I game in a setting where magic and religion are the domains of women.

I game in a setting where magic and religion are the domains of women. So almost all leaders and influential people are women raised by the Sorceresses Academy or Council of Priestesses. How do I get people to understand that this isn’t just fetish material, but a legitimate setting to game in that I spent a long time building and that there’s nothing inherently wrong with the concept?

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  1. 3 months ago

    >How do I get people to understand that this isn’t just fetish materia
    Write a dry academic essay on why it is not and stating the specific ideas you wish to explore that requires the setting to be that way.

    • 3 months ago

      I would think in today’s progressive climate there would be acceptance of settings that explored the idea of a world where women are in charge. Historically men mostly got to rule countries, with some notable Queens here and there as exceptions, and religions are mostly run by men even if they have Goddesses. And if women are more magically inclined than men then it would makes sense in setting that they ended up in charge of things.

      • 3 months ago

        Monarchs are still largely male, alongside the non-magic military positions. Knightly orders are male dominated in contrast to magical organizations.

        You can directly correlate women's rights to infant mortality rates. Remember back in the day only one on five kids would reach age 5. Meaning a woman has to be constantly pregnant for ten years to get two children. And remember how deadly childbirth is then and now.

        If you got rid of the infant mortality of a setting in the same way people get rid of the rampant disease and lack of indoor plumbing then I have no reason to doubt that women's rights wouldn't be more advanced than in our timeline.

  2. 3 months ago

    >How do I [lie convincingly]?
    If I knew that I probably wouldn't be here.

  3. 3 months ago

    Refer them to the Wheel of Time series and be done with it.

    • 3 months ago

      That was one of my influences, though my setting is more generic fantasy.

    • 3 months ago

      Wheel of Time is a such a fetish bait toughbeit I'm sure the creator was jerking off while writing it

      • 3 months ago

        >tugs her braid
        >smooths her skirt
        >crosses her arms under her breasts

    • 3 months ago

      >How do I convince people this isn't a fetish thing?
      >Refer them to the wheel of time

      Lol, lmao even.

      • 3 months ago


        Refer them to the Wheel of Time series and be done with it.

        Of course, the interesting thing about wheel of time isn't that there are only female magic users, its the exploration of what happens when a world of exclusively female magic users has a sudden surge of male magic users.

  4. 3 months ago

    >How do I get people to understand that this isn’t just fetish material
    Just own it, there is nothing shameful about supremacy of women.

  5. 3 months ago

    If magic and religion are the exclusive domains of women, that doesn't mean almost all leaders and influential people would be women. Assuming your fantasy game still has conflict and warriors, men will naturally arise as leaders here if this is their domain. Probably the dominant and voluptuous women leaders would take strong, virile, masculine warrior men as chosen husbands and breeding stock, to unite and further the improvement of their society. That just seems like common sense and not at all fetishistic.

  6. 3 months ago


    I honestly refuse to believe this isn't OP and this post and the OP and the predictable ensuing shitposting isn't exactly why OP made this thread.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not the OP, but it's good to know my post btfoed you so hard you can only seethe and deflect.

  7. 3 months ago

    You better have manly kingdom of manly men who see witchcraft as abominable mutation, yet, aren't above using the witches as firewands or healbawds, torturing and breaking any that are capable of using the craft. Some get treated better by their handler, but mostly it's miserable existence. Secret unsactioned practice is punished by governmental witchhunters.

    • 3 months ago

      >prove it's not a fetish by including the opposite fetish as well!

      • 3 months ago

        It's not fetish, at least not mine, it's pretty much how mages get treated in Dragon age, by Qunari.

        >The world treats all mages with caution, but the Qunari are especially hard on their own. The strict and regimented treatment of Circle mages by the templars pales in comparison to that of the Saarebas by the Qunari. Whereas the Circle mages have relative freedom within their towers, Saarebas are seemingly prisoners within their own body, donning a set of heavy pauldrons with chains attached to them, perhaps to act as a form of leash, while their faces are hidden beneath a metal visor. In extreme cases their lips may be stitched together. If found practicing forbidden magic, their tongues are cut out to prevent them from corrupting others.
        >In Qunari society, a mage is never allowed to be alone, and must always be kept under watch by an Arvaarad. If Saarebas separate from their keeper, they must be slain, or commit suicide, according to the Qun. The chained armor the Saarebas are forced to wear can immobilize them through a device held by an Arvaarad. The Qunari also invented a mobile version of the magic-blocking device which makes mages unable to cast spells – it is in the form of a collar

        • 3 months ago

          >t's not fetish
          >it's pretty much how mages get treated in Dragon age, by Qunari
          We're talking Bioware here, it's 100% some gay writer's fetish and you know it.

  8. 3 months ago

    I had a setting once where all ''magic'' was just some eldritch nonsense beyond puny human understanding. The only way to obtain such powers was by merging your biology with an eldritch being/god and have their very DNA integrade with yours. In practise this meant getting impregnated and having the developing very-not-human child tamper the host mother via her placenta. Thus as a general rule only (extremely unhinged, batshit crazy women) were magicians among mankind.

    • 3 months ago

      It’s weird, but I like the originality anon.

    • 3 months ago

      >I want to be a magician!

  9. 3 months ago

    >I game
    I sincerely doubt it.

    • 3 months ago

      >I game
      No you don't. You must want to spam /tg/ with AI garbage for some incomprehensible reason.

      Fine I’ll post again and won’t delete this time. Pic from a Song of Blades and Heroes game in my setting. I mistakenly said Hordes of the Things in an earlier post, that’s another game I play from time to time. Sisters of Silence with alternate heads as lady paladins defeating a band of orc raiders. I can post plenty of pictures from my games.

      • 3 months ago

        Snek cult defeating beastmen invaders. Also Song of Blades and Heroes.

  10. 3 months ago


    >so they keep the magical bloodlines as pure as possible by selecting girls with the most magical ability and having them reproduce to continue producing strong sorceresses. It’s no issue for those with powerful magic make babies together.
    Oh right so it's a magical yuritopia. Are you angelanon, lol? This is ABSOLUTELY a fetish thing.

  11. 3 months ago


    Those are not lady paladins, those are sisters of silence.

  12. 3 months ago


    LMAO you actually ARE angelanon.

    I love your funny battle reports anon but you have to realise your vision of magical lesbianism as the ultimate society is completely and unignorably a fetish thing and not something you can force on other people.

    • 3 months ago

      I kind of want to have magical lesbianism pushed on me.

      • 3 months ago

        Angelanon has very obvious and particular kinks but they are a legit /tg/ oldgay and are provably not nogames, because they semi-frequently post battle reports here. I have no problem with them, just think we should be honest about the scenario they've worked up.

        They first came to some measure of infamy by repeatedly posting about an idyllic otherworldly setting which was all Regency era English ladies in magical manors protected by all powerful angels who looked like teenage Asian girls. There were no men and everyone was incredibly gay.

        • 3 months ago

          This has nothing to do with this thread.

          • 3 months ago

            Also OP I would encourage you to write books. There's almost certainly a market in lesbian wish fulfillment sci-fi/fantasy, even if it's a small one, and it would give you an avenue to express your more uninteractive ideas.

            It only has to do with this thread in that the person I'm talking about is OP


        • 3 months ago

          Well, everybody has their magical realm. I believe if it's that obvious to /tg/ then Angelanon's group already knows about her pissing trolls and tree of pee, and the Sorceresses Academy and Council of Priestesses wouldn't surprise them. Although personally I would prefer having original names for the professions, if there are no male sorcerors and priests, do we need to specify who the academy is for? We all know guys probably can't even read in the setting.

          • 3 months ago

            >We all know guys probably can't even read in the setting.
            It depends whether knowledge is inherently gatekept based on gender or just magical/political and social knowledge, I guess.

  13. 3 months ago

    By making it realistic, aka making the whole thing a complete nest of dysfunctional vipers.
    If you don't bring realistic details of how things actually work IRL than it's obviously just a fetish/personal fantasy.

    • 3 months ago

      just smokescreen it by throwing in a bunch of other obscure fetish bullshit.

      >By making it realistic, aka making the whole thing a complete nest of dysfunctional vipers.
      Wheel of Time did that and still didn't beat the magical realm allegations.

  14. 3 months ago

    it's fetish material.

  15. 3 months ago

    You can do a setting like this but you need to divide the gender roles in such a way that doesn't come across as fricking moronic or obviously fetish-bait. Warcraft night elves divide their society with the women as the huntresses and archers and priestesses, while males are druids and guardians of the homeland who spend much of their time dreaming and meditating while the women take care of the day to day hunting, but during times of war the men wake up from their burrows and come out to rip enemies to shreds as a giant fricking spellcasting bear. Nobody looks at this and thinks "oh this is clearly a sex thing" because that's not a totally suspension of disbelief ruining division of sexes and there's something equally important for the men to do and it's similar to real life animal behaviors like male lions sleeping 14 hours a day and fricking for the other 10 and only getting involved in serious conflicts or to defend their territory and pack. Female lions are the ones who spend 90 percent of their time hunting but nobody would argue that a male lion is emasculated.

    In your hypothetical setting, it doesn't pass the smell test and immediately reeks of fetish bullshit because you don't just have the women being the mages, they're ALSO the priestesses and ALSO the leaders? Come the frick on. Not even Drow society is that one-sided, at least they let the men be wizards.

    If the women were too busy with the church and being mages then men being the leaders of government and in charge of military matters that would be a more sensible division, you can't tell me these b***hes are busy studying magic AND being the heads of the church AND apparently still being the ones to raise and teach children AND now they're also in charge of government and civil and military leadership? Frick off.

    No shit when you make a society that's even more sexist than fricking DROW people assume it's a sex thing

    • 3 months ago

      It’s not sexist. If women could learn magic but men couldn’t, then it just makes sense that women would end up as the leaders. Men can still farm and trade, and build things, and be soldiers and sailors and all kinds of things, they just aren’t leaders. And not all women have magic abilities, it’s like 5% that have the talent to be sorceresses. Most women just live normal lives once they’ve been tested and found not to have powers.

      • 3 months ago

        If only 5% of women have magic then there should be plenty of male leaders

        • 3 months ago

          If magical ability is what determines status and only women can be magical then why would men get high status positions? If a nobleman argues with a noblewoman then she can just zap him with a lightning bolt. And magic could be used to enhance beauty so looks could play a role in status too.

          • 3 months ago

            >And magic could be used to enhance beauty so looks could play a role in status too.

            Hmm, yes, rational. Totally not fetish material to use magic to "enhance beauty."

        • 3 months ago

          If magical ability is what determines status and only women can be magical then why would men get high status positions? If a nobleman argues with a noblewoman then she can just zap him with a lightning bolt. And magic could be used to enhance beauty so looks could play a role in status too.

          You're making his argument for him, if it's only 5% of women that 5% would be viewed as a danger by everyone and either strictly controlled (no one wants to randomly eat a fireball because it's some angsty teenage girl's time of the month) or persecuted to an extent that makes IRL witch hunts look like a wholesome weekend BBQs.

          • 3 months ago

            How do you have a witch hunt for someone who can set the lynch mob on on fire with a few words?

            • 3 months ago

              Numbers will inevitably trump individual might.

            • 3 months ago

              Kill them in their sleep, backstab them, use anti-magic materials, poison their food, not to mention swinging a sword takes way less time than casting a spell.

              • 3 months ago

                Naw, it's too many. 1/40 people being inherently powerful? The entire society would have to be based around finding and capturing them. It's genuinely more reasonable to assume they'd just eventually get into power than a permanent inquisition witch hunt where a city would have thousands of them.

              • 3 months ago

                >1/40 people being inherently powerful?
                Without training their magic would be weak unless your setting isn't actually in a role-playing game (I know it isn't) and is just X-Men

        • 3 months ago

          It's only what, 10% of the male population that typically serves in the army during war? Any men too young, old, physically or mentally unfit get dismissed, likewise entire ethnic or religious groups in society were disbarred from military service for a lot of history.

          Yet somehow men still get entitled to rule the world.

      • 3 months ago

        Why does casting spells make you a capable leader?
        >because you can zap people who argue with you!
        Nah, that just makes you a psycho c**t unfit for society

  16. 3 months ago

    If your players want to interpret it as fetish material then that is on them.

  17. 3 months ago


    >capture witch
    >milk her daily
    >sell the mana potion
    You have the horror quest where the players discover the secrets of mana potion production right there.

    • 3 months ago

      It'll be the next SotDL

  18. 3 months ago

    > How do I get people to understand that this isn’t just fetish material,
    Dye your hair blue, become a troony, and insist this is the natural order of things.
    Boom, it's no longer fetish, it's a whole 'nother level of brain damage.

    >and that there’s nothing inherently wrong with the concept?
    Bro, you are severely fricked in the head if you don't see anything inherently sexist about this concept.
    Is sexism wrong? Then there's something inherently wrong here.
    >I game in a setting where magic and religion are the domains of women
    ...But why would anyone need that many sandwiches?

    • 3 months ago

      >decries concept as sexist
      >end comment with meme sexism
      Underrated post

      captcha: NKVD

    • 3 months ago

      Haha le trannies. haha le sandwich makers. Why would you take the time to type all that garbage?

      • 3 months ago

        To get that reaction, thanks 😉

  19. 3 months ago

    Just make them read your 400 page vaginofeudalism manifesto.

  20. 3 months ago

    Make the priestess mostly old(er) women. At least the head ones. And integrated to society.
    They operate much like female pastors IRL, and it's kinda of a mundane job than some mystical crap about miracles. I mean, maybe the religion has that, but you don't expect your franciscan friar to be "magical" or even a saint. Magic is low-key, and systemical (maybe some priestess are the equivalent of the medical profession, but it's not really otherworldly). Overall, professionalism and education - if you really want the bait-y thing about powerful men being educated by them as a rule, they're basically vegana-equipped Jesuits.
    And they don't really dress all that different from the equivalent social class (say, upper artisans and up): they especially don't dress like a hooker, if anything they tend to dress smart conservative.

  21. 3 months ago

    Just point at Wheel of Time.
    Or be honest why you made the decision.

    I made a world that's primarily populated by women (Having a child weighted far more heavily for having a girl over a boy) as a result of an edict laid upon the world after it's "Adam and Eve" had "Adam" go into a frenzy and slaughter the devil and then he was basically looking for any other devil creature to slaughter, and the god of the realm went "Oh shit that's a bit brutal, I'm going to make men rarer to try and force men to recognize their value and temper themselves to be knights, of fury, but also meekness, fully in both, not half of either." which resulted in men being made more "Precious", rarer, and then the way it unfolds into the rest of the world's development and how men deal with being rare, balanced with how society then progressed.

    Of course it's half fetish bait and I'm not going to pretend it's not, but there's also an honest and innocent part of it where it just examines such societies.

  22. 3 months ago

    >where magic and religion are the domains of women
    Is it because the gods themselves have decreed as such and only women can have magic powers? Because if men have the ability to use magic there is no way they would ever allow women to keep all that power to themselves.

    • 3 months ago

      A long time ago a Queen was blessed by the God of magic and became the first sorceress and since then only women have been able to use magic.

      Monarchs are still largely male, alongside the non-magic military positions. Knightly orders are male dominated in contrast to magical organizations.

      You can directly correlate women's rights to infant mortality rates. Remember back in the day only one on five kids would reach age 5. Meaning a woman has to be constantly pregnant for ten years to get two children. And remember how deadly childbirth is then and now.

      If you got rid of the infant mortality of a setting in the same way people get rid of the rampant disease and lack of indoor plumbing then I have no reason to doubt that women's rights wouldn't be more advanced than in our timeline.

      Why not have a sorceress queen? Being magic would be very importatnt for that role.

      • 3 months ago

        Same reason they said the Pope's not allowed to marry. People were worried about combining religious and secular order, and so they specifically forbid the clergy from marrying and taking the titles of Kings.

  23. 3 months ago

    Emphasize that there is an alternate half to this with politics or military academies being highly masculine.
    You can then go into the finer nuances of gender roles in a society with both.
    Address the fact that through holding the knowledge and spiritual hierarchy, you've made what is functionally a matriarchy, recognize it's conflicting neighboring cultures, and explore how they might see each other.

    That's how I did it.

    But also players will attribute anything to fetish material.
    Reality is, play it straight, play it direct, and give them a disappointed look if they bring it up.

  24. 3 months ago

    >I game
    No you don't. You must want to spam /tg/ with AI garbage for some incomprehensible reason.

  25. 3 months ago

    By not being a pussy and admiting that it's your fetish. In fact go one further.

    Women dominate magic and religion, men dominate the military and building mega-structures. Exagerate sexual dimorphism a little so that all the women have large breasts and broad hips, all the men are giga-chads.

    Magic relies on intuition and religion requires interpretation whereas military and architecture relies on hard facts and certainty.

    Don't halfarse it, lean into it.

    • 3 months ago

      Why though? Why can’t I do

      Idk man, in my settings literally everything important is done by men. Men are the wizards, the engineers, the politicians, the generals, the farmers, the academics, the physicians, the lawyers, the warriors, the builders, the alchemists, the soldiers, the priests, the merchants, the rulers and everything else.

      but for women? Why is one “normal” and the other “fetish”?

      • 3 months ago

        Because apart from wizards that's literally just real life you dingbat.

        • 3 months ago

          Maybe I want a fantasy setting and not real life.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah but then the question becomes why that particular fantasy. If you make your setting be male dominated, you can argue it's just "making it historically accurate", or "trying to make it realistic for it's time". So even if you actually just have a maledom fetish, you can hide it pretty well behind that. Likewise if you make a setting where men and women are more or less equal, well, that's the modern day status quo, so no one will pay attention to it, so if you have a, fricking, equality fetish, I guess, again, pretty easy to hide.
            But if you make a setting where women have all the power people are going to ask why. And most are going to assume femdom fetish.

      • 3 months ago

        Because men are smarter, stronger, more durable and more logical than women. Not to mention they don't go out of commission for 9 months every time they have sex.

        • 3 months ago

          >men are smarter and more logical than women

          Yeah but then the question becomes why that particular fantasy. If you make your setting be male dominated, you can argue it's just "making it historically accurate", or "trying to make it realistic for it's time". So even if you actually just have a maledom fetish, you can hide it pretty well behind that. Likewise if you make a setting where men and women are more or less equal, well, that's the modern day status quo, so no one will pay attention to it, so if you have a, fricking, equality fetish, I guess, again, pretty easy to hide.
          But if you make a setting where women have all the power people are going to ask why. And most are going to assume femdom fetish.

          If the other fantasies don’t require explanation then this one shouldn’t either. It’s just the lore and rules of the setting.

          • 3 months ago

            Black person if I made all the flowers in my setting be dicks shooting pollen like they'd shoot cum would I not need to explain that shit to people? You think people would look at that and NOT think it's a fetish?
            Some things you just have to explain. And femdom world is something you have to explain.
            It's true tho. Men are smarter and more rational than women, there's no denying that.

        • 3 months ago

          >men are smarter and more logical than women
          Meanwhile, most men literally go braindead and shut off critical thinking the moment they see a woman they want to frick or simp for.

  26. 3 months ago

    Idk man, in my settings literally everything important is done by men. Men are the wizards, the engineers, the politicians, the generals, the farmers, the academics, the physicians, the lawyers, the warriors, the builders, the alchemists, the soldiers, the priests, the merchants, the rulers and everything else.

  27. 3 months ago

    Start by accepting that it legitimately IS just fetish material and you've spent way too much time trying to justify it.

  28. 3 months ago

    See, there's nothing inherently wrong with the concept of doing a world where the roles of the biological sexes are reversed, but it just comes off as a fetish thing because it is almost certainly a fetish thing.
    It's like asking why a fantasy world where human males and females have been totally replaced by full package futanari(with a totally fleshed out and great lore reason!) or woman of greater power and ability in a setting having larger breasts, is seen as a fetish thing even though there's nothing inherently wrong with a fantasy world being full of hermaphrodites or magical power being stored in the boobies, but the reasoning when making such worlds is almost certainly is a fetish thing.

    Femdom role reversal world is just one of those things that just comes off as fetish, adding lore reasons for it doesn't make it seem less so. The people who have a problem with it and can't let it slide, like me, because they don't really enjoy it and its too noteable, simply won't play in your setting, but those who don't take issue with it or enjoy it will be lining up.

    The best thing you could do is not be self-conscious about it, if you're genuine about it being a non-fetish thing, you probably shouldn't even ask or mention this at all, just act as if this is just a normal fantasy world, but I think you're just fishing for feedback on your kinky setting because you're a kinky dude or dyke.

  29. 3 months ago

    It’s easy.
    Step 1) be a woman (female)
    Step 2) be straight

  30. 3 months ago

    You can give women all the superpowers you like and they still aren't going to be able to run or maintain a civilization. So zero

    • 3 months ago

      Yes they could and maybe this attitude is why there should be more settings like mine because shitty outdated attitudes are so common and need some pushback.

    • 3 months ago

      Honestly the main issues are a matter of how the female biology works with most glaring issue revolving around pregnancy itself. Having your replacement rates rely on someone being emotionally unstable and physically disabled for months automatically disqualifies them from many important positions in society.

      • 3 months ago

        They can reproduce with magic.

        • 3 months ago

          That is 100000% fetish shit bro c'mon

        • 3 months ago

          why are there men at all in this setting

          • 3 months ago

            Only like 5% of women have much magical ability and they are in charge of things and magic has limitations. Men are needed as regular laborers, artisans, merchants, and soldiers and stuff. Plus most women don’t have magical ability and live normal lives also.

            • 3 months ago

              But if magic women can reproduce magically why don't they just flood things out with magic women
              What's the point of soldiers when a magician can just zap a whole crowd dead with some words, like you said before?
              1 out of 40 people is alot of magic homies and they're capable of self-reproduction, I'm assuming they can just make more magic chicks. This should just be magical girl world.

              • 3 months ago

                >This should just be magical girl world.
                I’d be fine with just that, and maybe that’s the direction my setting’s world could be headed. But I’m sure people would call that fetish too.

              • 3 months ago

                >I’m sure people would call that fetish too
                It very obviously is and your constant "IT'S NOT A FETISH" whining makes it all the more blatant.

              • 3 months ago

                Yet I’m playing actual games in my setting while no-gamers complain about it being fetish. Maybe they are the problem.

              • 3 months ago

                Nobody cares about your solo ERP.

              • 3 months ago

                Wow so painting miniatures and playing tabletop games with terrain in an original setting and everything is just erp now. What is /tg/ even these days?

              • 3 months ago

                I think it’s more the pretentiousness of having a blatant fetish setting while trying to declare it not a fetish setting. Pretty much every lesbian dominated setting is fetish setting by default and it’s hard to argue against that.

              • 3 months ago

                Ever occur to you that maybe lesbians are human beings and not fetishes?!

              • 3 months ago

                they can be both
                but when i'm running a porn hub search i'm not expecting to see episodes of the ellen show

              • 3 months ago

                When are homosexuals people before fetishes?

              • 3 months ago

                Since when is 'wanting to frick women' a fetish?

    • 3 months ago

      This is sadly true. The main reason why we don't see any matriarchies is that women simply can't sustain a healthy society. Not to mention the physical advantages men have over women means that any matriarchy is simply going to be crushed.
      I feel magical powers wouldn't really change things that much. Unless EVERY woman had magic, they just can't get over that major hurdle. I think it's like 5% of women are magic-users, right? That's basically a drop in the bucket, you'll get a male-ruled world and their magical pets.

  31. 3 months ago

    I don't understand the question.

  32. 3 months ago
  33. 3 months ago

    >insane dyke tripgay makes thread without trip
    >immediately recognized for her distinct brand of dyke insanity
    >anons continue to engage with her anyway

    • 3 months ago

      I like her. I like anyone who actually plays games and talks about it on /tg/ even if they're a total nutso.

      • 3 months ago

        Just because he cut off his dick doesn't make OP a woman.

        • 3 months ago

          She's a biological woman and completely fricking insane.

  34. 3 months ago

    Competent female leaders is inherently a fetishistic premise

  35. 3 months ago

    Ok cool good to know /tg/ is just /LULZ/ now.

    • 3 months ago

      Do you understand we've had this thread 6,000 times already? The only people who respond are going to be invested in arguing for or against it because of their IRL views, and you will probably attract more of the against because of how Ganker works. What did you even want from this thread?

    • 3 months ago

      Yes, calling out someone's political wankery or literal wankery makes us /LULZ/ now. Put some effort into your bait.

    • 3 months ago


  36. 3 months ago

    >how do i get people to understand this is not fetish

    find people who aren't looking to borrow problems about it. stop worrying about other people's opinions, and provide examples of males in the setting betting magic or divine power through other and/or nefarious means

  37. 3 months ago

    I'm not saying it's your fetish.
    But whatever point you think you're making doesn't interest anyone but you.

  38. 3 months ago

    I have a magic b***h fetish and if I ever get confronted on it in my group, I'm not even going to deny the allegation. But it will never be a problem for me because there are more powerful male magicians and priests in my main setting, and I'm not overt about my magic b***h fetish with the characters I play in other campaigns.
    I just like women using magic or whatever equivalent power to get their way. Or at the very least, being capable of spreading magical bloodlines to their descendants.

  39. 3 months ago

    >How do I get people to understand that this isn’t just fetish material
    You don't

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