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  1. 2 weeks ago

    How is barry still spamming this? There's nothing to really even talk about

    • 2 weeks ago

      how is that different from any other reposted material?

      • 2 weeks ago

        because it's explicitly inorganic
        much of barrys threads are inorganic posting of him trying to force people to think the same way he does. It doesn't particularly work but he's been at it for more than 10 years and mods haven't tried to stop him.

      • 2 weeks ago

        well, for starters it's trying to get back at organic posting (Flopspoken) by spamming by himself something that is completely nonsensical.
        I'm not a fan of HiFi Reddit, but it's a small scale game that sold pretty well despite being given for free on gamepass for most of its lifetime, and it was generally positively received.
        Forspoken on the other hand would be a bad game even if it did somehow sell 15M copies.
        It's trying to force a narrative that doesn't even make sense if you accept the premise that HFReddit didn't sell.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Wait I thought Barry was pro-Hifi Rush? Did'nt the XV devs work on it?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Wait I thought Barry was pro-Hifi Rush? Did'nt the XV devs work on it?

      The truth that Barry doesn't exist. or at least used too but not anymore. It's entirely carried by people playing pretend
      It's the same shit with Barneygay but instead of MLP it's whatever people think Barry hates

      • 2 weeks ago

        >The truth that Barry doesn't exist.
        he literally does exist and people can see his twitter posts
        he very obviously doesn't even try to hide his samegayging

        • 2 weeks ago

          The fact FF shitposting took a break during his HR crusade makes it really obvious

      • 2 weeks ago

        He definitely exists. He has a pretty distinctive posting style.
        I think there are a few gays copying him too now, though. This thread in particular I don’t think is a legit Barry thread.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >The truth that Barry doesn't exist.
        he literally does exist and people can see his twitter posts
        he very obviously doesn't even try to hide his samegayging

        He definitely exists. He has a pretty distinctive posting style.
        I think there are a few gays copying him too now, though. This thread in particular I don’t think is a legit Barry thread.

        Barry exists, but 99% of the posts that get attributed to him are just normal people saying they liked aspects of FFXV and then people shouting
        endlessly. It's only when the insane copypastas and replying to 12 people at a time comes in that the real Barry shows himself

        • 2 weeks ago

          anyone who likes FF15 is already looked down upon for having shit taste, having to be confused for a known schizoposter because of the way you post should make you self reflect on yourself

          • 2 weeks ago

            >If your hobby is reading then you're a shit person because reading was Stalin's hobby too.
            That's what your argument is summed up to.
            Someone has 1 or 2 views shared by one known Ganker boogey man and they get accused of being of said boogey man.
            I've guarantee the person who keeps accusing anyone who shits on metroid other M a bad game hasn't even played it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Forespoken actually broke him.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >implying barry is sane

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's still really funny.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Barry doesn't like DMC.

    • 2 weeks ago

      He will never stop. He is a completely insane pajeet.

    • 2 weeks ago

      He's unhinged. Plus has a few copycats just to troll.

      This game was shilled to death, weaponized against other games, and spammed the month it came out
      You made your bed, now lie in it

      Barry won

      All these seething responses are hilarious, because HRT-Rush is simply getting back what it's own fanbsse was dishing out.

      YoshiP won.
      Tabata lost.
      KH3 and DMCV teamed up successfully.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Most astroturfed game ever.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The hate is more astroturfed

    • 2 weeks ago

      it was popular on Ganker the month it came out.
      if anything all this hate spam IS actually forced

      • 2 weeks ago

        because it's explicitly inorganic
        much of barrys threads are inorganic posting of him trying to force people to think the same way he does. It doesn't particularly work but he's been at it for more than 10 years and mods haven't tried to stop him.

        This game was shilled to death, weaponized against other games, and spammed the month it came out
        You made your bed, now lie in it

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Believing those posts were genuine

        • 2 weeks ago

          >This game was shilled to death, weaponized against other games, and spammed the month it came out
          quite literally the only game was used against was forspoken because it released the same month and forspoken was a notoriously shitty game.
          If anything I remember YOU specifically trying to start fanbase wars that did not result in anything like you always do. Don't try to gaslight people when people can easily remember your very predictable posting patterns.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >quite literally the only game was used against was forspoken
            stopped right there, either you're lying or a newbie

            • 2 weeks ago

              I've been in the threads last year and I explicitly saw barry trying to falseflag fanbase wars using Hi fi rush in the same way he used it against other games that he hates, he did the same thing with KH3 and DMC.
              People laughed at forspoken because it was AAA woke joke of a game while Hi Fi Rush was a lot more AA feeling and memorable.
              This is why the media overall is more sad about Tango gameworks shutting down compared to Luminous Productions which didn't get much news and was laughed at by all here.
              This is objectively the truth. Barry will try to lie like he always does because he is incapable of telling the truth completely especially when it involves him personally shitposting and knowingly spamming and seething over a game people like compared to the trash that he likes.

              • 2 weeks ago

                your shilled game flopped, died and it's hilarious how you're suffering from the drama you started and have to cope swallowing your own words coping for a dead studio

              • 2 weeks ago

                >you're suffering from the drama you started
                Schizo argument and again trying to gaslight other people by ignoring the reality of what happened.
                I'm sorry that people still don't care about forspoken while people continue to care more about Hi Fi Rush even after the studio shut down.
                In the future more people are going to recommend Hi-Fi Rush and nobody will even remember forspoken and think back on it as " that weird woke square enix game that they wasted money on"

              • 2 weeks ago

                attaching pictures of characters looking smug does not hide the fact that you're foaming at the mouth writing walls of seethe because karma hit you in the face

              • 2 weeks ago

                >writing wall of text
                >It's a couple of sentences at most.
                very glad you show us how low of an IQ the average forspoken poster has. You can't even properly retort because you know I'm right

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I've been in the threads last year and I explicitly saw barry trying to falseflag fanbase wars using Hi fi rush in the same way he used it against other games that he hates, he did the same thing with KH3 and DMC.
                >People laughed at forspoken because it was AAA woke joke of a game while Hi Fi Rush was a lot more AA feeling and memorable.
                >This is why the media overall is more sad about Tango gameworks shutting down compared to Luminous Productions which didn't get much news and was laughed at by all here.
                >This is objectively the truth. Barry will try to lie like he always does because he is incapable of telling the truth completely especially when it involves him personally shitposting and knowingly spamming and seething over a game people like compared to the trash that he likes.

                >you're suffering from the drama you started
                Schizo argument and again trying to gaslight other people by ignoring the reality of what happened.
                I'm sorry that people still don't care about forspoken while people continue to care more about Hi Fi Rush even after the studio shut down.
                In the future more people are going to recommend Hi-Fi Rush and nobody will even remember forspoken and think back on it as " that weird woke square enix game that they wasted money on"

                >you're suffering from the drama you started
                >Schizo argument and again trying to gaslight other people by ignoring the reality of what happened.
                >I'm sorry that people still don't care about forspoken while people continue to care more about Hi Fi Rush even after the studio shut down.
                >In the future more people are going to recommend Hi-Fi Rush and nobody will even remember forspoken and think back on it as " that weird woke square enix game that they wasted money on"
                You weren't around here at the time. The real fight was between Harry Potter and Forspoken after resetera banned talking about HP, but then it turned out that they had actually been playing Harry Potter in the closet and didn't realize that after their steam account went back online it would report them playing it.
                Hi-Fi rush in comparison was just the same inorganic marketing spam that died after whoever was paying for exposure stopped. No one cares about it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >it's another barry gaslight post
                you act like both things can't happen at the same time. people here loved to make fun of forspoken and laugh at barry for it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The real fight was between Harry Potter and Forspoken
                no, it wasn't
                but now that you've exposed yourself as a resetera homosexual, it all makes sense
                you're just another gay political activist

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Hi Fi Rush was a lot more AA feeling and memorable
                Marvel Capeshit is far from memorable.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >zoom zoom thinks marvel invented the action comedy genre

              • 2 weeks ago

                Marvel invented cringeworthy self-aware humor, yes. Or at least they popularized it.

                >he's number one? HAHA MORE LIKE HE'S NUMBER DONE! ROFLE EPIC!

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Marvel invented self-aware humor
                Zoomers are a plague.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's only cringe if every single bit of humor has to be some dumb subversive self-undercutting bullshit. Chai liking bad puns and eventually goading Macaron and Korsica to liking them too (much to Peppermint's dismay) is a legitimately funny running gag.

              • 2 weeks ago

                No it's bad because marvel invented puns.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >it's okay, he's doing it on purpose!
                Liike I said, self-aware marvel bullshit.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Bad Puns are funny, moron. Kid Icarus did the same gag of "main character likes bad puns, other main character hates them" and it was great there too. That's not Marvel bullshit, that's classic.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >using kid icarus as an example, when it's even worse and full of unfunny anime shit

              • 2 weeks ago

                >>when it's even worse and full of unfunny anime shit

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Bad Puns are funny
                this, the big bang theory is the greatest show ever made

              • 2 weeks ago

                not that i'm going to blame you for never watching big bang theory, but as someone who had to suffer through episodes of that shit for years, it doesn't even have puns. the majority of jokes in that shitheap of a show are
                >sheldon acts autistic
                >[LAUGH TRACK]
                >character references nerd shit
                >white woman is confused
                >[LAUGH TRACK]
                and who could forget
                >israelite hates his mom
                >[LAUGH TRACK]

              • 2 weeks ago

                You could put this joke in a big bang theory episode and it would fit perfectly

              • 2 weeks ago

                >You could put this joke in a big bang theory episode and it would fit perfectly
                you literally could not because there's no 15 second long pause for a laugh track

              • 2 weeks ago

                yeah just a 15 second long pause for a QTE

              • 2 weeks ago

                there are no mid-cutscene QTEs in hifi rush

              • 2 weeks ago

                The animations and facials expressions are actually funny though.
                Big Bang Theory gets shit on because their punchlines are a laugh track.

              • 2 weeks ago

                this, funny faces are the epitome of humor

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's true. Only Zoomers don't understand.

              • 2 weeks ago

                kids these days will never understand this classic humor

              • 2 weeks ago

                unironically yes

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Peppino can get through a whole game without constantly firing off snarky one liners
                >infact he barely speaks at all

                See, that's how you do a video game protag right.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Sorry man, you're not going to force this rivalry between two great games (Pizza Tower and Hi-Fi Rush). Not sure why you'd even want there to be one.

              • 2 weeks ago

                if pizza tower was made by tango it would have at least one cheese character saying cheesed to meat you

              • 2 weeks ago

                >implying that wouldn't be an improvement

              • 2 weeks ago

                at the end they even stare in silence awkwardly like giving time for the laugh track to play

              • 2 weeks ago

                >at the end they even stare in silence awkwardly like giving time for the laugh track to play
                >brief reaction shot is the same as pausing every other fricking line for 4 seconds of canned laughter

              • 2 weeks ago

                That would require BBT writers to know what a screensaver is.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >normies don't know what this basic computer thing is like I do
                you sound exactly like a bbt character

              • 2 weeks ago

                >character makes a joke
                >"it's self aware humor because he did something on purpose"

              • 2 weeks ago

                >>when it's even worse and full of unfunny anime shit

                >want to play the game
                >character trying way too hard to throw out unfunny humor like an epic marvel superhero
                Here's an idea: how about the protag just shut up and stop talking? This is a video game, not a visual novel.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >This is a video game, not a visual novel.
                So skip it, mute the game, or just keep playing since after the first few stages it tends not to actually interrupt gameplay.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >walking over a pile of shit makes it stop smelling


              • 2 weeks ago

                >everything I don't like is shit
                You can dislike something and acknowledge it's just not for you instead of being a homosexual about it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                This coming from the fanbase that accused everyone of being a forspoken shill, if they didn't like HFR. guess you don't practice what you preach.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >everyone of being a forspoken shill, if they didn't like HFR
                I've been in plenty of threads where people voiced reasonable criticism with the game and were met with reasonable response, though I know you're going to hit me with the "LOL DIDN'T HAPPEN". People accuse blatant shitposters of being Forspoken shills because blatant shitposters do not deserve legitimate responses.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >we could take criticism, honest
                >but saying anything even slightly negative makes you a shitposter

              • 2 weeks ago

                >>but saying anything even slightly negative makes you a shitposter
                No, posting the same moronic shitpost images and making the same moronic arguments and being a moron who treats any group on Ganker like a hivemind makes you a shitposter.
                There are ways to voice criticism that don't make you look like a complete fricking sperg, you know.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >saying that you don't like the story makes you a shitposter
                >saying that you don't like the inclusion of denuvo makes you a shitposter
                >saying that you didn't like the combat and you're not a fan of overly heavy QTE games makes you a shitposter

                It's almost like you can't acknowledge criticism, to the point where you don't even want to admit that you hate criticism.

              • 2 weeks ago

                that you don't like the story makes you a shitposter
                No, spamming every thread about how it's objectively shit and makes the game a "visual novel" does.
                that you don't like the inclusion of denuvo makes you a shitposter
                I have literally never heard anyone say this. Denuvo is annoying as frick, it made installing the DualShock button mod pre-update a huge pain in the ass.
                that you didn't like the combat and you're not a fan of overly heavy QTE games makes you a shitposter
                Again, this is a matter of communication. There's a difference between voicing complaints with the system and going "THIS GAME SUX PURE QTEs 0/10". I myself have a fair few complaints with the combat system, though I personally wouldn't consider the combat "QTE Heavy".

              • 2 weeks ago

                >No, spamming every thread about how it's objectively shit and makes the game a "visual novel" does.
                And how is this a wrong assertion? People caring more about the story than the gameplay would get anything else labeled a snoy movie. Why make an exception here?

                >I have literally never heard anyone say this
                Everyone who complained about it would be labeled a poorgay and a third worlder.

                >Again, this is a matter of communication.
                I've posted literal webms of the game that people would defend with all manner of silly excuses. The silliest being "BRO IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE OVER THE TOP, OH MY SCIENCE IT'S POGGERS!"

                >you're not a fan of overly heavy QTE games
                Is that you, ACkun?
                I already told you multiple times, if you don't want to do a QTE attack, then don't hit the optional prompt that initiates a QTE attack.

                Like this guy. Not doing a QTE attack doesn't magically make the QTE good. It's still bad game design.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Hi ACkun I was wondering when you'd show up.

                Do the thing where you post yourself willingly hitting the button to start a QTE attack and then complain that game tricked you into hitting the button that you willingly pressed.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >People caring more about the story than the gameplay
                It's possible to like both. You do know that this isn't a linear upgrade sort of deal, right? People can find the story and gameplay to be endearing and fun in equal measure and not want either one gone because they think they're both enjoyable. I would not have played HiFi Rush if it were a VN, and I probably wouldn't have come away from it as pleased if it were pure gameplay without all the set dressing.
                who complained about it would be labeled a poorgay and a third worlder.
                You know you can just ignore morons on Ganker, right? You don't have to take blatant shitposts with any seriousness. You can just ignore them.
                >The silliest being "BRO IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE OVER THE TOP, OH MY SCIENCE IT'S POGGERS!"
                See, this is why people call you a shitposter. This overexaggerated strawman nonsense.

                Let me tell you why I don't personally have a problem with QTEs in Hi-Fi Rush; if you can respond to it seriously without any bullshit, I'll keep treating you like a normal poster.
                QTEs in most games are shit because they're essentially mid-cutscene jumpscares divorced from normal gameplay. They exist wholly disconnected from standard means of play and do nothing beyond punish you for not watching a cutscene. Bayonetta is one of the worst examples of this, and I say this as someone who still ultimately likes that game.
                HFR, on the other hand, makes its QTEs almost entirely optional, often with legitimate tradeoffs for engaging with them or not. Even with the QTEs that aren't optional (such as Mimosa's rhythm battle between phase 2 and 3) they aren't disconnected from gameplay because they serve as timing challenges; you know, the fundamental basis of a rhythm game. You're free to think that they don't add much of anything to the game (and I would be inclined to disagree) but I've got not clue how you think they take away from the game in any way with how they're implemented.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >It's possible to like both.
                Not when you show violent anger towards people who opt to just skip the story. It sounds like you don't care about the gameplay if someone skipping the story is such a big deal.

                >You know you can just ignore morons on Ganker, right?
                They still exist, even if ignored. That's the point.

                >QTEs are fine in HFR because they're optional
                I'm gonna stop you right there. Whether they're optional or not, they're crutches for bad gamers who want to watch pretty cinematics play out. To defend them as if they were absolutely vital to the game's design completely defeats the point of you defending them under the guise of being optional. If players don't have to use them, then why include them?

                >it's a rhythm game!
                You know a rhythm game can exist without QTEs, right?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >they're crutches for bad gamers who want to watch pretty cinematics play out
                the whole point of a QTE is that you CAN'T just sit and watch a cinematic you dumb Black person
                most of the time they are added to games specifically to appeal to low iq apes like you that need to be hitting buttons the whole time.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >you press a button during a 15 second cutscene, haha dark souls eat your heart out!

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Not when you show violent anger towards people who opt to just skip the story.
                I didn't. If you skipped the story I would wonder about your tastes, sure, but you're more than welcome to play the game how you like. I skip every cutscene whenever I go back and replay Kingdom Hearts and God Almighty I wish I could do the same when replaying the Sly Cooper games, so it's not like a can't emphasize.
                >They still exist, even if ignored. That's the point.
                French Canadians still exist but I have a much better time on this earth if I ignore them.
                >I'm gonna stop you right there.
                You shouldn't, because I had more to my statement than "they're optional". I wish you had bothered to actually respond. If Bayonetta allowed you to bypass all the cutscene QTEs by skipping the cutscene I would still consider them shit because they're still wholly divorced from gameplay and add nothing, and skipping them grants you no alternative benefits. HiFi Rush explicitly uses its optional QTEs as a choice between safety and score, in most cases.
                >You know a rhythm game can exist without QTEs, right?
                I'm not saying all Rhythm Games are QTEs. That was never my argument. What I am saying is that the QTEs in HiFi Rush are explicit timing challenges, and timing challenges synced to music are the fundamental concept of a rhythm game. That's why they aren't disconnected from the rest of the game. I don't think the QTEs are inherently "vital", but to me it feels like the game briefly cranking a dial marked " RHYTHM <-> ACTION" to the left and back again to mix things up.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >If you skipped the story I would wonder about your tastes,
                My taste is that I prefer video games. I hate when characters talk because that's time spent NOT playing the game.

                >French Canadians still exist but I have a much better time on this earth if I ignore them.
                That doesn't make them good. Being able to skip them is just a bandaid on a bigger problem.

                >HiFi Rush explicitly uses its optional QTEs as a choice between safety and score, in most cases.
                Why do you need a QTE for that? You could accomplish that just as easily without. Like Pizza Tower's P rank system rewards you for being daring and going for lap 2, and messing up even once ruins it. You don't need a lengthy QTE for that.

                >What I am saying is that the QTEs in HiFi Rush are explicit timing challenges, and timing challenges synced to music are the fundamental concept of a rhythm game.
                There's no challenge to it though. It's as blatant as any Uncharted QTE.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >b-b-but I don't like it
                Yes we know AC-kun, now go back to playing Pong or whatever the frick else fits your insane hatred of anything in games that resembles storytelling.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >b-b-but I don't like it
                looking at the abysmal failure that lead to closing the studio we can be sure the vast majority of people did not like it

              • 2 weeks ago

                I prefer many modern games, as long as it's clear that the story is an afterthought in the background.

                This means I barely ever get to play JRPGs, but it's an extremely small sacrifice.

              • 2 weeks ago

                That's really cool dude, now go write about it on your personal blog and quit shitting up HFR threads just because you are upset that you knowingly purchased a video game which contains things you do not personally like.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >My taste is that I prefer video games. I hate when characters talk because that's time spent NOT playing the game.
                Holy shit you are the same autistic guy I saw doing these exact same complaints a year ago.
                Why the frick did you play a rhythm game if you don't want to do any timing? You could have always put on easy mode if you were having trouble hitting the beat.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Timing isn't the issue, and neither is difficulty. It's all about the shoddy presentation. Same reason why I dropped Xenoblade, why I disliked BOTW and TOTK, and why I dislike all snoy games. There's no challenge, and no depth. Definitely not enough to keep me invested.

              • 2 weeks ago

                What are your gaming preferences anyway? You said modern games with the story being an afterthought.

              • 2 weeks ago

                No it doesn't. Chai is an unapologetic cheese ball and this helps his dynamic with the 2 female characters become more charming.
                and these are just little interactions that flesh out the characters. the best jokes are in the main game.
                The writing has full self awareness, like old ratchet and clank games.
                most games have no self awareness.

                Go on and tell me what recent game you like that has better humour & wiring then.

                >Go on and tell me what recent game you like that has better humour & wiring then.
                I prefer games like Armored Core 6, Pizza tower and Terraria for the following reasons.

                >AC6 not only doesn't care about its own story, but it gives you an ending where you violently slaughter everyone because you find it funny. Plus your main character never talks, that's a plus. AND you can kill the obnoxious blatant waifubait. double plus
                >Pizza Tower has even less tory, to the extent that you can count the cutscenes on one hand. The gameplay is all about execution and timing. You don't get QTEs to save you from mistakes, you have to live with them. P-ranks also test your mastery of the level, including thinking on the fly, recovering from a mistake, and escaping pizza face if you're slow enough
                >Terraria has ZERO story whatsoever, the best kind of story in a video game. You just exist and you kill Cthulu because.... reasons

                You know what all three of these games have in common? A silent protagonist. The most you hear is a grunt or a yell, but that's it. All of these games would be lessened if the main character never shut up and just had to keep interjecting at a moment's notice.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Lists 3 games that really have no story and no dialogue
                That's not the question I asked you, you coward.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Lists 3 games that really have no story and no dialogue
                Yes. Problem? Less is more.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Do you need help understanding this? the question was about games with humour and writing you think is good.
                Not about games with none of that.

                List games that have dialogue.. that is good in your opinion.
                otherwise your criticism of Hi-fi rush's dialogue is pointless.
                After being bombarded with awful shit from japan with terrible humour, terrible writing and awkward stilted dialogue. Hi-fi rush is the best we've had in years.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >the question was about games with humour and writing you think is good.
                And all the games I listed have good writing and humor, simply because they understand that storytelling and "characterization" are nothing but filler that can't take the place of solid gameplay. A funny and memorable video game moment won't be told at you like a storybook. It'll happen in real time. In other words, the player is the writer.

                >be playing Terraria
                >fighting Skeletron with gravitation potion to escape him constantly charging into me
                >forget that I don't have featherfall or a horseshoe equipped
                >land on the ground

                that makes me crack up. A little more hilarious than Chai talking about his favorite episode of Rick and Morty.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Everything you just said is a non-sequitur.
                It has nothing to do with WRITING and executing jokes and other character dialogue.

                Post something with real voice acting and real dialogue or shut up.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It has everything to do with writing and executing jokes. The point is that they know when to shut up, so the player has time to let a moment sink in. Their minimalist approach is what allows them to function so well.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The point is that they know when to shut up
                They never even opened their mouths. they never put themselves out there at all.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >>they never opened their mouths

                Then explain this.

              • 2 weeks ago

                it's a shitty ms paint drawing. what's to explain?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >shitty MS paint character makes you feel more sympathy for him than multi-million dollar XBOX premiere franchise with the latest fancy cell shaded graphics

              • 2 weeks ago

                Pizza tower fans are mentally ill. It doesn't make you feel anything other than that the 'artist' lacks talent.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Man, stop being moronic and falling for bait. Pizza Tower is a nice looking game and the dumbass trying to start fandom wars over it is also a homosexual.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >le wojak humor
                oh my reddit...

              • 2 weeks ago

                >reddit tower shill is easily triggered

                >reddit tower shill has an opinion

                Pizza tower fans are mentally ill. It doesn't make you feel anything other than that the 'artist' lacks talent.

                >so called "gameplay enthusiasts" when a game doesn't spend a kajillion dollars on the graphics budget

              • 2 weeks ago

                >baby yoda zoomer
                >getting triggered over shit no one said
                checks out

              • 2 weeks ago

                You get used to it, he always invents some random high number and attaches it to an elements thinks is superfluous, usually graphics, voice acting and/or soundtrack.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Pizza Tower has bad gameplay and bad graphics though.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Pizza Tower is bad because it doesn't have 50 hours of cutscenes and constant snarky marvel quips
                Okay pal.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's bad because it's troony speed runner bait.

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                Ugly art = Ugly Game = Do not play

              • 2 weeks ago

                But enough about Hi Fi Rush.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >But muh HRT Rush!!!
                You're just as bad as the troons who deflect to Flopspoken (also Ugly Art).
                Do better.

              • 2 weeks ago

                you made him mad mad

              • 2 weeks ago

                >ren and stimpy if he trans

              • 2 weeks ago

                Man and stumpy

              • 2 weeks ago

                he's moronic most QTEs are fine.
                Honestly The action command you can do on QA 1Mils hands is perfect. It's like Neros buster or Soras reaction commands.
                Cools to watch, fun to perform and completely optional.
                There should have been more stuff like that in the game.

                What's not fine is the forced mini-games.
                Most of the stronger enemies will turn invincible and and do 2 waves that force you into crappy limited mini-games.
                You can parry/dodge these 2 waves but that will waste too much of your time so you're forced to do the mini game because it's faster and the game is forcing your hand.
                Horrible design on that.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I hate when characters talk because that's time spent NOT playing the game.
                Most of the dialog towards the back half of the game occurs during active gameplay; they don't tend to interrupt the game for it unless it's a full-on cutscene, and full on cutscenes can be skipped. It IS a little annoying how often they break the flow for it in the early chapters, though. I fully agree on that, makes replaying a pain. Kind of the same issue I have with Sly Cooper, actually. (fricking carmelita levels god damn)
                >Being able to skip them is just a bandaid on a bigger problem.
                Shitposters shitpost because it gets replies. If you ignore them and don't let them taint discussion, you deny them what they want.
                >Why do you need a QTE for that?
                You don't, but in a Rhythm Game it's fun to have the choice between safety and score be a choice between a choreographed, more lenient input and getting to attempt your own style. It's actually weirdly comparable to Parappa in that regard; you can either take the easy laid-out inputs or string together your own for more score at more of a risk.
                >There's no challenge to it though
                I don't know if I'd wholly agree. The early ones like QA-1MIL are piss easy, yeah, but I see people complain about the Samurai and KEM-0N0's rage attack all the time.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Most of the dialog towards the back half of the game occurs during active gameplay;
                HFR's problem in specific is how much they devote to making sure that you don't miss any of the wacky character dialogue. I don't need the characters and their ugly mugs taking up screenspace if I'm trying to play.

                >Shitposters shitpost because it gets replies.
                I don't reply to them, but that doesn't make them disappear. I'm not gonna pretend they don't exist.

                >You don't, but in a Rhythm Game it's fun to have the choice between safety and score be a choice between a choreographed, more lenient input and getting to attempt your own style.
                Having a "safe" option just neuters the game, however, since you're catering to the lowest common denominator. Plus, that's time and money that could've been spent polishing the game. It's like that dumb golden leaf mode for new Super Mario games, where you can just get infinite flight and HP and go over the whole level effortlessly. No, it doesn't matter if it only shows up after dying several times, and it doesn't matter if I've never seen it at any point in any of my playthroughs, when I found out that it existed, it made me disappointed that nintendo wanted to pander to people who can't even platform properly.

                >The early ones like QA-1MIL are piss easy, yeah, but I see people complain about the Samurai and KEM-0N0's rage attack all the time.
                I barely even see people discuss the samurai or KEM-0N0, since most threads are just porn dumps.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I don't need the characters and their ugly mugs taking up screenspace if I'm trying to play.
                I think having subtitles is nice and I do appreciate the stylization to it, but yeah the frickhuge PNGtuber portraits that animate based on audio waveform are a swing and a miss. There's definitely some more elegant solutions to that, but that's the kind of thing that might be in a sequel we'll never see now.
                >I'm not gonna pretend they don't exist.
                I'm not pretending they don't exist, either. I also don't pretend Ganker is one person, and that everyone here speaks for eachother; isolated nutcases like the dude trying fervently to shill Forespoken aren't worth considering as anything but outliers.
                >Having a "safe" option just neuters the game, however, since you're catering to the lowest common denominator.
                I disagree, fundamentally. Safe options are more interesting than no options, especially when the risk/reward is properly balanced. Shmups would be far less interesting without Bombs functioning in many games as both a safe option and a scoring tool, for example. If I do have one complaint about the way HiFi Rush handles it, it's that the whole Score/Safety choice never actually comes into play outside of side modes like Power Up/BPM Rush/Rhythm Tower. The score requirements during the main game are so comically lenient that you can pretty much always take the safe option and still end up with an S so long as you're hovering above 85% on-beat and varying your combos a little, which is a bit disappointing.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I guess the big problem is that, for me, HFR is too much about the style, and not enough substance. you could tell that every last bit was designed to be epic and flashy, but strip that away and you're left with quite a basic game. Hell, imagine if the game didn't have the robot cat that people want to frick. Discussion would've probably died months ago.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I get that. To me the novelty of a rhythm action game with tight enough design to play well is worth it, and the style helps make the act of pressing buttons feel good, even if the depth of some other action games isn't quite there. If the aesthetic of it and the gimmick it's put front and center just don't gel with you, it's not going to work, and that's fine. I personally think it's the kind of thing that really deserved a sequel to expand upon it, but we're not getting that now.
                I'm glad to have had a decent discussion on this board for once, though.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >you're not a fan of overly heavy QTE games
                Is that you, ACkun?
                I already told you multiple times, if you don't want to do a QTE attack, then don't hit the optional prompt that initiates a QTE attack.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >criticism met with a reasonable response
                all you autists do is screech and call everyone barry for not liking an objectively mediocre game that sold so bad it killed a studio

              • 2 weeks ago

                >all you autists do is screech and call everyone barry for not liking an objectively mediocre game that sold so bad it killed a studio
                "not liking a game" is not the same as spamming completely moronic nonsense and claiming the game "killed the studio" when that's literally factually untrue

              • 2 weeks ago

                >we can take criticism
                >we just happen to consider everything we don't like shitposting, so it's not criticism
                how weak and pathetic do you have to be to have to live like this? have to cope with everything, can't ever accept the truth when you don't like it

              • 2 weeks ago

                we don't like
                yes, barry, blatant misinfo and the same ESL-tier meme you've been trying to force for the past week is shitposting
                sorry you had to find out this way

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah, if it was Marvel than that heart-to-heart with Peppermint towards the end of the game would have been undercut with a joke.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >spamming this shitty thread over forspoken of all games
          get help dude

        • 2 weeks ago

          >weaponized against other games
          You mean against Flopspoken. That's literally it. You hate HFR because it came out at the same time as Flopspoken. Not even an intentional move from the publisher. Just be honest with yourself. The only reason this game upsets you is because it was coincidentally referenced with a kusoge that you're mindbroken about.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That's not a good thing. Luminous was shut down and the programmers there were scattered to the winds to be code b***hes.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >programmers there were scattered
            that means the company still saw value in them and wanted to keep them
            tango employees were fired, xbox doesn't want these talentless hacks

            • 2 weeks ago

              That's because native Japanese programmers are in short supply.

          • 2 weeks ago

            almost everyone in the credits for Forspoken is also in the credits of FFXVI, so it's very likely Square sabotaged Forspoken and diverted all resources to their "sure thing" XVI. It was a mistake to put them both out within just 6 months of each other. Especially because they're both action rpgs about absorbing elemental powers from bosses to add to your arsenal. Super awkward and weird

          • 2 weeks ago

            >luminous makes ff15
            >it's so bad that tabata gets fired and has its dlc cancelled
            >leftover luminous devs make forspoken
            >studio gets killed 1 month after launch and devs get relocated to ff16/rebirth
            >ff16/rebirth flop so hard they have to cancel all aa projects and restructure again
            Luminous devs are kind of based for killing SE tbh

            • 2 weeks ago

              the weirdest thing I'll never understand about XV is why they ever bothered announcing a 2nd round of dlc. They made good on all the season 1 stuff in 2017 and then even threw the Royal Edition update out as a surprise "final thank you update" in 2018 which pretty much capped off the whole thing. And then they out of nowhere said
              >actually XV is doing great, we've decided to do a season 2 of dlcs
              and cancelled them like a month later, wtf. I think it was political in the company or something. People always meme it like they cancelled the original dlcs, it's way stranger

        • 2 weeks ago

          All these seething responses are hilarious, because HRT-Rush is simply getting back what it's own fanbsse was dishing out.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >what it's own fanbsse was dishing out.
            Dishing out against Flopspoken, yes. Interesting how everyone who's glad that Tango's shut down is a fan of that piece of shit.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Bro, you're talking to someone RIGHT NOW that thinks the Forspoken situation is hilarious. I just find hypocrites exceptionally hilarious, and Hi-gay Rush fans are getting their just deserts with this.

        • 2 weeks ago

          when will you morons learn that every company hires marketing firms to astroturf on this god forsaken site

          • 2 weeks ago

            No they don’t. This board isn’t even active enough like it used to be for that to be effective. Why would marketers post on a website where you can’t even track analytics?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Deltatroon says hello

      • 2 weeks ago

        >people talk about a game and is popular

        • 2 weeks ago

          Tell me ANY game on this board where you see people shill a newsletter? Or shill a toys?

          Can you name one? They are obvious astroturf threads of no substance and mostly fanart porn dumps and to top it off jannies protect these astroturf threads by instantly banning anyone that criticizes the game, go ahead and try

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's not Crapcom slop of the month.

    • 2 weeks ago

      50 dedicated threads dedicated to lewding that fricking cat.
      Of course it was astroturf here. This is a puritan bimbo board, keep that degeneracy on R*ddit

  3. 2 weeks ago

    this shit had the more artificial hype ive ever seen. loook at this goober he looks like something out of a 90s bk commercial

    • 2 weeks ago

      it is a zoomer rendition of 90s
      but woke and reddit of course

      • 2 weeks ago

        Juana man, white chicks, big mama, nutty professor and Mrs doubtfire were allowed to do this.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >California slop was allowed to do this
          Yeah, and it was cringe. California needs to detoxed from the rest of the planet.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You forgot Tumblr. Everything about Hifi screams Tumblr. The shitty art, the bad cringe dialogue, everything. This game was headed by a western guy that works at Tango. He was essentially given free reign to make this cheap slop, and now their studio is dead. Good riddance.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >viewtiful joe is now considered tumblr
          Zoomies should be imprisoned for their own protection.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >HENSHIN A GOGO BABY
            I'd say it's more reddit

            • 2 weeks ago

              Nothing about Hi-Fi Rush resembles what Viewtiful Joe was. The irony that I actually played those at release and here you are defending terrible zoomer products while calling others zoomers.

              You guys really need to coordinate better in the discord.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Nothing about Hi-Fi Rush resembles what Viewtiful Joe was. The irony that I actually played those at release and here you are defending terrible zoomer products while calling others zoomers.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Everything made by Clover ranges from Tumblr to Reddit. It's probably why they were shut down. Tango should have learned from their failures tbh.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >humorous crossdressing is now woke
        The absolute state of snoygays.

        • 2 weeks ago

          its not funny at all hes a literal giant homosexual kys now

          • 2 weeks ago

            Where's the haha

            >why is a giant buff black man in a dress and blonde wig funny?
            I understand that he looks like the average Californian now but among normal people that is considered absurd and therefore humorous.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Where's the haha

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Far left design
        Yep. This studio deserved to die.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Piece of shit tumblr game. Happy it flopped and put the devs out of work

      • 2 weeks ago

        Knew it, glad I skipped.

        • 2 weeks ago

          can you explain what's wrong with that image

        • 2 weeks ago

          Why did you reply to yourself?

      • 2 weeks ago

        jesus christ....
        do people really miss this garbage? im glad its dead, good fricking riddance

    • 2 weeks ago

      Telling me you wouldn't play a game starring mothafrickin kid vid, frick outta here

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Barry won

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Force the meme a little more. It's feeling too natural.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    I gotta admit that for once Phil has made a great choice

  7. 2 weeks ago


  8. 2 weeks ago

    >barry barry barry
    way to prove that you're obsessed with him after years, and it hurts you really bad to know that he won while hfr flopped so hard it got tango shut down and fired

    • 2 weeks ago

      >way to prove that you're obsessed with him after years
      He literally hasn't stopped spamming Ganker for 12 YEARS
      I'm surprised barry doesn't have lolcow page on kiwifarms for all this
      especially his troony fricking and threating to rape a girl. He's beyond chrischan levels

      • 2 weeks ago

        >This fricking homosexual gets to do all that and still stays here on Ganker with passes
        >Meanwhile normal people get banned for saying mean words

        Kek fricking shit site what a joke

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Except that wasn’t what happened.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    I'm on Ganker everyday, and I have no clue who or what Barry is. I don't understand. This shit is spooky as hell to me. I'm literally locking my doors right now for good measure.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Some SEA turboautist squeenix otaku who was so assravaged by FF15 flopping that he's made it his life's mission to ruin every thread of every game that is better than FF15.

      • 2 weeks ago


        lol luhmao

        • 2 weeks ago

          Use your big boy words, Barry.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >FF12 selling that much
          >FF10 that low
          I always found that that list kind of weird.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >10 years of marketing and hype
          >endless amounts of merchandise and collaborations
          >still barely tied with XII on PS2

          Yes, that is called a failure. It also hurt the series reputation.

        • 2 weeks ago

          what counts as a sale for XIV

          • 2 weeks ago

            when a person buy the game

        • 2 weeks ago

          XV killed the entire franchise. As XVI proved no one wants to buy Final Fantasy games anymore after the disaster that was XV

          • 2 weeks ago

            Barry hates Yoshida because he spoke openly about the damage XV caused to the brand. Yoshida even told people one game would not fix it and it's going to take years to repair.
            XV was seen as THAT damaging within SE.

            • 2 weeks ago

              It's funny that 16 flopped after that

              • 2 weeks ago

                Funny how XV ended up having better gameplay than XVI, that homosexual sure got told. yoshitda is a fraud and XIV is not a real FF.

                Seething abbo can't face reality. It's really so incredibly sad.

              • 2 weeks ago

                How'd the XV DLC train go? Get all the way to the station alright?

            • 2 weeks ago

              Funny how XV ended up having better gameplay than XVI, that homosexual sure got told. yoshitda is a fraud and XIV is not a real FF.

          • 2 weeks ago

            XV is very hated within popular gaming communities, but beloved by people in real life. It has the 2nd most fan fictions after 7 and is the most cosplayed after 7 and 14. It's almost got the most fan art in most communities after 7 and 14. People who love it love it a lot, it just splintered the franchise. So they'd need something like a XV-2 type game instead of a XVI or Rebirth to get those sales again. They need boy band with grab ass, that's their new audience

            • 2 weeks ago
          • 2 weeks ago

            That chart shows people came out for remake and continue showing up for xiv though. 16 was just not appealing. No one is into jrpgs for westernized shit.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >XII selling 10m copies
          The Strongest :tm: FF of modernity.

        • 2 weeks ago

          11 being that low makes me sad. It was a better game than 14 but came out too early

        • 2 weeks ago

          Where are the sales from this taken from? Because 7 Remake is supposed to be 7M as of half a year ago from Square themselves.

    • 2 weeks ago

      If you've been in an FF thread for the past decade you'd probably seen one of his posts.
      unironically he's poisoned any conversation for FF15 that if anyone genuinely says they like FF15 and don't list any of the flaws with the game it's suspect.
      It's not even limited to Ganker he's spammed reddit,twitter, and even fricking resetera too

    • 2 weeks ago

      in 2016 I leaked all of FFXV's story and dev issues to Ganker like 8 months before the game came out. This infuriated Barry so much that he mass replied to every single thing I said in the thread trying to rebuke it and on all other forums that reported the news. Afterwards when I was proven right, he was mind broken forever and endlessly spams the board trying to promote XV

  11. 2 weeks ago


  12. 2 weeks ago

    >Sees zoomers everywhere he goes
    millennials should be locked up because they don't deserve to be treated as human

    • 2 weeks ago

      Glad to see I hit a nerve zoom zoom. Go back to your ultra realistic open world gatchas or whatever and leave real games to us.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >G-guh-Gl-GLAD to see I hit a nuh nuh nerve zoozouhhzozoooom zoom
        You forgot to include the wojak, Black personhomosexual.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not that guy, but it's not 2017 anymore, tourist.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >everybody I don't like is a tourist!
            cry about it on you blog not to me.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    defend this

    • 2 weeks ago

      I like what it’s paying homage to.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Everything made by Clover ranges from Tumblr to Reddit. It's probably why they were shut down. Tango should have learned from their failures tbh.

      >Jojo bad
      >Clover bad
      Do you zoomies actually like anything?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >get mad at this thing I want you to hate
      No I've noticed you trying to shift your strategery in trying to call Hi-Fi Rush cringe when everyone who played it on release found it funny.
      I know the you're pushing this EXACTLY is because EVERYONE collectively agreed that Forspoken writing was TERRIBLE and cringe.
      It's so predictable what you're trying to do.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >media references baaaaaaaaaaaad

      • 2 weeks ago

        When it's marvel borderlands writing, yes.

    • 2 weeks ago


  14. 2 weeks ago

    What is it with games that ends with Rush and killing off whole studios.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Sonic Rush did great.

    • 2 weeks ago

      they were rushing to the grave

  15. 2 weeks ago

    and you wonder why the game failed and everyone who worked on it got fired

    • 2 weeks ago

      No it's epic animation you tard. None of the jojo references are in dialogue.

      • 2 weeks ago

        the very line in the pic posted in this thread is saying gogogo, referencing the jojo meme letters floating on the screen because they make the go sound
        now move to next cope

        • 2 weeks ago

          >the jojo meme letters floating on the screen
          Anon do you think Jojo invented GOGOGO as an onomatopoeia?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >none of the jojo references are in dialogue
            >gets proven wrong
            >bb-but it doesn't count
            lol you really moved to the next cope

            • 2 weeks ago

              >>the jojo meme letters
              Anon... you literally admitted in that very post that it's a visual gag.

              • 2 weeks ago

                can't really expect reading comprehension from a zoomer defending this failed reddit garbage

    • 2 weeks ago

      the very line in the pic posted in this thread is saying gogogo, referencing the jojo meme letters floating on the screen because they make the go sound
      now move to next cope

      >none of the jojo references are in dialogue
      >gets proven wrong
      >bb-but it doesn't count
      lol you really moved to the next cope

      you're trying WAY too hard to try to get people to see a problem where there isn't. THIS is legitimately forced rage along with the OP being a forced meme.

      • 2 weeks ago

        There's an entire generation raised on contrarianism and irony poisoning that thinks Jojo sucks because they've only interacted with the tumblr fanbase.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Barry, you're a homosexual and your mother doesn't love you.

    • 2 weeks ago

      barry won and tango is dead

      • 2 weeks ago

        lmao barry legitimately has PTSD over Tabata leaving Square enix and cancelling FF15 DLC
        After Luminous shut down he went FULL COPE and spammed how luminous is totally working on FF17 in secret.

        even now barry is legitimately trying to shill tabatas scam projects where he's throwing investor buzzwords like "metaverse,NFT, WEB3/4, A.I" in all his "projects"

    • 2 weeks ago


  17. 2 weeks ago

    All character action games are Reddit as frick.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I know

  18. 2 weeks ago

    >game is about a once great tech company that gets taken over by a narcissistic Indian and immediately starts shitting out worse and worse imitations of former products while pouring all their budget into marketing and hiring sycophants in upper management to hide the truth that the company is failing so badly their only option is to push hard for shady neural interfaces that allow for subliminal advertising.
    >Microsoft kills the studio
    really makes you think.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Can't wait to see what games are they going to make nex-ACK

  20. 2 weeks ago

    FF16 was forgotten in week and Rebirth was trash.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's ok barry. You'll be ok.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Good game
        Shame it wont get the sequel it deserves

  21. 2 weeks ago

    who is Eric?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I liked it better when you used Nathan as your personal boogeyman, Barry.

      • 2 weeks ago

        then who is Nathan?

        • 2 weeks ago

          You tell me, Barry.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I liked it better when you used Nathan as your personal boogeyman, Barry.

      then who is Nathan?

      That's just barry list of people he thinks is gangstalking him but also all the same person. You have to remember barry is a legitimate delusional schizophrenic. If you fight him on twitter he will then incorporate you into this mass of a fictitious person he came up with in his head.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Kagari did win in the end thoughbeit

  22. 2 weeks ago

    >Hifi is bad because it references infamously bad things like Jojo and Clover games which are hated on Ganker

  23. 2 weeks ago

    Sonygays are still seething about a $30 10 hour game from a year and a half ago?

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Barry has...

  25. 2 weeks ago

    >ctrl + f barry
    >43 results
    he mindbroke you hard, I can't even fathom how butthurt you must be because he won

    • 2 weeks ago

      Hi Barry.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    I see the OP and all it makes me think of is how Forspoken nuked Luminous

  27. 2 weeks ago

    Why does literally every schizos try to push the lie they don't exist?

  28. 2 weeks ago

    disgusting artstyle

  29. 2 weeks ago

    The only thing this reddit game missed to be the absolute cringe humor king was adding laugh tracks

  30. 2 weeks ago

    The game was good and fun. All that matters :3

  31. 2 weeks ago

    You're nothing but a bunch of bootlicking fascist losers.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    What rhymes homie, this isn't parappa the rapper
    Imagine actually trying to claim that flopspoken "won" when the studio behind it got merged into squeenix over a year ago

  33. 2 weeks ago

    what's the purpose in shutting down a studio that performed well? I don't get it

    • 2 weeks ago

      Cutting costs before financial quarter ends
      Plus that Blozzard buyout didn't turn a big enough profit fast enough for the execs, I imagine

    • 2 weeks ago

      it didn't perform well
      all "proof" you have is shill tweets without any sales or profit numbers to back it up

      • 2 weeks ago

        >shill tweets
        Xbox Marketing's Vice President Aaron Greenberg is just a uneducated shill?

        • 2 weeks ago

          shilling is literally his job, you moron

          • 2 weeks ago

            You moron. The argument's whole point is that random shills were just falsely saying the game didn't perform well to promote ("shill") the game up and that there was no proof of good sales.
            That argument falls apart when the fricking Vice President of Xbox Marketing department flat out says it was a break out hit by their expectations. He actually is in a position to know if the game sold well, and his post shows that it did.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >The argument's whole point is that random shills
              who ever said this? you're making up a strawman
              your whole argument of that literal shill claiming the game is a success falls apart with the fact that they had to shut down the studio
              companies don't simply close and cancel shit that is making a profit, no matter how hard you try to cope, no matter how many excuse you make up, it is a fact and they're all fired now

              • 2 weeks ago

                >who ever said this? you're making up a strawman
                The post literally said
                >it didn't perform well
                >all "proof" you have is shill tweets without any sales or profit numbers to back it up
                It did perform well, and it wasn't just shill tweets.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >that literal shill claiming the game is a success
                They have never been afraid of saying a game didn't meet expectations before. What reason do we have to believe they are lying? Even people and Tango Gameworks were surprised by the news, so even they must be under the notion that their game did well saleswise, otherwise it wouldn't be such a surprise.

              • 2 weeks ago

                They shut down the studio not because the game sold badly, but because they aren't currently developing a game (they were in the pitching phase), so they were an easy choice of studio to cut in order to make their short-term financials look better. Remember that Microsoft's head has assumed controlled now over Xbox itself. That's why a lot of weird decisions are being made lately.

              • 2 weeks ago

                What I don't understand is that even if HFR were the best game ever and loved by way more people, how the hell would it have made money, when it was a day 1 gamepass release. Even when it released, people were very obviously suggesting it was sent out to die with a decision like that.

              • 2 weeks ago
  34. 2 weeks ago


  35. 2 weeks ago

    sex with peppermint and korsica

  36. 2 weeks ago

    Why did this board get raided by zoomies that call this tumblr artstyle soul?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Whoever praises this artstyle clearly wasn't bullied enough.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Rekka's design is great. It combines 'middle manager Karen' with 'pro wrestler', it has a unique silhouette, and it draws attention to her arms to signify that she's a grappler type.

        I'm sorry primary colours hurt your eyes.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That shit looks ass, what the frick are you talking about.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >not liking the visual comedy of "what if hulk hogan was a middle management lady"

            • 2 weeks ago

              I don't care about the story of an unappeling design. Even with the context, designing something so ugly should be illegal.

              • 2 weeks ago

                it's not a story thing, she's only present for the first two stages to deliver a couple jokey wrestling lines and then chai literally kills her
                the game lets the visual comedy of "lol what if hulk hogan was a QA manager" run its course and then she explodes

              • 2 weeks ago

                Nothing wrong with Rule 63 Senator Armstrong. She's based.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Whoever praises this artstyle clearly wasn't bullied enough.

      the artstyle is incredibly phenomenal
      the character designs are just shit

  37. 2 weeks ago

    Kek how did a fricking xbox game buck break homosexual OP this hard?

  38. 2 weeks ago

    >marvel invented one-liners
    >borderlands invented metahumour
    >big bang theory invented reaction shots

  39. 2 weeks ago

    He Won.

  40. 2 weeks ago

    gee I wonder why did this shit flop

    • 2 weeks ago

      >completely optional dialog
      >edited image

      • 2 weeks ago

        >edited image
        that's literally the line he said, word by word

        • 2 weeks ago

          then why edit the image?

    • 2 weeks ago

      you haven't played the game you moronic frick.

      • 2 weeks ago

        That honestly makes it worse.

        >yes it's a cringe joke, but we acknowledge it, we're so 4th wall breaking!

        The game keeps digging itself a deeper hole.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >this guy said an unfunny joke and then someone told him it was unfunny, so hilarious
          and you morons really tried to convince anyone this game's writing was any better than marvel's

          No it doesn't. Chai is an unapologetic cheese ball and this helps his dynamic with the 2 female characters become more charming.
          and these are just little interactions that flesh out the characters. the best jokes are in the main game.
          The writing has full self awareness, like old ratchet and clank games.
          most games have no self awareness.

          Go on and tell me what recent game you like that has better humour & wiring then.

          • 2 weeks ago

            you're really trying your hardest to defend the reddit writing of a failed game, what a sad life

      • 2 weeks ago

        >this guy said an unfunny joke and then someone told him it was unfunny, so hilarious
        and you morons really tried to convince anyone this game's writing was any better than marvel's

  41. 2 weeks ago

    "rhymes" has nothing to do with rhythm. Learn English homosexual.
    Why do you keep re-posting this moronic ESL shit?

  42. 2 weeks ago

    hi-reddit rush is a shit game

  43. 2 weeks ago

    Im so glad that studio died

  44. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago
  45. 2 weeks ago

    >actual discussion starts happening
    >op starts dumping porn images to derail and get everyone back to shitposting
    every fricking time

  46. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago
        • 2 weeks ago
          • 2 weeks ago

            >actual discussion starts happening
            >op starts dumping porn images to derail and get everyone back to shitposting
            every fricking time

            It's because this thread is pointless, HFR is one of the best games of 2023, that's all that needs to be said. Let's better talk about how erotic Chai is and how much we want to rape him.

            • 2 weeks ago

              you're not fooling literally anyone, barry
              the 808 onahole image you kept spamming got hard filtered, we saw it happen

              • 2 weeks ago

                I swear this has happened so many times in the past
                >shitposter makes shitpost thread
                >somehow people actually end up discussing something.
                >shitposter gets mad and spams porn to delete the thread.
                Literally everytime. At least Barry isnt going FULL MAD mode where he spammed CP.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's probably AC-kun because he was just "complaining" about how all HFR threads are just porn.

                Actually that makes everything make more sense, he bought the game because he's gay for Chai, and then got mad that Chai actually talks in game instead of being a silent fricktoy.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I don't think a shitposter would save all possible Chai pictures. Maybe, JUST maybe, I genuinely love Chai and just wanted to spread my love with everyone else? I am more surprised no one lusts for him, he is such a sexy twink.

              • 2 weeks ago

                God I wish I could sleep with such a cute boy, sex under blankets is possibly my favorite fetish.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Target acquired, start operation "Grape".

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I don't think a shitposter would save all possible Chai pictures.
                You clearly think we arent aware that said shitposter has entire folders filled with dozens of images to shitpost against certain topics. As if we arent familiar with how said individual has acted in the past.
                You doing this completely unprompted does not help your case.

              • 2 weeks ago

                They are probably mentally ill. I am just in a mood for baiting people to start boylusting and saying how much they want to destroy male characters' boypussy.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Also, considering Twitter filenames, I have biiiig doubts any shitposter would sit through Twitter saving gay shit in high quality when they can just save from Ganker or something, I dunno.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The outlines of his lower part of body is actually insane, it's like he invites me to do unspeakable things to him.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I think anyone would love to leave bloody nail scratches on his smooth back.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I can hear him saying "I will never lose to some third-rate villain!" (loses anal virginity)

            • 2 weeks ago

              Chai's tummy needs to be immortalized in a statue form and be displayed in Louvre.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I like this one, he is my bride~ How cute. I wonder how honeymoon sex will go.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Just imagine molesting him while he is immobilized, ha-ha.
                But honestly, his body is really great for a big variety of poses.

  47. 2 weeks ago
  48. 2 weeks ago

    >guy complaining about Hi-Fi rush's writing and comedy unironically defends forspoken when they had to add a mute button to frey and cuffs dialogue in-game after the immense universal backlash from the trailer.

    • 2 weeks ago

      There was always a mute button. It was in the demo.

  49. 2 weeks ago

    hi fi rush is a kino fricking game and its kinda sad to see this being memed as a game that killed xbox.

  50. 2 weeks ago

    I would have made more edits but Stellar Blade is too good and takes up all my time

  51. 2 weeks ago

    Everyone who bumps this moronic homosexual's threads should be thrown in jail

    • 2 weeks ago

      You as well I agree

    • 2 weeks ago

      Calm down Tango shill frick

      • 2 weeks ago

        Shut up spammer b***h LOL go mald about squeenix on xitter shitass

        • 2 weeks ago

          Tumblr ass b***h. Enjoy your flopped and shitted studio.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I know you will, shitspoken cum sucker

  52. 2 weeks ago

    What is even the point of shitposting(and samegayging) against Hi-Fi Rush at this point?
    Its not like anyone will give a shit about forspoken afterwords

    • 2 weeks ago

      It’s not about caring about Forspoken. It’s specifically about telling you to go frick your self

      • 2 weeks ago

        >iphone filename

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yes I am posting from my phone as I just left my pc 🙂 cope

      • 2 weeks ago

        Considering forspoken is still seen as a joke and the studio behind it is still dead this all seems like cope because you still somehow havent gotten over people bullying you defending it.
        Literally get over yourself you manchild.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Considering Tumblr Rush is still seen as a joke and the studio behind it is still dead

        • 2 weeks ago

          Why should I get over myself when I and others are getting you to post your tears in each thread?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Cope or KYS 🙂

            Tumblr ass b***h. Enjoy your flopped and shitted studio.

            Not even trying to pretend they're not seething flopspoken troons now lmao

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Why should I get over myself
            You realize youre admitting that you let all the forspoken and hi fi rush bullying live rent free in your head all this time.
            Motherfricker most people here FORGOT that that even happened until you started sperging
            >when I and others
            By other I think you mean only (You)
            >getting you to post your tears in each thread
            Considering you previous admission, youre projecting. Youve literally stayed up nights crying because people called forspoken shit and were enjoying another game that same month. That's pathetic.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >"it's not about Forspoken"
        >*posts Forspoken pic*

        • 2 weeks ago

          Cope or KYS 🙂

  53. 2 weeks ago

    moron. Your house deserve a nuke like this garbage thread

    • 2 weeks ago

      Tango studios got nuked already. That’s insensitive of you to say.

  54. 2 weeks ago


  55. 2 weeks ago

    i get having over a decade of sunk cost fallacy invested in ffxv mindbreaking you but why fanboy over forspoken of all things

    • 2 weeks ago

      Because he is seriously clinically mentally ill and has been for quite some time now.

  56. 2 weeks ago


  57. 2 weeks ago

    One of the most pathetic shitposters ever

  58. 2 weeks ago

    Does anyone genuinely care about this garbage? The art style is literal tumblr tier and I heard it's also pretty pozzed

  59. 2 weeks ago

    >reddit tower shill has an opinion

    • 2 weeks ago


  60. 2 weeks ago

    >reddit tower shill is easily triggered

    • 2 weeks ago

      As moronic as OP

  61. 2 weeks ago

    >Hi-Reddit-Rushtards spamming the thread with Gay porn instead of their usual zoophilic porn because they don't know how to get other's attention at this point
    this is just fricking sad
    just move on at this point, your game is dead and so is the studio who made it but that doesn't mean your miserable life ends with it, unfortunatly.

    • 2 weeks ago

      unfortunately spamming gay porn won't save Flopspoken

  62. 2 weeks ago

    I just played a couple hours after getting it on PS5.
    Such a charming little game. I get that Microsoft is only thinking in making big money and games like this would forever be niche but even so MS can go frick itself for closing the studio and killing the IP

  63. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Anon, it's a joke DLC costume where the joke is that the big black man is dressed up as the white woman. It's funny.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >it's supposed to be bad! it's intentional

        • 2 weeks ago

          Do you think Super Mario Odyssey is troony shit because you can dress Mario up in a wedding dress joke costume

          • 2 weeks ago

            >"I don't get it, what's supposed to be funny about this proud and beautiful black transwoman?"

            It's not funny. That's the problem. It's unfunny marvel humor.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >watching old Bugs Bunny cartoom from fricking 80+ years ago
              >Bugs dresses up as a woman for a joke
              Fricking Marvel writing going back through time to ruin old cartoons

            • 2 weeks ago

              >what if I troon out haha just for the laughs
              you shills will really try to defend absolutely any woke garbage, I'm so glad you failed and the studio is rotting in hell

              Nah I'm with the other anon on this. The "guy dressing as a girl for the bit" has existed since the dawn of humor. Screeching Marvel or woke makes no sense. If anything it's anti woke humor, since trannies would cry that it's making fun of something they take very seriously.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's bad because it's troony speed runner bait.

                >HFR fans claim that they can take criticism
                >accuse other games of being troony games over the slightest critique

              • 2 weeks ago

                Looks like that hurt you huh?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >troony Tower fan assumes I'm an HRT Rush fan
                Swing and a miss.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >"I don't get it, what's supposed to be funny about this proud and beautiful black transwoman?"

        >what if I troon out haha just for the laughs
        you shills will really try to defend absolutely any woke garbage, I'm so glad you failed and the studio is rotting in hell

        • 2 weeks ago

          >what if I troon out
          Are you a troon? Because that's the only reason I can think of why you'd take the crazy position of "anyone who's ever crossdress for lulz is actually a secret troony".

          It's not funny. That's the problem. It's unfunny marvel humor.

          >marvel invented crossdressing
          I should really be keeping a list at this point.
          Things Marvel invented:
          >self-aware humour
          >referential humour
          >witty humour
          >computer animation
          >voiced protagonists

          • 2 weeks ago

            Explain why any of those things should be in a video game. Not a one of them contributes to the gameplay.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Because I like them, AC-kun. Cope and seethe.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I like non-gameplay
                Good for you, but this isn't the best medium for it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >"No stop using the medium to do new things you can only progress as far as pong"
                That's really nice AC-kun and I look forward to reading the rest of your blog.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >being new magically makes it good
                Okay Druckmann.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >"You aren't allowed to tell stories within a unique medium or add reasons to get emotionally invested in gameplay because some games are bloated movies"
                Very cool my dude that's gonna make an excellent blog post how about you go post the rest there?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >how do we get people emotionally invested in this video game?
                >let's have the characters talk non-stop and never shut up
                >always crack a joke, the game must never allow you to take a situation in and breathe

                Tango has a promising career developing the next Uncharted.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Druckmann took over a studio that once pretended to care about gameplay, and made their new slogan "we don't use the word 'fun' around here". He wants to be the next James Cameron and innovate the medium because fun is now bad.

                >"if you put any story in your game at all you're literally Neil Druckmann"
                That's so great but I'm worried that you're posting too much here and not leaving enough incentive for people to go and read the rest of your blog.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I go indepth into why games should strive for less story here. Take a look.

              • 2 weeks ago

                If you're going to invoke Druckman with soemthing that isn't even close to anything he's ever say, at least post a Druckman game.
                I get that your point is "cutscene bad, VA bad", but I never understand why you underline your posts with nonsense for the sake of exaggeration.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Druckmann took over a studio that once pretended to care about gameplay, and made their new slogan "we don't use the word 'fun' around here". He wants to be the next James Cameron and innovate the medium because fun is now bad.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >it's supposed to be bad! it's intentional

      >"I don't get it, what's supposed to be funny about this proud and beautiful black transwoman?"

  64. 2 weeks ago


  65. 2 weeks ago


  66. 2 weeks ago

    >obnoxious isekai shit
    >robots... LE BAD!

    cool vidya with robot protagonist never ever

  67. 2 weeks ago

    Nothing shilled on v will be good

    >hi-shit rush

    >Stangers of shit

    >the world flops with you neo

    >shit tower

    >shitcorn wokelord

  68. 2 weeks ago

    The amount seething towards one game that people care about because everyone sees Forspoken as failure and laughing stock.

  69. 2 weeks ago

    I love how I got treated like some mastermind-falseflagging OP-shitposter when I just genuinely wanted to post cute and sexy pictures with Chai to overwrite this pointless shitflinging, and got banned for moderately raunchy art while trying to save this thread by summoning fellow twink lovers. Well, my job here is done anyways, there was no one who really appreciates this character.

  70. 2 weeks ago

    One of the most moronic threads ever. OP is a gay

  71. 2 weeks ago

    I thought it was impossible but hfr outreddited borderlands

  72. 2 weeks ago

    >threads like this have been the state of Ganker for over a decade now
    This entire board must be purged

    • 2 weeks ago

      I never understood why Ganker doesn't have more mods on the clock, imagine if Ganker was actually monitored by mods 24/7 and banned schizo posters when they spammed the board.

  73. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine being Barry and having to live with the humiliation of shilling a homosexualry consultant firm slop heap that destroyed his beloved studio.

  74. 2 weeks ago

    Ganker Black folk crying barry barry when someone praises FFXV are better conditioned than Pavlov dog lmao

    • 2 weeks ago

      did you even play FF15? that shit released as an early game
      at least fricking ff13 was a finished game on release

      • 2 weeks ago

        Only played Royal Edition. it is good. Was bad on release? Too bad but didnt affect me so not judging based on that.

        • 2 weeks ago

          release FF15 was basically an early access game
          they later kept patching in new cutscenes, quests, new abilities, and other shit because the game legitimately wasn't finished on release.

          royal edition wasn't even that good because it STILL felt unfinished. the royal edition turned a 5/10 to a minimum 7/10 game and that's mostly because it atleast comes with the DLC which is also stapled onto the game in the most moronic way possible.

          seriously that you're on Ganker defending FF15 despite it being a very fricking cynical product is fricking astounding.

    • 2 weeks ago

      you deserve to be called barry for liking reddit fantasy 15. i'm glad it makes you so mad.

  75. 2 weeks ago

    What's even the point of shilling anymore?
    game bombed, studio was shut down, we got a happy ending and words won't bring tango back

    • 2 weeks ago

      >What's even the point of shilling anymore?
      >people say this game was good? impossible it must be shills no one actually LIKES anything anymore

      • 2 weeks ago

        people like a lot of games, clearly not this one tho
        flopping so hard to kill a studio confirms what no amount of words could ever refute

        • 2 weeks ago

          >the studio is dead is it couldn't be good
          You realize this applies to SO MANY GAMES over the past several decades, right? that's not even remotely a good argument.

  76. 2 weeks ago

    The hype and gushing over this game in Ganker felt so artificial and planned
    I'm not one to cry "shill" but it felt off that a game that suddenly dropped out of nowhere was being praised so much
    Or I'm just jaded

    • 2 weeks ago

      No one enjoys games here

  77. 2 weeks ago

    reminder that this is a DAILY SHITPOST by someone who defends Forspoken, a game that got BTFO by HiFi Rush

    • 2 weeks ago

      OR, maybe someone would dislike both for being painfully unfunny and reeking of trying too hard.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nobody with enough brainpower to string together two words could have that opinion about hifi rush. Consider suicide

        • 2 weeks ago

          >nobody could possibly dislike muh favorite game
          >it must be the work of them evil trolls

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yes, unironically. The only options are genuine brain damage or extremely low-effort troll. If you really think you aren’t trolling then I’m sorry you learned about your clinical moronation this way.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >a game that got BTFO by HiFi Rush
      correction, hfr shills picked up a fight against forspoken and both games bombed and got their studios closed, specially worse for hfr because they got fired while forspoken devs just moved to other square studios
      that's what so funny about this

      • 2 weeks ago

        flopspoken devs went on to work on shitstain and stillbirth which also flopped and killed all the aa games at se.
        at least tango's damage is done and over.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >at least being fired is better than your company letting you still work with them
          that isn't an argument, that's just pettiness and envy

        • 2 weeks ago

          If Luminous devs go on to kill Square Enix I will stop shitposting Flopspoken in their honor.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >and both games bombed
        Why are you still lying?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >picked up a fight
        What does this even mean? How do you pick up something non-tangible?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >have a mediocre thing
          >compare it to other mediocre thing
          >my mediocre thing is so much better lol
          >both fail, ironically yours fails even harder
          hi fi rush autists created the perfect scenario to get anally and morally destroyed

  78. 2 weeks ago

    He never said that.

  79. 2 weeks ago

    That's what they deserved for selling out to the west
    Tango was a Japanese studio in name only

  80. 2 weeks ago

    what's even more moronic than the spamming autist are the dumb ironic lolcow cheerers going "Barry won" dumbass forced meme kids

    • 2 weeks ago

      you're really mad because barry won and tango lost

      • 2 weeks ago

        >barry won
        He can't go back in time and save XV, he can never win.
        Tango won by making a great game.

  81. 2 weeks ago

    Another common Barry W

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