I really love Fallout 1 purists

I really love Fallout 1 purists
>"Fallout 1 was le grim and Fallout 2 with all its comedy was made by other people altogether"
>Fargo went to make Wasteland and Bard's Tale which are even less serious than Fallout 2
>The rest of Fallout 1 team founded Troika Games and made Vampire: The Masquerade and Arcanum which were not serious either
It's like the whole universe itself is laughing at them

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    i'm not entirely convinced that people who rank 1 above 2 actually played both

    • 2 weeks ago

      1 is a terrible experience, it's easily the worst Fallout game barring Brotherhood of Steel

      • 2 weeks ago

        Do you actually prefer the real time action of Tactics?

        • 2 weeks ago

          They should make a mainline game with that combat

    • 2 weeks ago

      1 IS better than 2 but 2 is still good. I don't have to explain anything more than that. Get fricked moron.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >I don't have to explain
        you just cant

    • 2 weeks ago

      Played both here, 1 is better than 2 in terms of being a tighter experience. 2 Is better as a sandbox. Although I might say that Nevada out does 2 in this field since that game is basically all 2 style side content with the same level of grim as Fallout 1.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >1 is better than 2 in terms of being a tighter experience
        Just say it directly
        Fallout 1 is smaller and you just can't keep your attention on one game for long because of ADHD
        Fallout 1 is comically small

        the decision to make vaults wacky social experiments is the single worst idea of 2 and made the setting noticeably worse.
        Also the really obvious pop culture reference random encounters are way to elaborate and have way to high chance to spawn.
        Other than that 2 > 1, although the failure to change the inventory screen is also a serious mark against it

        Vaults were planned already in the first game and fallout 1 also has a lot of pop culture references

        • 2 weeks ago

          the whole "the water ship was supposed to fail" was something they came up with during the FO2 development, it's not in the first game, there is nothing even suggesting in the first game that the failure of the waterchip was deliberate.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >the whole "the water ship was supposed to fail" was something they came up with during the FO2 development
            The water ship wasn't supposed to fail. It was an accident. You can ask the president about it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >the whole "the water ship was supposed to fail" was something they came up with during the FO2 development
            The water ship wasn't supposed to fail. It was an accident. You can ask the president about it.

            water chips fail all the time, every vault has a lot of replacements, but due to a mix up Vault 13 lacked ANY replacements. the nearest vault was fricking destroyed, and the furtherest one out was in the land of ghouls who were using the only one there. that's Fallou 1

            • 2 weeks ago

              Wait, people didn't know that?
              Did they miss the ten fricking crates of water chips in Vault 8 and the explicit note on them on them saying "someone screwed the supply order, these things things were meant to arrive at Vault 13, not here."?

            • 2 weeks ago

              >water chips fail all the time, every vault has a lot of replacements
              If you ask some guy in Vault City about it he says that their chip never broke, which is why he was so surprised over all the extra chips.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >, which is why he was so surprised over all the extra chips.
                No, nobody was suprised with the extra chips. There is literally a supply order that states that these chips were meant to be delivered to Vault 13. They knew exactly why they had too many, they fricking state in a note that somebody needs to pick them up and deliver them to the right vault soon.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The npc I am talking about probably didn’t know the chips were meant for vault 13.
                I just played through 2 again last week and I am certain that this guy existed.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You're probably right because there's the president, the supply order, and your npc you're referencing. I would be surprised if there wasn't several references with different perspectives on the event.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Fallout 1 is comically small
          So? That doesn't detract from the experience. You're saying small like it's an inherent flaw without explaining why at all.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Not him but it's really hard to go back to one after you've played the second game assuming you actually *enjoy* playing these games combat and all. There is so much to do in the second game especially with fan patches such as restoration.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >You're saying small like it's an inherent flaw without explaining why at all.
            Here's an example, there are literally 3 repair skill checks and the highest of them only requires 70%
            Now consider books and tools and you get a completely useless skill
            All other skills in fallout 1 are about the same
            You have very few skill checks, they are mostly irrelevant and the required skill level is really low
            I don't even want to start making comparisons to Fallout 2 because the difference there is just so obvious

            • 2 weeks ago

              Traps and Outdoorsman are just as useless in 2. Hell even the entire Charisma stat is borderline useless in New Vegas.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Outdoorsman is definitely not useless in 2. It's actually really fricking good. It's not worth tagging though because you find enough skillbooks.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Its good if you don't want to see content or play the game

              • 2 weeks ago

                No, it's good when you want to travel to a dangerous area in order to get some gear but can't survive the encounters. That's way more of an issue in the second game.

              • 2 weeks ago

                So you want to skip content and metagame

              • 2 weeks ago

                No, I need ammo for my cattle prod but small energy cells are all sold in places that kill me during travel. Have you ever played Fallout 2? I think they made the random encounters so deadly like that on purpose to make outdoorsman more useful.

              • 2 weeks ago

                the point of an open-ended RPG is picking how you want to skip the content

              • 2 weeks ago

                >All skills in fallout 1 are fricking useless
                >But look! Other games have 1 useless skill!

            • 2 weeks ago

              Counterpoint: Vic and Sulik perform Repair and Outdoorsman checks in 2.

              I think neither Fallout or Fallout 2 really do a good job at being a mechanical RPG. There's plenty of roleplaying and avenues of approach, but there's basically no incentive to invest much in non-combat skills or Speech (even speech has some leeway because there's a lot of dialogue checks you can endlessly roll).

              • 2 weeks ago

                *anything but combat skills and speech

              • 2 weeks ago

                Lockpicking is pretty important unless you want to spend 10 minutes hoping for a good roll on every locked door and container.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I think neither Fallout or Fallout 2 really do a good job at being a mechanical RPG.
                You play the classic fallouts for the combat and New Vegas for the RPG gameplay. Simple as.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Outdoorsman checks
                Can you name a single outdoorsman check in Fallout 2? I can't think of any

              • 2 weeks ago

                When you go ranching for Westin you can find vault 13 with 100 or so Outdoorsman

          • 2 weeks ago

            >You're saying small like it's an inherent flaw without explaining why at all.
            Because girls would laugh at it

          • 2 weeks ago

            Fallout 2 is way overblown on the other hand

            • 2 weeks ago

              Ever notice how most Fallout 2 mods add more content instead of cull it? Sounds like a you (zoomer) problem.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm kinda surprised that there isn't an anti-joke mod for F2 yet, or at least RP adding a wild wasteland perk. It seems to be enough of a complaint.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Wild wasteland
                That would actually be hilarious to me. Imagine being so twisted up over humor that you'd willingly waste a perk slot just to add back in 30 year old jokes the game shipped with.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Wild Wasteland is fun though. If anything I don't get why people are so bothered by F2s jokes but having it be optional like how New Vegas handled it would be the best of both worlds. Guess not enough F2 modders care enough.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The desolate barren walk to the oil tanker
                vgh... fallout 2 the way it was meant to be played

              • 2 weeks ago

                No one that grew up with these games give a shit about the jokes. Only a dozen idiots from Ganker would care. You'd be laughed off of RPG Codex or NMA for making such a mod.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nevada has terrible pacing and writing. All of the full conversion mods are inferior to the original games. I haven't played Sonora yet but I highly doubt the English machine translation is going to change my mind.

    • 2 weeks ago

      People that rank 2, only played fallout 2.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I've beaten both probably around a dozen times and I greatly prefer 2.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Zoomers that are only playing for the lore while "suffering" through the combat will prefer the first game because it's 10 hours long and most combats are very short. That's why the opinion on Ganker is heavily in favor of Fallout 1. This is a board filled with teenagers playing their dad's crusty old games.

    • 2 weeks ago

      2 feels like a theme park because the Enclave aren't the looming threat until the tail end of the game.
      In 1, the mutants would genocide all the major cities if you're too busy dicking around after getting the water chip.

      • 2 weeks ago

        And people hated the time limit which is why they removed it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          To be fair, the second invisible time limit was fricking moronic.
          Not being able to trade at the Hub is already a severely punishment. A game over screen out of nowhere is just bullshit

          • 2 weeks ago

            Wasn't that patched out in 1.1?

            • 2 weeks ago

              Not patched out, just extended to the point where you’d think so. There’s no reasonable run of fallout where you’d ever hit the new timeline unless you were really trying to

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Play Fallout 2
      >Get into a combat encounter
      >15 wild dogs, 10 cows
      >each take 15 seconds to complete a turn
      Yea no thanks senpai. Plenty of encounters like that too.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >suck at the game

    • 2 weeks ago

      2 it's just too big for it's good
      In 1, an encounter with 5 enemies was a rarity, in 2 you constantly get surrounded by 7+ enemies, it's goddamn exhausting

    • 2 weeks ago

      They played it with fallout et tu that basically fixes almost everything that makes fallout 1 completely shit to play. Then, at the same time, they transition to fo2 and don't feel like there's actual any improvement in the gameplay regard over the fo1 version they played. So the only thing left to criticize is the writing. Which obviously has a worse pacing and a too many moronic immersion breaking jokes. Yet, even with these "problems", they would absolutely put fo2 above 1 just for the gameplay and tweaks if they actually played both in their original versions

      • 2 weeks ago

        I was thinking of playing Et Tu, but I didn't like the changes it made
        Is there just a fix with cut content for 1?

        • 2 weeks ago

          It changes fo1 to play like 2, but it is heavily customizable in the sfall.ini. So you can still change a lot and make the balance very similar to fo1 if you want

      • 2 weeks ago

        Fallout 2 has good writing, though. There are so many amazing quests and characters in it even if you don't find the jokes funny. Like other anons have said ITT, only the main plot itself suffers compared to the first game mostly due to a weak antagonist.

      • 2 weeks ago

        the engine isn't the issue with 1, it's the lack of choices relative to 2.
        does the inventory filter mod for 2 work with et tu btw?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >does the inventory filter mod for 2 work with et tu btw?
          Never tried it, but I would say it should pretty much due to how sfall works

      • 2 weeks ago

        >fallout et tu

        Why have I never heard of this. Looks great

    • 2 weeks ago

      Disregarding tone and atmosphere, Fallout 1 is just better balanced, and all builds are viable like pacifist ones as the quests allow it. Fallout 2 will frick you up if you don't invest in any combat skill as combat encounters are doubled in both rate and enemy count.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Zoomers don't know what outdoorsman does.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I played both too. Fallout 1 is smaller, but it's a consistent experience. 2 feels like a theme park, on top of being unfinished.

      • 2 weeks ago

        1 is also unfinished.
        There are endings in the game you can’t even get because of bugs.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I meant 2 actually feels unfinished. At least that's what I felt when I played it, specially in San Francisco and the oil platform.

          What is wrong with being a theme park? You homosexuals keep saying that like it's a bad thing. Theme parks are fun and I had way more fun playing Fallout 2 than Fallout 1 which felt like it was over before it began.

          The world is just not as believable.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >The world is just not as believable.
            Compared to what, though? The first game isn't realistic either. Never once did Fallout 1 or 2 feel like some serious, dark and foreboding adventure to me like people on Ganker claim that they're supposed to feel like.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Consistent, not realistic. For example, New Reno feels out of place, and it's probably the worst offender in this regard. The Evangelical-esque cult in San Francisco also feels somewhat alien.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Then why is the Atom cult in FO1 ok?

              • 2 weeks ago

                They don't appear in Fallout 1.

              • 2 weeks ago

                What doesn't appear? I'm talking about the church cult. You can raid them for good weapons, and to get a robe. If you wear the robe in the super mutant base then you can waltz past enemies.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >atom cult
                you did not play the game. why are you talking out of your ass if you did not even play it

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah, I actually do agree with that but I personally didn't find that to be a problem. However, you are correct that it's a bit jarring. Even as a kid, I noticed how out of place those two cities felt and kind of did a mental "wtf." I grew to really like those cities though and now they're my two favorite towns along with Vault City.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >For example, New Reno feels out of place
                Isn't that the point though? New Reno is basically the Detroit of Fallout. It's meant to feel scummy.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It could have been scummy without all the references to the cosa nostra, and the existence of a seemingly benevolent crime family.

                What doesn't appear? I'm talking about the church cult. You can raid them for good weapons, and to get a robe. If you wear the robe in the super mutant base then you can waltz past enemies.

                The Church of the Cathedral actually has a developed backstory. They're a front for the Unity. They're the Master's spies and fifth column in human settlements, and only started growing once the Master provided them the means and protection.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Never once did Fallout 1 or 2 feel like some serious,
              how would you know, you never played either of them

      • 2 weeks ago

        What is wrong with being a theme park? You homosexuals keep saying that like it's a bad thing. Theme parks are fun and I had way more fun playing Fallout 2 than Fallout 1 which felt like it was over before it began.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I think it's just because it's a common criticism against Beth Fallout. Personally I like Fallout 2s world over F1. The Hub and Junktown are hardly different in aesthetics.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I love FO3 and Megaton. To me FO3 & FO2 are basically the perfect games in the series. NV feels very circlejerky.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Personally F3 is my least favorite of the bunch but there are still cool locations in F3. Rivet City is neat.

          • 2 weeks ago

            So people pretend to hate things just to spite a company that doesn't give a shit? This board is such a shithole.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yes. Ganker can be that pathetic. You should have seen the F3 vs NV thread where they just keep trying to prove which one is the troony game (they both are).

              • 2 weeks ago

                FO3 is not a troony game
                you guys wouldn't know a troony game if it posed as a 2D anime gril

        • 2 weeks ago

          >What is wrong with being a theme park?
          A theme park feels like a bunch of different attractions rather than a real world. It's awful for immersion and giving a shit about the story, although I wouldn't assume a Fallout 2 enjoyer would get the point of those things either.

          • 2 weeks ago

            It has a very coherent world, though. The narrative is just a bit weaker but the world itself is far more immersive than Fallout 1 which rushes you from place to place.

          • 2 weeks ago

            And how does Fallout 2 fail at this? By having locations with individual cultures? There's still very much a breathing world that Fallout 2 presents you with, Vault City, New Reno, and NCR are trying to make a power grab for Redding. These locations have an effect on one another.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >I had way more fun
          You see this board hates fun, with passion.

        • 2 weeks ago

          A theme park isn't a world.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >bloated unfinished game is better guise
      Wish 2gays would die out

    • 2 weeks ago

      >He thinks Ganker tards who talk about Fallout have actually played any of them
      3 > 1 unironically.
      76 < 4 < 1 < 3 < 2 < New Vegas

      • 2 weeks ago

        Good thing nobody takes 76 fans seriously, get fricked.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I did, Fallout 1 is just paced better and the background is more interesting than hippie mudhut tribal shit (no REAL interesting Indo-Aryan tribal shit in Fallout 2)

      • 2 weeks ago

        >abimbawe literal moron tribal frick that has to worry about thirst and hunger weekly can be smarter than a vault dweller and build Skynet

        Fallout 2 is extremely moronic and unimmersive.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >dipshit vault dweller can dump points into outdoorsman
          Same shit. Fallout isn't TeS. Go back to making a million shifty daggars.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Fallout 2 ruined the lore of the series then Todd Howard took a shit on the corpse

          • 2 weeks ago

            I can buy a vault dewler had some sort of training on what to identify in the wasteland based on old park ranger documentation and other archives.
            I can't buy the vault dwellers all devolved into hippe brown people within a generation, it utterly brakes my suspension of disbelief

      • 2 weeks ago

        F1 doesn't have pacing, you can do so much shit without actually interacting with main story and get soft locked because you joined brotherhood of steel way to fricking quick.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I played both.
      2 is better, but I still like 1's more "serious" tone.
      Same situation than Borderland 2 vs 1.

    • 2 weeks ago

      nobody who shits on F2 for le ebic maymay references has actually played F2, they just parrot shit they read in these threads

    • 2 weeks ago

      The world building in F2 is great like in New Vegas. Vault City, New Reno, NCR. The conflict is great.

      F1 is mid as frick. Only a drone that watched a Let's Play will tell you that F1 is better.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Fallout 1 is way more consistent.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    I'm playing through 1, and man, it's a borefest. Everything is so fricking arduous, from movement, to combat.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    VTMB was mostly serious. Arcanum had some jokes but they didn't come at the expense of the setting.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    You said a lot of words but none of them invalidated someone preferring one over two for the reason given.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Pseuds like OP generally don't actually like media and just get high on being a sycophant in some "auteur"'s cult or being part of a "scene". The fact that the creators didn't recreate what Fallout 1 fans liked about Fallout 1 means they must be irrational in his mind.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    the decision to make vaults wacky social experiments is the single worst idea of 2 and made the setting noticeably worse.
    Also the really obvious pop culture reference random encounters are way to elaborate and have way to high chance to spawn.
    Other than that 2 > 1, although the failure to change the inventory screen is also a serious mark against it

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 1 has never 100% serious.
    Fallout as a series should not be 100% serious.
    Computer games and traditional games in the 90s had jokes.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I think this is a big game of internet telephone where people took "fallout 1 has less jokes and references than fallout 2" and turned it into "fallout 1 is super serious grimdark".

      • 2 weeks ago

        it is serious and grimdark but punctuated with some silly things
        the only thing that is really jarring is the thieves guild guy, that shit is like straight out of fallout 3/4

    • 2 weeks ago

      >100% serious
      So what? You never played the game if you think it was a wacky cartoon, or more comedic than serious, just compare the soundtrack https://youtu.be/vGyB093QOIo?t=1070. Fallout 2 is still only 20%(maybe) as goofy as the bethesda games.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    I like 1 better but you're correct in saying most 1 purists are fricking moronic. Even if the humor in Fallout 2 is a bit gay sometimes it's still a very good game and better than almost everything that followed it.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >plan character build
    >run it through Fallout 1 as a demo
    >play it through Fallout 2 because there's content to actually use it on
    Not my problem.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    FO1 was pure grim kino
    FO2 is rick & morty in the desert

  10. 2 weeks ago

    >I really love Fallout 1 purists
    99% of "Fallout 1 purists" are actually fallout 3 fans, who have been using Fallout 1 vs 2 as a proxy for the Fallout 3 vs New Vegas rivalry. They have never actually played either of the original games.

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      I think it's a combination of

      Zoomers that are only playing for the lore while "suffering" through the combat will prefer the first game because it's 10 hours long and most combats are very short. That's why the opinion on Ganker is heavily in favor of Fallout 1. This is a board filled with teenagers playing their dad's crusty old games.

      plus people that stream Bethesda games (at least from what I've seen) tend to constantly shit on the originals for having "unplayable combat" so people just parrot that.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >tend to constantly shit on the originals for having "unplayable combat" so people just parrot that.
        But OP isn't talking about people who shit on both games, he talks about Fo1 purists.

        And for the record, the sentiment that Fallout 2 has been a bit too whacky for it's own good has existed since the game was released. It was a common sentiment shared by vast majority of people all the way back in the earliest days of the oldest Fallout fan communities, like old NMA and Mad Brahmin.

        And with good reason. While both games are dark comedies at heart, Fo2 did go a bit overboard on the comedy side of things, and has some genuinely needlessly silly moments that detract from the experience. Nobody who grew up with these games will seriously argue that talking Deathclaws was a good addition to the settings.

        However, when people used to criticize Fo2 for it's over-use of jokes and references, and lack of consistent tone, it was done in a context. That context was that everybody knew that Fallout 2 is a fantastic game, in most ways massively superior to the original, even in majority of it's writing. The fact that Fallout 2 isn't shit - it just got this one fairly minor aspect wrong, did not have to be stated, it was obvious to everyone involved in those old communites.

        The issue came with the increasing tribalism that spread across the internet around the same time Gen7 was infesting the industry, and it absolutely EXPLODED when F:NV came out, and threw very bad light at Fallout 3.
        Fallout 3 fans became rabid with insecurity, and the absurd extremism spread ou to all discourse surrounding Fo games.

        And in a move to try and justify their preference for Fo3, bethesda drones dug out those old discussions criticizing Fo2's tone, and though it would be a way to justify their game. Except they did not have that context.

        They began drawing an analogy between Fo1 and Fo3 and Fo2 and New Vegas, and that is how the meme of people HATING "always hating Fo2" was born.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I didn't even realize that the jokes were an issue back in the day until I lurked places like NMA. I liked the talking deathclaws and it made sense to me within the lore of the game. And like you said, I don't remember any of them saying that the game was trash because of it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I think talking deathclaws might have been recieved better if they were just intelligent deathclaws that didn't speak english. Even Fallout 1 points out that FEV can increase the intelligence of any given species. Among other fantasitcal properties like bringing Floaters into existence. It's just the fact that a deathclaw has the same vocal range of a human that's kinda dumb. Also Goris is fricking cool so I can't even shit on talking deathclaws that much.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >I didn't even realize that the jokes were an issue back in the day until I lurked places like NMA.
            They were, but they were not a serious issue. I always disliked the talking deathclaws, even as a kid, though I did find the option to have a deathclaw companion neat, and so it as a weak, but ultimately acceptable concession.

            And that was more or less the general sentiment. Yeah, Fo1's atmosphere was much tighter, it's villain was much better, the main story had more though in it.
            But the sheer amount of great side content, the sheer amount of options, alternate questlines and quest solutions, of build options, as well as the general though put into the world-building, the politics and economics of the world - all of that was absolutely great, and if we had to sacrifice something minor like an over-use of a joke, so be it.
            The understanding of what Fo2 does well - what it actually does do significantly better than Fo1 was implicit in those discussions. It really was only much later, when people started flocking to the franchise in late 2010's when this all got twisted into "Fallout 2 was always hated, it was totally a reddit game!" bullshit, because... well that is what internet does to people nowdays.

            But thats nonsense because its just as possible to produce a useless garbage build on Fallout 2

            >But thats nonsense because its just as possible to produce a useless garbage build on Fallout 2
            Do you... do you not know how to read? Are you completely blind or something?
            Go back to the post and read it again, carefully this time.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >he sheer amount of great side content
              Fallout 2 is a really sparse game where a lot of your skills are useless because there's nothing to do with them, It's just that Fallout 1 is even sparser

        • 2 weeks ago

          >While both games are dark comedies at heart
          there is nothing comedic about the core experience of F1. VD is a desperate ploy to find a chip without which the vault runs out of water and dies. In the travels they encounter a mutant horde threatening to wipe out the vault in gory fashion if they find it. As depicted by the fail game cutscene if VD gets captured and dipped

          Mastermind behind said actions is a living sentient biomass that was formed from experimental mutagen overdose and grows by consuming more victims into it while incorporating pieces of them in its personality. A victorious VD is banished from the very fault he/she did so much for since VD itself has become a danger to the lifestyle of the closed off bunker community.

          F1 is straight up pulp sci-fi low key horror story

          • 2 weeks ago

            >F1 is straight up pulp sci-fi low key horror story
            That would be true if you ignore all of the interactions that you have with the characters within the world which tends to be more lighthearted and even humorous.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Uh huh

              • 2 weeks ago

                Nice rebuttable, dummy. I never felt like Fallout 1 was a horror game at all.

            • 2 weeks ago

              like what? All of the big sideplots on location are fairly straight forward dilemmas
              >Aradesh and Tandi part of fledgling farmer community besieged by marauding bandits. Canonically VD ends up slaughtering the bandits wholesale
              >Junktown a stand off between town sheriff and upcoming fledge ling mob boss Gizmo
              >Hub is a mish mash of caravan companies scheming/sabotaging each other and the criminal mob underworld laying on its protection rackets
              >necropolis is a unexpected premutation of previously mentioned potent mutagen. Which results in the failed vault dwellers turning into living corpses stuck between drawing attention from the horrified humans and masters mutants muscling in. Can kill them straight up by destroying their water pump which leads to them dying off.
              etc etc etc
              Merely sideplots yet all are grounded in its setting and deal with murder, scheming and power struggle. What exactly is so funny about all of this?

              • 2 weeks ago

                The game has humorous dialogue options to choose from and equally humorous responses from NPCs. You probably have autism though. Go ask your dad to explain the concept of humor to you. I'm too old and drunk to bother.

              • 2 weeks ago

                There is a very big difference between a type of comedy that is "diegetic" so to speak and comedy meant as a very deliberate joke for the audience. Compare "well THAT just happened" comedy in modern mouse shit movies to, for example, Han Solo in Star Wars. Han Solo is actually snarky and charming, in universe, he isn't looking the audience in the eye and telling them a joke.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Showed an execution.
            >Right after that they showed war bond and car commercial
            That's a black comedy

            • 2 weeks ago

              no thats basic pro war propaganda

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah so is Star Ship Troopers, a black comedy.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Maybe anon is just easily frightened

        • 2 weeks ago

          Fallout 3 is clearly designed more in the idea of 1 than 2
          That is immediately obvious to anyone who has played both games I don't know why people dispute it

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Fallout 3 is clearly designed more in the idea of 1 than 2

            • 2 weeks ago

              >2's wacky tribal ooga booga pyramid runner aesthetic for no reason whatsoever
              yeah feels just like 1

            • 2 weeks ago

              Prove me wrong

              It took the superficial elements from Fallout yes. But in design and execution it was nothing like the originals.

              I'm saying Fallout 3 is the more consistent designed experience and a more serious tone like Fallout 1 while New Vegas is essentially Fallout 2 2.0

              Yes, Little Lamplight would have been right at home in Fallout 1.

              More sense than psychers

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Prove me wrong
                I need you to elaborate on what you meant first
                >More sense than psychers
                Psykers are a staple of scifi, specially regarding mutations
                Dumb child settlements aren't

              • 2 weeks ago

                Fallout 3's story is almost lifted entirely from Fallout 2. They just added a daddy character.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >People constantly say that F2s main quest is weak
                >"Yeah lets lift that"
                Fallout 3 permenantly baffles me.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah Fallout 3's tone was really serious with that megaton full of cultist worshiping an irradiated atomic bomb, a town that has a problem with superhero cosplayers, a town with electoral drama despite having a population of 5 people!

              • 2 weeks ago

                serious compared to new vegas with the elvis cosplayers, fisting robots, and penis fingers

              • 2 weeks ago

                We can cherrypick all day, what really matters is the writing and tone it conveys. Fallout 3 is infamous for its immature writing and 1 dimensional characters. Those don't really give me a serious tone when I play it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                There's nothing serious about F3
                It fails even when it's trying. Like that line Liam Neeson throws when Colonel Sanders comes to take over project purity
                >this is a civilian project, colonel
                Black person what the frick does that mean. He doesn't have any official authority, he's taking over because he has big guns, what's your plan dad, call the attorney general?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Fallout 3 is more serious in tone than New Vegas
                1 is more serious in tone than 2

                3 clearly is sort of a remake of 1 while New Vegas is a remake of 2

                How is any of this disputed?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Basically, Fallout New Vegas is about trade routes and border sprawl and Fallout 3 is about big metal men shooting orc- I mean super mutants with laser guns

              • 2 weeks ago
              • 2 weeks ago

                >Three dawg here, ghouls are people too, except ferals you can shoot them fine

              • 2 weeks ago

                I... Have you ever played 1 and 2? I'm sure Gog.pirate has installers.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Fallout 3 is more serious in tone than New Vegas
                Again, not really. It tries to be serious, specially during the main quest, but it ends up being moronic. Fawkes talking about your "destiny" is also a good example
                >1 is more serious in tone than 2
                >3 clearly is sort of a remake of 1 while New Vegas is a remake of 2
                Not at all. This doesn't make any sense.
                >How is any of this disputed?
                Because half of what you say is nonsense

              • 2 weeks ago

                How can 3 be a remake of 1 if it lifted the entire main plot from 2? The only thing that was changed is the starting area of the main character (tribal vs guy from the vault) and the addition of the daddy character. They even have you hunt for the fricking g.e.c.k and the president of the enclave (who aren't even in the first game) has the exact same plan lifted word from word from Dick Richardson. The only difference is that it's a computer instead of a person.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It took stuff from 2 but the main focus on the Brotherhood is from 1 along with supermutants, vault dweller etc

                Yeah no tribal shit too

                I... Have you ever played 1 and 2? I'm sure Gog.pirate has installers.

                I have played 1 and 2 extensively
                1 is a tight narrative experience just like 3s main quest is with very little wacky 2 humor
                Just like 3

              • 2 weeks ago

                >but the main focus on the Brotherhood is from 1
                Ah yes, who could forget the Master in Fo3

              • 2 weeks ago

                More like new Vegas is a soft conclusion tot he original series of games and 3 and 4 are some fanfic mods made by someone who learned about fallout from their older cousin secondhand

              • 2 weeks ago

                fricking moron
                new vegas is its own thing, where in 2 do you have the chance to pick geopolitical factions to side with?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >where in 2 do you have the chance to pick geopolitical factions to side with?
                no one tell him

              • 2 weeks ago

                Vault City and Gecko? That's even explicitly about controlling power generation
                I think Redding has an entire politics plot too but to be honest I never ended up doing it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Redding has the Wanamingo mine chip deciding who wins.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >gecko and vault city
                >modoc and ghost farm
                >the redding / NCR/Reno/VC quests
                >All of Bishop's quests involving you assassinating NCR politicians so he can strongarm Vault City into joining the NCR
                >conversely you can kill Bishop and tell VC of his plots

              • 2 weeks ago

                New Vegas is pretty much a direct sequel to 2, if the name wasn't taken it'd be more apt to call it Fallout 3.

          • 2 weeks ago

            It took the superficial elements from Fallout yes. But in design and execution it was nothing like the originals.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Fallout 3 is clearly designed more in the idea of 1 than 2
            Yeah, in moronic ways
            2 understood that you couldn't do the whole
            >hapless vault dweller peaks outside to see what's been happening
            Thing so it had you as a tribal.
            3 does the exact same thing, and even painfully forces the exact same ending, even if it doesn't make sense

          • 2 weeks ago

            >dude it’s good because it’s bleak like fallout
            >meanwhile in fallout if you say or do bleak things there are characters who will tell you knock that shit off right quick

    • 2 weeks ago

      What the frick are you on about

      • 2 weeks ago


        >tend to constantly shit on the originals for having "unplayable combat" so people just parrot that.
        But OP isn't talking about people who shit on both games, he talks about Fo1 purists.

        And for the record, the sentiment that Fallout 2 has been a bit too whacky for it's own good has existed since the game was released. It was a common sentiment shared by vast majority of people all the way back in the earliest days of the oldest Fallout fan communities, like old NMA and Mad Brahmin.

        And with good reason. While both games are dark comedies at heart, Fo2 did go a bit overboard on the comedy side of things, and has some genuinely needlessly silly moments that detract from the experience. Nobody who grew up with these games will seriously argue that talking Deathclaws was a good addition to the settings.

        However, when people used to criticize Fo2 for it's over-use of jokes and references, and lack of consistent tone, it was done in a context. That context was that everybody knew that Fallout 2 is a fantastic game, in most ways massively superior to the original, even in majority of it's writing. The fact that Fallout 2 isn't shit - it just got this one fairly minor aspect wrong, did not have to be stated, it was obvious to everyone involved in those old communites.

        The issue came with the increasing tribalism that spread across the internet around the same time Gen7 was infesting the industry, and it absolutely EXPLODED when F:NV came out, and threw very bad light at Fallout 3.
        Fallout 3 fans became rabid with insecurity, and the absurd extremism spread ou to all discourse surrounding Fo games.

        And in a move to try and justify their preference for Fo3, bethesda drones dug out those old discussions criticizing Fo2's tone, and though it would be a way to justify their game. Except they did not have that context.

        They began drawing an analogy between Fo1 and Fo3 and Fo2 and New Vegas, and that is how the meme of people HATING "always hating Fo2" was born.

        >I didn't even realize that the jokes were an issue back in the day until I lurked places like NMA.
        They were, but they were not a serious issue. I always disliked the talking deathclaws, even as a kid, though I did find the option to have a deathclaw companion neat, and so it as a weak, but ultimately acceptable concession.

        And that was more or less the general sentiment. Yeah, Fo1's atmosphere was much tighter, it's villain was much better, the main story had more though in it.
        But the sheer amount of great side content, the sheer amount of options, alternate questlines and quest solutions, of build options, as well as the general though put into the world-building, the politics and economics of the world - all of that was absolutely great, and if we had to sacrifice something minor like an over-use of a joke, so be it.
        The understanding of what Fo2 does well - what it actually does do significantly better than Fo1 was implicit in those discussions. It really was only much later, when people started flocking to the franchise in late 2010's when this all got twisted into "Fallout 2 was always hated, it was totally a reddit game!" bullshit, because... well that is what internet does to people nowdays.

        >But thats nonsense because its just as possible to produce a useless garbage build on Fallout 2
        Do you... do you not know how to read? Are you completely blind or something?
        Go back to the post and read it again, carefully this time.

        For a breakdown of that argument.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >99% of "Fallout 1 purists" are actually fallout 3 fans
      Reminds me of that ‘Fallout 3 is better than you think’ video where the guy basically tried to use 1 to beat up on NV while defending 3. He also bizarrely never bought up 2 much.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I mean I think it is pretty clear that Fallout 3 follows the path of 1 while New Vegas follows the path of 2

        • 2 weeks ago

          no lol
          Fallout 3 tries to be serious but ends up being dumb, at least 2 knows it's a joke

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yes, Little Lamplight would have been right at home in Fallout 1.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 1 is better than 2 because 1 doesn't have a companion who does a 3 second animation every single time combat ends and starts. Get your shit together Goris, we're on the clock here.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why do people even take Goris? He's not good at anything but getting accidentally shot and eating miniguns. I see no reason to ever take anyone but Cassidy, Sulik with the blade runner gun, Vic, and Marcus

      • 2 weeks ago

        Gorris is just really cool conceptually, I will always take him

      • 2 weeks ago

        Marcus is the only one who can use energy guns so I give him the endgame one. Sulik in power armor with a fist. Cassidy gets a Gauss. Pretty op, but then 2 has terrible pacing. Only fun fights are against the slavers and raiders, everything else is too op to fight before doing the Navarro run.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    I only like fallout 1, 2, and NV even if 2 and NV are too reddit for my general pallette; the show was a great continuation of the west coast storyline that respected the lore and world of fallout 1

  13. 2 weeks ago

    I'm playing 1 right now for the first time.
    It's good, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of viable builds and item selection.
    Side quests are pretty meager too.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You'll like the second game way more then. What you listed are my biggest issues when I replay the first game. It's tough going back but it's still a fine replay every 5 years or so.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You'll likely enjoy 2 more then. 2 isn't perfect in that regard either but it has more in terms of character options and quests. The biggest issue is that 2 still has 1s skill list, including having both First Aid and Medicine for some reason. Fallout 1 is still a great experience though, I'm not oblivious to why people would prefer the first game.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Doctor* though that just shows how much it should have been rolled into Medicine like in F3/NV

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's what I'm talking about
      Fallout 1 just feels like half the game

    • 2 weeks ago

      >It's good, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of viable builds and item selection.
      Yeah, your feelings are correct. Fo1 is a very sparse game, it experiments with interesting systems, but absolutely lacks the space or scope to take advantage of them. It really is, as others pointed out, actually a very small game, and with that small scope, the otherwise solid RPG system just does not have time to shine, less-standard builds don't have enough opportunities to be used.
      In terms of mechanics, quests and choices and consequences, Fo1 is really just a test-build for Fallout 2, where these things do actually mostly come together.
      I mean there will always be more and less optimal builds, skills that are scuffed in both games. But Fo2 does still have so much more content - so much much more quests lines, options, dialogue and opportunities where your build options can be utilized.

      • 2 weeks ago

        But thats nonsense because its just as possible to produce a useless garbage build on Fallout 2

    • 2 weeks ago

      FO1 has only 1 viable build AGILITY & its kino.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Fallout 1 female vault dweller is BUILT FOR SUPERMUTANT wiener

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Fallout 1 female vault dweller is BUILT FOR SUPERMUTANT wiener
          they are infertile and cannot even get it up. She's built for Ian's wiener.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    I can’t help but laugh at the things that try to use
    >but the modern games have better gunplay
    Okay and? It’s an rpg franchise, meaning those mechanics are the basis and determining factor for how good each entry is and how well the gameplay is received. Not superfluous systems of how well it feels to aim and point a gun. If you an gps frick off and play COD or battlefront. Kakgy

    • 2 weeks ago

      Its an action RPG. The action is just as important if not more so and the RPF mechanics just exist to improve your ability to action.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nope. Questing, character builds and world interaction gameplay supersedes all else.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Evidently not

          • 2 weeks ago

            According to who? The vocal minority of underaged morons? No one. Skies that utterance

            • 2 weeks ago

              In that it's an action RPG and doesn't care much for the ideas you're espousing.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Nah it’s a crpg franchise the low standards of console plebs and kids doesn’t change that

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nah they’re crpgs first and foremost. Bethesdas inabikity and failure to create quality products in the defining genre of the franchise doesn’t change that

        • 2 weeks ago

          Were talking about the modern 3d games. Not even New Vegas comes close to CRPG territory.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Right and it is not an "action RPG" as you made up, that term refers to games like Diablo dumfrick. New Vegas would be refered to as an RPG FPS but that's not really a genre as New Vegas is really the only game that has ever done this.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >New Vegas would be refered to as an RPG FPS but that's not really a genre as New Vegas is really the only game that has ever done this
              What about System Shock 2 and Deus ex?

              • 2 weeks ago

                ImSims like SS2 and Deus Ex are more linear and less focused on the sandbox experience that New Vegas does. Funny enough Fallout 1 would actually be the most comparable to those games in terms of progression despite not being a first person shooter.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >New Vegas is really the only game that has ever done this
              fallout 3 is the same shit. they are consolekiddy trash that prioritize reflexes over the character sheet. Your ability to press S and click on heads is more important than anything else in those games

              • 2 weeks ago

                >fallout 3 is the same shit
                Well except for the rpg part, but yeah!

                No it refers to Fallout 3-76 because its called an Action RPG. Trying to call those games CRPGs is moronic.

                >No it refers to Fallout 3-4-76
                Those are not RPG's unfortunately so they don't fit the definition. A role playing game allows you to role play a character and influence the story allowing for diverging outcomes, those games do not facilitate that.

            • 2 weeks ago

              No it refers to Fallout 3-76 because its called an Action RPG. Trying to call those games CRPGs is moronic.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    I fricking loved Fallout 2

    Frick everybody who doesn't

  16. 2 weeks ago

    I don't care much about Fallout 1 and 2. Underrail just stomps them in almost every category and massively improves on their systems. Save for maybe aesthetic and that's subjective.

    • 2 weeks ago

      underrail is more dungeon crawler than rpg. it does the combat and build autism better (even if i'm not big on the skill cooldowns). it's lacking on the political conflicts and roleplaying

      • 2 weeks ago

        >it's lacking on the political conflicts
        No. The relationship between the in game factions is way better than Fallout.

        Fallout is not even close.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not that anon but I found Underrail's story and writing pretty dry. It was functional but nothing I'd call very interesting.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I only remember there being 1 conflict between the guys in core city. ever location in fallout is built around a conflict for you to solve

  17. 2 weeks ago

    >The rest of Fallout 1 team founded Troika Games and made Vampire: The Masquerade... which were not serious either
    Sometimes a Black person on this site says something so moronic I have no choice but to respond. It's instinct. There's nothing I can do other than call you a fricking nimrod and express my pity for you, how it must hurt to use that delicate little muscle inside your skull.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Arcanum was a pretty serious game but Bloodlines had a ton of jokes. OP is half right.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Arcanum was a pretty serious game but Bloodlines had a ton of jokes. OP is half right.
        It's odd that the concept of dark comedy seems to be so alien to so many people on what is supposedly the edgiest videogame community out there...

      • 2 weeks ago

        Arcanum lets you have sex with a sheep. Even that game has it's silly moments but you're right in that it's played pretty straight.

        • 2 weeks ago

          it also has an in-universe explanation of how the universe's physics work in the instruction manual
          which shows how serious they take the setting when it's important

        • 2 weeks ago

          Iirc they react like you’re a subhuman hedonistic freak. The humor comes from the absurd notion that anyone or any character would tolerate that as acceptable. There’s something similar in wasteland 3, where if you become and animal fricker other characters will mock you or tell you to frick off and stay away from them.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout and fallout 2 are the best versions of the series. Shrimple as. Get on board or get over it

  19. 2 weeks ago

    1 has a tighter story. 2 has a better sandbox. I dont care for sandboxs. So I prefer 1.


  20. 2 weeks ago

    NV has the best story. It shows the why of the war best and how people can move forward. 1,2 are more how the Old World is gone, and people on an uphill battle to survive.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Fallout is the only game with struggling to survive being a main focus. Fallout 2 more than anything is how humanity overcame the challenge and what the new status quo of the world is after learning to adapt and prosper. The apocalypse is long over and done with by fallout 2, even fallout to a certain degree

    • 2 weeks ago

      >NV has the best story. It shows the why of the war best and how people can move forward.
      I think Fo1 and FoNV are on par in terms of actual main plot. Fo2's main plot is absolutely, undeniably weak, but on the other hand, it's best of all these games to communicate it's core theme through the world itself. Where it completely fails to make a decent antagonistic force (seriously, Enclave in Fo2 is not a good villain organization), it has the theme of human inherent propensity to self desctruction written very, VERY well into the individual side-stories, it's better at that than any other of the games.

      I find it nice that each game excels at something slightly different, while being true to one central core theme. NV has the most complex plot, with most interesting major players and great sense of structure, as it has you unite the torn world.

      Fo1 has the most charismatic villain, and does the best job of teaching the player what is at stake - the world is hostile in a way that make you understand why Master was doing what he was doing.

      Meanwhile, Fo2 is just a fantastic collection of small snapshots and individual minor stories that each capture and build up the theme, like a mosaic.

      All three tackle the theme in their own, and very succesful way. Though purely personally speaking: I like NV the least. I just don't think I'll ever be comfortable with post-Morr gamebryo, that engine just feel so god damn uncanny to me.

      • 2 weeks ago

        This is a nice post. I feel like this articulates why I enjoy all three games despite the flaws.

      • 2 weeks ago


        Your favorite game in the series (let's be real, the series starts and ends with 1,2, and NV) boils down to which of these you value the most.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Enclave isn’t a good villain, but they serve enough of a purpose of being the antagonistic force that threatens to wipe out what people have rebuilt.

        • 2 weeks ago

          tbh I like The Enclave. They're not a compelling villian but they are a fun one. There's a reason why people quote Arch Dornan, Frank Horrigan, and the Comm Officer.

          • 2 weeks ago

            There are good enclave characters, but the faction itself is a bit too underbaked.

          • 2 weeks ago

            There are good enclave characters, but the faction itself is a bit too underbaked.

            they really dropped the ball depicting the management of the enclave. Turning them into amazon vault tec tier mustache twirling cartoon evils. Maybe a generation ship might have been too much for even F2 but seriously the writers should have come up with a less brain dead explanation for enclave motives and activity. Like they are the pre war US federal gov remnants. how about them building up with the purpose of divide and conquering the mainland to reclaim it. They were already messing with New Reno mobsters

            • 2 weeks ago

              I guess it's a leadership issue? The Master knew what he wanted and so did Ceaser. Dicky Rick just seems moronic. It's probably also why the cultures of Navarro and the Oil Rig feel different. I don't mind too much as it does show why bombs were flying in the first place from incompetent governments, but I can also see it being a waste of an opportunity for a villain.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I guess it's a leadership issue? The Master knew what he wanted and so did Ceaser. Dicky Rick just seems moronic.
                Yeah, I think that was the intention, that Enclave disfunctional at it's core. It's the military and a goverment for a country that no longer exists, the leaders are without feedback and going mental, their position of leadership no longer being based on rationale of selecting the most competent - meanwhile the rank and file are literal meatheads, soldiers, who just keep doing orders not questioning the legitimacy of those who give them. I also always understood the position of the "president" as pure puppet for Horrigan, further illustrating how the whole thing is a sham.
                But I may be misreading the situation. Either way: It's not good. Either it's a good idea poorly executed, or just a bad idea.

                To cut the game some slack, it's also painfully obvious that the whole final act of the game is UNBELIVABLY rushed and unfinished.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >To cut the game some slack, it's also painfully obvious that the whole final act of the game is UNBELIVABLY rushed and unfinished.
                Thanks Interplay. They were also the ones that demanded the Temple of Trials to exist in the first place to help new players, ironic since The Temple is now part of why people don't touch F2.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I guess it's a leadership issue? The Master knew what he wanted and so did Ceaser. Dicky Rick just seems moronic.
                Yeah, I think that was the intention, that Enclave disfunctional at it's core. It's the military and a goverment for a country that no longer exists, the leaders are without feedback and going mental, their position of leadership no longer being based on rationale of selecting the most competent - meanwhile the rank and file are literal meatheads, soldiers, who just keep doing orders not questioning the legitimacy of those who give them. I also always understood the position of the "president" as pure puppet for Horrigan, further illustrating how the whole thing is a sham.
                But I may be misreading the situation. Either way: It's not good. Either it's a good idea poorly executed, or just a bad idea.

                To cut the game some slack, it's also painfully obvious that the whole final act of the game is UNBELIVABLY rushed and unfinished.

                Fallout 2 just really needed some more time to develop. There's a lot of obvious cut aspects.
                Fallout 1, as well, but with Fo2 it's far more evident.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Both NV and F2 are kind of amazing in being as cohesive as they are while still being able to improve on the mechanics of the prior games. I do wish they stayed in the oven just a bit longer. F1 seems like it has the reverse issue in that the plot and locations were very well thought out but the game mechanics themselves struggled as evident from how useless half the skills seem to be, from what I understand part of that came from no longer being a GURPs game.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Fallout 1 has a few important cut quests like the Vipers, the Iguana Bob quest or all the shit with the Rippers and Followers spy in the Boneyard.

                Kind of funny that the Iguana Bob quest would have been nice to have just to give an excuse for the play to have to return to Junktown at some point. Too many of 1's locations require you to visit them only once to squeeze all the possible quests and interactions of out of them.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Fallout 2 just really needed some more time to develop. There's a lot of obvious cut aspects.
                It goes far beyond the obviously cut and underdeveloped content. The game shipped in an absolutely abysmal state. Whenever people b***h about modern games being released buggy, and how that would not fly back in the day, I think of Fallout 2 and Morrowind and and Witcher 1 and just laugh.
                Fo2 was broken on release, so fricking buggy, it took like 5 years to fix it fully. It was an absolute mess technically speaking. Even today with the absolutely insane amount of care the fanbase has put into patches and fixes, you'll still have shit like the combat save-corruption bug. I played it (like everyone else in my country) a little about a year after release, it was bundled with a game mag, and patched to the ninth degree, and half of us could not finish it because of some game-breaking bug.

                So yeah. When you look at San Fran, at the whole hubologist, at the whole final arch, the fricking oil-rig, it's obvious that is like a skeleton of what it was supposed to be, but it was the least of the game's rushed-to-release related problems.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Not him but I still have unpatched Fallout 2 on CD and I didn't have any problems beating the game. I do remember my trunk disappearing and then mysteriously reappearing 15 hours later lol.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Really? It consistently crashed on the first scripted encounter with Horrigan what I played it unpatched back in '98.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It was probably a hardware issue. During the 90s - mid 2000s (Win XP era), my biggest issues consisted of the disappearing trunk and extremely long load times during New Reno gang fights. I first ran this game on a Windows 98 pc that had a Pentium 2 processor and Voodoo 2 GPU. I think it also had 256 megs of sdram but it might have been 512. I'm too drunk to remember specifically from a ram standpoint.

            • 2 weeks ago

              in a sense, the Enclave honchos aren't supposed to be intelligent or cunning, but rather a depiction of the same dipshit career politicians that exist in real life and in Fallout's world.
              Richardson is a sickly moron just about anyone could break in half if they could get passed the platoons of heavily armed and armored troops around him.
              Enclave are most endemic of the same mentalities that caused the nukes to begin with. Politicians who are both stupid and malicious and soldiers who were just following orders and not thinking too hard about what they're doing or who they're pulling the tigger on.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Can't believe Fallout 2 predicted Joe Biden

              • 2 weeks ago

                You're sort of correct, but Joe Biden for his entire political career has been a poster boy for "establishment stooge who does nothing and has never actually done anything worthwhile for the American people."
                There are a lot of politicians like him, and there were a lot of politicians like him when Fo2 was being made.

            • 2 weeks ago
        • 2 weeks ago

          >Enclave isn’t a good villain, but they serve enough of a purpose of being the antagonistic force that threatens to wipe out what people have rebuilt.
          Yeah. And to the game's credit, they are also just straight up entertaining. The drill sergant from Navarro and the Gecko Powerplant dialogues are legendary for a reason.

          But in Fo2, the main plot is ultimately just a fairly weak excuse to drag you from location to location. The focus of the game actually on those locations, their stories and their mutual relationship.
          It kinda does make sense. As I said, in Fo1 the success of Master (beyond just... some good writing, voiceacting and sound design) as a good villain is in the fact that the harshness of the settings gives his motivation weight. But the harshness of the setting is also partially caused by how sparse the game is.

          If Fallout 2 wanted to actually flesh out all the core mechanical concepts of Fo1, it needed a far more populated world. Plus exploring the newly emerging civilization, and how they tend to repeat the old mistakes, is on it's own a good subject matter, and avoids being just a rehash of the first game.

          The price for that more populated and complex world, was the sense of existential threat that helped Master work. It's very difficult to create a relatable villain who still presents a threat to the whole world - if the world feels like it is doing OK.
          Plus, we know this about Avellone. He is good at dialogues, he is good at characters, he is good at smaller scenes, he isn't good at overarching plots. That was always true of his stories, from Fallout to past Planescape to Alpha Protocol. Every writer has his strong and weak sides, and big overarching plots are Avellone's weakness.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Interesting take.
            > Every writer has his strong and weak sides, and big overarching plots are Avellone's weakness.
            Curious at some of your favoured “overarching plots”; stuff you personally rate highly.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Curious at some of your favoured “overarching plots”; stuff you personally rate highly.
              Honestly, I'm kinda struggling for an answer, because I'm the kind of person who much prefers fiction that focuses on the smaller details. A lot. In literature, I usually prefer short stories to novela's, my all time favorite writer is a guy named Ibuse, who is actually straight up legendary for rejecting the very notion of a "beggining" and an "end", he is only interested in the detail.

              In game terms... my absolute favorite writing is in Pathologic titles, and I think the larger, over-arching story is there and strong, but again ultimately what I value the most is the smaller stuff.
              I'm just gonna rattle off some games that pop to my mind as feeling satisfying as an overarching story:
              Silent Hill 2
              The Witcher 1 and 2.

              That is all that comes to my mind right now.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    the frick are you talking about, Arcanum was absolutely a serious game
    in fact the sense of dignity which it treats it's own setting with is one of the greatest things about the game

  22. 2 weeks ago

    You can frick right off. I don't care if this is bait or not. Fallout peaked at 1, and has only been in decline ever since. 1 was a goddamn masterpiece.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 2 is an amazing game in my opinion despite its flaws, most of which I would think could have been easily fixed if Black Isle was able to do a scrip rewrite of main plot.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 1 is like a nice 10 hour compact RPG, Fallout 2 is that same rpg stretched over 30 hours and with more dated 90's references

    • 2 weeks ago

      >implying more of a good thing is bad
      Spoken like an ADHD addled moron.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    Yay.another "Fallout" thread.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 1 was great cause outside of easter eggs its humor was based on actual jokes wich fit. Fallout 2 dropped the rule of not being allowed to make reference humor and the end result was a bunch of "jokes" wich arent funny and anybody who isnt above the age of 40 needs to look up online wtf it even means. So all you are left with is dialogue wich just forces itself to reference something wich you the non boomer player have to be forced to read. In everything but quality of life features, enemy variety and amount of quests Fallout 1 is also just superior. Though as some anons said Fallout 1 is also liked cause its shorter for adhd zoomers and this is true I played through Fallout 2 thrice and got nearly 200 hours in it meanwhile Im at like 90 hours for Fallout 1 but finished the game enough times that with enough time I could probably writer down all of the Masters dialogue.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't think that was a rule. they just went way overboard on 2

      • 2 weeks ago

        >implying fallout 1 didn't have le funny meme references either

        • 2 weeks ago

          how did you get that implication? I disagree with the assertion that there was a rule of no cultural references and included a pic of a cultural reference from 1

        • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            the game that's three times more vast than the other game contains more references too, that's fricking wild man. mind blowing. mind is blown.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >3 times the game
              >30 times the references

          • 2 weeks ago

            But they both have references, that makes them the same.

        • 2 weeks ago

          What is this meme here? Can you explain?

          • 2 weeks ago

            It's a reference to Star Wars.

          • 2 weeks ago

            That is a reference to "Star Wars IV" dialogue of Han Solo with the Death Star security staff when they recue princess Leia

    • 2 weeks ago

      A lot of Fallout 2's jokes are written in a deadpan way so if you didn't get the reference, it wouldn't even be construed as a joke. You're just baiting I think.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I love the subtle humor of Fallout 2's main villains spouting off Dan Quayle jokes

  27. 2 weeks ago

    >I... don't think that I can continue. Continue? To have done the things I have done in the name of progress and healing. It was madness. I can see that now. Madness. Madness? There is no hope. Leave now, leave while you still have hope...

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        Fallout 2 isnt canon

      • 2 weeks ago

        Fallout 2 shitty writing, this shit is worse than Fallout 3 and 4

        • 2 weeks ago

          what shitty is the fact that master didn't double check the sterility issue. "took a while to get the juices flowing" fixes it. Him believing the vault dweller can be his madness taking over

          • 2 weeks ago

            He doesn't believe you if all you do is say they're infertile. You have to provide him with a medical report showing why they're infertile, and it's pretty concrete why they are.
            The FEV views sex cells and eggs, with their half genetics, as damaged, and "repairs" them the same way it would scar tissue by giving it a complete genetic rewrite that's 100% complete, rather than 50% complete. This makes fertilization of an egg impossible.
            It's whacko science fiction but it works in the context of the setting. You literally have to give him the receipts to progress the pacifist speech option, because otherwise he doesn't believe you.

            • 2 weeks ago

              the robot lied and BOS bawd didn't know better. Master fixed FEV

              • 2 weeks ago

                so why aren't the supermutants fricking?

            • 2 weeks ago

              Curious there was not a option to direct him to see humans as breeding cattle where the most worthy would be chosen to be dipped for the new gen of mutants

              • 2 weeks ago

                whats the top right one?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Looks like ATOM RPG
                Basically slavjank Fallout. There's also a second game calle trudograd

              • 2 weeks ago

                List every game above

              • 2 weeks ago

                Because the Master's entire ideology for why he did the horrible things he did rested on the fact that his new super mutants where a superior being to humans, that they were the next step in humanities evolution.
                If the super mutants needed humans to survive then they obviously weren't inherently superior and thus his entire worldview collapsed.

              • 2 weeks ago

                What's the game in middle left on slavshit section

              • 2 weeks ago

                Ashes 2063/Afterglow. It good

          • 2 weeks ago

            Marcus is non-canon, shitty writing = non-canon

          • 2 weeks ago


            • 2 weeks ago

              >I ignore F2
              >mostly picks up on plot points from f2 in vegas
              sure thing pal

            • 2 weeks ago

              The reason Avellone is better than Sawyer is because despite the Californian homosexualry of both, Avellone posts on the based Codex while Sawyer posts on the homosexual SomethingAwful

      • 2 weeks ago
  28. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 1 has chris avellone in the game

    • 2 weeks ago

      He's also in Tactics
      >This character is based on game designer Chris Avellone, who formerly worked at Interplay Entertainment and Obsidian Entertainment.
      >The character shares both Avellone's name and appearance; however, Avellone did not voice the character, nor was he even aware of the character's inclusion in the game.
      >Had he learned about the character, Avellone has stated that he likely would have asked the developers to take him out of the game, as he is against 'breaking the fourth wall.'

  29. 2 weeks ago

    1 feels like a tutorial+proof of concept, 2 feels like three times the game 1 is.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's the problem with Ganker's zoomers--they don't actually enjoy playing the game. They just want a quick and dirty lore experience which is why they can't stand F2. It's a sandbox that they don't wanna play in. They might have to experience the combat and that's the last thing they want to have to deal with.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The biggest grognards all prefer 1, though. It's a purer cRPG experience

        • 2 weeks ago

          No they fricking don't.

          >tend to constantly shit on the originals for having "unplayable combat" so people just parrot that.
          But OP isn't talking about people who shit on both games, he talks about Fo1 purists.

          And for the record, the sentiment that Fallout 2 has been a bit too whacky for it's own good has existed since the game was released. It was a common sentiment shared by vast majority of people all the way back in the earliest days of the oldest Fallout fan communities, like old NMA and Mad Brahmin.

          And with good reason. While both games are dark comedies at heart, Fo2 did go a bit overboard on the comedy side of things, and has some genuinely needlessly silly moments that detract from the experience. Nobody who grew up with these games will seriously argue that talking Deathclaws was a good addition to the settings.

          However, when people used to criticize Fo2 for it's over-use of jokes and references, and lack of consistent tone, it was done in a context. That context was that everybody knew that Fallout 2 is a fantastic game, in most ways massively superior to the original, even in majority of it's writing. The fact that Fallout 2 isn't shit - it just got this one fairly minor aspect wrong, did not have to be stated, it was obvious to everyone involved in those old communites.

          The issue came with the increasing tribalism that spread across the internet around the same time Gen7 was infesting the industry, and it absolutely EXPLODED when F:NV came out, and threw very bad light at Fallout 3.
          Fallout 3 fans became rabid with insecurity, and the absurd extremism spread ou to all discourse surrounding Fo games.

          And in a move to try and justify their preference for Fo3, bethesda drones dug out those old discussions criticizing Fo2's tone, and though it would be a way to justify their game. Except they did not have that context.

          They began drawing an analogy between Fo1 and Fo3 and Fo2 and New Vegas, and that is how the meme of people HATING "always hating Fo2" was born.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yes, they do

            • 2 weeks ago

              >ironic blog posting
              everybody, calm your breasts

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's the most autistic cRPG blog

              • 2 weeks ago

                thanks I hate it

            • 2 weeks ago

              That's one person that was chased off of RPG Codex for being a moronic attention prostitute.

  30. 2 weeks ago

    Is there any good qol mods for Fallout 2 or is it fine as it is. I remember using something for Fallout 1

    • 2 weeks ago

      Unofficial Patch for a vanilla bug-fix experience, Restoration Project for Fallout 2 with added in content.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yeah, there's something like that
      No, I don't know its name because I'm using modpack

    • 2 weeks ago

      inventory filter and sfall

  31. 2 weeks ago

    these threads are so tiresome recently, nothing but same old bait

  32. 2 weeks ago

    reminder, you can mod in missing content into FO2, so there's no reason to feel the wrong way these days. pro tip

  33. 2 weeks ago

    >purer crpg
    as if FO2 lacks any of the gameplay from the first one

    • 2 weeks ago

      It lacks proper consequences such as the death of entire towns if you screw up.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I simply shot up the towns in FO1, I didn't need a narrative reason to do it. They had shit I wanted.

      • 2 weeks ago

        What? can't you frick over every location you visit?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Intentionally killing every inhabitant in a town is not you fricking up.

  34. 2 weeks ago

    why can't a series have multiple characteristics that define them? why must it only have one? because you are stupid low iq Black person?

  35. 2 weeks ago

    why can't new vegas fans accept the fact the game is not as good as they think it it?

  36. 2 weeks ago

    so anyway, I just started Blasting

  37. 2 weeks ago

    >a couple of edgy jokes and some dark humor = game is now a comedy
    lore and shit aside, all of you people are morons.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    i'm playing it right now and the gameplay is so fricking awful. can't believe people like this shit.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    To be honest, Fallout would never have made it big if wasn't for Bethesda saving the franchise from obscurity. Now, everyone can enjoy it, especially Fallout 4 + 76 since they're really good. You can go and acquire Fallout 76 right now on Prime Gaming as long as you have an active Prime membership btw.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Now, everyone can enjoy it, especially Fallout 4 + 76 since they're really good
      Frick off Todd

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm sorry that Starfield didn't succeed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Absolutely, Bethesda really did save Fallout from fading into obscurity. It's amazing how they've turned it around and made it accessible to everyone. And yeah, Fallout 76 on Prime Gaming is a great deal for Prime members. Thanks for spreading the word!

      • 2 weeks ago

        Fallout 76 is now available on Prime Gaming for Prime members to enjoy

        Todd stop

    • 2 weeks ago

      it it wasn't for todd we would've gotten fallout 3 from troika and if that didn't pan out inexile would've made a new fallout instead of wasteland 2

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Troika Fallout
        >Van Buren / InXile Fallout
        >BioWare Fallout
        So many interesting forks that Fallout could have taken.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Seeing as how Bioware turned out, I'm happy that we'll never see one. I'd actually love an InXile Fallout, though. I had a good time with Wasteland 2 and 3.

          • 2 weeks ago

            idk at least Bioware could have squeezed out a decent Fallout game if they were Dragon Age era Bioware. But then again Bethesda did the same with New Vegas and I'm not sure if the trade would have been worth it.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I feel like they would have made the game 70% romances which wouldn't feel like Fallout at all.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Todd is the kind of person who watches something like The Sound of Music and comes away with the biggest impression that pink lemonade was a wild concept in the late 1930s

  40. 2 weeks ago

    >someone says they like fallout 4
    >nv tranies start malding

  41. 2 weeks ago

    >someone makes fun of todd
    >bethesdatroony starts seething

  42. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 76 is now available on Prime Gaming for Prime members to enjoy

  43. 2 weeks ago

    Yeah, see I actually really dislike 1 + 2... new vegas as well... they're just like... clunky and there's too many stats and dialogue options. Man I just want to shoot ghouls wearing that awesome power armour! 🙂

    • 2 weeks ago

      btw you can get brotherhoods of steel and vault boy collectible Funko pops on amazon.com right now

  44. 2 weeks ago

    Brian Fargo wasn't part of the main dev team, he was the president of the company and had some input but it wasn't "his" game (despite the fact that his is the first name in the intro). Also Bard's Tale and Wasteland predate Fallout by 12 and 9 years respectively.
    The idea that a game isn't serious because some of the people involved have also worked on less serious games doesn't follow. Creators are capable of making works in a variety of tones. There's no logic to what you're saying whatsoever. The fact that you would even consider this "logic" tells me that you are not qualified to breed, drive, operate heavy machinery, or have any form of authority over anyone.
    Basically you are an incredibly stupid person and should have a nice day as soon as possible.

  45. 2 weeks ago

    I played through both for the first time last year. I would consider 1 to be better overall. But 2 is also fantastic. Everything good about it far outweighs the dumber, half-baked ideas it has. I don't understand how anyone could discount it wholesale. On another note, I found it endearing learning firsthand that game-breaking bugs and errors were always a feature of the series.

  46. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 2 has less talking heads than Fallout 1 (aka the best part). Ergo it is worse.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's actually around the same but since the game is larger, it feels like there are fewer of them. I blame the small budget.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Actually F1 has double the amount of heads. It's just that you might not run into some of them like Loxley. Some F2 characters like the Mordinos should have had one.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Can you not read? Then again listening to Tony Jay as Lou is pure joy.

  47. 2 weeks ago

    I have heard the Steam version of Fallout 1 is censored, what's the best way to play the original game now?

    • 2 weeks ago

      iirc it's based on the UK version of Fallout 1 so no kids but I thought the patches added them back in. Either way just get Fixt or Et Tu.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Fixt or Et Tu.

        Do you have any preference?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Et Tu is basically just Fixt but with F2s QoL features. Unless you want to keep things as vanilla as possible Et Tu is what you pick.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Et tu it is. Thanks anon

  48. 2 weeks ago

    I see nu fallout gays are still so insecure they need to bash a near 30 year old game that's better than their weird lifeless action slop

  49. 2 weeks ago

    I would probably rate Fallout 1 and 2 as belonging in the dumpster. They are both gutter garbage. This video contains more information, I agree with everything this guy in this video says

    • 2 weeks ago

      True! This is a good point. I am embarrassed to exist in the same universe as the Fallout TV show

    • 2 weeks ago


      Stop spamming your shit videos and buy and ad you raped cuckold.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nic is a cuckold? I thought he was asexual

        • 2 weeks ago


          have a nice day already.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Is this a gaming reference I'm not familiar with?

  50. 2 weeks ago

    Basically, Fallout New Vegas is about trade routes and border sprawl and Fallout 3 is about big metal men shooting orc- I mean super mutants with laser guns

  51. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 1 has a kino mood but it's quite short and doesn't have enough content to make it worth replaying, it's also almost as black and white as fallout 3 but everyone pretends it doesn't for some fricking reason. I also genuinely don't get homosexuals who claim 1 and NV are their favs.
    Fallout 2 is straight up an upgrade in every conceivable way. The humor isn't enough of a reason to discredit how good is the game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Jokes and references are the last problems I have with 2's writing. For example, everything to do with the tribes alone makes no sense. Why is Arroyo some facsimile of a Native American tribe when the vault dweller never came into contact with anything remotely like them? If they were deliberately trying to lead a primitive existence, why seek out the GECK in the first place? Why the frick does Shulik have a Jamaican accent at all if he's from the Pacific Northwest? So many ideas in 2 feel like they were only thought about for five minutes max.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Jokes and references are the last problems I have with 2's writing.
        >For example... [lists a bunch of references]

        • 2 weeks ago

          Explain how anything I described is a reference to another piece of media. There's a reason I wrote "Shulik having a Jamaican accent" and not "Shulik quoting a UB40 song"

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Explain how anything I described is a reference to another piece of media
            Nta, but the whole thing is a giant reference to the Earth Abides

            • 2 weeks ago

              By that metric, Fallout 1 is a giant reference to A Canticle for Liebowitz.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Not really. Just the BoS.

  52. 2 weeks ago

    Why does it feel like the Fallout 3 vs NV shit flingers are using 1 and 2 as proxies withount playing either?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Idk, because lore and tone. If only they'd actually sit down to play them.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They are but then all the old fans decide to squat in the threads instead so they have a place to discuss the old games.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It doesn't

  53. 2 weeks ago

    The brotherhood of steel was a mistake

    • 2 weeks ago

      They're fine, the problem was trying to turn them into an icon. Both Beth and Interplay are guilty of this. Frankly NCR has more leverage to be the faction face of Fallout but nah let's just nuke em.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Frankly NCR has more leverage to be the faction face of Fallout but nah let's just nuke em.
        It also had a lot mode dev favoritism
        2 canonizing 1's NCR ending is universally accepted because 1's endings were usually good or bad and that was the good, but 2 had a ton of negative or neutral endings towards the NCR that weren't really good or evil and yet NV canonized all the pro NCR ones and made them even mightier for the game. Most of the quests are about helping the NCR, killing them in only really mandatory in 1 of the 4 endings and they also get the best epilogue flags even when it doesn't make sense for them to do so

        • 2 weeks ago

          I feel more like New Vegas canonized one ending for 2's NCR and it was the specific quest that was part of the main story and the one the player is the most likely to do. Which is to say the quest where you get the Vault 15 squatters to work with the NCR -- the same quest where even in Fallout 2 overrides other possible endings.

          You could make the same complaint with New Vegas canonizing the good endings for The Followers and the Hub -- where it was actually impossible to get the good endings in Fallout 1 for them because of cut quests. If you really step back and look at things; NV canonized the good endings for most towns and factions in 1 and 2 -- it's just that the NCR benefitted the most from this.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yeah, but NV went beyond for the NCR unlike anywhere else
            They get Modoc and Arroyo when that wasn't even an option
            New Reno, Vault City, Redding all have good endings independent of the NCR, but it's the NCR one that's canonized

            • 2 weeks ago

              I get the impression that Modoc, Arroyo, Vault City and New Reno are still independent towns.
              Arroyo is only mentioned passingly by Emily Ortal and Modoc by Jas Wilkins. Neither are refenced as being NCR owned.
              Vault City is mentioned solely by Cass and her only comment is that they're pacifists. Which is pretty ambiguous as to its exact meaning.

              There's not a chance Reno isn't still independent because it's still canonically ran by the crime families of Fallout 2 plus the Van Graffs. If the city had a proper government, that wouldn't be the case.

              >Outdoorsman checks
              Can you name a single outdoorsman check in Fallout 2? I can't think of any

              There's no dialogue checks for Outdoorsman, but when travelling in the overworld, the game takes the party member with the highest Outdoorsman (Sulik has the highest of the companions) and uses it in the calculation for random encounters. IIRC the game does the same thing with the Barter stat (I believe Cass has the highest barter of the companions).

              • 2 weeks ago

                Their dialogue all indicate their cities are under the NCR
                For Jas:
                >But now there's taxes and laws and other things.
                >The NCR keeps things safe and orderly, but it's all very boring. So, I came out east towards the frontier.
                > I have family back in Arroyo, but this is where all of the good work is being done, so to speak.
                >NCR taxes and inflation have been hard for a lot of people to deal with, and most of the money is going to the war effort.
                Cass also mentions she doesn't want to be buried in Vault City, the implication being she's from there, and she's clearly an NCR citizen
                >There's not a chance Reno isn't still independent
                It's not. There's a powder ganger in the NCRCF that's from Reno. Why would they arrest people from other places?

              • 2 weeks ago

                guess I'm wrong then.
                I still don't think the issue is that big, however. It's a fairly logical progression from the NCR already being the most stable and powerful faction on the west coast growing into an even larger nation.

                Kind of funny, but I never really considered Cass would be born in/a resident of Vault City. I figured John Cassidy wouldn't have gone back after the events of 2, or at least would have eventually left on his own accord.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I still don't think the issue is that big, however
                I think it's less interesting to have one giant nation rather a large one with several neighbors and it goes over player choice.
                >It's a fairly logical progression from the NCR already being the most stable and powerful faction on the west coast growing into an even larger nation.
                Yeah, that's the narrative NV wanted to tell. The Mojave is the final frontier. There's nothing East that isn't the Legion and nothing West and that isn't the NCR, Hoover Dam decides if the coin is landing heads or tail for the future of the post apocalyptic US.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I can kind of see where you're coming from. I feel like part of that stems more from the fact that since NV takes place in a region that's more-or-less uncontrolled by the NCR, it doesn't really depict the core region of the NCR in the same level of detail.
                Again, I'll bring up the dialogues regarding New Reno still being relatively untamed as to how while it may be a city-state within the NCR, it's more than likely the city has retained its own identity and probably some kind of differences from the rest of the republic. It's not as if everything out west has been cloaked under the same homogenous blanket.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >There's nothing East that isn't the Legion
                even chuddionares mention getting their salvaged power armor pieces from fighting the tactics bos in Denver

  54. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 3 is by far the most gritty and dark Fallout game. It's just poorly written and lacking nuance. F:NV is way more wacky and jokey, but it's well written with nuance. That's the difference.

    Except the Long Dick Johnson line, that's the worst line in any Fallout game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Except the Long Dick Johnson line, that's the worst line in any Fallout game.
      Before every woman in media got so thoroughly masculinized they all piss standing, a line like that from a dainty thing like Cass was supposed to establish her as tought, dudette type, the kind that Michelle Rodriguez plays

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Except the Long Dick Johnson line, that's the worst line in any Fallout game.
      How do I know you're an american?

      • 2 weeks ago

        I thought Euros complained about Americans swearing too much and liking low brow crass humor

    • 2 weeks ago

      >the gritty and dark game featuring Republic of Dave, dude vampires, and superhero larpers

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Except the Long Dick Johnson line, that's the worst line in any Fallout game.
      gay. it showcases her vulgarity, drunkeness, disillusionment with the ncr and also

      >Except the Long Dick Johnson line, that's the worst line in any Fallout game.
      Before every woman in media got so thoroughly masculinized they all piss standing, a line like that from a dainty thing like Cass was supposed to establish her as tought, dudette type, the kind that Michelle Rodriguez plays

  55. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 1 is perfect hate for it has only popped up since the show has started airing

  56. 2 weeks ago

    The worst thing about 2 is the enclave
    Making the fatalism about man as a whole inevitably failing and starting the war into some shitty SNL tier """satire""" about george bush 1 a mere 5 years out of date

  57. 2 weeks ago

    I'm at the point in FO1 where all I do is targeted shots to the eyes (and sometimes groin)

  58. 2 weeks ago

    Should I grind to find the Alien Ship?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nah, you dont need that much power. Its overkill.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I found it after I gave up looking

  59. 2 weeks ago

    2 is only praised because of the gameplay improvements which shouldn't merit praise since it's a sequel and devs would obviously and naturally improve on it as opposed to coming up with a new mechanics, setting and IP from the ground up. As much as I like the stuff that 2 brought in like the Enclave, Fallout (1) is the only Fallout that matters. I don't even consider the overglorified DLC Troonout: Neo vegana to be canon or close to anything resembling Fallout in the same respect.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The "gameplay improvements" in fo2 are moronic, the mechanics of fallout are not rich enough to be fun for fricking dungeon crawls and trash combat, or to haul around shitty party members that aren't supposed to die within one combat. Fallout 1 has legitimately minimal combat unless sought where the GURPS style "violence simulation" comedy can stay fun to the end even though it will obviously devolve into eyeshots and health drinks and getting crit to death and reloading your save

  60. 2 weeks ago

    >2 is only praised because you can ask companions to move
    smartest Fallout 1 gay

  61. 2 weeks ago

    how come only 1 and 2 let you be moronic?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Bro, your new vegas?

  62. 2 weeks ago

    Not a Fallout developer
    >and made Vampire
    Not Fallout.

    Arguments, moron?

  63. 2 weeks ago

    I can understand 1>2 but I still prefer 2

  64. 2 weeks ago

    the humor in first game was within the concepts that are now staple in the series. like no one thinks brotherhood of steel is funny while in the first game it's a joke faction of tech hoarders larping as medieval knights and monastery monks. fallout 1 was inherently funny without having to shove a punchline to your face every other minute.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The franchise peaked at buy war bonds. It was all downhill from there

      • 2 weeks ago

        >buy war bonds
        oh shit, so Fallout main theme was always the critique of capitalist just because of 2 second clip in FO1 intro!
        Bravo Amazon, bravo Nolan!

  65. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      You know the rules.

  66. 2 weeks ago
  67. 2 weeks ago

    Do I need to have some friends to play with to enjoy Fallout 76 or can I just play it like a slightly worse single-player game?
    It's dirt cheap and I can't decide whether or not to pull the trigger.

    • 2 weeks ago

      My friends recently bought to play together and they all gave up before I could even join them. They said the gameplay was bad, there's a lot of lag, initially quest had too much talking and a private server costs too much a month

  68. 2 weeks ago

    >The rest of Fallout 1 team founded Troika Games and made Vampire: The Masquerade and Arcanum which were not serious either
    Why would you even lie like this? Are you banking on nobody playing Arcanum or Bloodlines?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I cried after fricking sheep in Arcanum
      Such dark and heavy moment

  69. 2 weeks ago

    NV = 2 > 1 >>> 4 >>>> 3

    This is objective fact and indisputable.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Horrible taste, as per usual for nu-neo-modern-/v/

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'd agree but I'm sure if 4 is better than 3, it cut down a lot of rpg mechanic and had trash crafting
      I'd put them at equal at the very bottom in the shit puddle

      • 2 weeks ago

        Fallout 4 is underrated now.


    • 2 weeks ago

      NV (modded) > 4 (modded) > NV unmodded > 1 > 3 (modded) > 4 (unmodded) > 2 > 3

      • 2 weeks ago

        congrats on being the biggest homosexual in the thread, homosexual.

      • 2 weeks ago

        the man of culture I see

        • 2 weeks ago

          This is canon by the way because in fallout 4 you're asked if you had sex with deathclaw
          Unfortunately you can't say yes

          • 2 weeks ago

            Reminder that new reno prostitutes have a line about a client asking them to put on a death claw costume.
            They knew. They always knew

            • 2 weeks ago

              >12 lines mentioning deathclaw

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's the same two lines just repeated multiple times.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Shame you can't have it as a companion

      • 2 weeks ago

        F4 has barely any good mods. That need to tell everything you need to know about the fanbase, there is not passion for this shit game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      2 = 1 = NV > 4 > 3

      • 2 weeks ago

        4 is not better than 3 what are you smoking

        • 2 weeks ago

          mod it with hotdiggity

        • 2 weeks ago

          3 is terrible in every way imaginable from an RPG standpoint. 4 at least has fun gunplay and sandbox survival stuff.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I agree but it's an open world theme park primarily. Shouldn't be treated like an RPG. Same for Fallout 4 but Fallout 4's open world is inferior and it's overall level design as well. Yes the shooting is better in 4 but it went from a 3/10 in Fallout 3 to 6/10 in Fallout 4.

  70. 2 weeks ago

    I played Fallout 2 like 20 times when I was in middle school. I lent my copy of Fallout 1 to my friend and he thought it was lame because you fight rats when you leave the vault.

  71. 2 weeks ago

    if u want online Fallout try zombie panic source

  72. 2 weeks ago

    I had a fun time playing 76, especially when my friends got on and we played it together. Breaking into the bunker to launch a nuke with my friend for the first time was a lot of fun, and so was exploring other peoples bases. It was fun to build bases in heavy traffic locations to help players get by. I built one in one of the main cities as a big bridge just south of the actually bridge because the real bridge lead to mini-boss or something similar. some others would have beneficial bases like that or have bases tucked away and it was a little treat to find. at the time I felt it's biggest flaw was the lack of decent end game content, and a lack of interactable NPCs, even if they had some at the time I played it felt like there could have been more. some of the questlines were pretty cool too. It's a shame Bethesda likes to force BoS because some of the factions they create have potential but for some reason it's always BoS and Enclave. At least Modus was cool
    That being said, I played it a year or two after it's release when they fixed and added a lot of shit, and it's release was probably as hellish as people make it out to be.

  73. 2 weeks ago

    >start FO1
    >start stabbing rats to save ammo
    >start heading out to the wasteland
    >encounter 5 radscorpions
    >take out my pistol
    >they gang up on me and kill me
    What a great fricking game. I love it when I have to take turns missing my shots.

    I fricking hate turn cringe combat so much. LET ME JUST BASH THE GUY'S SKULL IN. DONT TELL ME TO WAIT MY TURN

    • 2 weeks ago

      Literal skill issue.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >bro just click on the guy harder and pray that you hit him
        >don't worry that you used up all your AP can't do shit anymore
        >just trust me bro it's a fun game

        • 2 weeks ago

          >build your character wrong
          skill issue

        • 2 weeks ago

          you can literally have 4 companions active at all times and they can win most fights for you if you equip them well and give them 10 stimpacks each. you just have to read what weapons are the best for them.

          Thyco = Snipers and a Spear
          Ian = that one handed gun that shoots hard as frick and a good knfe
          Katja = a good knife
          Dogmeat = nothing

    • 2 weeks ago

      Wish granted. Combat is now real time but it's so awful and clunky you use VATS as much as possible.

    • 2 weeks ago

      bro your small guns skill?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Huh, my experience with FO1 was
        >Use first pistol until I get the .223 pistol
        >proceed to beat the game

        >build your character wrong
        skill issue

        I bought FO 1&2 around 2014 and have tried multiple fricking times to get into it. I fricking hate turn cringe combat so much.

        you can literally have 4 companions active at all times and they can win most fights for you if you equip them well and give them 10 stimpacks each. you just have to read what weapons are the best for them.

        Thyco = Snipers and a Spear
        Ian = that one handed gun that shoots hard as frick and a good knfe
        Katja = a good knife
        Dogmeat = nothing

        I've never gotten far enough to even recruit a companion. I also refuse to read guides or walk-throughs because I'm stubborn

        • 2 weeks ago

          You sound like a homosexual.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >I fricking hate turn cringe combat so much.
          Sub-human IQ

        • 2 weeks ago

          >I haven’t gotten as far as Shady Sands to recruit a companion
          Are you actually moronic or just one of those types who play 5 minutes of older games just to say they have played them before?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Admits he didn't even make it to the first town
          Double digit IQs being filtered by those cave rats will never be not funny to me.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Huh, my experience with FO1 was
      >Use first pistol until I get the .223 pistol
      >proceed to beat the game

      • 2 weeks ago

        It’s the alien blaster for me. Ian was a fricking god using the .223 though.

        • 2 weeks ago

          yeah people shit on Ian a lot, he saves the day with the .223
          all the memes where shitting on Ian that he shoots you and what not, just dont get in his line of sight, simple but people are moronic.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I bet you got filtered by Morrowind too.

      • 2 weeks ago

        morrowind is harder than fallout

        • 2 weeks ago

          Fallout 1 is piss easy but Fallout 2 would be harder than morrowind

        • 2 weeks ago

          NO SHIT!?!

    • 2 weeks ago

      If you don't like it there's an option in the settings to make the enemy's turns pass instantly. I think it's "fast combat" or something. There's a checkbox to skip all enemy animations, so your next turn comes instantly.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >they gang up on me and kill me

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Doesn’t level his weapons skill
      >Misses constantly
      >Outnumbered and under equipped
      >Doesn’t run
      >Cries on the basket weaving forum
      You understand how this makes you look, right?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Start FO1
      >Use knife on rats
      >Miss because I have low melee stat
      >This is the games fault
      >Encounter Radscorpions
      >Decide to engage instead of running
      >Use gun and miss because I assumed Perception is a dump stat
      >This is the games fault
      Why doesn't this game just let me win bros?

      • 2 weeks ago

        to engage instead of running
        I was playing and talking with some friends over discord and everyone was very amused at how much, survived combat before Ian, by just running and tentatively shooting things when there was enough distance
        I can't imagine low AG builds, they must be crazy frustrating

  74. 2 weeks ago

    >Sniper build point and click adventure

  75. 2 weeks ago

    You're kind of moronic and wrong, OP.
    Fallout 1 for the first year of its development was made solely by Tim Cain, not Brian fargo; Fargo was Tim's boss as the ceo of interplay (aka meme position and a hack, he fricked over tim and didnt pay him his bonuses, and generally ran the company into the ground) and when Tim showed him the demo he had been developing in secret, he was given funding to go ahead with a team to finish it. But fallout 1 was always a product of Tim Cain's mind first and foremost, and it is defined predominately by his vision.

    The only noteworthy game that Tim also produced is Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, a spiritual successor to fallout 1 that took itself extremely seriously and wrote an even grittier, more depressing world than the original fallout one - albiet to be fair with some silly jokes sprinkled in.

    Tim is a serious person who likes to write depressing as frick worlds, and in general you seem to know much less about the original fallout development than you let on, OP. Fallout 1 was a 1 man passion project until it was already a year into development, and Tim Cain wasn't involved in the shitfests that Brian fargo made afterwards: he left interplay and those teams behind early into fallout 2's development.

    You're kind of moronic and full of confirmation biases about how your vision of events is right, despite them being misinformed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >generally ran the company into the ground)
      why are you lying? Herve, is that you??

  76. 2 weeks ago

    I think fans of any Fallout game, no, any Bethesda game, are morons.

  77. 2 weeks ago
  78. 2 weeks ago


    >he doesn't know
    newbie you will get banned

  79. 2 weeks ago

    Zoomer here (27). Fallout 1 stinks and trans women ARE women

  80. 2 weeks ago


    surely you're just baiting and not actually underage, nobody's that moronic.

  81. 2 weeks ago

    >more than half of Ganker too dumb to play an rpg with combat mechanics on the same level of depth as gen 1 pokemon

    • 2 weeks ago

      Zoomers are low IQ

  82. 2 weeks ago

    1 was always funny, but 2 was like, the guacamelee of its time. They had a bad habit of shoving in pop culture references that are incomprehensible today. There's a reason a lot of that stuff is restricted to Wild Wasteland in NV (which by the way is a really smart way to handle it)

    I think 1 as a complete product is better 2, it's just tight, but a lot of 2's highest highs stick more firmly in my memory than 1. 1 is a self contained product and Fallout 2 started really establishing the fallout setting and tone and I love that shit. Every Enclave talking head in FO2 is peak CRPG dialogue.

  83. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 2 is LITERALLY rick and morty in the desert

    • 2 weeks ago

      Fallout 1 has more star wars references than fallout 2 despite being almost three times shorter

  84. 2 weeks ago

    Skills you need not spend points on:
    Big Guns: Only used late in the game, and not as effective as you'd think, either.
    Throwing: Rocks and grenades simply don't play a huge role in the world of Fallout.
    First Aid: Since it starts out higher than Doctor you'll probably be using this some at the beginning of the game. Once you get to the Hub you can raise it to 91% using books and you don't need more.
    Doctor: Pretty marginal. You can fix a broken limb at a very low skill level, and other than that you're fine with First Aid, Stimpaks and natural healing.
    Sneak: Not overly useful, and it doesn't work in many of the situations where it would have been good.
    Steal: You don't need to steal stuff for the trade value, stealing ammo and chems before combat is lame, and there aren't many other uses.
    Traps: There aren't that many traps in the game, actually, and they're not likely to kill you. You can raise it a little for convenience, but you don't really need to.
    Science: Can be raised with books to 91% once you reach the Hub. You don't need more.
    Repair: See Science.
    Barter: You don't have to trade much, and CH is more important for that anyway.
    Gambling: You don't need to get money by gambling.
    Outdoorsman: See Science.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Rocks and grenades simply don't play a huge role in the world of Fallout.
      You can use Rocks to hit like a fist weapon moron, in fact if you do a 1 STR 1 CHA build which is pretty good in this game because you can invest more in other stats you have to use the Rock early game as a fist weapon. Then upgrade to Brass Knuckles if you find them.

    • 2 weeks ago

      you can literally go through the entirety of mariposa undetected on a sneak build. the game gives you a frick ton of exp just for doing this

      • 2 weeks ago

        its way more powerful then just turning the PC effectively invisible. If you kill a critter in one turn with this it counts as a stealth kill and does not alert anybody. No restriction on weapon type so you can "stealth kill" groups of enemies with a grenade launcher

        Also if the critter survives other members dont beeline towards you but go for the alerted critter since they dont know where the shot came up. if you incapacitate the alert critter they gang up around them for that juice plasma grenade/grenade launcher/minigun/gatling gun/whatever the frick splash kill

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Steal: You don't need to steal stuff for the trade value, stealing ammo and chems before combat is lame, and there aren't many other uses.
      >Sneak: Not overly useful, and it doesn't work in many of the situations where it would have been good.
      >Barter: You don't have to trade much, and CH is more important for that anyway.
      >Gambling: You don't need to get money by gambling.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Gambling: You don't need to get money by gambling.
        He's right. Dead enemies drop so many expensive weapons that you don't know where to spend your money

    • 2 weeks ago

      >CH is more important for that anyway.
      >He doesn't dump stat CHA to 1 (2 with Gifted)
      Get the frick outta here casual homosexual

      • 2 weeks ago

        >casual homosexual

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not that anon but Gifted and Finesse are the best starting perks with a big difference

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Sneak: Not overly useful,
      thanks for your hot take straight from your ass. Out of the original line up sneak is the most ridiculous skill of them all with a single perk and some point investment to 80%+

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Throwing: Rocks and grenades simply don't play a huge role in the world of Fallout.
      You can do a really stupid build in FO2 where you throw lit flares at enemies' eyes and instakill them for 1 AP.

    • 2 weeks ago

      minmax autism is a serious mental illness

  85. 2 weeks ago

    It's not about being serious, it's about setting its own tone and expectations. The more Fallout games/shows coming out is turning the franchise into a hollow shell of itself. Factions are becoming less grey, BoS is being turned into mostly good superheroes with less downsides, and the humor is reaching Borderlands level of obnoxious. Modern Fallout is an officially licensed parody of what Fallout is. If you play the game without Wild Wasteland enabled, you would never be able to tell the difference since so many characters are just written poorly for comedic effect.

  86. 2 weeks ago

    I forgot how much of an absolute gem Josh Sawyer's formspring on New Vegas is. Fallout fans ask/say the dumbest shit ever.

    • 2 weeks ago

      NV is woke

      • 2 weeks ago

        And I wouldn't want it any other way

        • 2 weeks ago

          Did Anita actually run off with the money? I thought the point of donating was virtue signaling, not because there was an actual reward later on

  87. 2 weeks ago

    What level are you supposed to beat the game? I beat it at level 14 but I feel like super mutant crits could always kill even with power armor

    • 2 weeks ago

      I just saw some homosexual skip the entire game and cheese through mariposa base with rocket lauchter at level 10, then proceed to complain that game is too hard

  88. 2 weeks ago

    Should I play Wasteland if I highly enjoyed Fallout 1 & 2?

    • 2 weeks ago


  89. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout purists are getting extinct because slavs are exterminating themselves at this instant

    • 2 weeks ago

      there's no conscription in russia. Whoever is making sonora is safe, it's finished either way

  90. 2 weeks ago

    Opinion discarded

  91. 2 weeks ago
  92. 2 weeks ago

    f1's theme is great. the mystery of the super mutants leading you around to all these strange environments somehow connecting it all to the master. f2 is more disjointed, you are actual unga trailer trash getting tossed to the wild wander aimlessly in search of the vault macguffin but it so happens that theres a evil organization that is also tossed to the wild to wander aimlessly in search of the holders of the vault macguffin. i think the popculture of f2 only accentuated the disjointed feeling of the game.

  93. 2 weeks ago

    1 is still my favorite but it’s very flawed and it becomes noticeable once you start replaying it, especially if you do it back to back with 2 like I do. Despite the world showing itself as grim, you are never really presented with any grey choices. The whole game is designed to be played almost exclusively as a good guy. It's half baked for an rpg as many others have mentioned already.

    Also in lot of ways 2 is just as dark, if not more. Slavery and drug abuse run rampant through the region, and you have a paramilitary group just genociding hundreds of innocents.
    The actual darkest, most mature game in the series is New Vegas and I don't know why this isn't unanimously agreed upon.

  94. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 1 is one of those games that falls apart when you start looking at it critically.

    >writing is very inconsistent, from the extremely stilted writing in vault 13 and shady sands to the proto-fallout 2 dialogue in the cathedral
    >combat is very dependent on the agility stat
    >speech skill is comically overpowered since it's several GURPS speech-related skills rolled into one when they had to remove GURPS from the game
    >bizarre weapon choices, such as forcing players to suddenly pivot to energy weapons or big guns late game if they specialized in small guns since there are no viable endgame small guns
    >gameplay is heavily biased towards a (weapon skill)/speech/lockpick build due to how the game is balanced
    >towns are not very interesting from a gameplay point of view. each of them has one "major" and "minor" questline, with nothing else to do once those quests are done.
    >how exactly the timer affects the world is opaque despite being a major mechanic

    • 2 weeks ago

      skill is comically overpowered since it's several GURPS speech-related skills rolled into one when they had to remove GURPS from the game
      >since there are no viable endgame small guns
      Actually play the game, homosexual

    • 2 weeks ago

      >forcing players to suddenly pivot to energy weapons or big guns late game
      I mean, in classic Fallouts EWs are explicitly better than trad guns, the downside being that they're rare in the wastes. It's a different kind of balance.

      Then again, .223 pistol is all you really need.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >combat is very dependent on the agility stat
      >such as forcing players to suddenly pivot to energy weapons or big guns late game if they specialized in small guns since there are no viable endgame small guns
      >gameplay is heavily biased towards a (weapon skill)/speech/lockpick build due to how the game is balanced
      all wrong, try making a low AGI build instead of listening to people on the internet and playing the same boring build every time

  95. 2 weeks ago

    For some reason the speed modifier on SFall isn't working for me

  96. 2 weeks ago

    If you think 2 is better than 1 you should go eat some tide pods

  97. 2 weeks ago

    My friends forced me to watch the first 3 episodes of the show because they know I'm a Fallout fan and I actually played the originals.

    Why do they keep butchering the lore? What's this stuff with Ghouls needing to stave off Feralization? That's categorically not how that shit works. Feralization is more like developing Alzheimers/Dementia, you just slowly fade away over time, and someone's resistance to it is determined by lots of factors from genetic luck to mental health to access to stimulation. It's not zombification where you need medicine to ward it off.

    And why is the Brotherhood powerful enough to hold an airbase on the West Coast when they've been forced into hiding by Fallout 2, and have mostly been wiped out in New Vegas?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Feralization is more like developing Alzheimers/Dementia
      why do you butcher medical science? you take medicine for that stuff too, same way same thing.
      How do you like Fallout if you're so hyper critical and hyper fixated on nothing burgers

      • 2 weeks ago

        Anon please don't strawman me like that.
        Taking whatever drug you take in the Fallout show is presented as some kind of miracle drug that completely staves off feralization until it comes back, and you need to take it like once per day or you'll immediately start turning.
        Alzheimers and Dementia aren't magically for a day by taking a pill, and it doesn't consume you within a week either. It's a slower process taking months or years that we don't have some kind of mircale cure for. Drugs only slow down the process, they don't halt it.

        >How do you like Fallout if you're so hyper critical and hyper fixated on nothing burgers
        Because this stuff is very consistent across Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas. Ghouls living good lives and keeping themselves busy don't just turn in a day. There are no examples of random immediate feralization that catches people off-guard.
        There actually is in Fallout 3 and 4, but once again that's Bethesda bullshit. It's always Bethesda who is inconsistent with this stuff. They have ghouls living for hundreds of years just fine without any signs of mental degradation, but then there is like one random ghoul who is going feral and makes it seem like this is something that's happening to all ghouls.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Wasn't Beth that introduced the whole idea about it being radiation that turns ghouls ferals? In 1 I don't think there even was feral ghouls. There were hostiles ones that didn't talk, but it was never clear they were a different type

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Because this stuff is very consistent across Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas.
          no, and the drug slows it down too
          fake fan.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >when they've been forced into hiding by Fallout 2,
      They weren't forced into hiding. They just didn't have any reach in that part of the country and they didn't feel confident enough to face the Enclave head on with their current power.

      • 2 weeks ago

        But a key thing about the BoS is that they're not in the business of Empire building, all they want is survive in their bunker
        Vree's report even explicitly recommends hunkering down and waiting for the mutants to die out as a solution

  98. 2 weeks ago

    >I really love Fallout 1 purists
    Are you actually capable of forming any sort of constructive argument without resorting to multiple layers of irony and sarcasm? Or would attempting that kill you?

  99. 2 weeks ago

    If you watch the Fallout show you'll soon realize that Fallout is just STALKER for Marvel-watching numales who need quips and hecking wholesome randumb humor every 5 minutes otherwise their "anxiety" forces them to double their med dose that day.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >whining stalker gay returns
      This is a 1st world thread, poorgay. Third worlders need not apply

      • 2 weeks ago

        No, this is an American thread, you can tell from their love of wasting their time discussing the lore of universes that never cared about their lore to begin with, like they do with Dragon Ball.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >No, this is an American thread
          Yeah, that's what I said, first world.
          You can go back to your soup line, now

          • 2 weeks ago

            >first world

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yes. Tragic that you're below that, no?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Actual Fallout is about how civilization is being rebuilt after the war. It actually shows quite an optimistic image of mankind surviving the apocalypse and continuing onward as the dominant species.
      >Fallout 1
      One big city, a good handful of small towns.
      >Fallout 2
      One of the small towns birthed into a proper nation. Lots of big cities.
      >New Vegas
      Two full nations are waging war with each other. The game is centered around a metropolitan city state where people can experience pre-war levels of luxury.

      Wasn't Beth that introduced the whole idea about it being radiation that turns ghouls ferals? In 1 I don't think there even was feral ghouls. There were hostiles ones that didn't talk, but it was never clear they were a different type

      >In 1 I don't think there even was feral ghouls
      There were. Look up "Mindless Ghoul."
      But from this we also know that Feralization doesn't have much to do with age. Fallout 1 takes place way sooner after the war than any of the other mainline Fallout games. Yet Fallout 1 had ferals all the same. We can of course assume that ones chance of going Feral increases with time, just like how someone's chance of dying increases with time. But it's not like ghouls are all doomed to go feral after 200 years or something. They were also going feral just 90 years after the war.

      • 2 weeks ago

        no point in looking for anything systematic concerning ghouls. Originally they were result of escaped aerosol FEV from the destroyed west tek research lab (the glow) escaping in the air and getting carried by winds into bakersfield (necropolis). Which mixed with the background fallout resulted in the ghoulification of the vault 12 dwellers whos main gate malfunctioned and did not close

        This is why you only see them en mass in necropolis. With the other non necropolis ghoul being Harold who makes it clear as day he got a minor dose of FEV in the Mariposa base while Richard overdosed on the mutagen and became the master

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Look up "Mindless Ghoul."
        Oh yeah. I kinda forgot about those, since there's a lot of ghouls not labelled that that also are hostile

  100. 2 weeks ago

    OP you're such a gay with terrible arguments.
    Just because Fallout 1's teams made less serious games does not make Fallout 1 and less serious. From the games that you posted that the team later went on to make; it shows that the OG fallout guys made some of the most well loved CRPGs after fallout 1. Which shows that they know what they're doing when they make a CRPG.

  101. 2 weeks ago

    I love Fallout 3

    • 2 weeks ago

      Well, don't

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