I have never played a Kingdom Hearts game, or even a Final Fantasy/Square game for that matter. Can I jump in right here?

I have never played a Kingdom Hearts game, or even a Final Fantasy/Square game for that matter.
Can I jump in right here? The combat looks neat and it's rated very highly.

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  1. 4 months ago

    the prologue kind of goes over events of the first and second games in 2 but you'll be lost because the story is over complicated for no reason. If you skip the first set of games then just remember that everyone is Xehanort and that KINGDOM HEARTS.. IS LIGHT.

  2. 4 months ago

    Start with Kingdom Hearts and play them in release order.

  3. 4 months ago

    if you want to get into this series because of the gameplay and not the story, then play 1, 2, and depending on how much you like both of those, BBS last. If you want to play the games for the story (god help you), then play them in order. I would not recommend getting into KH's story in 2024 since you missed that window of relevancy, that and it's become hot dogshit.

  4. 4 months ago

    Play every single entry in release order. Yes, that includes watching the cutscenes on the mobile games.

  5. 4 months ago

    here, a summary of the first 2 games for you. you're welcome.


    (chain of memories)

  6. 4 months ago

    I've finished 1, I'm in the middle of Re: CoM and in the end of the KH2. They are great games, the combat is really good, but each of them have their own problems.

    • 4 months ago

      Well, I just posted fast because the thread was on page 10.

      You must play the games on Proud or Critical modes. In these modes the game will basically force you to learn all the mechanics, including guard (underrated) and parry.

      Each game of the series has a different combat system, all of them are great so far.

      KH1 camera is not good and you'll get lost a lot in the worlds, so you really should use a FAQ. No, really, use a FAQ if you get lost.

      KH2 is really good, but basically has no exploration.

      CoM for GBA is more on the beat 'em up gameplay side, which is pretty good.

      Re:CoM is different, so I recommend for you to play both. It's a remake from CoM though.

      Again every game is very different from one another, but at the same it feels familiar.

      The story IS convoluted and you'll have a hard time understanding 2 if you don't play 1 and CoM. If you do, though, you'll get pretty much every main plot twist, like I did, if you give it some though.

      Play CoM at least until you beat 4 or 5 stages if you want to skip it, so you'll understand the game motif, which will be explored later on.

      The compilation will have everything in order to play, so I highly suggest to play the games in that order.

  7. 4 months ago

    at the very least play 1 first

  8. 4 months ago

    First you play Kingdom Hearts (final mix).
    Then you play Kingdom Hearts 2 (final mix).
    Then if you want you can play Kingdom Hearts Birth by sleep (final mix) and Kingdom Hearts 3. Or just quit after KH2. Nothing else is worth your time.

  9. 4 months ago

    yep go nuts.
    I am just now starting the series again on another trophy run (I helped a friend 100% 1 and 2, and already did the no equip change no continues speedrun trophies all in one run, just proud 100% again and I can do CoM properly next this time, and the rest.)

    bare in mind days and re:coded are NOT actually included and are cutscenes so, emulate those. (frick you nintendo)

    • 4 months ago

      >(frick you nintendo)
      was that Nintendo fault?

      358/2 is also cutscene only. I thought that didn't remake it because of the development time. I've always thought it was strange, because they had pretty much every asset needed.

      • 4 months ago

        >was that Nintendo fault?
        Why would it be? They could release DDD as a HD game and that was originally a nintendo exclusive.

      • 4 months ago

        >was that Nintendo fault?
        they're all the ds and 3ds games do the math. every other game is on there and the collection is now on pc but no nintendo games because ??

        • 4 months ago

          2.8 collection has a port of dream drop distance playable, not just cutscenes, which was a 3ds game
          so not porting 358/2 days and re:coded was just laziness on their part, not something to do with nintendo

          • 4 months ago

            I forgot dream drop was a 3ds game to be fair

            Chain of Memory was released for GBA and Coded was a japanese Mobile phone. I think that it has more to do with the assets and development time.

            I don't know, I don't think it's Nintendo fault.

            too busy spending 13 years making kh3 lol

          • 4 months ago

            It would be nice if they did another collection with the remake of the missing games + the original ones. Yeah, that would be too much work, still, it would be nice.

            I forgot dream drop was a 3ds game to be fair
            too busy spending 13 years making kh3 lol

            Yeah, but every game is a sequel though, you can't skip them storywise. It there wasn't too much wait if you think about it.

            • 4 months ago

              >you can't skip them storywise
              I still haven't played days or coded just watched the cutscenes.

              phone games too but I watched ALL the lore throughs on youtube. cutscenes in game don't cover everything. (nice to see the whole origin story though, I guess) and dark road wasn't finished when I looked into that.

        • 4 months ago

          Chain of Memory was released for GBA and Coded was a japanese Mobile phone. I think that it has more to do with the assets and development time.

          >was that Nintendo fault?
          Why would it be? They could release DDD as a HD game and that was originally a nintendo exclusive.

          I don't know, I don't think it's Nintendo fault.

  10. 4 months ago

    Yes. I hate RPGs, and I consider this one of the best games ever made.
    Ignore the story, only turboautists still care about it. Just play on Critical and enjoy a masterpiece.

  11. 4 months ago

    oh and BBS doesn't have multiplayer despite psn.
    as much as I think the collections are great there are major flaws.
    1,2,bbs,ddd,aquas game, are all fine though. and I prefer re:CoM to gba. but I don't really like soras gameplay in either. riku fixes it but by then you have literally completed the game.

  12. 4 months ago

    I would start with the first one. I really enjoyed it even though it can be pretty solid at times, but 2 is the best imo

  13. 4 months ago

    re:com sucked so much ass i gave up there

  14. 4 months ago

    what difficulty should i play?

    • 4 months ago

      At the highest. You'll die a lot, but trust me, you'll want to learn everything about the game to beat THAT boss you are surely going to struggle.

    • 4 months ago

      proud, take wand drop sword/shield (more mp), start at night
      or easy morning (speedrun)

    • 4 months ago

      The highest. Guard armor will likely kick your ass many many times but after that it gets better.

  15. 4 months ago

    I platinum'd every game in this series and don't regret it for one second. It's absolute soul.

  16. 4 months ago

    Make sure to play them in release order. Also CoM can be skipped because it sucks both in the PS2 and GBA version, just watch a cutscene compilation or something. Every other game is good. Yes ReCoded too, even if the story is irrelevant the gameplay is unironically in the top 5 of the franchise despite being on a DS.

    • 4 months ago

      >CoM can be skipped because it sucks
      I really, really like both. You need to be into deck building though.

      • 4 months ago

        Well considering that the collection has the 3D version of CoM it does indeed suck.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm into deck building as well and it fricking sucks. Literally once you find one of the many OP set ups you can just crush the entirety of the game without changing your deck a single time in the most brain dead way possible until you reach the few final bosses. It's boring as hell.

  17. 4 months ago

    only 2 games are good, the frist one and 2

  18. 4 months ago

    No. You need to play Kingdom Hearts in order or you won't understand the sto-
    Actually, never mind, I don't think anyone understands what the frick is going on, even Nomura. The gameplay in all of them is decent though.

  19. 4 months ago

    Yes. The prologue of 2 would be confusing and a little long and boring no matter how much context you have. But the story is still not crazy enough to be completely lost... well, it is, but context from the previous games barely helps, so start with the premise of "Sora is traveling the multiverse searching for his missing friends and fighting DARKNESS along the way" and you would basically be as much to date as those who played 2 back at launch (specially the majority that did so without playing Chain Of Memories). With the mess that its the story out of the way, and the fair warning about the prologue, sure, its not the worst place to start and still arguably the best entry to this day.

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