I dont get it, what was his endgame?

I dont get it, what was his endgame?

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    The Bear and the Bull

    • 4 weeks ago

      it's all fricking bear and bull with occasional "the divide" and "how's and why's of it"

  2. 4 weeks ago

    He was black?

    • 4 weeks ago

      The guy with black skin and dreads was black? HAS FALLOUT GONE WOKE!?

      • 4 weeks ago

        how many anons know about tim cain

      • 4 weeks ago

        >libtard """"humor"""""""
        Grow up

        • 4 weeks ago

          >fascist """""reply""""

          • 4 weeks ago

            why are beta libtards like this?

            • 4 weeks ago

              why are limpwristed fascists like this?

              • 4 weeks ago

                only you are, chud

      • 4 weeks ago

        You will never be a woman

    • 4 weeks ago

      i'm not sure, he looks kinda white, maybe puerto rican white

      • 4 weeks ago

        >puerto rican white
        Don't look up the racial composition of puerto rico or stonetoss

    • 4 weeks ago

      The guy with black skin and dreads was black? HAS FALLOUT GONE WOKE!?

      i'm not sure, he looks kinda white, maybe puerto rican white

      he looks like a fricking lizard

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's because for some reason they gave him a weird creature model instead of the usual human one.

    • 4 weeks ago

      i'm not sure, he looks kinda white, maybe puerto rican white

      I think taking the mask away if anything makes him look less black
      Honestly i always thought he might have been native american, as it fits very well into his whole theme.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Native americans don't have nappy afro hair that can turn into dreadlocks though

      • 4 weeks ago

        Eh I feel like they placed too much emphasis on his dreads for that to be true.

        Native americans don't have nappy afro hair that can turn into dreadlocks though

        Yeah this. If they wanted him to seem redskin injun they could have played up another feature. Hell we got to see plenty of them in Honest Hearts.

        • 4 weeks ago

          The tribes in honest hearts are literally descended from german tourists abd mexican refugees you sped.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Close enough

    • 4 weeks ago

      The guy with black skin and dreads was black? HAS FALLOUT GONE WOKE!?

      he looks like a fricking lizard

      I think taking the mask away if anything makes him look less black
      Honestly i always thought he might have been native american, as it fits very well into his whole theme.

      Ganker is still moronic. Ulysses is a rip off from Alien


  3. 4 weeks ago

    The bear and the bull and the bear and the bull and the bear and the bear and The bear and the bull and the bear and the bull and the bear and the bear and The bear and the bull and the bear and the bull and the bear and the bear and The bear and the bull and the bear and the bull and the bear and the bear and the

  4. 4 weeks ago


  5. 4 weeks ago

    Courier destroyed the magical beautiful town that is better than any other civilization (it just is okay?). Therefore, millions must die.

    • 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah I never understood that like the missile that goes off when you begin the DLC, that was, or at least was implied to be, your fault?
      Silly af writing

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >the final boss of the game is the player character of another campaign
    sho good...
    his endgame was defeating the courier he had fixated on and attributed all of his problems to

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >this random area he likes gets nuked by accident
    >spergs out completely
    >bro your history why do you not know your history
    >I must kill everyone now and it is your fault courier

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >Legion destroys his tribe, enslaves his people, annihilates his culture, and forces Ulysses to commit and plan atrocities
    >NCR is incompetent and slightly corrupt
    >Ulysses: "...nuke the NCR!"
    Being a female Courier who is siding with Legion is funny with Ulysses. He literally has no clue why you would do it but you can mock him by saying he has no dick.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The ncr were the ones who nuked the divide tho.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Being a moronic sperglord version of The Courier who doesn't realize that the NCR and Legion are destined to collapse without him being autistic about it.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    every villain of the NV DLC's represents one of the four RPG player archetypes:
    >Elijah = munchkin powergamer
    >Salt-Upon-Wounds = real men
    >Think Tank = loons
    >Ulysses = hardcore roleplayer

    • 4 weeks ago

      they say that for OWB, it's like this:
      >elijah: fighter
      >christine: stealth
      >ulysses: diplomat
      that said i like your version way more

    • 4 weeks ago

      Salt was trash wtf

    • 4 weeks ago

      Salt wasn't even a character. Daniel's more of a villain than him.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >ole Salty
      >real man

      • 4 weeks ago

        Real men beg for their lives while pissing themselves in some ass-end of nowhere canyon. You wouldn't get it.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    The DLCs are the worst part of NV
    I've done all of them twice, and I'll never do them again

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Just Avellone having another spergout.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    The last time I played NV was like 6 years ago but my best guess would be that even though he blames the Courier for the destruction of the Divide, he is rational enough to realize the Courier didn't really want that to happen (most likely) and he sees a lot of potential in him, therefore wants him to fix the Mojave wasteland as a sort of compensation for his previous deeds. While Ulysess is disillusioned with the major factions, he is not sure which one of them needs to go in order to not frick up the balance completely so he lets the Courier decide it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is a good take as well. Probably closer to what the writer was going for, especially if you're able to talk him down.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    him getting splitroasted by the bear and the bull

  15. 4 weeks ago


  16. 4 weeks ago

    He doesn't make sense.

    >says neither the Legion nor the NCR offer an actual solution for the Mohave
    >blames the courier for destroying everything even though he himself admits that the courier was unaware of everything
    >his plan is just chimping out and nuking everything

    How is this a solution? Why does he have such a hateboner for the courier? Him giving him a lecture and telling him that actions have consequences is fine but there is no reason to go full moron and just kill everyone.
    Feels like they had a decent idea with the DLC but at the end wrote themselves into a corner and needed some kind of ending which forces a conflict because we can't have this DLC actually mean shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Avellone didn't like how the setting was becoming - somewhat - civilized again, with people building shit and wanted to nuke everything back to the stone age. Again. Which was supposed to be the original ending but then Sawyer reined his autism in.
      Ulysses is just Kreia 2.0, post nuclear boogaloo.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Why? The civilized are still having to deal with a world that has been destroyed, and you can start any Fallout game by simply having the player be part of a caravan or be a settler into an area that is lawless (you know, like the Mojave...).

        • 4 weeks ago

          Because Avellone is a colossal, navel gazing homosexual who thinks that
          >wow, new DLC, let's play it
          >ok, it tells me to go to x
          >"haha, I knew you would come, you're too curious"
          >"did you know that you as a Courier doing Courier stuff the game tasks you with is sometimes le bad?"
          >"oh yeah, the old world was le bad, but new world is also bad so let's just erase everything"
          is smart writing where he's subverting expectations and doing meta criticism.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's the same shit as Kreia, surface level nihilism where doing anything at all is cringe because it might have an unintended negative consequence

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Avellone played FO4 for fifteen minutes and uninstalled
            Yeah I'm thinking he's an alright guy

          • 4 weeks ago

            Avellone is many things, including fruity, but somehow he is not a homosexual as it was recently discovered.

            • 4 weeks ago

              How come no gamers clocked tim cain until he literally outed himself on youtube?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Because he was an archetypically chubby bespectacled nerd who liked D&D and barely spoke on camera. People called Avellone gay because holy shit have you fricking listened to him talk?

                He talks like a woman.

              • 4 weeks ago

                He's been married to a man for 15 years

              • 4 weeks ago

                We love gay people here.

            • 4 weeks ago

              He's worse than gay

              • 4 weeks ago

                Does he mean literally like if cass tried to frick the courier then she would blow up, thus wienerblocking him again?

                Or does he mean she would cum buckets. If so, why? When does she express interest in the Courier?

  17. 4 weeks ago

    They put Rudi in Fallout?

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Energy weapons or regular guns? What do you guys prefer?

    • 4 weeks ago

      regular guns. never understood the purpose of energy weapons in 3d fallouts

      • 4 weeks ago

        What was their purpose in old fallout?

        • 4 weeks ago

          generally higher tier weapons

        • 4 weeks ago

          Stronger with the draw back of having harder to get ammo

        • 4 weeks ago

          Generally, energy weapons were all around better, but they are rare, break easier, more expensive to fix and ammo is scarce.

        • 4 weeks ago

          End game weapons. They were supposed to be better because the militaries were switching to them before the war for a reason.

          Generally, energy weapons were all around better, but they are rare, break easier, more expensive to fix and ammo is scarce.

          There was no durability system in old Fallout.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Rarer, scarce ammo, high damage but melting corpses made them impossible to loot (similar drawback to Bloody Mess pre-Fallout 3)
          In an era where you can pull a guy's rifle out of his eyeball, it doesn't really work.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Lasers are god tier for crits so theres that

      • 4 weeks ago

        High damage and penetrate armor well by default and have easy to get ammo by the time you've progressed through the game a bit.

        • 4 weeks ago

          are they high damage though? compared to other normal guns at that point in the game? 3d fallouts are easy as shit so i never needed to care about armor pen ever

          • 4 weeks ago

            Look at the numbers.
            Plasma Pistol, the second rinky-dink energy pistol you can get in NV has a base damage of 33. putting about a large portion of normal guns.

            • 4 weeks ago

              you won't get hold of plasma weapons until later. if anything you start by getting hold on laser rifle/pistol, who's damage is nothing to write home about. for all intents and purposes, they're just semi automatic guns/rifles

              • 4 weeks ago

                you don't kill eddie early on?

              • 4 weeks ago

                i don't interact with powder gangers because i take the side of goodsprings, which makes them hostile to me. so i can't go into the prison

              • 4 weeks ago

                You can do Ghost Town Gunfight and still get into the prison if you just make sure not to land any of the killing blows on the Powder Gangers yourself. You'll drop to Shunned instead of Vilified and you'll still be allowed into NCRCF.

              • 4 weeks ago

                too gamey for my tastes

                You can skip Ghost town Gunfight, do I Fought the Law, betray the Power Gangers at the end of that by helping the NCR wipe out the prison and then go back to Goodsprings to help out Ringo and Sunny.

                too convoluted

              • 4 weeks ago

                then just wear their clothes you whingy frick

              • 4 weeks ago

                You can skip Ghost town Gunfight, do I Fought the Law, betray the Power Gangers at the end of that by helping the NCR wipe out the prison and then go back to Goodsprings to help out Ringo and Sunny.

              • 4 weeks ago

                A fully modded Laser Rifle is a massive ass kicker though

              • 4 weeks ago

                how so?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Laser Optics adds +3 to its base damage, and the splitter is like a 1.25 damage multiplier on that new base damage as long as both beams hit.

              • 4 weeks ago

                it has damage increase mod AND a beam splitter mod to double the damage per shot, and it has a scope on it to snipe with. also it is easy to repair with caps or finding another laser rifle.

              • 4 weeks ago

                are they high damage though? compared to other normal guns at that point in the game? 3d fallouts are easy as shit so i never needed to care about armor pen ever

                Upgraded Lazor Rifle is a beast if you have a crit-oriented build. The beam splitter upgrade reduces raw damage of each beam but keeps the critical damage high.
                It'll be the only energy gun you'll need until you start getting the plasma rifles. Of course you could buy the unique recharger pistol from the bald Black in the dinosaur, but that gun is so powerful it feels cheesy to use.

      • 4 weeks ago

        you only need four ammo types to use every energy weapon and you can convert them easily

        • 4 weeks ago

          their more scarce than ammo for normal guns though

      • 4 weeks ago

        I just like the critical kill animations

    • 4 weeks ago

      Energy weapons can be fun but you really want certain perks for it to be viable like Laser Commander (which is level 22 so you'll have a lot of content done already) and there are a lot fewer options than regular guns.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Guns let you play as a stealth archer (silenced weapons)

    • 4 weeks ago

      Powder and lead > old batteries

    • 4 weeks ago

      I love Energy Weapons but the main game and the DLCs give you so much good options for regular guns that it's hard to stick with pew pew lasers.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm a shotgun and revolver gay in general, simply put there's no pewpew laser gun that feels as good as the aforementioned.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Revolvers suck in New Vegas, they all feel like you are just firing an automatic pistol with slow reload. None of them sound really deep and powerful, and I feel like they have shit aim compared to any other weapon.

          Shotguns are pretty good with perks tho.

      • 4 weeks ago

        the LAER and Holorifle are really good and feel satisfying

      • 4 weeks ago

        the only DLC EWep in New Vegas I really like is Elijah's Jury Rigged Tesla Cannon

        Good, but OP as shit and invalidates nearly every other gun in the game
        >Compliance Regulator
        Neat, but too much of a meme
        >LAER/Elijah's LAER
        Strong, but also fragile and functionally just stronger laser rifles. Not that interesting.
        >Sonic Emitter
        Strong on paper, but it's slow projectile, odd hitbox and slow firing rate makes it a bit annoying to use as a weapon
        >Arc Welder

      • 4 weeks ago

        >good options for regular guns
        Nothing in life looks cringier than shooting at molerats with a M16

    • 4 weeks ago

      I like them both, but guns overall are just more interesting. Greater variety, ammo types, more interesting perks as opposed to extra crits or dear god don't take this its a liability more than anything else. I treat energy weapons as a side arm for my explosives or melee characters, something to bust out indoors or when dealing with enemies that should be fought at a distance.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    >want to give Ulysses a unique face
    >instead of modeling and animating one they just made a face-shaped mask and had him equip it
    >because of this he never blinks
    >had to cover his face with a mask so you can't see that his lips don't move
    why is obsidian so fricking lazy?

    • 4 weeks ago

      New Vegas got made in like 18 months and it was originally supposed to be of much smaller scale. Bethesda never wanted Obsidian to make a game equal to Fallout 3 in terms of content.
      But Obsidian saw this as a mega opportunity finally getting to work on Fallout again so they went all out - which obviously resulted into a lot of cut content especially on Legion side as well as a lot of undercooked shit. Had to cut corners everywhere to make it kinda work.
      Same deal with the DLCs.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Gamebryo engine created by small indie company Bethesda, please understand

    • 4 weeks ago

      I always thought it was due to a lack of budget. Dead Money had the most original content put into it while the remaining 3 DLC's felt mostly like asset reuse from 3 and NV with the occasional new weapons or armour.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's not even impossible, it takes maybe 10 minutes in the creation kit to sculpt a decent looking face. It's pretty clear that both bethesda and obsidian simply invested no effort or time into making the characters look like humans

      • 4 weeks ago

        Bethesda's character creators have always been dogshit. It's not like Obisidian could just invent a whole new character creator in the time they had.
        Imagine how House would look in the Fallout 3 engine. It'd be completely unlike his portrait.
        Hence why Elijah looks jarringly unlike his portrait in the Dead Money DLC when you finally meet him.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Short development times, consoles and lack of disc space
      They literally had to cut chunks of land and environments from the main game to include all of Ulysses dialogues

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Okay Chris, we finally cut enough content to fit your OC into the game. Must be a really deep and intricate character, we can't wait to hear what you came up wi-

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Talking the courier to death for the crime of delivering a package.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    He wanted to see a bear and a bull frick. Did you not get the context?

  22. 4 weeks ago

    >bear and bull, billions must die
    blackcel chudster

  23. 4 weeks ago

    moron about growth and decline.
    But he made it his whole ideal, without actually thinking about people's futures.
    Such is Ganker

  24. 4 weeks ago

    I wish there was a speech check where you could force Ulysses to speak like a normal person by threatening to go home and not come back.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    He didn't have any. He was contrarian, his speech is a cope and the fact he will always adjust so he is against (you) shows that, like Vyse from Tactics Ogre.

    He had a shitty life, He then saw a town that gave him hope, got super attached and then it got blown to all hell by sheer stupidity and he tried to look for a reason, any reason to why such a thing and what he found was YOU, a fricking Mailman who wasn't even aware what he done and so he tried to set you up a Gauntlet so that you would see the way he does (IE: Being butthurt) even if it meant blowing up what is the area that gave YOU a reason so you understand the gravity of what you did to him in your ignorance of delivering the package.

    Or some shit like that, who cares BEARS AND BULLS BEARS AND BULLS BEARS AND BULLS.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Am I the only man on Ganker that actually likes all of the New Vegas DLCs? Seems like every fricking New Vegas thread is someone crying about Ulysses this, Dead Money Radios that, etc.

    • 4 weeks ago

      i love everything about new vegas lmao

      their more scarce than ammo for normal guns though


    • 4 weeks ago

      I like them all but New Vegas as a whole is a bunch of unrealized opportunities, I can't help but imagine a version of NV where everything is connected and intertwined thoughtfully, with a fleshed out Legion.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Dead Money Radios
      My only problem with Dead Money is the incredibly wanky writing

    • 4 weeks ago

      All the DLCs have their own flaws but I enjoyed all of them. You have to be in a certain mood to want to clear Dead Money and Old World Blues. Radios can get annoying obviously lots of trial and error. And OWB is one giant enemy gauntlet the amount of enemies it spams at you is ridiculous. Honest Hearts is so short I do it every playthrough for the gear. And Lonesome Road's a nice endgame challenge but also a good source of early game loot if you go in and sell all the Marked Man armor and such. Having Riot Gear that early is awesome.
      They all have pros and cons and I can see why anyone would have problems with some of them. But there's a little something for everybody I think.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Dead Money can be a slog, but the characters are good and the torturous SAW play experience makes it more memorable.
      Lonesome Road is the above but without the characters to make it feel worth my time.
      Honest Hearts again can be a slog, but the story is good and I find you can avoid it feeling like such a slog if you go there at an appropriate level so you don't steamroll it.
      OWB is fun and reminds me of playing a CS:S ZE map or something, but I need to be in the mood for spending a lot of time in that area.

      • 4 weeks ago

        And what is the appropriate level?

        • 4 weeks ago

          As soon as you get there

  27. 4 weeks ago

    After all these years I still don't understand why a random eyebot in the Divide has all of ED-E's memories and is capable of emoting when the real ED-E can't
    >it scanned him
    ok but why and how?

  28. 4 weeks ago

    This is getting unbearable. You guys are just being bullheaded. Ulysses is cool and not overbearing at all, stop bullying him.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >This is getting unbullable. You guys are just being bearheaded. Ulysses is cool and not overbulling at all, stop bearying him.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    I can't believe they're really gonna pick a canon ending to NV, bros. I'm scared...

    • 4 weeks ago

      they'll straight up say "ther was a war for Vegas, no one knows who won, but in the end it didn't matter because Vegas was destroyed by plague or the enclave or vault tec or whatever".
      and then Walton Goggins is going to fight Kyle MacLachlan inside the Lucky 38.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >destroyed by plague or the enclave or vault tec or whatever
        I would honestly kind of respect it if they said the tunnelers fricked up the Mojave just like Ulysses said.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Todd can't even admit the NV was better than his usual work, there's no way in hell he'll allow them to make anything that could be view as a DUST reference even if the Ulysses quote predates DUST.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Fallout 2 picked out canon choices for fallout 1, you'll be fine

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah but in Fallout 1 the options were "do the thing that makes sense" or "everything goes to shit" so the canonized choices were things that everyone did anyway. New Vegas is more gray.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Speaking of, I felt a little silly playing a female vault dweller in 1 and then seeing the statue of the male vault dweller in 2. After that I never picked the chick for FO1 again. The way the story plays out is honestly far better suited to a male lead anyway.

        Still picked a girl for FO3 though, that one fits better. And male again for FO4. For the chosen one, probably better suited to male, but it's funnier to make it a girl.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Fallout 1 had pretty clearcut choices thoughbeit. The only mildly complicated choice was Gizmo vs Killian and *maybe* sort of killing Hightower (but doing so for Decker still results in a bad end). Everything else in Fallout 1 is "do you want to be a dick for an ever so slight benefit or not?" Even Fallout 2 was fairly clear cut about the "right" decision, with the only broadly questionable decision being Wrights (because they are good) or Bishops (because they help the NCR), which were both partially canonized as the two families are both mentioned in New Vegas. New Vegas really wasn't like the isometrics despite what people say, there wasn't this massive grey area over who's best for the wasteland like in Mew Vegas. It's harder to canonize a New Vegas ending, though they will probably default to an NCR victory.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Wrights every time. Just help Mrs. Wright clean up their act a bit and don't give them a mountain of guns

          • 4 weeks ago

            I go Salvatores because I like the idea of laser pistol wielding gangsters.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >though they will probably default to an NCR victory.
          I'm actually thinking a House victory, because why wouldn't the showrunners want some smarmy charismatic tycoon character?
          It's free quips

    • 4 weeks ago

      Elijah won.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    The divide has fallen. Thousands must die.

    • 4 weeks ago

      For all his pseudo-philosophical nonsense, it came down to simple vengeance. He was angry that his new home got blown the frick up. He blames you, he blames trade routes, blames conflict, blames government. He wants to avenge the divide, so he lured you back there to face punishment for your hand in its death and to witness his response.

      His beef with the legion is different, goes back further, but is largely inconsequential. Just part of where he got where he is right now mentally.

      But yeah, Ulysses was lashing out at pretty much everything over the Divide's devastation. The homie would be at God Himself's throat if there was one to find in the frickin' Mojave. His "salient points" are just a smokescreen for idiots who eat up soundbites like "If waaar never chaaanges, then maaaan must chaaange", fricking drivel.

      If he had any ultimate goal I'd say it's simply to cut off small communities and prevent them from being a larger integrated nation because he thinks that just brings destruction and misery with it. Whether its assimilation into the Legion or the NCR or whatever old world bullshit House is going for.

      tl;dr: ^ This

  31. 4 weeks ago

    Muh bear
    Muh bull
    Must nuke everyone
    except house for some reason

    • 4 weeks ago

      That would involve changing too much, but it would've been cool if it were an option and the Mojave was literally an irradiated wasteland and abandoned when you returned, with New Vegas itself being a giant crater.

    • 4 weeks ago

      House's plan is reliant on NCR tourism, cutting the Long 15 also chokes House.

  32. 4 weeks ago

    In his estimation, neither the NCR nor the Legion are the way of the future. Both cling to Old World iconography. The NCR is obvious, they claim to represent old world values of democracy and the like, but they simply repeat the mistakes of the past and their ideology is very much an excuse for naked landgrabs. It's also headed headlong into collapse. Caesar has built his ideology off a dialectical view of history; however, the Legion doesn't really reflect that vision. He is desperately trying to apply a philisophical template from the Old World to a society that has its own unique values which doesn't actually function in accordance with what Caesar believes. In Ulysses estimation, the Legion's strength comes from its constant path of conquest and assimilation, but what happens when it runs out of things to conquer? It will just fold in on itself as it has lost the source of its strength. It's better than the NCR, but it is still heavily flawed. And House similarly is a man straight from the Old World attempt to impose his view of what Vegas should be, one which apes the Vegas of the past, using old world tech and ultimately an old world solution of trying to go to space, something which the Enclave also believed was the silver bullet to the post-nuclear world. He also doesn't put much stock in Yes Man endings either. Ultimately, Ulysses wants to cut and bleed the NCR and House, and leave the Legion to ultimately conquer itself into extinction so something new can take its place entirely separated from any Old World visions. People are right when they call him a spiteful moron, but he can also be convinced that the NCR/House/Legion are something new and can create a society for the Wasteland instead of a society which mocks the Old World.

  33. 4 weeks ago

    >"I'm sick and tired of people using symbols without knowing the heritage behind them!"
    >"What's that on your back?"
    >"A pretty flag, why?"

    • 4 weeks ago

      What? He’s obsessed with Old War America, to a dangerous degree. The main reason why he hates the NCR so much is that to him, they are a cruel mockery of Pre-War America.

      • 4 weeks ago

        He's obsessed with Old World America, but he considered the stars and stripes to be a symbol of the Divide and its people which had given it a new meaning.

        • 4 weeks ago

          his whole theme is about symbols, their power and why you shouldn't follow them blindly. Like the White Legs who fashion their hair like his out of respect but Ulysses sees this as a mockery of his dead tribe and he knows the White Legs will get assimilated by the Legion as well.
          He liked the Divide because it was flourishing and the symbol of US army was adopted just because it was around and it looked cool , not because they tried to emulate the Old World. So while he bears Old Glory , he's actually repping the Divide , not the US. Also, the theme of following symbols blindly can be seen in gameplay , the courier can find different points of interests in the game map marked with Old Glory. I am pretty sure there are a lot in OWB

  34. 4 weeks ago

    He wanted you to die so he spoke forever in hopes you would bull yourself out of bearedom

  35. 4 weeks ago

    To wipe the slate clean. The Courier player character unknowingly made half the nukes in the Divide go off, wiping it off the map. Ulysses had been looking to settle down in the divide and had his whole world changed from just how much one person could change if they had the power to it. He thought the Courier dead and continued working for Cesar, Ulysses was supposed to be the one to carry the Platinum chip, but refused and let Courier Six do it, the player. When they kept cheating fate, Ulysses' mind went back to the Divide, he had learnt of the remaining nukes and now wanted to end the conflict between NCR and Legion once and for all as it would just bring further ruin. He thought it apt to invite Courer Six to the silos for a reckoning before he wiped the Mojave off the map, like the courier had. You either fight him and do what you want, or convince him societies can be rebuilt just as they can be destroyed. If you are in good standing with either NCR or Legion that check is easier because Ulysses has been keeping an eye on you and know if you've done good/bad.

    He is a man that lost everything twice and was prepared to let the world burn for it while blaming the player.

  36. 4 weeks ago

    Going into a crpyto thread is basically just reading a bunch of "Bear this, bull that"

  37. 4 weeks ago

    I did another NV playthrough, but I really don't feel like going through the DLC.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Just lower the difficulty and power through really fast for the goodies. 'swhat I did

  38. 4 weeks ago

    He didn't have one. He was incredibly butthurt and wanted to take it out on you/the ncr

  39. 4 weeks ago

    I think they made a mistake, and this could have easily been post-game content. Since recording new lines with your faction head might be too much, they could easily excuse that your leader is being transferred/offline and you report to some new buttholes.

    >He's a terrorist anarchist, and leads a band of Marked Men
    >first step is fighting around the Mojave teaming up with your faction against Ulysses and his marked men terrorists
    >then you have to follow him to The Divide
    >It was once a peaceful settlement, but the NCR, Legion, and Brotherhood, fought over it and the technology it had, and set off a nuclear bomb
    >the bomb turned them into Marked Men, removed their identity, but kept their drive to fight
    >Ulysses leads these men as a terrorist leader whose goal is to wipe the slate clean
    >The final confrontation is the end-game, fail and he nukes everyone, or you choose to nuke whoever you want (including the NCR, Sandy Shades, or New Vegas itself) or you disarm the bombs to bring about peace

    I think it has some GOOD elements, and good storytelling, but it would work better as post-game content, and Ulysses and his motivations are stupid.

  40. 4 weeks ago

    *kills u*

    • 4 weeks ago

      *lights a fire*

    • 4 weeks ago

      Flashbang. Flashbang. Flashbang. Flashbang. Flashbang. Flashbang. Flashbang.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I have never once died to these donut steels. Has anyone? When I heard they were supposed to wipe out the wasteland I did a double take. Really?

      • 4 weeks ago

        lonesome road is supposed to be a high level DLC

    • 4 weeks ago

      >needed an entire gaggle of frickwits to take down a deathclaw at 1HP

  41. 4 weeks ago

    To have a bear and a bull up his ass.

  42. 4 weeks ago

    Bull and bear, bear and bull now nuke a faction for the lolz.

  43. 4 weeks ago

    this guy speaks like

  44. 4 weeks ago

    I finished the honest hearts dlc. Why was Daniel such a wimp? Your people are being tactically genocided, and your first responds is to run. Its not like those tribe men will always be hecking innocent. It really is mind boggling.

  45. 4 weeks ago

    He wants to sleep with the courier. Listen to his words and whining. He's a stalker who fell in love with you.
    He's basically bi since you be both male and female. At the end they cut off the sex scene among the nukes. Basically one of the endings was to have sex while the nukes fly up and destroy the targets.
    There was a cut content of the courier becoming pregnant or getting AIDS but it was too much work to put it into the game.
    You were suppose to get +10 speech each time you visit his grave after he dies and get -2 agility during pregnancy.
    Great stuff.

  46. 4 weeks ago

    I thought it was always two goals. First, butthurt. He acts like he's above it but clearly isn't. He could have easily done all the legwork himself but wanted to see the courier do it for self satisfaction.

    Second, and the goal he probably expects you to understand and pay attention to is that he wants to create the conditions for more Divides to spring up in the Wasteland. Bleed out the Bear and the Bull is already dying. The narrative probably assumes a dead Caesar or at least one that you didn't save from his tumor. Ulysses would be aware of this. With the Long 15 nuked the NCR is stopped dead in expanding further East. Worse case scenario troops in the Mojave are seperated from their families back home. Combined with the morale loss of being pre war nuked its gonna accelerate the NCR's collapse.

    With both factions crippled at roughly the same time there is a fair chance of mutual collapse where all the settled territory splinters into smaller nations that reject the ideals of their founders. This is probably what he sees as the best option for creating new Divides. If this plan would have any success or not is up to interpretation. How much the NCR is fricked is hard to determined exactly. If the NCR is nuked and defeated at Hoover Dam its pretty safe to say the NCR is going to put a hold on expanding East for at least a decade.

  47. 4 weeks ago

    >kill him to prevent him from nuking ncr
    >nuke both
    >only legion attacks me outright, ncr too poosy
    strutted around in his duds after i washed the nog stank out too. gg no re LMAO

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