I miss them bros.

I miss them bros.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    I still play 3rd edition. Just find people who don't want to guzzle GW's dick with the new garbage.

    • 3 months ago

      my group plays 8th and 4th editions, glad to know there is more people out there living the good life

  2. 3 months ago

    I will back any system that makes plasma not the best option every single time

  3. 3 months ago

    I don’t get this, what joke am I missing?

    • 3 months ago

      Wargear in 40k.
      It used to have it's own point system where certain options for a unit could wildly swing both how that units plays and costs in points. They got rid of this system in 10th, making it so all units have a single defined cost no matter what wargear you choose.
      It sucks because certain loadouts for units are strictly worthless in favor of what the objective best loadout is, since you're paying for it regardless.

    • 3 months ago

      It used to be that you could pick between arming your troops with pointy sticks or handheld nukes. The nukes clearly have more destructive potential but the pointy stick is cheaper and allows you to employ more soldiers. Also, the handheld nuke is going to damage your own troops.

      In modern 40k the handheld nuke and pointy stick are the same price and the nuke has been changed to only ever hit what you are aiming it towards making the nuke the superior option every time

  4. 3 months ago

    I want them to come back so bad but GW is trying to dumb down the game.

    • 3 months ago

      Older editions still exist.

  5. 3 months ago

    I never understood WH players, why not just play the old editions like D&D players do or even create their own retroclones based on those old rules? Do they really only play the newest edition? What about their old miniatures?

    • 3 months ago

      It's plastic crack, anon.
      The more they complain, the more addicted they are to buying that sweet sweet plastic goodness.
      40k players don't play wargames: they collect plastic toy men because their obsessive-compulsiveness has replaced the last shreds of their masculinity and is all they have left.

    • 3 months ago

      You're only thinking of "most" WH players, just like most people only think of "most" D&D players.
      A lot of people play completely different games now after quitting WH, just like with D&D.

    • 3 months ago

      >go to local gaming store to play
      >everyone feels the “need” to play only current version

      GW brainwashed people to only play current.

    • 3 months ago

      >I never understood WH players, why not just play the old editions like D&D players do or even create their own retroclones based on those old rules?
      Tournaments and league play; only the newest rules are supported.

    • 3 months ago

      I think a lot of it has to do with newer models being released and older ones being phased out.
      They want to play with the newer models, but want to use the older systems. That might be what is going on here.

      And sadly there is no 'old edition redux' Warhammer 40k project to play with new models in older editions. Or there was but GW sicked their lawyers on them to stop them.

    • 3 months ago

      While I agree with you in spirit, there's a lot of practical differences between older editions of a wargame and an RPG. Mostly because once you get away from current edition 40k, your chance of finding other players drops significantly. Furthermore, most people not playing the latest edition are likely not interested in GW games at all anymore, having moved on to historicals or other semi-popular wargames (Infinity, Star Wars Legion, Marvel Crisis Protocol, etc) that are active at their shop. Then out of what's left, you have to find people who share your ideal era of 40k which in itself is a massive gamble because each edition sucks at a couple of things and whether you can look past those changes determines which older editions you'll be willing to play.

      That leaves you with a handful of people at the very least, and these people can be separated by massive physical distance. So now your options are:
      >growing an older edition group out of your local shop, club, or friend group
      This can be especially tricky since the people available to you likely don't have old edition autism and be completely fine playing the newest edition
      Doable but requires massive schedule, travel, and coordination
      >joining a Discord and playing through Tabletop Sim
      Easiest way to actually get a game in, but curtails most of the hobby aspect out of it.

      So with all of those barriers, new edition changes might as well be law because going back is a arduous challenge. Meanwhile as an example, a group looking to get a 3.5 group together likely will have an easier time handling online games because TRPGs handle the online medium better, and even then people have difficulties finding 3.5 players who aren't crazy and can keep a schedule in the all devouring gravitational pull of D&D 5e.

    • 3 months ago

      Wargames are usually more pickup play with randoms, like card games. Sticking to latest edition makes it easier to arrange a game between total strangers.

    • 3 months ago

      Actual warhammer players only play in tournaments and those only use the newest rules.

  6. 3 months ago

    I don't

  7. 3 months ago

    Will they ever come back?

  8. 3 months ago

    I never understood the need to play current edition all the time.
    >everyone I know who plays 40k complains the newest edition is always worse than last edition
    >but you have to in order to play tournaments!
    >also tournaments are filled with sweaty try hards who are no fun to play with

    Can we get someone qualified to finally classify this as a mental illness?

    • 3 months ago

      Why are trannies so obsessed with mental illness? Religion and/or discipline is all men need. Not pills or ~~*medicine*~~

  9. 3 months ago

    In my experience people would go for the cheapest options each time so they could stack more attack and wounds instead of paying for the cool weapons and upgrades. GW's fix is basically the opposite problem now, but at least it's not just bolters are far as the eye can see minus the occasional overly strong weapon that could justify the points.

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