I fricking hate when classes are restricted for some races

It's so fricking tiresome, even more when it's restricted because of gender.

I don't fricking mind if the setting outright establishes shit like "Ohh hurr durr dwarves can't do magic", ok, then they can't do magic because of their actual bodies. But no, what this RPGs always do is "T-this race can't do X because of culture", like, b***h. Why can't a Human grow up with Elves and be a druid? Why can't an Orc grow up to human parents and be a nice civilized mage? Specially when lore is FULL of mary sues that have X race grow up in other cultures.

I wanna play DH Human and I'm forced to use mods that can get me banned for changing the files. No fricking way I'm being a gross elf. Frick Blizzard. Other games do this shit too, like Lost Ark literally has 99% of the classes locked TO FEMALE, and they are adding 4 new clases AND THEY ARE ALL FEMALE EXCLUSIVE, frickign trannies ruin everything.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Why can't an Orc grow up to human parents and be a nice civilized mage

    • 2 years ago

      That's racist. Orcs are only violent because of socio economic factors.

    • 2 years ago

      Ironically, in WoW lore orcs are among the most magically potent races, specifically so along with Humans, Dwarces, Gnomes and Ogres, because these races all originate from Titans, whobare incarnations of pure Arcane (aka magic in WoW lore).


      It's so fricking tiresome, even more when it's restricted because of gender.

      I don't fricking mind if the setting outright establishes shit like "Ohh hurr durr dwarves can't do magic", ok, then they can't do magic because of their actual bodies. But no, what this RPGs always do is "T-this race can't do X because of culture", like, b***h. Why can't a Human grow up with Elves and be a druid? Why can't an Orc grow up to human parents and be a nice civilized mage? Specially when lore is FULL of mary sues that have X race grow up in other cultures.

      I wanna play DH Human and I'm forced to use mods that can get me banned for changing the files. No fricking way I'm being a gross elf. Frick Blizzard. Other games do this shit too, like Lost Ark literally has 99% of the classes locked TO FEMALE, and they are adding 4 new clases AND THEY ARE ALL FEMALE EXCLUSIVE, frickign trannies ruin everything.

      Its mostly because early WoW was still a bit lost in terns if what it wanted to be, one side pulling it to just be b***h basic DnD crossbread with Warhammer, and other side that pulled for it to be its own thing. A lot of moronic shit like holy magic being hurtful to Undead for no reason also stems from this. Over time class limitations vere entrenched because "its like it always has been" and "b-but X class as a Y race looks stupid" arguments. In reality, if you were to role play a WoW campaign, you could have any class combo, however you would need some background lore to justify more exotic choices like a Gnone Druid. I think the only class that is reasonable to be race locked is the Demon Hunter, as elfs were the only only ones with Ilidan in Outland, asside from enslaved Broken Ones. This is also why DK limitations made sense before Shadowlands, as no Pandaren or Allied races were around for Arthas to convert them, and its only with Bolvar starting a new drive of Deathknight raising that they became a thing.

      • 2 years ago

        >Ironically, in WoW lore orcs are among the most magically potent races, specifically so along with Humans, Dwarces, Gnomes and Ogres, because these races all originate from Titans, whobare incarnations of pure Arcane (aka magic in WoW lore).

        arcane is just one type of magic and elves/draenei are pretty good at it too

        • 2 years ago

          Elves are only good because they are trolls who took one too many skinnydips in the Well of Eternity. Meanwhile Draenai (and by extension trolls, or the Zandalari at least) are nerds who managed to gather a wealth of arcane knowledge, but do not naturally excel in it. Meanwhile Humans and Ogres are the two species who are in particular mentioned as being insanely magically gifted, to the point where literally who's who got the privilege to be the first humans to study magic from high elves almost instantly started wiping noses with their far more powerful, if a bit less subtle spells, and ogres are this turned to eleven with their very barbaric but also incredibly powerful magic we saw in WoD.

          >as elfs were the only only ones with Ilidan in Outland, asside from enslaved Broken Ones.

          There are more demon hunters than the ones Illidan raised. You just need to take on a demon soul and that's it. Warlock used to have like 99% of the current Demon Hunter abilities so there's no reason a Warlock couldn't just grab a warglaive and become a Demon Hunter.

          Add up to that, monk has been available for all races despite the fact Pandaren just showed up. And it's not like Demon Hunter training takes decades. Burning Crusade took place like 5 years after Illidan got to outland so all the demon hunters we had learned everything in less than 5 years.

          I agree. Problem comes in with that the class background of modern demon hunters imply you are one of those who personally followed Illidan. It's a shame they killed the demonology lock talents that let you be more of a DH.

      • 2 years ago

        >as elfs were the only only ones with Ilidan in Outland, asside from enslaved Broken Ones.

        There are more demon hunters than the ones Illidan raised. You just need to take on a demon soul and that's it. Warlock used to have like 99% of the current Demon Hunter abilities so there's no reason a Warlock couldn't just grab a warglaive and become a Demon Hunter.

        Add up to that, monk has been available for all races despite the fact Pandaren just showed up. And it's not like Demon Hunter training takes decades. Burning Crusade took place like 5 years after Illidan got to outland so all the demon hunters we had learned everything in less than 5 years.

      • 2 years ago

        >A lot of moronic shit like holy magic being hurtful to Undead for no reason also stems from this.
        Are WoWbabbies so far removed from the rest of the series they've never even played the actual Warcraft games?

        • 2 years ago

          Light opposes Void
          But for some reason its hyper effective against Death and Fel
          Also its never really established to be strong vs Void
          The only other examples of cosmological power counters is Life being also strong vs Death and Fel being strong against (Arcane) Titans, both examples dealing with diametrically opposed powers

          TLDR Light is stupid and is only the way it is because muh Paladin stereotype

          • 2 years ago

            Light is deadly to undead because it's holy and the undead are unholy.

            Light does basically nothing to Fel.

            • 2 years ago

              Sinonym for Light
              Literally doesn't exist in-lore and is used as a blanket term for anything evil, both undead and demons. And yes, light is very effeCtive against Fel, or at the very least against Demons. Also if you think Unholy is just a specific type of Lich King magic, then why did Light absolutely devastate the Shadowlands?

          • 2 years ago

            >TLDR Light is stupid and is only the way it is because muh Paladin stereotype

            It's only the fact they retroactively tried to make this whole cosmological system that rotates around discrete magical elements that used to blur together (eg. arcane and fel being the same)

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, shit's a bit messy now because they didn't come up with the cosmology until more recently.

              Catch up for anyone not up to date on the lore, before anything existed there were 6 types of energy, some beings called the first ones came along and used mathematical magic to form those energies into realms and at each's core put a "Zereth" a forge that would allow them to control it, the 6 are supposed to be in ordered balance, feeding each other to keep the universe running.

              Light and Void are two sides of the same coin, light creates energy and void is consumption, The first ones appear to be beings of order they probably made the light's zereth in such a way that it's use creates ordered energy, this is harmful to the fel since that's powered by disorder and undead because they're not following the correct order of things however it's main purpose is to put energy into the universe and Void to take it out, keeping a constant flow.

              Arcane and Fel are order and entropy, a universe with only arcade would be lifeless clockwork, one of pure fel would simple degrade, thus the two feed in a constant flow.

              Life and Death are creation and consumption of souls, neither functions without the other, constant flow etc.

              Azeroth is the nexus of all 6, a worldsoul directly hooked up to all 6 zereth hence why it's so important.

              The game also references a 7th, a twisted snake who is probably the opposite of whatever the first ones were, the final big bad as the universe is currently explained to us, maybe he's why the first ones vanished, either way we seem to have setup for Anduin to become a balance of light and void, We'll almost certainly get one then for life and death, might be redeemed sylvanis and probably Returned Medihv using Arcane and Fel.

              • 2 years ago

                >all this dumb shit nobody cares about
                Take me back to warcraft 2 when priests and paladins just worshiped fricking God. I hate excessively detailed and convoluted cosmologies. Just keep that shit a mystery, drop hints and competing ideas about what is actually true.

          • 2 years ago

            a bunch of gay shit made up after the fact doesn't make holy magic vs undead moronic, especially when that was the whole point of paladins in wc3 and even in wc2 they had anti undead spells

  2. 2 years ago

    WoW is digital AIDS. Very fitting for a homosexual like you.

  3. 2 years ago

    It's so beautiful to see a literal piece of shit that tries every single checkmark for bait in CURRENT YEAR and gets almost no (you)s.
    Here's a pity one, friend. You tried, barely.

  4. 2 years ago

    >I fricking hate when classes are restricted for some races
    Mid-wit take.

    Restricting classes to certain classes makes narrative sense.
    Even better, turn some Races into their own classes like D&D used to.

    >b-b-b-b-but then my special snowflake ass cant express itself!!111

    • 2 years ago

      Why? Why WoW story has characters like Thrall, an orc raised by humans, or Jaina, a Kul Tiran raised by mages, or Nathanos, a human raised by elves. And they all have classes or personalities that don't fit their actual race/culture and they are still validated?

      If Nathanos gets to be a dark ranger with a sexy human model then I want to a cute gay human demon hunter.

    • 2 years ago

      The best games don't have this issue because they don't have any dumb fantasy races in the first place.

  5. 2 years ago

    way to go blank slater, nice homogenized and bland world.

    • 2 years ago

      You don't have to make everyone be the same race with a different coat of paint to still have low to no class exclusivity, just make it have relevant consequences.
      Don't say no to Orc wizard, say yes to a berserk scholar. Don't say no to Elf fighter, say yes to the evasion tank weapons master. (I'm not to familiar with WoW or DnD. So I'm not to sure if these are apt incompatibilities, but you get the idea.)

      • 2 years ago

        Just to make sure this comes across right, even if the race does not fit the class that shouldn't always mean it should be impossible.
        Just because Orcs are low int and more for warrior roles shouldn't mean it has no place for magic, it means it can have a chance at being a sort of magician who also has a back up Berserker back up (like in TES) to defend it's self. Just because an Elf is frail (hypothetically), shouldn't mean they should have no means of functioning as a front-line fighter.

        The ability to make an interesting character is one of the many core features of RPGs. You really should be able to make any type of character you want, you should just have to deal with the consequences and be able to try and work it out (or just deal with it if it's still nigh unworkable and you just want to challenge yourself)

  6. 2 years ago

    ah, yes, the "magic dirt"

  7. 2 years ago

    It's a balance thing. Nobody would play anything but human or troll for the racials if they could be any class.

    • 2 years ago

      You'd be surprised.

    • 2 years ago

      Why would people care about the racials instead of the roleplaying or appearence? Blood Elf racial is pretty meh and they are still 99% of the horde.

      • 2 years ago

        Blood elfs are the only horde pala which is the most popular class by far.

  8. 2 years ago

    Kind of a midwit take, your issue lies in bad design, not in race/gender restrictions themselves.
    Lost Ark isn't bad because it locks classes to gender, it's bad because those class locks make no fricking sense at all, there's no reason why only women can use magic (for now) but both genders can use guns (except boys get better and more guns just because), it's just arbitrary eye candy restrictions, like the vast majority of diablo clones.
    Some gender/race restrictions do make sense, Valkyries are female so you can't have a male valkyrie, same for amazons, robots not being able to use magic makes a lot more sense than dwarves not being able to use magic and so on, having several different "races" that are effectively just humans with pointy ears, green or blue skin or humans wearing a fursuit and are only characterized by some + and - to some stat and feats isn't a good system either, and the reason why the vast majority of people play humans to begin with.
    Restrictions aren't bad per se, it's the designers that make the bad, or good, meaningful racial or gender differences are exceptional if done right, the issue is that most games don't do it right.

    • 2 years ago

      >Some gender/race restrictions do make sense, Valkyries are female so you can't have a male valkyrie, same for amazons

      Anon. Female warrios make NO sense.

      • 2 years ago

        A valkyrie is more beautiful and glorious than a standard fare warrior, however. If St. Joan doesn't inspire you then you're not white.

        • 2 years ago

          What a pathetic little male feminist you are. Have you considered killing yourself before you go to jail over child porn or over raping a woman?

          • 2 years ago

            Only incel trannies (like you) can't see the virtue in a valorous woman, which only few of them have ever existed throughout all of human history admittedly.

            • 2 years ago

              Not a single valorous woman ever existed, Joan is a literal myth. Stop worshiping bleeding front holes you mentally ill creep. Women won't have sex with you because you consider them strong on an internet page about videogames, seriously, seek mental help before you rape someone.

              • 2 years ago

                >Not a single valorous woman ever existed, Joan is a literal myth.
                You're full of incel ressentiment. The mythological status of St. Joan is irrelevant as to whether such qualities are admirable in women or not.
                >Stop worshiping bleeding front holes you mentally ill creep.
                How am I doing so if you profess that the woman I admire doesn't even exist? If she did, then she is worthier of reverence than men of similar stature due to transcending her nature.
                >Women won't have sex with you because you consider them strong on an internet page about videogames, seriously, seek mental help before you rape someone.
                You have a pussy center to save all these gifs and criticize me for being a "feminist" only to fall back on the "Not the heckin' raperino!!!!" shtick. Just goes to show incels are all spiritually white knight beta male feminists at heart.

              • 2 years ago

                > Y-you're incel you're incel REEE

                I'm a gay man, your whole "you don't have sex with women" has no effect on me, have a nice day creepy pedo male feminist. Wonder how rabid you go when women see right through your predatory behavior and reject you.

              • 2 years ago

                British cops are useless regardless of gender.

              • 2 years ago

                >is gay
                >burning hot hatred of women
                So what's your relationship with your mother like?

              • 2 years ago

                >Joan is a literal myth
                No she's not you dumbass she's historical been documented as a real person from multiple sources. Obviously she never was a warrior fighting on the front lines and it's also unlikely that she was just a peasant (since she was way too skilled in riding and leading troops for her to have no noble education) but she absolutely did rally french troops against the english.

  9. 2 years ago

    Give me ONE good reason why Tauren should be able to be rogues. I'll wait.

    • 2 years ago

      Because size doesn't matter, if a Tauren wants to be fast, use poison, daggers, etc. he should be able to do it. Would you seriously tell a fat kid on the playground he can't play jump the rope with you because he's fat? No. Then why tell a Tauren he can't be sneaky and use daggers? Specially when Kul Tirans and Orcs can be rogues just fine despite being built like fridges.

    • 2 years ago

      >Rogues are no longer all about stealth
      >Outlaw is now about pirating and banditing, but combat already kind of was that anyway, and there are plenty of Tauren in game already who are pirates
      >Tauren are also excellent hunters who can be quiet and blend in

  10. 2 years ago

    >I fricking hate when classes are restricted for some races
    This is actually a good thing and proves the developers care about making a real living, breathing World without compromising for mass appeal's sake.

  11. 2 years ago

    I like it because it forces you to play a race you otherwise might have avoided. It's already true 90% of people play human, but add unique dwarf, elf, gnome-restricted classes a suddenly there's an actual incentive to mix things up.

  12. 2 years ago

    There should be no generic classes. All classes should be race, sex and culture restricted.

    • 2 years ago

      Dark Age of Camelot kind did this but just at the faction (culture, I suppose) level.


  13. 2 years ago

    >I wanna play DH Human and I'm forced to use mods that can get me banned for changing the files
    Fricking hell, here's hoping they do. It'd be doing you a favour.

  14. 2 years ago

    Why do people keep replying to this homosexual's thread, this board can't be all braindead newbies, right?

    • 2 years ago

      Most threads on this board are shit and you just make the problem much worse.

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