I recently learned that a lot of the people on here that say the OG game is better haven't even touched the remake or gotten as far as the lake.

I recently learned that a lot of the people on here that say the OG game is better haven't even touched the remake or gotten as far as the lake.

So, for the people who have actually played both games, which one do you like better and why?

I'll start with my opinion.

It's a bit complicated for me. I've recently had a bit of an unexpected twist of perspectives, but nobody is able to engage with that, so I'll just give the opinions I had before that:

The original game's shooting was good and satisfying, but it quickly starts to feel repetitive, and the pacing tanks around the castle and island and it starts to feel meandering. It gets credit atleast, for trying to incorporate shooting as more than just "combat". Things like shooting the boxes to jump across, shooting the things on the ceiling to escape the ceiling trap, shooting the lock to get out of the cage/elevator, my memory's a bit fuzzy on this. But yeah, this gives it's shooting slightly more of an identity compared to most shooters. In that sense, it kind of reminds me of Sin and Punishment.

The Remake's shooting simply has more depth of options. Parrying adds to the resource economy, and allows for enemies to be more aggressive, so does crouch, since you can use it to dodge grabs. Pacing is MUCH better, cuts a lot of the meandering, level design is generally slightly better. Particularly the lake, felt nice to just collect the pieces non linearly, not amazing or anything, but was nice. Combat never feels repetitive aswell, but it's arguably less satisfying, sometimes the game feels random. And it also simultaneously feels easy and hard, probably because more options but tougher enemies.

The way i see these two games RE4 (2005) is the DS1 to RE4R's DS3. I wonder if anybody else has any interesting perspectives on this.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Frick off with your data mining thread

    • 5 months ago


      why are you guys so resistant to expressing or articulating anything about why you like videogames? you guys will spiel for hours in bait threads about the downfall of the west, or about female characters getting uglier, or about modern games being too easy, or too woke, or about remakes being inherently evil, or about how gaming is dying because of game awards but...just ask somebody to talk about why they like a videogame and it's "data mining?"

      am I actually just stupid for not leaving this place? some moron is probably going to tell me to go back to R*ddit not realizing how similar this place is to it...

  2. 5 months ago

    repurposed Leon meme thread

    • 5 months ago


      This is so insanely obvioious i can't believe i never visually thought of the herbs as weed

    • 5 months ago

      Fourth panel should be when Leon's eyes are red from the plagas taking over

  3. 5 months ago

    The gameplay of the remake is overall better.

    The story of the remake is a mixed bag. Saddler is significantly worse than the original due to most of his screentime being hallucinations instead of actual confrontations.
    Luis is much better but they took his death away from Saddler to give it to Krauser.
    Krauser is waaaaay better than the original but at the cost of Saddler.
    Salazar is good but not as good considering many iconic lines and conversations being removed.
    Ada is much worse than the original.

    The scene where Leon meets with Ada in the castle is utterly terrible. In the original, Leon disarms Ada. In the remake, he swings his knife wildly at her but then allows her to keep her gun she was just threatening him with. It's just a dumb action movie slop scene in the remake.

    Verdugo was not introduced properly so Leon has the clunky line of "Your Ramon's lapdog" to remind you what the frick is going on. If you didn't play the original, you'd be forgiven for having no idea that Verdugo is the trenchcoat bugman.

    Ada's voice actress.

    To sum it up, I overall prefer the remake for the gameplay and the more realistic atmosphere even though it falls flat on its execution quite often.

    • 5 months ago

      Remake is better, I don’t give a flying frick about the corny camp og story or that I could see up dumbos skirt. The og is certified ancient jank these days, remake is a fun modern title. And frick og for full screen action shattering pauses every time you pick up an item, who tf can defend this?
      I’m also old btw, old enough to have been drinking and fricking when Re was first released.

      dammit. I recently had a moment with the remake that makes me hate the gunplay. And I remember somebody saying something interesting about the original game that made it sound more methodical, even if simpler than the remake, I guess I was just coping then, cuz I don't give a frick about story. ahhh frick. it is what it is I guess

  4. 5 months ago

    Remake is better, I don’t give a flying frick about the corny camp og story or that I could see up dumbos skirt. The og is certified ancient jank these days, remake is a fun modern title. And frick og for full screen action shattering pauses every time you pick up an item, who tf can defend this?
    I’m also old btw, old enough to have been drinking and fricking when Re was first released.

  5. 5 months ago

    >So, for the people who have actually played both games, which one do you like better and why

    Depends on what I'm in the mood for

    • 5 months ago

      These are american hours, you pick a side, black(og) or white(remake).

  6. 5 months ago

    I like OG better. Remake is a fine game if you havent played rhe original but the same stands for remake 2 and 3, they play like cheap copies that sort of miss the point.

    • 5 months ago

      >that sort of miss the point.

      and what point is that for 4R? If you say some stupid shit that has nothing to do with gameplay, this entire garbage board is a superficial fraud that pretends "gameplay over everything durrr" is a real principle.

      • 5 months ago

        >whats the point of 4r
        couldnt tell you, because 6 has much tighter gameplay, all the sloppy loose gunplay and movement is mogged to hell and back by the apex of the combat genre Resident Evil games, but I guess its cool that leon hunches over like quasimodo when turning, but the world still isnt ready to acknowledge 6 as rightful heir to the throne

        • 5 months ago

          uhhh...I think you misread that, because I was asking what point of Resident Evil 4 combat that the Remake "missed"...not what the point of its existence was...

          • 5 months ago

            4 was a product of its time and leon was deliberately not mobile to add tension and also pretend its a horror game
            4r was an action game that wasnt even trying and was outdone by a game made 5+ years earlier

            • 5 months ago

              >and was outdone by a game made 5+ years earlier

              and...what game is that? just assuming you're not talking about the original because 5+ years is such a specific and vague number simultaneously.

              • 5 months ago

                In my previous post I named it. Resi6, which I realize was 5+ years ago 5+ years ago, so outdone 10 years ago

              • 5 months ago


                Dead Space 2 mogs both, can you prove against this?

              • 5 months ago

                Dead space 2 has better pacing. 6 still has better gunplay and combat. Isaac Clarke doesnt have all the cool gunkata moves or the intentionally throwing yourself at the ground and doing sick slides for the frick of it move

  7. 5 months ago

    OG is better and you haven't even touched the OG zoomertard.

    • 5 months ago

      >OG is better

      Ok, why?

      >you haven't even touched the OG zoomertard.


      • 5 months ago

        >Ok, why?
        Because if you had to choose which one to erase from existence RE4 OG and RE4 Remake, and you chose RE4 OG, you'd be fricking moronic. It's really just that simple.

  8. 5 months ago

    i liked remake more. OG was great but remake really improved on everything. only complains I hear are of the weighty movement and cut content, which honestly i don't know why people sperg out about that shit.

  9. 5 months ago

    People always say remake's gameplay is better, but the ratio of replays on the remake vs how many times people opt to play through the original is pretty significant as a point. I found that the streamlined and accessible nature of the remake has a superior "one and done" going for it, but the original is so densely packed with constant activity that you can pick it up and play from just about anywhere (except Ashley, frick Ashley segments in general)

    OG stood the test of time, but I struggled to replay the new one

    • 5 months ago

      >People always say remake's gameplay is better, but the ratio of replays on the remake vs how many times people opt to play through the original is pretty significant as a point.

      Wait Wait, hold on what? Where are you getting these stats from?

      >that the streamlined and accessible nature of the remake has a superior "one and done" going for it

      streamlined??? what are you talking about what do you mean? I'm earnestly asking, the remake is literally objectively the harder game, what? unless you have some evidence against that, but every single way in which you can interact with the enemy is way weaker in the remake, and enemies are way more aggressive, all the remake does is give you better defensive options, but that still puts the onus on the player to perform them effectively, there's no invincibility frames, no grenades that blow up dozens of Ganados, no one shot stagger, none of that. So what do you mean?

      >but the original is so densely packed with constant activity that you can pick it up and play from just about anywhere

      I agree depending on what specifically you mean.

      >OG stood the test of time, but I struggled to replay the new one

      Yeah and I've heard from dozens of people who are literally addicted to playing the remake over and over again, who cares about your personal struggle, that's your subjective experience, not objectively representative of the game.

  10. 5 months ago

    both games are good.

    I think OG has better characters and cutscenes. Like the scene where Krauser transforms you can acutally see it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rcWXkFiCxY
    In the remake all transformations happen off scene, every single one. Plus OG Karuser voice sounds so cold and badass. I do have to mention OG Ada wong? Anyways Remake doesn't miss the mark with the gameplay which was the most important factor, and above all RE4 OG or Remake is still the best action game of all time.

  11. 5 months ago

    I haven't played the remake yet. Not out of choice, I just lack the means to play it right now, but I'm very disappointed that you can't see Ashley's panties in it, so I'm gonna wait for someone to buy it for me because I'm not going to spend money on something that supports censorship.

  12. 5 months ago

    ive played both
    i like the art design, atmosphere, soundtrack, characters (especially salazar) and campiness of the original more. i even like the gameplay more, as the tank controls add to the atmosphere, since you need to plan ahead and cant always be sure whats right behind you. i dont like the crafting mechanics in the remake. they are just pointless and make your inventory more cluttered. i also dont like how they made the castle such a boring generic place, whereas the original looks kinda iconic. the pacing is a bit better in the remake, ill give it that.

  13. 5 months ago

    Hopefully this works. What do you guys think of this post:


  14. 5 months ago

    Dead Space 2 mogs both.

  15. 5 months ago

    I like OG better because of the snappier controls> The remake is fine (I beat it like around 10 times and 100% it) but the controls and how hard it is to stagger enemies makes it less comfy to play than the original. Basically, I won't be playing this game if I want to ease my mind after a stressful day.

  16. 5 months ago

    I like that the OG feels more arcadey, if that makes sense. That felt like a core part of RE4's identity, the constant action and how efficient successive playthroughs feel when you've learned the game. RE4R feels a bit more bloated at times even though it simultaneously feels more polished. I just find it annoying that there's two valid RE4s that have to share the throne and I'm not convinced a remake was necessary even if I enjoyed it.

  17. 5 months ago

    The remake is a better and more fun game. The original is more revolutionary and important. Both are masterpieces in their own right. These are objective facts.

    • 5 months ago

      >demake troony disingenuously shitting in the far better game to prop up shitty nugame
      no way, Jose

      • 5 months ago

        these type of people can't be real right? does nobody just care about shitting up discussion on here?

    • 5 months ago

      >The remake is a better and more fun game.
      >These are objective facts.

      counter this:

      Hopefully this works. What do you guys think of this post: [...]


  18. 5 months ago

    I ain’t reading all that. I love both games but prefer the remake.

  19. 5 months ago

    I’ve only played Remake so far but I have copped the original recently too. If it plays anything like RE5 but better I’m guessing it’ll be just as good or better?

  20. 5 months ago

    The Remake is a great game and was my favorite this year, but no game in the world makes me feel like OG RE4.
    I think console warring between the two is moronic. Both are great.

    • 5 months ago

      >but no game in the world makes me feel like OG RE4.

      frick, I want to know what this feeling is so bad, because I'm currently convinced that all of Remake's depth is superficial because MAN the bossfights expose it so much imo...but the last time I played OG RE4, it felt repetitive as frick, and I don't know if it's worth returning to it. Plus if I did, it would only have to be on professional, since I heard Remake hardcore is equivalent to original professional.

  21. 5 months ago

    played the og a million times. struggled to stay interested in the remake, it's just so much more sluggish, and feels so much worse. after i got through it once, i went back to the og. the remake is a great play once and throwaway slop game.

    • 5 months ago

      >the remake is a great play once and throwaway slop game.

      I don't get why Ganker is so moronic about this. some of the best games of all time like outer wilds, can only be played once. but whatever I guess, it's like talking to a pigeon, you can continue arbitrarily calling things "throwaway slop" because it makes you feel better. lol, so boring. *yawn*

      • 5 months ago

        4 og had adaptive difficulty that would scale up or down depending on how good or bad you were doing. remake has one flat sterile difficulty setting. why would i play a game again when it's 100% the same every time?

        • 5 months ago

          Remake still has adaptive difficulty

          • 5 months ago

            are og fans legit moronic? or do I just call this bias

            just googled it, it has adaptive difficulty for ammo pickups, enemy damage, and health. this isn't the same, as in og it also affected enemy placement, and enemy numbers, which is the only thing that truly affected difficulty. adding in more knee shots and roundhouse kicks doesn't make the game harder. i never noticed this, because imagine getting hit in a game that lets you parry everything for free.

            • 5 months ago

              >because imagine getting hit in a game that lets you parry everything for free.

              lmao. if there's one argument that's unbeatable on Ganker it's the vague "non argument, that doesn't actually objectively describe anything that can be challenged but obviously indicates they have never played the game before.

              RE4R is so much harder, that speedrunners; losers who obsessively play these games, whine to high heavens about how annoying it is to speedrun the game, also I'm pretty sure the game is already inherently random enough with enemy positions/amounts that it doesn't matter, which is also another aspect speedrunners whine about.

              not sure why og fans are so moronic pretending their baby game with one shot stagger, roundhouse 4 enemies, and grenade blows up a dozen enemies is somehow actually hardcore.

              • 5 months ago

                there's no need to be upset.

              • 5 months ago

                >game magically decides your bullets do less damage and your reticle is shakier

              • 5 months ago

                what does speed running have to do with a normal play through?
                >bro, perfect dark is so hard because no one can beat the record for WAR!, a secret mission you get after beating the game!
                that's you right now.

              • 5 months ago

                I don’t know either but it was. First one was fun, remake felt like work. I got to exactly right past the lake and realized I wasn’t feeling it.
                Whole thing felt so neutered of fun in multiple tiny ways that added up to a game I didn’t want to keep playing.

            • 5 months ago

              I also just googled it. It doesn't "spawn more enemies" it despawns enemies etc. That's not the same thing, there's a set amount of enemies, and the worse you do despawns them, but the better you do keeps them the same and just increases their aggression. And the seemingly only documented evidence of this is the archers in the water room.

              OGtards blown the frick out again.

        • 5 months ago

          are og fans legit moronic? or do I just call this bias

  22. 5 months ago

    I don't like the gratuitous violence in remake

  23. 5 months ago

    I like the original, played it tons of times, and I like the remake for the overall modernization of the controls and gameplay, story is a bit lower in the remake but I will admit the Ada dlc did make it so its a remixed but complete package. however, all of you Black folk are sleeping on the real best game; resi 4 vr

  24. 5 months ago

    The remake is superior but the original was groundbreaking in 2005. There is nothing new about the remake in 2023

    • 5 months ago

      Groundbreaking's the wrong choice of wording here. It was more of a massive change in direction that had people love it or hate it. Thinking back to people playing on the demo stations there were definitely your averwge layperson thinking it's great similar to REmake2, but there were still those that didn't like the change in mechanics.

  25. 5 months ago

    Not gonna read all that shit, but yes a lot of people who hate the remake haven't even played it, you will legitimately see homosexuals who refuse to play it just because you can't upskirt Ashlee

  26. 5 months ago

    The remake is better because it lets Leon truly become the action hero he was always meant to be.

    • 5 months ago

      >The remake is better because it lets Leon truly become the action hero he was always meant to be.


      DS1 combat is unironically better than DS3 because rolling isn't the brain-dead straightforward solution all the time, due to stamina actually existing, just like knife parry isnt the straightforward brain-dead solution all the time in RE4...because it doesn't exist.

  27. 5 months ago

    I like the original more. I prefer the old cheesy script especially parts like the bants with Salazar and Saddler. I don't even remember any dialogue from the remake other than the ahi va eso from the ganados.
    The gameplay is better to me to since I like the snappier feel and consistent staggers more than the weighty tlou-like feel. I'm not a fan of new knife mechanics either. If you get unlucky with the constant partial plagas ressurections especially early on, you won't have one to block/parry which felt like the only way to deal with a lot of the non-grab attacks because of how slow you move.
    Also the OG Ashley controls were better, she stuck to your back like glue, ducked the second you aimed in her direction and there were more lockers to hide her in. The remake's weightier realistic movement made her more of a nuisance and I never felt like I could run away with her around, even though the pop up that appears when you leave the church advises you to, because she's so slow. The close/far modes they gave her were also shittier than just being able to tell her to stay somewhere. Her OG section was better too since it was shorter, felt like the remake version dragged on way longer than it should have.
    Also it's a hot take but I didn't feel like Luis was any better, or that he even needed to be "improved" when he's still just typical RE side character fodder. With an even more telegraphed death since he dumps his backstory right before it happens. Overall I can't think of a reason to go back to the remake instead of the original or much good to say about it in general. Guess the shooting gallery theme is good, that's about it.

    • 5 months ago

      >the weighty tlou-like feel.

      you have never played TLOU.

      • 5 months ago

        I have. It was just a point of comparison, the main point is that I don't like the weighty, realistic, however you want to describe it, movement of the RE4make. It fit last two remakes but I don't think it meshes well with this game.

        • 5 months ago

          Original is God Hand with Guns (based)
          Remake is Capcom's The Last of Us (unbased)

          dude, holy frick, Ganker has seriously never played the last of us. You guys have zero idea what you're talking about. RE4R gameplay is still infinitely more arcadey and straightforward than anything in TLOU. And it's closer to RE4 than TLOU, and even closer to RE6.

          In TLOU you're one shotting enemies in the head, while diving into grass to lose their sight, and there are so many slow moments where you're literally just crawling through grass looking for an opening, it's hard to aim because Ellie's aim is constantly swaying and you can shoot people while grabbing somebody. TLOU commits way more than any TPS to being simultaneously realistic, and frantic.

          Genuine morons, that just say whatever moronic shit comes to their heads to shit on a game they couldn't acclimate to by association.

          • 5 months ago

            >even closer to RE6
            You've never played RE6, or even know how to read since I was talking about the style of movement being similar not the headshots or aiming that you're sperging about.

            • 5 months ago

              So when are you actually going to make an argument? Because I know countless of moronic RE6 fans that actually agree with this wholeheartedly, and Infact, I said that specifically because they've said that. At the end of the day, you're genuinely moronic and delusional if you think RE4R plays like TLOU.

              RE4R is the game I play when I want to escape from the harsh, brutal, and oppressive nature of TLOU2 grounded, when I just want to feel powerful, and capable again, if I just point and shoot, where considering risk vs reward, and being keen about my surroundings at all times isn't as important, where enemies literally drop resources to me in abundance, so I can always just rely on pointing and shooting and never have to be resourceful. Thank GOD RE4R is NOTHING like TLOU, because I wouldn't have my comfort food.

  28. 5 months ago

    My only complaint with the remake is that the requirements for an S rank on Pro difficulty is absolutely moronic, probably the hardest S rank in any RE game. Most of the bosses are worse than their original versions too

  29. 5 months ago

    I will never play the remake solely because of Ashley's skirt, and I don't even find Ashley attractive. Blondes just don't do it for me.

  30. 5 months ago

    no i wont play it

  31. 5 months ago

    HD project > Remake > Original

  32. 5 months ago

    I feel like the parry in 6, or whatever it would be called, is more fun and also consistent than the 4make one. Also helps that there are more than a doezen parry animations in 6 whereas in 4make it's 99% of the time the same one over and over.

  33. 5 months ago

    Original is God Hand with Guns (based)
    Remake is Capcom's The Last of Us (unbased)

  34. 5 months ago

    It all makes sense now.

    • 5 months ago

      FRICK, I KNEW it was revaltions 2 once he said it wasn't village, before he said it was revaltions 2, I'm a genius.

      But anyway, this video looks really interesting, thanks.

      I hate Resident Evil games fundamentally btw.

  35. 5 months ago

    The game complements the original.
    The original is a better game, but contrary to most remakes, REmakes don't attempt to replace the originals. Instead it respectfully sidegrades them, and while they can be enjoyed as your first they clearly want you to have the originals in mind while playing, moreso in RE4. The entire experience was enhanced by virtue of the original existing. In this case the original has the perfect mix of feeling deliberate + a struck of genius + lightning in a bottle. You just can't beat that, the stars aligned.

    On the gampelay perspective RE4 remake is a polished and refined experience. The combat is quick paced with a lot of options, enemies are aggresive and the game gives you just the right amount of options to deal with the shit. It abides to the modern standard of a good action game. But in my opinion the original wins just because the edge you gain by gitting gud makes it all the more satisfying compared to the remake. It's a difficult feeling to explain. Also the sound and visual design (that was taken on a completely different direction on the remake) is crunchy as frick and makes the weapons have extra punch that makes it very satisfying to engage in combat. It's a fricking videogame that isn't ashamed to be a videogame, unlike modern big budget games.

    I enjoyed RE4 remake but it doesn't have the staying power the original has in any metric.

    • 5 months ago

      would you call the original, more methodical? because honestly I feel like people seem to have a hard time actually describing what makes the originals gameplay "good", whereas I can explain exactly why for the remake. I actually have some ideas of my own regarding the original that you can see in OP. But I'm trying to get at the heart of it, what REALLY makes this game? Because the way you describe "getting good feels satisfying or whatever" sounds to me like dark souls, or hotline Miami, or sin and punishment, or TLOU2. It's a bit vague, but even then, I can draw a similarity between all these games.

      Ive had people describe RE4 as emulating rail shooters, as dark souls but a shooter, as "arcadey" etc. But I'm trying to pin down through this thread, a unique way of describing it, that truly encompasses what makes it RE4...and what makes it different from RE4R. Because despite all you've described...I think many would say getting better in RE4R also feels satisfying, and I really can't see a reason the remake DOESNT replace the original, especially for most people. Because I WANT to believe that. Anyway Its higher rated on Steam than the original for example, and there are DOZENS of people who's first introduction to RE4 is the remake, which is why it's so weird when you people pretend it's some godly groundbreaking game that everybody knows and considers beloved. Nah. It's just a game you have nostalgia for.

      Just talk about it honestly. Don't glorify it. That gets at the truth more often than not.

      • 5 months ago

        Steam doesn't count any of the sales of the game releasing over 40 different platforms. Also gaming is way fricking bigger now than it ever was, and the remake was hyped, numbers don't mean anything here.
        It's not really that complicated. RE4 (original) is a mixture of classic (tank controls) + modern gameplay (third person shootan). The controls are limiting and the game and enemy design is built around it (i.e enemies will rush towards you but stop when they are close so you'll have time to react and shoot them).
        If you've played any survival horror with classic controls and fixed camera angles you'll know that combat is not good because it's not the point, but it feels good to get good at it because there's a lot of movement economy and resource micro management (and I don't mean bullets). RE4 has that but with actual good gameplay. Staying still to aim or moving to avoid an attack, compromising yourself by staying still to reload or keep running to find a better moment to stop, using your envinroment in silly ways like hiding behind geometry to your advantage... creates a tense system where there's a lot to learn. It seems jank to people that's not used to playing these kinds of games so of course they don't want to go back to this and play the remake.
        RE4 remake is a modern action game with modern action game controls and enemies are more aggresive. They won't stop when reaching you, quite the opposite. As a tradeoff there's none of that. The only thing remaining from that dynamic is grouping enemies to make a roundhouse kick and run away. Instead there's a lot of polished modern third person combat, which is good, parrying is satisfying, the shooting is good. The movement economy gets replaced by a different pace of constantly blasting enemies and parrying and moving. It's all good, but it doesn't evoke the same feeling of conquering a system RE4 original has. It's just a modern game. A good modern game. A different experience, but not as rewarding.

        • 5 months ago

          this response deserves a lengthy response but I'm at church right now, so hopefully the thread doesn't die before I get home.

        • 5 months ago

          >Steam doesn't count any of the sales of the game releasing over 40 different platforms.

          irrelevant statement, plus that just points more towards an inflation of sales when you can just rerelease it on a dozen platforms.

          >Also gaming is way fricking bigger now than it ever was, and the remake was hyped, numbers don't mean anything here.

          also a worthless statement. because 6 million sales is still considered a huge success now, and by the time of the PS2 era games were already selling 18 million. Games don't actually sell all that much more now on average unless you're talking about the big leagues like COD, Fifa, GTA, or the rare shit like Witcher 3 etc. Which sell bucket loads. But if you look at the best selling PlayStation 4 games now, most still hover around 5-20 million, which about the same as it was during the PS2 era.

          Look at the fricking picrel, this shit is so fricking overblown, combined sales of PS2 and GameCube, it's initial release consoles is barely 4 million. Inflated as frick by rereleases.

          >If you've played any survival horror with classic controls and fixed camera angles you'll know that combat is not good because it's not the point

          Unfortunately my anger has waned. But if people want to know the real reasons the horror genre has been so stagnant and garbage for years and years to this day and why you losers (not specifically you) on Ganker whine daily about how shit it is. THIS FRANCHISE right here is the real reason. This excuse is so fricking bullshit, so fricking absurd and ridiculously bullshit and shallow that it's ridiculous. Beyond the fact that horror is ultimately subjective, I've played a dozen of games that have elicited a far greater, far stronger, and far permeating "fear" of loss, death, etc. Through gameplay, without needing to have their gameplay be legit fricking garbage that relies on trial and error bullshit and virtually zero skill.


        • 5 months ago

          >but it feels good to get good at it because there's a lot of movement economy and resource micro management (and I don't mean bullets).

          lol. this is your brain unironically on Resident Evil delusion. The gameplay in these games is so hard carried by the sum of its parts, 90% of it is an illusion, anybody who has ACTUALLY played these games, knows that "resource management" quickly becomes an afterthought, because it's so fricking shallow and simple that it doesn't fricking mean anything. Also so much of it is predicated on you simply knowing or not knowing. The puzzles are brain-dead, the combat is literally and objectively a point and shoot RNG diceroll 90% of the time, and when it's not, it's just point and shoot brainless shit. The level design 90% of the time is also brain-dead easy to navigate "carry item A to Door A" and even when it's good like in RE1 or REmake, it's still ridiculously simple because you never actually EVER enter or have to consider the Z axis. But I'll admit, it's atleast fun, when done right.

          >RE4 has that but with actual good gameplay.

          lmao what. RE4 is barely survival horror, and barely even close. Enemies drop ammo for God's sake.
          >Staying still to aim or moving to avoid an attack, compromising yourself by staying still to reload or keep running to find a better moment to stop, using your envinroment in silly ways like hiding behind geometry to your advantage...

          wow deep. Never before seen in a TPS game before or after, what crazy deep and thoughtful survival horror gameplay, wow...having to think about when you reload...yeah, that's definitely unique to resident evil.

          Like what the frick are you saying seriously man? Are you hearing yourself?

          Here, I'll give you a better argument. In the next reply.

          • 5 months ago

            Man, you're a pretentious moron and I'm not wasting time answering your posts, so consider your time wasted and nothing but the feeling that "you won" gained.

            • 5 months ago

              >so consider your time wasted and nothing but the feeling that "you won" gained.

              thanks. I already knew I was right. I only responded to prove what I knew from the start that you couldn't articulate shit. 1 stroke, your first response predicated on "It just feels satisfying, It hard to explain" 2. "You le have to reload while standing still!! woaaaah crazy deep survival horror gameplay here!". and 3 "You are le pretentious, you win, but I'll pretend like that's actually not earned or something despite being given 3 chances *harumph*"

              So we've got, no argument. shallow argument. and ultimately adhom. Begone. You shouldn't have even bothered with a reply.

  36. 5 months ago

    >I'll start with my opinion.
    didn't read past this

  37. 5 months ago

    RE4 is in my top 10 favorite games ever. I've played it back to front so many times on multiple platforms but I thought remake was very good. Combat was satisfying and it added a lot of neat tricks and fights. It was never going to supplant the og but remake Ashley beats the shit out of OG Ashley who I always thought was annoying and weird looking.

    • 5 months ago

      I don’t understand you. Anyways I’m really struggling to enjoy the remake, what am I missing?

      • 5 months ago

        >Anyways I’m really struggling to enjoy the remake, what am I missing?

        Do you have a really obsessive attachment to the original RE4? Then you probably don't enjoy it because it's not exactly like that. If not, then it might be for the same or a similar reason as me, which I don't want to get into to much but can basically be summarized as this: Trying to add superficial depth to the skeleton of an ultimately incredibly simple game, which results in a game, which at it's worst, feels like it's wasting your time.

        I could elaborate more, but I don't like effort posting on this shit board.

        • 5 months ago

          > feels like it's wasting your time.
          Kek, this is my major gripe with games these days, and why I think companion permadeath needs to be more common. That wasn’t my compliant with this one though.

    • 5 months ago

      >shit out of OG Ashley
      Ashley's AI in the remake is a million times worse. In the og you tell here to wait and she does on the pixel you told her to. Everthing that happens to her after is your own fault. When she follows you she is literally glued to your ass. In the remake you tell her to give you space and she runs like a moron directly into enemy hands to which you have zero control over.

  38. 5 months ago

    Alright, I'll bite. It's not really that complicated. I grew up with the OG RE games and played all the RE Engine games as well and they just can't compete. They just can't. But because you asked, I will break it down for you. I will discuss all of these games by 5 categories: Graphics, Sound, Gameplay, Replayability and Overall polish. Then I'll compare them directly to their OG counterpart. Let's begin with RE4 since that's the latest (1/8)

  39. 5 months ago

    Unique to Resident Evil 4 is: A shooter that is centered largely around melee enemies, allows encounters to be designed in a way where hordes are sent at you to deal with, you have a varying degree of crowd control tools to deal with that, shotgun blasts multiple enemies away, head shots or leg shots allow for a roundhouse kick and a supplex respectably, there are a lot of different way to interact with enemies, via the limb system, and you can shoot almost anything. You can shoot dynamites to let enemies blow themselves up. The game expects you to shoot things in the environment aswell to progress, like the boxes after the lake to jump across, or the ceiling things in the ceiling spike trap, or the lock in the cage/elevator, or the shit in the clock tower etc. The game uses shooting not just as something that exists only in the context of combat, but all around. It truly embodies the theme of a "shooter". Despite literally every single other part of the game that RE4 still tries to be "Puzzle oriented, "Navigation" oriented (still tries to maintain bring item a to door a) being utter garbage, what it focuses on is strong enough to overcome those faults. Even if it meanders alot.

    None of the shit you said prior means shit when relevant to RE4, nor inherently makes the game more satisfying than the remake or any modern game. 90% of the shit you mentioned anyway, wasn't borne out of a pure vision anyway, it was born out of people working within limits of how they could design a game. Not to say that's good or bad, but you act as if these were clever design decisions.

    RE4 might enter my spot as top 10 most overrated games ever when these are the moronic arguments people come up with "Woah...you're slow...and have to reload instead of shooting or moving sometimes..."

  40. 5 months ago

    Parrying is fun and the pacing is way better in the remake. Im convinced most who prefer the original are blinded by nostalgia or contrarian

    • 5 months ago

      like at the 2 messages prior, and you'll realize how delusional some RE4 fans seem to be. I actually don't agree that RE4R's gameplay is necessarily better. I think it's possibly a sort of DS1 vs DS3 kind of think.

      But I definitely agree that the Remake's pacing is way better. I wonder if part of the experience of the Original is missed playing on Normal, so I'm planning on buying it and doing some tinkering to start instantly on professional, since I hear some people feel like the original's pro mode is equivalent to the Remake's hardcore mode. Also admittedly, there are more things the original CAN offer, like how much it tries to make shooting interactable beyond combat which is yes, small, but it's something that goes a long way to making a game feel cohesive.

      I just wish I didn't have my doubts about remake, because I used to feel exactly the same way as you, but now I have to play through an old repetitive shittily paced game just to quell my doubts.

  41. 5 months ago

    I just got to Chapter 5 in VR and it's incredibly surreal to actually *be* in the village and on the lake. I am also surprised how it's basically the same (or feels the same) as the OG so far. Hardcore also feels perfectly balanced, you get just enough resources if you're careful. Punisher with laser sight in VR is so fricking useful in these early stages. Manually reloading adds so much to the tension, especially the bolt or rifle. You actually knife the parasite on the quarry giant's back, it's insane to play it this way.

  42. 5 months ago


  43. 5 months ago

    I played one hour of the remake, I just don't like the run and gun style gameplay. The knife breaking is pretty gay also.

    • 5 months ago

      would you consider RE4 almost like a rail shooter, and that why it feels more fun for you?

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