I fricking suck at retro games!

I fricking suck at retro games! I am 37 and I grew up with all those games and while I had no trouble playing and beating games I suck at them big time as an adult now. Anyone else has this problem? Why do I suddenly suck so hard? I thought playing video games is like riding a bike and you never forget it but then I also suck at riding a bike nowadays.
I am currently trying to play Star Tropics and I already have trouble with the second boss, that giant squid that holds the poor dolphin captive (how does it do it?). I really do not know how to beat him and now I have played it so much I even fail at getting to him in the first place.

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  1. 11 months ago

    are you me?

  2. 11 months ago

    >I thought playing video games is like riding a bike
    Yeah, you remember how to do it (the inputs, the patterns/puzzles, where to go), but that doesn't mean you'll be able to excel at it (risk your life crossing a street while there is oncoming traffic, do a wheelie, pedal uphill lmao).

  3. 11 months ago

    You probably never were that good and have biased memory, coupled with the fact that as a kid you wouldn't give up and be bitter about it so quickly

    • 11 months ago

      pseud post

    • 11 months ago

      >coupled with the fact that as a kid you wouldn't give up
      Depends on the kid in question, some are little shits and throw tantrums because they can't beat a 1-1 stage on their first try.

    • 11 months ago

      I’m not going to claim that I was ever great at video games but it clearly was way easier and smoother back then.

      Heck take Star Tropics for example. I wasn’t allowed to have a console as a kid because it was occupy our family tv. So instead I had a game boy and grew up with computers. When I was 14 I found out about Nesticle and I would get into emulation and download every Rom.
      Yesterday my father told me that our internet bill would be 800 bucks a month but luckily his company paid for it.

      Anyway I was a teenager with 14 and obviously I can remember those days and I just didn’t suck that hard at games. I’m still super patient nowadays, I’ve lucked out with my own job and I only have to work 7 days a month and I still make enough money. What I’m trying to say: the argument you had more time as a kid and this is why you had more patience as a kid doesn’t apply to me.

      Maybe I just played a lot of retro games back then and I would be used to them and in training. Mixing modern games which are way easier and in 3d doesn’t help with playing 2d pixel games every once in a while I guess.

      I mean come on I probably was never that great at gaming but I didn’t struggle one bit at star tropics especially not the second boss and now I do. I’m at it for two weeks now. Yes I was faster as a kid.

      • 11 months ago

        Don't worry about it pal, just have fun that's all that matters. Also, you didn't choose a friendly game to begin with, so maybe you could try to lower the bar for a while. Good luck

  4. 11 months ago

    As games got easier it became harder to put in the same effort required for old games even if you played them as a kid.

  5. 11 months ago

    >now I have played it so much I even fail at getting to him in the first place
    I never heard of getting worse at a game as you play it more. Maybe you need to see a psychiatrist and get evaluated for dementia or something. Or maybe you just need a nap. Recharge your batteries before trying again.

  6. 11 months ago

    Doesn't your reaction time just get worse as you get older?

    • 11 months ago

      My reaction time is definitely getting worse as I age. On top of that, I'm likely to inherit the arthritis that plagues my mother's side of the family. I'm playing mostly action games now, while I still can, because I figure that I won't be able to play them when I get too old. I'm deliberately avoiding RPGs until I get old and they become the only genre I'll be able to play.

      • 11 months ago

        >I'm playing mostly action games now, while I still can, because I figure that I won't be able to play them when I get too old. I'm deliberately avoiding RPGs until I get old and they become the only genre I'll be able to play.
        I've found myself doing the opposite, avoiding RPGs and playing more action-oriented games. I used to love RPGs as a kid, but now... most of them are fundamentally slot machines with stories, and I just don't find the stories very interesting anymore.

        • 11 months ago

          I may have worded my post poorly. I'm saying that I'm doing exactly that; avoiding RPGs and playing more action-oriented games. Because when I get old, I likely won't be able to play action games anymore, so I want to play them while I still can. I'll save the RPGs for later, when the arthritis kicks in.

  7. 11 months ago

    opposite for me. i am the same age but feel like i am much better in general than ever

  8. 11 months ago

    Star Tropics was down right cruel. I have no fricking idea how I ever beat that game as a ten year old but I did.

    • 11 months ago

      i got filtered hard by the ghosts. did not realize there was another item menu when pressing start. also theres plenty of completely unavoidable deaths because you just have to guess sometimes and fall into a pit. i always loved this game though even before i was old enough to get very far in it. something about the zelda heart aesthetic and the block jumping just scratched the right itch.

  9. 11 months ago

    Try playing the same game over and over and over again for a week. Don't play anything but that one game and you might just get your skill back at a particular game. I was good at Startropics only because I played that thing for weeks, you gotta do the same anon. You only get better with practice.

  10. 11 months ago

    couldn't say what your problem might be; I'm 42 and I've never been better at games

  11. 11 months ago

    Because NES games WERE hard. I remember when Super NES and Genesis came around and suddenly games felt easier. But it's not so much they were easier, just had better movement, better control, better designed stages and gameplay.

  12. 11 months ago

    I replayed Startropics recently and I have no idea how I beat that damned Ghost Tunnel as a 7 year old without any help.

  13. 11 months ago

    Here you go. You're welcome.

  14. 11 months ago

    chill man it isnt like you forgot how to use a door knob or forgot how to drive

    • 11 months ago

      Luckily there are no door knobs where I live.
      I’ve always been fascinated how something simple as a door can be so different depending where you are from.

      I also have to admit I hate door knobs because as far as I know there is only one way to open them.
      Door handles are fricking amazing. I open it with my elbow when I’m carrying something with both hands or I sometimes use it to hang stuff onto like when I’m taking a shower I hang my clothes on my door handle or when I don’t do that I sometimes hang my towel there when I’m getting dressed in my bed room and I’m too lazy to hang it up in the bathroom.
      Sometimes I feel sporty and I open doors with my feet because I want to feel like karate kid.
      I really like door handles and hate door knobs. Don’t even get me started on American windows.

      • 11 months ago

        okay your thread has now entered livejournal territory its time to cut it out

      • 11 months ago

        You can totally hang stuff on a doorknob. Also I wonder what kind of handle you're talking about that's so easy to manipulate with a foot... as anon said, we probably shouldn't talk at length about door hardware here since it's off topic, but I for one am interested in your thoughts about doors

      • 11 months ago

        >Don’t even get me started on American windows.
        what a bizarre thing to take exception to

  15. 11 months ago

    Young me beat tons of hard games but not through skill :DD

  16. 11 months ago

    I beat this as a kid without any problems.
    I'm really good at games now and came back to it after many years. I sucked at it, but I know if I were to spend more than an hour messing around with it and give it a real try, I would be good at it again. Give it you full attention, anon.

  17. 11 months ago

    just play more NES it's that simple

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