I really wanna like this but...

Am I getting filtered or does every unit aside from Titania suck major balls? Especially Ike and you can't even upgrade him

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  1. 2 months ago

    Are you new to FE? There's always a character like Tittynia at the beginning. Use her to weaken the enemies and have your other units finish them off.

    • 2 months ago

      If I remember correctly that b***h is really good early on and is there to make the early game easier. But if you try to use her sparingly and let your other units grow, they surpass the shit out of her and she gradually becomes nothing special

      Yeah they always have a character like that but the MC is always pretty good as well. Here, Ike is fricking terrible. I levelled up all my other characters pretty equally which brings me to the point that maybe this is the sort of game that you can just coast through by making titania, boyd and 1 or two others OP and neglecting the rest but I try to level everyone equally

      • 2 months ago

        Just make sure to have Ike up to level 20 by the end of Chapter 17. Give him an Occult scroll after promotion for Aether & he should be a viable combat unit unless he got horribly RNG screwed in which case, lmao hope you're not playing on Hard for the final boss.

      • 2 months ago

        Fire emblem MCs were generally shit until they became create-a-characters

      • 2 months ago

        >Here, Ike is fricking terrible.
        I've solo'd Path of Radiance on Hard with only Ike. He is one of the easiest lords in FE history to do it with, if not the absolute easiest because he has automatic 1~2 range and self healing after he promotes, which trivializes every map in the game. Even a lord that is traditionally considered OP like Sigurd has a much harder time soloing his game because he has to use javelins or magic swords for range and he has no innate way to heal himself and has to rely on churches, castles, and items.

        Ike is completely busted after he promotes and even before then, he's quite good.

        • 2 months ago

          In my play-through I did years ago I remember Ike, Boyd, Mia and Jill +maybe Soren or some others I don't remember absolutely raping everything with the help of that swan dancer dude

          Ike is one of the better Lords the series has seen, especially for a sword user

          Nephenee also became fatboy on legs in one play-through because she got blessed by the RNGods

      • 2 months ago

        The main characters are only OP in the shitty newer games. Ike is competent but not incredibly strong until lategame.

  2. 2 months ago

    If I remember correctly that b***h is really good early on and is there to make the early game easier. But if you try to use her sparingly and let your other units grow, they surpass the shit out of her and she gradually becomes nothing special

    • 2 months ago

      I didnt play PoR but FE7 definitely had a character like this. use them to help other characters get XP and dont commit to them

  3. 2 months ago

    just drop it, homosexual Emblem retro games were never good, the series only got decent with Awakening

    • 2 months ago

      the GBA and Tellius games are Smash babby approved FE games.
      You're on no grounds to bash them or call them troony homosexual video games, especially to people who want Lyn and Black Knight in Smash

    • 2 months ago

      the GBA and Tellius games are Smash babby approved FE games.
      You're on no grounds to bash them or call them troony homosexual video games, especially to people who want Lyn and Black Knight in Smash

      Also, you're a coomer Awakening homosexual.
      You're opinion matters even less, and that's without the sarcasm.

      • 2 months ago

        there is as much coomer shit in Awakening as the retro games

    • 2 months ago

      Awakening is awesome and a fantastic intro to the series.

      The GBA games are also great. Especially FE 6, which is brutally hard while still being very forgiving if you play permadeath.

      The really old FE games (SNES and before) are unplayable.

  4. 2 months ago

    The only thing keeping Fire Emblem playable was the inherent lack of meddling by NoA.
    The moment that barrier was torn down, the series took a steep and noticeable nosedive in quality.

    • 2 months ago

      >Lyn created to promote the first US-released FE because Americans
      >Hector proves popular in the US for being a big meathead, so Ike is made to emulate him
      >By Awakening, everybody in the US knows Marth as the "Pikachu" of FE, so Lucina is created to be the "Pichu"
      >All three are treated as the pillars of modern Fire Emblem and milked endlessly

      • 2 months ago

        >*because Americans love big breasts and big swords
        Dammit, forgot to finish that first one. Sorry.

        • 2 months ago

          >Implying that people outside of America don't love big breasts
          Anon, that is not the own you think it is.

      • 2 months ago

        I started playing the GBA one and like some of the base mechanics but am finding it kind of boring and have been skipping all the story stuff because it's just a chore. Are the SFC versions more interesting in terms of mechanics?

        • 2 months ago

          A little
          The GBA games were supposed to be a throwback to the very popular FC games and first SFC game that was half remake. They though though the series had gotten bogged down with games that had too much shit going on in 4 and 5 and were too serious.

        • 2 months ago

          FE3 is barebones too, more or less the same as the GBA games. I like this one more than the GBA games but mostly because of the visual style. Objectively, many of the maps are pretty terrible.
          FE4 is very different, it has a lot of unique mechanics as far as the series is concerned, but the map design is boring for the most part. Story is cool.
          FE5 is the peak of the series, very fun mechanically and the story is nice to follow too. Can be difficult.

          • 2 months ago

            FE5 tried to cram in too many different mechanics without taking time to polish any of them. The whole thing with capturing enemies is interesting but making it the main way of acquiring money and items is just tedious.
            The stamina thing is the worst though. I get they didn’t want players to only use the same handful of units like in all the other games, but I’m sure there were better ways of discouraging that. Such as increasing the size of the maps and, by extension, the amount of units you bring. Or just by not making half the units in the game worthless to begin with. The most frustrating part is when levels take place days apart in the story, so all of the characters should have had plenty of time to rest, and yet they still can’t fight because you just used them in the last level.

  5. 2 months ago

    You're getting filtered. Read a guide or grind a bit since you have no tactical ability.

  6. 2 months ago

    You must be doing something wrong. This was my first Fire Emblem and I played on hard mode the first time. Had to give up on not letting anyone die about halfway through but I beat the game.

  7. 2 months ago

    This game felt so off coming from FE6,7, and 8.
    The GBA games felt snappy, every action in this game feels so stilted and slow.
    >hit unit
    >stand there for a bit
    >hit back
    >stand there for a bit
    >exp goes up
    It's like it's loading at every turn

    • 2 months ago

      going 3D is always awkward for long running predominately 2D series'

      • 2 months ago

        3D isn't really relevant here. The game is still overhead and on a grid.

        • 2 months ago

          The game is overhead and on a grid, and in 3D
          They had to animate everything in 3D.
          How is being in 3D not relevant? The game in in 3 dimensions and They had to animate everything according to that
          I turned of battle scenes halfway through my game and even then it still felt slow af and I figured it was because of the stilted 3D animations

          • 2 months ago

            The length of the animations were a deliberate choice. It could be just as slow with 2D animation.

            • 2 months ago

              It's all about the immersion

    • 2 months ago

      For me, it's how they have to show the defeated enemy drop to a knee or slump on their mount every time.

      • 2 months ago

        fricking mystery of the emblem on snes is snappier than por. what's fricked up is that it's not even particularly unusual in that regard as most (at least the ones i've played) gamecube RPGs are equally insanely slow. it's not like the games are challenging enough to where you're using that downtime for thinking, either. oh gee i wonder if the right answer in this situation is moving titania or gatrie with a hand axe/javelin into the ball of red guys. the only time it isn't is when a boss has literal plot armor

        Right so it's not just me then.
        Playing the game has that whole using-a-10-year-old-laptop feeling to it.
        I'm sitting here, waiting, not for very long each time mind you, but it goddam feels like it

    • 2 months ago

      fricking mystery of the emblem on snes is snappier than por. what's fricked up is that it's not even particularly unusual in that regard as most (at least the ones i've played) gamecube RPGs are equally insanely slow. it's not like the games are challenging enough to where you're using that downtime for thinking, either. oh gee i wonder if the right answer in this situation is moving titania or gatrie with a hand axe/javelin into the ball of red guys. the only time it isn't is when a boss has literal plot armor

      • 2 months ago

        Is Tales of Symphonia the rare exception, the one Gamecube JRPG that's actually optimized?

  8. 2 months ago

    Titania is one of if not the best unit in the game, she starts crazy strong and never falls off. The game is really easy, the real reason you feel like you’re getting filtered is cuz the early game units are balanced weird where they all have pretty crummy base stats, but because of the amount of bonus Exp you get early on you can pump all your bExp into them and because of their high growth rates they become monsters, especially Oscar and Marcia. Basically any unit on a horse or that flies is pretty OP, due to having canto and high mov making them able to reach combat faster and also run away if need be, plus they have access to forged handaxes which are op.

    Ike’s kinda shit only by comparison to the rest of the roster, he doesn’t get his op 2 range sword until the end of the game and wind edges suck, plus his mov isn’t the highest so he’s gonna get lapped by most high mov units. That being said even on Hard enemies are weak enough that you could reasonably solo with Ike if u really wanted, it’s just the game would become even longer than it already is. Having a capped stats Ike also is helpful for a couple endgame bosses including the final boss who only he and one other unit can damage which is stupid.

  9. 2 months ago

    This game was such a let down. I was so excited to try it since I could never get a copy as a kid but the gameplay is so shit.
    The enemies make fe7 looks look like serious threats, every map is just steam rolled by your cavs/fliers. Even playing it ironman couldn't keep my interest.
    It's a shame because the story seems interesting and it has some cool ideas like laguz units but the game is just a slog.

  10. 2 months ago

    yeah you are getting filtered judging from how you worded your statement.

  11. 2 months ago

    >Am I getting filtered
    Yes, don't throw your units out there unless they are multiple levels higher than the enemies, how you make units work together, chockepoints, retreating, making use of healing items, setting them up, etc, this shit matters. It's not like some FE games where if you have the weapon advantage you have a great advantage against an enemy, it only tilts things in your favor.

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