I really want to go like Xenoblade 2

I bought a copy of Xenoblade 2 once. I thought the game had a great story, but I couldn't play it. Because I couldn't understand what was going on with the game's combat system. I played for hours and hours and never understood how the battle system worked. Finally I had to sell the game. Go to a video site and watch other players' game story videos.
>This is a big regret for me, I love the story of the game, but I really can't play it.

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  1. 2 years ago

    are you breathing assistance too

    • 2 years ago

      how is that even possible?

      combat system is a shit show as is the rest of the gameplay. worth putting up with if you like JRPG stories. by mid game you'll easily out level story stuff and can just cruise to the end.

      you have alot of options to configure battle systems too . can make it easier to tolerate and faster.

      ok but why are their breasts so big

      why not?

      • 2 years ago

        the combat system is deceptively complex but its basic mechanics are simple enough for anyone to grasp. you time arts with auto attacks, then use super arts or whatever they're called when the gauge is filled. try to match elemental weaknesses. it's not that complicated.

        • 2 years ago

          Its a pretty easy system so far, the biggest problem I have with it currently is even if they are strong against fire its much easier and quicker to just blunt force Pyra and the other character mains because the gatchlite blades are trash. I hope this gets better soon.

          • 2 years ago

            It depends on the Blade. In terms of taking advantage of elemental weaknesses I think there’s only a damage bonus if you hit a weakness (fire Blade on a water elemental enemy). I don’t think there’s a damage penalty for using the same element the enemy is, though I could be wrong. When it comes to rare vs common Blades, commons may not have a full skill tree but can reach S trust a lot quicker than rare Blades because the trust requirements are a lot smaller, and they don’t have a quest required to max out their chart. Take a look at the charts themselves as well, most of the requirements are very simple like using the special, perform a driver combo, and other simple requirements compared to jump a lot, performing 600 Blade combo finishers, beating unique monsters on every node. You will get a lot of shitters that are only good for merc missions and field skill checks, but sometimes a common Blade can have some very easy damage multipliers and a decent special or two.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, but none of that helps the early game.

              • 2 years ago

                Fair enough, in the early game what matters is the arts you have available and the elements more than the skills. They give you the wind knuckle at the beginning because it’s a very good weapon for Rex and combos well with Poppi and Dromarch. Just mess around with commons every now and then to see what weapons you like.

        • 2 years ago

          it's more needlessly complex than anything. Sure there are a million systems but they are mostly boring busywork, when you're actually IN combat it's braindead simple. That's what annoyed me the most about the game compared to its predecessors. There was a bunch of background boring number crunching nonsense that added nothing other than being a pain in the ass. That and locking gameplay behind gacha, that was a real piece of shit.

          • 2 years ago

            >That's what annoyed me the most about the game compared to its predecessors
            Outside of the gatchalite based elements its very similar to XB1.

            • 2 years ago

              Xenoblade 1 had a lot less menu busywork, changing skills and gear had a lot more impact so it was worth tinkering with it, and actually playing reactively and adapting on the fly in combat was a lot more important, while in Xenoblade 2 you're just following the same spreadsheet in every fight.

              • 2 years ago

                >changing gear mattered
                Not really. Like all JRPGs it boils down to bigger number being better, with the only actual customization coming from your weapon gems since armor slots will be filled with agility and hp up gems for 95% of fights. Even then, a character is limited by their arts on what weapon gems can be good for them.
                >changing skills mattered
                You can’t change your skills, they’re permanent once you learn them. If you mean skill links that requires a lot of affinity grinding to fully unlock, and like gems a majority of the time you will equip the same skills (Riki’s cooldown reduction and strength boosts, agility up skills, Shulk’s chain attack bonuses, equipment weight reduction).
                >1’s combat isn’t following a spreadsheet
                I’d argue it can get more more formulaic at times, it depends on which character you’re playing as but most of them follow a very similar flowchart.
                >if you have an aura open with that
                >if you have a break art off cooldown use it
                >use all red/pure damage arts when they’re off cooldown
                >topple and daze the enemy if you have those arts
                >fulfill the conditionals on the arts for more party gauge whenever you can
                >use blue arts when the situation calls for it
                >spam your talent art when it’s off cooldown if you’re shulk, riki, or fiora (dunban maybe if you aren’t about to activate a chain attack), reyn uses his talent art on magnum charge and melia just works different

              • 2 years ago

                Even against a target dummy, your 7 lines of greentext is a lot more than
                >Use blade combos to make orbs
                >Chain attack and break orbs

                And unlike in Xenoblade 2, enemies in 1 for most part are not target dummies and actually change up what strategies you need to use. You can't damage Mechon with normal attacks, you can't topple flying or very large enemies, you can't beat ether-based enemies with physical attacks, you can't hit telethia without getting rid of their aura and so on.

              • 2 years ago

                Wow that was so deep I used enchant or equipped everyone with machina weapons!
                >flying enemies
                Isn’t that a point against you? In those fights them topple arts just become more damage so you throw them out when they’re off cooldown.
                >ether based enemies
                Elements may take reduced damage from physical attacks but you can still beat them. It would only be an issue if you tried fighting them under leveled, and at that point it’s the level penalty working against you, not the enemy type itself.
                Like mechon it’s one thing that you need to do differently and then it’s a normal fight. Enemies in 2 at least have resistances or immunity to the driver combo more often than enemies in 1, and since ailments can’t be shaken off by a party member when they inflict an ailment it actually affects the combat.

              • 2 years ago

                You should always be fighting everything in Xenoblade 1 underleveled so they are red though, otherwise the whole combat system is wasted and then it becomes almost as samey as 2. When enemies are red, the diversity in strategy required to win increases drastically.

                If you haven't played the game like that, then you aren't eligible to talk about the gameplay.

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry that’s not possible in the true version of Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) because of bonus experience from quests and visiting areas being too high. 🙂
                You are arguing that a severe penalty in accuracy for no reason other than you are under leveled being a positive in combat, something that is only achievable by using a mode taken from 2 introduced in the remake of the game and by actively ignoring other fights because that would force you to have to level yourself down again.
                Topple locking also works exactly the same on all enemies that aren’t immune to topple so long as you can hit the break and topple. Oh dear, the super bosses, final boss, and 95% of all other fights in the story can be topple locked! Build diversity goes to shit when there’s a strategy that completely nullifies anything the enemy can do.

              • 2 years ago

                >Sorry that’s not possible in the true version of Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) because of bonus experience from quests and visiting areas being too high. 🙂

                I did it on my very first playthrough when the game first released, so yes, it was possible. It was annoying having to delay non-missable sidequests all the time and avoid fighting unnecessary battles, but it was absolutely possible.

                >You are arguing that a severe penalty in accuracy for no reason other than you are under leveled being a positive in combat

                >Topple locking also works exactly the same on all enemies that aren’t immune to topple so long as you can hit the break and topple. Oh dear, the super bosses, final boss, and 95% of all other fights in the story can be topple locked! Build diversity goes to shit when there’s a strategy that completely nullifies anything the enemy can do.

                These two arguments of yours cancel eachother. Eliminating topple locking as a braindead flowchart strategy is the main point of the accuracy penalty, and it is a massive positive in combat. You don't understand game design if you try to argue against this.

                Again, you have no idea what you're talking about because you've just facerolled your way through the game on easy mode. Pretty much any game can be reduced to button mashing in this way - smart players know to play on challenging settings to bring out the depth of the gameplay in any game, and in this game, the difficulty settings are the colours of the enemies' nameplates, which are based on level difference.

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry but the accuracy penalty is only a stopgap on making topple locking work. Once an enemy is toppled the fight is over since they can’t resist any attacks at that point, so it’s only a matter of landing 2 attacks before that point (break and topple). And since there are ways to counter the accuracy penalty (agility boosting, night vision gems, riki’s accuracy skill) to the point where it doesn’t matter then the strategy goes right back to topple locking except the fight takes longer because you deal less damage due to the level penalty. You would only have a point that the accuracy reduction is meant to counter topple locking if the game didn’t have ways to boost your accuracy.
                >color tag indicates difficulty mode
                What a load of shit. Xenoblade 1 has 1 difficulty, unless you’re saying that a game forcing you out of the previous difficulty you were on to lower your difficulty because you succeeded in a fight is a good thing. Considering how much the game wants you to explore, wants you to complete side quests it’s extremely poor game design if fights should all be done by ignoring those things until the last second like you claim.

              • 2 years ago

                >What a load of shit. Xenoblade 1 has 1 difficulty, unless you’re saying that a game forcing you out of the previous difficulty you were on to lower your difficulty because you succeeded in a fight is a good thing. Considering how much the game wants you to explore, wants you to complete side quests it’s extremely poor game design if fights should all be done by ignoring those things until the last second like you claim.

                It was bad design, which is why it was fixed in DE, so that smart players can play on the proper difficulty without having to jump through hoops to stay low level.

                And no, you cannot boost accuracy enough to make topple locking a cheese strat when playing the game properly. Again you just show that you have never actually played the game in this way. There is no braindead flowchart strategy, you literally have to adapt to each fight, which is why it's a good game.

                Meanwhile in Xenoblade 2 if you lower your level you'll still be playing in the same way anyway.

              • 2 years ago

                Did this person not play the game properly? He topple locked an enemy 56 levels higher than him without night vision, and Ancient Daedala drops night vision cylinders so at that point you can get max rank night vision gems, making all accuracy problems moot.

              • 2 years ago

                those fights actually went the opposite way of "fun" tb h, the same "colourcoded enemies" meme
                >literally forced to suffer until you can enchant against mechons if you start with no gauge. No, even the gauge up skill barely fill it. then later on it became irrelevant with innate anti mechon weapons AND look at what happened in Future connected
                >have to dispel aura 100% off cooldown cus the duration is low as hell, and you cant afford taking spikes. Spike resist gems barely matter either
                xc1 combat is fun, and while wiggle cancelling is op as shit being able to move and attack at the same time to aim for side/back was top shits. BUT colourcoded/forced interaction enemies arent them. And then dont make me mentions shitshows like flying enemies or elementals that negate half your mechanics.

              • 2 years ago

                Spoken like someone who just plays with the same team setup all the time instead of changing it for each fight.

              • 2 years ago

                id appreciate "changing team/gear for every encounter" more if they give it a shortcut from field. I did still use a new team like every half hour to grind up their relationship naturally/fill their charts, but GOD gracious the mechonis field and later fights are just notorious for railroading your comp
                >tfw spike aura
                >but that thing also resist break, so either you suffer, put shulk/melia in as dispel bot 24/24, or waste a chain attack's daze for barely 5s

              • 2 years ago

                >but that thing also resist break, so either you suffer, put shulk/melia in as dispel bot 24/24, or waste a chain attack's daze for barely 5s

                That's still more examples of different approaches to a problem posed by an enemy, which is something you don't see in Xenoblade 2. And there are more solutions than those too - such as using skill links and gems to reduce spike damage, or even something esoteric like loading Melia up with agility and using Starlight Kick to force topple, alternated with Mind Blast to remove spikes of course.

          • 2 years ago

            I 100% think the game would have been so much better without the merc system, gachablades or the affinity boards.
            And FRICK the field spells that require a bunch of random blades just to explore the world.

            • 2 years ago

              exactly. Those systems add nothing in terms of gameplay, it's just stuff you need to waste time on if you want to be even a little optimal. I haven't played it since launch, but weren't there also timed consumables that you had to have "equipped" to characters? I think it was food, I don't remember what it did.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, pouch items are a consumable that give a buff to the character in battle. You can use 2 at a time but cannot use the same item twice. The duration of a pouch item can range from as little as 20 minutes 2-3 hours(?). Every category of pouch item has a base effect and then higher tier items can have bonus effects as well (meat and fish reduce physical and ether damage, sweets give you arts recharge). If a driver likes the item, you get a bonus effect while it’s active. If a blade likes the item, you get the bonus effect if the blade is currently active in combat. These effects stack if both the driver and blade like the item.

              • 2 years ago

                right, I knew it was something like that. That's the kind of thing I'm talking about, it's pointless busywork that adds nothing to the gameplay.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah the food or like musical instruments. That’s not that bad though since they last a while and you can warp to any town

  2. 2 years ago

    how is that even possible?

    • 2 years ago

      I can't explain to you why, I can't really understand how the game's combat system works. I couldn't find the fun and had to sell the game. Very sad.

  3. 2 years ago

    ok but why are their breasts so big

  4. 2 years ago

    Opposite for me, I like the combat but I couldn't care less for the story

  5. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Surprisingly not thick. All the fat went to her breasts.

  6. 2 years ago

    I dropped this game for like 4 years, I was halfway through a new game+ run
    If I restart the game now does it restart from zero or as a new ng+ run?
    There doesn't seem to be any kind of NG+ options on the main menu.

    • 2 years ago

      don't think you can. need your save from after the ending.

      • 2 years ago

        They made some really questionable choices in designing this game.

    • 2 years ago

      If you want to start a fresh save file, just make another Switch profile (it takes 10 seconds, you don't even need to link it to a MyNintendo account)

      • 2 years ago

        I want to restart NG+

  7. 2 years ago

    Just started playing last week (just hit chapter 4) the battle system is fricking easy to understand what the frick?

    Also on a side note how did I go 5 years without the fact that Pyra and Mythra are the same character being spoiled?

    • 2 years ago

      It's your standard MMO tab-target auto-attack battle system with special moves on short cooldowns, a topple system that gets very repetitive very fast and doesn't get more complicated over the 50 hours the game is likely going to take to beat.

      • 2 years ago

        yeah so was XB1 and FFXII and many other games. The game is fine, im having a good time with it.

        • 2 years ago

          ...good for you?

          • 2 years ago

            Why are you being passive aggressive cause people find a game fun. Are you a homosexual?

            • 2 years ago

              I'm not, I just don't know what your point is.
              You agreed with my criticism and just said you don't care, I can't argue with your apathy.

      • 2 years ago

        That ck2 window always cracks me up

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago
  10. 2 years ago

    >thought the game had a great story
    Jesus Christ

  11. 2 years ago

    >too much of a midwit to enjoy a video game
    shame really

  12. 2 years ago

    I wanna marry the cat.

    • 2 years ago

      Looking forward to her story in Xenoblade 3. She seems to have turned into a religious godmother-like character with great power.

      • 2 years ago

        I want both of them to smile again.

        • 2 years ago

          Great painting

  13. 2 years ago

    I know this is bait, but there really are people this stupid.

    Honestly, I don't know which makes you stupider: Thinking the story is good or thinking the gameplay is hard to understand.

    Both the story and the gameplay are braindead.

  14. 2 years ago

    I finished game but I agree with op that gameplay is boring skill spam. Inb4 muh elements and trip,fly and smash. It's just boring. All xenoblade gameplay suck and next one don't have what made 2 special so it will suck both ways.

    • 2 years ago

      It's just 2 that has bad gameplay. Hopefully 3 goes back to what made 1 and X good gameplay-wise.

  15. 2 years ago

    I wish I could fug Mòrag

  16. 2 years ago

    the only way i managed to slightly understand the gameplay was by watching a speedrun
    60 hours and i had zero fricking clue what orbs were more like 20hrs but i just did merc missions and afk'd for free affinity chart

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine being this moronic. The game is fricking braindead simple, I cannot even fathom what it must be like to have a brain this fricking useless. If I was forced to suffer your existence, I would have killed myself.

      • 2 years ago

        i may be moronic, but you're a Black person

        • 2 years ago

          Sorry, I just feel disgust whenever I am faced with moronation, which is a near-perpetual occurence owing to my superior intellect.

  17. 2 years ago

    I took me a while to figure out how the elemental tree and combo request worked.

    • 2 years ago

      ...how? its explained quite clearly, step by step, during the 1st fight in Gormott with Nia. xc2's tutorial was shitty, but not THAT shitty
      the fact that they never gave a full tree is questionable tho, maybe they just want us to remember it by ourselves

  18. 2 years ago


  19. 2 years ago

    Idk what you guys are talking about but I personally prefer XC2 combat more because it feels like you have more control and do more things during battle, like timing your arts to auto attack cancel and gain specials. When bosses use annoying statuses like Stench or Shackle, you can build Blade combos to deal with that, but you have to remember which combo route ends with the element that inflicts the seal, and keep in mind that by doing another combo that seal effect will be replaced. There's more to it than that too but overall I find 2's combat more flexible and enjoyable.

  20. 2 years ago

    So when will they spoil the story for XC3?

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