I hate handheld consoles. Every game exclusively made for them would have been better on console.

I hate handheld consoles. Every game exclusively made for them would have been better on console. We're forever robbed of what a true console game experience of a 2D Pokemon game could have been like on the Gamecube because it had to only be on handheld. Why do people have so much love for them? Each time I play a good handheld game, I think of how much better it would have been on console.

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  1. 6 months ago

    How would Pokemon be better on a console, it's just a simple JRPG.

    • 6 months ago

      Pokemon's greatest strength is the trading/battling with link cables. There's no way it could have worked without being on the Game Boy.

      • 6 months ago

        Gen 2 pokemon is a fricking tour de force in spite of the hardware, would have been way worse on console as said.

      • 6 months ago

        I never used those features and hated them. The game would have been better if they never existed. On console, they would not have had that.

        • 6 months ago

          next level cope

      • 6 months ago

        Imagine Pokemon but you had to trade via memory cards like Animal Crossing GCN

    • 6 months ago

      Pokemon's greatest strength is the trading/battling with link cables. There's no way it could have worked without being on the Game Boy.

      I can't speak for OP but I will say it would've been cool to see a Pokemon game with anime FMV cutscenes and CD audio, like the Lunar games or Grandia. But Nintendo never had that tech until the GameCube anyway, sadly.

  2. 6 months ago

    Zoom zoom

  3. 6 months ago

    Colosseum and XD may not be as "big" as RSE, but I still enjoyed them. Handhelds are important for very obvious reasons, though. Not only are they portable, but without them 2D gaming would have been basically done after Gen 5. Imagine Castlevania without the GBA and DS games, or even Sonic without the Advance series.

    The only (sort of) exception to the rule I'd say is the PSP. It's a great handheld but it would've been even better to see games like Mega Man: Powered Up, Maverick Hunter X, and Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles on console.

    • 6 months ago

      These games suck hard. All 3D pokemon games suck because the battles are miserably slow.

  4. 6 months ago

    OP, what is your primary method of playing these games? Some of them only really make sense to play on an actual handheld and not just a browser window or PC emulator. You might also swing by


    if you just want a better handheld that can play consoles or recs for better handheld games. I like Game Boy but I personally could not get into the Pokemon games. You might fancy a good game of Tetris or Harvest Moon, though. Or just straight up Mario Land 2

  5. 6 months ago

    >I grew up in a bedroom and never left it

  6. 6 months ago

    You will never experience the soul of playing Link's Awakening on a classic Game Boy in 1993
    You will never know the calm of not having to worry about picking the best version
    You will never be thankful for ghosting because it helps you see the enemies on the screen
    You will never know the soulfulness of sitting under a lamp at 1:00 am using batteries from the remote because Koholint still needed you
    You will never meet Marin at the beach and feel that she's real somehow
    You will never be stirred to intense feelings by just four colors on a tiny screen
    You will never be moved to tears by 8 notes played on a single PSG channel
    You will never know the feeling of truly waking from the dream, because you live 24/7 in the same screens you play on anyway

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      I should finish Link's Awakening.

    • 6 months ago

      >sitting under a lamp at 1:00 am using batteries from the remote

    • 6 months ago

      I love handheld consoles. Every game designed exclusively for them wouldn't have been better on a console. I'm forever provided with the joy of true handheld gaming experience.

      >raiding the remotes and any other battery powered trinket at 1AM to keep the fun going

    • 6 months ago
      Your Anal Nightmare

      >would have been better on console
      I agree in principle but in practice I don't think this would be true.
      I think a lot of games benefit from being barebones and basic where the focus is really only gameplay. Any other features in some games would be superfluous.

      >Link's Awakening on a classic Game Boy in 1993
      But he's saying that it could have been better on the SNES. See ALttP.
      >never be moved to tears by 8 notes played on a single PSG channel
      Yeah that's nice and all, the simplicity is part of what makes it good, but you could have still had the same 8 notes play on the SNES. Or it could have been a more full arrangement of instruments. GB didn't even have the option to do more, SNES could have chose to do more/less.

      The DKLand series are good games and I enjoy them, but they're just DKC-lite.
      Donkey Kong '94 is a great game and I enjoy it, but you don't think the SNES could have done it a wee bit better?

      He's not saying handheld games are bad games, but that they were held back.

    • 6 months ago

      Non-newbies know all of these things. Pic related.

      • 6 months ago

        I got this for Christmas when I was 9. Best Christmas of my life, tbh

    • 6 months ago

      Eh. LA on switch is a better experience

      • 6 months ago

        It's nice to be able to hold more than two items at a time, and to be able to dock the handheld and play on a TV, and to have most of the flashing removed so photosensitive players won't die from looking at it, but a lot of the sound design and music really suffered in translation and I don't think I'll ever completely forgive them for that

        • 6 months ago

          Flashing in Link's Awakening?? Photosensitive people can't handle seeing rapid shifts between sickly grayish green and sickly greenish gray?

          • 6 months ago

            A shitload of enemies flash when you hurt them, and some of them even flash constantly whenever they're on the screen
            >can't handle
            Yeah because they're KEKS!

            • 6 months ago

              Enemies flickering has never been the fricking issue, you impotent child. It's when the entire screen/most of a person's view is flashing. It sounds like you're just parroting something moronic you read someone tweet out of their ass.
              >they're KEKS!
              Do you even fricking know what it even means to kek? "they're LOLS!" Are you a twelve year old girl?

              • 6 months ago

                >It's when the entire screen/most of a person's view is flashing.
                Nah man I've seen it happen with a fricking Rubik's cube
                Besides, modern displays have way higher color depth and response time than the OG greenscale and how many people are gonna be playing on original hardware?
                >Do you even fricking know what it even means to kek?
                I wrote something else and the wordfilter caught me with my pants down and went for the throat

              • 6 months ago

                >The word filter auto-corrected it to KEKS for me!
                You're literally twelve.

              • 6 months ago

                Try it your own damn self
                I'll give you a hint: It starts with C and rhymes with frick and is used to emasculate people

              • 6 months ago

                Chuck's Frick & Suck

    • 6 months ago

      > using batteries from the remote because Koholint still needed you

      > Gets you a gameboy for christmas, but refuses to buy any batteries for it ever
      Why were boomer parents like this?

      • 6 months ago

        Luckily I found a Mad Catz kit for sale with an AC adapter. Had to buy it myself but it was worth it.

    • 6 months ago

      AND he will never be a woman

  7. 6 months ago

    Because you're a zoomer.
    I'm in awe at the games that still have snappy battles and fast gameplay past the SNES era and all you can think of is "what if we added dozens of pointless animation and it took forever to play like muh new genszzzZZ".

  8. 6 months ago

    Every Pokemon game on a console has either been an expansion pack, straight up garbage, or Snap.

  9. 6 months ago

    I love being and to play handhelds comfortably in bed or on a couch under a blanket. Also in the car or bus or whatever

  10. 6 months ago

    >kids react

    • 6 months ago

      >heh I like handhelds, I'm OLD
      Ever heard of Switch and Deck? Handhelds are still very much popular. And I'm with OP, I don't see the appeal of playing games on the go at all, never have. Music actually gets better when you listen to it outside, games only get worse. So I'll stick to music and sometimes books if I'm on a train or something, no better time to read a book really. Plenty of better times to play video games

      • 6 months ago

        >heh I don't like reading comprehension, I'm moronic
        Also, thanks for sharing your issues with the class. Get well soon.

      • 6 months ago

        >And I'm with OP, I don't see the appeal of playing games on the go at all, never have

        I used to climb trees with my friends after school and we'd all play our gameboys together while up in the tree enjoying nature.
        We'd swap games on the bus and play link cable multiplayer.

  11. 6 months ago

    This logic is completely backwards.
    Have you considered that certain games wouldn't have been made in the first place if handhelds hadn't existed?

    Also, the quality of Pokemon games has nosedived pretty much in direct correlation with the move to 3D

  12. 6 months ago

    I highly doubt that the Gamecube or the Nintendo 64 could have run 3D Pokemon games with the same experience as 2D games they just didnt have the power until maybe the Wii U and Switch

  13. 6 months ago

    OP is wrong. OP doesn't care about retro games at all. The console landscape has always been about cutting edge tech. At one point or another during the ps2/gc/Xbox, there were a lot of missteps due to the incentive to push out graphically-impressive titles. Portable platforms have always been an island where developers who were serious about making good games could continue playing with limitations and making quality software. No forced industry "progress". More 2D PS2 games might have been localized if it weren't for that horse shit. Games needed time to cook and portable systems were the answer to that.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah that's what portable games are known for, innovation. Games like Pokemon 16: Purple edition and Mario but worse Land 5.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah, they are known for innovation. Thanks for backing me up on that.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah this is the problem. If developers used the most powerful hardware for increasing interactivity, then yeah console games and PC games would be better than games for handheld devices. But they mainly use that hardware for increasing visual spectacle instead.

      The DS was history's final gaming platform that was basically good, thanks to this. Today, even handheld platforms can display high-quality 3D graphics and store a terabyte of data each. All platforms are tainted and so only weirdos, outsiders, and rare geniuses are still managing to produce good games, just like in movies.

      The portability of a gaming device is a minor side feature compared to this. Portability should be THE main selling point of platforms that offer it, but the limitations imposed by weak portable computing hardware have a much greater effect on the platform's character and value than portability does.

  14. 6 months ago

    I’ve been playing handheld only for like 15 years. Including my current non retro systems. Nothing comfier than playing in bed.

    • 6 months ago

      I did this for about as long but was lured back to PC by Retro Achievements not working on any of my handhelds.

  15. 6 months ago

    >Own a mister
    >Can play all these handheld consoles on my big tv in the livng room scaled up

    feels good

    • 6 months ago

      But would you want to, though? Aside from GBA I think they all look and feel better on a handheld. (Nothing against it BTW, I still own my childhood Super Game Boy and played a lot of Game Gear games that way)

      • 6 months ago

        I only liked using my gameboy during long car rides, being able to play the games on a larger display was far more enjoyable to me. Now that I'm older it's even worse because I have large hands and the form factor on handhelds is made for children.

        So no, I don't like playing them on handhelds.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah I would want to. These games don't look gr8 to begin with because they're old and I mostly play them 4:3 in an emulator anyways. You've inspired me to fiddle with the super game boy settings in sameboy tho. I think I might configure to play with controller

  16. 6 months ago

    GBA gave us an extra gen of SNES games

  17. 6 months ago

    Pokemon could've never been successful on a home console. The whole game is predicated on kids trading and battling monsters via the link cable. There were digimon games on console concurrently and they sucked.

  18. 6 months ago

    Amazing how every single thing you said was so wrong.
    >I hate handheld consoles.
    No, you hate yourself.
    >Every game exclusively made for them would have been better on console.
    Most puzzle games suck on consoles, the handheld versions are always superior. Just look at shit like Mario Golf and Pokemon Puzzle League.
    >We're forever robbed of what a true console game experience of a 2D Pokemon game could have been like on the Gamecube because it had to only be on handheld.
    There were two fricking Pokemon RPGs on the GameCube.
    >Why do people have so much love for them?
    They allow escapism anywhere. Not just at an arcade or your living room. Frick trying to play a console game on a train ride.
    >Each time I play a good handheld game
    So you admit there are handheld games you enjoy.
    >I think of how much better it would have been on console.
    What do you even fricking mean by, "better"? Do you mean better graphics? More features? Being able to pic what screen you play them on? Instead of just impotently muttering like a fricking moron, try maybe explaining WHAT would actually be improved by every handheld game being a console game instead. You also, do know, you play practically play any handheld game ever made on a console as well, right? If it's just the experience of being on a console, you can do that with any fricking handheld game. even the 3DS with a modded Xbox Series S/X.

  19. 6 months ago

    Loser shut in

    • 6 months ago

      Shutup gay

      You suck dick for meth and take wieners into your butthole orifices it could be worse. They could be like you

  20. 6 months ago

    >We're forever robbed of what a true console game experience of a 2D Pokemon game could have been like on the Gamecube because it had to only be on handheld

    who cares? gameboy player existed

  21. 6 months ago

    Agreed, they’re not as fun and can’t think of a lot they have going for them other than portability. They look stupid too. The new ones do have games though so it’s weird to think about because they still look stupid

  22. 6 months ago

    There are some games which are only economically justifiable on handheld. That being said Megaten really made certain games handheld exclusive when they really shouldn't have

  23. 6 months ago

    ever consider drinking bleach? might cure your condition.

  24. 6 months ago

    Protip - they existed for handhelds because they'd never be made for a console. Too much money, too much of a risk for a ton of games. I do agree a SNES Pokemon should have existed - which could have used a modified Super Gameboy cart to do trading.

    However, till the end of vidya as we know it - handhelds will have a better library than nearly every console. Only exceptions are NES/SNES/PS1/PS2 as they were the peak of console diversity.

  25. 6 months ago

    >on the gamecube
    Stopped reading right there. Get out.

  26. 6 months ago

    I don't favor portables either and would rather home consoles as well. I remember others enjoying the Gameboy, but even then I was pretty content with playing NES at home. With the only portable I had being the TurboExpress, I did not play much Nintendo portable games until the Gamecube where the GameBoy Player allowed me to enjoy a lot of cheap $5 GBA games when I had already quit videogames once the Dreamcast was out of production. Playing those games on the Gamecube was a great experience and I do wish there were more that were made for home systems too.

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