of "punishing you for experimenting yourself" is the most goddamn moronic thing people say, experimenting when a known path exists IS punishing yourself, if you're only looking for success and there's already a known path.

                And honestly, most of the game is about knowledge. Actually the most important part of the game to learn isn't actually about cards and decks, but probably events, enemy patterns, and base game mechanics, when it comes to winning consistently.

              • 2 years ago

                That's not what I said at all

              • 2 years ago

                Experimentation is an inherently unfun process.

              • 2 years ago

                Experimentation is the most fun part of most games. This is probably the first game I've ever played that discouraged it

              • 2 years ago

                How does it discourage it more than other games?

              • 2 years ago

                He won't have an answer because he's a moron and got filtered by a card game.

              • 2 years ago

                I grabbed Darkest Dungeon recently too. That's a game that's arguably harder and more unforgiving than StS, and has plenty of RNG itself.
                The difference is in DD all your options are there up-front, you can customize your party and their skills at will. If you see something that might synergize you can try it immediately and see if it works or doesn't work. If it doesn't work you don't lose anything, if it does work you gain a new weapon in your arsenal.

                In StS even if you see a synergy that might be fun to try, you won't get a chance to try it for another 500 runs when you happen to roll all those cards at once. And then at that point if it works it doesn't matter, because it might be another 500 runs before you ever see those cards in tandem again, and if it doesn't work you immediately lose all your progress and start from scratch. The only lesson you learn from experimenting is don't experiment.

              • 2 years ago

                Like I said, experimentation is inherently unfun. The longer the experiment takes, less fun.

                Judging by that post, DD has fun experimentation because the trial is effectively short and there's little setup.

              • 2 years ago

                Experimentation is inherently fun, and DD is fun because it puts very few barriers between you and your experiments

              • 2 years ago

                If you're

                I grabbed Darkest Dungeon recently too. That's a game that's arguably harder and more unforgiving than StS, and has plenty of RNG itself.
                The difference is in DD all your options are there up-front, you can customize your party and their skills at will. If you see something that might synergize you can try it immediately and see if it works or doesn't work. If it doesn't work you don't lose anything, if it does work you gain a new weapon in your arsenal.

                In StS even if you see a synergy that might be fun to try, you won't get a chance to try it for another 500 runs when you happen to roll all those cards at once. And then at that point if it works it doesn't matter, because it might be another 500 runs before you ever see those cards in tandem again, and if it doesn't work you immediately lose all your progress and start from scratch. The only lesson you learn from experimenting is don't experiment.

                >because it might be another 500 runs before you ever see those cards in tandem again, and if it doesn't work you immediately lose all your progress and start from scratch. The only lesson you learn from experimenting is don't experiment.

                I'd say you don't actually enjoy the process of experimentation, you enjoy the discovery of new things.

              • 2 years ago

                The way you say things like "which decks are good" and generally talk about thing indicates that you have a fundamentally wrong approach to thinking about deck building. Like you seem to think the game is about assembling some kind of combo or specific composition, but outside of watchers rushdown combo this isn't true (and in the case of watcher this is just because it's so easy to get that going that you can almost always force it successfully). Try approaching deck building by looking for specific problems to solve. Think about actual fights you know could come up and imagine how your deck can or can not handle them when you're making card choices. Think about who your act boss is and if you have the tools to handle them. Think about real practical problems and how to solve them, not just vague synergies.

              • 2 years ago

                watcher rushdown is absolutely moronic. Only thing it doesn't easily beat is the heart

          • 2 years ago

            there are more synergies than just strength stacking, block stacking and poison stacking

          • 2 years ago

            Have sex, incel

          • 2 years ago

            Adopt a greedier strategy. Don't force a deck. It's not gonna happen. You want to make sure you have what's needed to fight the elites and the main boss. That's your objective. Do you have the defense, burst damage, scaling damage, etc to take them on?

      • 2 years ago

        By reading the card which explains the card. Then since the explanation, understanding the card and if it fits/doesn't fit in your deck. Brainlet.

      • 2 years ago

        You are supossed to learn what cards have good synergy and the builds they can create. You should also skip cards that have no synergy with your current build even if they are really rare or strong ones. This ensures your deck to not become bloated and the outcome of battles become more of your ability to build a good deck rather than luck

      • 2 years ago

        this is the funniest thing i've ever read, never change Ganker

        • 2 years ago

          I hope the next thing you create is better than this bingo simulator shit

      • 2 years ago

        You have to learn how to synergize your deck. What to add and what to remove. I beat the game the very first time I played it. If you're struggling it's a you problem. You're failing to see connections that are there.

      • 2 years ago

        that's what shitters do. good players can win Ascension 0 (the starting difficulty) every time even if they get bad RNG.

        smart people can figure the cards out on their own. if you aren't smart enough, you can find guides online that teach you good strategies for each character.

    • 2 years ago

      You could easily NOT sound like an elitist homosexual. A 100% winrate on base difficulty is just not likely at all. There is something to be said about learning game mechanics and assuming outcomes but the game has PLENTY of rng to ruin your run even if you are playing as template as possible.

      • 2 years ago

        StS is easier than you think. The only known unwinnable seed is 18ISL35FYK4, an A20 silent seed that was found 4 months ago after 2 years of brute forcing where every early pick is card draw or block, and then forces a metallicize lagovulin fight that you cannot kill in time before it debuffs you to -6 strength.

        • 2 years ago

          >pic related
          I'll take the 3 question marks. I fear nothing.

      • 2 years ago

        >A 100% winrate on base difficulty is just not likely at all.
        You are a complete shitter if you believe this. A20 World record is 16 straight wins. And that's with beating the Heart (so forgoing one relic, beating one super elite, and missing one campfire reward). Base difficulty, no heart is child's play and can easily be beaten 100% of the time. Most people beat that shit their very first playthrough not even knowing what all their cards do.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm not saying you can't pound the game's dick in or anything. A 100% win rate though is simply bullshit.

          • 2 years ago

            If you can beat the game 16 times in a row doing A20 heart, it's absolutely possible to beat base difficulty 100% of the time. A20 heart is insanely more difficult than base difficulty. RNG is not an excuse, the game gives you three cards per battle + "?" room cards + shops. You don't even need good synergies OR good cards to beat it, look at this run

            I'm back. First try, and only took common cards to flex on the brainlets here. Didn't have this achievement yet so that was fun.

            • 2 years ago

              This is the stupidest shit i've ever heard lmao. right now get on stream and just play A0 i want to see a 100 win streak right now or admit you're moronic. game isnt hard its literally just learning what cards are more useful generally speaking and building around that info like every rouge-ish game now stream you b***h

              • 2 years ago

                >bro waste three days of your life proving this to me because I'm a moron who can't into logic, otherwise you are wrong!!
                There has only been one seed EVER found in StS which is impossible and it's A20

                StS is easier than you think. The only known unwinnable seed is 18ISL35FYK4, an A20 silent seed that was found 4 months ago after 2 years of brute forcing where every early pick is card draw or block, and then forces a metallicize lagovulin fight that you cannot kill in time before it debuffs you to -6 strength.

                . Yes, of course you can win 100% of the time in A0. A20 Heart is 1000x harder than base A0 and you can consistently beat that, so why couldn't you 100% base A0?
                >b-b-b-but RNG
                You don't need good cards to beat base A0. You don't need synergies to beat base A0. RNG is irrelevant.

              • 2 years ago

                Not that anon, but to be fair, I think 100% is too much of an exaggeration. Maybe 99.5% of the time.

                Maybe I'll try an A0 streak of my own someday.

              • 2 years ago

                I used to zone on A0 silent and got a 24 wins streak. It's easy when you have a decent knowledge of the game but some runs can be surprisingly treacherous. Sometimes it's hard to resist wacky choices

              • 2 years ago

                I think the hardest thing about dis/proving the 100% WR on A0 is just the sheer amount of time it would take.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah nah see of course you can maintain a extremely high win rate on A0 but 100%? nah you'll lose one for one reason or another. You're making a moronic statement saying it's impossible to lose though. And you know that. I enjoy StS as much the next person. But again all rouge style games are at the end of the day luck. same with card games of all sorts. skill and knowledge play a role but at the end of the day luck is a deciding factor. now stream your claim or admit you're moronic anon

              • 2 years ago

                >But again all rouge style games are at the end of the day luck
                >b-b-but RNG
                Like I've already said multiple times, luck is irrelevant You don't need good cards, good relics, or anything to beat base A0. So where does luck play a factor? This anon beat it with shit cards once and again with only one relic

                I'm back. First try, and only took common cards to flex on the brainlets here. Didn't have this achievement yet so that was fun.

                don't take it personally, I have over 400 hours in the game, plus I don't know how many watching jorbs. I did that run for fun and then did this one where you can't have any relics other than the first one. Once you get through to A20 and get used to that difficulty then A1 or A0 are very easy. It's the same with any other skill based game where if you can tackle the most brutal difficulty, the lower ones will seem trivial. I struggled with A4 when I first got there as well.

                . Even severely handicapping yourself it's still piss easy to beat base A0. The only reason you would lose base A0 is if you get bored out of your mind and make easy misplays. And no, I'm not wasting 80+ hours of my life to prove a point to some moron on Ganker, sorry.

              • 2 years ago

                I could easily do that. I did two runs, one with only a single relic, and one with only starter and common cards, and posted screenshots on this thread

              • 2 years ago

                Anon your so thick. It's like the lottery isn't luck, it's not random, you can pick ANY 6 numbers you want from 49, get fricking good you morons, I can win it every week if I wanted.

        • 2 years ago

          why do you morons keep saying the record is 16? its 18 you monkeys

      • 2 years ago

        see my post here lmao

        I'm back. First try, and only took common cards to flex on the brainlets here. Didn't have this achievement yet so that was fun.

        • 2 years ago

          If you can beat the game 16 times in a row doing A20 heart, it's absolutely possible to beat base difficulty 100% of the time. A20 heart is insanely more difficult than base difficulty. RNG is not an excuse, the game gives you three cards per battle + "?" room cards + shops. You don't even need good synergies OR good cards to beat it, look at this run [...]

          Then I must be understanding the game wrong. I find Ascension lvl 4 pretty fun and only win maybe 1 out of every 3 runs. Unless I'm being cheap and playing The Silent or The Watcher for an easy win. Redpill me anons.

          • 2 years ago

            That anon is absolutely telling the truth, a player that's not ever going to be able to streak A20 but that can struggle through and beat it once or twice should 100% A0 in his sleep. I think an A20 once or twicer should be able to 99% A15 in his sleep honestly.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm this anon, and to further what I meant by redpill me. Give me your methodology when it comes to combat. What I've been doing is trying to kill shit ASAP since there are so many enemies that get infinitely stronger overtime, or bloat your deck the longer the fight goes on. All while trying to mitigate the damage I take as much as possible so I may continue to use the resource of upgrading cards at the rest site.

            I'm sure I'll be informed to keep a deck as small as possible and use cheap spammable cards to rack up a variety of effects which is typically what I try to do. Do you guys tend to just hit up ? rooms and dodge combat as much as possible? My priority tends to go towards what'll give me the most relics possible since they are quite powerful.

            • 2 years ago

              you should go for the most elites you can take without dying. The hard part is knowing when your deck can take the specific elites in that act. Always remember you can't get the same one twice in a row.

              Going for campfires is good if you have cards that become exponentially stronger when upgraded. Stuff like defragment for defect literally doubles the cards effect, for example. If you don't have cards worth upgrading and are fine on health, avoid campfires since they are dead floors.

              As for fights vs events, it's extremely tricky and very situational. As a rule of thumb, combats give more predictable rewards and you should go to them if you feel like your deck is missing key cards. Knowing which events exist in which acts also helps to decide. Act2 has extremely strong events, for example. Stuff like apparitions or upgrade strikes/defends can dramatically change a run.

          • 2 years ago

            Silent is actually the weakest class objectively, you just know it better than ironclad and defect. As you learn the classes more your winrate will rise naturally.

          • 2 years ago

            don't take it personally, I have over 400 hours in the game, plus I don't know how many watching jorbs. I did that run for fun and then did this one where you can't have any relics other than the first one. Once you get through to A20 and get used to that difficulty then A1 or A0 are very easy. It's the same with any other skill based game where if you can tackle the most brutal difficulty, the lower ones will seem trivial. I struggled with A4 when I first got there as well.

          • 2 years ago

            The thread is full of advice. But if you ask me, the real key to getting good is to really build your deck to be balanced and able to deal with the elites and bosses. That's the main thing to focus on. There are many cards that are just objectively good no matter what deck they are in, and other cards which are more situational. You shouldn't go for situational cards in Act 1 unless you've had extremely good luck. In other words, don't build for Act 3 in Act 1. Build for stage of the game you are in. After the Act 1 boss, you get your rare card and relic (go for energy) and during Act 2 you will probably be in a position to decide on some archetype to go for.

            I'm this anon, and to further what I meant by redpill me. Give me your methodology when it comes to combat. What I've been doing is trying to kill shit ASAP since there are so many enemies that get infinitely stronger overtime, or bloat your deck the longer the fight goes on. All while trying to mitigate the damage I take as much as possible so I may continue to use the resource of upgrading cards at the rest site.

            I'm sure I'll be informed to keep a deck as small as possible and use cheap spammable cards to rack up a variety of effects which is typically what I try to do. Do you guys tend to just hit up ? rooms and dodge combat as much as possible? My priority tends to go towards what'll give me the most relics possible since they are quite powerful.

            Combat all depends on the enemy at hand and whatever you draw, I don't know how to give advice on that. I will say you pretty much always need an AOE attack in the first two acts.

    • 2 years ago

      if it's your first roguelite, that's how they work
      doesn't mean all roguelites are card games, far from it, this is a subgenre of roguelites
      you die, hopefully unlock some new items and cards, then you'll be a bit stronger on the next run, repeat, but the goal is to try to not die and beat the game
      your skill matters, as well as RNG for what you get
      lagavulin is bullshit, I know
      keep playing silent until you unlock a power card that poisons enemies every turn, when you get that, you can just armor up and wait until everyone is dead
      that's one of the silent strats
      also this guy is a lying homosexual, you lose a die a lot when you're a beBlack person, and you die even after you played the game for a while

    • 2 years ago

      Silence, Black person. The best players in the world have a winrate of about 15% on A20, and they all know whether a run is winnable or not by the first elite mob.

      • 2 years ago

        Their Winrate is higher than that. And no, you absolutely don't know whether you can win a run on the first elite lol

        • 2 years ago

          >Their Winrate is higher than that
          Not him but it actually isn't. For A20 of course.

          • 2 years ago

            googled it real quick

            • 2 years ago

              that watcher winrate is pathetic lmao
              lifecoach will always be the best

              • 2 years ago

                Life coach takes an entire day to play one run though

            • 2 years ago

              >watcher and silent that low
              what the frick

              • 2 years ago

                Silent is the hardest class to be fair. That watcher is super low though, this is probably an old tweet.

              • 2 years ago

                >Silent is the hardest class
                false, it's second easiest
                poison is the most busted mechanic in the game

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not arguing, I'm stating. Silent is the class that every pro player has the lowest Winrate on in A20, which is the only one that matters. It's not up for discussion.

              • 2 years ago

                post your sources then, better not be outdated garbage

              • 2 years ago

                Silent has the worst Act 1, which is the most lethal act on A20

              • 2 years ago

                Most runs die to act1 elites and silent has the hardest time killing act1 elites because she starts with two extra curs- i mean an extra strike and defend.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah it's from 2020, didn't wanna bother looking up more recent stats

          • 2 years ago

            Only if they're fricking around. You can't have a 15% Winrate and an 18 winstreak, it's a statistical impossibility.

      • 2 years ago

        why are you bringing up A20 when he was talking about the base difficulty?

      • 2 years ago

        >Their Winrate is higher than that
        Not him but it actually isn't. For A20 of course.

        That's hilarious

  2. 2 years ago

    I beat the game after about 15 minutes. What a rip-off.

    • 2 years ago

      literally impossible so no, you didn't

  3. 2 years ago

    A qrd -

    You are assigned cards by complete luck. Yes, you can pick from a pool each fight, but the pool is random, so it IS luck. Additionally, the shop you can buy from a select pool of random cards. That word again, random.

    You will end up with either a deck which will make you completely op and win easily, or you will be stitched up and lose miserably.

    Some people who think they're good at this game become offended if you say it's luck. It fricking is luck. Smile and nod at anyone who argues against that, it is a game of chance. I've maxed this game out, it's fun. Anyone with a brain will tell you it's a fun little game of literal pot luck. And there's nothing wrong with that. They should have called it lottery cards or something.

    • 2 years ago

      The luck component is present but you absolutely can win on default difficulty even with the most rotten luck. People are offended when you imply like you are doing in this post that luck decides if you win or not.

    • 2 years ago

      lmao stop lying. Nobody that has beaten the heart on ascension 20 with all characters thinks the game is luck because it so clearly isn't. You're just a butthurt brainlet and you're full of shit.

      • 2 years ago

        Ah we have a winner. Someone extremely upset that their game skills have been called into question on this game of chance, I mean, skill! Ah don't worry, you're good at the game anon. Calm down. It's nothing to do with the random cards, everyone who completes it is just amazing! That's what you want to hear, right?

        Look up the definition of luck and random. You're telling people they don't understand the game, you don't understand those words.

        Find a play through of someone beating a20 with shit cards for us, I would love to watch it.

        • 2 years ago

          keep seething dude. You said you maxed out the game, post proof. We both know it's bullshit.

          secondly, top players have gone on rotating winstreaks of 14 wins on ascension 20, so just go watch those? There's plenty of runs where they win with absolutely mediocre decks that a regular player could never win with.

        • 2 years ago

          It depends on your definition of luck and random obviously. Any activity can be made arbitrarily luck-based by increasing the difficulty and lowering the length of time/number of trials.
          A1 involves minimal luck, a good player can win basically all the time. It is true that A20 involves much more luck, since even good players can't win all the time. That's not to say they don't require skill, since a bad player won't even win A1 consistently.
          This holds true for anything, such as say, basketball. Can a good basketball player throw a ball in a hoop? Sure, not much luck in that. Can the same player throw a ball in a hoop where the hoop is at ground level and the player is standing on top of Mt. Everest? Maybe, but that's going to involve a ton of luck. The activity didn't change, only the degree of difficulty did, but that affects luck. Even in real human activities, humans are not robots capable of perfectly carrying the same actions repeatedly, there is randomness in muscle movements and in various environmental factors.
          I define luck by how much skill affects the outcome. By this metric, most roguelites are highly skill-based because skill is hugely important, good players can winstreak easily, beginners struggle to get past even the early stages.
          You could define luck by whether or not there is random chance involved. In which case there is luck in StS. But random chance affects literally everything, thus everything would be luck-based, so this definition is useless.
          You could define luck by whether some scenarios are unwinnable with perfect play, which would make StS luck-based. And in real life if you were a god you would never make a mistake, so something like sports would be skill-based. Except humans aren't gods and they have limits to what they can do, which makes sports luck-based for them, and since most people are human and not perfect gods, this definition does not seem relevant to real life.

          • 2 years ago

            I went to sleep and woke up. Is the thread still going? This must be the longest StS thread I've seen in a long time.

            • 2 years ago

              The only way StS threads live is when someone exists to argue about how the game is just RNG shit, a necessary sacrifice.

            • 2 years ago

              Yep, the same 3 people are on here still arguing

        • 2 years ago

          But Anon, how do you know you got the good cards and which ones to pick?
          The way you put it, a barely trained ape can randomly pick anything and just steamroll the game, even in the hardest difficulty.
          Are you saying there is nothing the player does that affects the outcome of the game? Are all seeds predetermined and you can't change anything at all, you just have to luck into winning?

        • 2 years ago

          There are plenty of people with huge a20 win streaks out there. Frostprime on YouTube for example.
          I'll admit I haven't beat a1 yet, but at least I didnt get filtered by a0 like about 60% of (low IQ) players have

          • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      You are bad at this game. First run I did of it I won as that knight. I won every 1st run for the characters I unlocked expect robot because I fricked up my deck getting greedy

      • 2 years ago

        Almost like beginners luck on your first runs. Funny that

        • 2 years ago

          lol no, I'm great at puzzles and that's what the game is essentially. Also years of playing card games

  4. 2 years ago

    why does every zoomer make a thread here crying about this crying game every day of the week. are you fricks actually that dumb? just read the card texts morons.

    I've played it for 300 hours might just reinstall it once again after reading all this

    • 2 years ago

      >game is on sale
      >large amount of new players
      >game is incredibly dense
      >large amounts of people asking how to play
      not hard to understand anon

    • 2 years ago

      Why did you uninstall in the first place? The game is like 500mb only, it barely takes any space

  5. 2 years ago

    anyone who is struggling on the base difficulty, start a run with any character and give me the seed. I'll beat it in 20 minutes and post proof.

    • 2 years ago

      come on, nobody? I'm bored at work so I can squeeze a run in

      • 2 years ago

        too lazy to turn on my computer

        if you want a challenge just pick the shittiest relics and no potions and try to beat the heart

        • 2 years ago

          you can't pick relics, anon. Unless you meant buy? And I don't want a challenge, which is why I was asking for a base difficulty seed, I just wanted to breeze through it and prove to the luck homosexuals that it's an incredibly skill and knowledge based game.

          • 2 years ago

            Unless you know what cards they pick it's going to branch off and be a completely different game though? You fricking melt, why are so many butt hurt people on here so offended by this random game being called a random game

            • 2 years ago

              >Unless you know what cards they pick it's going to branch off and be a completely different game though?
              Oh? Almost sounds like you're saying choices make a difference in this game, that's funny.

            • 2 years ago

              the cards they hand you are set by the seed
              the only difference is percents (I.E. when potions or rares drop but not which ones drop)

              • 2 years ago

                The first fork in the road (dictated by luck) will create a completely different set of outcomes. Exactly my point.

              • 2 years ago

                what? the same seed has the same map layout. I don't pick the first path randomly, I pick it based on the best possible path for that act and the whale bonus, so it's already an informed decision from the start.

              • 2 years ago

                no it doesnt you fricking liar

            • 2 years ago

              i don't think you understand what a seed is, my dude. You just keep seething and showing your ignorance on the game

              • 2 years ago

                I absolutely know what it means, and that's why you're avoiding my valid point.

              • 2 years ago

                taking cards is part of the game. why would I take the same cards some noob takes? I'm offered the same ones if we're playing the same seed. I'm obviously going to take a different path, taking different cards, and fighting mobs differently, because that's, you know, the whole fricking game.

                if your point is "if you take the same cards as a noob does and play the same way a noob does you will die like a noob does" then yeah, I guess that's correct.

  6. 2 years ago

    how many hours do you folx have on this game? I have around 350, this game is both frustrating and addictive so I deleted it

    • 2 years ago

      around 400. beat the heart on A20 with all characters but I keep playing it. It's just incredibly fun and convenient to play on the switch

    • 2 years ago

      768.9 hours, I grew completely tired of it only to pick it back up for an additional couple hundred hours multiple times by now.

      It's a cringe troony reddit meta slave game. Ultimately, you don't really have options. The game is terrible and if you spent money on this, I'm sorry.
      >you are le bad
      finished A20, the game never got good. Not playing this trash anymore.

      >meta slave
      That's a nice way to say that you just want to do whatever without using your brain and still be rewarded for it.

      • 2 years ago

        No, it's a way to say the game is shit and gives you the illusion of choice.

        why you gotta lie on the internet? you haven't beaten the game on A20 if you hated it from the start, unless you're a masochist - it takes ages

        tell me a card game that doesn't have luck in it

        Not lying. It didn't take long, longest part was simply slogging through each number.

        >finished A20, the game never got good. Not playing this trash anymore.
        you're full of shit. beating A20 takes like 100 hours the first time you do it. You guys that got filtered by the base difficulty keep outing yourselves it's embarrassing

        Took me about 50 to get every achievement, did it on Xbox so I'm not a filthy cheater.

        • 2 years ago

          >I went out of my way to make the game as least fun as possible and I found it wasnt fun

          wow thats some good logic there

          • 2 years ago

            What are you babbling about moron?

        • 2 years ago

          if real (which I doubt, or at least I doubt the 50h mark) that's impressive, but man you played this much of a game you hated? sorry you wasted your own time

          Same shit, I'm more interested in whether this is something I can play casually at my own pace, or something that I have to go full autismo and treat like a second job just to get by.

          lol ironically trying a Fire Breathing deck is what made my start this thread in the first place
          I either get a bunch of cards that add statuses into my deck, but Fire Breathing never appears, or Fire Breathing shows up early, I snap it up because it seems so rare, then I get nothing at all that adds status for the rest of the game

          That's kinda what I mean by being punished for experimenting though. Some cards seem to only work in combination with other cards, and if you grab one without getting the others you're fricked, but then the only lesson you learn is to never grab that card because there's no guarantee it will be useful later down the line.

          usually some cards are good all-purpose cards, some are more situational

          for instance just picking Fire Breathing is probably bad because it needs decent card draw, but Evolve is a good standalone card because lots of fight shuffle statuses in your deck (especially later)

          so yea some cards are only good in combos, but you can build those combos starting from the other side

          or maybe you have Mummified Hand and a 1-cost power is good even if it doesn't do too much immediately, or maybe you transform into it and you have to make it work or get rid of it... the stars don't always align and it's your job to figure it out, the game has a lot of variables

  7. 2 years ago

    It's a cringe troony reddit meta slave game. Ultimately, you don't really have options. The game is terrible and if you spent money on this, I'm sorry.
    >you are le bad
    finished A20, the game never got good. Not playing this trash anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      why you gotta lie on the internet? you haven't beaten the game on A20 if you hated it from the start, unless you're a masochist - it takes ages

      >card games with randomized decks are inherently based on luck
      >also what cards you get during your run are random
      >also what relics you get is random
      >also the fights are random
      >iT's NoT AbOuT LuCk

      tell me a card game that doesn't have luck in it

    • 2 years ago

      >finished A20, the game never got good. Not playing this trash anymore.
      you're full of shit. beating A20 takes like 100 hours the first time you do it. You guys that got filtered by the base difficulty keep outing yourselves it's embarrassing

  8. 2 years ago

    Obligatory "Monster Train is better" shitpost, also is the mobile version of STS as bad as people say it is?

    • 2 years ago

      >is the mobile version of STS as bad as people say it is?
      I think it's fine but I haven't played it a ton.

      I personally like Monster Train more than StS, but it is much easier

      any games of similar quality?

      seconding MT. I personally like MT more also, but I can see why most people prefer StS.

  9. 2 years ago

    >card games with randomized decks are inherently based on luck
    >also what cards you get during your run are random
    >also what relics you get is random
    >also the fights are random
    >iT's NoT AbOuT LuCk

    • 2 years ago

      No it's not, it's about the choices you make, you can give up on your agency and make it all about luck if you want to but that would be very boring.

    • 2 years ago

      Unless you have prismatic shard you are dealing with a relatively small pool of cards in conparison to the amount of picks you get over the course of the run. The RNG is largely frontloaded where sometimes you just never get a potion and draw 5 strikes turn 2 againt guardians or 5 defends against gremlin nob, or get to hexaghost without any form of scaling damage, but these are all 10 minute resets. If you are dying to repto or timeeater its usually because you could have picked the cards and potions to beat them but chose not to.

  10. 2 years ago

    its fun but getting to the heart after destroying everything and then realising you cant kill it is too annoying. Obviously its a shiny casino simulator too which loses its appeal after a while, no idea how people have hundreds of hours

    • 2 years ago

      its not really a shiny casino sim till you get to really high ascensions
      and even then the heart is widely considered to be an awful fight
      there is a reason ascending doesnt require you to kill it

    • 2 years ago

      >no idea how people have hundreds of hours
      Because it's an intellectualy stimulating complicated game that still leaves you room to grow even hundreds or thousands of hours in.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah just like fricking bingo

        • 2 years ago

          I didn't know you could get better at bingo.

  11. 2 years ago

    haha bros I got lagavulin in the third room and I only have strikes and blocks lol this game is so fun and totally not bullshit XD

    • 2 years ago

      then why'd you go into an elite room dummy

    • 2 years ago

      Lagavulin doesn't jump at you from the bushes you disingenius frick, you made the decision to pick an elite fight too early.

    • 2 years ago

      You can't get an Elite in the first 3 fights. Stop embarassing yourself.

      • 2 years ago

        ? Rooms? Shops? You can totally hit elites with neow's lament, but you can generally avoid elites in most seeds for a decent bit.

        • 2 years ago

          I meant floors. You can't get a mandatory elite, you gotta opt into it.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        why wouldn't you tho? if you lose you just reset anyway, and if you win you get a buff

        • 2 years ago

          because you can just fight the elite when prepared instead of getting your shit kicked in and complaining the game is the problem
          look at your map and boss even before you choose a gift

          • 2 years ago

            >before you choose a gift
            Frick that, give me the box.

        • 2 years ago

          >and if you win you get a buff
          And how much HP did you pay for that buff?

  12. 2 years ago

    Welcome to rogue likes. As you go you will also learn what works and what doesn't.

  13. 2 years ago

    Having less cards with heavy synergy is much better than taking a card every time and having shitloads that have no synergy.

  14. 2 years ago

    >build strength
    >get unga bunga'd into oblivion by gremlin nob
    nice game

    • 2 years ago

      >have deck that can't beat gremlin nob
      >enter elite fight
      you played yourself

  15. 2 years ago

    For me, it's poison and catalyst.

    • 2 years ago

      >RNG cucks you
      >shivs only
      >no accuracy
      >final destination

    • 2 years ago

      >RNG cucks you
      >shivs only
      >no accuracy
      >final destination

      get on my level

  16. 2 years ago

    I can't play Ironclad, I feel like such a brainlet

    • 2 years ago

      It's the reverse.

  17. 2 years ago

    I enjoy Silent the most, only made it to Ascension 2 on him though. Is there another archetype to go for other than poison and shiv?

    • 2 years ago

      Stop looking at the game through the scope of archetypes already, if you want to win that is.

    • 2 years ago

      also discard is a lot of fun
      cycling through your deck four times a battle is cool

  18. 2 years ago

    Its a really, really shit roguelike. I rather play FTL.

  19. 2 years ago

    I don't even care about winning in this game, I never read any guides or netdecks or any "serious" discussion. the combos you can pull off are just way too fun. like I picked completely random shit the other day and still managed to absolutely dab on the enemies with combust + spinning top + runic cube + offering

    that's the real fun part for me.

  20. 2 years ago

    that's right so shut the frick up and consoom you dumb vidya gaymer

  21. 2 years ago

    i'm inspired by the shitposting thread, i'm going to beat a defect run without taking any uncommon or rare cards. hold my beer

    • 2 years ago

      I'm back. First try, and only took common cards to flex on the brainlets here. Didn't have this achievement yet so that was fun.

      • 2 years ago

        >noooo it never gives me good cards the game is pure RNG!!!!

      • 2 years ago

        >the defect
        Er no sweaty

  22. 2 years ago

    >complaining about the RNG
    yeah you should just make your deck and choose your relics at the beginning of the run, that will make it fun

    • 2 years ago

      If you could draft certain cards and relics OUT of the pool, it would be more fun. Like damn, can I just remove Clash from the card choices so it doesn't take up a slot in rewards or shops? Same with Reprogram.

      • 2 years ago

        then just use a seed homosexual

        • 2 years ago

          They're just effectively shit cards. As everyone says in the threads, "don't force archetypes", "play based on how the run is going", those two cards are essentially only usable in archetypical decks and a dead draw otherwise.

          • 2 years ago

            >only in archtype decks

            just dont non plasma orbs
            it works with any build that isnt a focus deck
            as far as clash goes
            just dont pick it
            it has short term uses in act 1 so I wouldnt call it useless and it can be used in exhaust decks
            not an ideal pick but it can be a pick

            • 2 years ago

              I feel like Clash is just shit, the moment your runs start having ascender's bane in it, clash becomes like 65% more useless.

          • 2 years ago

            >those two cards are essentially only usable in archetypical decks
            then don't pick them up if you aren't running that archetype. You get 3 cards to choose from after each fight.

  23. 2 years ago

    you're supposed to play for 80 hours until you know by instinct which enemies are bullshit, which cards suck, which encounters will frick you over etc
    Is is worth it? no

    • 2 years ago

      What you mean learning card games take a lot of time? Frick I just wasted 20 bucks thinking the game would just play itself for me.

      • 2 years ago

        >takes a lot of time
        >takes a lot of guides and watching gay youtubers
        not fine

        • 2 years ago

          You don't need to watch YouTube videos to play a video game zoomer

          • 2 years ago

            You literally do with this game though

            • 2 years ago

              You literally don't. It's a game with ascending difficulty. If you want to get better at it, you just play it. I've beaten A20 and I don't watch gaming YouTube at all.

  24. 2 years ago

    >am I just supposed to be resetting over and over until the game gives me some decent cards?

    No, you are supposed to learn when to and not to pick cards, depending on what you are offered you can tailor your deck to try to use different strategies.

    You should not pick every card you see, sometimes adding a card just makes you deck worse and the thinner your deck is the more you'll draw the cards you actually need.

    Drawing effects are better the later you are into a run, but are not great in act 1 and so so in act 2. In act 1 you should prioritize picking cards that will help you survive act 1, aka stuff that deals good damage, but dont overfill your deck with "strike+++s" since having too many will hinder you in act 3. You'll need to start picking cards that draw and have good scaling in act 2, you can pick some in act 1 if your deck already can beat act 1.

    Check the map, even before picking the intitial rewards from the whale, check which boss you'll be facing in act 1. Also check the route, will you be facing lots of fights without many campfires? maybe picking the potions reward is idal so you can deal with the elites swiftly.

    There's a ton more things to learn but that's probably the more basic stuff.

  25. 2 years ago

    You wish your favorite card was as good as this

    • 2 years ago

      rare as frick though so it is pointless for most runs

    • 2 years ago

      this is my favorite card
      its not the best card
      but its mine

    • 2 years ago

      I like this one
      I've only played it like 5 times ever

      • 2 years ago

        that card is glorious but it really does require a deeper understanding of the game. My absolute favorite run ever on the silent had runic pyramid (which makes it MUCH easier to pull it off), grand finale, and nightmare. I would end fights by playing grand finale 4 times, it was fricking awesome, i still have a video somewhere if anyone cares enough

    • 2 years ago

      i play card 🙂

      • 2 years ago

        this with shiv is pure sex, at least until you hit time eater

  26. 2 years ago

    Yes? The game is easy enough to the point almost every run is winnable.

  27. 2 years ago

    Slay the spire is a good game but the real issue is the lack of diversity when it comes to events on the map and mobs. Shame cause the game has insane replayability potential on paper.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes and no. While it would be cool to have more, the predictability also plays into the games strengths. You deliberately tailor your build for the specific boss you'll fight, you can dodge or hunt elites based on how your deck does against the possible 3 variants. You can also choose to hunt for specific events or avoid them if your deck wouldn't benefit from them. If it had so much variance to the point where you couldn't play around it, it would be detrimental.

      • 2 years ago

        yeah that's a valid point

  28. 2 years ago

    >rng rng rng rng rng
    This thread hurt to read. Thanks, Ganker.

  29. 2 years ago

    My favorite part is when StS monkeys claim that anybody can hop in and beat the game several consecutive times because the top global players can do so.

    • 2 years ago

      You're confusing two different things, anyone can beat ascension 0, what top players do is streaks at a20.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm not confusing shit.

        • 2 years ago

          absolutely nobody says "anyone can just hop in and beat the game at the highest difficulty consecutively". Quote one person who said that.

        • 2 years ago

          Absolutely no one in the history of ever has said that you could just pick up the game and instantly streat at a20.

  30. 2 years ago

    Basically the utility of every card you pick is dependent on future cards you'll pick that you can't predict.
    If you guess right people will say it's skill, if you guess wrong they'll say you never should have picked the card in the first place because you should have known the future cards wouldn't synergize.

    • 2 years ago

      >Basically the utility of every card you pick is dependent on future cards you'll pick that you can't predict.
      No, most cards have perfectly good utility regardless of their synergies with other cards. On an A20 run you buy cards which are good against certain bosses and just try and make a balanced deck up until Act 2. Then you evaluate your items and start building into synergies. If what you said is true, then the current 16-streak world record for heart A20 wins would be completely impossible right?

    • 2 years ago

      if you pick Barricade on floor 1 and you get lucky and survive, get a good deck and win, I'm not gonna say that was a skilled pick. I'm gonna say that was a moronic pick that paid off.

      • 2 years ago

        it's a moronic pick, period. Sure you can win but it was still dumb.

        It's like in blackjack. You can have the dealer hit you when you've at a hard 17 against a showing 6 and win, but you're still a fricking moron to do so.

  31. 2 years ago

    any games of similar quality?

    • 2 years ago

      there's similar games, but none of this quality unfortunately. StS is unironically the best balanced game I've ever played. How much skill and knowledge matters in a game with so many choices is actually incredible.

    • 2 years ago

      Three card solitaire

    • 2 years ago

      I personally like Monster Train more than StS, but it is much easier

    • 2 years ago

      Thirding monster train.
      It is much funnier than StS, but way easier despite having multiple lanes to manage and tons of mechanics. I guess that since there is so much shit you can do and upgrade differently, they failed to balance the game properly. Have fun finding exploits.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      rock, paper, scissors

  32. 2 years ago

    Deck-building games are my jam, and even if I don't consider myself actually good at them, I can share with you some of the basics:

    Cards can be split into some broad categories:
    >Extra Draw
    Then you can have another category I call "conditionals" which are cards that do something under a certain condition. Or have improved effects under certain conditions.

    So, basically principles: your deck needs to deal damage. To do damage, you need to draw cards and resources. Uniquely to StS, you need to balance damage with defense, because lost health carries over for the rest of the level.
    To help you do damage, defend and get resources you have buffs you can play.
    So, in general a deck needs 3 things: damage, defense and Economy.

  33. 2 years ago

    On to the nuances:
    Deck cycling is related to how fast you can draw your entire deck.
    Ask yourself: in average, how many turns does my deck take to cycle? Every turn, it's another turn the enemies can
    damage and debuff you.
    Deck cycling matters when you have a few OP cards, and the rest of the deck simply cycles everything else as fast as possible.
    If your deck doesn't have OP cards, investing in Extra Draw does not matter at all besides expanding your options.
    Worst case: your extra draw consumes resources. Never use your last energy to draw when running OP cards. You risk
    drawing one of the important cards, unable to use it and now you gotta wait for it to cycle.

    For normal Deck Building games, you want to maximize damage at all times. StS has a unique gimmick: enemies will telegraph
    their next turn, so you can opt to play defense cards to minimize damage, or ignore defense all together in case they're
    going for a buff/debuff. You can also play just enough defense to cover their damage, or play even less defense than that
    if you opt to take the damage in order to play something else.
    This alone nullifies a lot of the luck-based gameplay and is, in my opinion, why StS was so well received.

    Your deck should increase it's damage over the levels, but if you simply pick attack cards, you'll die to attrition.
    Conditional Attacks are cards that either deal more damage or only deal damage under certain conditions.
    Now, I know the damage value on the card looks huge, but ask yourself: how often can I trigger this?
    Can you trigger it EVERYTIME the card shows up in your hand? Now ask yourself: how many turns do I take to cycle it back?
    This is the real cost of these cards: if you can't trigger it, it will take THAT many turns to be able to TRY and trigger it.

    • 2 years ago

      By now, you should be noticing something: you cannot simply pick any cards that look good and expect to win.
      At all times, whenever the game asks "Here's 3 cards, which one do you want?" you need to look at your deck and ask yourself:
      >What am I doing well?
      Don't get more cards in these category.
      >What do I need/am missing?
      GET cards in this category.
      If you're already doing decent damage, getting MORE damage won't help you. Two encounters later, you'll get hit by 27 damage.
      You'll think, "Oh well, but I still won that combat with my HUGE damage" and then start another combat, missing 27 HP and
      realize you won't be able to out-damage the enemy before he kills you.

      Have you noticed that everytime the game let's you pick new cards, you can pass the oportunity?
      Last question you need to ask for every card: "Do I really need it?"
      You'll quickly realize the answer is "no" for 30-40% of every prompt you'll get.
      Wait, I don't get new cards? Then I stay the same, right? No. Wrong.

      • 2 years ago

        Deck Bloat:
        Imagine the game let you pick 10 OP cards at the start. You insta-kill the first few enemies. Then the game
        asks "Hey, which one of these 3 basic attacks would you like to add to the deck?". You'd immediately laugh it off.
        If you added one of those to your deck, you'd get weaker hands everytime you drew them.
        That's one of the fundamental principles of DeckBuilding: adding cards to a deck can weaken it.
        Imagine that Card Draw worked like Energy. You have 5 card draws per turn to spend. Every card costs 1, but are they
        worth 1? This is how you learn and improve on these games: understand the actual cost of a card.

        How I do it:
        >starter cards are worth 0 draw.
        >damage/defense cards are worth 0 to 2 draw, depending on how much of them I already have
        >buff/debuff cards are worth 0 to 2 draw depending on much Attack AND defense I have compared to buffs/debuffs
        Rough guide: count your non-attack cards, divide by your deck card count, multiply by two. That's how much draw an
        attack card is for you. Same goes for defense and buff/debuff. (this is a very rough rule though)

        Conditionals are the spice and pepper of this sort of game. For those, the draw value could go from 0 to 3 because
        you have to weight how often and how effectively you can use the combo. Remember: even if you gather the conditions
        for that 30 damage attack, if it triggers on a turn where the enemy is gonna do 30 damage back and you can't
        finish the enemy right away, you HAVE to abandon it and go for defense instead.
        Consider also that picking a Conditional early game hoping it will be very usefull later on means you'll
        be handicapping yourself until that moment. You place yourself at the mercy of the RNG and will likely never
        reach the point where the card is actually usefull because you died before it.

        • 2 years ago

          So, core rules to build a good deck:
          >keep the size small :20 cards is ideal, over 30 and you're fricked
          >balance Attack with Defense and only then think about buffs/debuffs
          >ditch weak cards as often as you can
          >pick Conditionals if you can already fire them, never pick them hoping to use them one day

          Note: I forgot to mention Tutors above: if you have a card that lets you pick one card from your deck
          or discard pile and place it anywhere you control, THAT is OP as frick, and should be treated as an Extra Draw
          that enables all the conditionals you want. It won't help you without properly balanced Defense/Attack, but
          will enable an already good deck to be even better.

          • 2 years ago

            And just to drive the point home even more:
            Consider what "Removing a Card" from your deck actually means. I've seen a lot of StS use card removal only for Curses and really bad cards.
            But remember, if you have an OP card sitting in your deck, removing that one basic attack could have meant that you'd have drawn that attack right away.
            It also means faster-cycling, which doubles even more the effect of having OP cards available to you.

            >encourage different playstyles
            anon everybody in this thread who has played the game has said you should avoid different playstyles and pick the consistent stuff 100% of the time

            >the consistent stuff
            The "consistent stuff" is very varied. I can play Ironclad in 4 different styles. And in those 4 styles, there's variants that make him faster or more defensive.
            Imagine a restaurant that served 30 different dishes, and one of the dishes was a plate of shit.
            Everyone is telling you to pick one of the other 29, but you insist on eating shit, and how bad the restaurant is because it served you a plate of shit.

            • 2 years ago

              >restaurant has 30 dishes
              >but the one you get is completely random
              >get shit
              >complain about it

              • 2 years ago

                >restaurant has 30 dishes
                >you get to pick from a pool of 10 picked randomly from those
                >get 3 different hamburgers, 4 pastas, 2 pizzas and a plate of shit
                >pick the plate of shit

                And remember: you also have the option to NOT pick anything if you're good already.

              • 2 years ago

                More like
                >restaurant has 30 dishes
                >you get to pick from a pool of 10 picked randomly from those
                >get donkey shit, bear shit, bird shit
                >don't pick any and complain

              • 2 years ago

                The stated paremeters on my post were:
                >29 good dishes
                >1 shit dish
                You just added another 2 shit variants, completely forgot that in the line just above that you said pick from a pool of 10, meaning you'd still have 7 perfectly delicious dishes to pick from.
                You can try to argue all you want, but the facts are:
                >the game gives you random stuff
                >your job is to pick stuff out of what the game randomly provides
                >if you pick what your deck needs, you win
                >if you pick what your deck already has in spades and neglect the other needs, you lose

                Compare this to Binding of Isaac: that game has treasure rooms. 1 per floor. And you (normally) don't even get to pick what you get: you get one choice or no choice, that's it.
                And many people still consistently win it.

                A random game is only random if you get a limited amount of rolls. The more rolls you get, the more choices you can make. At a certain threshold, the outcome will start to depend on your choices, not the random generation. At a further threshold, the random generation has negligible effect on the outcome.
                You haven't even reached the first threshold, surrendered yourself completely to the mercy of the RNG and decided it's shit.
                I'm sorry anon, noone can help you further.

              • 2 years ago

                Yet many of the advice posts here say that you should skip card rewards most of the time, meaning that most of the dishes are indeed shit and there is a high chance of getting three shits

              • 2 years ago

                >advice posts here say that you should skip card rewards most of the time
                "most of the time" isn't "all the time.
                Furthermore: advice posts tell you to skip rewards, but don't tell you WHEN to skip rewards, so in the interest of helping, I'm gonna add some more to my previous posts:

                Act 1: you shouldn't skip rewards. Anything you pick is better than your starters. The only (rare) instance I'd skip reward is if the game rolled 3 attack cards and I already picked too many attacks before. This in turn illustrates why you gotta split your initiial picks between attack/defense/buffs: if the game ever rolls 3 attack cards for me to pick and I have to skip the reward because I already have too many attacks, then I already fricked up: my deck is not balanced and will be weaker if I pick a new card, which shouldn't be happening this soon.

                Act 2: you have your first boss relic and a couple other relics, and also have some cards. You can now start looking at your 3-card-picks as "does this work with my relics/cards?" if it doesn't, don't get it. You should also continue the same balancing you did on Act 1 aswell: an attack that synergizes well with your relics/deck might still be a liability if you're already loaded with attacks. It becomes a gamble, and you once again give the RNG power over you.

                Act3: by this point you have 15-25 cards (considering you skipped a few). This is enough for most decks to work, and is likely to include a gimmick/combo you created while playing act 2, not by looking up a card list online, or a meta archetype. Again: you build as you go, you never build towards something predefined. In this Act, you should only get a card that works with your gimmick. Balancing your deck no longer matters as much because a single wrong pick can doom your run, while no pick keeps your combo-deck. This is where you should be skipping a lot of the rewards.

                >Act 1: avoid skipping
                >Act 2: consider skipping
                >Act 3: skipping is mandatory

            • 2 years ago

              >I can play Ironclad in 4 different styles. And in those 4 styles, there's variants that make him faster or more defensive.
              All of which rely on you rolling the right cards

              • 2 years ago

                >All of which rely on you rolling the right cards
                No. You're approaching this game with the right mentality.
                I don't start a run thinking "I'm going to play a Corruption Ironclad!"
                On Act 1, if I pick "Corruption" I don't think "I'm going to play a Corruption Ironclad!"
                What I'm going to do for Act 1 is balance my deck, and not specialize. And when I reach Act 2, I open my deck, look at my cards and my relics and think "All right, what can I pick based on what I have?".
                Act 1 will typically throw you 4 fights, 1 Elite, 1 Shop, 1 Event and 1 Boss.
                That's at least 5 normal cards, 2 uncommon cards and 1 rare card. Often, even more.
                If I reach Act 2, and out of these 8 cards I got nothing I can specialize into, I keep the same balancing act until Act 3. Then I have another 8 new cards and I don't know what to tell you then: if you reach act 3, the game showed you AT LEAST 48 cards, let you pick 16 of them, and you somehow ended with a bad deck?
                At what point do you start thinking "Hmm, maybe I fricked up somewhere along the way..."

          • 2 years ago

            >keep the size small :20 cards is ideal, over 30 and you're fricked
            Generally "keep deck size as small as it needs to be" is a good idea but the best watcher combo decks have 10 cards and both corruption ironclad and frostorb defect can easily go over 30

            • 2 years ago

              Oh sure, I made a series of post detailing very rough guidelines for people to get a chance.
              Simplying following those guidelines won't win the game, but we'll get people far enough to see mane choices and card picks, allowing them to realize just how many options they actually have.
              That was my first problem when I started playing. I thought picking 1 card from 3 every battle wasn't enough to build a deck quickly enough. Someone posted almost what I just posted, and I finaly reached act 3, looked back and realized how many prompts and opportunities to get new cards were in the game.

              Just to add to your post,
              >watcher combo decks have 10 cards
              This works because watcher can easily pivot from defense to attack and vice versa and often do both on the same turn with few cards, so you WANT few cards to be consistent.
              >corruption ironclad
              For one cycle, your skills don't cost resources (other than drawing them) and on the next cycle you're essentially playing an all-attack deck that should (in theory) end the combat in a turn or two.
              >frostorb defect
              This is basically a "I have infinite energy" build, so you're only limited by how much Extra Draw you have. Big decks with extra draw will let you play youre entire deck in a turn, and just like the watcher above let you stack damage and defense in the same turn very quickly. Incidently, this is my favourite way of playing the Defect.

  34. 2 years ago

    game has randomized elements to encourage different playstyles

    • 2 years ago

      >encourage different playstyles
      anon everybody in this thread who has played the game has said you should avoid different playstyles and pick the consistent stuff 100% of the time

      • 2 years ago

        Are you moronic?

  35. 2 years ago

    just play a better card game and not this rogue crap lol

    • 2 years ago

      I played the demo last year and didn't find this game to be that deep or interesting,
      Does it get better and is it actually worth it?

      • 2 years ago

        no it's a very mediocre game, but yoko taro's name is on it so some people get fooled into thinking it's special

    • 2 years ago

      That's not a card game.

      • 2 years ago

        >all reviews: mixed

        but this indie shit with ugly artstyle is good? lol nah i stay with my yoko taro kino thank you very much

        • 2 years ago

          I'd agree there.
          I would love a game with the same exact mechanics but with an artstyle that didn't look like someone with a Master Degree in MSPAINT and too much time on their hands.

          • 2 years ago

            >that didn't look like someone with a Master Degree in MSPAINT and too much time on their hands.

    • 2 years ago

      I played the demo last year and didn't find this game to be that deep or interesting,
      Does it get better and is it actually worth it?

      >all reviews: mixed

      • 2 years ago

        if it wasnt for anime fans you bumbling morons would have never won in 2016 and in turn shown the world how moronic /misc/tards can be once their in power so we may never have any alt right extremists in the white house again thank god
        so be thankful atleast

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            theres not enough meds in the world to rid us of /misc/tard brainrot

          • 2 years ago


  36. 2 years ago

    >get brimstone
    >cruise to final boss without even doing anything

    oh boy, the SHEER AMOUNT of SKILL required for this HIGH IQ game

    • 2 years ago

      if you win with brimstone you deserved it. At least on A20, I haven't played the lower ones in so long I have no idea what it's like

      • 2 years ago

        w-whoa, that must mean I'm s-s-skilled?! thanks anon

    • 2 years ago

      Against brimstone the only bosses are guardian, the heart, and act 2 floor 1 birds.

      • 2 years ago



    • 2 years ago

      Kek good luck beating mother or delirium or mega satan with base brimstone

      • 2 years ago
  37. 2 years ago

    what is the maximum unga build for ironclad and silent

  38. 2 years ago

    Pro tip: Remove cards whenever you can. You always have a worst card.

    • 2 years ago

      but all my strikes and defends got upgraded...

      • 2 years ago

        Wow, so you're dealing a full 9 damages with one card and one energy? That's impressive.

      • 2 years ago

        Upgraded defend is a relatively solid card but upgraded strike is still worse than most unupgraded damage commons

  39. 2 years ago

    Comfiest build, and why is it poison tank?

  40. 2 years ago

    >all the posts saying you shouldn't do 'builds' or 'archetypes'
    >all the other posts talking about their favourite builds and archetypes

    • 2 years ago

      Act 1 no archetypes
      ~Act 2 yes archetypes
      I've said this before you just ignore me

    • 2 years ago

      All you need is shiv huntress with one choke card

    • 2 years ago

      You don't force builds, but you can be in a position to get them. Also some people play A20 some people don't.

    • 2 years ago

      forcing an archetype is bad
      unless your playing watcher (or defect to a lesser extent)

    • 2 years ago

      Consider this:
      >Act 1, The silent
      >finish first battle
      >"Wow, a shiv card? I'm building a shiv deck!"
      >pick only shiv cards, ignore the rest
      >die to boss because no Draw and no Defence


      >Act 1, The Silent
      >need damage pick shiv
      >now I need defense, pick Dodge and Roll
      >doing ookay on defense now, so I'll pick that shiv for damage too
      >reach act 2
      >Hmm, I got two shiv cards, I should start picking cards around that
      You need a solid foundation to start building something on top off.
      The starter cards are a solid foundation for Act 1.
      The cards you pick in Act 1 are your foundation for Act 2.
      The cards you pick in Act 2 are your gimmick/combo/archetype you want to bring to Act 3.
      Act 3 is where you pick cards to boost your gimmick so it's strong/fast enough for act 4.

      It's not a hard concept.

    • 2 years ago

      from the player's point of view archetypes emerge naturally from the set of decks that can still be alive by the end. you can't not be in some kind of archetype or at least hybrid and still be alive at the end of a run (on A20 at least)

  41. 2 years ago


  42. 2 years ago

    It's not a game for people who like experimenting and learning as you go. You play the meta or you don't play.

    • 2 years ago

      What is the meta? Playing good cards which fit the situation?

  43. 2 years ago

    I pick the path with the most elites every time and often die. I also pick claw every time. My primitive lizard brain can't handle it.

    • 2 years ago

      >path with the most elites
      same, can't pass on those sweet relics
      >pick claw every time
      would love to run a claw deck but I've never been able to get it to work

      • 2 years ago

        for claws to work you need a small deck and ways to get claw back in your hand. stuff like all for one, hologram, even scrape (this one is less good lol). It also helps if you have relics that scale with normal attacks like kunai or shuriken, or that fan that gives you block. if you want to go all in you can even unironically take reprogram

        They're hard to make for sure.

    • 2 years ago

      based unga bunga
      I do this with eviscerate and talk to the hand

  44. 2 years ago

    almost every seed is winnable. this game isn't about individual cards, but about combinations.

  45. 2 years ago

    You are low IQ. This game is unironically not for you.

  46. 2 years ago

    I just hate how 90% of the game seems to be about getting rid of the cards you start with instead of actually deckbuilding

    • 2 years ago

      It's a deck remover rather than builder honestly

  47. 2 years ago

    I've tried asking how to git gud at Slay the Spire on Ganker before. All you'll get is snarky bullshit

    • 2 years ago

      is it snarky or did you just not like the answer you got

      • 2 years ago

        I never got any answer at all, much like this thread

        • 2 years ago

          the thread is telling you not to pick dumb cards
          dont take a 3 cost card when you have no energy or anything that goes with it
          dont pick one card in the beginning and hold your breath and hope the game just gives you the build you want on a platter
          learn how to adapt to the cards the game gives you and skip the cards that dont work for your current deck
          you are getting answers but instead you ignore them and choose to complain the game doesnt play itself

        • 2 years ago


          So, core rules to build a good deck:
          >keep the size small :20 cards is ideal, over 30 and you're fricked
          >balance Attack with Defense and only then think about buffs/debuffs
          >ditch weak cards as often as you can
          >pick Conditionals if you can already fire them, never pick them hoping to use them one day

          Note: I forgot to mention Tutors above: if you have a card that lets you pick one card from your deck
          or discard pile and place it anywhere you control, THAT is OP as frick, and should be treated as an Extra Draw
          that enables all the conditionals you want. It won't help you without properly balanced Defense/Attack, but
          will enable an already good deck to be even better.

          Deck Bloat:
          Imagine the game let you pick 10 OP cards at the start. You insta-kill the first few enemies. Then the game
          asks "Hey, which one of these 3 basic attacks would you like to add to the deck?". You'd immediately laugh it off.
          If you added one of those to your deck, you'd get weaker hands everytime you drew them.
          That's one of the fundamental principles of DeckBuilding: adding cards to a deck can weaken it.
          Imagine that Card Draw worked like Energy. You have 5 card draws per turn to spend. Every card costs 1, but are they
          worth 1? This is how you learn and improve on these games: understand the actual cost of a card.

          How I do it:
          >starter cards are worth 0 draw.
          >damage/defense cards are worth 0 to 2 draw, depending on how much of them I already have
          >buff/debuff cards are worth 0 to 2 draw depending on much Attack AND defense I have compared to buffs/debuffs
          Rough guide: count your non-attack cards, divide by your deck card count, multiply by two. That's how much draw an
          attack card is for you. Same goes for defense and buff/debuff. (this is a very rough rule though)

          Conditionals are the spice and pepper of this sort of game. For those, the draw value could go from 0 to 3 because
          you have to weight how often and how effectively you can use the combo. Remember: even if you gather the conditions
          for that 30 damage attack, if it triggers on a turn where the enemy is gonna do 30 damage back and you can't
          finish the enemy right away, you HAVE to abandon it and go for defense instead.
          Consider also that picking a Conditional early game hoping it will be very usefull later on means you'll
          be handicapping yourself until that moment. You place yourself at the mercy of the RNG and will likely never
          reach the point where the card is actually usefull because you died before it.

          By now, you should be noticing something: you cannot simply pick any cards that look good and expect to win.
          At all times, whenever the game asks "Here's 3 cards, which one do you want?" you need to look at your deck and ask yourself:
          >What am I doing well?
          Don't get more cards in these category.
          >What do I need/am missing?
          GET cards in this category.
          If you're already doing decent damage, getting MORE damage won't help you. Two encounters later, you'll get hit by 27 damage.
          You'll think, "Oh well, but I still won that combat with my HUGE damage" and then start another combat, missing 27 HP and
          realize you won't be able to out-damage the enemy before he kills you.

          Have you noticed that everytime the game let's you pick new cards, you can pass the oportunity?
          Last question you need to ask for every card: "Do I really need it?"
          You'll quickly realize the answer is "no" for 30-40% of every prompt you'll get.
          Wait, I don't get new cards? Then I stay the same, right? No. Wrong.

          On to the nuances:
          Deck cycling is related to how fast you can draw your entire deck.
          Ask yourself: in average, how many turns does my deck take to cycle? Every turn, it's another turn the enemies can
          damage and debuff you.
          Deck cycling matters when you have a few OP cards, and the rest of the deck simply cycles everything else as fast as possible.
          If your deck doesn't have OP cards, investing in Extra Draw does not matter at all besides expanding your options.
          Worst case: your extra draw consumes resources. Never use your last energy to draw when running OP cards. You risk
          drawing one of the important cards, unable to use it and now you gotta wait for it to cycle.

          For normal Deck Building games, you want to maximize damage at all times. StS has a unique gimmick: enemies will telegraph
          their next turn, so you can opt to play defense cards to minimize damage, or ignore defense all together in case they're
          going for a buff/debuff. You can also play just enough defense to cover their damage, or play even less defense than that
          if you opt to take the damage in order to play something else.
          This alone nullifies a lot of the luck-based gameplay and is, in my opinion, why StS was so well received.

          Your deck should increase it's damage over the levels, but if you simply pick attack cards, you'll die to attrition.
          Conditional Attacks are cards that either deal more damage or only deal damage under certain conditions.
          Now, I know the damage value on the card looks huge, but ask yourself: how often can I trigger this?
          Can you trigger it EVERYTIME the card shows up in your hand? Now ask yourself: how many turns do I take to cycle it back?
          This is the real cost of these cards: if you can't trigger it, it will take THAT many turns to be able to TRY and trigger it.

          Deck-building games are my jam, and even if I don't consider myself actually good at them, I can share with you some of the basics:

          Cards can be split into some broad categories:
          >Extra Draw
          Then you can have another category I call "conditionals" which are cards that do something under a certain condition. Or have improved effects under certain conditions.

          So, basically principles: your deck needs to deal damage. To do damage, you need to draw cards and resources. Uniquely to StS, you need to balance damage with defense, because lost health carries over for the rest of the level.
          To help you do damage, defend and get resources you have buffs you can play.
          So, in general a deck needs 3 things: damage, defense and Economy.

          All reasonable advice for a beginner

        • 2 years ago

          Actually people are posting extremely detailed strategies and tips all over the place and offering very direct advice on everyone seeking help. Look at this anon:

          On to the nuances:
          Deck cycling is related to how fast you can draw your entire deck.
          Ask yourself: in average, how many turns does my deck take to cycle? Every turn, it's another turn the enemies can
          damage and debuff you.
          Deck cycling matters when you have a few OP cards, and the rest of the deck simply cycles everything else as fast as possible.
          If your deck doesn't have OP cards, investing in Extra Draw does not matter at all besides expanding your options.
          Worst case: your extra draw consumes resources. Never use your last energy to draw when running OP cards. You risk
          drawing one of the important cards, unable to use it and now you gotta wait for it to cycle.

          For normal Deck Building games, you want to maximize damage at all times. StS has a unique gimmick: enemies will telegraph
          their next turn, so you can opt to play defense cards to minimize damage, or ignore defense all together in case they're
          going for a buff/debuff. You can also play just enough defense to cover their damage, or play even less defense than that
          if you opt to take the damage in order to play something else.
          This alone nullifies a lot of the luck-based gameplay and is, in my opinion, why StS was so well received.

          Your deck should increase it's damage over the levels, but if you simply pick attack cards, you'll die to attrition.
          Conditional Attacks are cards that either deal more damage or only deal damage under certain conditions.
          Now, I know the damage value on the card looks huge, but ask yourself: how often can I trigger this?
          Can you trigger it EVERYTIME the card shows up in your hand? Now ask yourself: how many turns do I take to cycle it back?
          This is the real cost of these cards: if you can't trigger it, it will take THAT many turns to be able to TRY and trigger it.

          By now, you should be noticing something: you cannot simply pick any cards that look good and expect to win.
          At all times, whenever the game asks "Here's 3 cards, which one do you want?" you need to look at your deck and ask yourself:
          >What am I doing well?
          Don't get more cards in these category.
          >What do I need/am missing?
          GET cards in this category.
          If you're already doing decent damage, getting MORE damage won't help you. Two encounters later, you'll get hit by 27 damage.
          You'll think, "Oh well, but I still won that combat with my HUGE damage" and then start another combat, missing 27 HP and
          realize you won't be able to out-damage the enemy before he kills you.

          Have you noticed that everytime the game let's you pick new cards, you can pass the oportunity?
          Last question you need to ask for every card: "Do I really need it?"
          You'll quickly realize the answer is "no" for 30-40% of every prompt you'll get.
          Wait, I don't get new cards? Then I stay the same, right? No. Wrong.

          Deck Bloat:
          Imagine the game let you pick 10 OP cards at the start. You insta-kill the first few enemies. Then the game
          asks "Hey, which one of these 3 basic attacks would you like to add to the deck?". You'd immediately laugh it off.
          If you added one of those to your deck, you'd get weaker hands everytime you drew them.
          That's one of the fundamental principles of DeckBuilding: adding cards to a deck can weaken it.
          Imagine that Card Draw worked like Energy. You have 5 card draws per turn to spend. Every card costs 1, but are they
          worth 1? This is how you learn and improve on these games: understand the actual cost of a card.

          How I do it:
          >starter cards are worth 0 draw.
          >damage/defense cards are worth 0 to 2 draw, depending on how much of them I already have
          >buff/debuff cards are worth 0 to 2 draw depending on much Attack AND defense I have compared to buffs/debuffs
          Rough guide: count your non-attack cards, divide by your deck card count, multiply by two. That's how much draw an
          attack card is for you. Same goes for defense and buff/debuff. (this is a very rough rule though)

          Conditionals are the spice and pepper of this sort of game. For those, the draw value could go from 0 to 3 because
          you have to weight how often and how effectively you can use the combo. Remember: even if you gather the conditions
          for that 30 damage attack, if it triggers on a turn where the enemy is gonna do 30 damage back and you can't
          finish the enemy right away, you HAVE to abandon it and go for defense instead.
          Consider also that picking a Conditional early game hoping it will be very usefull later on means you'll
          be handicapping yourself until that moment. You place yourself at the mercy of the RNG and will likely never
          reach the point where the card is actually usefull because you died before it.

        • 2 years ago

          Pro tip, when it comes to relics, get the extra energy ones. Every. Fricking. Time. Ignore all the other shit on this thread.

          • 2 years ago

            On Act 1 that's often right, but 4 -> 5 is a lot less valuable.

            • 2 years ago

              I'm mostly baiting, but in a moment of weakness, you're right anon. After the first you'll be alright

          • 2 years ago

            Not even true, there plenty of situation where you don't. Ectoplasm is fricking trashy too. Best boss relic in the game is runic pyramid though, and nobody can change my mind, specially not Ganker plebs

    • 2 years ago

      >complaining about elitism
      >posts on Ganker
      You have literally every other internet forum to post on, yet you post here

  48. 2 years ago

    Yeah, first time playing a roguelike?

  49. 2 years ago

    you're supposed to play the hand you got dealt and see how far you can go
    it's not complicated

  50. 2 years ago

    giving general advice on the game is hard because the game is extremely situational and context sensitive. You can't even really recommend cards because they are also situational and you're not guaranteed to find them anyway. Except wraith form, click on it every time. Here's my attempt at general advice. Keep in mind, even these guidelines aren't absolute truth at all times, but they will be mostly true.

    - start the run by adding direct damage cards. stuff that just deals good damage directly, the sooner you get 2-3 good damage cards the sooner you can start taking elites. If you have good offensive potions you can also take elites a little sooner.
    - Buying potions is not a waste of gold and can be very clutch to get an extra elite. If buying a potion let's take on an extra elite it has already paid for itself.
    - NEVER take curses voluntarily. Even if they give you a relic. There are exceptions to this but its very rare.
    - removing strikes is extremely important, they are basically curses lategame.
    - upgrading cards is extremely strong
    - take the boss relic that makes the most sense with your deck and current relics. If you have alternate healing, coffee dripper is okay, for example. Runic pyramid is extremely strong. Snecko eye is also very strong is you have lots of 2 cost or above cards but is a harder to play relic.
    - Once you're out of act 1, you need a way to get scaling damage. This is any way your deck can deal increasing amounts of damage as a fight goes on. On defect it can be slots or focus, on ironclad it can be strength scaling, on silent it can be poison stacking.
    - know the bosses and plan for them specifically.
    - card draw is incredibly good and gets better as the game goes on. in act1 it's not as important as damage cards, because you would just be drawing more strikes and defends anyway.
    - don't start playing cards until you have your entire turn planned out. If you're going to draw at some point, draw first.

  51. 2 years ago

    I got filtered by this game. Sort of reminded me of magic the gathering so I got it on sale. Enemies seem OP sometimes and there wasn't a lot of new player information. Game was too hard so I uninstalled lol I thought it was more of a semi-idle game that I could just play and not think too much.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >semi-idle game that I could just play and not think too much
      Try vampire survivors. Or one way heroics on normal difficulty.

    • 2 years ago

      StS can be unkind, tho it's my favorite. Monster Train is much easier. More tittilating to the senses too. Make sure to get the dlc.

  52. 2 years ago

    bottled Apotheosis + Panacea (that I picked up in the literal final shop) + duped Biased Cog ALL in the opening hand.

    The win didn't feel good.

    • 2 years ago

      Nice. Sometimes you get those runs where you're just brainlessly clicking, but it's fun to be overpowered every once in a while after getting trounced 3 times in a row

  53. 2 years ago

    You need to pick a mechanic and lean into it.
    Fighter - str scaling
    - expend
    Robot - 0 cost
    - powers
    Monk - little bit harder. I usually win via combo lmao but! You need a lot of defense for the last boss and the time guy

  54. 2 years ago

    It's 60% luck and 40% skill.
    Obviously if you're lucky but moronic, you will flop.
    Most of the luck comes from enemies and what relics you get, and sometimes drawing, but that can be offset by your deck quality, draw cards and removals.
    The cards are the LEAST luck reliant part of the game. You can make any card work, and you always get a choice from 3+ cards.
    So no, cards aren't luck. If you think they are, you're stupid and bad at videogames.
    Sorry but its how it is.

    • 2 years ago

      The cards are 3 randomly generated from a pool. Think about what you're saying there when describing luck. Think hard

  55. 2 years ago

    >Beat the game with a 5 card deck
    >Kill the Transient before it fades away
    >Channel 9 plasma in a single turn
    Where the frick do I even begin with these last cheevos? Could anyone spoonfeed me some strats?

    • 2 years ago

      The answer to all 3 of those is assemble an infinite

      • 2 years ago

        >get sundial
        >get two pommel strike+s
        >remove everything else
        But yeah you want infinites

        >Beat the game with a 5 card deck
        Remove everything, get an infinite loop deck, e.g. a card that applies vulnerability, two drop kicks(deals damage, gain 1 energy and draw 1 card when you hit an enemy with vulnerable). It's easiest if you use an exploit with Pandora's Box that removes all the strikes and defends from your deck.

        >Kill the Transient before it fades away
        Infinite or
        Ironclad: Barricade > Entrench > Bodyslam for 999 damage
        Silent: Poison > Nightmare > Catalyst for 18888 damage

        >Channel 9 plasma in a single turn
        Meteor Strike and two holograms, Ice Cream relic or Snecko Eye would help.

        Alright thanks lads

    • 2 years ago

      >get sundial
      >get two pommel strike+s
      >remove everything else
      But yeah you want infinites

    • 2 years ago

      >Beat the game with a 5 card deck
      Remove everything, get an infinite loop deck, e.g. a card that applies vulnerability, two drop kicks(deals damage, gain 1 energy and draw 1 card when you hit an enemy with vulnerable). It's easiest if you use an exploit with Pandora's Box that removes all the strikes and defends from your deck.

      >Kill the Transient before it fades away
      Infinite or
      Ironclad: Barricade > Entrench > Bodyslam for 999 damage
      Silent: Poison > Nightmare > Catalyst for 18888 damage

      >Channel 9 plasma in a single turn
      Meteor Strike and two holograms, Ice Cream relic or Snecko Eye would help.

      • 2 years ago

        >use an exploit

        • 2 years ago

          You don't have to, but assembling an infinite AND removing everything to 5 cards is a pain.

          A deck starts with 10 cards, the infinite needs at least 2, so you have to go by on your base deck, find the 2 infinite enablers, and remove 7 cards. The other two achievements are something you might get fricking around and playing for fun, but there's basically no chance you'll get this without achievement hunting specifically for it.

          • 2 years ago

            I said bleh! Exploits are for penis suckers!

    • 2 years ago

      >play watcher, remove all defends and then strikes, prioritize rushdown and any way to enter calm for 1 mana. The infinite loop is 1 mana enter calm, 1 mana enter wrath, calm triggers to regain the two spent mana, and rushdown redraws the two cards you played, repeat.
      >reach transient with the watcher deck
      >play a lot of defect decks and one day you will end up with mummy hand, multiple copies of creative AI and heatsinks, and a meteor strike

    • 2 years ago

      steal a seed from google or youtube or scout a seed yourself
      you can still get achivements from seeded runs

      • 2 years ago

        No you don't.

        • 2 years ago

          that's how I got my cheevos way back
          maybe it doesn't work anymore but I can't check

    • 2 years ago

      I just did this on watcher. Inner peace, rush down, upgraded eruption. Remove everything else.

  56. 2 years ago

    Artifacts that break brainlet minds go

    • 2 years ago

      I'm the brainlet

    • 2 years ago

      sneko is anti fun i hate running into it during runs

      • 2 years ago

        not every deck is snecko deck, moronbro

  57. 2 years ago

    I've tried to get into StS many times and here goes another. I don't believe I'm moronic, but I haven't clicked with this game yet and I'm not about to youtube the solution because that's fricking gay. I don't mind general tips, but I'm done with using guides for everything like I did a decade ago.

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot my sad pic to go along with the post.

    • 2 years ago

      I posted a lot of advice several posts ago.
      It's basically a repost of what another anon posted many months ago that I remember. Back then, his tips changed how I approach the game and the game clicked for me. Read up and try to play the game in a different manner.

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Forgot my sad pic to go along with the post.

      Damn dude is this with trying all the characters? It's easy to go on losing streaks in this game but 0-25 is pretty bad. How often do you make it to the 3rd boss?

      • 2 years ago

        It was with going in blind without taking it seriously. I think I was being a moron when I originally tried playing this. I'm years removed from those stats.

      • 2 years ago

        >How often do you make it to the 3rd boss?
        I don't remember.

    • 2 years ago

      Post latest run history.

  58. 2 years ago

    The problem with the game is the RNG, there are absolutely runs where you know you're not going to win because your first draws/relics/encounters are bad. I have no doubt most people could eventually craft a good deck if they had more control over the drops, but then it wouldn't be a roguelite anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      >whale gives me the no resting boss relic
      I hate having to play through act 1 just to avoid being punished for it, too.

  59. 2 years ago

    threads like this remind me how fricking incompetent the average gamer is. thanks OP
    >WAH WAH I DON'T UNDERSTAND try applying basic logic you absolute dolt

  60. 2 years ago

    i won 3 out of my first 4 runs on ascension 0, and now that i have like 300 hours i win about half my heart killing runs on ascension 20 which is several orders of magnitude harder than what you're b***hing about. get smarter

  61. 2 years ago

    Nothing would be lost from the game if they let you choose your card/relic drops from a pool of like 10 instead of 3 That way as you start to learn a build you can keep trying until you get it right, instead of getting into a build on one run, and then getting completely different cards the next run and starting from nothing again. It's like playing a fighting game but you're permanently on random select.

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe as an option on A0 for practice, or custom games. But if that was the general rule of the game you're insane if you think "nothing would be lost"

      • 2 years ago

        It's literally just making it so you can build what you want, RNG shouldn't be why you lose a run, especially if the whole game is meant to be you outsmarting the game by understanding the mechanics. The game as it is now could be a special challenge mode you unlock a new achievement or ending with, to show you have mastered the mechanics or something.

        • 2 years ago

          Anon, you fundamentally misunderstand what the game is about. Learning how to adapt to the options you're given is a huge part of the skill and the draw. If you could just go "hm today I will make an Exhaust deck" it would be significantly less interesting.

          • 2 years ago

            I think that's stupid but I respect your opinion.

        • 2 years ago

          >It's literally just making it so you can build what you want

          That's what would be lost, that is not the point of the game. Card RNG dosn't tend to loose you the run that often, but it does force you to adopt certain strategies if you want to win. Identifying this IS the game at a high level. At A0 the game is honestly so easy that you can do what the midwits in this thread do and force archetypes, 10 cards would make it so laughably easy you may as well be cheating.

    • 2 years ago

      Dude, that would trivialize the game and remove what makes it so interesting.

  62. 2 years ago

    >have some card game (gwent, culdcept revolt) and riichi mahjong experience
    >beat the game second try because my first deck had no scaling
    literally git gud

  63. 2 years ago

    i thought i was shit at the game but after reading some of the sad stories here i feel better about myself

  64. 2 years ago

    RNG Progression Games, as these games are called, rely on the user gambling until they get a winning hand.
    Generally you should have your 'build' in mind by the end of Act 1 and have it complete by the middle of Act 2
    'Complete' doesn't mean 'stop getting more cards/relics/removing cards' but rather 'I have the core cards to win'

  65. 2 years ago

    >noxious fumes, footworks and the event that upgrades all defends
    I guess I won but this is the least fun I've had with this game.

  66. 2 years ago

    >People tell me to use the card that deals damage based on your block if I want to cheese a win with Ironclad
    >do significantly worse than just trying to stack strength like I usually do
    Was I being baited

    • 2 years ago

      There's a lot more ways to stack strength than getting a successful block build running, but a block build will beat every and any situation that gets thrown at it.

    • 2 years ago

      Bodyslam is a hot meme. If you have infinite block then you can win any fight by playing strike 100 times. The only time where it is legitimate is if you have a corruption deck very late in act 3 where you can easily get 500 block but your only source of damage is bash and one copy of cleave or something. And even then I'd take a pommel strike over a bodyslam if offered.

  67. 2 years ago

    How do I beat the heart? Is it literally only with a spinning top deck?

    • 2 years ago

      Spinning top is garbage tier

    • 2 years ago

      top is trash
      spammy decks die to the heartbeat

    • 2 years ago

      Some source of artifact or vulnerability removal/protection on turn 1-2 reduces a huge amount of the damage you take in the first rotation.

      Something that reduces strength for the multi attacks on those turns, tungsten rod/torii gate can negate a couple of those turns entirely.

      Any source of thorns is a considerable amount of damage on multi attacks.

  68. 2 years ago

    Why do people say going for elites is optimal
    In my experience it's literally the opposite, I win by avoiding elites

    • 2 years ago

      maybe it depends on build? i generally go for elites but not every run can handle them as easily

    • 2 years ago

      it's optimal for high ascension / hearth wins, of course you need to be strong enough to beat the

  69. 2 years ago

    Please explain the Wraith Form meme, its benefits seem to greatly unweigh the benefits

    • 2 years ago

      they do until you upgrade and/or nightmare it

    • 2 years ago

      3 turns is enough to end most hallway fights

    • 2 years ago

      If you have retain, use it in boss fights to block nukes.

      In normal fights, you use it right away and ignore defending for the next couple turns to just kill the enemy before you can't block anymore. Make sure to upgrade it.

  70. 2 years ago

    How do you win with a frost build as Defect in higher ascension? I feel like it's impossible unless you get very lucky with focus generating cars/artifacts but you can't really plan for those as much because they tend to drop later on.

  71. 2 years ago

    >get Artifact potion
    >Sneko appears
    >"He's just a normal enemy, not even an elite. Let's save it."
    >just as the "confused" debuff hits, I remember my deck was mostly 0's and 1's in cost and I rely on those for draw
    Frick me, thought me a lesson.

  72. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      what cards do you look at add with watcher when you get this boss? I always have decks that play a lot of cards and he pushes my shit in

      • 2 years ago

        vault on 12
        die next turn

        • 2 years ago

          Vault on turn 12 to skip their turn skip.

          >vault on 12
          ooo thats a good idea. So you just inch closer to 12 until you have vault or someway to get vault in your hand?

          • 2 years ago

            use retain and scry

      • 2 years ago

        Vault on turn 12 to skip their turn skip.

  73. 2 years ago

    Literally a skinner box with no gameplay.

  74. 2 years ago

    Frick me guys. It's a fun game but RNG is certainly at play.
    >pick the good cards
    the game didn't give me any
    >pick synergies
    the game didn't give me any
    the game didn't give me any. RNG is part of the game and it can frick you.

    • 2 years ago

      that's not how it works moronbro
      you don't wait for exodia to just land in your hallway rewards
      you pick the strongest shit the game gives you and build around it

      • 2 years ago

        the game didn't give me any

        • 2 years ago

          yes it did

          • 2 years ago

            show me a screenshot of card reward offering zero cards or eat shit

            Post seed.

            you dont even know what good cards are moron

            You aren't skilled enough to recognize all the opportunities the game is giving you

            How can you love a game so much that your understanding of RNG disappears? The cartoon card game isn't perfect, you're gonna have to find a way to cope with that.

            • 2 years ago

              ok it's the moron test time
              how good this card is? when would you pick it? skip it?

              • 2 years ago

                I'll entertain you when you tell me the acceleration of the car from Dukes of Hazzard PS1

                moving the goalpost won't save you from eating shit
                im waiting for your screenshot of zero choice card reward Black person

                how do you cope knowing youre mentally deficient and you suck at a children's card game? The skill of this game is learning the enemy patterns and mitigating rng, you dont need the best cards to win.

                You bunch of infants

              • 2 years ago

                wrong answer moron

              • 2 years ago

                you forgot to attach the screenshot again Black person

              • 2 years ago

                I'll add a screenshot when you add a screenshot of you beating the game with every single possible combination of cards.

              • 2 years ago

                not "when", not "if" and no "but"
                you post proof of game offering you no cards in card reward or you eat the poo poo
                there is only two options for you sonny

              • 2 years ago


                I'll add a screenshot when you add a screenshot of you beating the game with every single possible combination of cards.

              • 2 years ago


                not "when", not "if" and no "but"
                you post proof of game offering you no cards in card reward or you eat the poo poo
                there is only two options for you sonny

                reply to this post with anything but proof to confirm you ate shit

              • 2 years ago

                He's not going to argue, so just call him a dumb Black person homosexual dickboat like he is and move on

            • 2 years ago

              moving the goalpost won't save you from eating shit
              im waiting for your screenshot of zero choice card reward Black person

            • 2 years ago

              how do you cope knowing youre mentally deficient and you suck at a children's card game? The skill of this game is learning the enemy patterns and mitigating rng, you dont need the best cards to win.

        • 2 years ago

          show me a screenshot of card reward offering zero cards or eat shit

        • 2 years ago

          Post seed.

        • 2 years ago

          you dont even know what good cards are moron

        • 2 years ago

          You aren't skilled enough to recognize all the opportunities the game is giving you

          • 2 years ago

            >You aren't skilled enough
            What you mean is he hasn't watched enough youtube videos to know what the best card combos are which is what you and all the other fanboys in this thread did. Then it's just a matter of picking the right cards to get a combo going and once you do that you win.

            • 2 years ago

              you might have brain damage if you need to watch 100 hours of youtube in order to beat ascension 0 consistently, anon

            • 2 years ago

              If there was a plugin that always told you the best card to pick (or if you should skip) based on a pro player's evaluation, and you gave it to a new player, they would not almost certainly not beat Ascension 20

        • 2 years ago

          I did this run today and beat it with only common cards. Nothing uncommon or rare.

          I'm back. First try, and only took common cards to flex on the brainlets here. Didn't have this achievement yet so that was fun.

          I also did this one where other than boss swap, I took zero relics

          don't take it personally, I have over 400 hours in the game, plus I don't know how many watching jorbs. I did that run for fun and then did this one where you can't have any relics other than the first one. Once you get through to A20 and get used to that difficulty then A1 or A0 are very easy. It's the same with any other skill based game where if you can tackle the most brutal difficulty, the lower ones will seem trivial. I struggled with A4 when I first got there as well.

        • 2 years ago

          Post run history, you can view available card rewards when you hover over a mob icon.

    • 2 years ago

      It can, but the amount of times this happens is so low that it may as well be neglible. The vast majority of times people complain about getting RNG screwed it's actually them tunnel visioning or simply misjudging the cards

  75. 2 years ago

    Somebody tell me how to win with this piece of shit

    • 2 years ago

      if by win you mean killing heart than your only option is barricade deck or strength stacking

    • 2 years ago

      Your starting relic is 6 free block per fight.

      • 2 years ago

        that doesn't help in a heart fight in any way except maybe saving some life on sword and shield

        • 2 years ago

          >heart fight
          Grab some Disarms, they can counter the multiattack phases decently. Make sure you have sources of vulnerability and weaken.

    • 2 years ago

      strength gain + reaper

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      If you're below A10 you can just take a searing blow and prioritize campfires over everything for the rest of the run.

  76. 2 years ago

    Look if you don't get roguelite deckbuilders...just go do something else. There's no reason to force this.

  77. 2 years ago

    damn i feel like most of the StS threads ive been in on Ganker are pretty comfy didn't know there were so many anons here who hated it.

  78. 2 years ago

    Fun game, feels good to git gud but also rng can frick you.

  79. 2 years ago

    Noob here. I assume that this is a bad card?

    • 2 years ago

      15(+3 each fight) damage for 1 mana once per fight for 99 gold

    • 2 years ago

      i know its not the best card but i really like it i almost always take it.

    • 2 years ago

      is ok.

    • 2 years ago

      I used to always take the gold, but I've since grown to enjoy it. Not on Defect though.

    • 2 years ago

      The Nest is a positive event. Ritual dagger is a very solid damage card and is a good choice, but it is also often enough that your deck either already has more than enough damage, has a better card that you want getting last-hits with like Feed or a Hand of Greed, or you just want 99 gold to go to a shop on the next few floors because you want a specific thing like powers or card draw.

  80. 2 years ago

    >card drops are completely randomized
    >rewards are completely randomized
    >events are completely randomized
    >map gen is (almost) completely randomized
    >enemies are completely randomized
    >bosses are completely randomized except for the last one
    How can you guys insist the game is "skill based" because of this?

    >b-b-but I won on the highest difficulty with shit cards!
    You got good relics/events/map gen/enemies and bosses
    >b-b-but I won on the highest difficulty with no relics!
    You got good cards/events/map gen/enemies and bosses
    >b-b-but I fought all the elites and got the hardest bosses!
    You got good cards/relics/events/map gen/

    Face it, the RNG decides if you win or not and that's frustrating. Other card games have fixed this issue. Being fricked by the RNG half the times you play doesn't make the game harder or better, it makes it annoying.

    • 2 years ago

      This is a false dilemma. It's disingenuous to say that RNG plays no role in your win, but it's also disingenuous to say that it entirely decides if you win or not. If what you said is true, everyone would have comparable winrates to

      googled it real quick

      , which I certainly fricking don't. I believe every run below A10 is winnable regardless of RNG, and despite years of seed mining and player challenges, nobody's been able to find an unwinnable seed at those levels.

      • 2 years ago

        To be fair, "unwinnable seed" is significantly different than "unwinnable run". An unwinnable run can be easily achieved by having the player draw their starting deck in exactly the wrong order against jaw worm and come out taking 30 damage, get a choice between mediocre damage commons, draw their deck in the wrong order against cultist and take 20 damage, and then get another choice of mediocre items before drawing their deck in exactly the wrong order against double slimes and dying.

        • 2 years ago

          That's fair. But at low asc, it's so unlikely that it's barely worth mentioning. It's hard to find any stats for this, though due to the amount of variables it involves.

    • 2 years ago

      No. no. NOOOO

      I'M GOOD

    • 2 years ago

      You're coping way too hard, just admit you're bad at the game.

  81. 2 years ago

    I picked Claw every time I could and made it to A20 that way

  82. 2 years ago

    Why do people bother with Ascension? I never found the extra challenge to be rewarding

    • 2 years ago

      because low ascension is mind numbingly boring and easy

    • 2 years ago

      I just find the extra challenge fun, but I also stop at A10 when I want to play for fun. I only got to A20 grinding with persistence and for achievements.

    • 2 years ago

      It's kinda like replaying through MGS3 on hard mode. I dont want to deal with the bullshit of Extreme but I also know the secret that if I play thorough it on Easy or Normal I can just run though rooms and the guards are too dumb to "find" an enemy soldier sprinting past their face in time to react before I hit the next zone.

    • 2 years ago

      There are people who just play on base difficulty? I am terrible at this game and stuck around A4, but base difficulty feels like the tutorial. I won my literal first run of the game with no prior knowledge.

  83. 2 years ago

    Well I just beat the game I guess? But I didn't kill the heart so I guess I didn't do well enough.

    • 2 years ago

      you can't kill the heart on your first run

  84. 2 years ago

    The reason this game filters shitters so hard is because there is no easy cheese strategy or walkthrough they can use to beat the game. You'll always hear people ask "what cards are good?" or "what relics should I get?" and the answer is always "depends on your build/where you are/your health/enemies up ahead/etc."

    What they want to hear is "just go to this room, click on the secret block and get the Sword of Badassery That Wins the Game" but there is no sword, they can't pretend to have beaten the game, so it makes them seethe to no end.

  85. 2 years ago

    Memorizing which random options have higher win rates isn't skill, sweetie

  86. 2 years ago

    you just buy decent cards as you go there's more than you think if you're resetting that much because you really shouldn't have to reset

  87. 2 years ago

    >pick exhaust cards
    Nice game spirebabbs.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Probably limit breaks?

      • 2 years ago

        Take the plunge.

        • 2 years ago

          >burn through your entire deck
          >go limp after 3-4 turns

          • 2 years ago

            You ever hear this one relic called the dead branch?

            • 2 years ago

              >this combo is really good! You just need to pull this one card/relic and if you don't it sucks lmao
              Nearly every deck is like this and I hate it

              • 2 years ago

                Corruption is good even without dead branch, it can quickly burn down bloat in your deck even without removals or any of that shit. You can spam all those 3 energy skills without guilt and end the game in one turn provided you have enough draw power.

                It is what I call the epitome of high risk, high reward deck. You get incredibly power for few turns before you lose gas and "exhaust" yourself. Its your job to manage the proper timing for throttle.

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            >implying the combat will last longer than than 3-4 turns

            >this combo is really good! You just need to pull this one card/relic and if you don't it sucks lmao
            Nearly every deck is like this and I hate it

            No, Corruption will END combat in those 3-4 turns.
            Dead branch simply makes end faster.

    • 2 years ago

      >2 potion icons

    • 2 years ago

      By the way, is heart kill the real win or act 3 boss kill the real win?
      I killed the heart maybe 4 times in the past 40 hours or so, although I finish act 3 much more consistently.

      • 2 years ago

        Dying in Act 4 counts as a loss in your run history, but beating Act 3 counts towards unlocking the next ascension level.

        Dunno how it tracks the A20 achievement.

    • 2 years ago

      self-exhaust on use is such a good fricking effect on a card that's easy to overlook. shockwave would be unplayable without it

  88. 2 years ago

    i cant get past a6

  89. 2 years ago

    For me it's doing the 1hp 3 battles at the start and getting a 1hp elite insta kill. Eat shit.

    • 2 years ago

      There are fee things more kino than that, anon. But there are also few things less kino than having a
      route and getting normal enemy encounters in both ? spaces.

  90. 2 years ago

    For me, it's doing a good enough round at the end and the heart actually dies after the damage

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