I respect owlcat for putting nearly impossible encounters at the beginning of their game

>level 9 succubus
>level 11 inquisitor
>4x level 9 chests, 1x level 11 cambion arcanist
>level 9 vrock
>all accessible from level 3/4
you rarely see developers give you the option of fighting nearly impossible battles these days and I respect owlcat for doing it

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  1. 2 years ago

    In Kingmaker like half of players would completely filtered by those spider swarms

    • 2 years ago

      How? Literally how? Is the average gamer THAT shit at video games? Kingmaker was my second RPG ever after Baldurs Gate and it was barely any harder. Building a character was a bit more complex but that's it

      The absolute state of your average CoD & AC fan trying out RPG

      • 2 years ago

        They nerfed that encounter several times after the beta and in a few after release patches as well, and also added a loading screen tip for that specific encounter. In the end they just changed that entire area so you don't even have to fight the swarms to finish the quest that brings you there, since they're now placed deeper into the cave than the actual quest objective.

        But yes, in general people are just moronic. The main issue is that spider swarms are a b***h and a half to fight with regular weapons and many people didn't think to use the fire bombs they were handed by the quest giver, so they just went online and cried about how unfair that encounter was.

        • 2 years ago

          This is the core problem with RPG difficulty complaints, the #1 core problem; people do not use their resources. However this can often be blamed on bad game design that is common to the genre. The biggest example being bosses having arbitrary immunity to literally anything that isn't damage, sometimes going as far as debuffs.

          • 2 years ago

            Using the flasks isn't a silver bullet against them though because of attack rolls being so shit at those levels. You're more likely to miss and do 1 damage than you are to hit.

            • 2 years ago

              Fair, that's an earlygame D&D problem that has persisted from the beginning and a different discussion altogether.

            • 2 years ago

              You also probably don't know about the pathfinder feat tax to be able to do any kind of to-hit ranged attack into melee

          • 2 years ago

            That's a problem with the game not teaching players, not the players.

        • 2 years ago

          Did the beta have the swarms at all in that cave? Only played it much later, but as i read the swarms were added to the first final release

      • 2 years ago

        I guess that’s because oleg Talked about spiders and players saw a big ass spider and thought that’s what he meant and then got btfo’d because they didn’t have enough fire left

      • 2 years ago

        To be fair the original version of that fight was pretty bullshit. Unless your MC was a spellcaster with something like Burning Hands memorized, there was a good chance Linzi was your only caster at that point and fighting 3 spider swarms with 5 bombs was a complete crapshoot, especially if you rolled poorly on the throws.

        Not saying it deserved to be nerfed into the ground but it was definitely a tough fight before they nerfed it.

        • 2 years ago

          Did torches work originally, or was that after the nerf? I remember just equipping torches on every one of my characters to fight the swarm.

          • 2 years ago

            You would almost always die before the 1 fire damage killed them.

      • 2 years ago

        In Kingmaker like half of players would completely filtered by those spider swarms

        they just did a really bad job of explaining that you needed to use those exploding potions and how many of them were required to clear the den

      • 2 years ago

        Probably because you couldn't kill the swarm with weapons and unless people also played table top, no other game I recall has a swarm like that where you need an aoe spell/fire potion/torch. It's pretty reasonable they'd have trouble with that.

      • 2 years ago

        oh frick off, the swarm rules are completely counterintuitive and have never been in a D&D game before and never come up again in game play until like 50 hours later.
        it's fine to assblast the player with it if you want to do some King's Field hehe frick you stuff but that's what it amounts to, just a "don't assume everything will be tutorialized" message

        • 2 years ago

          Mandragora swarms basically just instantly kill you unless you are actively expecting them and load up all your shit to frick them with an alpha strike

          even right now I don't remember how I was dealing with them and would probably get fricked at least once if I had to replay it

          • 2 years ago

            I found the slow spell fricks their butt, they're useless when staggered and 1/2 movespeed

            • 2 years ago

              That was it, I was popping storms over top of them to frick their move speed and do AoE damage

              • 2 years ago

                they have a frickton of immunities because they're mindless AND plants AND swarms with very good saves besides will and high HP. Finding the hole in all that shit without being a longtime pathfinder gay is reload town. But it's not like I'm against that, it's basically a pop quiz on your understanding of game mechanics and if I immediately solved every puzzle in a puzzle game I'd think it was a bad game.

          • 2 years ago

            Just abuse kineticist

  2. 2 years ago

    >finish the last main encounter of Lost Chapel
    >continue explore the outskirts
    >find a bunch of succs and inccs
    >kill them with ease
    >some level 19 demon spawns right after and it wrecks my shit in 3 turns

    very cool, the only reason i won is the summoned paladin from mythic level 2.

    • 2 years ago

      I thought the gargl chieftain was a bit of a bump and then the demon spawns. Good thing Ember had some scorching rays left.

    • 2 years ago

      Tip for that one, swarm it with summons, turn on real time mode, and have all your party move away while the daemon whittles down the summons. Afterwards, the demon will just deaggro.

  3. 2 years ago

    >level 9 succubus
    >level 11 inquisitor
    >4x level 9 chests, 1x level 11 cambion arcanist
    >level 9 vrock
    Worth noting is that all of these are optional, and in most cases can be avoided if you play carefully and pay attention.

    The inquisitor is a neutral npc who doesn't fight you at all unless you attack him first or explictly choose the fight option in dialogue.
    The cambion (I assume you mean the alchemist, not arcanist) can be spotted through a crack in the wall before you aggro him. Also you don't need to fight all 4 chests at the same time since 2 are in a different room.
    The vrock first needs to be summoned by you and then needs to be found in an area that's (slightly) off the beaten path and which you've almost certainly already passed by at that time so you have to backtrack to find it.
    The succubus is arguable. She's in a completely optional area which you have no real reason to explore other than curiosity, but AFAIK she attacks as soon as you spot her through the door and there's no real warning for her.

    • 2 years ago

      >The vrock first needs to be summoned by you and then needs to be found in an area that's (slightly) off the beaten path and which you've almost certainly already passed by at that time so you have to backtrack to find it.
      well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my reckless demon summoning

  4. 2 years ago

    >I respect Owlcat
    only a shill would post these words.

  5. 2 years ago

    In PF (and DnD) the enemy level isn't directly indicative of how challenging it is to beat.

  6. 2 years ago

    jesus are they still doing this shit? thank god i didn't pick up any game besides kingmaker.

  7. 2 years ago

    I can guarantee this was just sloppy design and balancing, not intentional.

  8. 2 years ago

    Shame once you get towards the end of Act 2 most encounters just start to turn into the same routine over and over until the game ends. Act 1 of this game is the best since you're forced to think strategically (on Core difficulty and above) before levelling up bloats everything out into a numbers game.

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