I put Y on my 3ds after years. I dont Remember it was so fricking good for be a 3ds games. The music of Route 19 its epic

I put Y on my 3ds after years.
I dont Remember it was so fricking good for be a 3ds games

The music of Route 19 its epic

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    /vp/ conditioned you to hate it, but considering everything it's a pretty comfy game. Sadly, part of the appeal was the online functionality, and the PSS is filled with hackers and other stuff nowadays.

    • 9 months ago

      the game does have a metric shit ton of unfulfilled potential i will say, but it's still a damn good game

    • 9 months ago

      /vp/ didn't condition anons to hate xy, it was the discord raiders that cry about every other generation to try to make gen6 look better. They're what makes gen6 so hated on this board

      • 9 months ago

        Are the discord raiders in the room with us right now

        • 9 months ago

          >ctrl + f “shitnova”, “mutt”, “bort”
          >0 results
          Not yet.
          >5 AM in Brazil
          That explains it, they’re still sleeping.

  2. 9 months ago

    El mucho good ser my company el Nintendo make it sir

  3. 9 months ago

    XY feels thoroughly unfinished and has the most forgettable region, but it's still one of the best-looking 3DS games and nowhere near as bad as DiaPer or SWSH.

    • 9 months ago

      >XY feels thoroughly unfinished

      • 9 months ago

        story makes no sense, gen 7 proves they had more planned for zygarde, and the power plant door everyone memes about
        there's also the total lack of postgame content outside of one (1) battle facility and the friend safari, but to be fair that seems to be an intentional shift in development priorities since the only post-XY games with a proper postgame were ORAS and USUM, and both have less content than what we got in Platinum or HGSS

        • 9 months ago

          >story makes no sense

          >gen 7 proves they had more planned for zygarde
          yeah…which is why they put it in gen 7. I don’t see what this has to do with gen 6. Unless you also want to argue Emerald is unfinished because they planned more with the regis or Platinum is unfinished because they planned more with Arceus.

          >and the power plant door everyone memes about
          what about it

          > there's also the total lack of postgame content outside of one (1) battle facility and the friend safari,
          how is this a problem

          • 9 months ago

            lysandre is moronic and his plan makes no sense
            at least cyrus, another terrible villain, is SUPPOSED to be a moronic misanthrope
            we're supposed to think lysandre is cool and smart until the "reveal" that he's actually the leader of the evil team that shares his exact color scheme, but then we find out his idea for a perfect world is to kill everyone except for the worthless subhumans he went out of his way to recruit
            how does this make sense?

            >yeah…which is why they put it in gen 7
            you don't think maybe the Z pokemon was intended for a Z game?

            >what about it
            WHY IS IT THERE

            >how is this a problem
            because mega evolution trivializes everything before the credits, so the least they could do is add some challenging content that uses it in an interesting way

            • 9 months ago

              > how does this make sense?
              The world doesn’t have enough resources so he’s reducing the population so there are enough resources. His plan is incredibly simple to understand.

              > you don't think maybe the Z pokemon was intended for a Z game?
              Wow anon you’re right gen 5 is unfinished because the grey Pokemon was never in a grey game. It sure hurts being an autistic patterngay.

              > WHY IS IT THERE
              To process energy. The game literally explains what all three power plants are for if you actually bothered to explore the optional parts of the game instead of b***hing that the game doesn’t have enough optional parts to explore.

              > they could do is add some challenging content
              The Battle Maison is literally infinitely replayable challenging content. What you’re actually asking for is more piss easy routes with nothing but shitty trainers on them that you never have a reason to revisit after you clear them just like DPPt and BW/BW2’s “””””postgame””””.

              • 9 months ago

                >The world doesn’t have enough resources so he’s reducing the population so there are enough resources.
                His selection process for the survivors was to single out the people who are LEAST likely to share resources.

              • 9 months ago

                Literally everyone doesn’t share resources. That’s his entire problem.

          • 9 months ago

            >lysandre: I hate the greed in society, that's why I exclusively recruited greedy people to be the ones to survive the end of the world that I will create

          • 9 months ago

            Unironically Platinum’s story climax makes less sense than XY’s and I’m tired of people pretending otherwise
            >Giratina kidnaps Cyrus because it’s angry at him for endangering the dimensions, which threatens both our world and its own
            >this creates a rift that will distort the dimensions, eventually leading to the destruction of our world and its own
            >Giratina could close the rift if it wanted to, it just chooses not to
            Giratina’s plan to stop the destruction of both worlds is to create a portal that will destroy both worlds. Genius. Never let them know your next move.

            • 9 months ago

              you're not wrong about XY's plot making more sense because it's just a rich butthole and his rich club turning on a super weapon.
              But I don't remember the part about giratina destroying the world with a portal. Cut that out and it makes sense, if you can accept the person leading them is a bizarre magically non functioning human (no emotion is impossible and doesn't make sense without magic)

              • 9 months ago

                >it's just a rich butthole and his rich club turning on a super weapon
                the problem is that the rich butthole's self-professed motivation is that he hates greed and selfishness, and yet his goal is still to kill everyone EXCEPT the people he handpicked specifically for being greedy and selfish
                it's not just hypocrisy, it's stupid

              • 9 months ago

                his plan is an expression of his hate for those that took advantage of him. It's not about doing the right thing, it's about getting even

            • 9 months ago

              Giratina is a hero in Platinium.
              >Drags Cyrus to underworld so he can't force create new world
              >It actually GIVES Cyrus own world out of mercy

            • 9 months ago

              Platinum’s story sucks because like this post mentioned it’s mostly a series of excuses to justify the boring glorified strength puzzle that was the distortion world. They also ruined Cyrus’s character by making him into a whiny b***h rather than him actually committing to the objective emotionless bit he had in DP, dropping the larp earlier at Celestic town so braindead kids would immediately understand that he’s supposed to be a hypocrite.

              his plan is an expression of his hate for those that took advantage of him. It's not about doing the right thing, it's about getting even

              The thing people are kind of forgetting about Lysandre is that he basically is misinterpreting selfish, ignorant rich kids buying their way in as “conviction.” He offers the player a means of surviving in the new world and commends their conviction despite the fact that you never actually pledge funding to him. The guy literally sees the flare grunts throwing money at him as their personal sacrifice to live in the new world.

      • 9 months ago

        If you think X and Y are complete games then you must be very delusional or have never touched a game outside of Pokemon -_-

        • 9 months ago

          Every other 3DS game I've played has substantially less content than XY except for maybe Smash Bros 4.

  4. 9 months ago

    >jeet is a Kaloser
    Fitting, a shit game for a streetshitter

  5. 9 months ago

    I dont think these games were bad, they were just so average and forgettable.
    Off the top of my head I could barely even list the towns and cities, all I remember is a kino tree-clock town but I feel that part of the game was so rushed I truly appreciated it.

    • 9 months ago

      You only think it’s “forgettable” because Game Freak didn’t scam you into playing the same game twice.

      • 9 months ago

        No, I think they're forgettable because they were devoid of any meaningful story that stood out to me.
        I did play the game twice as I was gifted Y a few years later after playing X and yet I still remember barely anything.
        I'd rather have played a Z version, you try to make out this is some kind of scam but as has already been pointed out in this thread the game was clearly meant for more.

        • 9 months ago

          > No, I think they're forgettable because they were devoid of any meaningful story
          Yes, that’s every Pokemon game. Which you remember more when you’re forced to play the same game multiple times.


          • 9 months ago

            >Resorting to green text rambling
            You're clearly an assblasted homosexual that is upset people generally don't seem to like or care about your favourite Gen.
            >Gen 1 is Rocket, franchise staple and memorable
            >Gen 2 is also Rocket but to a lesser extent, memorable due to being rocket
            >Gen 3 is a story of two batshit crazy groups that are hellbent on destroying the world but not realising it, hard to forget
            >Gen 4 is about Cyrus being so hungry for power that he is again willing to destroy the world, memorable really due to the final scene atop Mt. Cornet which is one of the best maps areas in the series.
            >Gen 5 is the first time the series tries more mature themes, truth vs ideals. The plot itself goes back to a more basic Gen 1/2 plotline of the main villians goal never threatening to destroy the world but just accumulate immense power at the expense of the general populace.
            >Gen 6. Had to re read this plot as I wanted to do it justice, seems it revolves around science genius turned villian who despises the earth so decides frick it lets nuke the entire thing and allow a few choosen to survive, as pointed out above these choosen are all c**ts. Also the AZ sub plot which is also just another "I think this way so I'll act the opposite" character as he kills pokemon to save his own.
            >Not even going to bother with Gen 7-9 because I didn't finish any of them.
            So after Gen 5 tried to tone things back a bit we are right back to "lets destroy the entire world" with Gen 6, a trop so tired by this point that it's laughable.
            No wonder I barely remebered it, it's just a shittier Gen 4.

            • 9 months ago

              >Gen 4 is about Cyrus being so hungry for power that he is again willing to destroy the world
              so like gen 6?

              again, the only difference is that GF didn’t make you buy the same game again.

  6. 9 months ago

    Holy ESL

  7. 9 months ago

    >gen 8/9 was so bad it mindfricked /vp/ into thinking gen 6 was good

  8. 9 months ago

    Now sift through your boxes.

    Everything loads instantly and movement is bubbly and smooth.

    Why the frick can we not have that anymore?

  9. 9 months ago

    >gen 8/9 was so bad it mindfricked reddit into thinking gen 6 was bad

  10. 9 months ago

    X and Y were never good
    >t. was 12yo when the games launched

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