I think the people posting about elden ring bosses being the best in the series don't care about design.

I think the people posting about elden ring bosses being the best in the series don't care about design. You have no taste.
I just can't comprehend how people can like delayed attacks with unnatural animations, health sponges, high damage that makes vigor useless and input delay, reading and combos that never end and that leave you with no room to attack.

Making the game difficult just for the sake of making it difficult with cheap tricks, instead of making a good but fair boss fight is not good game design.
You do realize this is a game for normies right, and that's why it got famous? The game pushes you to use arts and spirit summons, but if you do that the game becomes piss easy because from can't make an AI that works with multiple attackers and spamming arts just cheeses the boss.

Sekiro actually shows how to do good bosses that are difficult but aren't bullshit or fall into cheap tricks. You can be stuck in a boss in sekiro and have fun, because you can deal with the things they do unlike elden ring which relies on breaking the AI and artificially learning animation patterns.
Elden ring makes its bosses feel like a chore.

I think you guys are just in a dick measurement contest, and if from released a boss with a gorillion health, 1 frame dodge rolls and that never stops attacking, you would say it's the best boss ever. Full on autists.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Wow you beat the tutorial boss...

      • 3 months ago

        >Shitter can't recognize the first phase of the Isshin fight

        >say you dislike Sekiro
        Its universal for all FromSoft games, or at least the souls fanbase.

        True. I would say it holds true for all games with a "fanbase"

        • 3 months ago

          >Shitter can't recognize the first phase of the Isshin fight
          Did you even play the game anon, first phase of Sword Saint is the same as the tutorial Genichiro fight, its not suppose to be hard.

    • 3 months ago

      Is that Kasumi from DoA or some other modded character?

  2. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >spending so much time with the combat that you know how to exploit it
      Do you know how to have fun?

      • 3 months ago

        Oh yeah. so much time invested....
        And this is from 2 playthroughs, as I got the "wrong" ending and missed half the game the first time around.

        • 3 months ago

          >I got the "wrong" ending and missed half the game the first time around
          That's your fault for being a moron

        • 3 months ago

          >Wrong ending
          >Betrays your master for your shady father who stabbed you in the back (you gotta be moronic if you don't recognize the odachi that impaled you)
          >Betrays the only person capable of healing the world from using curses and supernatural powers in wars
          >Becomes the bloodthirsty supernatural back-stabbing aberration you were warned you'd become if you kept up the "cold, heartless Shinobi" schmuck
          Yeah nah you signed for this, you didn't even pay attention to what you were doing and just pressing buttons to pass the stage

          • 3 months ago

            >you didn't even pay attention to what you were doing
            You are correct in this. By this point in the game, I was so bored by everything except the bosses that I rushed through it.

            • 3 months ago

              sad ADHD cope

              • 3 months ago

                I don't have adhd. I can fully engage into a game or other things if I really enjoy them. But for me, everything about Sekiro was bad, except from the major boss fights, and most of the mini bosses. So why would I waste my time on the parts I dislike?

              • 3 months ago

                you didnt like the game because youre bad at it, thats literally the only explanation because I, who is smarter than you, knows its good for reasons I wont explain because you wouldnt understand it
                git gud xDD

              • 3 months ago

                I can tell, from the way you wrote it, that it is in jest. But this is genuinely what people tend to say if you say you dislike Sekiro.

                Also, how the frick do you defend this? Sekirogays? This is what the monocle does.

              • 3 months ago

                >say you dislike Sekiro
                Its universal for all FromSoft games, or at least the souls fanbase.

          • 3 months ago

            >NOOOOOOO you didn't play the game the RIGHT way, you didn't pay attention to the LORE and the LUDOKINO
            God I hate Frombabs

  3. 3 months ago

    Wow! Look at this amazing combat!

    • 3 months ago

      something nobody would naturally encounter

      • 3 months ago

        I noticed this shit almost instantly after starting the game. The only way you won't notice if you just spam the attack button. If you ever change up the timing on your attacks, which normal people do, then you will notice the enemy AI getting fricked by it. Trying it on bosses is the natural thing to do.

  4. 3 months ago

    >I think the people posting about elden ring bosses being the best in the series don't care about design. You have no taste.
    lmao even

  5. 3 months ago

    Time to unleash the special NG+ super attack that I got from one of the endings against the first boss in game
    >4 emblems have been removed from your account

    • 3 months ago

      It's crazy how bad and unrewarding Sekiro combat is. It's really about the enemies killing themselves by getting deflected and if you ever slightly try to make some other strategy or create a window of opportunity you get a slap in the face and get robbed of your magic tickets

      • 3 months ago

        Yup, it just doesn't have the skill ceiling of Souls games. An experienced Elden Ring players plays completely differently from a beginner, while Sekiro is always the same, you either miss some timing check or not, so it's really boring.

        • 3 months ago

          I started playing elden ring worse over time on purpose because jump attacks with a heavy weapon trivialized everything in the game and that was boring. so i guess you're kind of right but in the wrong way

        • 3 months ago

          >It's a bad game because I can't autistically fixate on memorizing pages of frame data

        • 3 months ago

          where does mario odyssy go on that list?

        • 3 months ago

          Jumping on the DS2 hate bandwaggon is the biggest self own in all of gaming
          Even Miyazaki himself last week said the DS2 haters are fricking moronic and likely havent even played through the game

  6. 3 months ago

    Proving you can cheese AI on a modded run is not the own you think

    • 3 months ago

      >on a modded run
      lmao even

      • 3 months ago

        The real L is posting NG+ footage thinking it means anything. You can boof your attack power + game scaling goes out the window. I've beaten the game a dozen times and never once didn't finish an NG+ playthrough. It's boring as shit. Start fresh every time.

        • 3 months ago

          >The real L is posting NG+ footage thinking it means anything. You can boof your attack power + game scaling goes out the window.
          No you can't, the enemies get considerably tankier actually, to the point that prosthetic go from shit to just unusable
          Overall Sekiro was a really mediocre unremarkable game with its only positive being the original idea of a combat centered around lightly wounding and dueling to give a final single clean deathstrike, but everything about its execution, level design, balance, amount of content, and how varied that content is is offensively bad. It ends up being a very shallow experience, but it streamlines the combat the point even an ape from those experiemnts with animals in the 80s can master its very basic interactions (start deflecting when the enemy does a spark). There's no hyperarmor system or weapon initiative/hierarchy, all bosses have a bunch of flat poise values and every strategy that isn't doing the Simon Says is cucked by simply being not rewarded at all short of upgraded buffed min maxed mortal blade spam maybe

        • 3 months ago

          It's Demon Bell + Charmless NG gameplay

    • 3 months ago

      It's not modded, he's mostly delaying his attacks just enough to make the AI think hes not going to attack but when he does the AI is charging up an attack of it's own, I haven't seen a webm featuring the owl but he is very susceptible to this. It's really basic but really effective since you beat bosses in sekiro by stacking flesh hits which make the enemy stamina bar stay up for longer ultimately beating the boss, and playing like that lets you have a lot more flesh hits than you normally would as the boss will parry you more often than not in normal play
      Doesn't change the face it's a soulless way to play since you aren't fighting the boss but just exploiting the AI

  7. 3 months ago

    Both Sekiro and ER are just filler garbage people play until a real game like Final Fantasy 7 Remake 2 releases. Why even bother?

    Sephiroth alone is more famous and iconic than anything made by FromSoftware.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't get you losers who emotionally imprinted on Tifas juggies when you were nine and are now permanent paypigs for anything squeenix shovels down your gullet.

      • 3 months ago

        FF7 is considered one of the best games ever created in Japan, Sekiro is just a dollar store version of Blade of Immortal in a cheap and lazy attempt to do Tenchu. Bloodborne is just some MTG fanfiction and yet you guys thinks it's the most revolutionary thing.

        I eat good, I eat delicious girls with PS5 graphics while FS games still look like PS3 in HD.

        • 3 months ago

          It looks like a cheap weg

    • 3 months ago

      >AAA remake slop, 🙁
      >AAA remake slop of PRECIOUS CHILDHOOD MEMORY, :000
      Don't care, I feel nothing but contempt for the paypigs who bought $800 consoles just for DeS and FF7 remakes. Cringe.

      • 3 months ago

        >I feel nothing but contempt for people who can afford entertainment
        Do poorgays really

    • 3 months ago

      >good morning Crono

  8. 3 months ago

    Why are you soo dumb?

  9. 3 months ago
  10. 3 months ago

    >The game pushes you to use arts and spirit summons
    That's a skill issue for you, you can't blame that on the game. Elden Ring is bad compared to Sekiro, but that's not the reason. The reason is that it's the same passive gameplay as the Souls games, where you spend more time rolling than attacking, except it's sped up. Sekiro excelled because you could play actively, attack and defense could be done simultaneously. Difficulty isn't a factor and you should never be summoning or using spirits in Elden Ring.

    • 3 months ago

      >Bosses endlessly attacking
      >High damage
      >You are very slow and have input delay.
      Yeah, the game is made to be a many vs 1 gameplay, its just that from doesnt know how to handle summons that's all.
      That's bad design.

      >I just can't comprehend how people can like delayed attacks with unnatural animations, health sponges, high damage that makes vigor useless and input delay, reading and combos that never end and that leave you with no room to attack.

      As I said, they could feed you plain garbage and you would eat it with the excuse of git gud. They could put 1 frame roll enemies and you will still say git gud, it's just ego for you.

      That's because Elden Ring is about exploration and finding and using tools, not straight up learning bosses' and minibosses' patterns like Sekiro is. In Elden Ring, exploring the world and finding the right weapon and the right summons IS the strategy.
      If one on one boss fights is what you're looking for, you already have Sekiro, and might want to look into fighting games, which is infinitely more complex and challenging anyway.

      >It's about exploring
      So it's just a numbers game, no thought about when to roll and face a challenge, just overlevel and use the broken art that cheese the boss in seconds. Ok champ, great gameplay you have there.

      • 3 months ago

        >Yeah, the game is made to be a many vs 1 gameplay
        Simply wrong. That's a cope you invented to protect your ego. The game is meant to be played solo. It's totally fine, summoning is never necessary or even encouraged.

  11. 3 months ago

    Sekiro is fricking dogshit, and it's hilarious how Elden Ring makes Sekirogays so insecure

    • 3 months ago

      >t. ChatGPT

  12. 3 months ago

    Sekiro slop gays cant help themselves but be the worst fanbase. Your simon says qte fest didn't catch on. Good.

    • 3 months ago

      it was the chained ogre, wasn't it?

    • 3 months ago

      Any game that requires reacting to attacks is a simon says QTE fest by your moronic reasoning

      • 3 months ago

        Just batman, spiderman, Ryse Son of Rome, and Sekiro

        • 3 months ago

          You forgot Shadow of Mordor

        • 3 months ago

          So countering attacks is simon says but mandatory iframe rolling isn't. Got it.

          • 3 months ago

            >mandatory iframe rolling
            I don't think you know what that means

            • 3 months ago

              That spacing... that committment.... VHGG.... Sekirotards could never...

            • 3 months ago

              now do it for every other boss for every other attack to prove me wrong

              • 3 months ago

                Do you make a regular thing out of samegayging to misrepresent the person you're arguing with? You did exactly the same thing in yesterday's ER thread, along with the pedantic, tangentially related webm spam
                Such dishonesty automatically loses arguments

              • 3 months ago

                >le samegay
                Not at all
                Sekiroshills are actually just fricking moronic

              • 3 months ago

                Nah anon, you gave yourself away by pulling the exact same shit two threads in a row. I never had anyone pretend to be me to discredit my arguments before, and now it's happened twice in a row while arguing with you.
                Absolutely pathetic.

              • 3 months ago

                you are a fricking schizo, I didn't samegay for shit
                ABSOLUTELY obsessed

              • 3 months ago

                Sorry, you got caught and your dishonesty disqualifies any further argument

              • 3 months ago

                Delusional babble, you are even too stupid to realize a third person is posting, but don't worry, if your real post is

                >responds to attacks with dodge roll
                thanks for proving my point about this simon says gameplay

                you still did a fine job of making yourself look like an idiot already

              • 3 months ago

                Bloodborne is so much than ER it's not even funny.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                Easily fakeable
                So you're either samegayging to prop up your own arguments or you're impersonating to prop up someone else's, why would you do that?

              • 3 months ago

                'schizo', the universal seething cry of people who have been caught and called out
                I'm talking specifically about the attempted impersonation that happened in both threads, trying to make it about people disagreeing with me is a clear attempt at gaslighting

                samegayging against my own alleged samegayging? you are truly pathetic

              • 3 months ago

                Unlike you I'm not pretending to be two different people, stop deflecting

              • 3 months ago

                Unlike you I'm not pretending to be two different people, stop deflecting
                Now, are you gonna show us every boss and every attack of theirs without having to roll away?

              • 3 months ago

                You are deranged and need help

              • 3 months ago

                kek concession accepted

              • 3 months ago

                No, you're deliberately directing nonsensical posts to the wrong person in an attempt to wriggle out of how obvious your samegayging is

              • 3 months ago

                anon, there is no samegayging. I literally just posted evidence. The fact you have to use cope about using F12 to avoid having to admit that you are wrong is sad.
                What is mandatory iframe rolling to you?

              • 3 months ago

                >What is mandatory iframe rolling to you?
                What you're doing now in a desperate attempt to dodge the evidence

              • 3 months ago

                that is specifically why I responded to you. You posted a webm of you not rolling against the first boss you fight as if to imply rolling is not mandatory. I asked you to, jokingly, to post a webm of every single fight with every attack to prove you didnt have to roll through. Now after being called out about how your post is just lying or outright stupidity, you decide to claim im samegayging?
                Youre wrong, anon. Just stop replying, youve already lost this "argument".

              • 3 months ago

                You know I'm not the one who was posting the webms, because that was you. You're trying to appear like a confused third party because that would make it look like you weren't dishonestlyy samegayging. You've tried multiple nonsense defenses and none of them have worked, but they have made it abundantly clear that you're trying to muddy the waters, which all but proves my claim.

              • 3 months ago

                anon, seriously. What evidence must I show that im not samegayging? the entire conversation? Is this really the hill youre going to die on?
                Why is it I have to take your word it wasnt you posting webms, but you refuse to take mine?
                honestly, why do you even respond to me at this point? just stop

              • 3 months ago

                >more lies

              • 3 months ago

                sorry, schizo, but that wasnt me in the last ER thread. I dont post webms

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, two different people tried to impersonate me while I was arguing with the same guy on two different days, uh huh

              • 3 months ago

                take your pills, schizo
                believe it or not, people can disagree with you

              • 3 months ago

                'schizo', the universal seething cry of people who have been caught and called out
                I'm talking specifically about the attempted impersonation that happened in both threads, trying to make it about people disagreeing with me is a clear attempt at gaslighting

            • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              >responds to attacks with dodge roll
              thanks for proving my point about this simon says gameplay

            • 3 months ago

              >Garbage like Sekiro runs at 60 fps and is multiplat
              >Bloodborne still stuck on 30fps woth no official PS5 patch
              Damn shame

            • 3 months ago

              Raven is that you ?

          • 3 months ago

            You dont even need iframes because of the movement, precise hitboxes, and build variety.

          • 3 months ago

            >iframe rolling

  13. 3 months ago

    Sekiro's combat is amazing at its core. And most of the bosses are great as well.
    The problem is that everything else about it is either mediocre, or downright shit.
    Like how the skill and item system works. Enemy placement, map exploration, Ema's feet being blurry if you try to zoom in on them with the monocle, combat outside of bosses/mini bosses, death penalties and more.

    I would love it if FROM made another game based around Sekiro's combat, but not another Sekiro.

  14. 3 months ago

    >I just can't comprehend how people can like delayed attacks with unnatural animations, health sponges, high damage that makes vigor useless and input delay, reading and combos that never end and that leave you with no room to attack.

  15. 3 months ago

    I like both

  16. 3 months ago

    Sekiro had delayed attacks too

  17. 3 months ago

    That's because Elden Ring is about exploration and finding and using tools, not straight up learning bosses' and minibosses' patterns like Sekiro is. In Elden Ring, exploring the world and finding the right weapon and the right summons IS the strategy.
    If one on one boss fights is what you're looking for, you already have Sekiro, and might want to look into fighting games, which is infinitely more complex and challenging anyway.

    • 3 months ago

      skill issue

    • 3 months ago

      that is some deep cope, anon

    • 3 months ago

      Elden Ring is about hitting the roll button at the right time and anything else doesn't count and you didn't beat the game.

      • 3 months ago

        no one believes this and you spouting it ironically is just as stupid

  18. 3 months ago

    >I think the people posting about elden ring bosses being the best in the series don't care about design
    They're people who have only played the most popular thing and instead of getting interested in the other entries blindly decided that their thing was the best one in every regard. It happens with every franchise. I don't understand it at all.

  19. 3 months ago

    >You have no taste if you like Elden Ring bosses
    >posts rhythm game Suckiro

  20. 3 months ago

    I don't know why Ganker pretends they weren't fricking shittershattered when Sekiro came out and filtered the entirety of the "I only got through Dark Souls by summoning phantoms or overleveling" crowd. The pissing and moaning about Lady Butterfly, Genichiro, or even that fricking chained troll was beautifully pathetic.

    • 3 months ago

      The only Sekiro boss that really made my butthole bleed was Hat Demon.

    • 3 months ago

      >Ganker complaining about chained ogre
      When I played the game for the first time somewhat recently, I was reminded of that. But I second guessed myself and wasn't sure if that happened or I misremembered, because the boss was so easy and surely, Ganker couldn't be this pathetic?
      Well, guess I didn't misremember or imagine it, after all.

    • 3 months ago

      That's because the average Gankeredditor is notoriously bad at everything that not some mobile autobattler but then when someone who doesn't suck shit post a video of them exploiting some game mechanic or AI pattern they turn it into a webm and then repost it endlessly going "I TOLD YOU SO".

  21. 3 months ago

    >Terrible lore
    >Lame bosses
    >Empty open world
    >Sloppy balancing between builds/abilities
    >Shit PC performance
    Worst FromSoft game ever, play DS2 if you actually appreciate what they do

    • 3 months ago

      >Terrible lore
      >Lame bosses
      >play DS2

  22. 3 months ago

    >make one of the few good bosses in the game
    >give him a fraction of the HP of any other boss
    FROM is so moronic these days, they need to introduce difficulty options now so I can pick the Hard mode

    • 3 months ago

      I hated the Radagon fight, I might have had a higher opinion of him had he not been followed by Elden Beast, but his switching between extremely extremely delayed attacks then lighting fast attacks mixed in with constant AoE spam on everything just made me hate the fight especially using a large weapon where you can get one good hit in or a charged attack at the right moment. I'm sure his timings are weird too, that move he does at 1/3rd health where he does 3 large AoE attacks on the ground, even now I cannot dodge that 3rd wave consistently I don't even know why sometimes I can roll through it others it catches me even when trying to jump over it I get caught. But yeah him and elden beast were the real low point of the game.

  23. 3 months ago

    You know, you would have a point about unnatural animations if you hadnt posted fricking Isshin out of all the Sekiro bosses, you know, the guy using the TWO HANDED SPEAR with ONE HAND. Seriously, he has the most wonky animations of the game, nothing he does with that spear makes sense, it looks weird and that it wouldnt hurt at all, they have no force behind and are extremely delayed.

    The rest of the game's animations looks great and really sell that cinematic feel, but Isshin is one of the feel exceptions.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm talking about those "bait" animations which feel bad as frick, it's just a cheap trick to bait the player into a roll, it's like a moronic friend doing the "fake punch" thing and laughing cause you flinched.

      It doesn't allow for a natural flow, it makes you autistically learn every animation pattern instead of fighting by instinct (which autists love, but they are autists for a reason, is not good)

      You're just supposed to lean more heavily into the RPG elements of the game but fromdrones are too autistic to even realise it. It's a completely different design philosophy. Elden Ring isn't a skill-based game, it's just about stats and having a good weapon and using tools. You're not supposed to dodge every attack and skill through it at level 4, you were never really supposed to in the other games either. Do you really think Miyazaki in QC is sitting there and autistically grinding attack patterns until he can dodge roll every attack of every boss? He's a goddamm normie and old as frick, he's just levelling up enough to tank the damage lmao

      So it is a numbers game I'm the end, that's what I'm saying, is not good design, just make yourself broken and negate the enemy. You could have a rock that just doesn't let you pass if you have X number or lower

      >Yeah, the game is made to be a many vs 1 gameplay
      Simply wrong. That's a cope you invented to protect your ego. The game is meant to be played solo. It's totally fine, summoning is never necessary or even encouraged.

      >Game shows summons and combats arts
      >You keep getting rewarded those two
      >Bosses endlessly spam attacks
      >High health pools
      >Even radhan has multiple summons in the arena
      Anon, it's clearly a game for normies where they are supposed to use summons. Even the devs clearly state that you are supposed to get buffed to win against the first boss. You are not supposed to win by skill, you are supposed to win with numbers, which is good for normies that spend their money, play once and never think about elden ring ever again (even has the Martin normies storytelling about everyone dying) but it doesn't give you a high skill game, it gives you a broken game.

      This is a game created to be a mass success and bland as frick, like a marvel movie. It is not good design, but flies love shit, and most normies don't care about anything.

  24. 3 months ago

    Sekiro is trash though. It's everything I'm glad Elden Ring avoided
    >Very strict Simon Says combat interactions
    >Every prosthetic and combat arts is just a shitty unrewarding gimmick
    >No room for creativity or exploration
    >Stealth doesn't actually involve ranged bow sniping or throwing objects to make sound or using magic items, but rather crouch walking through Uncharted/Tomb Raider tall grass
    >Very boring and linear progression, with grapple being reduced to a mandatory gimmick rather than offering unique strategies

  25. 3 months ago

    why are we trying to push this false narrative that elden ring and sekiro are in some kind of competition when most people liked both of them

    • 3 months ago

      Sekiro gays b***h about ER non stop and hate every fromsoft game

      • 3 months ago

        either false flaggers or just the usual Ganker homosexuals, you will never see this behavior outside of Ganker

        • 3 months ago

          All you do is complain ER doesnt have parry spam mechanics

          • 3 months ago

            Okay Discord sister.

            • 3 months ago


  26. 3 months ago

    You're just supposed to lean more heavily into the RPG elements of the game but fromdrones are too autistic to even realise it. It's a completely different design philosophy. Elden Ring isn't a skill-based game, it's just about stats and having a good weapon and using tools. You're not supposed to dodge every attack and skill through it at level 4, you were never really supposed to in the other games either. Do you really think Miyazaki in QC is sitting there and autistically grinding attack patterns until he can dodge roll every attack of every boss? He's a goddamm normie and old as frick, he's just levelling up enough to tank the damage lmao

  27. 3 months ago

    ER isn't the best. But it perfects the shitty DS3 formula their using. Sekiro has the best combat, but it isn't a RPG, at all. Souls are RPGs, DS1 being the best. They sbould strieve to be like DS1 unless their making spin off pure action games like Sekiro. DS3 ruined the Souls formula.

    • 3 months ago

      Sekiro combat and "formula" is utter garbage

      • 3 months ago

        Elden Ring combat and bosses are leaps and bounds ahead of Sekiro.
        Sekiro is an extremely overrated mediocre game, and only had a negative influence on the industry
        >Wo Long/Ronin

        Its combat is miles ahead of anything in any other Souls. The only down side being there is zero variety or RPG elements like those games. It is a boring boss rush game with some of the worst level design. Basically everything that isn't fighting bosses/mini bosses is better in any other Souls game. But must be some seriuosly fecal eater if you think iframe roll spam is better than deflect spam + perilous attack counter.

        • 3 months ago

          >Its combat is miles ahead of anything in any other Souls.
          fricking laughable, i bet you think Guitar Hero is greatest action game ever

    • 3 months ago

      Elden Ring combat and bosses are leaps and bounds ahead of Sekiro.
      Sekiro is an extremely overrated mediocre game, and only had a negative influence on the industry
      >Wo Long/Ronin

      • 3 months ago

        >implying it wasn't Souls' ongoing success that made them design AC6 the way they did

        • 3 months ago

          >N-no It's Souls fault there's a stagger bar in Armored Core!
          uh ok

          • 3 months ago

            Stagger/Poise has always been part of Dark Souls, Sekiro just tweaked it and showed it on screen
            Try again

            • 3 months ago

              Except that it never worked like that in Souls games, while "stagger the enemy to do the real damage" is a Sekiro mechanic

  28. 3 months ago

    Honestly the thing that bugs me about Elden Ring is the stamina and fp system.

    should work similarly to how it currently does, but it should Regen much slower, investing in stamina should increase your stamina regen and stamina amount so early game you have to actually manage your stamina bar and can't roll spam

    should be the same as stamina but for magic, spells cost fp to cast when the bar is depleted you can't cast anymore and have to wait for fp to regen higher mind stat increases fp regen and fp amount

    You could then actually not worry about the large fp cost for spells because it regens and if its done right you could prevent spamming by making the bar deplete after roughly the same amount of hits a melee player could do.

    Like this feels like such a natural fit yet here we are in the lasest from game still drinking from a fricking bottle.

  29. 3 months ago

    I thought ER was going to have the best bosses ever after beating Margit and Godrick, only to realize that all of the bosses were one of:
    >slow attack, roll catch, counter, jump up and smash down
    >stolen from older game
    >gimmick stolen from older game
    it also doesn't help that they were reused in ER so many times.
    there are exceptions of course but not that many.
    FS really should put their resources into making amazing levels to explore instead of a bland open world with copy-paste content.

    • 3 months ago

      literally name 1 (one)

  30. 3 months ago

    Elden Ring Bosses are mostly better than ds3 bosses and some ER bosses are better than a lot of Sekiro bosses but Issin and inner father are still From's top bosses.

  31. 3 months ago

    Stop antagonizing people.

  32. 3 months ago

    Sekiro isn't a souls game or part of the souls series, so it will always be irrelevant.

  33. 3 months ago

    Why sekirogay think they so special or sekiro is the hardest game ever made?
    I like sekiro but there's tons of game that has better combat, boss fight and gameplay than
    Nioh 2 mogs the shit out of fromsouls game and has actual skill tree that's fun with good bosses but i still like darksouls more because of its level design and overall feel
    Also from homosexuals should play more games before saying soulsgame are hard, any game from gba era is harder than sekiro

  34. 3 months ago

    ER has reached seething levels beyond BOTW at this point.

  35. 3 months ago

    >Wall of text

  36. 3 months ago

    none of these games are particularly difficult. also the idea that combat is "simon says" because you're supposed to react to things in specific ways is asinine.

    • 3 months ago

      >none of these games are particularly difficult. also the idea that combat is "simon says" because you're supposed to react to things in specific ways is asinine.
      That's literally what Simon Says is

      • 3 months ago

        >simon says
        >a game where you succeed by ignoring commands that aren't issued by "simon"
        >you fail if you execute a command that is not issued by "simon"
        >or if you are incapable of executing a command that is issued by "simon"
        so, who's simon in this case? the boss you're fighting? what if I'm the one who takes the initiative and attacks of my own volition?
        >b-b-b-b-b-b-ut the point is that have to execute action A in response to the boss taking action X, B in response to action Y, C in response to action Z, etc!!!!!!!!!!!!
        gee, I never thought about it that way. it's almost as if you're playing A GAME with a clearly defined RULESET that rewards and punishes actions and strategy in kind. I guess almost every game under the sun could be considered a derivative of fricking SIMON SAYS. amazing. incredibly revelatory criticism you've elucidated upon me. frickin' enlightening.

        • 3 months ago

          Not every game spells out it's attacks to you via a literal qte prompt

          • 3 months ago

            Good games have a visual cue for attacks that can't be blocked, which is all the danger kanji does

          • 3 months ago

            the prompt in sekiro just indicates that an attack can't be avoided. the better criticism is that this prompt isn't used consistently, because some attacks, like genichiro's thrust attack, can be blocked. and finally, because I just mentioned it, often you can respond to these so called "perilous attacks" in more than one way, which ultimately renders your simon says analogy impotent.

            • 3 months ago

              The response "window" is always the same.

              • 3 months ago

                >The response "window" is always the same.
                You didn't play the game.

              • 3 months ago

                Poat a webm of yourself responding to DoH's charge (one of his dangerous attacks) in at least 5 ways.

              • 3 months ago

                not going to post a webm, but off the top of my head:
                1. jump at the right time
                2. use the umbrella, which acts as a shield
                3. raven mist out of the way
                4. run out of the way because sekiro has unlimited stamina
                5. use an invincibility sugar (forget what it's called)

              • 3 months ago

                >i am not going to post a webm because half of these methods dont actually work

              • 3 months ago

                You're confusing Sekiro's attacks with ER's hypertracking garbage

              • 3 months ago

                Funny you say that when many people have beaten hardest ER bosses without rolling without taking any damage.

              • 3 months ago

                >Funny you say that when many people have beaten hardest ER bosses without rolling without taking any damage.
                with autistic manipulation of frame data and powerful shields, yeah

                >ER's hypertracking
                you said the same thing yesterday and I asked you for examples. You provided none

                >you said the same thing yesterday and I asked you for examples. You provided none
                I did provide examples, you were too busy samegayging to notice I suppose

              • 3 months ago

                No, just proper spacing.


              • 3 months ago

                yeah, definitely no autistic manipulation of frame data here

              • 3 months ago

                Your normal playthrough of a Souls game uses plently of spacing, wheter or not you engage with attacks through the dodge mechanic you still for example need to directional dodge even in case you use iframes, which makes every attack unique to dodge beyond sharing a button press for it. Blocking and countering is not just about knowing when to counter each enemy depending kn the speed of their follow up, but if you have weapons with low profile counters you can even choose to counter sweeping attacks. Blocking itself is a tradeoff between damage and weight, and so on.
                There's just a lot more going on, Elden Ring is much more of an action game than Sekiro is

              • 3 months ago

                >ER's hypertracking
                you said the same thing yesterday and I asked you for examples. You provided none

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                >reduced to posting shazamtrannies webms
                Lion's claw works the same for npcs and players, and trades range for tracking, can be avoided by slightky stepping backwards

              • 3 months ago

                >[...] hitbox

                oh it doesn't count?

              • 3 months ago




              • 3 months ago

                >I'm just going to claim that these methods don't work, never elaborate on why, and continue to act smug as though I proved anything and my viewpoints are superior to anything anyone could ever say in response

              • 3 months ago

                No, disingenuous webm spam is your thing

              • 3 months ago

                not sure what you mean by that. are you saying you always have a certain amount of time to respond before the attack is executed? so what? as long as you have enough time to respond in the number of ways that would allow you to successfully avoid, block or what have you, why is this something you're pointing out as a problem?

                >the point is that have to execute action A in response to the boss taking action X, B in response to action Y, C in response to action Z, etc!!!!!!!!!!!!
                which Dark Souls boss works like this?

                all of them, if you want to be a pedantic c**t and boil it down. the command "simon" would give would be, "avoid this damage" it's vague enough that you can use any given tool in your limited arsenal to do just that. block? run out of the way in time? roll? parry? all various options that ultimately have the same goal: mitigate incoming damage.

                >what if I'm the one who takes the initiative and attacks of my own volition?
                This never happened in all of Sekiro

                but it does happen, just look at the webms in this thread of someone just wailing on enemies. the only reason that person can do that is because they know exactly how to respond to the boss in order to avoid damage and beat them.

              • 3 months ago

                >"avoid this damage" it's vague enough that you can use any given tool in your limited arsenal to do just that. block? run out of the way in time? roll? parry? all various options that ultimately have the same goal: mitigate incoming damage
                Except it's not, there's clear mechanics, tradeoffs, outcomes tied to each of those options with effectiveness and risk/reward depending on your own tools, the enemy you are facing and your skill level. They are not the same at all, that's a bullshit argument you are trying to push just to make rock-paper-scissor combat interactions in Sekiro less bland
                > just look at the webms in this thread of someone just wailing on enemies. the only reason that person can do that is because they know exactly how to respond to the boss in order to avoid damage and beat them.
                All it shows is that enemy interaction in Sekiro are duct taped with split and prayers hoping people don't figure out that interrupting the designated R1 chains instantly fricks over several enemies, because the game is just that streamlined and basic

              • 3 months ago

                >Except it's not, there's clear mechanics, tradeoffs, outcomes tied to each of those options with effectiveness and risk/reward depending on your own tools, the enemy you are facing and your skill level.
                >depending on the type of absorption your shield can withstand you will either take all, some or no damage
                >depending on the type of parry you have, you'll either have more or less frames
                >but you can only parry attacks that are flagged as "can be parried"
                which is no different from perilous attacks really, only there's something of a lack of conveyance going on here, because you don't necessarily know which attacks can be parried, you just sort of have to undergo a process of trial and error to get that information
                >depending on the type of roll, your equipment burden threshold, and the complexity of attack
                >you either get hit or avoid damage
                interesting how all of these are all related to the simple act of mitigating damage, hm? when you boil it down, you either block avoid, or parry attacks. same in sekiro, although there are less systems to worry about. sekiro's sword will pretty much deflect the vast majority of attacks, there's no guesswork involved. you can deflect bullets, a giant ape's fist, shurikens, swords, pretty much any physical object. you can't deflect fire or energy based attacks. if it can't be parried, it has to be dodged. the only time there is some small degree of guesswork is with the perilous attacks, because some can be blocked, some can be mikiri countered (a type of damage mitigation not unlike parrying) and some can be completely avoided by jumping over them. so you can call it rock paper scissors, but dark souls isn't much different in terms of the options available to you at any given time. in short, your entire statement is also applicable to sekiro.

              • 3 months ago

                You can't understand anything but reacting to NPC attacks, because you genuinely believe combat revoles around that, while the webm showcases that ghe player can conveniently decide to take damage he can withstand to gain an advantage of capitalize on a good moment to strike, and generally how being kn the offensive can be a form of defense itself, which makes for engaging and unique interactions also depending on enemies and tools you have. You also ignore that certain combat system are based about moving in a 3d space as much as directly reacting to your opponent, so there's a substantial skill ceiling tied just to movement and manipulating hurtboxes which Sekiro hates and constantly punishes the player for

              • 3 months ago

                >the player can conveniently decide to take damage he can withstand to gain an advantage and capitalize on a good moment to strike
                you took no damage in that webm, what are you talking about.
                >being on the offensive can be a form of defense itself, which makes for engaging and unique interactions, depending on enemies and tools you have.
                as I said before, there's no reason you can't be on the offensive in sekiro. you're willfully ignoring this fact to maintain the narrative that it's purely a game about reacting, which is untrue.
                >certain combat systems are based on moving in a 3d space as much as directly reacting to your opponent
                >there's a substantial skill ceiling tied just to movement and manipulating hurtboxes which Sekiro hates and constantly punishes the player for
                movement in dark souls 3 is no different than movement in sekiro. you walk, you run, you jump, you have a dodge. in sekiro, some of these are dedicated actions, for instance you can jump independently of any other action, which is untrue in souls, in which you have to first run and then jump. the bigger point is this: you've not established any meaningful difference between how the combat system itself is "based around movement in a 3D space" because you can't. ever played warframe? in that game, you can fly through the air like a torpedo, launching yourself all over the place and bouncing between platforms. you don't do that, or anything else, in any souls game, so your assertion that movement has anything to do with the combat is nonsensical. furthermore, there is no skill ceiling involved in movement in souls nor in sekiro, unless you want to count timing your dodges or jumps. in which case, there's no difference between the skill involved in those actions and parrying/deflecting.

                you really do just diarrhea all over your keyboard and expect people to think you're smart, huh?

              • 3 months ago

                >There's no skill ceiling involved with movement in the souls series
                Nta but you're a pretentious moron for that statement alone
                I look forward to your reply(cope)

              • 3 months ago

                shut up, homosexual. have a (you).

              • 3 months ago

                >you took no damage in that webm, what are you talking about.
                Black person what?

                >"avoid this damage" it's vague enough that you can use any given tool in your limited arsenal to do just that. block? run out of the way in time? roll? parry? all various options that ultimately have the same goal: mitigate incoming damage
                Except it's not, there's clear mechanics, tradeoffs, outcomes tied to each of those options with effectiveness and risk/reward depending on your own tools, the enemy you are facing and your skill level. They are not the same at all, that's a bullshit argument you are trying to push just to make rock-paper-scissor combat interactions in Sekiro less bland
                > just look at the webms in this thread of someone just wailing on enemies. the only reason that person can do that is because they know exactly how to respond to the boss in order to avoid damage and beat them.
                All it shows is that enemy interaction in Sekiro are duct taped with split and prayers hoping people don't figure out that interrupting the designated R1 chains instantly fricks over several enemies, because the game is just that streamlined and basic

                >there's no reason you can't be on the offensive in sekiro.
                Yes, there is, you don't have the tools not the payoff for being offensive, see

                Time to unleash the special NG+ super attack that I got from one of the endings against the first boss in game
                >4 emblems have been removed from your account

                >movement in dark souls 3 is no different than movement in sekiro.
                But Sekiro does no effort in making a combat system that rewards using it. You are constantly told to stay in the face of a boss and pick rock-paper-scissor, otherwise the real healthbar regenerates
                >you've not established any meaningful difference between how the combat system itself is "based around movement in a 3D space" because you can't.
                I posted several webms of both Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne showing movement being rewarded and even bosses designed for good players to exploit them whiffing attacks, there is no such thing in Sekiro except maybe Owl, which is an outlier. It's a very controlled enviroment where every bodd is just a check of how well you react to their very attack chains consisting of random rehashes of 3 type of attacks. The only slight variation is maybe using Mortal Blade for the sake of staggering some boss that commits to a long attack

              • 3 months ago

                >backstab an enemy, which gives iframes
                >the other one's AI can't know that you're currently invulnerable, tries to attack you anyway, gets nothing
                >you "deliberately take damage" to push one off the bridge
                yeah, ok, impressive. would've been more impressive if you avoided damage there entirely, and killed them by "using substantial skill to move in a 3D space" rather than reacting to your opponent.
                >you don't have the tools not the payoff for being offensive
                you do have the tools to be offensive, it's called using your sword to attack rather than deflect. of course, there are other items you can use as well, like the firecrackers, to create opportunities to take an offensive.
                >But Sekiro does no effort in making a combat system that rewards using it. You are constantly told to stay in the face of a boss and pick rock-paper-scissor, otherwise the real healthbar regenerates
                the health bar doesn't regenerate, they have what's called a posture meter, and it's related to the character's health bar. you're supposed to deflect attacks, but you're also supposed to look for opportunities to deal chip damage that, over time, will accumulate. as your enemy takes chip damage, their posture meter will take longer to reach baseline, so in this way you can deflect take breaks in between periods of deflection to heal or what have you without the worry of the enemy's posture fully replenishing.
                >movement being rewarded and even bosses designed for good players to exploit them whiffing attacks, there is no such thing in Sekiro
                in sekiro you have infinite stamina, you can run as far as the day is long, if you can't use that to avoid damage then I don't know what you want.

              • 3 months ago

                >yeah, ok, impressive. would've been more impressive if you avoided damage there entirely, and killed them by "using substantial skill to move in a 3D space" rather than reacting to your opponent.
                You are missing the point again. It's the game that forces you into those strategic choices. Is part of what adds variety and makes playing the game a unique experience for all players
                >you do have the tools to be offensive, it's called using your sword to attack rather than deflect. of course, there are other items you can use as well, like the firecrackers, to create opportunities to take an offensive.
                Laughable, you pay the emblem/whistle tax to get free hits. It's not unique to any enemy nor interesting
                >the health bar doesn't regenerate, they have what's called a posture meter, and it's related to the character's health bar.
                the real healthbar regenerates, because the real healthbar is posture
                >you're supposed to deflect attacks, but you're also supposed to look for opportunities to deal chip damage that, over time, will accumulate.
                optimal gameplay is deflection and abusing the window after that to attack, there's very little cases where you are making a choice between deflection and attack, because deflection only regenrates in the downtime between interactions, so dom't try to oversell the idea that players end up making a choice between dodging and attack vs deflecting and attacking, still both very basic and passive interaction based purely on reacting on the opponent
                >in sekiro you have infinite stamina, you can run as far as the day is long, if you can't use that to avoid damage then I don't know what you want.
                Except that exactly because it's insanely broken, you are not meant to use it and straight up penalized for it

        • 3 months ago

          >the point is that have to execute action A in response to the boss taking action X, B in response to action Y, C in response to action Z, etc!!!!!!!!!!!!
          which Dark Souls boss works like this?

        • 3 months ago

          >what if I'm the one who takes the initiative and attacks of my own volition?
          This never happened in all of Sekiro

    • 3 months ago

      It's just the assblasted ERgay who doesn't understand combat in action games.

    • 3 months ago

      >Just because you have to play Simons Says it's not Simon Says

  37. 3 months ago

    Because you're intelligent.

  38. 3 months ago

    sword saint was a very good fight, it tested every skill taught to the player, he had sweep attacks, thrusts, grabs, a fricking gun for projectiles and he comes last phase with the lightning.
    It had an amazing arena, great climax to teh game, and isshin himself is a total badass and probably best character in the whole game.
    From outdid themselves with the final bossfight in this game and I doubt they'll surpass that anytime soon.
    Now I still think elden ring had some good bossfights but the final bossfight in that game was literal dogshit.

  39. 3 months ago

    Sekiro was Fromsoft breaking their pattern of forcing the player to always be on the backfoot. Because of this it's their only game I've played more than a dozen hours.

  40. 3 months ago

    I beat inner isshin without getting hit once

    • 3 months ago

      >19 spirit emblems remaining
      you didn't really beat him

      • 3 months ago

        I just used the umbrella on the first attack of the first phaze, I can dodge it by running away but it is less fun that way

  41. 3 months ago

    You homosexuals suck dick and choke on semen.
    The games are not about difficulty, they are fun action RPGs with a caveat that reckless behavior will be instantly punished if you don't know what the frick you are doing.
    There usually is so much shit crammed into souls games in terms of sheer build and playstyle potential and, if anything, the webms in here show exactly that. Sword and board? Here. No shield? Here. Massive weapon in 2 hands? Here. A rogue/dual wielder? Here. A mage? Here. Any combination of the above, from a simple hybrid class to an absurd meme build like a magic tank with a greatshield or a cosplay homosexual? Here. You cannot possibly balance shit with so many things and variables. And bosses are not the only thing. There are also enemies, levels, stage hazards - everything makes a huge fricking pile of things where it all sticks together rather well no matter the souls game. And then you have pvp and invaders on top of it all, basically adding a whole other dimension to things.
    Elden Ring does well just because it actually makes an effort to add more elements to an existing formula and encourage you to experiment with more tools and methods to play. You are your own difficulty slider.

    • 3 months ago

      >dishonest webm guy carefully posts webms of different builds so he can pretend to be someone else (something he does regularly) and spin them into a narrative with a false suggestion of consensus

  42. 3 months ago

    didn't read. have a nice day , homosexual OP

  43. 3 months ago

    I hate how they float in the air waiting for you like a looney tunes character. The "pshh nothing personnel" anime moveset some bosses have is annoying too. Maliketh is one of the worse culprits of this. It's like they picked a boss from Devil May Cry and just threw it in their game.
    Summoning isn't fun but some fights were clearly designed around it. Same with fighting on horseback. Some may say they beat the game without summons with a under leveled character or something similar but that's like saying dark souls was designed to be played with sl1 and a randomizer just because some people do it.

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