I have played every single MMORPG, is there anything good left?

I don't even know what the frick I am looking for anymore.
I guess the answer is something that I don't need to break out excel sheets to enjoy and there's an actual sense of progression.
That is, you unlock things for actually putting in effort, not just buying your way to victory.

Stuff I've played:

WoW - Hated the first 3 expansions loved the next 3, hated the rest of the game. MoP BMAH PvP camping was PLATNIUM tier. Everything else was shit. Now the game is a expac FOTM bullshit that caters to sex obsessed trannies. I can't even enjoy the old content anymore...

WoW Classic - I just said I hated the first 3 expacs. I also never liked the original mechanics or graphics either... It was good in early 2000, terrible now.

Guild Wars 2 - I have none of the expacs, just the base game so I'd need to spend $$$ on the expansions for a game that is already barely surviving, shitty horizontal progression. Level scaling is also fricking cancer.

Black Desert - Even though they toned down the Korean gambling simulator. I don't have 100s of hours to learn how to play a Sweaty APM class just to still get 1shot by a Ninja with 6 years of 8+ hours a day experience + infinite iframes.

New World - Actually enjoyed it but the combat gets so frickin boring at end-game and the PvP revolves around 20 minute fights where you chase people all over the place breaking your keyboard in half to try and get a kill. Also feels like the game has no real identity. Amazon has no idea what they want to do with the game either and I am not a fan of sandbox games really.

EvE - The one game that if I could click my fingers and be a master at, I would probably pick this even though it's kinda dead. Looks like something I'd have loads of fun in, if I understood how the frick it works, what is happening and it didn't look like an excel sheet with a game attached to it. I also don't want to get a second job in the game and work my ass off mining rocks for a corpo.


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  1. 8 months ago

    Albion Online - The "perfect" sandbox until the beta ended. The addition of hideouts killed all risk in the game. Too much variety meant too many people skipping into risk zones only for a second and then to just pussy out and leave. When you join a maxed out guild, theres' literally nothing to do except ZvZ because gear is so cheap you can just get a full free re-gear if you die.

    Tree of Savior - One of the greatest until they removed the entire leveling experience and tried to milk everyone else of their money. Fricking c**ts, I actually really loved and played this game until they ruined it.

    Nostale - Older version of Tree of Savior that I actually spent hundreds of hours in right from the beta and played multiple private servers before feeling like I'd played enough. Still love the game and have good memories but I've played it enough.

    Final Fantasy XIV - absolute brain-dead garbage and full of sex obsessed troony pedos. Braindead slow AF combat and a story that takes the gold medal for being the most boring shit ever made. Literally "The Reddit MMORPG". Imagine paying for this.

    Elder Scrolls Online - All of the above, except it has even worse combat. Just fricking spam the same shit over and over again and dodge roll around like a moron. Cash shop is for milking the remaining players slurping copium. Imagine paying for this.

    Genshin Impact - A child's game that doesn't even get more difficult as you progress. It's pretty but it's essentially just a gambling sim that they drip feed you. Story is boring and characters are mostly cringe.

    Life is Feudal: YO - Pretty based game if you join a nice RP Discord but I am not that much of a neckbeard. Fun for a few months but it's an old ass game and died even after releasing in China despite the hype and extra money behind it, for a reason.

  2. 8 months ago

    Age of Conan Unchained - Based Abandonware game that I've already sunk tons of time into. Modded it and made it far more modern and added HDR myself but I've played it to death. Will probably run servers until the sun dies.

    Dofus - Fun game that I rinsed when I was younger and pretty cool community. But a bit too casual. Waiting for Dofus Unity and maybe I'll start over.

    Wakfu - Would probably play it if it wasn't made in fricking java and actually didn't look pixelated as shit on my screen. Makes me feel like I need to wear glasses even though I have perfect eyesight.

    Lord of the Rings Online - Old ass graphics and you gotta pay for quests and expansions. Looks pretty dead from the gameplay videos I've seen.

    Star Wars the Old Republic - Pretty much 99% as above, and the ultrawide fix is fricked and the game doesn't properly support ultrawide. I'm also not much of a fan of the horrid UI or the game's story.

    OSRS/RS3 - Shitter of a game that I played as a kid because I was depressed. I am no longer depressed and would rather kill myself than play this game again.

    Allods - One of the greatest MMORPGs ever made. Absolute diamond-tier game with thousands of hours of shit to do and really fun combat and zero pay2win if you play in the $4 a month P2P server. But I've played it for years.

    Lost Ark - Frick off with the elitism. I don't play games to meet your criteria. I play games to enjoy them. Also frick you and your cluttered UI. I also doubt I have the patience to learn the moronic boss mechanics. Maybe in a few years when they pull their heads out of their asses I'll play it.

    Played another 50+ games. Frick Ashes of Creation those devs are drinking kool aid and it'll be ready when hell freezes over. They're about as braindead as those Crowfall devs were lol.

    Is there literally anything left?

    • 8 months ago

      Albion Online - The "perfect" sandbox until the beta ended. The addition of hideouts killed all risk in the game. Too much variety meant too many people skipping into risk zones only for a second and then to just pussy out and leave. When you join a maxed out guild, theres' literally nothing to do except ZvZ because gear is so cheap you can just get a full free re-gear if you die.

      Tree of Savior - One of the greatest until they removed the entire leveling experience and tried to milk everyone else of their money. Fricking c**ts, I actually really loved and played this game until they ruined it.

      Nostale - Older version of Tree of Savior that I actually spent hundreds of hours in right from the beta and played multiple private servers before feeling like I'd played enough. Still love the game and have good memories but I've played it enough.

      Final Fantasy XIV - absolute brain-dead garbage and full of sex obsessed troony pedos. Braindead slow AF combat and a story that takes the gold medal for being the most boring shit ever made. Literally "The Reddit MMORPG". Imagine paying for this.

      Elder Scrolls Online - All of the above, except it has even worse combat. Just fricking spam the same shit over and over again and dodge roll around like a moron. Cash shop is for milking the remaining players slurping copium. Imagine paying for this.

      Genshin Impact - A child's game that doesn't even get more difficult as you progress. It's pretty but it's essentially just a gambling sim that they drip feed you. Story is boring and characters are mostly cringe.

      Life is Feudal: YO - Pretty based game if you join a nice RP Discord but I am not that much of a neckbeard. Fun for a few months but it's an old ass game and died even after releasing in China despite the hype and extra money behind it, for a reason.


      I don't even know what the frick I am looking for anymore.
      I guess the answer is something that I don't need to break out excel sheets to enjoy and there's an actual sense of progression.
      That is, you unlock things for actually putting in effort, not just buying your way to victory.

      Stuff I've played:

      WoW - Hated the first 3 expansions loved the next 3, hated the rest of the game. MoP BMAH PvP camping was PLATNIUM tier. Everything else was shit. Now the game is a expac FOTM bullshit that caters to sex obsessed trannies. I can't even enjoy the old content anymore...

      WoW Classic - I just said I hated the first 3 expacs. I also never liked the original mechanics or graphics either... It was good in early 2000, terrible now.

      Guild Wars 2 - I have none of the expacs, just the base game so I'd need to spend $$$ on the expansions for a game that is already barely surviving, shitty horizontal progression. Level scaling is also fricking cancer.

      Black Desert - Even though they toned down the Korean gambling simulator. I don't have 100s of hours to learn how to play a Sweaty APM class just to still get 1shot by a Ninja with 6 years of 8+ hours a day experience + infinite iframes.

      New World - Actually enjoyed it but the combat gets so frickin boring at end-game and the PvP revolves around 20 minute fights where you chase people all over the place breaking your keyboard in half to try and get a kill. Also feels like the game has no real identity. Amazon has no idea what they want to do with the game either and I am not a fan of sandbox games really.

      EvE - The one game that if I could click my fingers and be a master at, I would probably pick this even though it's kinda dead. Looks like something I'd have loads of fun in, if I understood how the frick it works, what is happening and it didn't look like an excel sheet with a game attached to it. I also don't want to get a second job in the game and work my ass off mining rocks for a corpo.


      Its possible you've played them, however your list is absent of
      >Mortal online 1/2
      >Haven and Hearth
      >Planetside 2 (Kinda reaching, but its not on your list)
      >Return of Reckoning (Warhammer Online)
      >Fallout 76

      I dont know if any of these interest you, but itll give you something to look at if you're interested. Unfortunately, most of us are in the same boat, most mmos are shit today (Ill add in picrel). On my list, Haven and Hearth may be worth a shot if you have a group of friends you play with.

      If you find something, let me know lol
      P.S. Wakfu is getting Monoaccount servers allegedly in October, however PVP is still removed from Wakfu so even with monoaccount idk if itll be worth getting back into.

  3. 8 months ago

    If I had to recommend something for you to try it would be all these old pre-WoW games.
    on HorizonXI
    on P99 or the upcoming Project Quarm
    SWGemu or Restoration

    Honorable mention for Return of Reckoning but it's sadly been leaking players for the past couple years. Used to regularly hit 3k players online.

    Games that I don't have experience with but might be worth a shot: DaoC (Eden server maybe?), Lineage 2 (Elmore's lab?), Asheron's Call (Coldeve?)

    There's an upcoming pserver for LotRO called Echoes of Angmar based on an older version of the game and of course you won't have to pay for quests and shit. Worth keeping an eye on.

    On top of that there's the upcoming Monsters & Memories which might turn out decent but it's far from release.

    • 8 months ago

      Tibia now that's an old one... Could have a look again. Warhammer Online actually might not be a bad choice. Let's see how dated it is.
      Haven and Hearth definitely not my thing. Same with Planetside (and World of Tanks). Salem looks like it'd make me wanna cut my wrists.

      Return of Reckoning actually looks half decent. Like a cheap version of Allods and way less colorful. I remember hearing about it years ago but never got into Warhammer much past Vermintide and Dawn of War Soulstorm. I could give it a shot. Lineage 2 I played so many years ago and had good reasons for quitting. DAoC and Asheron's are just a bit too old for me. Also I thought FFXI was dead or at least wasn't getting any content ever again.

      • 8 months ago

        If you're not willing to play old MMORPGs you're not gonna find any good ones.

        Age of Reckoning was basically a spiritual successor to DaoC with its PvP focus that was big time mismanaged by EA as the publisher. RoR devs kept developing and balancing the game further and it's in a way better state than AoR ever was. I don't know the details but I think some parts of the dev team might've been part of the reason people were driven away and they lost a huge chunk of their playerbase.

        >Also I thought FFXI was dead or at least wasn't getting any content ever again.
        Retail servers are still up but they're garbage. If you want to experience the good FFXI it's available on HorizonXI.

        If you just wanna grind then I'd look into diabe-girlkes, lootashootas and games like that. They're not really MMOs but they usually have multiplayer elements and eternal grind. Warframe is a game where you will never run out of shit to grind for.

        • 8 months ago

          Exactly the older ones and even a lot of outright dead MMOs were the best man. I still play the DAOC freeshards in bursts when the population is there.

      • 8 months ago

        DAoC was known almost exclusively for its PVP/rvr combat. I think you'll be too far behind to catch up to an enjoyable moment but waiting for the launch of s2 of Eden would probably be worth it if you are a social player. Not going to lie there's a lot of mechanics that newer RPGs don't even implement and the pve is sleep inducing. Currently, the free shards launch and go strong for a few months till they bleed out all the solos and only 8mans remain and the server dies. I keep swearing off the stupid game and keep coming back. Like, my wife cracks jokes about me quitting DAoC.

  4. 8 months ago

    Reading through your list you don't actually give a single frick about MMOs you just want to grind.

    Just pick up single player RPGs they're probably more your speed. Or if you're into PVP try MOBAs

    MMOs are always going to be jank, combat is always going to suck while also being sweaty as frick, the charm of playing an MMO is sharing a world with hundreds-thousands of other players, if thats not the main appeal you're looking for you'll always hate shitty MMOs because yes, 90% of them are dogshit troony shit full of MTX garbage, but the few that are actually good that offer an MMO experience doesn't seem to be what you want.

  5. 8 months ago

    >Its too casual
    >its too sweaty
    >combat sucks
    >combat too much apm
    You don't know what the frick you want

    >genshin impact
    Its not even a fricking mmo you twat.

    • 8 months ago

      >genshin impact Its not even a fricking mmo you twat.

      Yeah you got me there. Not sure why I even mentioned it. I guess because it's still got basic-b***h multiplayer and there's discussion threads about it everywhere. Imo it's like saying that Path of Exile is not an MMO which is basically is. It technically is Massively Multiplayer and Online. It's also an RPG. I'm not going to get into an argument about semantics.

      Reading through your list you don't actually give a single frick about MMOs you just want to grind.

      Just pick up single player RPGs they're probably more your speed. Or if you're into PVP try MOBAs

      MMOs are always going to be jank, combat is always going to suck while also being sweaty as frick, the charm of playing an MMO is sharing a world with hundreds-thousands of other players, if thats not the main appeal you're looking for you'll always hate shitty MMOs because yes, 90% of them are dogshit troony shit full of MTX garbage, but the few that are actually good that offer an MMO experience doesn't seem to be what you want.

      Agreed. You got me to a T. I've been having 99% of my fun with RPGs. Rinsing basically any pixel-art ones like Sea of Stars, Octopath, Stoneshard etc. recently and I say again. I do think you're right. I started with stuff like FFIX and Breath of Fire IV but then gradually shifted to MMOs. Singleplayer RPGs softened me up for the grind but I think I've always been searching for that progression which MMOs always move the fricking goalposts on.

      I think this comment has done more for me in 5 minutes in terms of helping me orient my compass. Than 5 years of painfully trying out new MMOs all the time to wind up hating them and then enjoying the next decent SP RPG. No wonder I enjoy SP games with so much theorycrafting. Kind of stupid of me to think that MMOs are the only kind of genre that can give me that.

      Its possible you've played them, however your list is absent of
      >Mortal online 1/2
      >Haven and Hearth
      >Planetside 2 (Kinda reaching, but its not on your list)
      >Return of Reckoning (Warhammer Online)
      >Fallout 76

      I dont know if any of these interest you, but itll give you something to look at if you're interested. Unfortunately, most of us are in the same boat, most mmos are shit today (Ill add in picrel). On my list, Haven and Hearth may be worth a shot if you have a group of friends you play with.

      If you find something, let me know lol
      P.S. Wakfu is getting Monoaccount servers allegedly in October, however PVP is still removed from Wakfu so even with monoaccount idk if itll be worth getting back into.

      Thanks for the suggestions.

      MO2 I've played. It's pretty amazing and definitely has some of those epic moments you can gank a bunch of dudes and then run off and hide in a shadow whilst they franticly look for you. As well as force dismounting people and bullying them to death. That said, grinding to get all your stuff back is such a b***h.

      Definitely not a fan of the Fallout series. 76 was pretty bad. Like Fallout 4 but worse. No idea why it's even online.

  6. 8 months ago

    yeah it doesn't seem like you enjoy mmos. not that i blame you, they are shit after all.

  7. 8 months ago

    What do you all think of Waven?

    Isn't it a Dofus/Wakfu sequel?

    • 8 months ago

      Are we really going to trust Akanama with another MMO sequel that is seperated from the other 2 when they fricked up the other two so hard?

  8. 8 months ago

    >Finally have the time and resource to completely devote life to MMO
    >Nothing worth playing, stuck on pirate WoW servers for the past decade

    Why live?

    • 8 months ago

      Have you tried EVE, join a corp and shoot nerds and have fun.

      The best ship is friendship.

      • 8 months ago

        OP here.

        So I legit actually started playing EvE right before seeing this comment even. It just kept coming up over and over and over again in the past few years as the game that just won't quit. Apparently neither will the devs.

        So I decided finally frick it. It doesn't look too much like a spreadsheet sim anymore, there's tutorials now for most shit. They throw a ton of free ships at you and they've worked their ass off to make the game more accessible.

        I don't usually like Sandboxes. Even though Albion Online (beta) was the most fun I have ever had in a game and as soon as it got a 1.0 release the game turned to shit in a matter of months.

        However, EvE has been fricking amazing so far. It truly does feel like space, and it truly does have 20 years worth of consistent depth and development in it. You can see in how well some of the mechanics are refined. Granted, it's not perfect but shit is it good. The graphics absolutely hold up (playing it in 5K) and it actually gives me those "PvP shakes" that I haven't felt in years since playing Nostale or Albion Online.

        I will probably be playing this until they shut the game down, which will likely be when the sun explodes. So yeah. I wish I had jumped into this game years ago, even just to have set a character on "training" skills a year or two ago so I could sit down and have access to most meta things now.

        In the meantime everything in this game is fun. Heavily leaning to exploration and ratting. It feels extremely fresh and holy shit is there a big grind so it's satisfying my need for theorycrafting in ways WoW hasn't in years.

        • 8 months ago

          >It truly does feel like space
          >planets doesn't even fricking spin
          >stars might as well be props
          >nebulas are skyboxes
          Fricking indie shoestring budget space sims does better job at making space than eve after two decades.
          >20 years worth of consistent depth and development
          >implementing point defense is still insurmountable task for icelandic inbreeds
          >you can only shoot in center mass of a ship
          >shields are boring blanket hp pools
          Star Trek Online of all things has more interesting spaceship combat than EVE and it is casual as frick themepark made to milk boomer trekkies.

          • 8 months ago

            >planets doesn't even fricking spin
            this Black person believes NASA
            >stars might as well be props
            >nebulas are skyboxes
            Do a fricking better job or do you think that No Man's Sky is more "realistic"? Stars in the game are realistic enough for me. If I park my ship as close as I can get to one it basically burns my retinas on my HDR display. What the frick do you think Nebulas look like up close anyway?
            >you can only shoot in center mass of a ship
            The game is fricking complicated enough moron
            >Star Trek Online of all things has more interesting spaceship combat than EVE
            You best be trolling

            It's a game about FLYING SPACESHIPS not landing on planets for fricks sake. Everything runs on a single server with no lag whatsoever. You sound like you think Shitfield or Black personman's Sky are more realistic depictions of space. If that's so, good for you. You play as a fricking pilot/capsuleer in EvE. Not a planet explorer.

            Go sit in C-Space and listen to the music. It's chilling and eerie. You literally feel like you are completely alone and lost in the universe. It's not a perfect game but holy shit does it has 20 years of polish.

  9. 8 months ago

    What's a good MMO for someone who wants to play really casually? (handful of hours a month, lots of breaks)

    I just want a populated world where I can chill, explore and adventure at my own time. Not having to worry about rushing and grinding. A good story is also a plus.

    Mmo I played:
    Has story and dialogue but the combat was boring
    Comfy atmosphere and style but very empty and typical K-grind
    Too disadvantaged for a solo casual. Just a grinding killbox for disc sweats. No questing.
    Didn't click with me. A bit cartoony and juvenile? GW1 seemed better. Also kept crashing

    • 8 months ago

      Play Guild Wars with /vm/.

    • 8 months ago

      >I just want a populated world where I can chill, explore and adventure at my own time.
      LOTRO or Guild Wars (1)

      OP it seems like you lean towards sandbox MMOs yet you haven't played Ultima Online.
      >Lord of the Rings Online - Old ass graphics and you gotta pay for quests and expansions. Looks pretty dead from the gameplay videos I've seen.
      You get thousands of quests for free. God forbid you pay a hundred dollars after playing for free for thousands of hours? Come on bro. Be reasonable. Also I'd argue LOTRO aged pretty well graphically. Looks good for a game that was primarily developed for 2007-2011 tech.

    • 8 months ago

      >A good story is also a plus.
      You can't have a good MMO and a good story. Having gameplay focused on a story is antithetical to MMOs.

      You don't want to play an MMO.

  10. 8 months ago

    Josh Strife Hayes, stop using Ganker for research.

  11. 8 months ago

    If you just wanna grind, have you considered Maplestory OP?

  12. 8 months ago

    Dofus is different from when you played when you were younger
    Shit's the best MMO but it's obscure because it's french.

    • 8 months ago

      Wakfu has been the ringer so many times with P2W cash shop changes and most recently it removed all PVP, I thought dofus also got fricked.

  13. 8 months ago

    OP it seems like you lean towards sandbox MMOs yet you haven't played Ultima Online.
    >Lord of the Rings Online - Old ass graphics and you gotta pay for quests and expansions. Looks pretty dead from the gameplay videos I've seen.
    You get thousands of quests for free. God forbid you pay a hundred dollars after playing for free for thousands of hours? Come on bro. Be reasonable. Also I'd argue LOTRO aged pretty well graphically. Looks good for a game that was primarily developed for 2007-2011 tech.

  14. 8 months ago

    >hated the good parts of wow
    >liked the worst parts of wow
    >too moronic to figure out spreadsheet sim
    your taste is so irredeemably shit that no game will ever cater to you.

    • 8 months ago

      ok homosexual, I'm happy for you that you liked the shittest expacs of WoW. No one cares though.

  15. 8 months ago

    Have you tried the new GMOD 10 schema begotten : apocalypse? It's multiplayer pvp with level and gear progression + fps souls-like combat. Maybe you should try a non-mmo multiplayer game? (70ish playercap) launches 6-8 PM EST today.


  16. 8 months ago

    >ctrl+f "DDO"
    Anon get to it

  17. 8 months ago

    i dont think you like mmos

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