I had a weird dream about the Lunatic Pandora from FF8 last night.

I had a weird dream about the Lunatic Pandora from FF8 last night.

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  1. 12 months ago

    I love this image. Was just thinking about it yesterday or the day before. Going to maybe try building it in minecraft. Maybe!
    Might watch a LP of FF8 later too

  2. 12 months ago

    FFVIII's plot feels like a bunch of ad libs.

    • 12 months ago

      you know, I miss that sort of plotting in games
      we were approaching cinematic and figuring out how to set the mood and tone of games back then.

      ff8 has got dialogue, but most everyone says as little as they have to so you get some characterization. it's kind of refreshing, because then you are back in the gameplay.

      even the 'love story' that I read so much about in reviews back in 1998 isnt even a love story per se, it's all actions, and most of the actions you as a player take. you dont watch a huge cutscene with a bunch of characterization, cutscenes are a treat, you just enjoy them, no dialogue, then you return to a battle.

      theres something nice about that sort of pacing to me. I just miss how playstation games were paced in general really. not tons of fat. just really tried to give you a game and show you something new when they could.

      • 12 months ago

        People complained about how long cutscenes were even back then. Fricking gameplay gays can't sit back and smell the roses

  3. 12 months ago

    When I was young I always thought it was called the Lunatic Pandora because Seifer was loony and because using it meant you had to be at least a little bit nuts. Only later did I realize it was the LUNAtic Pandora and the name was a direct reference to the moon. Being an ESL sucks.

    • 12 months ago

      >Being an ESL sucks.
      Plenty of native speakers wouldn't have realized it.

    • 12 months ago

      Lunacy is called that because they used to think it was caused by the moon

      It's a Pandora's Box that will unleash great evil on the world, from the moon, such that only someone insane would ever purposely do it

    • 12 months ago

      Being ESL is awesome, it means you aren't from a British colony, which is a huge win if you're not from a third world country.

  4. 12 months ago

    This part wasn't long after they sent Squall into space in a space coffin or something like that. And this thing looks like the space coffin. I thought Squall had become giant.

  5. 12 months ago

    *Also, what's your dream, anon? Qrd?

    • 12 months ago

      I dreamed I was wondering it's icy halls all by myself, and that the weird alien music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ok1hpjJimGo) played at an insanely low volume in the background. Like you could barely hear it but the highs of the song were just barely audible. The entire place felt like a labyrinth and I was completely alone.

      The only thing that kept me company beyond the music (if you could call that "company") was some scratched writings here and there into the icy walls and floors. Despite me thinking the walls were icy it was never cold inside the structure. I don't remember what I was wearing but remember never feeling any unpleasant temperature.

      The writings themselves didn't say anything profound. I only remember a few of them and they looked like they'd been carved into the ice in a hurry. It was stuff like "I've been here too long." and "Didn't I come here last night?" and stuff like that.

      • 12 months ago

        Wandering. Sorry, just woke up.

      • 12 months ago

        Wandering. Sorry, just woke up.

        I see. That's interesting. You should feel lucky to have visited.
        Also the walls and main body of the structure are made from crystal, not ice. So it would make sense it wasn't terribly cold.
        You probably knew that deep down, or perhaps you were really there, in an alternate reality, experiencing it first hand. i like to believe it's possible.

        • 12 months ago

          That's a romantic interpretation. I might have known that it was crystal in the back on my mind somewhere, yeah. It was an interesting dream.

          Also there were no monsters or anything there and despite it's labyrinthine feel it never felt like a direct nightmare. Like I wasn't scared as I walked the halls. Even the quick jottings on the walls never felt ominous, they felt like travelers notes of other people who had visited and gotten as lost as I was. I never managed to reach the technical side of the structure in my dreams so I never got to explore that part (but that kinda makes sense considering how massive the structure is canonically).

          Thanks for listening Anon.

          • 12 months ago

            Thanks for sharing.

        • 12 months ago

          Have you ever briefly woken up from a dream into the wrong reality before?

      • 12 months ago

        Maybe you wrote the scratchings yourself and you've been in that dream before?

        I read a theory that a lot of people have reoccurring dreams they don't remember.

      • 12 months ago

        Lunatic Pandora wasn't made out of ice though. The structure was build to move around a giant crystal. Esthar planned to use that crystal to launch Lunar cry on Galbadia during Sorceress war if I remember correctly.

  6. 12 months ago

    Loregays, where did the Lunatic Pandora come from? Is it ever explained how Seifer found it and started rolling around in it?

    • 12 months ago

      >Is it ever explained how Seifer found it
      Esthar were digging it up during the war with Galbadia. There's a whole Laguna dream decidated to trying to stop them that lets you unlock a bunch of shit when you go there as Squall. The Centra probably built it, same as the Gardens.

      • 12 months ago

        Rare Digits checked!
        From the wiki:
        According to the Final Fantasy VIII Ultimania, the Crystal Pillar fell on earth from the moon during the Lunar Cry that destroyed Centra decades ago that left behind the massive crater that makes up most of the modern Centra continent. The pillar lay buried beneath the soil to be discovered by the citizens of Esthar during the Sorceress War. During the time, Estharians was excavating the pillar and Laguna and his party were sent to investigate, though they could not fathom its purpose or origin.

        >The Lunatic Pandora was once designed by a scientist named Dr. Odine under Sorceress Adel's command during her reign of terror as the tyrannical empress intends to use it as a weapon in the ongoing Sorceress War. The casing was built around the pillar to move it to Esthar, and the structure became known as the Lunatic Pandora. During his time in the Vienne Mountains filming a movie, Laguna glimpsed the Lunatic Pandora hovering in the distance, musing of its significance. When Squall Leonhart's SeeD party gains access to the mobile Balamb Garden, they can discover a crater on the mountain preventing access to the country of Esthar. The Ultimania confirms the crater was formed by a Lunar Cry the people of Esthar induced by bringing the Lunatic Pandora to the region, perhaps to test its power.

        An enclosure for Crystal Pillar made by Esthar. 3 miles tall and 1.5 miles wide, the enormous enclosure boasts a high-tech facility. It floats by causing a reaction with the Crystal Pillar. A stone from the moon is sealed inside. It was probably built to cause the Lunar Cry through artificial means. „
        ~ A FFVIII Info Corner (about the Lunatic Pandora).

        The Lunatic Pandora (in Japanese: ルナティックパンドラ, Runatikku Pandora) is a colossal structure that can induce the Lunar Cry and a location in Final Fantasy VIII. The Lunatic Pandora encompasses the Crystal Pillar and the casing built around it to make it mobile.

        The structure is first introduced in a Laguna dream sequence where Laguna, Kiros and Ward pass through the Centra Excavation Site, which would later become the Lunatic Pandora. Depending on the things the player does as Laguna, different items become available for the later visit with Squall.

        The Lunatic Pandora consists of two parts: the Crystal Pillar interior, with labyrinthine tunnels that run throughout; and the surrounding case, a large, semi-rectangular structure built around the pillar made of a dark material, most likely a type of metal. It can be assumed that the people of Esthar constructed the case, since the nation's emblem is prominent on the structure's side.

        Final Fantasy 8's bizarre lore is always fascinating to read. I feel the game does such a perfect job giving the player enough incentive to explore but always keeping the feeling of mystery. I wish they'd make games like this more.

        • 12 months ago

          >I feel the game does such a perfect job giving the player enough incentive to explore but always keeping the feeling of mystery. I wish they'd make games like this more.
          Well said! That's more or less how I feel as well. So much Grand Music too...
          I dread what a remake may ruin, but I love the ideas and execution of the original. So, whatever happens I always have that.

        • 12 months ago

          That's an interesting way to say they made a bunch of shit up that sounded cool without putting any actual thought into any of it.

          • 12 months ago

            >made a bunch of shit up that sounded cool without putting any actual thought into any of it
            I'd argue it's the other way around. They made up a bunch of cool shit and at some point the writers spent too long in a room and thought TOO MUCH about it to the point where some of this stuff requires you to pay way too much attention to details and dialogue to make sense of it. It almost becomes impenetrable unless you have the writers mindset which is why FF8 threads tend to turn into lore threads rather than gameplay threads pretty quickly.

            • 12 months ago

              >I'd argue it's the other way around. They made up a bunch of cool shit and at some point the writers spent too long in a room and thought TOO MUCH about it to the point where some of this stuff requires you to pay way too much attention to details and dialogue to make sense of it
              No, they just didn't put much thought into anything outside of the Laguna flashbacks is all. Everything else was an afterthought that took a backseat to the romance plot. "Lore threads" for FFVIII are a bunch of headcanon and things that people think were 500 IQ because the game didn't explicitly spell them out for you in bold letters and instead just "hinted" (read: explained to you directly in every other possible way) at

            • 12 months ago

              I think you're right. writers want their stuff to be known so they put situations in the game that explain certain sections, so that if you piece fhose sections together, bam, you get the lore

              but that serves the lore, not necessarily the story

              the story is about the protagonists and their journey, not your journey as an autist who has to know every little thing

              in a certain sense, that's what's nice about final fantasy games. you get in, get out.

              hopefully square does a modern game. i loved their take on New York with parasite eve.

          • 12 months ago

            eh, look where we're at these days
            it's lore lore lore lore lore lore lore
            tvs movies games
            lore for lore's sake destroys storytelling and kills wanderlust needed for adventure

            you also dont run into politics when you just throw in cool stuff, because cool stuff isn't tied to anything outside of itself.

    • 12 months ago

      Rare Digits checked!
      From the wiki:
      According to the Final Fantasy VIII Ultimania, the Crystal Pillar fell on earth from the moon during the Lunar Cry that destroyed Centra decades ago that left behind the massive crater that makes up most of the modern Centra continent. The pillar lay buried beneath the soil to be discovered by the citizens of Esthar during the Sorceress War. During the time, Estharians was excavating the pillar and Laguna and his party were sent to investigate, though they could not fathom its purpose or origin.

      >The Lunatic Pandora was once designed by a scientist named Dr. Odine under Sorceress Adel's command during her reign of terror as the tyrannical empress intends to use it as a weapon in the ongoing Sorceress War. The casing was built around the pillar to move it to Esthar, and the structure became known as the Lunatic Pandora. During his time in the Vienne Mountains filming a movie, Laguna glimpsed the Lunatic Pandora hovering in the distance, musing of its significance. When Squall Leonhart's SeeD party gains access to the mobile Balamb Garden, they can discover a crater on the mountain preventing access to the country of Esthar. The Ultimania confirms the crater was formed by a Lunar Cry the people of Esthar induced by bringing the Lunatic Pandora to the region, perhaps to test its power.

    • 12 months ago

      An enclosure for Crystal Pillar made by Esthar. 3 miles tall and 1.5 miles wide, the enormous enclosure boasts a high-tech facility. It floats by causing a reaction with the Crystal Pillar. A stone from the moon is sealed inside. It was probably built to cause the Lunar Cry through artificial means. „
      ~ A FFVIII Info Corner (about the Lunatic Pandora).

      The Lunatic Pandora (in Japanese: ルナティックパンドラ, Runatikku Pandora) is a colossal structure that can induce the Lunar Cry and a location in Final Fantasy VIII. The Lunatic Pandora encompasses the Crystal Pillar and the casing built around it to make it mobile.

      The structure is first introduced in a Laguna dream sequence where Laguna, Kiros and Ward pass through the Centra Excavation Site, which would later become the Lunatic Pandora. Depending on the things the player does as Laguna, different items become available for the later visit with Squall.

      The Lunatic Pandora consists of two parts: the Crystal Pillar interior, with labyrinthine tunnels that run throughout; and the surrounding case, a large, semi-rectangular structure built around the pillar made of a dark material, most likely a type of metal. It can be assumed that the people of Esthar constructed the case, since the nation's emblem is prominent on the structure's side.

    • 12 months ago

      It's the crystal tower
      Hyne is also a reference to FF3

      • 12 months ago

        Thus they are the same world? Then something is the remains of the floating continent.

        • 12 months ago

          It's A crystalline tower. The importance of Hyne in 8 would be far greater than he had in 3 or even 14 if they were supposed to be the same people. It's moreso nods to 3 the same way 9 has massive nods to 1 and 4

    • 12 months ago

      The Lunatic Pandora is a relic from the Centra civilization on the continent south of Esthar.
      During the Laguna dream #2, you see Esthar excavating it, and it's sideways while you run around inside it, and you can unlock stuff for later when Squall goes inside it.
      You know the big crater on Centra? That was a Lunar Cry that destroyed that civilization like 100+ years before the game, and was caused by the Lunatic Pandora calling down a Crystal Pillar from the moon.
      you can see the pillar inside the ship here:

      *Also, what's your dream, anon? Qrd?

      During the Laguna movie filming sequence, you can also see the Pandora floating around, and if you go to the map as Squall, there is a fairly fresh crater cutting off the only land route into Esthar. They were out there testing it that day and caused a small Lunar Cry that made that crater.

      FF8 get a lot of flak for its weird story that seems to come from nowhere, but there is actually a lot of set up and support for stuff that happens, but it's all hidden in the environment or in weird NPC dialogue or the fricking computer terminal at your desk in the classroom that has Selphie's webpage that updates every time you get a new Timber Maniacs magazine.

  7. 12 months ago

    Why can't I have cool dreams about exploring vidya locations? I just dream of embarassing shit. Did you play it right before bed or something?

    • 12 months ago

      Nah, I haven't played FF8 in years (I might have to replay it though). Although it is one of my favorite games in terms of aesthetics so it's no wonder it stuck in my brain for so long.

      • 12 months ago

        I'm actually replaying FF8 now. Modded the remastared versions backgrounds to not look like shit, and it feels really fresh since I haven't played it in about 10 years. One of my favorites, though. It has such a unique atmosphere, and the scene where Seifer kills Odin is ingrained in my memory. I always wished youd get to recruit him by making certain choices, like how you could get Magus in Chrono Trigger.

        • 12 months ago

          I can't stomach the remastered version myself. I don't think any of the additions are good at all. The steam version with the chocobo minigame seems to me to be the definitive version.

          • 12 months ago

            The Remaster does look like shit, dude. That's why I used mods. It's actually insane they released it like that, but it's SE so I shouldn't be surprised. I do love the 3x speed modifier, though, but I wish it gave you more options like 2x or 4x. I don't want to play PS1 JRPGs at normal speed.

            You can make the remaster look quite nice if you mod it enough.

            All I used were the Mcindus AI upscale mods. I don't want to deviate from the actual game since it's been forever since I played it.

        • 12 months ago

          You can make the remaster look quite nice if you mod it enough.

          • 12 months ago

            >Many Mods
            >doesn't list mods used

  8. 12 months ago

    Esthar is Kazakhstan.

    Change my mind.

  9. 12 months ago

    >there is a crystal in FF8
    >you just can't see it because it's carried around in a giant metal shell
    I love how FF8 was actually subtle about this stuff. Had it been any other FF game I feel they would have made a big deal about how it was a divine crystal and how it was the centerpiece of the entire story and how important it was, but in FF8 you're barely even told what it is and you just kinda have to realize that no this thing isn't a big block of ice. Even the characters barely know what the frick is going on. You are expected to put it together yourself that what you're seeing here isn't a mining operation, it's an excavation.

  10. 12 months ago

    Honestly the story kind of falls apart around here. I mean, what the frick even was this thing? Seriously I don't get it

    • 12 months ago

      It is a massive city-sized crystal that the ruling sorceress wanted to dig out of the ground. Adel actually wanted the Lunar Cry to happen and was willing to force it if she had to. By digging out the crystal, as seen in

      >there is a crystal in FF8
      >you just can't see it because it's carried around in a giant metal shell
      I love how FF8 was actually subtle about this stuff. Had it been any other FF game I feel they would have made a big deal about how it was a divine crystal and how it was the centerpiece of the entire story and how important it was, but in FF8 you're barely even told what it is and you just kinda have to realize that no this thing isn't a big block of ice. Even the characters barely know what the frick is going on. You are expected to put it together yourself that what you're seeing here isn't a mining operation, it's an excavation.

      she could encase it and move around in her flying behemoth metal shell. FF8 is a weird game but kinda makes more sense the more you think about it.

      • 12 months ago

        >FF8 is a weird game but kinda makes more sense the more you think about it
        I find most shonen anime plots stop making sense the more you think about them.

    • 12 months ago

      >moon is actually just a giant ball of monsters
      >they attack anything that sends out frequencies like the tv tower
      >time traveling sorceress who wants to compress time builds giant crystal tower that can create all sorts of frequencies, light based, sounds based, you name it so she can make the moon send a bunch of monsters and attack people who might not want to be time compressed

      • 12 months ago

        why wouldn't anyone want to be time compressed
        there was literally no downside

        • 12 months ago

          except everyone being dead

          • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >they attack anything that sends out frequencies like the tv tower
        The radio tower in Dollet was shut down when Laguna put Adel into orbit and her prison fricked with radio signals across the globe

      • 12 months ago

        The entire "using moon monsters" thing always came across as a Resident Evil solution to me. Your entire planet is filled with nothing but mercenary schools that take money for jobs. How hard would it really be to just buy all of them and make them your centralized army for """peace keeping""" purposes?

        There again Adele did fall to Laguna, of all people, so maybe she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

        • 12 months ago

          SeeD was established after the Esthar War dummy

          Specifically to be an Anti-Sorceress fight force because of the closed time loop

        • 12 months ago

          Are you forgetting how a majority of these establishments have their own units SeeD who are trained specifically to murder you? They are even given godlike powers, guardian forces, that give them access to super powers and other memeshit and they pretty much live to exterminate sorceresses.
          My point is that this is probably not an easy sell.

        • 12 months ago

          Well, she is a Gigas

          Why not just launch them into deep space?

          It is implied that the sorceress is a kinda anchor for magic in the world. Or however Hyne set it up. Like how the Zohar was the source in Xenogears

        • 12 months ago

          >moon is actually just a giant ball of monsters
          >they attack anything that sends out frequencies like the tv tower
          >time traveling sorceress who wants to compress time builds giant crystal tower that can create all sorts of frequencies, light based, sounds based, you name it so she can make the moon send a bunch of monsters and attack people who might not want to be time compressed

          >Despite being temperate and habitable, the jungles of Dxun posed major challenges for its inhabitants. Due to its constant rains and wet climate, mechanical devices did not last long and required continuous maintenance. Moreover, the jungles were inhabited by many dangerous predators such as bomas, cannoks, drexls, maalraas, skreevs, and zakkegs, forcing the moon's inhabitants to be armed at all times.

          >Though considered a moon of Onderon, Dxun and Onderon were almost sister planets. They were so close to one another that it was only a short shuttle ride between them, and they even shared a bit of the same atmosphere. Every year, during Dxun's summer season, the atmospheres of Onderon and Dxun would connect. This allowed the vicious drexls to wander and settle on Onderon, laying the foundations for the Beast Wars.

          Always thought the Lunar Cry stuff was real similar to this Star Wars:Tales of the Jedi comic storyline from 1993-95. I think you actually go there in KOTOR 2 but Im not sure if they use any of this as a plot point?

          • 12 months ago

            haha I thought they just wanted to explain reusing enemies with this

            • 12 months ago

              apparently Im not the only one who thought this, but I never found any confirmation of this before

              • 12 months ago

                FF in general has always lifted concepts from Star Wars and been full of references to it.

              • 12 months ago

                Iirc, SW is what inspired most everyone at Square to do FF. Recall that they did whole assortments of games prior, the one most noted for was Rad Racer.

        • 12 months ago

          SeeD wasn't meant to be a political para-military. It was designed to kill any sorceress that would get the dumb idea of starting another conquest. The mercenary thing was just a cover-up to find sorceresses more easily. The real stupid thing is that this occurs often enough to have three heavily arm military academies.

          • 12 months ago

            Not really that stupid if you think about Ultimecias plans. She wants to find Ellone so that she can time-rape everything, and to do that the effectively the best thing to do is to seize power and start the man hunt. If only these homosexual SeeDs would stop killing all her vessels that'd be fricking swell.

          • 12 months ago

            Again, SeeD was formed after the war with Esthar and only because Squall goes back in time to give Cid the idea

            SeeD and Garden are barely 10 years old

  11. 12 months ago

    What was being researched at the underwater base where you fight Ultima Weapon?

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Ultima Weapon

    • 12 months ago

      The civilization that existed even before Centra. The age of Hyne basically. ALL FF have somewhere in the arching plot the basis that the current world is the remains of a Golden Age that learned that hubris is greater than any means to overcome...that hubris. Basically, Atlantis. "We were great but something caused us to shit the bed, now we are here"

    • 12 months ago

      They were researching drawing and searching for an extremely powerful draw point/gf
      They found Eden/Ultima Weapon

  12. 12 months ago

    I always thought putting Adele in orbit was kinda clever. If a sorceress can and will pass on their power, then who knows, maybe killing them "forcefully" transfers that power so it might be good to keep them alive but out of reach and out commission. That way they can't pass along shit and they won't die either so that power is now locked into a nice vacuum where she can't hurt anyone. The idea is surprisingly solid, and yeah it might have been unbelievably cruel if Adele was a good person, but she's not, she's insane so frick her let's lock her up in space. If they'd dumped Edea and Rinoa into a similar situation they might have been rid of the entire "sorcerer problem" all together.

    • 12 months ago

      Why not just launch them into deep space?

      • 12 months ago

        Because it would suck if they hit a sun, or an asteroid or something and died. Then the power might be reborn in someone else on Earth and we'd be back to the same problem.

        Better keep these b***hes locked up somewhere they can't do shit but also somewhere where we know where they are.

    • 12 months ago

      Edea inherited the Sorceress Power from Ultimecia, in the future. Rinoa inherits it from Adel. Without these three women there would inevitably be another Sorceress at some stage.

      Why not just launch them into deep space?

      Presumably the power of Hyne refuse to/cannot be removed from the world entirely.

      • 12 months ago

        Exactly, so we don't kill them. We keep them alive in a vacuum, far away from prying hands and other morons. Sustain their shitty lives but just barely and keep them locked far far away.

        I know this is cruel to Rinoa, who essentially did nothing wrong, but come on. Also might have to send Ellone up there too, which would be unfortunate, but some sacrifices have to be made.

        • 12 months ago

          There will always be another Sorceress as long as human women exist

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah but we don't have to deal with them if they're in stasis. If, in our world, all women had the potential to be born with nuclear bombs in their chests that could casually wipe out all existence that shit would be checked at birth and they'd be sent to Alcatraz.

            • 12 months ago

              >Yeah but we don't have to deal with them if they're in stasis.
              Except when one sorceress has a really good day and starts discovering or freeing other sorceresses, which is the exact plot of FF8.

              Well yeah, but breaking the tomb would be borderline impossible if there is only one intergalactic launch site which was in Esthar and it was exclusively used to maintain the cages. If my plan was to work, there would have to be some international committee that existed solely to make sure no other space craft or space stations were ever built and doing so would be met with swift and heavy punishment.

              Also, turn off the fricking screen. Take it down if you have to or just put a big carpet over the screen. Every state on the planet would want to keep these c**ts in check so even the slightest hint of pro-sorceress behavior would lead to public execution in pretty much every country.

              All this sounds insanely authoritarian, I know, but if it's literally that or extinction I think most people would get on board.

              >make sure no other space craft or space stations were ever built and doing so would be met with swift and heavy punishment.
              This only works so long as a new sorceress never gains so much power that she can take over a government to start a global conflict with the goal of gaining space travel; which is exactly what happens in the plot of FF8.

              Passing the buck for the problem of sorceresses only works for a few generations. Eventually you gotta start just putting them down and hoping the next one isn't a c**t.

              • 12 months ago

                >Eventually you gotta start just putting them down and hoping the next one isn't a c**t.
                Maybe, but as long as Ultimecia exists they'll all be c**ts because she'll just control them all, rise to power, start a few wars and look for the Ellone chick.

              • 12 months ago

                The plot of FF8 is a Sorceress from the far future exploiting time travel to get around the There Is Literally Only One Sorceress rule. Nobody is prepared for that because it's not meant to be physically possible for it to occur. I'm pretty sure the entire point of going to space to check on Adel is to make sure she hasn't died or somehow escaped containment and passed the power to Edea without anyone knowing.

                Most of the story Ultimecia is a theory of only a few people. They really have no way to verify she even exists without killing Adel and seeing if time is compressed. All they know is the sorceresses keep showing up and being c**ts. The logical conclusion is they were wrong about the "only one" rule and they just gotta keep killing them. In the context of the story, it's crazy that people were right about Ultimecia.

              • 12 months ago

                The plot of FF8 is a Sorceress from the far future exploiting time travel to get around the There Is Literally Only One Sorceress rule. Nobody is prepared for that because it's not meant to be physically possible for it to occur. I'm pretty sure the entire point of going to space to check on Adel is to make sure she hasn't died or somehow escaped containment and passed the power to Edea without anyone knowing.

        • 12 months ago

          >Also might have to send Ellone up there too, which would be unfortunate, but some sacrifices have to be made.
          If cruelty is on the table, it might literally be better to just put a bullet in Ellone. I know that'd raise a couple of million ethical issues, but the lives of the many or whatever. Unless her power transfers too, in which case the inter-galactic prison thing might be the best idea.

          • 12 months ago

            All Sorceress have Hyne soul in them, when they are dying Hyne will posses another woman and the cycle continue, freezing Sorceeress in stasis prevents them to do Hyne will and Hyne can't leave the body.
            Killing Ellone or Rinoa or Edea or Adel only frick shit up more, Sorceress are only manageable when you know who Hyne is controlling

            • 12 months ago

              So…Hyne is really the main antagonist?

              • 12 months ago

                Who is Vascaroon?

              • 12 months ago

                And you can't do shit about her because there is always gonna be someone Hyne posses, all you can do is damage control and hope to find her in time, Ultimecia timeline is what happen when you can't find her before you can't damage control anymore

              • 12 months ago

                Pretty sure Hyne is a male., Sorceresses are like a consort counterpart to Hyne.

                There's also no timelines, Ultimecia is from the future. There is only one timeline and a closed loop in that line.

        • 12 months ago

          The plan goes out the window when you realize they're screaming to come back and it just takes someone to break the tomb

          Pic related, the Timber TV station static. If you look closer you can see it's not random, it's Adel, repeating messages like
          >"BRING ME BACK THERE"

          I don't think their influence entirely dies off just because they're in space.

          • 12 months ago

            Well yeah, but breaking the tomb would be borderline impossible if there is only one intergalactic launch site which was in Esthar and it was exclusively used to maintain the cages. If my plan was to work, there would have to be some international committee that existed solely to make sure no other space craft or space stations were ever built and doing so would be met with swift and heavy punishment.

            Also, turn off the fricking screen. Take it down if you have to or just put a big carpet over the screen. Every state on the planet would want to keep these c**ts in check so even the slightest hint of pro-sorceress behavior would lead to public execution in pretty much every country.

            All this sounds insanely authoritarian, I know, but if it's literally that or extinction I think most people would get on board.

      • 12 months ago

        From what I remember, Hyne was some kind of creator god. Such gods aren't content to just exist, they have to make things. Hyne divided its power between its creations, a succession of witches that exit throughout eternity. By compressing time, Ultemica wanted to combine the powers of all witches that existed or ever would exist and become godlike.

        • 12 months ago

          Hyne was a dick who lost a war with humanity and conned them into taking the dud half of his immense power, which manifests into a single woman for however long she lives

  13. 12 months ago

    Why does the Sorceress power existing guarantee humankind's annihilation? I thought Adel was just evil because she's evil, and Ultimecia was butthurt about being discriminated against, butt surely if the current holder of the power is a good person it wouldn't cause issues.

    • 12 months ago

      Sorceresses aren't inherently evil, but there's a problem. See there is this mad c**t named Ultimecia who's jerking off in some alternate timeline in the far future sending her will back to manipulate the sorceresses. The way FF8 handles this is by using anime magic to go kill her, thus stopping all sorceresses from becoming evil.

      The problem with this is that it has a one in a trillion chance of succeeding, but that just happened to be the "one" in FF8.

      • 12 months ago

        >The problem with this is that it has a one in a trillion chance of succeeding
        But why tho

        • 12 months ago

          Because the way Squall and his bros managed to even get to Ultimecia was by killing Adele, with Rinoa and having Ellone do something (?) which caused time compression to work in their favor. Then we get this trippy shit: https://youtu.be/onfKP4Z18BM?t=9

          Somehow this results in Squall and Pals appearing in Ultimecia's timeline and they are actually strong enough to kill her and are you aware of how astronomically low the odds of this shit working are? Even the Rinoa + Ellone + Adele shit is at best speculative and Squall being strong and motivated enough is just luck.

          • 12 months ago

            >Somehow this results in Squall and Pals appearing in Ultimecia's timeline and they are actually strong enough to kill her and are you aware of how astronomically low the odds of this shit working are?
            No because the game completely and utterly fails to explain on any level beyond the name what Time Compression does, how it works, or how Ellone and Rinoa manipulated it. Because like everything else in FFVIII they came up with a cool name and worked down from there

      • 12 months ago

        How does Ultimecia project her will and why can't other Sorceresses counter it?

      • 12 months ago

        >thus stopping all sorceresses from becoming evil.
        It stops Ultimecia being able to possess them from the future. Until there's a way to completely nullify Sorceresses, return the power to Hyne or bring paramagic up to par with true magic, then a Sorceress will always be a potential threat.

        • 12 months ago

          How is it that there are three people coexisting in FF8 that all have the sorceress power if it's an inherited thing? Why not just make everyone a sorceress

          • 12 months ago

            Only Adel has the Sorceress power, which she passes on to Rinoa. Edea doesn't really have it while Ultimecia possesses her.

            • 12 months ago

              Then how does Ellone use it? Why does Adel pass it on to Rinoa and not someone who wants to avenge her or something?
              Also why not just have a group dedicated to finding every Sorceress who ever inherits the power when they're still a babby and then grooming them into not being a murder machine?

              • 12 months ago

                >Also why not just have a group dedicated to finding every Sorceress who ever inherits the power when they're still a babby and then grooming them into not being a murder machine?
                The notion of the sorceresses aren't very well understood in-universe. They're just women with a lot of magical power who somehow always turn into Hitler at some point.

                It's important to remember that only about 10 people on the entire planet even know Ultimecia exists.

              • 12 months ago

                But how does Ellone have the power while Adel is still alive? And why don't people just spread knowledge of Ultimecia so you don't have her manipulating random people like exactly what happened ingame? And why can't sorceresses ever resist Ultimecia? If it's learned, why don't they set up a group who researches this shit across various Sorceress reincarnations and eventually discover a way to resist her, and if it's based on raw talent, how come there's never a Sorceress before or after Ultimecia that's better than her, or at least strong enough to resist her?

              • 12 months ago

                Theorize. They THINK she might exist. It's really hard to prove the existence of an time-traveling sorceress.

                But how does Ellone have the power while Adel is still alive? And why don't people just spread knowledge of Ultimecia so you don't have her manipulating random people like exactly what happened ingame? And why can't sorceresses ever resist Ultimecia? If it's learned, why don't they set up a group who researches this shit across various Sorceress reincarnations and eventually discover a way to resist her, and if it's based on raw talent, how come there's never a Sorceress before or after Ultimecia that's better than her, or at least strong enough to resist her?

                >But how does Ellone have the power while Adel is still alive?
                Ellone's power is not inherited from Adele. She's her own can of worms.
                >And why don't people just spread knowledge of Ultimecia
                As stated above, it's really hard to make people believe in your theorized sorcerer from the future and 99% of the population would just believe these women are power-hungry and evil.
                >And why can't sorceresses ever resist Ultimecia?
                No clue. Maybe mind-rape is very effective against other magical sorceresses? Honestly, no idea.
                >before or after Ultimecia that's better than her
                There might be. But we can't really wait to find out because she already exists. Time is on her side.

              • 12 months ago

                >Then how does Ellone use it?
                Sorceresses need to inheret their power but that doesn't mean multiple women can't exist with the potential to become a sorceress. Ellone, Rinoa, and Edea all have the potential for various reasons. All three of them receive piece's of power from Adel and Ultimecia.

                >then grooming them into not being a murder machine?
                Because Ultimecia is a c**t that would influence any new sorceress into also being a c**t. That's why they don't kill Adel because it would just give Ultimecia another extremely powerful puppet. As it stands, she's actually a bullwark against Ultimecia having too much influence.

  14. 12 months ago

    I'm gonna be honest, I didn't understand the plot really when I was 9 and I don't really understand it today. But I love it.

    • 12 months ago

      That's because the plot is poorly explained and meanders between a lot of random concepts, most of which are completely unrelated, and generally only explains events in any capacity either in optional missable content unrelated to the main story, or long after it's been relevant. And also the plot itself is poorly thought-out and underdeveloped.

      • 12 months ago

        Only thing I know for sure is that Rinoa is actually Ultimecia. Not sure if any of you here have ever heard of that theory.

        • 12 months ago

          I've heard of it and it's completely wrong. Interesting theory though, the plot probably would be better if it was the case but it's clear ingame that Ultimecia is just some literal who and the few things it uses as evidence for them being the same is just Ultimecia influencing Rinoa as the next sorceress.

          • 12 months ago

            Ok that post was bait, I'll admit it, but it is obviously true. It's never explicitly stated on purpose. It's intentionally arcane and the ending itself is very Lynchian. It's one of the reasons it's my favorite in the series. I know this is true, and don't care what the majority thinks.

            • 12 months ago

              I mean if you just headcanon that the moronic asspulls were really 500 IQ "Lynchian" ploys then yeah literally any piece of dogshit media can be seen as apex fiction.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm talking about the ending cutscene with the fricking faceless squall. that is lynchian.

              • 12 months ago

                That isn't Lynchian. Lynch movies are weird and irreverent throughout. FFVIII is suddenly "Lynchian" at the point where they clearly had no idea how to resolve their plot so they threw a bunch of random weird visuals at you instead and hoped that people would mistake their lack of planning or coherence for being "avant-garde" (which you did exactly).

  15. 12 months ago

    FF8 deserves a Remake for no other reason than that the idea of a gunblade in an ARPG or action game makes me drool, and Squall in Dissidia games + Gunbreaker in FFXIV are tantalizing tastes of what could be.

    I was mildly disappointed that "GUN" in the weapon folders meant a gun that makes Jack control like a TPS game, and it wasn't shorthand for a gunblade.

    • 12 months ago

      Why would you ever fricking want this after VII Remake part 1 of 3?

      • 12 months ago

        Because every character in VII Remake plays like total sex? What a silly question.

        • 12 months ago

          fill atb, use ability, switch character, repeat, constantly juggling aggro every fight.
          >plays like sex

          • 12 months ago

            >fill atb, use ability, switch character, repeat, constantly juggling aggro every fight.
            Let's not pretend this is particularly more or less complex than the actual turn-based game.

            • 12 months ago

              it's made that way to mimic the turn based style and be a kind of middle ground between action and oldschool but it just isn't fun. You get fricking murdered if you don't switch characters but if you get aggro and then switch, the ai holds itself up perfectly fine until you get back to them. It's bad.

          • 12 months ago

            as opposed to spamming limit breaks and quadcast knights of the round eh

        • 12 months ago

          Maybe like virgin sex between two morbidly obese trans MtF morons with spinal injuries.

          • 12 months ago

            They're having a better time than you are anon. They're having sex after all.

            • 12 months ago

              I don't think fingering your neo vegana is better than jerking off with your non-mutilated dick but whatever helps you sleep at night anon.

              • 12 months ago

                They don't seethe on anonymous anime imageboards about what the straight cissies are doing. It's impossible to spin this as them secretly being miserable.

        • 12 months ago

          the gameplay is the same, it´s pushing buttons in a semi turnbased enviroment.
          the only difference is that the shitpile called FFVIIR has more fluid animations. FFVIII on the other hand has more depth thanks to the R1 command infights so I really don´t understand the boner zoomers have for FFVIIR.
          >plays like total sex

    • 12 months ago

      I don't want a modern remake of FF8.

      I'd love it if they just did the game exactly the way it was, with updated visuals, and just heavily expanded upon.
      There are so many fascinating questions and locations in Final Fantasy that beg for more content except the 3-6 screens they get.

      • 12 months ago

        But I do not want a remaster with additional content. I want an ARPG where Leon can pull his devil trigger.

      • 12 months ago

        Im hoping by the time the ff7 and 9 remakes come out, square learns what makes them tick by the time they start ff8

        the whole things a learning process after all

        • 12 months ago

          The problem is there will be a new CEO and the director of it will get fired or quit half way through the production, then they'll scrap the engine and build a new one for the game, and they'll be back to square one with even greedier dlc

          • 12 months ago

            maybe my parents will get back together again too with all this wild unbelievable shit you keep making up

            • 12 months ago

              Everything I listed has happened in past FF productions you homosexual lmao

              • 12 months ago

                and just like my parents' divorce, you're not mentioning a frick-lot of context here

              • 12 months ago

                I bet your mom fricked your dads brother and he beat her within an inch of her life, then they divorced after he was sentenced to 20 years in prison and you're so bitter about it you keep mentioning it in response to a fricking joke. That was also a joke. Obviously their divorce was entirely your fault.

              • 12 months ago

                wrong on the random seethe about other final fantasy games and wrong here, the blows just keep coming for you anon

              • 12 months ago

                Whatever bruh. My parents are still happily married. All I'm saying.

    • 12 months ago

      >the idea of a gunblade in an ARPG or action game makes me drool,
      Play DMC4 and 5 then

      • 12 months ago

        Nero is *close* to the idea but it's not quite there. Nero's also focused on huge, singular swings over Squall's usual portrayal of being a very rapid attacker.

        • 12 months ago

          Nero with a return-stroke attack being bound to L2 instead of a charge for the next attack would probably be pretty close

          The only difference between Red Queen and a Gunblade is that you're igniting motorcycle fuel instead of gunpowder. Otherwise they're the same. You're correct about Nero having a different fighting style than Squall though, he is a lot more savage and brutal whereas Squall is precise and professional, more like Vergil.

      • 12 months ago

        Nero with a return-stroke attack being bound to L2 instead of a charge for the next attack would probably be pretty close

  16. 12 months ago

    That's weird. I had a FFVIII dream as well but it involved talking with Selphie in Balance Garden.

  17. 12 months ago

    >starts as a nice FF8 thread about OP having a neat dream
    >devolves into transhomosexualry
    It's over boys, pack it up.

  18. 12 months ago

    The best part of VIII is how completely misunderstood and hated it is. It has, for lack of a better word, filtered almost everyone who played it right from the start with no one being able to stop themselves from drawing 100 of every spell and never using magic in the game, to daring to tell a subtle story that requires reading between the lines to understand it. They'll never do it again.

    • 12 months ago

      A lot of people unironically consider VIII to be the best story ever told in a video game, simply because it actually required interpretation and reflection. It's not perfect, not by any means, but it's a surprisingly complex story with interesting characters hidden under the surface.

      • 12 months ago

        Interesting character, you mean. Nobody besides Squall in the main cast is of any relevance or importance besides Rinoa who is a glorified plot device.

        The best part of VIII is how completely misunderstood and hated it is. It has, for lack of a better word, filtered almost everyone who played it right from the start with no one being able to stop themselves from drawing 100 of every spell and never using magic in the game, to daring to tell a subtle story that requires reading between the lines to understand it. They'll never do it again.

        There is no method of acquiring magic in FF8 that isn't completely fricking boring.

        • 12 months ago

          >There is no method of acquiring magic in FF8 that isn't completely fricking boring.

          F I L T E R E D

          • 12 months ago

            Great, now you've carded every enemy leaving you underleveled with max stats which means you're basically cheating and everything will die in 3 hits short of Omega.

            • 12 months ago

              >basically cheating
              If playing at a low level wasn't intented they wouldn't have gone all out on the level scaling

              • 12 months ago

                they went all-out on level scaling because they were stupid, same reason they reused the esper system from FF6

              • 12 months ago

                Level scaling was intended to keep you in line with the enemies, by maxing out your stats with broken magic from card refining everything AND staying at a low level you're gaming the system and it results in the entirety of the game being fricking boring because you just plow through with no adversity whatsoever. Yes FF games aren't hard, but card refining in 8 makes the game even more boring easy than FF6 and 7 were. It's like abusing enemy skill in 7,but with much less game knowledge required since even my dumb kid ass could figure out that turning enemies into cards for magic was a good idea without even knowing about the level scaling thing.

                Who said anything about max stats? Sure you can exploit the game, but you can't hold that against FF8. Just pull up Cheat Engine and you can exploit any game you want.

                Read my original post.

            • 12 months ago

              Who said anything about max stats? Sure you can exploit the game, but you can't hold that against FF8. Just pull up Cheat Engine and you can exploit any game you want.

            • 12 months ago

              Max Level Omega literally requires cheating with trasmog Laguna card for the 100 heroic medals

              • 12 months ago

                Can't you defend against his "LV5 Death" with Death Immunity and use "Defend" against that blast attack that usually does roughly 12,000 or so to everyone?

      • 12 months ago

        One side is on a campaign of global domination at the behest of a time-manipulating evil witch and the other is people trying to stop the witch from killing everyone

        • 12 months ago

          FF8 isn't really known for being coherent or well-written. It's a series of disjointed ideas strung together because they spitballed a million things and tried to do all of them at once. Too many cooks and all that.

      • 12 months ago

        It also had incredible story setpieces. I shit my pants the first time Squall looked through the binoculars and saw the garden approaching, with this shit starting up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-ivlJ34hUw

        • 12 months ago

          >"We're all completely fricked."

          • 12 months ago

            >the part where Galabadia Garden launches motorcycles from their garden onto Balamb Garden
            Kino of the highest caliber.

            • 12 months ago

              I remember being 12 years old and me and my neighbor totally basedfacing hard as we played through that entire set piece, especially the motorcycle launch.

              Compare that to Final Fantasy VIIR with the first motorcycle chase, where your eyes roll all the way to the back of your head due to how over the top it is, with the Soldier guy doing backflips and acting like a wrestling heel with his flamboyancy. When did they lose the cool factor and push into absolute schlock? I'd say Blitzball in Final Fantasy X was when it started. Were the developers always Nomura tier manchildren and technological limitation plus Sakaguchi were the only things keeping them in line?

              • 12 months ago

                >Compare that to Final Fantasy VIIR with the first motorcycle chase, where your eyes roll all the way to the back of your head due to how over the top it is,

              • 12 months ago

                if 12 y/o you saw that 7r motorcycle chase you think he'd have the same reaction as 30+ you?

              • 12 months ago

                Considering that 14 year old me thought Advent Children was horrifically shit, yes.

              • 12 months ago

                Horrifically shit movie continuation of a horrifically shit game ending, FF7 ended like a wet fart tbh

            • 12 months ago

              Imagine the fricking balls on these dudes.
              >we've never had a flying Garden on Garden battle before
              >let's just launch bikes over
              >training? How the frick can anyone train for this?
              >let's just fricking do it, I'm sure it'll work out

              • 12 months ago

                >you're going to launch us at a flat area ideal to land on and not a rounded ramp on the side of the building right?

              • 12 months ago

                >"This will be fine, we'll strap jump-jets to your bikes, you'll totally make it!"

              • 12 months ago

                I remember being 12 years old and me and my neighbor totally basedfacing hard as we played through that entire set piece, especially the motorcycle launch.

                Compare that to Final Fantasy VIIR with the first motorcycle chase, where your eyes roll all the way to the back of your head due to how over the top it is, with the Soldier guy doing backflips and acting like a wrestling heel with his flamboyancy. When did they lose the cool factor and push into absolute schlock? I'd say Blitzball in Final Fantasy X was when it started. Were the developers always Nomura tier manchildren and technological limitation plus Sakaguchi were the only things keeping them in line?

                >the part where Galabadia Garden launches motorcycles from their garden onto Balamb Garden
                Kino of the highest caliber.

                Why are the Galbadians so incredibly prepared for this attack? They realized their garden can fly and built launched bike-ramps and those weird aerial units and somehow convinced soldiers to do this stuff without any training because frick it, it'll work, trust me bro?

              • 12 months ago

                I'm guessing the bikes were something they already had, and the ramps were probably not hard to build. They strapped jets to them so they'd go further. Galbadia might also have had the green dudes in the flying vehicles beforehand as those would be handy even in a non Garden-on-Garden battle.

                The actual bike jump required balls of steel though and I'm assuming only the top veterans or masters of vehicular combat were tasked with pulling that shit off. It's also important to remember that the bikes were just a blitz attack to cause chaos before more ground infantry could be deployed and it worked pretty well for them.

              • 12 months ago

                This. I also remembered reading somewhere that Balamb Garden trained a lot of their students to be war advisors, strategists, tacticians, medics, analyzers and other academic jobs while Galbadia started military training much earlier leading to a much more "grunt like" soldier force. They're both mercenary schools but one was far more focused on war consultation while the other just gave you well-trained guys with weapons.

              • 12 months ago

                Each garden was focused on a different aspect of mercenary work, Galbadia was actual fighting and warfare, Balamb was leadership, strategy, and elites, Trabia was administration, logistics, and information gathering.

              • 12 months ago

                They sent a giant robot spider to attack a borderline defenseless city so they could turn on a radio transmitter

                They're less than 20 years from a war with a ridiculously advanced country that sent straight up robot soldiers into battle, of course they've got all this shit

              • 12 months ago

                Edea was sharing secrets of Centra technology with Galbadia. Reember the Gardens? Those are from the Centra civilization, and they had outposts all over the place before they got their shit pushed in for causing a massive Lunar Cry and the survivors ended up founding Fisherman's Horizon and swearing off war and weapons.

              • 12 months ago

                Fisherman's Horizon was founded by a bunch of estharian engineers.

              • 12 months ago

                The Gardans are very well funded, elite military academies that train orphans in nothing but war (and card games) and it's been 20yrs since the last major conflinct. There would be a lot of built up arsenals and prowess ready to be unleashed.

      • 12 months ago

        >A lot of people unironically consider VIII to be the best story ever told in a video game
        One of the best, not the best, that title is reserved to Bloodborne.
        But yes, FF8 have the best story (and is the best game) of the FF franchise by a long shot.

        • 12 months ago

          This has to be bait

          • 12 months ago

            it is
            ff8 has a moronic story that got hastily rewritten several times over and poorly translated
            it's a massive cope to pretend it's top tier

            • 12 months ago

              It's fine that you don't understand it anon. No one is judging you until you start saying shit like this.

              • 12 months ago

                every story you've ever loved had been rewritten several times, just fyi.

                you post that like it means something.

                how would you even have the basis to suggest any game is poorly translated, let alone ff8?

                It's not, it's just that most gamers never understood it, and those idiots youtuber even lead them in the wrong trail.
                The story and message of bloodborne is quite incredible, and I think not single game even explored this subject in deep way like this, only books did this, not even movies. (Gattaca included)
                It's the really the best of the franchise, and the best is that they made a very mature and complex story without sacrificing gameplay like FF9 and FF10 did.

                keep coping morons

                i'm not convinced 'ff8 is good' tards are anything more than people that latched onto a joke/ironic take on the game but took it seriously

              • 12 months ago

                We played it when it was out and formed our own conclusions. That's the difference. You can't even fathom that based on your post.

              • 12 months ago

                oh no, i played the garbage, long before yt was a thing.

              • 12 months ago

                No you didn't, you're obviously a zoomer

              • 12 months ago

                er, no, and i used the word 'ironically' to mean 'ironically', not the way zoomers use it, moron

              • 12 months ago

                ok what is the difference between ironic and sarcastic?

              • 12 months ago

                irony is where somebody acts whilst the audience has greater knowledge of the situation. the irony is they concocted the sarcastic response to the game to try and bait a response, which you morons gave to them. this is both apparent to the people that started the joke, and the people that aren't stupid enough to buy into it.

                although americans have conflated sarcastic/disingenuous for irony for a long ass time

              • 12 months ago

                >long ass time

              • 12 months ago

                >uses shit like kys
                >calls others zoomers
                lol you're a fricking moron, did you even pass high school?

              • 12 months ago

                word overused by twitch streamers and zoomers who watch them
                You're not helping your case here

              • 12 months ago

                where did i use unironic or charitable? you might actually be moronic, lean into it, get government aid.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh they're coming I'm sure. Only a matter of time.

              • 12 months ago

                i think you can't read, which would explain why you think ff8 is good

              • 12 months ago

                ok what is the difference between ironic and sarcastic?


            • 12 months ago

              every story you've ever loved had been rewritten several times, just fyi.

              you post that like it means something.

              how would you even have the basis to suggest any game is poorly translated, let alone ff8?

              • 12 months ago

                He saw a post saying so on twitter by a literal who

          • 12 months ago

            It's not, it's just that most gamers never understood it, and those idiots youtuber even lead them in the wrong trail.
            The story and message of bloodborne is quite incredible, and I think not single game even explored this subject in deep way like this, only books did this, not even movies. (Gattaca included)

            this is an insane take

            I do love the ff8 story and the way it handles ff lore. reminds me a lot of morrowind, lots of stuff you can work on and think about, or you can just do your job and play the game.

            It's the really the best of the franchise, and the best is that they made a very mature and complex story without sacrificing gameplay like FF9 and FF10 did.

            • 12 months ago

              this is a fine opinion to have, but when you share it in a thread that is specifically about final fantasy 8, you invite discussion that turns the thread into which final fantasy is the best, which is a discussion I don't really care to have

              • 12 months ago

                >that turns the thread into which final fantasy is the best
                You are just making assumptions here. (even more when I do like FF9 and FF10).
                The point I was making is that making a good and complex story without sacrificing gameplay is really difficult, hence why I used FF9 and FF10 as example to proves it, not to shit on them, but to prove what happen most of the time when a story is so complex that it need to take all the available space to make it work..

              • 12 months ago

                I liked 10s story. I didnt really get too far in 9, maybe the end of the first disc. It just didn't click with me. I didn't feel as charmed or excited as I needed to be with that cast of characters to continue.

                What about 9 and 10 make you feel like the story was sacrificed for gameplay?

                What do you think about 7s story to gameplay balance?

              • 12 months ago

                >What about 9 and 10 make you feel like the story was sacrificed for gameplay?
                It's the inverse, it's the gameplay that is sacrified for the story in FF9 & 10.
                Compare the start of FF8 to FF9/10 and see for yourself. FF8 always allow a lot of freedom most of the time, and this, even with a complex story that even force character swapping (Laguna).
                Instead, FF9/10 require the story to be central and front loaded, the gameplay is open or allowed to express itself only after the story made some progression, and even there, it's not enough, since a lot of part of the story come to limit what is possible in the gameplay, like in FF10.

                >What do you think about 7s story to gameplay balance?
                It is worse than FF8, but not as bad as FF9/10.

                In term of pacing and gameplay freedom (in menu, battle and world) FF8 stand supreme.

              • 12 months ago

                FF6 through to FF10 is peak FF.
                I'm not saying the others are bad, but that was the golden age.

              • 12 months ago

                >I'm not saying the others are bad, but that was the golden age.
                Indeed, they all have some up and down, but in the end, they were all kino games. Can't say the same after X-2/XII...

              • 12 months ago

                I kinda liked the combat in X-2.

                >Lose all of your abilities
                >Have to slowly gain them back
                >Can just go and fight the final boss at anytime
                >Tons of bosses to fight
                >Neat puzzles
                >Huge, winding corridors, easy to get lost
                >Cool music
                >Cool backgrounds
                The final dungeon in FFVIII is one of my favorites in an RPG.
                But I've seen it numerous times on "Worst dungeons ever" lists.

                >"Worst dungeons ever"
                One thing VIII has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt is that there are a lot of low-IQ plebs who don't know anything about anything.

        • 12 months ago

          this is an insane take

          I do love the ff8 story and the way it handles ff lore. reminds me a lot of morrowind, lots of stuff you can work on and think about, or you can just do your job and play the game.

  19. 12 months ago

    Time Jannies are such a perfect fit for VIII I'm convinced they came from a scrapped draft for a remake of it.

  20. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      If I was ever force-fed LSD this song would play in my head.

    • 12 months ago

      If I was ever force-fed LSD this song would play in my head.

      FF8 had a lot of psychedelic tracks.

    • 12 months ago

      The Commencement Room…Time and Dream.

    • 12 months ago

      >Best song in the game
      >It's on one room that gets locked away after you clear it

      FF8 did a lot wrong but this was unforgivable

      • 12 months ago

        Well yeah when you hear the song you know shit is going down.

  21. 12 months ago
  22. 12 months ago

    The way to play the game correctly in my view is to sample each of the methods of obtaining magic without overindulging in any of them. So you end up with few spells to junction, which leaves you underpowered enough to need to use the spells and weigh the great cost of each cast, use GF's tactically as cover, etc

  23. 12 months ago
  24. 12 months ago

    So the rumor pretty much confirmed that FF6 and 9 remake are on the way.

    Any idea why they're skipping 8? Maybe SE can't find the right team for it?

    • 12 months ago

      Because it's universally hated by morons.

    • 12 months ago

      It's a series black sheep and it's enough of a fixer-upper in the plot department that it's not worth it.

  25. 12 months ago
  26. 12 months ago


  27. 12 months ago


  28. 12 months ago

    FF8 story might be the only vidya that involved with time travel without 'changing the past' trope

    • 12 months ago

      time travel stories where the past is changed are in general bad time travel stories tbh
      back to the future was not supposed to be taken seriously or be thought about very hard

    • 12 months ago

      Oh, there was some changing the past.
      Laguna hopped on your time kompression sled and went back to propose to Raine. Remember, he went missing and she died before he ever came back, so think about that scene where he gives her the ring in that field.

      • 12 months ago

        Does that actually explained in the game? I remember the scene but I thought it was flashback.

        Now that I think about it, the game never tell you Laguna was Squall's dad either. They only give a hint and let you figure out the rest

  29. 12 months ago

    >VIII is the worst game in the series
    Video games are a dead medium.

    • 12 months ago

      All I know is if you this VII Remake is a better game than VIII you should fricking have a nice day.

      • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      We're having a nice thread here, let's try to keep this particular autism contained to the 20 other XVI threads in the catalogue.

  30. 12 months ago

    >all this shitposting about FF VIII.
    I blame Xenogears

  31. 12 months ago

    Post YFW
    >[Shockwave Pulsar]

  32. 12 months ago

    I had a dream last night where my girlfriend was really mad at me. Then I woke up and I was still kinda freaked out, but then I remembered the last time I had a girlfriend was over two years ago.

  33. 12 months ago

    I just gonna wait until someone start R=U topic.

    • 12 months ago

      It's true though.

    • 12 months ago

      You already missed it

      Only thing I know for sure is that Rinoa is actually Ultimecia. Not sure if any of you here have ever heard of that theory.

    • 12 months ago

      >mfw I like this theory so much that not even SE's backpedaling can talk me out of it
      Don't care. R=U.

      • 12 months ago

        They never officially denied it, it was just some low level gay that worked on the game who said it definitely wasn't true. It is obviously the case.

        • 12 months ago

          Even if every writer of the game came out and swore on the Bible that it wasn't the case I still wouldn't stop believing it. It is a theory that is actually so appealing to me that not even the ones that made the game can talk me out of it.

          I know that I'm probably deluded beyond all reason, but this is my Sacred Cow right here.

          • 12 months ago

            There's nothing delusional about it, people just need to be spoonfed everything and it's intentionally subtle and not explicitly stated on purpose. Plus the extra layer of it going through a translation filter which muddies the waters a little more.

    • 12 months ago

      It is such a cool theory that Dissidia Ultimecia baits with it all the time. Even the developers at this point love it although officially denying it.

      If I was in charge of a Final Fantasy VIII remake, I'd just fully embrace R = U because why not. Even changing Ultemicia's motivation from Time Compression to her just wanting Ellione's power to relive her teenage years with Squall. A sad, perverted version of the main theme of love.

      • 12 months ago

        I always liked the idea that Ultimecia created the time-loop/prophecy about Squall killing her, because she still loved him but couldn't remember. It makes sense, considering memory loss is a huge plot point.

        • 12 months ago

          Not to mention they have the exact same face, and pose in the exact same way in the intro movie. The ultimate giveaway being Griever and that making absolutely 0 sense if she wasnt ultimecia

          • 12 months ago

            if shes connected with rinoa in any way, she could do it just to frick with squall

            theres zero reason it has to be a one to one if we are talking witchcraft.

        • 12 months ago

          There's so much shit that's kino foreshadowing

          >Their first meeting during the dance where Rinoa is doing the flirty "look into my eyes, you will dance with me command"
          >The uncertainty of whether Squall's change of heart after the end of Disk 2 was in part due to Rinoa now having sorceress powers.
          >Her castle being built atop the orphanage at the place where they said they'd meet.

        • 12 months ago

          The story absolutely supports the idea but I don't support Square having the intelligence for such a kino plotline.

          • 12 months ago

            This. R=U is one of my favorite video game theories of all time, but I honestly don't think Square had the collective brainpower to come up with something so ridiculously cool.

            • 12 months ago

              the theory only exists because of all the clues embedded in the fricking game lol

              • 12 months ago

                most of which only exist in the english translation lol

              • 12 months ago


                There's nothing delusional about it, people just need to be spoonfed everything and it's intentionally subtle and not explicitly stated on purpose. Plus the extra layer of it going through a translation filter which muddies the waters a little more.

              • 12 months ago

                how do you know 'most' clues only exist in the english translation.

              • 12 months ago

                >most of which only exist in the english translation lol

      • 12 months ago

        >It is such a cool theory that Dissidia Ultimecia baits with it all the time.
        This. It's at least clear that someone on the Dissidia team really liked the idea.

      • 12 months ago

        I still don't get what the frick is Time Compression all about

        Honestly, I don't even understand what the frick is going on in the ending

        • 12 months ago

          rinoa is insane and all powerful, and subconsciously wants to compress time so she can see squall again. But it doesnt outright say it to you

        • 12 months ago

          Youre killing everyone who is already dead I guess?

        • 12 months ago

          I kind of like not knowing. It's nice in a way not having some guy explain oh this is what happened.

        • 12 months ago


          I like this idea that Ultimecia was gathering all the fragments of Hyne's power from throughout time to become a God herself. In essence, she was condensing all of time into one moment to gather the puzzle pieces she needed.

          • 12 months ago

            >all the fragments of Hyne's power
            Hyne split into two. The half he gave to humanity was explicitly stated to be the shit half, even if it does allow one woman to use true magic and not the paramagic shit everyone else has to settle for. There is only one piece of Hyne and it has to be physically transferred on.

            • 12 months ago

              Fair enough. I'm aware of that. It's brought up pretty early in the game, but it could also just be a watered down version of the event. Either way, it's not my theory. I just thought it has some neat ideas, and wanted to share. I wouldn't die on that hill.

      • 12 months ago

        I always thought the implication was that in Ultimecia's timeline, she, as Rinoa, killed Squall with her sorceress power and that's why she's so full of regret. She kept his ring and remembered the name of the beast on it obsessively.

        Give it a few thousand years (or however long in the future Ultimecia is) she's forgotten a ton about herself and her love thanks to the "ultimate GF", Griever, but she remembers her love for Squall and will literally go undo all reality if need be to get back to him. Even when he literally shows up at her front door she doesn't recognize him after all this time. The plan is still the same, compress time, go back to Squall, whatever it takes. The man who she loved with the cool ring.

        It's actually kinda sad.

        • 12 months ago

          the woman who sold the world

  34. 12 months ago

    Why did they built Adeles prison to be in stationary orbit between the Earth and the Moon

    I mean it cant just be a coincidence that Rinoa gets sent up there and the cry happens at the exact time they happen to be in alignment

    • 12 months ago

      It's been a while since I played it, but didn't the Lunatic Pandora trigger the lunar cry early?

  35. 12 months ago

    Since Rinoa is not Ultimecia as said by the devs, why do the chains the place she built her Evil Castle at just so happen to be right at the spot where Squall promised Rinoa she could find him if they ever got lost

    • 12 months ago

      again, they didn't say that. one person who worked on the game said that. wasn't even a writer

    • 12 months ago

      The castle is over Edea's orphanage because of her link with Edea. This is a much more overt and strong narrative connection between two characters but keep on trucking you schizo.

  36. 12 months ago



    • 12 months ago
  37. 12 months ago

    So time travel isn't real, but theres been so much western media about it that it's got it's own language. People have assumptions on what it means, how it works, what the rules are.

    For all the confusion at the end, it's nice having a game that just has things happening. There are connections you can draw and things you can intuit but very little you can flat out assume.

  38. 12 months ago

    Back when FINAL FANTASY was a FANTASY.

  39. 12 months ago

    I hope the remake lets you explore more of the storefronts. That whole area is great, felt very modern.

    • 12 months ago

      Remake will have Zell having gay sex

  40. 12 months ago

    >Nomura is in charge of FF8R
    >It's time jannies all over again

  41. 12 months ago

    One of the more interesting obscure parts of VIII to me is how so many characters are based on and look exactly like american celebrities. Michael Jackson, Robin Williams, Mike Tyson.

    • 12 months ago

      who was mike tyson?

      • 12 months ago

        Zells face tattoo. that one is the most obvious

        • 12 months ago

          Zell, obviously

          guys, the game came out in 1999

          tyson got his tattoo in 2003

          • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            Then Mike Tyson was copying Zell. Ez

          • 12 months ago

            He must've been a Final Fantasy VIII fan heh.

            • 12 months ago

              >"I want a tribal face tattoo like Zell Dinth"

          • 12 months ago

            Deepest lore. Final Fantasy 8 predicted 9/11.

      • 12 months ago

        Zell, obviously

  42. 12 months ago

    >Lose all of your abilities
    >Have to slowly gain them back
    >Can just go and fight the final boss at anytime
    >Tons of bosses to fight
    >Neat puzzles
    >Huge, winding corridors, easy to get lost
    >Cool music
    >Cool backgrounds
    The final dungeon in FFVIII is one of my favorites in an RPG.
    But I've seen it numerous times on "Worst dungeons ever" lists.

    • 12 months ago

      I lot of people get really soured on it since the final disk locks you out of most general content

      • 12 months ago

        I don't think people would be upset by a lockout point, but it wasn't signalized particularly well that once you crash into the Lunatic Pandora you're essentially done with the exploration part of the game. They should have let you leave after the Seifer fight for example, and thus making the Time Kompression shit the hard cutoff point.

        I don't think anyone was expecting to go back after that.

        • 12 months ago

          It still just feels bad, especially if they'd played 7 prior. We all joked about meteor landing in 10 days and then spending time at the golden saucer or simply resting at the inn 10 times.

          Back in the ps1 days I remember feeling the same way with ff8 and grandia. (to a lesser extent ff9 as well)
          It's was just nice to revisit towns and listen to the music, even as a kid I thought Winhill was comfy as frick

          • 12 months ago

            I personally would have loved to visit the places again just to hear people's reflections on the situation. Like is everything miserable now that Ultimecia rules the world, or does she mostly jerk off in her castle mind-raping sorceresses from the past?

            She has a hate-boner for SEED and I don't expect any of the gardens to be around, but does the average man on the street really care that there's a big spooky castle at the shit-end of the world with femsatan inside it?

            • 12 months ago

              Aren't most people dead at this point? The CC and the handful of NPCs are present for flimsy plot reasons but I'm pretty sure everyone else is six feet under at that point.

      • 12 months ago

        I bet a lot of people, at the time, didn't know you could get the Ragnarock in Disk 4.

        • 12 months ago

          Was there anything to do? As I remember literally every location was locked off.

          • 12 months ago

            I vaguely recall it was just for grinding (if for some reason you didn't understand that was a bad thing yet) and you could fight Card Club members on board the Ragnarock. There's also a shop on the ship but I don't think any of the towns or cities or populated areas were open.

          • 12 months ago

            Cities are blocked, but you can do many side quests. The Deep Sea Research Center is accessible, for example, and all the overworld quests. Of course, you can't interact with any human NPC, so everything is a bit desolate.

    • 12 months ago

      I despise VIII to the core, but Ultimecia's Castle is my second favorite FF final dungeon and by merit it would objectively be the best.

    • 12 months ago

      It's literally one of the best JRPG dungeons ever. I refuse to believe people actually say it's bad.

  43. 12 months ago

    Squall is well-dressed Cloud but more emo

    You can't prove me wrong

    • 12 months ago

      Did you play the game?

    • 12 months ago

      He's not emo, he's an insecure teenager with abandonment issues who steps up when duty calls.

      • 12 months ago

        In what sense does Squall ever "step up"? He whines and b***hes through the entire game.

        • 12 months ago

          He always charges head on when it's needed.

  44. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >It's all a dream theories
      The lamest of lame theories

    • 12 months ago

      My take on this scene is that he should have died but time magic saved him similar to how Rinoa dies in space but do to time being convoluted lives.

    • 12 months ago

      I don't get why people make such a big deal out of this scene. These people are hit by giant robot spider limbs, sliced swords and set on fire regularly. The officers who jailed Squall probably just threw him an Elixir or a Edea tossed a Curaga on the guy or something. Walk it off.

      • 12 months ago

        Well, nobody tosses an Elixir or Phoenix Down on Aerith when she dies so i'm assuming it's the same logic

  45. 12 months ago

    More deserved a remake than 7/9

  46. 12 months ago

    FFVIII is cool, but I just couldn't stand the Laguna sections.
    They just fricking suck.

  47. 12 months ago

    This was a nice thread. I'm glad Ganker can have those every now and then.

  48. 12 months ago

    >Lunatic Pandora from FF8 last night.
    Is that about a game?

  49. 12 months ago

    FF8 and Xenogears are my favorite games.

    Maybe... just something's wrong with me?

    • 12 months ago

      Xenogears a shit, why? It fricked up 8

      • 12 months ago

        It fricked up 7 more like.
        But it fricked itself up even more.

        I like robots and overcomplex plot, like chars and 1st disk's storytelling. Like the music and visuals

  50. 12 months ago

    When 7R came out, I replayed many classic jrpgs while high, imagining a "Remake" of those. 8R was good in my head

  51. 12 months ago

    I used to have vidya related dreams... When I was 14

  52. 12 months ago

    You must be like me, OP. I'm a hardcore FF8 fan, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Balamb Garden where I would often train with Zell in the training center and help Selphie with the Garden Festival, but one day as I was talking to Selphie, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"

    This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Headmaster Cid and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for SeeD, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to have a nice day for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Cid said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.

    I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.

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