I think Cyrus's ideology is stupid however I think team galactic are really cool and have a cool aesthetic and a cool theme song.

I think Cyrus's ideology is stupid however I think team galactic are really cool and have a cool aesthetic and a cool theme song.

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  1. 7 months ago

    NPCs are constantly pointing out how lame they look and you somehow came away thinking they look cool?

    • 7 months ago

      Why would I take the opinions of people who have little self identity seriously?

    • 7 months ago

      Did you just admit to think like NPCs?

    • 7 months ago

      you look at these bowlcut goobers and think "yeah that's cool"?

      Probably the funniest grunts in the franchise

      • 7 months ago

        Not even close.

      • 7 months ago

        the Lift Key grunt in Kanto
        the “bye bye a go go” Rocket grunt
        Team Skull

      • 7 months ago

        That's Team Dim Sun.

    • 7 months ago

      Pretty sure that was intentional. Literally no one took them seriously which is how they got away with building a bomb and fricking up a lake.

  2. 7 months ago

    I want to have sex with Mars, but I want to have sex with her great granny even more.

    • 7 months ago

      >but I want to have sex with her great granny even more.
      You'd want to frick ashes?

  3. 7 months ago

    Exactly. you know their worth, youre just terrified of its final goal. Because you know youre too weak and it would crush xiu

  4. 7 months ago

    Worst villains and its not even close. OP you have brain damage, but liking something from Sinnoh was a dead give away to that.

    • 7 months ago

      Discord post

    • 7 months ago

      sharty post

  5. 7 months ago

    >hates everyone
    >wants to destroy the world because of the forced soulslop
    >when he fails he just fricks off to another dimension to be by himself
    Cyrus is LITERALLY me

  6. 7 months ago

    you look at these bowlcut goobers and think "yeah that's cool"?

    • 7 months ago

      its a gen 4 shill post, its pure bait.

    • 7 months ago

      They look cool to me, I have a long bowl cut.

    • 7 months ago

      the haircuts are stupid but the uniforms are cool

    • 7 months ago

      Isn't there dialogue in-game that states that the grunts' hair are wigs?

    • 7 months ago

      no, I look at Mars and want to cum

  7. 7 months ago

    >based nihilist wants to destroy the world because he knows humanity was a mistake

    • 7 months ago

      somehow people hate Cyrus. they hate him because he's right.

      i'll put it this way, even Cynthia doesn't hate Cyrus, she just wants to stop the massive loss of life that would result from his plan.

  8. 7 months ago

    They are one of the worst villain teams. The worst without a doubt is Team Flare.

    • 7 months ago

      stop spamming your garbage, genwarring discord spic

  9. 7 months ago

    Mars and her fat cat both owe me sex

  10. 7 months ago

    Plasma better

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


  11. 7 months ago

    I've always liked Team Galactic. Cyrus is competent and charismatic, their admins are memorable (even Charon), the grunts are cool and mirror the personality of the admin they work under and they all have banger themes from the grunts all the way up to Cyrus. Another thing that's cool about them is how devoted everyone is to Cyrus. They're not just thugs looking for easy money or to bully people like other teams, everyone believes in Cyrus which makes them cult like and more dangerous

    • 7 months ago

      If PMD being mainline post-apocalypse is canon, then Gates and Super prove him right, because society's emotions literally create giant fricked up egregoires-turned-real that nearly destroy the entire world and are only stopped because a last minute deus ex machina hero from another dimension just barely saves the day. Twice.

      >grunts mirror the personality of the admin they work under
      based, I thought I was the only one who noticed this

      • 7 months ago

        >mainline post-apocalypse
        err, mainline's future in general, the specifics of how humans disappear is irrelevant as long as it's the same world

  12. 7 months ago

    Team Galactic sucks. At least with Aqua and Magma their motivations are campy and fun. With Skull there's charisma and an underdog story, Rocket has simple but iconic and enjoyable-to-watch goals, Plasma pulls off a difficult ideology/moral gimmick while also being threatening, and the Aether Foundation is genuinely creepy. Cyrus is an autist with no interesting nuance or redeeming factors. The only enjoyment you get out of him is hearing other npcs dunk on his moronic ass. He's even worse than nonfactor teams like Yell because you can't ignore him and his autism. If it weren't for even worse villains like Flare, Rose, and the bullied kids from SV, Galactic be bottom of the barrel. It's shocking how hard sinnohfetuses shill such a terrible team and team leader.

    • 7 months ago

      talk much but say little

    • 7 months ago

      This reads like you only play Pokemon for memes and porn. "Campy and fun" does not tell me anything beyond them being terrible but something probably made you laugh at some point. I don't see how though, there isn't any good banter between Maxie and Archie. You only start making actual arguments when you start talking about Plasma and Aether Foundation but I still don't see what you mean because making huge bombs and experimenting on the lake legendaries is pretty threatening and creepy.

    • 7 months ago

      >Plasma pulls off a difficult ideology/moral gimmick while also being threatening
      No the frick they do not. They shoot any interesting angle they set up for themselves in the foot by making one of your first encounters with the grunt them kicking a fricking Munna just out in the open because they were told to (not even taking it somewhere discreet, just out in the open in an area with trainer just few feet from them).
      Team Plasma is a bog standard Pokemon team with N stapled on, doing all of the heavy lifting in terms of writing.

      • 7 months ago

        >They shoot any interesting angle they set up for themselves in the foot by making one of your first encounters with the grunt them kicking a fricking Munna just out in the open because they were told to (not even taking it somewhere discreet, just out in the open in an area with trainer just few feet from them).

        nta but, so what?

        Pokemon's writing is generally dogshit anyway, so even if this was somehow a contradiction, it still would set it above Magma/Aqua and Galactic by default, as their stated goal actually makes sense. But its not a contradiction. If I murder someone, and say "murder is wrong", I may be a hypocrite, but my statement's truth value doesnt change. The speaker is separate from the argument, actions have no bearing on the meaning of the argument. This isn't even taking into consideration the fact that dissonancelike that happens irl, even by the organization that Plasma may or may not be apeing, PETA, killing off a shit ton of animals themselves.

        But the point of that whole shit was to show that Ghetsis is charming, and good at convincing people, with a goal that actually has some logical merit to it, to the point where the game even struggles to explain why its supposedly incorrect in the first place.

        • 7 months ago

          >But its not a contradiction. If I murder someone, and say "murder is wrong", I may be a hypocrite, but my statement's truth value doesnt change
          The problem is that it's blatant moronation that shoots their "they actually might have a point and people consider it" angle in the fricking foot. They're BLATANT about not believing the shit they preach, and that clashes fricking horribly with what the story WANTS you to believe about them as they exist in relation to the people on Unova. They don't let up on this, either, going as far as having Plasma grunts blatantly say they don't give a shit about dissenting opinions and having Ghetsis do a blatant frick up about his ultimately selfish intentions later in the game simply because they don't trust their audience to get the fact that they're in the wrong.
          No one takes PETA seriously BECAUSE they're a bunch of hypocritical fricks who's actions blatantly contradict their moto, dipshit. You likening them to PETA just makes it all the more moronic that they even tried to pretend that this was a potential moral dilemma to anyone in the overly sweet and saccharine Pokemon world.

          • 7 months ago

            Well first off, Ghetsis' actual goal has nothing to do with saving Pokemon, he just uses that to put a rift in the use of Pokemon in the general public's minds. He doesn't give a frick that the Munna is being kicked or whatever, thats not him being moronic because hes contradicting himself. Its him being a liar.

            >and that clashes fricking horribly with what the story WANTS you to believe about them

            What the frick, no? The story clearly wants you to see them as lying and underhanded. That's why they show you the leader charming the public, followed immediately by the grunts being shitlords. The player isnt SUPPOSED to side with them. How are you lacking so much in literacy that you missed this?

            >No one takes PETA seriously BECAUSE they're a bunch of hypocritical fricks who's actions blatantly contradict their moto, dipshit.

            lmao you are extremely naive. PETA is, despite being a bunch of flaming morons, very influential, has millions of active members, loudly campaigns the world over, lobbies frequently, and have made their presence known. And, this is in spite of even more egregiously, in-your-face contradiction than whatever Plasma does.

            But even so, wrapping back around to the original point, that doesn't matter because the moral dilemma still exists. Even if PETA, or Plasma are blatantly contradictory, their messages have some merit to them that are worthy of debate. Them being scumbags and hypocrites doesnt change that.

            • 7 months ago

              tumblr scum detected.

              No wonder your opinions are shit.

            • 7 months ago

              >Well first off, Ghetsis' actual goal has nothing to do with saving Pokemon, he just uses that to put a rift in the use of Pokemon in the general public's minds. He doesn't give a frick that the Munna is being kicked or whatever, thats not him being moronic because hes contradicting himself. Its him being a liar.
              You completely missed my point, dipshit. It's not moronic that Plasma is ran by (and has within its ranks) hypocrites, its the fact that the game not only spends little to not time trying to establish what'd make them trustworthy in the eyes of the average Unovan, and then spends the next two dozen hours removing literally any in-universe credibility these guys COULD'VE had. They want us to think the people of the region are having moral quandaries about their magic animal buddies but then do absolutely fricking nothing to try and establish why. The problem isn't that Ghetsis DOESN'T have a point, the problem is that the game doesn't leave it up to the player to determine if he COULD have a point by way of the actual narrative considering and discussing his modus operandi because they're written like the typical shitty evil team for 99% of the game despite the genuinely interesting point they pose. The narrative shoots literally any interesting angle it could've taken in the foot.
              >What the frick, no? The story clearly wants you to see them as lying and underhanded
              That is the PROBLEM. We don't even get the benefit of the doubt that there's anything not up them (thus immediately throwing the validity of their claims under the bus) until the fricking sequel where the grunts and sages who aykchyually cared about Pokemon the whole time materialize out of nowhere for the sake of Hugh's own shitty plot.
              >that doesn't matter because the moral dilemma still exists
              It doesn't, because the universe goes out of it's way at every step to say it doesn't by way of barely talking about the implications of his words past the "Pkmn r ur frenz 4 lyfe!!!" bullshit.

          • 7 months ago

            holy shit did he actually use the "hearts and minds" line? actual deranged american.

            That's Team Dim Sun.

            god the ranger games were based

      • 7 months ago

        >They shoot any interesting angle they set up for themselves in the foot by making one of your first encounters with the grunt them kicking a fricking Munna
        Well that and the fact that they use Pokemon to battle you in pokeballs. Nice fricking going Ghetsis you fricking moron. Good thing N was an idiot who could barely think for himself.

    • 7 months ago

      >With Skull there's charisma
      Hello Black person lover

  13. 7 months ago

    Aether Foundation > Team Skull > Team Magma > Team Aqua > Team Plasma > Team Galactic > Team Rocket > Team Flare > Team Yell > Team Star
    Based on how sexy the grunts are.

  14. 7 months ago

    Cyrus is the logical conclusion of modern leftism. A nihilistic atheist who wants everyone to die because muh inequalities muh humanity bad
    It’s the 25 years old degenerate who takes part in hook up culture and doesn’t want kids taken to the extreme

    • 7 months ago

      This has to be the worst bait I've seen in a while and this is fricking /vp/.

      • 7 months ago

        It's 100% true though. What makes you think it's bait?

  15. 7 months ago


    Shaun, what happened to the posts about you on kiwifarms? Did you hack into the servers and delete them? That's extremely illegal, Shaun.

  16. 7 months ago


    This is still up??? Wtf

    • 7 months ago

      They deleted it before you posted just to make you look silly.

  17. 7 months ago

    He's an Antichrist figure.
    Nintendo is steeped in demonic spiritualism.

  18. 7 months ago

    They make more sense when you consider that they're more supposed to be one of those Japanese cults than a straight up mob like team rocket or eco terrorists like magma/aqua.

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