I stopped playing PUBG because of the new anti-cheat.

I don't cheat. I just don't want Tencents kernel driver on my PC.

What other BRs should I look forward to? Miss the game bros...

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  1. 2 years ago

    okay cheater

  2. 2 years ago

    If you're playing a FPS and you're not cheating then you're being cheated by someone else. They're literally prime cheat material because tracking players that are cheating is hard. You can do a lot to hide mouse input which is why we have this weird kernel trash, and its hard to tell if someone else is cheating unless they're using the stupidly obvious amateur aimbots.
    Even better, aiming is where 90%+ of the skill in the game lies. This means aimbots are effectively gods.

    Stop getting cheated, loser.

  3. 2 years ago

    OP practically every modern anti cheat is kernel level so this is a nonsensical issue

    Either put up with anticheat or don't. The racism part is just silly

    • 2 years ago

      >The racism part is just silly
      stop jumping at shadows moron, go to /misc/ for your confirmation bias.

      • 2 years ago

        >uses google, android, apple, cloud, drive, windows, steam, facebook, twitter, chrome all of whom blatantly spy on you for themselves and for the glowies

        It's so tiresome

        • 2 years ago

          >must be wasizm
          yeah okay detective brainlet

          • 2 years ago

            if you use any mentioned then you're the nonsensical moron who doesn't actually care about his data and just feeling scared of a bogeyman

        • 2 years ago

          dead on

        • 2 years ago

          dead on

          this is exactly how moronic you sound

          • 2 years ago

            >trusting americans

            LOL you're the only moronic one here.

            • 2 years ago

              >trusting commies

              The only one moronic here is you. I should go do a special operation on your mom

        • 2 years ago

          I only use steam off of that list

    • 2 years ago

      What race is he discriminating against?

      Ideal anti-cheat:
      - Killcam, with single tap report button (you can also press the hotkey to report the last killcam if you miss it). Low barrier of entry will make detection of cheating effortless and ensure that most of sus activity won't be missed.
      (- Ability save and browse past killcams to report later)
      - A 3$ hour employee can efficiently go through reported clips and judge them at a 0-100% spectrum of cheat suspect. To avoid human error, about 2 blatant cheat clips or slightly larger number of high sus rating clips in a short succession is required to ban a player. If there are large number of clean reports against that player, the requirement of cheat clips goes up slightly, to prevent bruteforce of false positives against a player that is simply good or plays in weird way. If the suspect plays from same IP address, VPN, steam family sharing etc. ban treshold becomes lower in order to mitigate multiple account creation.
      - If a player submits a large ratio of incorrect salt reports compared to legit reports, they lose their report function to reduce spam.

      However good AI system you engineer, it will have issues. An efficiently designed human-based report system would work better.

      Ideal anti-cheat:
      Player hosted dedicated servers where people can ban whoever the frick they want if they're suspicious.

      if you use any mentioned then you're the nonsensical moron who doesn't actually care about his data and just feeling scared of a bogeyman

      kernel level anticheats are moronic for reasons beyond privacy. They can brick your fricking PC by disabling drivers related to, for example, your overclocking or fan software. Bluehole/Tencent are a pretty big studio so hopefully this won't be an issue, but what about the case of an employee going rogue and infecting your computer, in the case of a smaller indie title?

  4. 2 years ago

    play Console BRs with a XIM APEX and use your mouse and keyboard lmao

  5. 2 years ago

    Ideal anti-cheat:
    - Killcam, with single tap report button (you can also press the hotkey to report the last killcam if you miss it). Low barrier of entry will make detection of cheating effortless and ensure that most of sus activity won't be missed.
    (- Ability save and browse past killcams to report later)
    - A 3$ hour employee can efficiently go through reported clips and judge them at a 0-100% spectrum of cheat suspect. To avoid human error, about 2 blatant cheat clips or slightly larger number of high sus rating clips in a short succession is required to ban a player. If there are large number of clean reports against that player, the requirement of cheat clips goes up slightly, to prevent bruteforce of false positives against a player that is simply good or plays in weird way. If the suspect plays from same IP address, VPN, steam family sharing etc. ban treshold becomes lower in order to mitigate multiple account creation.
    - If a player submits a large ratio of incorrect salt reports compared to legit reports, they lose their report function to reduce spam.

    However good AI system you engineer, it will have issues. An efficiently designed human-based report system would work better.

  6. 2 years ago

    I recently got back into PUBG and absolutely love it.

    • 2 years ago

      i ain't never played it but i feel i'd like it more than forknife or apex
      is pubg fun?

      • 2 years ago

        if you like walking/capming simulator and extremely satisfying and rewarding shooting then yes

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