I think we need to discuss the balancing done at games workshop over the last five years or so.

I think we need to discuss the “balancing” done at games workshop over the last five years or so. Anytime if there is a week army, all they do is adjust the points and buy adjusting the points they make them a horde army. Instead of balancing the stat line or giving them a better ability or upping their weapon profile, etc. etc..

I think the big issue here and I would like to get anyone else’s opinion I think a new addition every two years is officially fricking stupid and we should go back to the 80s and 90s of having an addition every 4 to 5 years. Because currently at every two years in Games, Workshop clearly doesn’t think they have to do anything with the rules because they could just change them again in two years anyway.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Warhammer is barely a game. It is more of an excuse to sell figures for $50 that cost 5 cents to make. Making armies into hordes efficiently achieves both the objectives of "balancing" and selling more shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Commander Farsight is a $65 monopose figure and he's one of the cheaper ones.

  2. 9 months ago

    a "normal" unit cannot be allowed to match the stats of a space marine (3s or less, hitting on 5s or worse)
    space marines cannot be allowed to appear weak (more special rules and gear and units for marines)
    as marines get stronger relative to "normal" units and as "normal" units cannot keep pace by matching stats, normal units become cheaper in points and convert to hordes

    broadly speaking this process is called "marketing"

    • 8 months ago

      >a "normal" unit cannot be allowed to match the stats of a space marine (3s or less
      But almost every army does this

  3. 9 months ago


  4. 9 months ago

    Do they really do a new edition ever 2 years?

    • 9 months ago

      *every 3 months

    • 9 months ago

      We don't need new editions at all. AFAIK Battletech is the same game today as the version from 30+ years ago.

      I think the best edition of 40k was 4th., but it had some issues that could be easily solved. Namely:
      >"fearless" needed to be replaced with a system similar to WHFB's psychology, something that existed in earlier editions of 40k
      >models need a movement stat to eliminate "fleet of ____" rolling
      >rending is just silly. Either make the strength/AP of a weapon better or don't, having random critical hits leads to a lot of "feels bad" moments for each player
      >points cost of anti-tank weapons were too low, along with special weapons in general. For less than 25 points, you could give a Tactical Squad lasplas. 25 points is probably what the plasma gun should have cost on its own
      >which leads us to "comp scoring." They should have just made the Adepticon rules official and rolled into each codex, making them mandatory. Stuff like only 10% of your army can be wargear, each troop choice opens another slot in fast attack, elites, and heavy support, 40% of your army has to be troops choices, and so on
      >objective control from 10th makes a lot of sense and it really simplifies a lot of unnecessary calculations
      >alternating actions like holy shit it's 2010 already

      Those are the main ones and something I wish 5th. Edition had been. We'd probably all be enjoying that version of 40k and GW could focus on new units, factions, and settings books (Armageddon, Apocalypse, Arks of Omen, etc.). If the rules are in place, they only need to tweak numbers every few years to accommodate for new units/factions. They can introduce new material through campaign books that are optional rules offering new ways to play. Boarding patrol, Cityfight, and Shadow War are all good examples of keeping the game fresh and incentives players to build new units.

      But we don't live in that world and instead we get day 1 errata and "Yu-Gi-Oh trap cards: the tabletop game."

  5. 9 months ago

    The only kind of balancing w/r/t 40k is done on the ledgers. WH40K is nothing but a marketing device to sell product. If you're still supporting this shit with your money, you deserve the suffering.

  6. 9 months ago

    40k literally cannot be balanced as it doesn't have the capability in the rules they have chosen to use.

    There is no scalability for melee combat. Hitting on flat rolls makes no sense, for example.

    An avatar of khaine hits a guardsman on a 2+, but also hits marneus Calgar on a 2+. This makes absolutely no sense. As such, there is absolutely no possible way to balance these three models using points alone.

    • 8 months ago

      You could give each unit a like "fighting value" and compare those values to determine hit rate in a similar way to how wounds work. For example an Avatar has a 'Fighting Value' of say 8, a Guardsmen 3 and Marneus Calgar 5. So the Avatar hits the Guardsmen on a 2 and Marneus on a 3. The Guardsmen hits Marneus on a 5 and the Avatar on 6. Marneus hits the Guardsmen on a 3 and the Avatar on a 5.

    • 8 months ago

      There are some games that have made flat values like that work. The ASoIaF game, for example, is mostly very well balanced and uses flat to hits. GW just doesn't put in the work.

      You could give each unit a like "fighting value" and compare those values to determine hit rate in a similar way to how wounds work. For example an Avatar has a 'Fighting Value' of say 8, a Guardsmen 3 and Marneus Calgar 5. So the Avatar hits the Guardsmen on a 2 and Marneus on a 3. The Guardsmen hits Marneus on a 5 and the Avatar on 6. Marneus hits the Guardsmen on a 3 and the Avatar on a 5.

      I really hope this is sincere. It feels like seeing, I dunno, a young man from the country who is for the first time standing at the gates of a city.

  7. 9 months ago

    >I think we need to discuss the “balancing” done at games workshop over the last five years or so
    Do we? That doesn't feel that urgent to me

    GW has too many units in redundant roles to ever balance their game, who cares?

  8. 9 months ago

    Of course they drop the points. Making a unit stronger wouldn't really make you run out and spend $200 to fill those 250 points now would it?

  9. 9 months ago

    Modern GW can’t balance

  10. 9 months ago

    How are GW's short bus interns, who have no idea how to write rules and likely never played 40K when it was good, supposed to balance anything when they barely understand how their system works and care about stupid shit like win rates at GTs?

    Yeah, you could fiddle with attack values and damage, and even the stats, but that would take actual effort into learning how to write rules.

  11. 9 months ago

    You think GW actually gives a flying frick about balance?

  12. 8 months ago

    40k players don't want balance. If the game was balanced list building wouldn't matter, and people would get bored of a stale meta. Finding the imbalanced options and making lists is half the hobby.

  13. 8 months ago

    GW Balancing has been garbage for 15 years anon, there is nothing to discuss.

    • 8 months ago

      Shit, when I started in 93 it was pretty bad. We all just played it for the themes and creativity of it.

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