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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    neither devs nor Sony care about this
    people already bought the game and played it for 3 months, now everyone can get screwed

    • 4 weeks ago

      >neither devs nor Sony care about this
      lol, hop on the 'cord mate, you got new instructions.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Who is Spitz?

        • 4 weeks ago

          A sperg lord.
          He is one of the offical CM for the discord and a complete fricking asshat and moron.
          Example is pic related.

          >UHHHHh we cant know which john you reported
          >But we know exactly which john bough SC.

          • 4 weeks ago

            lol what? "Steam doesn't allow us to keep track of unique player IDs through our systems" what the frick is this bullshit? then how are all the other games doing it? are they just moronic?

            • 4 weeks ago

              They're snoy cumguzzlers. It's a wonder they were able to use the very straightforward and simple steamworks API at all.
              Had to be outside help that did that otherwise they would know about steam IDs

            • 4 weeks ago

              >are they just moronic?
              No worse, they are swedes. Remember these are the same guys that picked nProtect a literal who anti cheat software that ends up getting removed from every game its been a part of with its biggest claim to fame being it was on pugG until they want to battle eye.

              They are also using a Autodesk game engine that was depreciated back in 2018.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Doesn't this game already force you to install a rootkit for anticheat?
            How would linking a Sony account track hackers better than a rootkit?

            Furthermore, who the frick cares about cheating in a PvE game?

        • 4 weeks ago

          A sperg lord.
          He is one of the offical CM for the discord and a complete fricking asshat and moron.
          Example is pic related.

          >UHHHHh we cant know which john you reported
          >But we know exactly which john bough SC.

          "dealing with cheaters" was the rationale behind using nProtect too of course, when the reality is they wanted this archaic anti-cheat to prevent people from bypassing the cash shop.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Which worked about as well as tissue paper works as a condom.
            nProtect fricking sucks ass and does not prevent shit from happening.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Did they ban everyone complaining about the changes from the Discord yet? It’s par for the course at this point
        >Game has Discord (for some moronic reason)
        >Game Devs do something moronic
        >Players openly complain to the Devs face
        >Ban Ban Ban Ban
        >Ah… now we can enjoy our military state discord with no whiners 🙂

        • 4 weeks ago

          I don't use community discords but I've been told they've put it in some kind of protective mode that requires a phone number to even post or some shit. The most I've used discord for was sharing funny memes with my nephew.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The next thing I wonder is what you are going to have to do to prove you are in one of the unserviceable regions? Will it just be voluntary selecting some option that allows you to opt out of the PSN thing? If that's the case what is to stop everybody from just doing that, how are they going to confirm that?

        I'm going to do that if that becomes an option.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >the announcements came from sony, not us
        then why were you so fricking quick to defend sony?

        • 4 weeks ago

          at no point did they even hint that AH themselves had a problem with it, they probably unironically thought this would have gone over smoother and only changed their tune when the writing was on the wall

        • 4 weeks ago

          I'm reading this as a non-technical community manager misunderstanding something an engineer told them, and desperately trying to use it as an excuse for damage control. Hypothetical:
          >What am I supposed to tell people? That we just are forcing them to join PSN because Sony wants them to be trackable and get ads?
          >No, just say it's to help prevent cheating.
          >Couldn't we use Steam accounts for that?
          >No. Well, we could, but we would have to integrate with that part of the Steam API to reference their unique account IDs. We already did that work for PSN, and I'm sure they don't want to pay us to do the same work again but in a way that doesn't boost Sony.
          >Uh... okay, got it. I'll say something like that.

          Been trying to churn this since this is their only stated reason for the id linkage. I can only see it complicating their account management even further. I think Sony's full intent is to simply get more PSN accounts so that the line can go up. There's no other gained telemetry that would help determine better ban strategies. They're lying to your face and you're dumb as frick for buying this data scraping executable in the first place.

          >I think Sony's full intent is to simply get more PSN accounts so that the line can go up.
          This is the only thing that makes sense to me, and I suspect as well.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >player counts down
      >mixed on steam
      >GDPR complaints being filed
      >mass refunds
      >class action lawsuit started
      Yeah, no. They care.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >devs do not care about game going from overwhelmingly positive to mixed
      maybe on planet moron

      • 4 weeks ago

        90% of the profits have already been secured within the first month or two.
        they don't give a single shit right now unless they wasted the money somehow and need more peanuts

    • 4 weeks ago

      The whole point of doing this is numbers, if shareholders see bad numbers instead of good numbers they're gonna throw a tantrum.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Which has never happened, but keep desperately trying to justify your temper tantrum brother

        • 4 weeks ago

          lol zoomers are so funny. I love this history revisionism.
          Or how about the time SimCity2013 was so terrible that EA was forced to offer up a choice of games from their library to even start to make up for that disaster.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You don't understand how modern games work.
          Sony wants this game to keep making money forever. They know that won't happen, but they'll try anyway. Seeing this situation unfold, they feel their cash cow is at risk and will push the blame onto somebody. I don't know yet whether that will be AH, Steam or other people at Sony, but somebody will get blamed for what they see as a loss of potential revenue.
          That doesn't mean they'll roll back the decision, but the original point is that they don't "care". They definitely care, and somebody will be punished, most likely AH (somewhat deservedly).

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Kek. The goyim revolt won't happen. You will photograph your face and government ID and you will make Playstation™ Network Accout to consume slop like a good huwite piggie.

    • 4 weeks ago

      200k subhuman goycattle are still playing the game on steam. they signed up like slaves

      • 4 weeks ago

        You don't have to sign up until may 30th

    • 4 weeks ago

      Whose "We"? I've never purchased a sony game and never will.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >You will photograph your face and government ID
      I'm pretty sure I have a PSN account from when I got my PS4 to play Bloodborne and the occassional bluray, and I didn't have to day anything like that.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's UK thing so far, I believe. Don't worry, 1st world legislation is catching up and soon people will call you terrorist for trying to be anonymous.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >I'm pretty sure I have a PSN account from when I got my PS4 to play Bloodborne and the occassional bluray, and I didn't have to day anything like that
        As another anon said, it's catching up
        Used to be you could setup a facebook account only with an email and a pseudonym
        Plenty of people I know who used Facebook ever since it became popular in the late 2000s and used pseudonyms had their account blocked completely randomly after 10 years of daily use and were demanded to put their real full name and send their ID to prove it really was them and their their account

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yep that same thing happened to my cousin who was only using one name and he just told them to frick off.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The photograph and id thing is only for UK specifically.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    still not enough

  4. 4 weeks ago

    This is anti-semitic, but don't worry steam will make sure this never happens again.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    what's stopping the devs from just deleting them?

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >trusting sony
    >trusting sony wanting to install a rootkit tier shit DRM
    >trusting sony not to do something even more moronic later on
    buh muh shoot bugs
    buh muh fomo
    muh frends shoot bugs

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >tfw I chose HD2 over DD2 because all of my friends were playing it
    >Everyone including my friends are protesting it
    >tfw have an excuse to put in for a refund as I got bored of it 22 hours in

    I don't think it's a bad game but I thought by now I'd REALLY be into it and I'm just kind of done with it. I know "Games feel like jobs" is a meme but I genuinely felt like I was only logging in to fill a quota. Not because I was enjoying it. I don't really care about the fiasco but frick it. I'll say whatever if it means replacing it with a game I'll have fun with. Besides I like the bugs. I think they are cute.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Their rationale behind wanting to link to PSN just to have IDs to ban people makes no sense to me. Surely they already store certain player details server-side? It's as simple as generating a UUID for each player alongside that, and then having the report function log the accused player's ID. There's no way they're just having everything be stored on the player's local machine. It's way too easy to cheat in that case.

    • 4 weeks ago

      they dont want to outwardly say "why yes we're doing this solely so we can ban people (the pride month capes are gonna get a big influx of reports after all!)" so they'll not say that and say its about security, then shoot themselves in the foot while saying it because this is sony we're talking about. they themselves made this argument, that because steam ID's arent wholly unique and multiple people can have the same name they cant ban them.......and yet in spite of this they can take credit card information and give each individual account supercredits when prompted

    • 4 weeks ago

      lol what? "Steam doesn't allow us to keep track of unique player IDs through our systems" what the frick is this bullshit? then how are all the other games doing it? are they just moronic?

      Been trying to churn this since this is their only stated reason for the id linkage. I can only see it complicating their account management even further. I think Sony's full intent is to simply get more PSN accounts so that the line can go up. There's no other gained telemetry that would help determine better ban strategies. They're lying to your face and you're dumb as frick for buying this data scraping executable in the first place.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >implying I bought it
        I only buy games from the GOOD swede developers

        • 4 weeks ago

          A-anon. I'm sorry for your loss. At least go back to vt2, it has more support even to this day. Even then, they dropped the ball a year after vt2's release with the turnover rate being too high to maintain consistency. Being proud about fatshark ownership is next level cope for the coop genre enjoyers.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Its worse then that, sony is pushing out its AI moderator for games, meaning an AI will be the one determining if you are to be banned or not, which is going to be SHIT.

        >implying I bought it
        I only buy games from the GOOD swede developers

        >Obese fish
        >Good developer
        Anon Darktide is fricking shit, that game STILL has less content in it then VT2 did at launch.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >ai moderator
          No such thing yet. At least to the extent that you'd think. It's an astroturfed buzzword for a simple algorithm to get the shareholders excited. Blizzard attempted the same thing as they recorded your overwatch voip activity and cross referenced your chat logs. Sure, you can start linking game activity, trends, objective participation, and other minute gameplay metrics but it'll be far from all the other nonsense we see with generative ai so far elsewhere in the tech industry.
          Automated moderation on social media platforms have also proven to be useless outside of fraud prevention and content integrity. Catching bad actors for games still require manual review. See valve's Overwatch community service to catch the finer details.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Just refund everyone.

  10. 4 weeks ago

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