I only want to buy one

Which is the one most worth my time/money? I don't mind the Bethesda formula as I've played a shit tonne of Skyrim and ESO. I'm up to the third map in Divinity Original Sin 2 and I love host/ganking in Dark Souls 3

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  1. 9 months ago

    As a massive Armored Core fan
    Baldur's Gate 3

  2. 9 months ago

    armored core 6, it's the only proper game in that list

    starfield is shit and bg3 is full of american biodiversity

    • 9 months ago

      I've heard people say BG3 is the best RPG ever made at this point and my impression of DOS2 is good even if the dialogue is pretty cringe. My nostalgia glasses for Skyrim are pretty strong as this point so Starfield could be a shitty game yet I'd still like it because muh Bethesda. With AC6, I'm afraid I'll keep thinking it's Dark Souls or Elden Ring

      • 9 months ago

        AC6 isn't like a souls game and there's not really any reason to think it should be. It's a mission-based japanese robot game. The only real similarity is that there are boss fights that may require some trial and error to figure out.

      • 9 months ago

        >I've heard people say BG3 is the best RPG ever made
        Whoever told you that is a liar and a shill. The entire RPG system in that game is based off of D&D 5e, which is a watered down, "modernized" and sterilized version of the game. Any game built with that system literally can't be the best ever because games based off of previous versions of D&D exist. Functionally speaking, BG1 & 2 are better than BG3 because they were developed with an actually good RPG system.

        • 9 months ago

          grognar post

        • 9 months ago

          >Functionally speaking, BG1 & 2 are better than BG3 because they were developed with an actually good RPG system.
          2e was never fricking good, it was janky dogshit. The only people who say 5e is bad are nostalgiahomosexuals who started DnD with 3.5e and can't tell the difference between complexity and bloat.

      • 9 months ago

        Don't play AC6 if fromsoft has always been the dark souls company to you.

      • 9 months ago

        >I've heard people say BG3 is the best RPG ever made
        It's good but it's not that good. It suffers from typical larian frontloading syndrome, with additional early level woes from dnd5e. The combat starts getting fun just as the story flies off the rails into wtf territory.

  3. 9 months ago

    flip a 3-sided coin.

  4. 9 months ago

    i've played all three. just started baldurs gate.
    definitely not starfield. if you have to choose between AC or BG, just decide if you would rather play an action game or a turn based rpg. they're too different to really compare but both fun.

  5. 9 months ago

    As a chad that has played all three, each game is a completely different genre so I’d need to know about your tastes first before I can tell you which you’d like the most

    • 9 months ago

      >I'm a chad for playing every piece of FOTM slop that gets released
      Kek, sure thing buddy.

  6. 9 months ago

    Baldur's Gate 3 or Armored Core 6. Don't even bother with Starfield, absolutely not worth it in its current state.

  7. 9 months ago

    pirate all 3 lol

    • 9 months ago

      But the other 2 have multiplayer right?

      • 9 months ago

        don't worry, all the messages/ghosts/bloodstains/invasions/co-op from souls aren't in AC6

        feel free to play offline without missing anything

  8. 9 months ago

    This image with BG3 being massive compared to the others and a bunch of bot responses saying BG3 makes this an obvious shill thread

    • 9 months ago

      No, it's just I'm lazy to resize them and all these were the first results on the playstation website

  9. 9 months ago

    Play AC6 if you want a soulful arcade action game with some replayability.
    Play BG3 if you want goyslop filled to the brim with sjw propaganda, where one playthrough lasts like 80 hours.
    Haven't played Starfield.

    • 9 months ago

      Kinda seems like my expectations tbh. How's the multiplayer in AC6? I've only recently started replaying Elden Ring for the multiplayer and it sucks ass. Everyone's too uptight and it seems to be more private now with password collabs instead of hosting/fight clubs etc.

      • 9 months ago

        I don't think the multi has much staying power but maybe that's just me. Fun for a day or two but grows old quickly. Don't know how much patches have changed but it was full of metaslaves too. Like every match was against someone using one of three cookie cutter builds.

      • 9 months ago

        >How's the multiplayer in AC6
        Absolutely fricking trash right now but FROM have promised a patch at some point.

  10. 9 months ago

    Armored Coresouls 6

  11. 9 months ago

    About flopfield

    No, there is no exploration. You can't get into your ship and fly around the planet you're on. You don't get any ground vehicles. Every planet has the same settlement with AI generated NPCs that trade the same shit and AI generated space pirate hideout. There's no real point in exploring anyway.

    No, even on the hardest difficulty the AI just stands around in the middle of fire fights, occasionally they'll turn their back on you during the fight so you can empty bullets into their back. You and all the NPCs are bullet sponges and combat is not engaging at all.

    Quirky, reddit tier dialogue and a lackluster main quest. How anyone can roleplay in this game world is beyond me because the game constantly reminds you that you're a player playing a game, NPCs bombard you with player centric information and the game never lets you get lost in it.

    There's nothing redeemable about any of this. If you actually get amusement from any part of this game, you have a monkey brain. It suddenly make sense why zoomers are enjoying this dogshit, their attention spans have been destroyed.

    • 9 months ago

      >There's nothing redeemable about any of this.
      Shipbuilding is pretty fun at least, but that's really the only thing even remotely special about it and even that is half-assed since they only have 3 unique interior styles

  12. 9 months ago

    They're such different games it's hard to say. I will say that despite creation engine's jank, starfield has some good art direction

  13. 9 months ago

    Either Armored Core 6 or Baldur's Gate 3. Personally I prefer AC6 but they're both masterpiece class.

  14. 9 months ago

    As someone who thinks fo4 was at least good enough
    Starfield is irredeemable shit

  15. 9 months ago

    CP2077 is actually decent now.

    >starfield made me think I hated stories in games
    >cyberpunk made realize I just hate shit stories in games
    - certain bald streamer

  16. 9 months ago

    I really love bethesda games, I even got to max level in FO76 and will say that either of the ones that aren't starfield are decent
    if you want a speedy stupid anime mech game then AC6 is your shit
    if you want a massive turn-based RPG then pick BG3

  17. 9 months ago

    All three are great it just depends on your personal preferences.

  18. 9 months ago

    >Which is the one most worth my time/money?
    1.Baldur's Gate 3
    2.Armored Core 6
    ....Starfield is not worth your money.

  19. 9 months ago

    If you want an empty world walking sim then get starfield.

    If you want a softcore porn game made for the lghdtv+ community then get bg3.

  20. 9 months ago

    I hate fromsoft but AC6 by far
    It's the most videogamey game and it focuses on fun. It doesn't tries to teach you a lesson, or give you an emotional experience or any homosexualry of that kind.
    BG3 is a troony game with an annoying Reddit tone, it would have been good without that but its a fatal flaw.
    Starjeet is even worse than BG3 in terms of pozz, it's like this game has been made for israeli funders not players

    • 9 months ago

      >Starjeet is even worse than BG3 in terms of pozz
      Why lie on the internet? You can get rid of the Black NPCs in Starfield. You cannot get rid of the constant demand for anal sex in BG3. Larp harder, homosexual.

  21. 9 months ago

    played all 3 have sunk way more hours into starfield despite it being the worst game im at like over 7 days in starfield, 140 hours for 1 run of bg3 and 18hours for ac6.
    i had planned on doing another run of bg3 but havent cause of starfield.
    theres the obvious question of why have i sunk the most time into starfield if its shit. the answer is space and 0g combat is fun. i ignore the trashfire of the story all the collectable bullshit and just fly around shooting ships and boarding them for 0g combat or looking for spacestations while upgrading my ship.

    ac6 was really good but i beat it and its done unless one of my actual friends buys it and wants to pvp im over it. might replay it next year but for now its done. i won. i had fun doing it.

  22. 9 months ago

    AC6 if you're really muscular and handsome
    BG3 if you're a limp-dicked femboy
    Starfield if you've already had bottom surgery

  23. 9 months ago

    Baldur's Gate 3 if you have an IQ above 100
    Armored Slop 6 if you're lobotomized, circumcised and like bangbang boomboom bingbing explosion giant heckin robots ong

  24. 9 months ago

    If you want an engaging story play AC6
    if you want reddit play baldur's gate 3

  25. 9 months ago

    I haven't yet played Starfield, and probably won't end up for a while, but both AC6 and BG3 are pretty good.
    BG3 has given me the most bang for my buck. There's a lot of game, and ways you can min/max and do stupid shit.
    AC6 is again, a game you could get a lot of time out of, but I have been slowly plucking away at it. You could min/max with some turbo moron build and still do ok.

  26. 9 months ago

    Do yourself a favor don't buy any of those

  27. 9 months ago

    I've played all 3 and Armored Core is very short so that wont last you much time. Starfield could but I found it boring and dropped it after beating the main story in 10 hours. Baldurs Gate 3 took me about 90 hours. If you wanted you could just buy a 1 month code for game pass for like 10 bucks to play your fill of starfield and you could buy BG3 then. I'd wait for AC to go on sale.

  28. 9 months ago

    I haven't played AC6.
    I played the frick out of BG3 until I never wanted to touch it again. Act 3 (last 1/2 of the game) is a bit of a slog but has some really great moments in it, so it wasn't as painful as some people pretend it is. The end is a bit of a let down choice wise, and if you make certain decisions you'll miss out on some really cool shit.
    I played Starfield for less than 2 hours and refunded it. All of my friends were obsessed with it, so a week later I bought it again and played it for another 30 hours and never once actually had fun. As someone who has enjoyed ever Bethesda game since Daggerfall, Starfield is even more of a soulless cash grab than 76 was at launch.

    I don't know if you'll like BG3, but I personally have to recommend never touching Starfield until there are mod packs of 270 mods to completely change the game.

  29. 9 months ago


    Def not shit gate 3, all turn based games are traassssh

  30. 9 months ago

    Are you a brown troony?

  31. 9 months ago

    BG3 if you like RPGs at all, AC6 if not. Those are both good. I'd rather suck a penis than play starfield for even 5 minutes.

  32. 9 months ago

    >I don't mind the Bethesda formula
    Too bad Starfield has none of it then. It's just a fast travel / loading screen simulator. There's zero exploration and no reason to go get lost or frick around around in a "big open world" since all the planets are completely disconnected, instanced patches of land. Nothing "open" about it. You can't even go through a door from one planet cell to another - you've got to open your map, fast travel to a new landing zone, and then it's all just randomly generated when you get there. Not even going to talk about the shitstupid companions and railroaded quest design.

    By contrast, Baldur's Gate's world is very dense, and the quests have a lot of interesting, branching consequences for your actions and cool dialogue options. Most importantly, it doesn't treat you like a moron and put all the emphasis on the combat system to distract you from its flaws. Go with that if you want a meaty game worth your time.

    No opinion on AC6, it's probably great if you like mecha. Even though I've never played it, I can guarantee its fights are a hell of a lot more fun than fricking Seinfield.

  33. 9 months ago

    Baldur's Gate 3 or Armored Core 6

  34. 9 months ago

    Just pirate armored core. BG3 isn't finished for at least a year, and even then the story and characters will still be bad. Starfield will never be finished.

  35. 9 months ago

    I pirated BG3, good game, just kind of too much gayshit for my taste
    I pirated AC6, then buy AC6 on steam, great game, shooting is fun and the weapons feel great
    Don't care about Starfield since Bestheda games is only good for sex mods and funny jank shit

  36. 9 months ago

    BG3 or AC6, take your pick. If you really like RPGs you'll probably like BG3, AC6 is just generally good
    starfield is a trash loading screen simulator

  37. 9 months ago

    Why even consider getting BG3 if you're not done with D:OS 2?

  38. 9 months ago

    Armored Core, dont act stupid.

  39. 9 months ago


  40. 9 months ago

    The fact that you even consider Starfield is an issue.

  41. 9 months ago

    Starfield. Play it before it grows a modding community and becomes troonycore like New Vegas. It's a 7/10 game by all accounts but time is running out.

    Seems like a game for people who really like Gundams. Since you haven't already picked it, I will assume you don't fit in that category. It may underwhelm you despite being a solid action game.

    It's a game for e-thots, basedboys and trannies. I understand the desire to try it since AAA RPGs are rare, but don't pay $60 for it. You'll feel like an iditio.

  42. 9 months ago

    Pick the one that Ganker unanimously hates. That's pretty obvious just going by this thread alone.

  43. 9 months ago

    you could "get" starfield with a dollar gamepass, AC6's only online component is pvp arena so very piratable, BG3's online component is co-op in a CRPG so very pirateable. of the 3 to buy only AC6 is worth buying but it's fairly short. BG3 is a 100+ hour CRPG and 40 of those hours are spent doing chores like backtracking, picking up vendor trash, shuffling vendor trash around inventories and trash mobs.

  44. 9 months ago

    >pozzed garbage 1
    >pozzed garbage 2

    I need to escape this timeline

  45. 9 months ago

    Armored core is one of the best gaming experiences I've had in years, literally the definition of kino and it came out as a full game, no micro trans actions, fully functional and playable, a rarity these days.

    Starfield is an irredeemable mess made by pajeets and bg3 looks and plays like shit, notice how people only post the cinematics. Both of these games emanate an insane homosexual aura.

  46. 9 months ago

    starfield might be the most bland game I've ever played
    even by space game standards, it's really bad. I can't think of a redeeming quality. Writing is typical bethesda bottom of the barrel garbage, the gameplay itself is just tedious, the world is completely uninspired

  47. 9 months ago

    anything but starfield

  48. 9 months ago

    Armored Core 6 is the only non-pozzed video game that's come out in years.

    • 9 months ago

      >Armored Core 6 is the only non-pozzed video game that's come out in years
      Are you sure about that?

      • 9 months ago

        Armored Core 6 is the only non-pozzed video game that's come out in years.

        I love gay relationships and strong women in my videogames. That's why I personally recommended AC6. Although you can't really go wrong with any of those 3 games because they all have these amazing features! LGBT rights are human rights!

    • 9 months ago

      My only wish is for a game like BG3 to succeed every 4 months so your braindead kind keeps seeething forever.

  49. 9 months ago

    >host/ganking in Dark Souls 3
    there's inly traditional pvp in ac6

  50. 9 months ago

    >and I love host/ganking in Dark Souls 3
    Doesn't mean anything, AC6 is a bad AC game but also not a Souls game at all. Aside from the bosses which you might enjoy somewhat.
    >I'm up to the third map in Divinity Original Sin 2
    The question is if you want to play Divinity Original Sin 3 right after you're done with that.
    >I don't mind the Bethesda formula as I've played a shit tonne of Skyrim and ESO
    Get Starfield then. It's garbage, but it doesn't sound like you'd mind.

  51. 9 months ago

    Go with BG3. AC6 is a short and simple action game and Starfield is a shitty looter shooter. BG3 on the other hand is a relatively competent cRPG (a rare sight nowadays) with well over 100 hours of content.

  52. 9 months ago

    i pirated both.

    >20 hrs put into snoozefield - stopped playing -
    >waiting 2 years for mods to fix the game

    >3 hours into beargay3
    >got filtered gave up cus im not a dnd neckbeard
    >try again for 2 hours, reach mountain pass at lv.3 and get filtered again - stopped playing
    >try gain for 3 more hours, slowly getting into it, avoiding overleved spots
    >undress cutie red head character
    >benis is now gone?
    >stopped playing

    hope that helps your decision op

    • 9 months ago

      cutie red head character
      is now gone?
      What is this

  53. 9 months ago

    played all 3
    >baldurs gate
    >armored core
    don't play

  54. 9 months ago

    AC6 is way too short to buy so just pirate it. If I had to buy one though it'd be Baldur's Gate.

    • 9 months ago

      Lmao i put 80hour in it completing all ng++ and drop baldgates after act 1 because how boring and gay that is

      • 9 months ago

        You're easily entertained normiecattle

  55. 9 months ago

    AC has good action, Starfield has bags of soul (but needs really good hardware), while BG3 is a bit of a slog if you want more than just cringe fanfic LGBT romance shit. The turn based "tactical" 5E combat is a joke and everything from Act 2 onward is half finished and buggy. They went back on their promises on the city itself and everything. Really sleazy game that one.

  56. 9 months ago

    If you are a /misc/cel, AC.
    If you have grown numb to LGBTshit, BG3.

  57. 9 months ago

    Ganker loves Trump and BG3. it's the Republican game. do it OP. do it for Trump 🙂

  58. 9 months ago

    Starfield is just shit, and BG3 is fun if you never played...
    >I'm up to the third map in Divinity Original Sin 2
    AC6 it is, then

  59. 9 months ago

    >ToTK not even a contended
    Love it, nice thread OP

  60. 9 months ago

    Bg3 is worth it on scale alone. Its one of those games you have to play because it may click for you and become one of your favorites of all time. Armored core its pretty good and its safe inmediate fun that can improve massively if you are into mechs. However it can also backfire if you are not willing to put in the effort.
    Not even going to comment on starfield

  61. 9 months ago

    BG3 > AC6 >>>>>>>>>> Starfield

    • 9 months ago


      AC6 >>>>>>> Starfield > BG3

      I say this unironically, BG3 is turn based normieslop, only fun if you have friends to play with.

      • 9 months ago

        >preferring bg3 over starfield is zoomerbrain
        ranjesh pls

  62. 9 months ago

    >Starfield is bland door opening simulator
    >Bardurgates3 is also boring meetNcuck simulator but has some good rpg
    >Ac6 is just a 'fun' videogame

  63. 9 months ago

    Baldurslop 3 is not worth a buy. It is a game for luddites who think love to eat shit.

  64. 9 months ago


  65. 9 months ago

    AC6 is great
    BG3 is really good
    I'm not sure who plays starfield or who it's for

  66. 9 months ago

    Want a good RPG with tons of content? BG3.
    Want a solid acrion gane with cool robots? AC6.
    Want a buyers regret? Starfield.

  67. 9 months ago

    Want a good RPG with tons of content? Starfield
    Want a solid action game with cool robots? AC6
    Want buyers regret? BG3

    • 9 months ago

      Zero creativity or thought, just brainlessly stealing from others.
      Chuds can't meme.

  68. 9 months ago

    I own both starfield and BG3 and my suggestion is get the Armored Core.

  69. 9 months ago

    Quantity: SF > BG3 > AC6
    Quality: AC6 > BG3 > SF

    BG3 is the safest choice.

  70. 9 months ago

    AC6 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> larianwoke BG3 >>> Flopfield

  71. 9 months ago

    If you're really into ES lore - then probably not BG3. It's one of the most pozzed games ever developed and it's wacky looney tunes tier. It's not because of the setting but Larian's writing.

    Also because it's Larian, if you want to finish a game then you might want to wait until the inevitable Definitive Edition because the third act is unfinished.

  72. 9 months ago

    Just pirate you dummy

  73. 9 months ago

    I love ac6 but BG3 is probably the better game that will give you the most playtime.

  74. 9 months ago

    Starfield if you are an NPC
    BG3 if you are a troony
    Armored Core 6 if you want a real video game

  75. 9 months ago


  76. 9 months ago

    none buy bannerlord

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