I want to buy a CRT monitor, or just a 4:3 one to play old games. Any affordable recs?

I want to buy a CRT monitor, or just a 4:3 one to play old games.
Any affordable recs?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Avoid ebay. Try to find one locally at a yard sale or something. I'm assuming you're looking for a PC monitor? Look at the back of the monitor to see the year it was built and try to find one close to 2006-2007. If you have room for a 19", they are higher quality overall and a lot of the later models will have Trinitron or Diamondtron tubes. The Sony monitors of that era aren't better than most others. Don't pay over 50$ unless you are looking for something particular such as a color grading monitor like a Lacie Electronblue or some really high end CAD monitor.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't have much space on my desk, so I thought i could get one of these, as long was it was smaller than my current monitor, it'd fit.

      • 2 years ago

        They're nothing special, but it should be fine if all you care about are black bars triggering your autism. I held onto mine from the 2000s until it died and I almost miss it for emulators.
        Thrift stores are full of them, and if you hate it you can just donate it back.

    • 2 years ago

      I would say just ask your friends and coworkers if they have any family members with any old CRTs or PC monitors in storage that they want to get rid of
      I finally did this and came to find out, I knew like 4 or 5 people with CRTs that they basically just wanted to get rid of

  2. 2 years ago

    you're better off checking facebook marketplace or literally just driving around looking for free ones on the side of the road.

  3. 2 years ago

    or go to your local city's Sanitation department or recycling site where people can drop off used batteries and equipment, talk to them and try to get one for free. it's where the free TV lying on the side of the road eventually end up.

  4. 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    >just a 4:3 one

  6. 2 years ago

    Make sure it supports 2048x1536 resolution. That is a good rule of thumb to ensure it has other features you want.

  7. 2 years ago

    Fb marketplace, if you pay more than $10 you are a literal moron

  8. 2 years ago

    Where do you live? Depends hugely on that.

  9. 2 years ago

    I fell for the crt meme and I regret it immensely. Time wasted searching and browsing stuff every day to find a top tier one at a good price.
    I don't remember noticing how bad the crt looked back then. What a piece of shit.
    Sold it the next day for $180 to some fat weirdo. $130 profit at least.

    • 2 years ago

      It's easy when you're in the EU. You can find both TVs and monitors for cheap, even high end ones.
      US on the other hand, no fun.

    • 2 years ago

      >I fell for the larping meme
      Good. Good. Let the butthurt flow through you

      -Don't get a PVM or broadcast monitor
      -Get a consumer grade CRT with component input. You can hook up nearly every console via lossless RGB with a cheap ass scart transcoder
      -Any decent brand will do, you don't have to get a Sony just coz idiots on reddit said so
      -Make sure it has a remote so you can access the service mode and fix the geometry
      -The bigger the TV, the more problems it will probably have in terms of convergence/magnetic warping etc
      -Curved TV's have better geometry than flat ones

      >-Curved TV's have better geometry than flat ones
      This is why I only play retro games on my Samsung Curved Smart TV. As the developers originally intended.

  10. 2 years ago

    Buy an ed TV LCD monitor
    They are cheap
    They offer pixel perfect 480p experiences ( blows any crt away)
    16 ms lag is good enough, don't listen to the autistic

    They are easy to move around

    • 2 years ago

      >They offer pixel perfect 480p experiences ( blows any crt away)
      Why would I want to have pixel perfect shit for /vr/? You're worse than PVM CRT gays with their scanline "pixel perfect" homosexual screens.
      Fricking zoomers I swear.

    • 2 years ago

      worst advice ive ever seen

    • 2 years ago

      just embarrassing

    • 2 years ago

      >early analog to digital signal processing
      >early LCDs
      >blowing anything away
      kek I like the preemptive "don't listen to the autists", based moron.

      I fell for the crt meme and I regret it immensely. Time wasted searching and browsing stuff every day to find a top tier one at a good price.
      I don't remember noticing how bad the crt looked back then. What a piece of shit.
      Sold it the next day for $180 to some fat weirdo. $130 profit at least.

      I'll bite, what kind of CRT did you fricking buy? I used to play on a RGB scaler only on modern TVs until I got a 14'' Sony tv, and I now exclusively play through it... in composite (!). Aside from expanding/contracting scanlines when the set is configured too bright (expected with age) the picture is awesome and I don't even mind the dot crawling around stuff like bright red colors. It's just normal, old consumer grade stuff that I'll probably never try to "restore" and it's fine enough for me.

      • 2 years ago

        the only good early LCD is the one in the PSOne monitor accessory

  11. 2 years ago

    Holy shit op is moronic rofl

  12. 2 years ago

    -Don't get a PVM or broadcast monitor
    -Get a consumer grade CRT with component input. You can hook up nearly every console via lossless RGB with a cheap ass scart transcoder
    -Any decent brand will do, you don't have to get a Sony just coz idiots on reddit said so
    -Make sure it has a remote so you can access the service mode and fix the geometry
    -The bigger the TV, the more problems it will probably have in terms of convergence/magnetic warping etc
    -Curved TV's have better geometry than flat ones

    • 2 years ago

      >via lossless RGB with a cheap ass scart transcoder
      No such thing as lossless with analog, even more so with cheap shit. But that's not important right now. What is important is triggering the RGB pseuds to come out and rant about color space, bandwidth, or whatever else they read about in a blog from a guy who read a wikipedia.
      You're just gonna have to trust me, brah. The fart huffing might be a bit hard to handle at first. But by the end you'll be literally pissing yourself.

    • 2 years ago

      >-Curved TV's have better geometry than flat ones
      fake, flat ones can be just as good

      • 2 years ago

        There are some functional limits so nah, they'll never be as good. Sony's flats are fricking terrible in particular

    • 2 years ago

      Eh, why would you bother with RGB SCART when you have a set with YPbPr

  13. 2 years ago
  14. 2 years ago

    Go to a thrift store and grab a cheap one. Don't fall for the PVM meme the difference in quality is marginal at best and it's nothing but an excuse for losers to feel special over inane crap. They will rush in here to say otherwise about my post but that's because I really fractured their ego as they cum over gay ass scanline photos they post on the fricking pathetic CRT general. Can you freaking believe that? These losers are so worthless THEY GOT A WHOLE GENERAL for their fetish. God I hope they all die a miserable death, tell you what dude if the purge were real you bet I'd come in with a sledgehammer and smash every single homosexual ass TV they spent their life savings to obtain and watch them cry. Oooohhh baby that would be soooo sweeet a blooblooblooo muh CRT now I can't cooom over Tails anymore a blooblooobloo fricking pedo scum die.

  15. 2 years ago

    Check Craigslist very regularly

    >pic related, got the kv-20fs100 (left) for $10 and kv-20m42 (right) for free, both in great condition

    I had a 13 inch trinitron from 94 that played pal too but I gave it to my brother

    • 2 years ago

      Also, I’m going to pick up a 32 inch i’art next weekend, also for free. I get one and if I keep it I like it, if not I give it to a friend or my brother or donate it, I refuse to pay more then $10-20 for one (except the pal one, I paid $50 for that), and there’s multiple good condition crt’s going between me and my brother because we’re autistic

  16. 2 years ago

    >searching "CRT"
    Use the search term "old TV" locally on Facebook marketplace, Offerup and Craigslist. Don't ever, EVER use eBay, it's all full of scalpers and bandwagoners. Keep looking at local listings online until something affordable comes up. Should be quick if you avoid using "CRT" to get one.

  17. 2 years ago

    Eurogay here.
    Is there merit in going CRT+real hardware for me?
    Won't the games be locked at 50hz?
    Ways to circumvent this?

    • 2 years ago

      This is a thread about monitors so these would mainly be connected a PC and you won't have that issue.
      If you are talking about connecting retro European consoles to an European CRT from back in the day and playing European games on it then yes you might have 50hz.
      Back in the 90s in the UK I actually imported a US SNES so that worked for me at 60hz.
      I don't have advice for you though. Frankly I recommend emulating.

  18. 2 years ago

    you need to just take one from a junkyard or ewaste place, literally millions of these rotting in bins

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