i present you... the peak of horror genre. also 1 > 2

i present you... the peak of horror genre

also 1 > 2

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Japanese shlock by a hack Mikami who thpight he'd capture lightning in a bottle twice

    • 2 years ago

      Extremely based. The only good horror games are:
      1. The Evil Within
      2. The Evil Within 2
      3. Resident Evil 2 Remake

      Ultra cringe. Resident Evil 4 is dogshit and extremely overrated. Thank God the Resident Evil 4 Remake is done by the team behind Resident Evil 2 Remake and is taking the game in a more serious and horror direction, insteat of the "campy" (childish, immersion breaking) original.

      • 2 years ago

        I already thought you were a bit of a nonce but disliking RE4 is as bad as taste can get

        • 2 years ago

          The only good thing about Resident Evil 4 is that it broke away from the limitation of the hardware induced fixed camera angles, too bad that everything else was a step back, from story, gameplay, horror and action percentages and atmosphere.

          Thank God we are getting Resident Evil 4 Remake which will significantly reduce the campy garbage, dramatically increase the seriousness and horror tone. We are getting the true Resident Evil 4 we should have gotten. Resident Evil 4 Remake will eradicate the dogshit legacy of Resident Evil 4 and improve it.

          • 2 years ago

            >everything else was a step back, from story, gameplay
            >action percentages
            you are a fool, see

            I need more games like these two but there are hardly fricking any
            even Dead Space isn't exactly like RE4 since it's not as arcadey
            in RE4 shooting enemies on specific parts of the body can stun them, you can knock them prone, disarm them, hit projectiles in mid-air, set off explosives if they're holding one, set up a high damage suplex or a roundhouse kick that hits multiple enemies at once
            and then there's things like kicking down ladders, vaulting, throwing grenades, jumping through windows, barricading windows and doors, kicking doors open to hit zombies
            I've yet to find an over-the-shoulder shooter with as much depth

            , none of the fixed camera games come close to that level of mechanical complexity or action, especially not when those games aim for you
            and going on about 'muh seriousness and horror tone' whilst being able to enjoy games like Ninja Gapen of all things? you've lost it. just because you enjoy the original survival horror tone doesn't mean RE4 isn't objectively a fantastic game with stellar level design, encounter variety and a ton of mechanics
            I'll ask for the frick of it anyway, did you play RE8?

            • 2 years ago

              >none of the fixed camera games come close to that level of mechanical complexity or action, especially not when those games aim for you
              When did I claim this? Original Resident Evil games have aged extremely poorly and are not good games. I told you, the only good Resident Evil game is Resident Evil 2 Remake, it has the perfect balance between Horror, Action, Puzzles, Seriousness, Gore and Atmosphere.
              >and going on about 'muh seriousness and horror tone' whilst being able to enjoy games like Ninja Gapen of all things?
              Ninja Gaiden is a pure action game, not a Survival-Horror game. When I play a Survival-Horror game, I expect Survival-Horror. Do you have trouble comprehending something this simple?
              >just because you enjoy the original survival horror tone doesn't mean RE4 isn't objectively a fantastic game with stellar level design, encounter variety and a ton of mechanics
              It really isn't. Resident Evil 4 is arcady and were casual friendly. Resident Evil 2 Remake RAPES Resident Evil 4. Thank God the team behind Resident Evil 2 Remake is doing the Resident Evil 4 Remake, we might actually get a second good/decent Resident Evil game.
              >I'll ask for the frick of it anyway, did you play RE8?
              Of course not, why would I play that abomination? It is a dogshit interactive movie game worse than Resident Evil 4.

              • 2 years ago

                >Ninja Gaiden is a pure action game, not a Survival-Horror game. When I play a Survival-Horror game, I expect Survival-Horror.
                yet you're unable to comprehend the idea that RE4 is clearly not a traditional survival horror and is more of an ACTION game, so the tone you have such a problem with is not an issue, the game makes it clear what the tone is as soon as you're suplexing zombies, jumping out of windows from a top floor and the bingo joke is made as the crescendo
                you just come across as very narrow-minded, unable to see the forest for the trees and judge a game based on its individual design goals

              • 2 years ago

                Then why call it Resident Evil? If Resident Evil 4 was a different new IP, I would understand, but Crapcom didn't commit, they were too insecure, they wanted to have their cake and eat it too. Resident Evil 4 is a bad game, because it pretends to be a Resident Evil game. The only good Resident Evil game is Resident Evil 2 Remake and you know it.

              • 2 years ago

                Remake 2 feels and plays like a PS2 game, tlou2 takes a big shit on it

              • 2 years ago

                tlou2 is not Survival-Horror, it is interactive movie israeli-Feminist propaganda + israeli fetish of torture porn by Neil Da cuck Druckman.

              • 2 years ago

                by the time the final RE4 had been settled on it had already gone through 3 previous design iterations, all of them being the more traditional survival horror in 1-3
                taking it into an action approach after everyone was tired of making the same game over and over was a bold move and one that paid off
                the willingness to experiment with the RE series is its greatest strength; you have a trilogy of fixed-camera games, a trilogy of action games and now two first-person games, each with their own tone and unique quirks
                I'm glad that there's room for everyone and that the series continues to evolve, and you in fact are proof that this is a good idea since you've admitted to liking RE2make and only RE2make, so why is it so bizarre to enjoy RE4?
                one could rightly call you out for not enjoying the purist fixed-camera games and killing the series for enjoying a remake which throws in a third-person camera to an originally fixed camera game, but that would be moronic and fail to look at the game for its own unique strengths

              • 2 years ago

                >taking it into an action approach after everyone was tired of making the same game over and over was a bold move and one that paid off
                No, it didn't. Resident Evil 4 is dogshit.
                >the willingness to experiment with the RE series is its greatest strength;
                No, it isn't. All of the Resident Evil games are either garbage or dogshit, the only good one is Resident Evil 2 Remake. Resident Evil as an IP is a disaster.
                >ou have a trilogy of fixed-camera games, a trilogy of action games and now two first-person games, each with their own tone and unique quirks
                >I'm glad that there's room for everyone
                Trying to appease everyone is an indicator of no quality and no vision, and it shows, Resident Evil as an IP is a disaster with only 1 good game.
                >and that the series continues to evolve
                The series only evolves when the team behind Resident Evil 2 Remake goes and Remakes a prior game and makes it actually good. Resident Evil 4 Remake has the potential to be the second good Resident Evil game because it is going for a more serious and horror tone and will tone down the moronic campy garbage and the immersion breaking action. Hopefully, this team will Remake Resident Evil 1 too.
                >and you in fact are proof that this is a good idea since you've admitted to liking RE2make and only RE2make, so why is it so bizarre to enjoy RE4?
                It is better to have a series with a lot of good games than just 1 good game.
                >one could rightly call you out for not enjoying the purist fixed-camera games and killing the series for enjoying a remake which throws in a third-person camera to an originally fixed camera game, but that would be moronic and fail to look at the game for its own unique strengths
                The fixed camera angles were a hardware limitation of the time, they were never proper and good gameplay design. That is why Resident Evil 2 Remake is superior. Shinji Mikami admitted this, he told the fixed camera angle autists to "shut up and stop embarassing him".


              • 2 years ago

                He also agrees that Resident Evil 4 is dogshit and not a good Resident Evil game, that is why he gave his official blessing to the Resident Evil 4 Remake taking the game into a more serious and horror focused direction, with less action and much less immersion breaking campy garbage.


                you are an actual troglodyte and a stark reminder as to why arguing on Ganker is such a colossal waste of time
                I was going to take the piss and pretend to be as narrow-minded as you by shitting on RE2make unfairly and going on about how only RE4 is good and everything else is 'dogshit' but it'd be a waste, I don't think you're capable of introspection
                this place seems to have turned your brain to mush

              • 2 years ago

                I confronted you with a truth and broke your bubble, that is the real reason why you dislike what I said. Resident Evil 4 is not a good game, it isn't a good survival-horror game and it isn't a good Resident Evil game.

                Resident Evil 4 Remake will be superior and it will erase the legacy of the overrated dogshit game known as Resident Evil 4. Everytime somebody types in "Resident Evil 4" to look something up, they will get directed to the superior Remake. You can cope and seethe all you want, but you lost.

              • 2 years ago

                your obsession with talking in absolutes only shows how much of an autist you are, you think in binaries, unable to understand nuances in opinion and thought
                I happen to know you're the same autist that kept on saying Elden Ring would be a masterpiece beyond all measure and we both know how that turned out, so your taste or lack thereof is worthless, homosexual
                this is the last (You) you're getting

              • 2 years ago

                Going off-topic because you lose when you stay on-topic, clever, but not clever enough. I don't think in absolutes, there is a grey area, but Resident Evil 4 isn't in it, because it is jut a terrible game.

                RE2 DEmake is soulless it hurts, not to mention it lacks replay value. RE4 is way more mechanically complex and engaging. Can't wait to see what kind of troll tier response you cook up to this kek.

                >RE4 is way more mechanically complex
                You already refuted yourself with this statement.

              • 2 years ago

                How is it not though? You were literally directed to this reply already

                I need more games like these two but there are hardly fricking any
                even Dead Space isn't exactly like RE4 since it's not as arcadey
                in RE4 shooting enemies on specific parts of the body can stun them, you can knock them prone, disarm them, hit projectiles in mid-air, set off explosives if they're holding one, set up a high damage suplex or a roundhouse kick that hits multiple enemies at once
                and then there's things like kicking down ladders, vaulting, throwing grenades, jumping through windows, barricading windows and doors, kicking doors open to hit zombies
                I've yet to find an over-the-shoulder shooter with as much depth

                RE2 DEmake doesn't let you do nearly as much as this. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. RE4 let's you tackle encounters with more options than any other RE game and honestly, third person shooters in general. DEmakes like 2 are only eaten up because nostalgia. Sure, the dismemberment is nice and strategic but that alone does not guarantee it as a great game. No proper B scenario. The sections after RPD suck and kill any desire I have to replay it. The additional content sucks too. No real soundtrack until fans cried for it, which is the same case for Village DLC. NuCapcom is the laziest fricking developer out right now, and all of this bullshit started with RE2 DEmake.

              • 2 years ago

                >And this is just the tip of the iceberg. RE4 let's you tackle encounters with more options than any other RE game and honestly
                This isn't a good thing. Options are a bad thing. I'll take quality over quantity anytime, anyday. A fine-tuned and sophisticated high quality limited experience is better than a mediocre low quality experience with a lot of "options" to do things slightly differently.

              • 2 years ago

                >This isn't a good thing. Options are a bad thing.
                actually lol'd, good show Anon

              • 2 years ago

                RE2 DEmake is soulless it hurts, not to mention it lacks replay value. RE4 is way more mechanically complex and engaging. Can't wait to see what kind of troll tier response you cook up to this kek.

              • 2 years ago

                ignore him, he's one of the resident autists here, notorious for spamming his 3x3 of action games at one point, where it even had Elden Ring and Silksong on there before they'd even released
                if you mention the fact that there's barely ever a point where two different enemies are in the same room in RE2make he'd just prattle on about some autist nonsense
                I was going to ask him how he'd react if 10 years from now the two directors of the RE2make said it was shit, but what's the point?

              • 2 years ago

                >taking it into an action approach after everyone was tired of making the same game over and over was a bold move and one that paid off
                No, it didn't. Resident Evil 4 is dogshit.
                >the willingness to experiment with the RE series is its greatest strength;
                No, it isn't. All of the Resident Evil games are either garbage or dogshit, the only good one is Resident Evil 2 Remake. Resident Evil as an IP is a disaster.
                >ou have a trilogy of fixed-camera games, a trilogy of action games and now two first-person games, each with their own tone and unique quirks
                >I'm glad that there's room for everyone
                Trying to appease everyone is an indicator of no quality and no vision, and it shows, Resident Evil as an IP is a disaster with only 1 good game.
                >and that the series continues to evolve
                The series only evolves when the team behind Resident Evil 2 Remake goes and Remakes a prior game and makes it actually good. Resident Evil 4 Remake has the potential to be the second good Resident Evil game because it is going for a more serious and horror tone and will tone down the moronic campy garbage and the immersion breaking action. Hopefully, this team will Remake Resident Evil 1 too.
                >and you in fact are proof that this is a good idea since you've admitted to liking RE2make and only RE2make, so why is it so bizarre to enjoy RE4?
                It is better to have a series with a lot of good games than just 1 good game.
                >one could rightly call you out for not enjoying the purist fixed-camera games and killing the series for enjoying a remake which throws in a third-person camera to an originally fixed camera game, but that would be moronic and fail to look at the game for its own unique strengths
                The fixed camera angles were a hardware limitation of the time, they were never proper and good gameplay design. That is why Resident Evil 2 Remake is superior. Shinji Mikami admitted this, he told the fixed camera angle autists to "shut up and stop embarassing him".


                He also agrees that Resident Evil 4 is dogshit and not a good Resident Evil game, that is why he gave his official blessing to the Resident Evil 4 Remake taking the game into a more serious and horror focused direction, with less action and much less immersion breaking campy garbage.


              • 2 years ago

                He said that about the story not the gameplay, which a decade after he was still obviously very proud of because he made The Evil Within similarly to RE4.

              • 2 years ago

                If you think the greatest Survival-Horror game ever made, The Evil Within, is even remotely similar to that dogshit Resident Evil 4, then I can conclude that you never played it or are just severely stupid.

              • 2 years ago

                >He made the Evil Within similar to RE4
                >No melee finishers
                >No suitcase, just an ammo cap for each weapon type which means you can't focus on certain weapons
                >Upgrade system
                >4 seconds of sprint
                >30 minutes of fake gameplay before even getting a gun

              • 2 years ago

                >taking it into an action approach after everyone was tired of making the same game over and over was a bold move and one that paid off
                There's also the fact that REmake and Zero bombed hard so they decided to try a different approach. If those had sold like the PS1 titles did, 4 would have been much more horror focused.

          • 2 years ago

            Imagine still having faith in a CAPCOM remake after how shallowly dogshit RE3make was.

            • 2 years ago

              not him but Capcom Proper took over development of RE4R once they saw the reception of RE3make (the team that was formerly doing RE4R)
              a pretty big red flag still, gotta wonder how late they took over and how big of an impact it might have

              • 2 years ago

                >it was the E team I swear!!!
                capcoombrains are the capeshitters of videogames

              • 2 years ago

                huh? it's readily available knowledge that it was a different team within Capcom, even they will tell you as much and have already done so

            • 2 years ago

              The Resident Evil 3 Feminist Propaganda DEMAKE was made by a different team than the Resident Evil 2 Remake. The team behind Resident Evil 2 Remake is doing the Resident Evil 4 Remake.

              not him but Capcom Proper took over development of RE4R once they saw the reception of RE3make (the team that was formerly doing RE4R)
              a pretty big red flag still, gotta wonder how late they took over and how big of an impact it might have

              Wrong. They took over the project because the other team was recreating Resident Evil 4 step by step after the backlash to Resident Evil 3 Feminist Propaganda DEMAKE. Capcom wants the Resident Evil 4 Remake to be its own unique thing like Resident Evil 2 Remake, so they put the A-Team on the project.

  2. 2 years ago

    gameplay is better in 2

    • 2 years ago

      But 2 is soulless because they cucked out and added muh open world

      • 2 years ago

        2 wasnt open world you moron. It had big zones and areas.

        Learn the difference. Dont make it sound like it's Assassin's creed or BotW, now THOSE are open worlds. Was Evil within 2 like that? heh

      • 2 years ago

        Resident Evil is more of an open world than TEW2.

      • 2 years ago

        >minor hub area = open world

    • 2 years ago

      no it's not. you drown in resources and can pause the game to craft ammo and health kits. in the first game pausing only slowed the game down. also, stealth kills were overpowered as frick after a few upgrades, especially with how stupid the AI was.

  3. 2 years ago

    TEW was ass. Sequel was better but neither are anywhere close to Resident Evil 4 or Dead Space 2.

    • 2 years ago

      do you know of anything else similar to RE4 and DS2? I swear there's frick all

      • 2 years ago

        Lightgun arcade horror shooters come close.

        • 2 years ago

          any suggestions? all I know is stuff like Time Crisis and House of the Dead
          is playing these with mouse as shit as it sounds by the way?

    • 2 years ago

      You're just a dumb weirdo who cums over exclusions, inapt comparisons, and blanket statements lacking arguments ("It was ASSSS, durr-hurr!), like so many of the halfwitted fricknuts on this site. I, a true and versatile Gankerchad, love every single of those things you mentioned for different reasons. YOU LOSE, even in your hobbies.

      • 2 years ago

        i hope to see more fellow intelectual rational chads in my Ganker more, take care, bro, keep acumulating knowlodge

  4. 2 years ago

    how similar is this to RE4 really? I've got the itch for more RE4

    • 2 years ago

      Its EVERYTHING re4 is and a little more gameplay wise. I like the idea that you can sneak past enemies or go for the kill by stealth or gun violence. The stealth gives it a little more strategy but thats not saying much.

      I do like the ammo limitations. Makes you not play like a dumbass. Its over all a little more difficult thatn re4 without the bullshit qtes. Also Kidman>Ada

      • 2 years ago

        Its a boring version of ada and im not asianpussyfever

    • 2 years ago

      >how similar is this to RE4 really?
      It's not at all and you would be wasting your money if you want to play something similar to RE4
      >Game has a bad upgrade system affecting physical capabilites of the main character
      >Main character has a sprint button with stamina, lasts 4 seconds and after that he he to stop and catch breath in a 2 seconds animation
      >Game has 30 minutes prologue of slow walking and forces The Last of Us stealth
      >No melee moves, instead there's 1 time use melee objects that disappear and matches that burn corpses
      >The last third of the game includes turret sections, zombies with assault rifles and RE6 sequences
      >There's a lot of horse sections where you have to wait and defend an NPC opening a door. Those are never really tense
      >There's sections where you escape through linear corridors by an immortal nemesis or have QTEs with instadeath. Sometimes those revolve around navigating while the camera is tilted and angled, whixhch is extremely trial and error with keyboard.
      Play the Sequel, or wait for Callisto Protocol, or even the RE4make
      The game is awful

      • 2 years ago

        Filtered shitter kek. What part specifically threw you into a state of rage?

      • 2 years ago

        kys homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        >Turret sections
        Literally one you fool. Two if you include the final boss which is coming after the very intense double Keeper fight. No set piece in the city chapters is even remotely as crazy as the average set piece in 6. Ganker discussion in horror games never ceases to amaze me with their autistic obsession with hating action. If a section of a game forces you to shoot more than 10 bullets you Gankertards will say moronic shit like "its just RE6 shit".

        • 2 years ago

          Don't care, you are homosexual for justifying zombies with assault rifles, turret sections and cutscene "bosses"
          Dead Space 3 also had a limited amount of that got no pass, so I can't see why Mikami's garbage deserves it

  5. 2 years ago

    When are we getting a third. I liked the setting and voice of the first game better. 2 felt more like a 3rd person action shooter for 90% of the time. It did have some creepy shit like that floating ghost lady. That one was creepy as hell

    • 2 years ago

      Mikami said the next game after Ghostwire is the 'exact opposite of horror' and being directed by the guy that did TEW 2, the Western guy
      Mikami also said he wants to direct one more game, but he's not doing it just yet. guy is 56 years old so I hope it's soon before he loses the spark completely

      • 2 years ago

        He lost it completely with evil within

        • 2 years ago

          He never had it to begin with.

      • 2 years ago

        >is the 'exact opposite of horror' and being directed by the guy that did TEW 2, the Western guy
        Finally some good fricking game then

        • 2 years ago

          >it's a monster with three legs and the legs have spikes coming out and stuff and also booba and there's a long camera neck and
          this is what we call bad design

        • 2 years ago

          The fight with this thing was so shitty and easy. Instead of having the timer against you, It's the opposite and it makes the fight a cakewalk. Every fight in 2 is a cakewalk.

      • 2 years ago

        Man, when will Mikami stop kneeling to this gay?

        • 2 years ago

          he's really into the idea of letting newer fresh blood do stuff, it's noble but frick I just want Mikami-kino

          • 2 years ago

            >but frick I just want Mikami-kino
            your Mikami-kino sucks

        • 2 years ago

          He made the only good Tango game, why wouldn't he kneel

    • 2 years ago

      Never, mikami is now semi retired and the bethesda jap b***h dev studio is gone

      • 2 years ago

        semi moronic*

    • 2 years ago

      >2 felt more like a 3rd person action shooter for 90% of the time
      Are you fricking moronic? The first games has zombies with assault rifles and rocket launchers...

  6. 2 years ago

    2 has better gameplay, and some moments like that walk to the house in the end are peak kino.

    • 2 years ago

      Unironically loved every second of that scene, how do Japanese know how to make endings so intense

  7. 2 years ago

    I relayed it recently for the first time since launch, I had the impression of it being a meh game but I was actually surprised by how many decently memorable encounters it has once you get past the boring re4 village stage. If I had one criticism besides it being generally trash, it's that the agony bolt becomes really dumb later on, the double lockerhead before the final stage was on paper the best setpiece of the game but I just immediately overpowered them with agony bolt bullshit.

  8. 2 years ago

    It was OK. I didn't hate it but it was just kinda there. Definitely not the peak

  9. 2 years ago

    You re literally worse than the clown composer of resident evil 1 Circus cut that pretended to be dear and composer

  10. 2 years ago

    I need more games like these two but there are hardly fricking any
    even Dead Space isn't exactly like RE4 since it's not as arcadey
    in RE4 shooting enemies on specific parts of the body can stun them, you can knock them prone, disarm them, hit projectiles in mid-air, set off explosives if they're holding one, set up a high damage suplex or a roundhouse kick that hits multiple enemies at once
    and then there's things like kicking down ladders, vaulting, throwing grenades, jumping through windows, barricading windows and doors, kicking doors open to hit zombies
    I've yet to find an over-the-shoulder shooter with as much depth

    • 2 years ago

      Wait 2023 gay

      • 2 years ago

        the remake is going to be totally different, it's obviously going for a more grounded horror tone
        the suplex is just one small thing that is guaranteed to be cut, so it's almost impossible that the game will be as good of an action game

        • 2 years ago

          Callisto protocol exist and have melee combat by really late fall 2022, if not play gears of war

          • 2 years ago

            >play gears of war
            stopped reading there. Callisto does look good though, outside of some animation concerns

      • 2 years ago

        Thinking the remake will have all of that is laughable.

    • 2 years ago

      Vanquish(also directed by Mikami) might scratch that itch for you

    • 2 years ago

      Dead Space was more about atmosphere that it kept you in at all times with it's real time hud and gameplay only ever stopping when you press the pause button

      The more Arcady style of gameplay wouldn't suit Dead Space well but it works in RE4 since RE4 never takes it's self that seriously and is more about raw gameplay then story or atmosphere for the most part

  11. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I wouldve preferred a long cinematic to this garbage

  12. 2 years ago

    2 is a much better game than RE4.5 with shit shooting lmao.

  13. 2 years ago

    I'm playing through 2 right now and it's so much better than the first. Frick off OP.

  14. 2 years ago

    >The actually good sequel was ignored early at release because the first one was just THAT bad
    Mikami is such a fricking hack

  15. 2 years ago

    Is it actually good? I havent seen anyone speaking about it

    • 2 years ago


  16. 2 years ago

    it was ok

  17. 2 years ago

    kidmans wet shirt

    • 2 years ago
  18. 2 years ago

    But there's evil out there!

  19. 2 years ago


  20. 2 years ago

    TEW1 was pretty fricking good. It would probably be in my top 3-5 if the whole game was as good as chapters 2/3. Truly fricking fantastic design. Great amount of choice for approach especially on Nightmare with the revamped encounters. Chapters after that just aren't as good. I don't think even the bus chapter was all that bad but nothing really measures up to the freedom. Chapter 4/11/13 are also very good.

    I can definitely see as someone who was one of those people how annoying the first playthrough is because of all the instant death shit. But once you know where it is its not so much an issue. Akumu is brutal but i don't think any setup is all that unfair.

    • 2 years ago

      I will always despise the swimming part. Legitimately the only part of the game I consider absolute shit. The bus chapter in comparison is whatever aside from feeling unpolished.

  21. 2 years ago

    >Thread is full of 2 homosexuals
    Cinematic garbage with a lack of level design 99% of the time because its just open world shit you can easily run away from/climb over. A not Sander Cohen boss too that everyone memes but i thought was shit.

    The best part of 2 was the cutscene that abruptly ends with you standing in the big dark pit of blood full of frickers everywhere. Hell i thought the black priest was much better then the cum wife or Sander Cohen. His whole presentation was super brutal and gave me Hellraiser vibes.

  22. 2 years ago

    i love TEW 1 but it's not really horrific at all. the sequel was just okay.

  23. 2 years ago

    >the peak of horror genre
    thats not silent hill 4

  24. 2 years ago

    TEW 1 has kidman in a wet shirt thus it is mathematically, irrefutably, scientifically the superior game.

    • 2 years ago

      youre pathetic, cúmbrain

      • 2 years ago

        stay mad

        • 2 years ago

          The Evil Within is the best Survival-Horror game on the market, aged exceptionally well, what a beautiful and fun game.

          • 2 years ago

            >the best Survival-Horror game on the market is a corridor shooter with Tomb Raider reboot inventory, corridor shooting and no puzzles
            Interesting take

            • 2 years ago

              >I HAVE TO POOZLE

              • 2 years ago

                >It's a survival horror
                >Except it's a brainless shooter

        • 2 years ago

          tbh Kidman's dlc was way more interesting story wise than whatever the frick they were doing in the main campaign. She's also more interesting than Sebastion.
          Then for TEW2 they butchered her entire backstory and made her boss stupid enough to implant a grenade in his head. What a joke.

          • 2 years ago

            Kidman's dlc fills in some of the more glaring gaps the main campaign has in the plot.

            >Then for TEW2 they butchered her entire backstory and made her boss stupid enough to implant a grenade in his head. What a joke.
            but anon the second game is superior because it has less horror and more rooty-tooty-point-and-shooty!

            • 2 years ago

              >Second more point and shoot
              Not really true. You can stealth killing 99% of all creatures in this game even the witches and flamethrower dudes, saving bullets only for bosses and the occasional horde segment. In comparison, EW1 presents stealth as the most important thing in the first few chapters, but otherwise FORCES combat for the rest of the game. Only times I can remember using stealth after chapter 3 is in Ruvik's mansion and the apartment building in the city. 1 is more action oriented than 2.

            • 2 years ago

              >but anon the second game is superior because it has less horror and more rooty-tooty-point-and-shooty!
              The Evil Within 2 has more horror
              The Evil Within 1 is RE6 nonsense
              You literally take a browning 50 .cal and bazookas and shoot at zombies that act like soldiers after on rails cinematic "boss" spawning minions and dying in a cutscene. Pull Mikami's dick out of your mouth, moronic ironic weeb

              • 2 years ago

                The second game ends with an actual cum monster so your argument is invalid. keep on slurping anon.

              • 2 years ago

                >The second game ends with an actual cum monster
                Best boss in an horror game since Marguerite in RE7
                Every single boss fight in the sequel shits in the throat of the original
                Frick the best boss of the original was Pyramid Head ripoff (x2)
                How soulless and derivative could they possibly get

          • 2 years ago

            Even though I came out rather satisfied, I have to admit that was a stupid decision, both on the character and the script writers.

        • 2 years ago

          >literally the first second of the game mogs the entirety of tew2

  25. 2 years ago

    Resident Evil Village is a blatant The Evil Within 2 ripoff

    • 2 years ago

      No, it isn't. RE Village is absolute dogshit. The Evil Within 2 is the second best survival-horror game ever made.

  26. 2 years ago

    Horror game threads always 50/50 whether it's comfy, good-hearted discussion and recommendations or full of schizos and rampant fanboyism.

    There's never an inbetween, it's always one or the other.

  27. 2 years ago

    I could get behind a lot of flaws but changing inventory to "modernized" 2010s ammo cap killed it for me.
    People used to call out trash design like this but apparently here standards have sunk so low that The Evil Within is an "hidden gem" choke full of what killed RE in the first place,, probably reason why the series never enjoyed its success. This was back when Capcom had fuvked up with RE and they had the "original RE guy" as director, just to give the idea what massive blunder the IP was
    The Evil Within 2 is better, but it still has flaws from the first game, mainly the moronic choice to make stealth a thing, even though at least it doesn't force you. Remember when Leon crouch walked behind Ganados to stab them? Me neither, but The Last of Us was a big thing a decade ago
    I don't think Tango has a future. They are one of the many destined to fail companies created "by the original guy" that actually lack a clear direction

    • 2 years ago

      >12 rounds in the broken butterfly

      TEW1 is a -stutter- a good -stutter- game -stutter-

      yeah no champ its unplayable even with the proposed "fixes and patches" they didnt do shit.

      lol laptop users

      • 2 years ago

        pc user runnign 2020 hardware

        • 2 years ago

          Works on my machine at 4k and the newest part of my PC is from 2019.

  28. 2 years ago

    TEW1 is a -stutter- a good -stutter- game -stutter-

    yeah no champ its unplayable even with the proposed "fixes and patches" they didnt do shit.

  29. 2 years ago

    The first Evil Within was laughably bad. Never returned for the sequel. Mikami sucks ass.

    • 2 years ago

      The sequel is different and addresses many criticisms of the first game. Give it a shot.

    • 2 years ago

      Mikami didn't even want to make TEW, he wanted to make a Dune-inspired sci-fi open-world game when he first started Tango

  30. 2 years ago

    Hate the animations in the first one. Sebastians walking animation looks like he is prancing like a gay pony.

  31. 2 years ago

    >want to make the ultimate arcade-like RE4 clone
    >wild western but with robots
    >set in a small classic western town, the long stretch type with a load of houses facing each other, can enter the saloon and everything
    >story is basically non-existent, you're just a rogue robot set to kill everyone
    pic related are some of the ideas for gameplay. would likely have a few modes, so you can try to get the highest score within anywhere from 5-30 minutes in increments of 5, as well as missions like in TimeSplitters 2
    sound decent? I'll never make it anyway

    • 2 years ago

      would the art direction be similar to something like Trigun? If so i would definitely play it.

      • 2 years ago

        frick knows, I just know stylized graphics are cool

  32. 2 years ago

    >forty seven point four gigabytes
    >2 MB/sec internet
    This shit better be good, Ganker.

    • 2 years ago

      Just don't suck and don't use all the damn matches on every single corpse thinking it's REmake. Mouse+keyboard movement kinda sucks, might require adjustment period or just use gamepad.

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