I must admit I got filtered...

I must admit I got filtered... filtered by game breaking bugs, complete lack of feedback and absence of any kind of helpful in-game tutorial

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    The game just doesn't respect the player's time whatsoever. Autists with Infinite amounts of it don't mind though, it's also why they spend an infinite amount of time being unpaid shills. Totally understandable, OP.

    • 9 months ago

      pame serson

    • 9 months ago

      >Reeee this game isn’t made for giga-wagies who work 70 hours a week!!! Ever game needs to be as simplistic as possible so I can finish it and get back to work!

  2. 9 months ago

    How can you design a UI this bad in anno Domini 2023

    • 9 months ago

      Because its made by a wargamer boomer. Better than paradox slop for sure. The UI is not good but everything else is well done.

    • 9 months ago

      the UI is fine tbh just gets a little getting used too

      • 9 months ago

        >Game has sub-sub-sub-option menu
        >This is fine
        I guess this is the true power of PDX-induced brain-damage: people take horrible UI and call is "getting used to"

        • 9 months ago

          Make your own functional, popular, successful strategy game with a better UI then, homosexual.

          • 9 months ago

            >functional, popular, successful
            None of these adjectives apply to shadow empire though.

            • 9 months ago

              >None of these adjectives apply to shadow empire though.
              Ok fake /vst/

          • 9 months ago

            That's what I'm working on. I want a game with more depth than games like Shadow Empire or Aurora, but with better UI and UX. It's hard, but it's a fun challenge. It's still years off, since it's just a little side project for me, and figuring out fun game mechanics that mesh well together is hard.

            • 8 months ago

              Hey Anon, are you using Unity? If so we can work together. I had thesame Idea! started working on my own Procedurual map too

        • 9 months ago

          Black person it's literally Panzer General.

          • 9 months ago

            This feature from 1994 is acceptable in a 2020 game because... it just is, ok?

            • 9 months ago

              Every single wargame still uses a similar AI. Is Order of Battle too hard for you to grasp?

              • 9 months ago

                Its the entire UI, not just the combat parts of it. Order of battle is easy. The problem is the roundabout way you have to go about doing anything with how the UI works. Also it's hard to get allot of the information you're looking for at a glance. So you have to switch back and forth between menus allot.

              • 9 months ago

                For me its the complete opposite
                I could navigate just fine after 200 or so neethours spent, but my god is OOB a piece of shit
                And by proxy all of ministries/mechanics related to it
                Like that anon said shadow empire (especially with new dlc) is a game you sink your entire into
                >slow as frick - turn based and requires good cpu mid game and on
                >completely random
                I used to pull allnighters, waking at 6pm, playing till 6 am, and going to a 24/7 liquor store to the point all the staff there knows what im gonna get and just silently nods
                Not a best part of my life but hey its a good game

      • 9 months ago

        NTA but the UI is terrible half of menus have not functioning scoll i could easily design something which doesnt require me to jump all over the screen do do basic stuff like making a new building. Dont even get me started on non existent tooltips, some tech doesnt even have a proper explanation what it does you have to look up in the manual to see what its actually doing.

      • 9 months ago

        Most of the UI is fine, but there's definitely a few. parts that are abysmal. Unit designing is overall the worst part, especially the airplane designer. How the frick Vic thought that UI was even remotely okay is beyond me.

        • 9 months ago

          If you mean manually select component for aircraft page by page just to see performance in final page yeah i agree, that why he add useful blueprint tab

    • 9 months ago

      >How can you design a UI this bad in anno Domini 2023
      Bad UIs are just the nature of one autist passion projects.

      • 9 months ago

        The problem I have is with the unpaid shills that scream about it being da best evaaaar!!!! and call anyone who rightfully points out that while the ideas behind are really good and in some ways novel (a welcome thing for the genre), the implementation is pretty fricking dog poopoo. And - most importantly - it didn't have to be.

        It's basically a local branch of reddit and steam forums that's also enabling devs to get away with doing shit work while hiding under a diagnosis of autism. Autism support group, if you will.

  3. 9 months ago

    What really made the game unplayable for me was the UI. I did some reading on forums beforehand, watched a video or two and read some of the manual. But then I got into the game itself and the UI killed it for me.

    • 9 months ago

      >game is 99% UI
      >the UI is complete shit
      every fricking time

  4. 9 months ago

    At current pace this game will be out of early access in 10 years (i know theoretically it is now but thats a lie). The problem is Vic is listening to discord grognards and half of them are mp gays other half are morons who want to make the game even more miserable and micromanagement hell for LARPING purposes, like theres a homosexual who likes current unit designer split in 2 different menus for role playing reason, frick off.

    • 9 months ago

      This sounds like an extremely plausible explanation.

    • 9 months ago

      Who cares when its out of EA, I doubt much more will be added to it and it's good as it is now.

      • 9 months ago

        theres a lot of stuff planned to be added, some of them is bloat i couldnt care less about. If Oceania was just boats it would be fine but its some logistics bullshit and i totally expect republica dlc to be the same.

        • 9 months ago

          Honestly with so much shit planned the dev should do what Dominions devs do and just release a "Shadow Empire 2" as instead of republica+militaria DLC

    • 9 months ago

      I like RP. I play this game to RP. Single player chads win again. If you want MP go play fricking Dominions - oh wait that's also fun to RP.
      All I want is for AI to have their own logistics demands. That's the one thing that just sets me off like nothing else.

      • 9 months ago

        go back to paradox visual novels

      • 8 months ago

        AI is already a braindead pushover and you want MORE ways to bully it?

  5. 9 months ago

    >game breaking bugs
    I've played since release (Matrix store only) and have not experienced an single one. In-game tutorials are for zoomer homosexuals who can't read.

  6. 9 months ago

    This game would be more fun if I could make custom maps and if ocean content wasn't comically shit and disconnected from the rest of the game.

  7. 9 months ago

    someone's really angry about Shadow Empire
    the discord sounds terrible though and I bet it was those homosexuals who got my fate stratagems taken away

  8. 9 months ago

    Should I be colonizing? Where?

  9. 9 months ago

    hard pass

    • 9 months ago

      its better than rng events

      • 9 months ago

        You should be able to open a menu and press spend 20 book mana whenever you want to

        • 9 months ago

          but thats how it works, you are swimming in cards very early in game

          • 8 months ago

            Cards or deckbuilding is lazy game design and I will not deign to give money to a dev that creates such trash and I will not even pirate such drivel.

      • 9 months ago

        cards are RNG too

  10. 9 months ago

    >absence of any kind of helpful in-game tutorial

    • 9 months ago

      not him but he is right
      >but muh manual
      even manual don't have many things mentioned
      like what exactly 'heavy elements %' mean in planet generation? what does it affect?
      I can guess some but its just a guess and probably wrong

      • 9 months ago

        >even manual don't have things introduced by the latest beta

        • 9 months ago

          >add new thing
          >don't explain it anywhere
          >shocked when people are confused

          • 9 months ago

            >don't tell anyone what it do
            >forget what it do
            >get confused when people reporting new strange occurrences with planet generation

            • 9 months ago

              Tarn Adams?

      • 9 months ago

        >wagner mercenary post
        holy kino

  11. 9 months ago

    whats the early game build now? like start on planet with no oil and metal, 2 minors invade and start War at turn 3, wtf do i do ?

    • 9 months ago

      1.draft everyone
      scavenge from ruins, also what is your starting tech level and game speed?

      • 9 months ago

        tech 3 and default speed

    • 9 months ago

      your build depends on your starting situation and leader pool. with no oil and metal you might invest in scavangers and cheaper infantry builds and formations or get foreign affairs first and use diplomacy to subjugate minors.

  12. 9 months ago

    >shadow empire

  13. 9 months ago

    I think this is a decent game but I struggle getting into it. No idea what it is but I can't seem to enjoy it.

    • 9 months ago

      It’s a war game disguised as a 4x game

      • 9 months ago

        Maybe that's my problem. The exploration is just not fun at all and I hate moving units back and forth between huge gaps of tiles trying to juggle minors from snaking everywhere

        • 9 months ago

          I see all the systems as busy work to get my units in place for an epic encirclement.

  14. 9 months ago

    Instant pass.

  15. 9 months ago

    >Shadow Empire: Zoo Tycoon DLC is an immersive and rather complex turn based strategy mini game added to the original we all know and love.
    >Taking 4X elements, procedural generation of dinosaurs, cultural-themed restaurants, and BLENDING them together.
    >Double-click on your city's zoo asset to enter a turn-based, zoo tycoon minigame so complex, some say it has more depth and action than the original game.
    >Your task will be to survive and rebuild your city's dinosaur zoo.
    >Take turns as you watch the guests of your zoo advance THREE, sometimes even FOUR hexes through the immersive, hypercomplex grid of your zoo.
    >Try to keep your guests entertained within their sight radius of THREE hexes, or they may revolt, or worse yet, ask for a REFUND.
    >Recruit zookeepers, and appoint them to clean the dung of individual cages within your zoo. But watch them carefully, as unsatisfied zookeepers could leave their designated walking areas, rebel, or worst of all, refuse to clean up the dung, leaving your guests disgusted and unhappy.
    >Collect and sell exotic dinosaur dung as compost that will boost the farming output of the empire beyond your zoo.
    >COPE with full trash bins, vandalized benches, and even toilets CLOGGED deep within the compounds of your zoo's bathrooms.
    >Puke on the walkways is taken seriously in Shadow Empire: Zoo Tycoon DLC. Witness a realistic guest happiness system that actively tracks the thoughts of your guests based on the logistics and hotdogs available to them.
    >In Shadow Empire: Zoo Tycoon DLC, ignoring your guest's happiness ratings ALWAYS has consequences. Lack of food will lead to hunger, starvation, and in the end, will kill your dinosaurs and eventually guests.
    >This is one of the most ambitious DLC's ever designed, immersing you in a HARD and challenging fight for the happiness of your zoo's dinosaurs, guests, and by extension, the populace of your ENTIRE EMPIRE BEYOND.
    >Pick up YOUR copy today for ONLY $14.99.

  16. 9 months ago

    whatever he took my fate stratagems at least I still have muh GR tanks

    • 9 months ago

      No, those are gone now too. You have to build GR reverse-engineering laboratories to unlock GR equipment now. So the way it works now is you discover the GR equipment, it gets transported back to your SHQ, and then you need to build these laboratories in order to actually understand the equipment enough to deploy them in the field. Helps with immersion and roleplaying for the discord homosexuals.

      • 9 months ago

        i played just recently and still get few units, from infantry to tanks and even walker

        For me its the complete opposite
        I could navigate just fine after 200 or so neethours spent, but my god is OOB a piece of shit
        And by proxy all of ministries/mechanics related to it
        Like that anon said shadow empire (especially with new dlc) is a game you sink your entire into
        >slow as frick - turn based and requires good cpu mid game and on
        >completely random
        I used to pull allnighters, waking at 6pm, playing till 6 am, and going to a 24/7 liquor store to the point all the staff there knows what im gonna get and just silently nods
        Not a best part of my life but hey its a good game

        >but my god is OOB a piece of shit
        i don't get how vic could make it so bad, you need to really try to make it shitter
        same for units

  17. 9 months ago

    I will now play your wagie filtering game

  18. 9 months ago

    whats a good tech3 start early game build assuming no metal at starting position? heres my
    >i immediately sell all rare metal and buy machines cause they are big bottleneck
    >call governor set recruit sign-up bonus to 0
    >allow emergency food (really should be ON by default)
    >not sure if its worth to fiddle with worker salary, last time i dropped it to 0.001 i had constant rebellions
    >set public budget to 1CR (it gives small bonus to happiness)
    >first council i add is Economy

    heres where im not sure what to do, i nationalize recycling facility but im not sure if its worth 500CR, its probably better to just build new one. IP and metal is main bottleneck and getting both asap is important. Need new army to keep hostile minors out of my territory (i play on severe violence), MG vs infantry ?

    • 9 months ago

      >sell all your food/water depending on planet
      >buy machines and however many metal you're short of 200 for round 1 Bureaucratic Office build
      >public budget at 100cr for the first turn to get private industry going fast, reduce recruit pay to 0 and lower worker pay to 4. DO NOT FORGET TO LOWER PUBLIC BUDGET TO NORMAL.
      >interior council for first council then econ, then military and model
      >focus econ council discovery to get power plants/solar, never set slider to 0% for anything because your directors still get rolls+xp
      >second build should be recycling, upgrade it as much as possible, then maxing out bureaucratic point production with Office/High Command
      >start worrying about keeping up with electricity demand, upgrade food/water production as needed (most likely for biofuel), militia starts won't start with a farm already built
      >if you have the points to spare, shuffle your directors as needed

      • 8 months ago

        >sets public budget to 100 to boost private economy but then floods the market with food and water, indirectly killing the private economy that needs to sell stuff to make big money.

    • 9 months ago

      My solution is T4 2city 1army/city 4council.

      • 9 months ago

        maybe some day when i actually finish 1 game and see all tech and all the fun units

        • 9 months ago

          You might finish more games if you choose starting options which eliminate the tedium of the first 30-50 turns.

  19. 9 months ago

    Idk how people can defend this shit. I see it shilled on 4x boards. Graphics are utter shit. I've played better games in the 90s like "slay", literally looks like "mother of all battles" for like 1992 lolz as frick.

    • 9 months ago

      i don't mind graphics tbh but I agree with your general sentiment

    • 9 months ago

      >le graphic
      This board literally fetishes spreadsheet games (paradox) and boomer games

    • 9 months ago

      I just like it is all. I like all of the models, how their equipment changes as you research and develop new weapons. I like all of the building sprites, all of the detail that went into each one and how buildings expand and grow at each level. I simply can't imagine how many people unironically think
      The internet, for giving midwits like you a platform, was a mistake. And if npc feedback like yours fricks up the portraits in this game I swear to God you will meet me in Mienkraft.

    • 9 months ago

      >when Ganker tourists clicks on /vst/ by an accident

  20. 9 months ago

    I got filtered by how pointless game is
    You have to just blob nonstop until you conquer everything
    All resources and other pointless shit game has only forces you to add additional clicking through menus per turn

    • 9 months ago

      >You have to just blob nonstop until you conquer everythin
      name a 4x where this isn't a condition
      failing that, name a 4x where LARPing as a vassal to AI is fun and engaging and not a condition you seek to end ASAP

      • 9 months ago

        >name a 4x where this isn't a condition
        Emperor of the Fading Suns. 1997.

    • 9 months ago

      The game actually models the industrial and logistical difficulties of doing that though. No 4x game does that.

      • 9 months ago

        >models the industrial
        i partially agree on logistical part but no on industrial, not at all on industrial
        >some old 2nd ww game had factories producing equipment and vehicles and penalty(+switching time) for new production
        >in SE you materialize them from saved raw resources and industrial points(kek)
        the whole model system is crap too, not only design but also ''upgrading''
        >design and produce model of tank
        >field testing boost stats in next generation of tank even if it have completely different stats(engine, armor, gun)
        >can't upgrade it with better radio, sideskirt, engine etc, need to scrap it and rebuild a new
        if we actually had factories that build tanks(for example) and need to be retooled and production isn't instant the whole game flow would be different, now its more of a joke(civ tier of buying production with money)

        • 9 months ago

          I think the worst part of the model system is that every model type is completely distinct from every other type even when there should be no difference in certain areas. Why do the machine gunners and the riflemen have completely different armor/hp, shouldn't the machine gunners just wear the drastically superior rifleman armor?

          • 9 months ago

            this too
            i don't even see them beings separate models, you should design and produce armors, weapons and special equipment separately and then equip your infantry with what you have and you should have more control over formations and units compositions(by statuses, priorities and sliders)and
            like you want your basic infantry be armed with Rifle Mk2 and Granades Mk2, wearing Combat Armor Mk3 but you have only Rifle Mk1 and Fatigues(no armor) in your warehouses so your freshly raised infantry just get it and then they are equipped with freshly produced stuff from your factories/bought on market/bought from other powers/looted
            also I really dislike stiffness of the formation designs, like I have RPG and enemy have tanks so why i can't just hand RPG kits to my infantry units?
            not mention that outside dedicated HMG and antiTank teams plenty of weapons should be kind of attachments to unit
            >like having rifle team with extra LMG or few RPG would increase their abilities compared to basic Rifle team
            to be honest bros the whole design is just terrible and its all connected, I don't think so if I could make it so bad even if I tried

            • 9 months ago

              >like you want your basic infantry be armed with Rifle Mk2 and Granades Mk2, wearing Combat Armor Mk3 but you have only Rifle Mk1 and Fatigues(no armor) in your warehouses so your freshly raised infantry just get it and then they are equipped with freshly produced stuff from your factories/bought on market/bought from other powers/looted
              This is what upgrading infantry is. You're capable of both giving old units new equipment and swapping equipment between experience and inexperienced soldiers.

              >also I really dislike stiffness of the formation designs
              This is why you can attach 2 extra units to groups. A stack of RPG and a stack of machine gunners attacking together is the same as a stack of RPG and machine gunners as a single unit.

            • 9 months ago

              This, honestly only good thing that HOI4 did was the production line/equipment mechanic and Shadow Empire should have copied it wholesale.
              Instead we have weird abstract and arbitrary shit like rigid formations or industrial points materializing equipment out of thin air

              • 8 months ago

                frick off paradrone no one likes you

              • 8 months ago

                You can say about GOY4 what you want, but the production line system was pretty innovative, never saw anything like that in a strategy game
                Rest of the game is irredeemable trash but this one thing is cool

          • 9 months ago

            this too
            i don't even see them beings separate models, you should design and produce armors, weapons and special equipment separately and then equip your infantry with what you have and you should have more control over formations and units compositions(by statuses, priorities and sliders)and
            like you want your basic infantry be armed with Rifle Mk2 and Granades Mk2, wearing Combat Armor Mk3 but you have only Rifle Mk1 and Fatigues(no armor) in your warehouses so your freshly raised infantry just get it and then they are equipped with freshly produced stuff from your factories/bought on market/bought from other powers/looted
            also I really dislike stiffness of the formation designs, like I have RPG and enemy have tanks so why i can't just hand RPG kits to my infantry units?
            not mention that outside dedicated HMG and antiTank teams plenty of weapons should be kind of attachments to unit
            >like having rifle team with extra LMG or few RPG would increase their abilities compared to basic Rifle team
            to be honest bros the whole design is just terrible and its all connected, I don't think so if I could make it so bad even if I tried

            This is such a fricking nitpick. The game has way more detail and unit variety than any other other 4x game, yet for that reason you expect more out of it.

            • 9 months ago

              want more?
              why you can't change one infantry(rifle, mg, rpg) into another?
              why you can't upgrade motorbike infantry? you don't design new motorbike, all change is their rifle and armor and yet you need to treat them like armor

              >like you want your basic infantry be armed with Rifle Mk2 and Granades Mk2, wearing Combat Armor Mk3 but you have only Rifle Mk1 and Fatigues(no armor) in your warehouses so your freshly raised infantry just get it and then they are equipped with freshly produced stuff from your factories/bought on market/bought from other powers/looted
              This is what upgrading infantry is. You're capable of both giving old units new equipment and swapping equipment between experience and inexperienced soldiers.

              >also I really dislike stiffness of the formation designs
              This is why you can attach 2 extra units to groups. A stack of RPG and a stack of machine gunners attacking together is the same as a stack of RPG and machine gunners as a single unit.

              you miss the point where the equipment need to be produced and can be stored/traded/looted - equipment and not troops with equipment
              formations design is ass backwards
              >you can't design OHH unit(why I can't give trucks/APC or whatever to OOH HQ?)
              >why they are always 5 the same unit +2 indie setup?
              >why Militia units can't have their own OOH? or can't be attached to other OHH?
              its all shit

              • 9 months ago

                Your complaints are basically "why do games have rules?"

              • 9 months ago

                my complains are basically why game have shitty rules

          • 9 months ago

            >Why do the machine gunners and the riflemen have completely different armor/hp
            because unit types are separated into "offensive against hard targets", "defensive against hard targets", "offensive against soft targets", and "defensive against soft targets".

  21. 9 months ago

    >why can't I make 1 infantry and play it like a roguelike

  22. 9 months ago

    i kinda agree, why this has to be so fricking complicated
    or atleast give us tech tree in game so i can look up what to upgrade next instead of forum post

    • 8 months ago

      Adding a formations tree page would be the best thing for this game since he added the model blueprints page.

  23. 8 months ago

    new patch 1.21t (#194)

    • 8 months ago

      >-Gaia Class and in lesser degree: Unclassified, Fontus, Proteus, have some 33% extra chance to become (more) tectonically fragmented (to different degrees) *

  24. 8 months ago

    Haven't played this gaem for some time. Is there a POW/deserter mechanic of some sort? Is it even planned? It would be interesting have those lots of surrendered/deserted enemy troops being useful on construction sites, or to see the deserters causing troubles on hexes nearby battlesite.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, taking POW is cruel and also war is bad. I just see it like that
      1) a certain amount of population is drafted out of economy
      2) some certain numbers of them are encircled and surrend
      3) they are none.
      Where are they? Where did they go? Is it implied that they're all instantly executed? It just makes more sense to see the human resources in circulation, not just turning void once they're used. It's not an overbloat for the game is autistic enough to follow this logic

      the system is shit and at best you can hope that you can get some IP/resources and free folks from them - at best and that only if we are lucky

  25. 8 months ago

    Go and play your nazi simulators somewhere else kid

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, taking POW is cruel and also war is bad. I just see it like that
      1) a certain amount of population is drafted out of economy
      2) some certain numbers of them are encircled and surrend
      3) they are none.
      Where are they? Where did they go? Is it implied that they're all instantly executed? It just makes more sense to see the human resources in circulation, not just turning void once they're used. It's not an overbloat for the game is autistic enough to follow this logic

      • 8 months ago

        >Is it implied that they're all instantly executed?
        Well considering this is a post apocalyptic survival situation and not a war, in all likelihood, yes. More mouths to feed, disloyal ones at that, are not conducive to survival.

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