I haven't played World of Warcraft in over 10 years.

I haven't played World of Warcraft in over 10 years. I only heard about the sorry state of some expansion in passing, but how is it now? Is the game fun enough to play?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >I only heard about the sorry state of some expansion in passing, but how is it now?

  2. 10 months ago

    You quit when the game had bottomed out and it's only gone further down the shitter since then.
    Garbage with fanservice sprinked on top
    How the frick did it go so wrong
    Between this and the Spyro remakes, someone high-up at Actiblizz is a scalie and can't stop jerking off at work

    I patiently await the (you)s from mazed morons who will proceed to imply that WoD wasn't abject dogshit.

    • 10 months ago

      Legion was good

      • 10 months ago

        Man frick you legion was fun. Had the most side activities and it was fun being stupidly op in world content at the end with legendaries and your stupid op weapon.

        legionbros, we need to come to accept that legion was only above average. it was amazing for us because we probably got our BIS legendaries for the entire expansion but i realized recently that for a huge portion of the population, they had shit legendaries with no way to get more until argus catchup mechanics were introduced.


        I haven't played World of Warcraft in over 10 years. I only heard about the sorry state of some expansion in passing, but how is it now? Is the game fun enough to play?

        DF is above average but the crafting system is moronic.

        my rankings so far: MOP>Legion>WOD(good until content drought)>Dragonflight>Cata>BFA>Shadowlands

        i didnt put the first three in this because Vanilla and TBC were practically different MMOs. wotlk was good but is a turning point between nuwow and oldwow

        • 10 months ago

          I got the necklace with the 30% of hp shield. And I was a hunter, I just liked the convienence.

          And also fishing, mini pets, dalaran sewer war, paragon reps, shit like that was all fantastic.

          The way they changed dailies into world quests made shit so much easier to grind. And the story was absolutely insane but at least it was fun!

          • 10 months ago

            prydaz was shit at launch but then became BIS for all classes after one of the bigger content patches, i remember because i cringed in horror when i got it. after the patch, the sheer amount of stats it was buffed with made it good for any class and any role

            >I haven't played World of Warcraft in over 10 years
            You'll want to give it another 10 years so the le current agenda can pass by or hopefully Blizz will just be dead

            me and my friends are super liberal left but we still joke about how dragonflight is the gayest island since there such a higher concentration of it in this island than any other continent

            • 10 months ago

              Prydaz was never bis for a non healer moron

              • 10 months ago

                oops i never played one lmaoooooooo

                I miss that little fricker like you wouldn't believe. I don't miss that all legion areas had the one song though. The BAAA NA NA, BA NA NA, BA NA NA NAAA NAAAA NAAAAAA

                rip never getting dismounted/dazed as a dps spec ever again

            • 10 months ago

              I miss that little fricker like you wouldn't believe. I don't miss that all legion areas had the one song though. The BAAA NA NA, BA NA NA, BA NA NA NAAA NAAAA NAAAAAA

          • 10 months ago

            This. I played as a casual and I didnt care if I got some BIS UBER LEGENDARY. Would be nice I guess but I still had fun doing world quests, exploring, fishing and doing archeology. Legion was tons of fun and the artifacts were cool.

      • 10 months ago

        the last good expansion was mop

      • 10 months ago

        Legion was just okay and even then they had to fricking abandon WoD mid expansion to work on that shit, frick Legion and frick blizztards for giving up on WoD so soon

      • 10 months ago

        Legion is fantastic compared to WoD and all the expansions later, which is why it's held in high regard. Still had a a weird legendary system, along with a rough start with classes that don't get good until they get 15 levels into their Artifacts, which having the same weapon for the whole expansion makes it lose its luster, even more so when everyone in your spec is wielding the same thing. Otherwise, it did get better as it went on, and had a decent amount of dungeons and raids. And while Mythic+ sucks wiener, I can't deny that it helps add that bit of longevity, even if there's many issues with it. I might also be in a minority, but PvP was pretty fun and the specific abilities obtained from it were a great plus.

      • 10 months ago

        Legion was fricking awful and introduced all the systems that effectively killed the game.
        People only say it was anything better than trash because it came out after literal years of SoO and WoD content draughts.

    • 10 months ago

      >Between this and the Spyro remakes, someone high-up at Actiblizz is a scalie and can't stop jerking off at work
      Great, we need to ask them to make a Spyro 4

    • 10 months ago

      Man frick you legion was fun. Had the most side activities and it was fun being stupidly op in world content at the end with legendaries and your stupid op weapon.

    • 10 months ago

      >Between this and the Spyro remakes, someone high-up at Actiblizz is a scalie and can't stop jerking off at work

      Nah, that's way too based to be true. Dragons sell to children and the type of hyper consumer nerds who made wade watching GOT their whole personality. Furries are a negligible consumer base and not valuable to pander too because they'll support literally anything even if the designs are objectively unfrickable - look at Pokemon.

      • 10 months ago

        Stupidest idea of all time, could have made it so dragons could just be ant "race" and just pop dragon form.

        No clue why they went the stupid measure of elf/human thingy when they could have just saved the time.

        • 10 months ago

          Or they could have actually put effort into making their ugly, lanky, concession race to their dwindling audience actually cool looking, like some of the reignited dragons. They still look like dragons and not uncanny elves in scalesuits, and they're still anatomically similar enough to the existing tauren races so fitting gear to them would be easy. The dragon race is jsut so fugly and low effort it's staggering. They literally could temp an actual dragonfricker to play this.

          • 10 months ago

            we get it anon, you're a baragay and the lanky dragons aren't doing it for you
            honestly, my biggest problem with them is you can't have a deathwing tier chin

            • 10 months ago

              it's less 'baragay' and more I'm just really fricking anal about beast races being well designed if they're going to exist at all. I hate laziness, and there's nothing more lazy that sticking animal features on a human skeleton and making no effort to actually represent that animal. I expect a billion dollar company to try a little harder to be creative and unique instead of just recycling a skeleton they made 20 years ago yet again.

              t. biologygay

              • 10 months ago

                i hate the current dracthyr models as much as you but

              • 10 months ago

                That's a valid counter point and I considered addressing it in the original post but thought getting too deep into the joint and locomotion structures of different real world was probably too autistic, even for Ganker.

                But when you look at the nearest thing we have to them in real life - large reptiles like crocs and gators - you can see it's not a truly digitigrade limb like you'd see in a mammal, which is what the dracthyr's legs are like. In a side profile of watching a gator walk it has the look of a digitigrade limb but they're jointed that way because they lay splayed out on their sides. They are able to stand, jump, and even sprint and when they do their legs straighten out considerably and they do not walk on their toes.

                Compare drac's to something like a dog's leg and you'll see it's much closer to resembling that than even other WoW dragons jointing, who have feet much more similar to other reptiles than mammals despite Blizzard never animating them laying in proper reptilian positions.

                Sorry for the wall of autism to anyone who doesn't care about this shit.

              • 10 months ago

                i hate the current dracthyr models as much as you but

                That's a valid counter point and I considered addressing it in the original post but thought getting too deep into the joint and locomotion structures of different real world was probably too autistic, even for Ganker.

                But when you look at the nearest thing we have to them in real life - large reptiles like crocs and gators - you can see it's not a truly digitigrade limb like you'd see in a mammal, which is what the dracthyr's legs are like. In a side profile of watching a gator walk it has the look of a digitigrade limb but they're jointed that way because they lay splayed out on their sides. They are able to stand, jump, and even sprint and when they do their legs straighten out considerably and they do not walk on their toes.

                Compare drac's to something like a dog's leg and you'll see it's much closer to resembling that than even other WoW dragons jointing, who have feet much more similar to other reptiles than mammals despite Blizzard never animating them laying in proper reptilian positions.

                Sorry for the wall of autism to anyone who doesn't care about this shit.

                I have combined these arguments into one image if anyone else has pervasive design autism and wants to have this argument again in the future. I'll leave you guys alone now to talk about the objective state of the game, I quit after Legion so I have no strong opinions.

              • 10 months ago

                Isn’t the lore on the Dracthyr that they’re like a lab experiment gone wrong and locked away in a hole everyone forgot about?

              • 10 months ago

                The original complaint was more about them being an aesthetic nightmare than a critique of their lore, but even still Nefarian made plenty of draconic experiments and they all still had anatomy closer to dragons (large reptiles). Same goes for the dragon experiments in Blackwing Decent, Bastion of Twilight, Dragon Soul etc.

                It's just more about how this is the lowest effort furbait race blizzard has made yet. Pandas got an entirely new skeleton and a unique physical build. They were also a mascot race for a new expansion but so much more effort was put into making them look like bear people instead of humans with animal parts.

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah didnt even think about the actual dragon form. Why the frick didn't they just do draknoids or drakespawn. Very odd choices

            oops i never played one lmaoooooooo
            rip never getting dismounted/dazed as a dps spec ever again

            It was a better time...

    • 10 months ago

      >and can't stop jerking off at work
      Whilst suckling on a bottle of someone else's breast milk. Truly Blizzard developers are living the dream.

    • 10 months ago

      Legion was kino. actually one of the only 2 good xpacs

  3. 10 months ago

    10 years is a long time. i played back then during wrath and haven't played again until bfa. the core gameplay, raids and dungeons are much better than it used to be. everything is much more engaging. some classes/specs are still simple but most require more thought than simply following a rotation. graphics are also better but the theme of dragonflight doesn't vibe. new animations are cool. warlocks put real effort into summoning.

  4. 10 months ago

    Depends. Are you a gay, transgender furry or not?

    This is actually important.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't think after my initial playthrough of vanilla wow I have never read a single quest text in the years I've played. I literally don't give a frick what kind of propaganda they insert into lore because it ranks near the bottom of reasons why I would play the game.

  5. 10 months ago

    >I haven't played World of Warcraft in over 10 years
    You'll want to give it another 10 years so the le current agenda can pass by or hopefully Blizz will just be dead

    • 10 months ago

      why would I care about literally anything npcs say in that game? It's like reading the shit written on the back of a chips bag.

    • 10 months ago

      When they ask who radicalized me I'll answer "Blizzard"

  6. 10 months ago

    >botting worse than ever
    >hacking worse than ever
    >raid or die worse than ever
    >gay as frick everywhere
    >playerbase has never been lower
    >is mostly m+ "pumpers" and degenerate epr "gooners"
    >more cash shop shit than ever
    >content lazier than ever, last raid was all recoloured models, not reskins, recolours worse than dragon soul
    >developers all left, now takes 10-30 diversity hires to badly do the work of one dev. Will tout "hastag girls get it done' as a troony brags about making a rock model for the new cave zone

    Its unironically beyond salvaging at this point. Only ones left playing are the rock bottom addicts which is why the only sentence wow gets at ABK shareholder calls is "the userbase numbers are more stable than previous expansions" because theres simply nobody left to leave but the no taste gooners. Its dead.

    • 10 months ago

      >botting worse than ever
      >hacking worse than ever
      >raid or die worse than ever
      But enough about Vanilla and Wrath

  7. 10 months ago

    consensus seems to be
    >a giant step in the right direction
    >but it was in a really sorry state so its just OK now
    >and they ramped up the lame, PC shit

    • 10 months ago

      It was never in a sorry state, just grifters looking for money
      Classic has shown everyone without a learning disability that WoW pre Cata (really pre Legion) was a shallow as frick game with no content

      • 10 months ago

        sneedolands was bad, anon
        and I liked BfA

        • 10 months ago

          It wasn't though
          Good m+
          Good raids
          Which is more than the first 6 versions of WoW had

          • 10 months ago

            time to dilate, I disagree

  8. 10 months ago

    Dragonflight is fun, if it's been 10 years you quit around cata right?

    Pandaland, eh I joined near the end after quitting in cata never blew me away.

    Draenor, fun question and some neat ideas but expansion barely got any content, had like 4 patches and 1 was just twitter integration. Story is dumb.

    Legion: kinda felt like wrath 2 for better or worse. Fun content, embraced videogamey shit and was all about being as stupidly powerful as ever. Big blowout, all the characters, famous weapons, fighting the big bad was a good time.

    BfA, story was all over the place for what little there was. Raids were... there. Questing was certainly a thing, they decided to try legion ideas but worse and with more grinding.

    Shadowlands: stupid, boring, story somehow dipped to new lows. Grind even bigger than bfa. Quite halfway through because I couldn't be fricked.

    Dragonflight: flyings cool, questings eh, story is neutral, for 50 bucks for the expansion and a month you could do worse.

  9. 10 months ago

    Best raids the game ever had, not worth the cancer around them
    Similar to WoD, but AP was far better than apexis and the class design was peak
    Terrible, couldn't fail content if you tried
    The anti-Legion, everything I said about Legion but reversed
    troony dragon OCs literally invaded the world and appear everywhere now and the game feels more like a mobile game than when people were garrison logging.

    • 10 months ago

      AP was nothing like Apexis and was 1000x worse than Apexis
      BFA was the same game as Legion and Uunat was the hardest boss WoW has ever had
      Shadowlands did not have AP at all

      Actually play the fricking game before speaking

  10. 10 months ago

    Depends what you played it for. If it was the world and community... no. There is no longer any world. Only mashable content, tube-fed to hyper autists.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah good point, community is a shell of its former self.

      Even moonguard and shit, people are all insulated to their little worlds. Which is depressing, but maybe that kind of community still exists its just harder to find.

  11. 10 months ago

    >wanna log into my battle.net
    >Doesn't work
    >Try to send password reset
    >Doesn't work, says account not found
    >Write customer support
    >GM writes 20 line mail back to just tell me I must've forgotten my password
    Their hiring standards dropped methinks.

  12. 10 months ago

    >Is the game fun enough to play?
    Classic is. No one plays retail anymore.

  13. 10 months ago

    If you wanna play WoW, play on TurtleWoW, it's a vanilla+ private server with stuff implemented from alpha WoW ideas and plans that just weren't put in the official game, along with some custom content/gear rebalancing. There is a cash shop but nothing that affects gameplay besides arguably bigger bags.

    Last I saw it has 10 thousand active players, but a quarter of those are Chinese, though it's been addressed and they're getting their own server "soon".

  14. 10 months ago

    The overall direction that moronic Caligays have taken WoW is just terrible. Game does not feel like Warcraft anymore. Every single character is a mopey feely b***h now. They designed to game to appeal to women and it sure feels like it.

  15. 10 months ago

    Dragonflight is a retirement home for WoW players who never quit. Gameplay wise, It's fine, but it's only fine for people who never quit. The current gearing system is basically designed to get you the best gear as fast as possible and then you can frick off until the next raid. Lore is still fricking awful and the community is dogshit. So if you quit, stay gone, you'll just be disappointed coming back, the WoW you remember 10 years ago is long fricking gone.

    • 10 months ago

      Calling it a retirement home makes no sense, the game is far harder than it was 10 years ago
      Vanilla and Wrath classic are retirement homes for boomers who can't hit their buttons

  16. 10 months ago

    The biggest problem is that the designers doing stuff now are huge story gays that seem to be trying to make the games leveling into a type of story driven single player rpg experience rather than an MMO.

    IE: You enter a zone and its a special instance just for people on that specific part of the quest you are on, you do some stuff that is basically PRESS X TO WIN tier difficulty then an in game cutscene plays, you watch that, then you are placed into a new instance that was the same as the old instance except slightly changed, then you have to do a few more quests and listen to NPCs, maybe see another cutscene. Then you are placed into the real zone, you follow some linear quest pattern, then you are done and move to the next zone and repeat.

    The game feels more like a single player rpg with a hub and a few 25 man mini games than an actual mmo.

    • 10 months ago

      I resubbed again and hit 70 a few days ago. Tried starting the first lvl 70 campaign questline to get the transmogset but i'm just spammed with different quests that I can't even be bothered to sort them out. Then some c**t comes up and says NOW THAT WE DEFEATED RAZAGETH (orwhateever that bullshit primalistdragons name was) WE CAN DO OTHER SHIT.
      b***h shut up. Resubbing and buying the game was a misstake. Who would have thought...

      • 10 months ago

        >npcs talking? In my game? terrible!
        What kind of autism is this

  17. 10 months ago

    We've always had a Zelda cycle
    Can we have a WoW cycle where Blizzdrones spend two years screeching until their throats are raw about how this expansion is the worst, raiding is the worst, PvM is the worst, PvP is the worst -- everything about the current expansion is the worst it's ever been, and then years later they'll unironically post shit like "Legion was good if you [insert fifty different qualifiers required to delude yourself into finishing this statement]"

  18. 10 months ago

    New players and people coming back after 10 years will have a hard time getting into it I think. Wow should have ended years ago, there’s so much bloat from 20 years of the game that it just feels confusing as frick. I came back just to see what was up with dragon flight and I quit halfway thru BfA. There’s more bugs than I ever remembered before, and if you’re leveling anything other than the current expansion you will probably not see anyone at all. WoW now feels a lot like SWTOR in that it feels like a narrative driven single player game where your character is super important and uniquely does things that you know is the same experience as everyone else, and this becomes painfully worse if you level alts in any expansion after WoD. The social aspect of the game just isn’t there like it once was, the story is cartoonishly awful, and all that’s really left is the mounts transmogs cheevos bullshit which they’re really leaning into with the traders tender stuff. And it just all feels so fricking boring.

  19. 10 months ago

    >Is the game fun enough to play?
    No, it's worse than it's ever been. The game was made garbage in Cataclysm, 13 years ago, and every subsequent expansion has worsened it. Literally nothing, not one single design choice, in 13 years, has improved the game in ANY WAY. It just gets worse and worse, and the bad decisions the devs make are never undone.

    We used to argue, back in those days, about how you would fix wow. Some suggestions were:
    >remove flying
    >remove arena
    >make itemization better
    >fix the old world
    etc. etc. But I don't think there's anything at all you could do now to fix it. The new systems they've introduced are too embedded in the gameplay. The game design is extremely formulaic - world quests, mythic + dungeons, the cinematic questing phase you're forced to undergo before you do the shitty gear grind where you just increase your ilvl over and over for no reason.

    The new lore doesn't even feel like Warcraft anymore. They've replaced the writers so many times, it might as well be a new company.

    And the graphics too, have undergone a severe drop in quality. To be honest, the artwork and graphic fidelity in Legion were WoW's peak. Some of the outdoor zones look amazing for such an old game. But they must have fired a lot of their artists in the transition to BFA because that's when it started to look like shit. Shadowlands was even worse, but Dragonflight honestly looks like a joke. The new race looks like a Second Life character, unironically. The lighting engine is really poor, the outdoor zones are just generic copy-pasted, distance fog saturated garbage.

    The game is basically dead at this point. There's nothing they can do to bring it back, and even if they could, they wouldn't, because the tards working at Blizzard now just don't have the talent. Blizzard is now EA.

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