I get what they're trying to say but ultimately it rings hollow for me.

I get what they're trying to say but ultimately it rings hollow for me. I'd rather be alone than go through so much suffering just to be with other people. Being alone isn't that bad, depending on the type of person you are. It's really not the walking death a lot of people think it is.

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  1. 9 months ago

    hi adachi

  2. 9 months ago

    I had no idea you had internet in prison, Adachi

  3. 9 months ago

    The game was moreso about filling a role in society than about having friends though. The majority of your time is spent dealing with the problems of your friends, not dealing with adachi being a loner.

  4. 9 months ago

    Bitches and prostitutes

    Verification not required

  5. 9 months ago

    I think having relationships is important, but the game misuses Adachi. He’s wrong but he’s also right. His perspective is much more nuanced and mature than the main characters, and they do a HORRIBLE job of refuting him. They do the equivalent of calling him a loser incel and then they beat him up. Yukiko’s line where she says “Living is too painful for you, but you don’t wanna die? Of course no one would understand! It makes no sense!” Is one of the dumbest parts. They’re teens that legitimately don’t understand real pain and what it means to get older, but they’re the heroes.

    • 9 months ago

      >He’s wrong but he’s also right.
      >They’re teens that legitimately don’t understand real pain and what it means to get older, but they’re the heroes.
      This is why it's so good.

      • 9 months ago

        I like to think of them going through shit in their later years and having 3am epiphanies thinking "Damn. Maybe Adachi wasn't so crazy after all" or "Frick. Adachi was right" wrong but right is a good way to describe his character.

        • 9 months ago

          >p5 arena
          >have p4 cast as adult
          >every realised between p4-p5 that adachi was right
          >now theyre all like him

        • 9 months ago

          He's right but that doesn't really justify his actions and in fact, his actions seem more like an excuse as opposed to a real justification.
          Ultimately should people be free to lash out just because their life didn't go the way they wanted, and they remained to passive to do something about it?
          How does killing those two girls who don't even know his name actually improve Adachi's life in anyway.
          >Inb4 killing them wasn't wrong and is based,
          I could accept that if he didn't act so disingenuous about it.

    • 9 months ago

      You're literally moronic if you think adachi is nuanced, he stopped being a complex guy when he chose to murder two people

      • 9 months ago

        NTA but thats why he was missused. All arguments resolve in "youre a killer kys". the game doesnt even try to explain how he became like this, as if he was naturally born that way or something

        • 9 months ago

          >p5 arena
          >have p4 cast as adult
          >every realised between p4-p5 that adachi was right
          >now theyre all like him

          It's not quite that simple. Although they'll probably realize where he was coming from, they seem to have a more positive outlook on life and can become successful and content in what they do and are.

          • 9 months ago

            >they have that special ticket called talent

            • 9 months ago

              That's just how it is.

        • 9 months ago

          >the game doesnt even try to explain how he became like this, as if he was naturally born that way or something
          Did you think Mitsuo was just some guy?

        • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        Yes he’s a villain who does bad things, but that doesn’t invalidate the ideology of his character. He’s like a real person arguing with npcs at the end of the game. They HAVE to make him a killer who wants to destroy the fabric of reality to even justify beating him. There’s a disconnect between what the game wants you to think, and what it actually makes you think. It’s no fluke that people tend to sympathize with him.

        • 9 months ago

          He doesn't have an ideology, his entire being boils down to "dude i was supposed to be somebody, but turns out i'm just a nobody, this is so unfair"
          He gleefully gloats about how getting the power was his dreams come true because now he could stir shit and be entertained
          Those 2 or 3 quotes that get repeated here all the time have warped your perception of him to the point you've completely forgot what kinda character he actually was

          • 9 months ago

            >dude i was supposed to be somebody, but turns out i'm just a nobody, this is so unfair
            You're a moron. Adachi WAS somebody and his issue is that someone like him got sent to boonies which is a waste of his abilities. The designers created Adachi as "a talented individual and an elite detective before transferring to Inaba" and he proves that he's more than capable of handling things when Dojima got injured.

            • 9 months ago

              How about you go actually play the game again and see what he actually says, you fricking dumbass

              • 9 months ago

                I've played the game and he never says that he's supposed to be somebody big, moron.

              • 9 months ago

                When, 10 years ago? Because you clearly don't remember much

              • 9 months ago

                >moving goalposts

          • 9 months ago

            But he’s kinda right. The main characters are mostly all popular and well off teenagers who’s problems are really shallow. They’re talented and set for life, and the protagonist is a social butterfly that’s loved by everyone. Adachi isn’t 100% right about everything but he’s far more relatable. Not to mention how the devs literally make fun of the social outcast players with Mitsuo, an awful cartoonish strawman of a shut in. Adachi being more relatable is a symptom of how tone deaf the game is.

            • 9 months ago

              Adachi's problems were shallower than all of theirs, it wasn't really ever even about being wronged, his main problem was that life was boring and lame and he didn't just get to do whatever the frick he wanted

              • 9 months ago

                Adachi did his best to be successful and became jaded with society because his hard work didn’t amount to much. He’s wrong to want to just do whatever he wants and frick up the world, but the feeling is understandable from his point of view. It’s especially annoying when a bunch of popular, well-off and even famous brats try to tell him off. The message that friendship is important is true, and Adachi, as well as people like him, would be better off if they find happiness outside of societal success, but the game does a bad job of conveying this. I think 5 does a better job with making the characters outcasts, and calling attention to it when someone isn’t one like Makoto while still giving them realistic issues that are more grounded than “I’m so popular and loved and have a famous Inn to inherit, but I’m just not happy :,(“

            • 9 months ago

              >The main characters are mostly all popular and well off teenagers who’s problems are really shallow. They’re talented and set for life, and the protagonist is a social butterfly that’s loved by everyone.
              Yea like Chi-Oh wait
              Like Kan-Oh wai
              Like Yosu-Oh wait (For the love of god, his dad is just the store manager, not the CEO)
              Like Ri-Oh wait (Rise was very meek and bulllied hard before becoming an idol. She worked hard in order to improve herself.)
              Arguably the only ones that this apply to is Yukiko and Naoto, and in the formers case, her running her inn is kind of the problem, since she's essentially have to give up any dream about ever leaving Inaba for the rest of her life, and Naoto is a woman in Japan of all places who is trying to get ahead in the Japanese workforce. Where 90% of men want to treat them like glorified servants.

              It's not really a gotcha if you actually examine the context of the game.

              • 9 months ago

                Yosuke is a pretty boy who likes his job and has friends.
                Chie is normal girl who isn’t bullied, and is friends with the most popular girl in school.
                Yukiko is the most popular girl in school, and is set for life with a historic Inn.
                Kanji is the only real outcast, but his problem is a very simple teen thing that’s not that big of a deal.
                Rise is a 15 year old celebrity who’s set for life, as well as loved and adored. She worked hard, but she got lucky at a VERY young age. And is unable to relate to a failure like Adachi.
                Naoto is a minor celebrity that’s loved and adored as the detective prince, although her underlying issue is a real social problem that goes beyond teen drama.

              • 9 months ago

                >Yosuke is a pretty boy who likes his job and has friends.
                Don't be disingenuous. Yosuke definitely isn't popular. People hate him because of his dad's store. Do you not hear how he has to constantly beg you to help him out since few people want to work there out of spite? It seemed like Chie was arguably Yosuke's only friend and it seems they only really started talking when the investigations started.
                >Chie is normal girl who isn’t bullied.
                Chie protects Yukiko.
                >Kanji is the only real outcast, but his problem is a very simple teen thing that’s not that big of a deal.
                Simple teen thing? People think he's a homosexual. Especially in the Oughts. People have killed and died for shit like that. It's definitely somehting that men deal with even today.
                >Rise is a 15 year old celebrity who’s set for life
                Watch Oshi no Ko. The idol world is totally not worth it. Not to mention you basically have to hide dating any boy. It was probably easier back during a time when cameras weren't that great though.
                >but she got lucky at a VERY young age. And is unable to relate to a failure like Adachi.
                But she was just as much of a failure as him. Did she start off popular?
                >Naoto is a minor celebrity that’s loved and adored as the detective prince, although her underlying issue is a real social problem that goes beyond teen drama.
                Naoto is the only one I'd actually consider usefully talented.

              • 9 months ago

                Apparently can learn real martial arts moves from shitty kung fu movies and her tiny legs hit like a truck.
                Is a 15yo 6ft tall who beat up an entire gang of supposedly tough as nails bikers because their motorbikes distupted his mother's sleep. Is heir to the famous textile shop of Inaba and is very talented at being a tailor/seamstress.
                The entire running gag is his loaded enough that Chie always puts everything on his tab and he always pays when it's a "me and the boys" moment. Is able to get average scores by pulling all nighters without having studied beforehand. Has decent deduction instincts to the point he comes to the same points (all by himself) that Naoto came up with.
                Apparently is so cute and sexy that she doesn't even have to try and her manager has to beg her several times to return.

              • 9 months ago

                >Is a 15yo 6ft tall who beat up an entire gang of supposedly tough as nails bikers because their motorbikes distupted his mother's sleep. Is heir to the famous textile shop of Inaba and is very talented at being a tailor/seamstress.
                It doesn't matter if no one respects you, anon.
                >he entire running gag is his loaded enough that Chie always puts everything on his tab and he always pays when it's a "me and the boys" moment. Is able to get average scores by pulling all nighters without having studied beforehand. Has decent deduction instincts to the point he comes to the same points (all by himself) that Naoto came up with.
                So he's not moronic? How is this a talent? Average is about what you woudl expect for someone not studying.
                Did not help her before becoming an idol.

              • 9 months ago

                >It doesn't matter if no one respects you, anon.
                It's nothing special.
                >So he's not moronic? How is this a talent? Average is about what you woudl expect for someone not studying.
                Pulling all nighters on a subject you've never bothered to study and then getting average scores is the opposite of moronic. All nighters are a bad thing because you'll just exhaust your brain upon the information overload which results in your brain not even remembering half of what you "memorized". An average guy doing what Youske does for his exams should end up with shitty scores instead of average.

              • 9 months ago

                >It's nothing special.
                It's something everyone craves. It's at least half of the reason why most people even do anything. respect, props, accolades, in addition to fun/enjoyment.
                >Pulling all nighters on a subject you've never bothered to study it's not like he literally has no idea. He still goes to school and is forced to pay attention.
                Spending the last few nights really cramming information that you at least were presented with during class isn't an incredible feat.

              • 9 months ago

                >It's something everyone craves.
                No shit, that's why it's nothing special.
                >Spending the last few nights really cramming information
                Without proper sleep which fricks up your brain.
                >that you at least were presented with during class isn't an incredible feat.
                Did you miss the parts where he's shown to not even giving a frick about what goes on during lessons?
                Doesn't matter how much you cope, pulling all nighters and getting passable scores instead of failing IS a sign of high intelligence. For frick's sake Youske's detective work on his own is good enough to come to the same terms as the supposed gigadetective 9000IQ Naoto.

              • 9 months ago

                >Did you miss the parts where he's shown to not even giving a frick about what goes on during lessons?
                He still comes to class and is forced to hear the lesson. It would be completely different if he never comes to class and still passes.
                >For frick's sake Youske's detective work on his own is good enough to come to the same terms as the supposed gigadetective 9000IQ Naoto.
                Because his fricking crush died because of it. Yosuke was personally invested in the case. The entire reason you went back after the first time was because Yosuke begged you to.

        • 9 months ago

          >They HAVE to make him a killer who wants to destroy the fabric of reality
          Stop self inserting as him so hard and realize that lots of anons are buttholes who would definitely do what he did if there were no consequences.
          Lots of people take out their frustrations on other people. It's why bullies exist in the first place.

    • 9 months ago

      Go replay it, he isn't nuanced at all, he's a massive baby

    • 9 months ago

      At the end of the day, he still killed people. Sympathetic as he is, he did need to be stopped but his philosophy and outlook is liable to have an effect on the investigation team in their futures. You can live life strongly, but optimism cant be forever upheld. It breaks eventually

    • 9 months ago

      >hey’re teens that legitimately don’t understand real pain
      Didn't Yosuke's crush fricking die, and then he found out that she always thought he was a loser?
      What exactly in Adachi's life comes close to that?

    • 9 months ago

      The only thing he's wrong about is thinking that getting dealt a bad hand is justification for unleashing demons on the world and turning everyone schizophrenic.

      >hey’re teens that legitimately don’t understand real pain
      Didn't Yosuke's crush fricking die, and then he found out that she always thought he was a loser?
      What exactly in Adachi's life comes close to that?

      How about spending your entire life working yourself half to death, first in school then at your job, then getting demoted and having your prospects ruined over one mistake? A short-lived teenage crush that was never going to go anywhere doesn't really measure up to a couple decades of hard work being rendered moot and being denied a future. The irony is that if not for the MC, Yosuke wouldn't have ended up any differently than Adachi.

      • 9 months ago

        >How about spending your entire life working yourself half to death, first in school then at your job, then getting demoted and having your prospects ruined over one mistake?
        You don't know what the context of the mistake is. For all you know he could have raped someone, just as what he was going to do to Yameno before she fell in the tv.
        >A short-lived teenage crush that was never going to go anywhere doesn't really measure up to a couple decades of hard work being rendered moot and being denied a future.
        Dude he's only 27. At least until he's like 18 everyone else was working just as hard (it is Japan after all) perhaps if he actually took his job seriously now he could get a recommendation from Dojima to a better position.

      • 9 months ago

        >A short-lived teenage crush that was never going to go anywhere
        She was fricking ripped apart. Nobody would ever get over something like that.

  6. 9 months ago
  7. 9 months ago

    i like p4 but adachi sadly feels so rushed, especially disappointing after the kino ending of p3. What is he supposed to show me? That if i dont frick b***hes in highschool imma become a psychopath? All i see is a burntout wage slave who gave up. Game doesnt even try to give him empathy because of the murderers, so all disscusion with him is just "lel kys homosexual" idk p4 is really fun but the story is kinda lacking

  8. 9 months ago

    >vine boom

  9. 9 months ago

    Remember, Adachi is Matsuda from Death Note. He killed Light Yagami, the same one who inspired the Persona 4 main character. Adachi is the most important character after all, the most human and least anime-like.

  10. 9 months ago

    I really need to get around to playing this. People still talk about Adachi after all this time, so he must be an interesting villain.

    • 9 months ago

      Not really, but there's great potential inside him and what little time he has he spends throwing some real zingers at you and anyone who is older than 16 will be capable of relating to him and his rage against the world.

    • 9 months ago

      have fun anon, game is cool and he is kino if youre older than 12

    • 9 months ago

      Game is pretty kino, you should really play it.

    • 9 months ago

      He really is. Nobody talks about Shidou or Pancake man really (besides Fujos I guess), but Adachi really is a dude who sticks with you.

    • 9 months ago

      The pancake detective is such a massive downgrade compared to adachi.

  11. 9 months ago

    Do Japs really think living in a small cozy countryside town is some kind of miserable fate?

    • 9 months ago

      Yes and no, as far as I know. According to what I've inferred and read, the countryside has a very important place in their hearts, so much so that they can be envious to people who have actual relatives there they can visit during the summers and other holidays. Still, mainstream Japanese culture is obviously very urbanized these days, and people probably don't want to let go of job opportunities, entertainment, luxuries and other benefits city life offers.

  12. 9 months ago
  13. 9 months ago

    the problem with the shitsona series is that the real world doesn't work like that. people are shitty. you don't have real friends if you don't grow up with them.

  14. 9 months ago
  15. 9 months ago

    >Adachi is le evil… because he is!
    Bravo IT

  16. 9 months ago

    Have sex.

  17. 9 months ago

    Persona is targetted at NEETs and hikkis but ironically normalhomosexuals love it most.
    My theory is because it makes NEETs and hikkis feel shitty or alienated about their position while giving normalgays an ego boost that they have friends so must be an accomplished person as defined by Persona logic.

  18. 9 months ago

    For the last time, the problem isn't with people who prefer to be alone; the problem is someone who lies about loneliness being preferable while holding a deepseated grudge and hatred for non-lonely people and lash out against them.

    Particularly murdering them for not being a fricking prostitute and cheating on their spouses or putting out for you before the first date.

    • 9 months ago

      >the problem is someone who lies about loneliness being preferable while holding a deepseated grudge and hatred for non-lonely people and lash out against them.
      Eh, frick them. I don't owe them a thing and they offer me nothing of value, so I'll prey on them.

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Which is fine. it's just obnoxious to then go "Woe is me, why am I so unhappy and sad? I had no choice but to kill!!!"

  19. 9 months ago

    This is way too impulsive though. You’re isolating yourself because relationships can feel painful emotionally which obviously isn’t worth it in the long run
    Not saying you should accept abuse but two truths can exist here

    • 9 months ago

      >You’re isolating yourself because relationships can feel painful emotionally
      It's almost constant social cringe, people disappointing you, rejection and pain though. The few bright moments are overshadowed by the mountain of shit you get piled on you every time you interact with someone.

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