I really wish they have set a trend for 3d metroidvanias

>Atmospheric as frick
>Kino soundtrack
>Gameplay is responsive and the abilities Samus gets makes total sense with the environment
>Memorable boss fights
>The change to 3d feels completely natural

I even bought a secondhand Wii to play the whole trilogy but it's been years and I haven't touched MP3 yet. Playing 1 and 2 with the Wiimote is kinda strange but you get used to it.

Of course, both of them have a serious issue: When the game is done (about 7-8 hours), you have to complete an out of place quest involving keys that forces you to go through the same places a few times. I feel this was the beginning of the very common trend we see nowadays where players complain about not having a X dollars/hour spent. A couple years before MP1 and 2 we've had RE 2 and 3 which were very short but never overstayed their welcome, and I feel that if both Primes didn't had these fetch quests, they'd probably be impeccable.

Why didn't we have more 3d metroidvanias? Were they too complex to make, maybe? I don't even know if some PS2 games can qualify as 3d metroidvanias. Maybe Okami?

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  1. 2 years ago

    You forgot to add
    >can barely strafe in a FPS

    • 2 years ago

      It's barely a shooter. The side-jumping works fine.

  2. 2 years ago

    Metroid Prime is mind numbingly boring and is only enjoyed by internet forum users

    • 2 years ago

      So, Ganker?

      You forgot to add
      >can barely strafe in a FPS

      Metroid Prime is not an fps, it's a FIRST PERSON ADVENTURE GAME.

      • 2 years ago

        Its a first person shooter b***h, just admit it.

        • 2 years ago

          Not him but not really. The focus is on platforming, exploring and opening the world as you go through. Shooting is just there purely as means of self defense rather than a focus. It'd be like calling OoT a hack and slash just because you got a sword to defend yourself.

          • 2 years ago

            shooting is the majority of the gameplay, platforming is maybe 20% of it at best.

            • 2 years ago

              I thought the game was pretty puzzle heavy. Often turning into a little ball and activating something or crawling all over an anthole maze. My guess would be I shot more things to activate them than I shot baddies.

          • 2 years ago

            you shoot stuff more like a vast majority of the game, the game has bosses to test how good at shooty bang bang you are, not platforming challenges

      • 2 years ago

        the controls aren't great and the gunplay isn't fun. Blasting enemies is super fun in the 2D games but not at all in Prime. Boss fights also WAY overstay their welcome

        You can't just say the game isn't an FPS because the shooting sucks... the words you're looking for are: "the shooting sucks"

    • 2 years ago

      Had Nintendo not been associated with this game we would never hear about it. Notice everyone says it has great atmosphere but not great level design or great weapons? Unreal tournament had great weapons but somehow Metroid Prime gets more threads.

      • 2 years ago

        >had intendo not been associated with this game we would never hear about it.
        Nobody cares about your fanfiction

        • 2 years ago

          Remove the Metroid elements from this game and it become a jank shovelwate fps.

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Agreed. But the metroid elements are exactly what makes them great, so I see no point in your post.

            It's the same as saying that removing metroidvania elements from Symphony of the Night makes it worse than CV3.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not a huge fan of the Prime series, but there are elements to it I just wish other developers would learn from.
            FPS games didn't have mechanically interesting boss battles before Metroid Prime, like at all.
            It was always about shooting some generic mob that was just bigger in size, or solving some gimmicky environmental puzzle.
            Metroid Prime bosses could work in other FPS games because the challenge and learning curve around them was well thought out.
            Prime had also built challenges around weapon switching and platforming, something which wasn't that common in FPS games until Doom Eternal came.
            This series is best played on the Wii or with the Primehack on PC.

      • 2 years ago

        I didnt know Metroid Prime was so divisive. It's probably my favorite game of all time.

        Posts like this comparing Metroid Prime to Unreal Tournament of all things are insane and its not the first time I've seen this exact opinion either. Metroid Prime is an FPS in name only, in that its a first person game where you shoot things. It would be like describing Fallout New Vegas as an FPS and then saying its awful because the shooting sucks compared to Halo.

      • 2 years ago

        There was an 8 years generation gap between Super and Prime, and the Metroid series wasn't that popular to begin with.
        Prime became the best selling Metroid game in a different time with a different audience.
        It might've sold even more if it wasn't a Nintendo exclusive, because there was nothing like it in 2002.

    • 2 years ago

      >internet forum users
      so people with taste?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah it plays as if you're controlling a guy in a VR headset

  3. 2 years ago

    I don't mean to hijack your thread, but Metroid Prime really feels like a "Well, what do we do next?" kind of situation. Obviously people will complain about the games never changing , and other people will complain if the games do change. I still think it could have been much better. Imagine a Metroid Prime that really leans into horror elements and utilizes the advantages of the first person perspective and still has all the fun abilities of previous games.

  4. 2 years ago

    >hide thread
    Next time you want to have a Metroid thread, don't talk like a homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      What's homosexual-y about metroidvanias?

      • 2 years ago

        The word was invented specifically to refer to castlevania games with metroid like exploration. Literally:
        Then some know nothing normies and you tubers adopted the term to refer to all metroid like games.
        And NOW zoomie zoomies incorrectly use it to refer to all 2D games with exploration, weather they have ability based progression or not.
        And some people argue that metroid like games that are 3D don't qualify because 3D.

        And it just sounds stupid, man.
        I'll refer to SOTN and the rest of the castlevanias that apply as metroidvanias, but I feel stupid doing it.

        The first thing guys whonhave been around a while notice when they communicate with you is buzzwords. If you use buzzwords, you're an automatic morons and not worth listening to. No matter how much you like them, just dont.

        • 2 years ago

          post-SOTN Castlevania games are Igavanias actually.

          • 2 years ago

            I know that, but thats what "metroidvania" was invented to refer to

            • 2 years ago

              Words change, and trying to pretend like there isn't a loose category of games that can be described as "metroidvania" is just intellectually dishonest. The entire reason why "igavania" was separated from "metroidvania" was because it describes a specific brand of Castlevania games that are so unrecognizable from the original term that they need their own category. You're free to disagree with the fact that 3D Metroid is not a "metroidvania" game, but throwing away useful categorical descriptions is just stupid when we all know what the term "metroidvania" is referring to. No one is saying that Metroid Prime is a castlevania game.

        • 2 years ago

          >hide thread
          Next time you want to have a Metroid thread, don't talk like a homosexual.

          Come on man stop being this autistic about it. I think it's stupid too but its been the norm forever now you throwing b***hfits on Ganker won't change it. Plus you clearly didn't hide the thread.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not throwing a b***h fit. I'm slightly annoyed at most. That post was honestly meant to be informative, but if you wanna be a b***h about it. Fine by me.

            At any rate: It still makes you sound like a complete moron when you're talking about a shantae game (or whatever else) and say "metroidvania" and you know it.
            Stop using idiotic buzzwords and people will stop being dicks. Not hard, right?
            Just don't use them at all. Even correctly.

            • 2 years ago

              I don't understand, what do you want people to say when they speak about Shantae? 2d adventure and platforming game with power ups and backtracking?

  5. 2 years ago

    It's a slog, anon.

  6. 2 years ago

    I see we have an excess amount of moronic zoomers here. The first 2 MPs on GC are top tier. Wiimote makes MP3 an aquired taste. Nintendo will drop a Trilogy Remaster sooner or later with normal controls and MP4 after that.

    • 2 years ago

      The wiimote controls were fine, the problem was the over reliance on hyper mode and the disconnected world map.

  7. 2 years ago

    These games are fricking atrocious. I don't know how anyone can tolerate 3D Metroid gameplay after experiencing how fluid and fun 2D Metroid is. People who claim Prime 1 is the perfect translation of Super Metroid into 3D are the fricking worse. I seriously doubt that they actually understood the appeal of 2D Metroid if they're making absolutist statements like that.

    I'm not going to be moronic and claim that Resident Evil is strictly a "metroidvania" genre game, but Resident Evil understood the appeal of games like Super Metroid more than Prime. Fast and snappy action gameplay overlapped on top of an atmospheric and complex map. That's it. That's all you need to make a good 3D metroidvania. Metroid Prime is the opposite of fast or snappy, and the map is nowhere near as satisfying as 2D Metroid games.

    The fact that you're slow as frick and have to constantly engage with respawning tanky enemies doesn't make it any better either. Other small annoyances such as having to switch beams to open doors simply compound on the issue. In a better game, this would simply be a nitpick, but for something as abhorrently boring as MP1 it's a massive slog. 2D Metroid games never had any of these problems, because after opening a special door it reverts back to a normal door, and unlike 3D Metroid, Samus actually gets STRONGER as she gathers more power ups. Having to backtrack through enemy-filled areas isn't an issue when you have a strong beam and can just vaporize everything in your path. The entire point of this whole "metroidvania" genre is to start from the dumps and get progressively stronger as you explore more of the map. 3D Metroid never delivers on this. Even if you have the Plasma Beam in MP1, you're still going to slogging through enemy encounters as if you just started the game.

    A good 3D Metroid game is possible to make, but Retro Studios didn't understand the point of Metroid.

    • 2 years ago

      Is this pasta?
      GO BACK

      • 2 years ago

        >write detailed response to OP
        >words words words LMAO
        You need to go back anon. This isn't Ganker.

        • 2 years ago

          Go back (to reddit). You homosexuals have ruined another board.

        • 2 years ago

          aside from Magmoor Caverns, Metroid Prime has really good exploration. It's just that the combat isn't good

    • 2 years ago

      Some points of your post don't make the slightest amount of sense.

      > 2D Metroid games never had any of these problems, because after opening a special door it reverts back to a normal door

      Are you really complaining about having to change beams, even more since you take like .3 seconds to make the change? Is your brain completely rotten by ADHD or what?

      > Resident Evil understood the appeal of games like Super Metroid more than Prime. Fast and snappy action gameplay overlapped on top of an atmospheric and complex map.

      The only Resident Evil that really presented "fast and snappy action" was RE4. Everything before it was really slow paced. If anything, Prime influenced RE series from 4 on (but we know that this isn't true).

      >Having to backtrack through enemy-filled areas isn't an issue when you have a strong beam and can just vaporize everything in your path. The entire point of this whole "metroidvania" genre is to start from the dumps and get progressively stronger as you explore more of the map.

      I could say that this is a "git gud" problem but I'm not so moronic because what you're complaning about is passing through areas "filled with enemies" that you don't even have to kill anymore? You remember that Metroid doesn't have level up systems, right? Even if what you said was true, you could, like, you know, use the 3d environment to your advantage and avoid enemies completely?

      • 2 years ago

        >Are you really complaining about having to change beams
        My point was that while annoying, in a better game these kinds of annoyances could be shrugged off as nitpicks. But when you're backtracking in MP1, you basically have to play a Simon Says minigame where you're constantly switching between multiple beam types to open multicolored doors in the same zone. Combine this with the slow beam switching speed in GameCube, and the loading times between doors, then YES it becomes annoying enough to complain about in a Metroid game.

        >The only Resident Evil that really presented "fast and snappy action" was RE4.
        Just wrong. Resident Evil games are some of the snappiest survival horror games on the market. They're extremely responsive, and hell, RE3 is just blatantly a fixed-camera action game. The entire appeal of the games is the routing aspect of it, and the game encourages you to beat it as quickly as possible with time-based rankings.

        >You remember that Metroid doesn't have level up systems, right?
        Yes, Metroid as a franchise DOES have level-ups, but you don't "level up" numerically like an RPG. You "level up" by getting stronger and stronger equipment that makes traversing the environment easier and faster. Nothing in Metroid Prime satisfies this gameplay endgame that the previous 2D titles satisfied.
        >Even if what you said was true, you could, like, you know, use the 3d environment to your advantage and avoid enemies completely?
        You make this sound more graceful than it actually is, just stop beating around the bush and say that the best way to traverse in MP1 is to not engage with the gameplay at all. I completely agree. You know why? Because MP1 is fricking boring to play. Unfortunately the game still has repeat encounters where all of the doors will be locked until you kill everything.

  8. 2 years ago

    >I haven't touched MP3 yet.
    same, i bought trilogy for Wii U it was on sale for ten dolla, never touched it

  9. 2 years ago

    >bitching about genre definitions/usage of genre terms
    >bitching that metroid prime isn't identical to every other first person game
    >bitching about how the prime games are different from the 2d metroids
    >bitching about shit nobody cares about in general
    /vr/ metroid threads are always fricking abhorrent. All we need now is this moron
    to post his song and dance and we'll have the full spectrum of awful quality and irrelevant posts that are in every other metroid thread on this shitty board.

  10. 2 years ago

    I feel this is going to be another roguelikes vs roguelites thread

  11. 2 years ago

    >slow movement
    >poorly planned world design leads to exacerbated and poorly implemented backtracking
    >tedious combat
    They had the perfect game to rip off, just remove load screens, but no, they made such an unfun game.

  12. 2 years ago

    The series has a fricking OoT-inspired lock-on system with most of your projectiles home onto the target.
    Why are you Black folk acting like Metroid Prime was a competitor to Quake 3?

    It's fricking supposed to be slow-paced, backtracking heavy and occasionally obtuse about where you're supposed to go first person exploration game. The combat is almost exactly as if Ocarina of Time was exclusively first person and you only had the bow and various arrows. The bosses all have Zelda-esque cycles and are defeated more by puzzle elements than straight up shooting. You're not fighting a Cyberdemon here, you fricking mouth breathers.
    Next you people will be complaining about the shooting in Portal.
    Nobody who comes to /vr/ should ever expect worthwhile discussion of the Metroid Prime games because you people fundamentally do not understand them at all.

    • 2 years ago

      Couldn't it do it and be fun at the same time? Other games did it.

      • 2 years ago

        Could you name some of them? I really don't recall any other 3d exploration based games that are not FPS.

  13. 2 years ago

    i wish auster kun was permabanned

  14. 2 years ago

    These games are absolute garbage and set back Metroid as a whole.

    • 2 years ago

      >set back Metroid as a whole
      How? This was the peak of Metroid's popularity, where in the span of 2 years we got Fusion and Zero Mission

    • 2 years ago

      >set back Metroid as a whole.
      It was three games that spanned 4 fricking years. Stop exaggerating.

  15. 2 years ago

    You left out.
    >Samey looking environments
    >Pointless tacked on lore scanning
    >Ho-hum action
    >Having to kill the same respawning enemies over and over

    • 2 years ago

      looking environments
      You're fricking blind.
      How the hell can you confuse Tallon overworld with the Chozo Ruins, Magmoor Caverns, Phendranna Drifts and the Phazon Mines?
      They don't even have the same color palettes. Not to mention that there's a fricking map in your hud at all times.
      If you seriously get confused by this game you should have a nice day.

    • 2 years ago

      >pointless tacked on lore scanning
      This is what kills it for me. As if the game wasn’t boring enough already, I have to sit through a fake loading screen to read some shit I don’t give a single frick about. The original Metroid trilogy provided all the lore you need without massive text dumps every 3 minutes, I don’t know why rare felt the need to cram it into their game. One of the reasons you can tell this is a western style game

      • 2 years ago

        I love Prime but I agree with you. This fricking exposition every 3 minutes should have been cut. I would understand if MP4 came with this because zoomers just lose their minds if there isn't any kind of written lore on their game, but doing this in 2002 (even more when the previous games had a grand total of 0 written lore) was a huge mistake.

  16. 2 years ago

    >I really wish they kept making bad games with shit control and gameplay and then marketing the frick out of them while paying reviewers to give that trash a good score because idiot nugamers will buy anything
    Well then good fricking news, they've been doing exactly that since the mid fricking 90s.

  17. 2 years ago

    >Why didn't we have more 3d metroidvanias?
    there's a metroid prime 4 in development and retro is involved, maybe you already know. Apparently it's a continuation of the previous games so i imagine it would play similarly. Sounds like it's a few years away yet

    there was going to be a megaman game called Maverick Hunter made by some retro studios people too but it was cancelled back in 2010. It looked prime-ish, from what they had so far anyway. Megaman looked kinda weird though

    • 2 years ago

      This megaman looks really kino. Sad to know it was cancelled.

  18. 2 years ago

    Metroid died when it went 3D
    Change my mind
    You can't

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