I have free time on my hands and I am planning to finish all FF games.

I have free time on my hands and I am planning to finish all FF games. Which versions of the first 6 games should I play, pixel remasters or the originals? Tell me the pros and cons of each version
I'm gonna play all of them in jap so translation issues don't concern me

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  1. 2 years ago

    Originals all the way, especially if you're sticking with the Japanese versions.

    • 2 years ago

      don't listen to this homosexual moron. the SNES games are fine as is but the first two games are best on PS1 origins version. FF1 on NES is fricking broken with spells that heal enemies instead of damaging them and other weird shit, and the music and graphics are trash.

      • 2 years ago

        listen to because he's right. Origins is exactly like the NES games with good UI.

    • 2 years ago

      Somebody managed to slip in the right answer before a parrot popped in with the "Did You Know Gaming? FF1 is broken" line. Good job anon, you got here quick

      • 2 years ago

        What's wrong with these bug fix patches?

  2. 2 years ago

    Pixel remasters are a fine way to do it, anyone who says otherwise is wrong and gay

    • 2 years ago

      GBA versions with sound restoration hacks. All other answers are wrong.

      They're hideous and only dumb zoomers play them.

  3. 2 years ago

    You'd have to be a masochist to not go with the pixel remasters. You surely DON'T find fun having to juggle between a gajillion different emulators and configurations?

    • 2 years ago

      Pixel remasters look like garbage, ignore these morons especially Try the originals, look up the changes , try the other remakes if originals don't cut it and decide for yourself

    • 2 years ago

      >gajillion different emulators
      >nes and snes

    • 2 years ago

      Frick off.
      Play the GBA versions, consider the Euro version of IV due to it fixing glitches and shit.

      • 2 years ago

        GBA version of IV is absolute garbage and should never be played by anyone.

  4. 2 years ago

    the pixel remasters are great on a big hd tv with your prefered controller, and some surround sound speakers for the glorious remastered soundtrack

    BUT you cannot go wrong with most versions of these games except GBA fight me. i have a soft spot for the PSP versions, they look amazing, however they might be a tad on the easy side at times.

    if you're going to pick one PR version to play, i suggest you check out FF3, it's a straight upgrade from the NES game with no drawbacks. all in all, verily, play the 3D makes of FF4 and FF3, they're hard, they're neat, play those.

  5. 2 years ago

    No reason not to play the pixel remasters unless you're super autistic and want to use some alternate translation or romhack or something.

  6. 2 years ago

    FF1 - PS1
    FF2 - GBA or PSP
    FF3 - NES Tweaks romhack
    FF4 - SNES Namingway Edition romhack
    FF5 - SNES Tweak romhack or GBA
    FF6 - SNES Ted Woolsey Uncensored or ROSE romhacks

    For future playthroughs the Pixel Remasters are fine. But as your first exposure to the game, I'd say stay as close to vanilla as you can.

    • 2 years ago

      Does FF1 origins use spells per day?

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Don't use any homosexual romhacks for the SNES versions except for an FF5 translation.

      • 2 years ago

        untrue, Woolsey Uncensored is a treasure

        • 2 years ago

          The author is an butthole and it barely does anything worthwhile now that it's been far outdone by literally every other relocalization patch.

          • 2 years ago

            >it barely does anything
            that's literally the point

            • 2 years ago

              >Patch version 3.06
              Nice cope.

              • 2 years ago

                2.00 I believe was a de-Skyrender-ification once Legends of Localization shed light on just how full of shit he really was. 3.00 being another "major script revision" I have no earthly idea, considering how closely 2.XX stuck to Woolsey. If he's not vainly trying to stay relevant over the upstarts at this point then he's at least giving off that impression. He needs to stop the constant updates and learn to walk away, but he won't because he's in an autism trap of his own construction.

          • 2 years ago

            >The author is an butthole
            Doesn't stop people from fellating Tom.

            • 2 years ago
  7. 2 years ago

    Pixel Remaster is good enough, though it kinda fricks with the art of each game. Fantastic music though.
    1 is simple, but classic. Worth a few playthoughs with different parties.
    2 is different, but good. First time they tried to have characters with a story.
    3 was a nice attempt, but the worst of the lot. I do absolutely dig the endgame.
    4 is where they found their stride. Solid story, great characters, good gameplay.
    5 is where they retried some ideas from 3, but good this time. Characters aren't as strong as 4, but still wonderful. Goddamn amazing job system.
    Haven't gotten to 6 yet.

  8. 2 years ago

    >planning to finish all FF games
    >Which versions
    All versions, obviously. Does your native language not have a word for "all"?

  9. 2 years ago

    Play PSP versions of FF1, 2 and 3
    They all have major qualify of life upgrades over other versions, the best available graphics and are very easily emulated. Emulators give you access to save states and fast forward. Both of which are helpful in otherwise archaic games.

    GBA versions of 4, 5 and 6 (with music restoration hacks). They are the definitive versions of the games, are even more easily emulated and have bonus shit not in any other versions.

    The pixel remasters are an idiot trap. buttholes who already own 3-4 copies of all the games buying them again because there's a new thing to buy. Best to avoid. Eapecially considering they're not even the best versions. I wouldn't even pirate them.

    PS1 versions of 7, 8 and 9. They aren't the "best" versions per se, but they are the most easily emulated and newer releases don't add anything of substance. Just zoomer features like auto battle and fast forward. And emulators give you fast forward anyway.

    Stop there, because the rest of the series fricking sucks ass.

    If you NEED more, then do FF Tactics for PS1, Tactics Advance for GBA and Tactics A2 on DS. This little offshoot pseudo series is arguably the best part of the whole shebang.
    No other side game or sub series is anywhere near as good. Most of them aren't as bad as the newer main entries, but still not worth bothering with.

    Then seriously just stop. There are other games that play at being great, but they ALL suffer from being bloated budget AAA games with emphasis on graphics from FFX onwards. XII is an oasis in the desert, but combat is a mess and the plot is boring as shit. And it's like 80 hours long, which is rough for a game with those 2 issues. But if you do play it, do the zodiac job system version.

    For FF adjacent games: definately play Vagrant Story (same world as the Tactics games and FFXII), Chrono Trigger (just a great 16 bit JRPG from square) and Parasite Eve (feels like a combination of FFVII and Resident Evil 2 in a way)

    • 2 years ago

      As for why I say skip everything past 9:
      >10 is a hallway, uses virtually standard leveling but the player plays middle man (in the form of a sort of board game) and all challenge is trivialized because you have access to all characters at all times
      >10-2 is a game that at times feelsnlike an old girl band music video and at times feelsnlike a half asked piece of shit (which it is). Its actually better than 10, especially since it has a half decent job and battle system, but those features alone don't make it worth playing. Unless you're desperate
      >11 is a defunct, glorified spin off and an MMO
      >12 isn't all bad, as I said, but it's a CHORE to slog through.
      >13 is another hallway, but with even less optional content with an interesting, but broken battle system. Plot is an absolute mess. They clearly rushed it
      >13-2 is less linear than 13, but has the same problems otherwise. On top of having a shit plot, and annoying cast.
      >13-3 has a decent battlensystem (not great) but has time mechanics (like megaman x5 or majora's mask. Ti.e limit bullshit) and the worst leveling system ever
      >14 is more glorified spinoff MMO bullshit. But the kids like it
      >15 is a woefully unfinished game they spent 3 years trying to patch. The end result is just OK and is never entertaining in any genuine way. Handily the worst combatbof the entire industry (not just seriesnor genre)
      >7 remake ep 1 isn't bad if you like modern action RPGs, but a lotnl of fans of the classics hate it.

      • 2 years ago

        Hipster moron.

    • 2 years ago

      don't listen to this gay op

      the pixel remasters are great if you wanna get into the series, just buy them on PC and mod the font
      start with 3, 4 or 6

    • 2 years ago

      >The pixel remasters are an idiot trap. buttholes who already own 3-4 copies of all the games buying them again because there's a new thing to buy.
      it has a remastered soundtrack and the visuals look good on a huge television, not exactly a bad get

    • 2 years ago

      As for why I say skip everything past 9:
      >10 is a hallway, uses virtually standard leveling but the player plays middle man (in the form of a sort of board game) and all challenge is trivialized because you have access to all characters at all times
      >10-2 is a game that at times feelsnlike an old girl band music video and at times feelsnlike a half asked piece of shit (which it is). Its actually better than 10, especially since it has a half decent job and battle system, but those features alone don't make it worth playing. Unless you're desperate
      >11 is a defunct, glorified spin off and an MMO
      >12 isn't all bad, as I said, but it's a CHORE to slog through.
      >13 is another hallway, but with even less optional content with an interesting, but broken battle system. Plot is an absolute mess. They clearly rushed it
      >13-2 is less linear than 13, but has the same problems otherwise. On top of having a shit plot, and annoying cast.
      >13-3 has a decent battlensystem (not great) but has time mechanics (like megaman x5 or majora's mask. Ti.e limit bullshit) and the worst leveling system ever
      >14 is more glorified spinoff MMO bullshit. But the kids like it
      >15 is a woefully unfinished game they spent 3 years trying to patch. The end result is just OK and is never entertaining in any genuine way. Handily the worst combatbof the entire industry (not just seriesnor genre)
      >7 remake ep 1 isn't bad if you like modern action RPGs, but a lotnl of fans of the classics hate it.

      hy there'

      started to play FF with 13 up to now, kingdom hearts and and all DLC's for current FF.
      For my personal opinion its actual very great. A really great game. I played enough FF to put my opinion above yours. I understand from where you are coming, its like the old ancient FF gamer. Of course you like them more but you have to be honest here, those ancient games, no matter how many Pixel Remaster will come out can't stay on the same level as the AAA FF games we have now.
      FF 13-3 is my fav. game of them all, its fast, no boring ass long wall of story text but i like 15 a bit more since it got the tactical time battle better this way.
      /vr/ has to stop talking about ancient consoles, this is still a place about retro games like ps3 or xbox 360.

      • 2 years ago

        You got some kinda mental illness there bucko?

      • 2 years ago

        I think its funny you talk about the pixel remasters not being on the same level as the AAA modern FFs, when those games are bare bones trash as games, with multi million dollar ad campaigns and half the budget thrown at graphics.
        If you like that more than an actual game. You're a mentally ill homosexual

        • 2 years ago

          Not that anon but i have to agree, Final Fantasy 13 is actually a good game. Sorry for getting filterd by a women.

          • 2 years ago

            It's an ok game, the battles make up for the hallways but I really didn't like some of the voices, only Xenoblade Chronicles has voices as bad as ff13.

    • 2 years ago

      >They all have major qualify of life upgrades over other versions, the best available graphics

      The best available graphics are in THE MOST RECENT FF GAME. If you want old FF, you play the originals. If you want upgrades, you play the new ones. If you want the most blandness of all types crammed into one package, you play a remake.

      • 2 years ago

        u dum

  10. 2 years ago

    literally nothing wrong with pixel remasters

  11. 2 years ago

    Pros: it's exactly how you remember it.
    Cons: it's exactly how you remember it.

  12. 2 years ago

    If you like the aesthetic of the pixel remasters then you might as well go with them
    The difficulty is quite a bit toned down for FF1/2 though, if you care about that

  13. 2 years ago

    Pixel remasters would be fine if they gave you the option to play with the original music. The new soundtrack is ok I guess but really clashes with the pixel graphics they’re going for.

  14. 2 years ago

    The SNES trilogy is still fine to this day, but to be perfectly honest, the NES trilogy is kind of..well bad, especially if you're playing them for the first time. Here's the deal...
    >I: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/733/
    >II: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/734/
    >III: This is the only one you can get with playing the Pixel Remaster since the WonderSwan Color remake was canceled and the DS version is dreadful, but the Famicom version is the most playable of the first three original releases.
    >IV: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6467/ but IV is a special case where the DS remake isn't bad, though it probably isn't the best for a first playthrough and if you want TAY then you may want the PSP bundle (do not under any circumstances get the 3D TAY as it is terrible).
    V: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/2600/
    VI: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3813/ (relocalization scene is too swamped so you're probably better off with basic restoration instead)

    • 2 years ago

      >I&II: WonderSwan
      Origins is decent and preferred in some respects despite longer loads and sprite stretching. It comes down to whether you prefer music chiptunes (WonderSwan) or rearranged (PlayStation).
      >III: This is the only one you can get away with playing the Pixel Remaster
      Agreed, modernized 2D FFIII was the only necessity and it blows DS out of the water, borrowing a few of QoL. Music arguably has the best care. That said, some might prefer original due to PR removing capacity system altogether, making it too easy to cheese growths.
      >IV: ...if you want TAY then you may want the PSP bundle
      I still don't see why anyone likes PSP. It's a definite visual downgrade from I&II and is closer to fugly V&VI mobile. Interlude is also laughable/ignorable. If you really want to play The After Years (which isn't even that great in the first place), best bet is to hit up WiiWare version. But yeah, either DS if you want a hard mode or restored Super Famicom patch (don't get suckered in by "restorations" of SNES "II").
      >V: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/2600/
      I liked this one and used it with Leet Sketcher and noisecross addendums, but it looks like it semirecently had a big update and is probably incompatible now. I'm wary of the new version taking after parts of GBA localization, which went too far in places to make the tone go from "generally lighthearted" to "abridged series."
      >VI: ...relocalization scene is too swamped
      I can tell you lowkey that the best of the bunch is "Retranslated" - https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4619/
      ...But if you don't mind the experience not being vanilla, two fantastic hacks are T-Edition (has practically all GBA content and truckload more: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6339/) and Divergent Paths ("what if this game got the Lunar remake treatment and events unfolded slightly differently about a quarter of the way into the game ultimately turning a minor character into a major one: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5997/).

      • 2 years ago

        >PSP. It's a definite visual downgrade
        kek, sure thing bro

        • 2 years ago

          It specifically mentioned as compared to I&II on PSP. Way to remove the context.

          GBA versions with sound restoration hacks. All other answers are wrong.

          They're hideous and only dumb zoomers play them.

          >GBA versions with sound restoration hacks. All other answers are wrong.
          GBA "restorations" are also a meme. The tinny speakers can only do only so much.

          • 2 years ago

            As if sound is the only issue.
            Can't speak for nes but the snes games look bad also, usually unfixably so.

      • 2 years ago

        >I liked this one and used it with Leet Sketcher and noisecross addendums, but it looks like it semirecently had a big update and is probably incompatible now.
        I don't know if they were ever "compatible" before but LotC + Leet Sketcher's Count Monsters patch works but results in a mishmash of truncated and untruncated monster names, sometimes with a monster count, sometimes not.
        Monster Count only shortens monster names longer than eight spaces in the RPGe translation and LotC has its own expanded monster name list.

  15. 2 years ago

    Can someone please port these to the switch? I'd like to play them again after all these years, even though I've got them in several different formats already.

  16. 2 years ago

    Start with FF4, then play FF6 next because 4 is short (but really freaking good). If you’re still interested, do 1 or 5, then 3 and save 2 for last.

    If you can play originals, do those. Pixel remasters are too easy although the music is good. They’re better for secojd playthroughs etc

  17. 2 years ago

    Has anyone played the 3DS version of FFI? Besides using the MP system for magic instead of the original system, how is this version overall?

    • 2 years ago

      i didn't know this existed, JP only?

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, I think it was offered for free as a DL code when you bought FF Explorers, and later they also sold it separately through the eShop.

  18. 2 years ago

    Do what you want, but if you play them all in order you're probably going to get burned out before you get to any of the good ones. If you want my advice, start with the SNES trilogy then go back to the NES ones when you want more.

  19. 2 years ago

    I'm playing FF6 remaster and items usage is too close to instantaneous. You can throw down a phoenix (fenix) down nearly as quickly as you had readied it; the other party members' ATB gauge only advances very slightly. In the snes version there was a very good chance your character could get smacked before s/he could use that phoenix down, which was fun, and it made you ponder if you should perhaps not use the item and use a powerful attack or spell. In generally all item usage seems to be nearly instantaneous, and I don't like it.

  20. 2 years ago

    Lol FF1 on NES is fineee. Played through it beginning to end no issues a few times. It's like a 5-10 dollar game if you have an old NES console lying around. The OG manual includes a walkthrough of the first area. If you don't like the music or graphics totally go for the ps1/psp/whatever version, but the NES/Famicom version isn't bad or broken by any means.


  21. 2 years ago

    1-5 aren't really worth playing. Even 6 – a huge step up – really pales in comparison to later releases.
    That said, if you want to play these:
    PS1 or Pixel Remaster. I guess PR for the soundtrack. Gonna go against the norm and say I hate how the PSP version of this and 4 look.
    Pixel Remaster
    DS, by a longshot. This version got ported to PSP actually
    Pixel Remaster or GBA with music patch. I can't recommend the SNES version due to the shit graphics (mainly no gradient). HOWEVER if you really like the art style of 3 on DS, then there is a DS version of 4 with the same look.
    Same deal as FF4
    Can't go wrong with the SNES version nor the pixel Remaster.

    If you play the Pixel Remasters make sure you get the font fix

    • 2 years ago

      Cont. for 7 onwards
      PS1, on a CRT or with a CRT filter. Later versions have weird graphical frickups, wonky music playback, and menus run at 15FPS in battles instead of 60; you're really gonna wanna play the PS1 version.
      same as FF7
      same as FF7
      The remaster is pretty good to be honest. PS2 emulation is kinda wonky so unless you have a CRT + PS2/PS3 then play remaster; otherwise PS2 version
      Don't play this
      >FF13, 13-2, Lightning Returns
      PC version, though you may want a beefy 80GB+ mod to get the PS3's HD cutscenes
      Doesn't really matter
      Doesn't really matter
      >FF7 Remake
      Whatever you do, don't play it before the original since this one is meta as frick

    • 2 years ago

      Cont. for 7 onwards
      PS1, on a CRT or with a CRT filter. Later versions have weird graphical frickups, wonky music playback, and menus run at 15FPS in battles instead of 60; you're really gonna wanna play the PS1 version.
      same as FF7
      same as FF7
      The remaster is pretty good to be honest. PS2 emulation is kinda wonky so unless you have a CRT + PS2/PS3 then play remaster; otherwise PS2 version
      Don't play this
      >FF13, 13-2, Lightning Returns
      PC version, though you may want a beefy 80GB+ mod to get the PS3's HD cutscenes
      Doesn't really matter
      Doesn't really matter
      >FF7 Remake
      Whatever you do, don't play it before the original since this one is meta as frick

      Anyway, I recommend:
      >10 (not 10-2)
      >13 series
      Just about everything else is a waste of time to be tbh

  22. 2 years ago

    None of them, Play Fallout 2 instead

  23. 2 years ago

    Seconding the opinion that one should definitely play the originals first. Especially FFV, which absolutely relies on the bold SFC color palette and awesome soundfont, which is ONLY present in the original version (and the shitty Playstation port, but why would you play that?)
    The only Pixel Remaster I'd actually recommend is 3, because it is something entirely new. However, the original famicom version and the 3d remake are both good options for that game, too.

  24. 2 years ago
  25. 2 years ago

    Always sad that people seem to hate the DS/PSP version of 3, or hate the game altogether. Thought it had better job balancing than 5, especially since the latter eventually devolved into putting it all onto the equivalent of super jobs. That said, to be fair, the Sage and Ninja were practically that, too.
    The one thing I can give to the Pixel Remaster is that it had fantastic job rebalancing so that there are a ton more viable party combinations for endgame, and now you see teams going up against CoD with more than just Ninjas and Sages.

    • 2 years ago

      Too bad everyone has it drilled into their heads that since it's based on the NES version you still have to use two Ninjas and two Sages to even have a chance. Boring.

      • 2 years ago

        I've never even used Sage in any non famicom version. I still use a ninja because ninjas are cool.

      • 2 years ago

        I used a Knight, a Ranger, a Bard, and a Ninja.

        • 2 years ago

          Hey nice! I used Bard too, loved that job in nearly every appearance it's had.
          The buffs to the Viking make me real tempted to at least check out the Pixel Remaster, them and the Ranger.

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