I just found out that Castlevania Symphony of the Night was the first game in that series to have the branching exploration and powerup-gated areas th...

I just found out that Castlevania Symphony of the Night was the first game in that series to have the branching exploration and powerup-gated areas that came to be known as Metroidvania. All the Castlevania games before it were just action sidescrollers with not even a whole lot of complexity. Moreover, Symphony of the Night came out three years after Super Metroid. So really the whole genre should be called Metroidlike. Castlevania didn't really do anything to define it, just like Souls is the only one who spawned its genre

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  1. 10 months ago

    >So really the whole genre should be called Metroidlike

    You are correct. But SotN was really good so it's ok if the name is shared.

    • 10 months ago

      fpbp. As a metroidgay I still like SotN and I think it deserves to stay.

  2. 10 months ago

    SotN was also inspired by Zelda and not Metroid so the connection is weak.

    • 10 months ago

      >SotN was also inspired by Zelda and not Metroid so the connection is weak.


    • 10 months ago

      Please stop trying to bust my balls with lies further than the truth already stands. Metroid doesn't need trampled any more.

      • 10 months ago

        >make top-down game where you explore an overworld to find dungeons
        >yes, my game was inspired by Halo, thanks

        >get new item
        >can check out a few new spots on the map
        >either locate or re-locate those spots and use your new item
        SOTN replaced Castlevania's old progression with item gating.
        Item gating is a core element of Zelda. Or it was, until BOTW came along. Don't fall for the gaslighting.

    • 10 months ago

      >make top-down game where you explore an overworld to find dungeons
      >yes, my game was inspired by Halo, thanks

      • 10 months ago

        Zelda II, to be precise. Which is also not too unlike a really crude version of the future Metroidvania formula.

    • 10 months ago

      Zeltroidlike then? Metrolda?

    • 10 months ago

      Metroid is just a natural evolution of sidescrolling Zelda frankly

  3. 10 months ago

    >souls spawn it’s genre
    Anon the same dev made Kings Field that made Demon Souls. Castlevania 64 also exists.

  4. 10 months ago

    The RPG-like elements present in SotN are a part of it that got carried into the Metroidvania genre title though

    • 10 months ago

      eh, i'd say they're optional. enough to be called "rpg-like elements" separetely.

  5. 10 months ago

    Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest was also a "branching path" game. Technically it is Castlevania 2 and Metroid that make this genre the "Metroidvania" genre

    • 10 months ago

      Choosing to go up or down doesn't a Metroid game make. Not even close

  6. 10 months ago

    its called metroidvania because symphony of the night was one of the major games that made the style popular. the other being super metroid

  7. 10 months ago

    the whole genre should be called metroidlike because modern metroidvanias are far more metroid than vania

    The most notable example is probably hollow knight
    >extremely expansive world with branching routes and route variety, probably best in the genre
    >only charms, no alternate weapons whatsoever

    worth mentioning plenty others like ori 1, blasphemous

  8. 10 months ago

    actually they can't be called Metroidlikes, since ZX Spectrum game Jet Set Willy did it first
    they are Willylikes

  9. 10 months ago

    Sotn is overrated trash and people only praise it because they think it invented the genre. The rpg elements are crap and metroid did everything else better.

  10. 10 months ago

    I remember an old C64 game called montezumas revenge, and many NES games such as dr chaos, legacy of the wizard, and of course metroid, that had fully branching, open ended platforming gameplay
    super metroids claim to fame is that it built upon the decade-old nostalgia memory of metroid 1, and was also almost perfectly designed to allow you to explore freely while also holding your hand just enough to keep you on track without a player guide

    the limitation on game design was always memory, storage space, and computer/console capability
    more tools led to developers doing the things they had thought of decades before

  11. 10 months ago

    Metroidvania started out as a term defining the Castlevania games that had a Metroid-like progression system.
    It later went on to be taken as a general term for all exploratory platformers with some degree of item gating.
    It's hard to say exactly why this shift occurred, but personally, I think it has to do with ordering.
    If it were Metroid and then a slew of imitators, then it'd just be "Metroidlike". But since we had time to go from Metroid games to Metroid-like Castlevania games before the boom, Castlevania became part of the genre's "canon".

    • 10 months ago

      It was probably misused by morons and popularized because it has a ring to it for people that don't know what the frick they're talking about and played either game.
      Even back then when metroidvania was used to differentiate between the arcade castlevanias to sotn and their spiritual successors I thought metroidvania was an insult to metroid. I've always despised that term and always will.

      • 10 months ago

        >metroidvania was an insult to metroid
        and why exactly is that? Is there some element of Metroid you feel is missing from SOTN, or is it some part of SOTN that you think just doesn't work well with the Metroid portion?

        • 10 months ago

          of all the things they borrow from metroid, there's not a single thing they do better
          and the only thing they are to stand out, are the rpg elements which is a weak adition
          I just don't like these games, and I've beaten sotn, circle of the moon, dawn of sorrow and portrait of ruin
          I still have to give a chance to aria of sorrow which is beloved by some to be the best one

          • 10 months ago

            They don't really have to do better to be overall fairly worthwhile games made by people who genuinely seem to understand game design.

          • 10 months ago

            OP here, I just beat Aria of Sorrow today which spawned my research and this thread. It's genuinely great, the snappy Zero Mission equivalent to normally sluggish and monotonous castlevania. SOTN was good too but not even close to Aria

  12. 10 months ago

    Now that you've learned the truth it's time to play the Classicvanias and realize how much better they are on average.

  13. 10 months ago

    That’s not true though. Castlevania 2 Simon’s Quest and Castlevania for MSX both have exploration style gameplay. Also the producer of SotN says Zelda was his main inspiration.

    • 10 months ago

      Exploration isn't what makes Metroid different, it's how you explore and item-gating specifically, with the power creep into godhood that logically follows toward the end of the game.

    • 10 months ago

      exploration is about 50% of the metroid formula. the next 25% is item collection and backtracking because of it, the remainder is a various range consisting of space theme, ayylmaos, storyline, and mainly how you get so fricking powerful in every game that toward the end most enemies can't really do jack shit to you unless it's a boss

  14. 10 months ago

    A PlayStation 1 game came out after a Super Nintendo game? MIND BLOWN

  15. 10 months ago

    Demon Souls. Say it's name. SAY IT

  16. 10 months ago

    yeah it should be metroidlike, frickin castlevania was just action. i was playing the original a few weeks ago, it was literally just a mario clone with some hidden items in walls. completely linear, level-by-level, nothing remotely exploration based about it.
    >b-but they released the same year!!!!!
    don't give a frick. metroidvania as a term sucks. shantroid makes more sense at this rate, at least shantae was open world and had a decent powerup system. basically just metroid but middle east (?) with hot brown chick instead of armor wench

    • 10 months ago

      I say we rename the genre to Metroidium

  17. 10 months ago

    all those moronic reasons stated as to why metroidvanias are called that way.
    no, the only correct answer is that castlevania fans needed a term to separate between castlevania games in the style of pre SotN and games in the style of SotN. and because SotN was very similar to metroid it was called metroidvania.
    so you have castlevanias which are the classic action sidescrollers and metroidvanias, which play similar to symphony of the night, which itself plays similar to metroid as a whole.

    • 10 months ago

      And what do you think of the reasoning for why the term metroidvania broadened presented in

      Metroidvania started out as a term defining the Castlevania games that had a Metroid-like progression system.
      It later went on to be taken as a general term for all exploratory platformers with some degree of item gating.
      It's hard to say exactly why this shift occurred, but personally, I think it has to do with ordering.
      If it were Metroid and then a slew of imitators, then it'd just be "Metroidlike". But since we had time to go from Metroid games to Metroid-like Castlevania games before the boom, Castlevania became part of the genre's "canon".

  18. 10 months ago

    >I just found out that Castlevania Symphony of the Night was the first game in that series to have the branching exploration and powerup-gated areas that came to be known as Metroidvania
    Go back

    • 10 months ago

      To where, Black person? You've never even played a Metroid game.

  19. 10 months ago

    have a nice day

  20. 10 months ago

    SotN is why RPG progression and gearing are part of the genre, if anything modern Metroidvanias that stick to progression-based upgrades exclusively should just be Metroidlikes while the Metroidvania label is kept for ARPGs with that formatting.

    That said, how in the frick were you not aware of Classicvanias? The original game, III, IV, Bloodlines, & Rondo are excellent games. They even made a couple of them after SotN changed the series, like The Adventure ReBirth.

  21. 10 months ago

    Zelda focused more on exploration than Metroid.
    So did Simon’s Quest. Castlevania stayed more linear for a while because Simon’s Quest sucked balls.

  22. 10 months ago

    The -vania comes from fricking shitty RPG elements shoehorned in for zero reason.
    Boy I sure do love random drops and stats!

  23. 10 months ago

    How is Ori and the Will of the Wisps? I’m churning through my backlog, and I may do it next

  24. 10 months ago

    As I came to understand it, Metroidvania was just used as something to differentiate Classicvania from the new direction SotN was going with. It was later adapted to fit the genre as a whole but a particular subset of people took it to mean that SotN's differences such as leveling and non essential weapons/equipment somehow were essential to it being a Metroidvania, effectively making Metroid games not Metroidvanias.
    I frankly find the whole debate to be stupid just as is the case with Roguelikes and Roguelites so I just have decided to call the genre Hollowlikes because it's frankly what these people deserve for not coming up with a proper name for the genre.

  25. 10 months ago

    >All the Castlevania games before it were just action sidescrollers with not even a whole lot of complexity.
    That's actually not true. Simon's Quest could be considered proto-SotN.

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