i like how this game is hard compared to others

i like how this game is hard compared to others

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  1. 2 years ago

    gays backdashing every second don't make these games hard, anon

    • 2 years ago

      If you want to Platinum 3, you actually have to play on Hard, unless you want to do an unnecessary third playthrough. Very odd.

      >Time for Destruction
      >switch to Dragon
      >Tiger Drop
      I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that shit actually worked. Kek, Kiwami's fun.

  2. 2 years ago

    not sure if I'd call it hard, it just asks you to play differently. Which I like

  3. 2 years ago

    I'm trans by the way if that matters

  4. 2 years ago

    Yakuza 3 is the easiest one I've done so far. Unless you're talking about the mini games, then yes, it's the most difficult one.

    The enemies just all blockspam everything which can be countered with throws until you unlock more moves. Once you get tiger drop its gg.

    • 2 years ago

      Holy frick, I don't have the mentality to plat any of the yakuza games

    • 2 years ago

      What's the hardest minigame in 3 anon?

      • 2 years ago

        Definitely pool, but there were other minigames that ended up being a pain too.
        Expert level pool took me 7 hours to beat it on all game modes. If the AI ever gets a turn it's extremely rare for him to miss, and he usually sweeps the rest of the game. Using the ruler trick on my TV to line up shots wasnt consistent either.
        Golf had RNG shit going for it with wind direction and wind speed always changing between attempts
        Batting cages are even worse because they remove your targeting reticule on expert difficulty
        Darts just doesnt work as well as it does in the other games, but I didnt have too much trouble with it. Same with bowling.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm very scared to attempt the plat for 3 then. I've got the PS4 version same as you and I had a feeling pool and golf would be awful. Worst part of the few I've played is Mahjong just because its so time consuming.

        • 2 years ago

          if you don't think golf is the hardest one in the game then i'm honestly glad i never tried most of the other ones

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not saying gold isnt hard, but it's not as hard as pool. It only took me a few hours to complete the golf stuff.

            I'm very scared to attempt the plat for 3 then. I've got the PS4 version same as you and I had a feeling pool and golf would be awful. Worst part of the few I've played is Mahjong just because its so time consuming.

            Part of the problem with pool is that the remaster fricked with the sensitivity of the controls. If you dont pull the thumbstick back at exactly a 90 degree angle and release it a specific speed your shot is either going to veer off in an unintended direction or will be hit with too much/too little force.
            I had to learn to hold the controller in an extremely specific and awkward way to ensure my shots landed right.
            >Worst part of the few I've played is Mahjong
            Mahjong is time consuming, but I didnt mention it because I personally like mahjong and find it enjoyable to play.

            • 2 years ago

              Damm well the only ones I've plat'd are Judgment and Lost Judgment.

              Yeah I heard the remaster has some fricking weird problems with 3 specifically. Yeah Mahjong is ok I just hate how much you have to play in the original Judgment for the platinum.

  5. 2 years ago

    >game has dogshit fighting system
    >game 3 exposes this

  6. 2 years ago

    Its a tedious hard though. Enemies block fine, so I use my guard break combo and they instantly snap back into blocking. It was fine 90% of the time but the bosses and certain coliseum opponents were bad.

    • 2 years ago


      i like how this game is hard compared to others

      Is this some sort of epic zoom zoom meme I'm missing, or do you gays seriously suck ass at games?

      I legit finished Y3 HD for the first time last month, and didn't have any trouble in any other encounter than the final boss.

  7. 2 years ago

    playing yakuza 1 16 hours in and the fights are just now becoming easier. Can someone explain the fighting system to me? Do fighting styles conter the enemies Style? Why do some regenerate in a different color than they are fighting? And what the hell are those locker keys

    • 2 years ago

      are you starting with kiwami?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Well to answer your questions- the fighting styles don't counter enemies outside of when bosses start regening health, and you can take the keys to the coin lockers near the Millenium Tower and use them to get some free items. Unrelated, but I'd also suggest reconsidering Kiwami as your entry point, overall it's one of the weaker games in the series, and doesn't work as well as an entry point as either 0 or the original game.

        • 2 years ago

          playing yakuza 1 16 hours in and the fights are just now becoming easier. Can someone explain the fighting system to me? Do fighting styles conter the enemies Style? Why do some regenerate in a different color than they are fighting? And what the hell are those locker keys

          Should've started with Y0. Kiwami is literally like a standalone DLC to it.
          Fight styles are just styles. They can be used to counter some styles, but it's more of a reference. They were NOT in the OG Yakuza 1, the whole idea in Zero was that they are the key components that formed the DoD-style in the end, which is Kiryu's only style in rest of the games.

          The "regen" thing is a color-coded Super Finisher signal. It's a stupid system.

          Locker keys are exactly that.

    • 2 years ago

      Kiwami essences, if a boss flashes in pink, use the rush style with enough heat to use the essence and deal heavy damage

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